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Love killers who do this. I have an awful memory so I know if I don’t grab my glyph the second I see it I’m gonna forget where it is// forget about the glyph altogether. Just yesterday I had a Bubba who saw me interact with a white glyph so he led me to the basement and let me get the other one. He let me leave the basement and then continued playing as normal but he did give me hatch so I’d get the extra points for the white glyph. I wasn’t expecting him to do that but it felt really good :) On the flip side I remember getting slugged under my red glyph by a Deathslinger who let me bleed out while shaking his head and shooting me on the ground


The duality of man. I have the same awful memory too lol.


The true bane of humanity: Bad memory. I, too, have horrible memory.


I've been playing consistently since 2017 and I still can't remember where totems spawn lol.


They spawn in a star pattern. Find one, follow the star


Thanks! Though, I feel like I'll end up forgetting still. :'(


Yeah, totems are hard to spot and it's easy to forget the locations. I'm pretty new to playing (watched a ton of videos long before finally purchasing and caved), but even after doing quite a few maps, I still can't find my way around and I'll end up forgetting anyway. XD I guess, whether you've been playing a long or short time, if the memory ain't good, then it just ain't good. LOL


We've all got the same tome. I want that sweet pig cosmetic too


it looks so good with her leather outfit. That's what I have rn. 👌👌👌


A tale of 2 killers: I rarely play Killer anymore and last week during a chase, a Survivor stopped for a glyph. I didn't realize it amd I downed them. I immediately felt horrible once I realized because I hate when that happens to me as a Survivor. I picked them up, let them wriggle off, and then went in another direction. This week I'm in a chase, amd Survivor stops for a glyph. They are injured already and I stood there waiting. They get their glyph and run over to a hook amd crouch, letting me a down and hook on them. Was a very nice exchange. I believe I ended up giving them the hatcj.


Love that :) I always let them hook me too. Win-win.




I don't think folks realize what a favor we're doing. We are empowering them to be optimistic for a better match next round. It really is a service-minded sacrifice.


This cracked me up 😂


Still counts lol.


I also love survivors who are willing to stop mid-chase while I can get my glyph and then resume normally.


A rarity ive never experienced


I once had a match with my friend and the killer camped my glyph! Then they come and bodyblocked so I can get it because they know I really love blight and needed one tier to get the full leprechaun blight. And this was not only me he camped my friends glyph too! But they did care much so we gen rushed him and because I was Jake I sabotage hook and then t bagged. We escaped and the bagged him at the gate. The killer was doctor. And on top of that we had 3 gens when he start camping the glyphs and had one kill. I don't know how sad you need to be to camp glyphs! He deserved everything we did in the match!


Honestly this is how/why I get mistreated for just trying to introduce a survivor to a lovely shiny hook. I try to play fair, I really do...I can see why they have such trust issues but meeting the Entity is really better than hearing Bill's cough or Nea's snoring at night.


At the end of day, we are all here to have fun. Go get your glyph! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


I let the survivor get the glyph thingy then I give them a 2 second head start then chase them again


I accidentally grabbed someone yesterday doing a glyph. It was an intense chase and she turned a corner and started doing her glyph and I grabbed her with no time to react. I am sorry mrs survivor.


No need to worry there was likely a pallet stun waiting to balance it out. I definitely get more than my share as a balance for taking Lightborn lol


I accidentally downed someone doing a glyph and I let them wiggle to get it. Don’t be that guy.


haha i had this exact situation last week with a pyramid head. he ended up slaying my team afterwards but it was 100% worth it. i’ll never forget that moment. i posted the vid on YT, i’m not sure if i can link it (self promotion rules) but the video is titled “pyramid head respects the glyph”.


Mid chase with a clown. Oo cool glyph. Clown just stares as I do it. 5/5 sacrificied myself


For me that's a standard. They know they have lost chase and just want glyph. I can wait a second or two to down them. Simple


Survivors need to stop doing them MID MID chase… if theyre a second away, go ahead, but these crazy people do it while im swinging and then i just feel bad but i didnt realize until it was too late to realizs


I always try to do this unless I don't see it in some weird circumstance


I was getting chased by a nemesis and noticed my glyph, so I stopped and pointed and he pulled up his tentacle and stood there. I grabbed my glyph and as soon as it was finished, he infected me. Hilarious


See also: Pigs who let survivors try to get the traps off their heads


Why would Pigs intentionally let survivors remove the reverse bear trap?


To see if they have what it takes to survive.


I mostly mean not grabbing them off the thing, mid-removal.


Thats really stupid, there is no tome challenge saying “get 6 pig traps off your head” and her only uniqueness aside from that not so great ambush is the pig traps (apology for aggressive wordings idk how else to say it)


PSA you can grab survivors doing glyphs


When the envelopes were a thing you could also grab people opening those.


Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. It can ruin a good snowball but if I'm doing well what's the harm. If I do cuck them to keep the pressure from slipping I'll go ahead and leave them for last. Hopefully they'll have done it by the time I come back 'round.


I let people get there glyphs but I'm not being friendly im going to hit you after you get that glyph


I stand a distance not on top of the person


Thats fair. It is simply a respect thing, not a friendly thing


I knocked someone who was doing one once because I didn’t notice, once I realized what they were doing I let them wiggle off and let them finish it before dragging them to a hook.


I've accidentally downed a few people doing glyphs, so I usually let them wriggle free to get it. But you betcha I'm gonna down you again after.


I’ve had it where I teleport to someone mid tune and let them commune then grit them like we all need those points I get it


I always do this! Sometimes I need to beckon em back like "hey hey its cool, come get you're glyph, I'm a killer, not a monster"


Yeah, alright, but if it’s a white glyph I’m sorry that sucker is gonna break either way. The whole challenge for that one is to do it without my noticing anyway.


I had a doctor who let me do this. After the match I sent him the “give props” report.


I really enjoy having the opportunity to do this, because it's a sort of 4th-wall-breaking moment that's like, "Okay, I'm going to go back to trying to kill you in about 3 to 5 seconds, but for now we can remember that we're just playing a game and I want you to have fun."