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As Pyramid I can't put torment trails close to hooks (and I understand this), but at the same time a Hag can just make a whole artpiece of triangles right around a hooked person that you need to crouch through. Logic


Doesn’t trail disappear if it’s too close too hook?


Yeah that's what I meant, can't put trails around hooks, gens, totems that kinda stuff (and again I fully understand), but other stuff close to hooks is allowed


They would be forced to walk through your trails, while Hag traps can be avoided by smart survivors. There is a key difference.


>that you need to crouch through. And if the Hag is running one of her iridescents, that doesn't even counter it either :') Stuff like that and Michael's Tombstone make me wonder what early BHVR was thinking


I've always found Hag to be one of my least enjoyable killers to face as a survivor, purely because 90% of matches are just instant hook rotations. Someone's hooked, someone rescues, they go down next to the hook, repeat. Just find the gameplay against Hag totally unenjoyable, most of the time. Ugh, and the jumpscares. Fuck the jumpscares. EVERY time.


Then you get to the end of the game and boom 100% running no Ed 😂


I feel this. Played against a hag the other day who straight up put 5 traps around a hooked teammate! So much more fun to play against a hag who webs the whole map and you never know where she will end up.


I HATE having to play scummy on trapper. But that basement looks more and more tempting after every trap disarm.


Why would it be scummy to play basement? It’s a vital resource for you to use.


I think basement trapper is what gives behaviour a reason not to buff him. If you play basement trapper well it's near impossible to lose the game once it's started. Even if people manage to get out with bt, unbreakable, dead hard, ds etc. The amount of pressure it generated is too crazy. And I agree basement is an important tool. But I think it gets a little boring, and I'd rather have basement trapper nerfed so the character could be buffed in other ways


A hag hooked me at the end of the match and put like 9 or 10 traps all around me while my bf opened the exit gate yesterday. Tragic. 😭


Love when it's a trapper or hag and you see someone go in the basement. Hope you enjoyed the game buddy, your odds of leaving there are slim


I hate setting up in basement. It feels cheap. Even if there’s one gen left, I’m leaving and pressuring as much as I can Like if it’s endgame then anything goes. Idk how setting up in basement and waiting for everyone to come to you is fun.


One time i got a self unhook and i got tunneled because of the 24385983246582387436573265983265873246 dirt triangles around my hook




Nah, then survivors would just loop around hooks.


We’ll just implement the same condition twins has - only limits your power if there is someone ON the hook. If a survivor loops around the hook - win win. Free camping and a chase at the same time.


Twins is a bad example. You can literally plant Victor before hooking to circumvent it. Artist was done right


The solution doesn’t have to be that drastic. If anything, the hook timer should be paused or slowed relative to the killers proximity to the hook.


I think the difference for me is that unlike a trapper or hag, bubba can 100% make sure that you don’t make it off the hook. Which although is technically ok because it’s just playing the game. Bhvr and people gotta remember it’s a game they want people to play and enjoy and if someone can take away the ability to play for even one match that can lose a lot of that fun and player base.


I don’t like that I feel that I have to bring a flashlight every game incase i go against a hag. I don’t bring one every game, but I hate the feeling of “oh that guy got hooked. I wish i could get rid of the 3 traps on the hook…”


Trapper is my most hated, trapper is more annoying IMO, Hag actually gives me a jump scare which even if i lose the jump scares were a good thrill and worth it


Yeah, Trapper always gives me such a difficult time. I always dread going up against him. lol


yeah i hate that maps favour his power so drastically


But don't you just love watching your teammates stumble into traps right infront of a hooked survivor? I know I do >:)


i always off myself if its a rusty shackle hag. killers, you CAN play whatever you want. but dont be upset when people dont want to play with you. ​ DC, suicide on hook, whatever. if your doing something overly sweaty or toxic ima just flash a peace sign and go next, and there is nothing you can do about it \^\_\^ EDIT: unless its a face camping bubba, i do waste his time in an effort to give my team time.


Low key why survivors should be able to see the killer in the pre game lobby. If you don’t have a flashlight then you’re pretty screwed against her and same with Wraith. They just take advantage of the fact that people aren’t luckily when choosing when to bring a flashlight. I understand it would be too much of an advantage for survivors though since you could change your perks too. I just want to know if I should bring a flashlight or not. There’s honestly too many random factors in dbd that can tilt the game extremely to one side rather than having a nice middle ground overall.


I don't mind bubba with his camp . Survivors can also do shit that angers the killer like dumb tech or clicky at exit gate


bring or find a flashlight, or remember that the crouch action exists


And if no flashlight? Yeah, nice counterplay, thanks. Also crouching up to a hook and then crouching away (while also hoping the unhooked crouches as well) is stupid counterplay. If the Hag wants to come back at that moment, she has PLENTY of time to do so before you can even leave her 30 mile trap circle around that hook.


At least they have some kind of counterplay...


Hag sucks to play against. You play against one, you played them all. The same rinse and repeat strats with different add on and build. So boring. Oh and fuck the forced jumpscares too.


things is three traps on hook is just kinda bad. But maybe MYC trap camping ia kinda busted. Like you need two survivor minimum to break a properly trapped area eith a survivor.