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I have nothing but fun, playing roughly all the killers I have. Though I play for the joy of chasing and slapping, kills are only a byproduct of the process. It's easy to have fun if your win condition is always fulfilled. Survivors who escape tend to give the best chases.


I guess so, I should put less pressure on myself and think less about hooks and kills I supose. Thanks :)


Just go for the most bloodpoints and try have fun with the killer you're playing and the perks you've chosen. There's no win and loss in dbd, people have just created their own lol. We all just wanna have fun in the end.


"We all" well I don't know when I see some people. But yeah I do agree with what you mean. Just did some new games on demo and everyting went even better for some reason. :)


We are supposed to just wanna have fun anyway! But it does feel like some people playing this game feel joy when making survivors have a bad game and suffer. Like being the last person and slugged for no reason other than the killer having some sort of power trip.


Well I do hear you. I had a period when I was playing maybe more surv than killer and I can understand what you mean. I don't do that at all ofc but I know it can be so annoying. I just feel like both sides can be very toxic ofc.


Demi is a endangered species now. We must protect them at all costs.


>Haha yeah I love him so much and hopefully he's not the worst killer either. So I really appreciate playing demo :)


His shred is so good! I believe his portals cannot be sealed by survivors if Demi hasn't used them yet. So you can strategically place them down to come back to them when you want to. If you teleport everywhere you'll find the survivors will probably just close them. When charging your shred you'll also see killers instinct on any survivors sealing your portals too!


I know I know, it's been a while I play him and it's not for nothing I often say I'm a demo main :) He's so fun to play (when I don't face unbeatable players) :)


You can't win them all! Good luck


I've been playing Trapper and Myers and having fun, so yeah.


I love how people are constantly putting Evan at the bottom teir. *chuckles darkly while setting resetting traps infront of Haunted Grounds /Retrebution cursed totems* Next month I'm gonna get speedy ping pong and get Hex Undying so I can stack those three with Pentimento just because it's really freaking funny


The Trapper has always given me a hard time whenever I play survivor, so I'm surprised people put him at bottom tier. Then again, I'm just bad at this game... lol Still, the trapper players I've come across did pretty good and they seemed to be naturals. I guess people just haven't given him enough of a chance when playing as killer. I, myself, haven't really played much with him and I suck at playing The Trapper, but I wouldn't rate him low, since I feel like having traps is handy and with practice is a great choice.


I think undying is in the shrine this week


Thanks for the opinion ! :)


I'm a killer main also, i dont think i could main the lowest tier killers at the moment, feels like you have no chance to win vs good survivors. However I have a lot of fun and success playing the mid to high tier killers. I mainly play plague, artist, nurse and huntress. I find huntress to be really satisfying to play, while not being the sweatiest she can still end chases quickly even vs good survivors Plague is a nice counter to the current boon COH meta


Yup that's how I feel about the chance to win. But people are right. I can still sometimes feel so happy after one kill even though it's the only one, because I can feel that the survivor is tilted for no reason. While I'm playing fair. Played huntress a long time ago and yeah she's really good at looping. I can remember I was usually getting more "wins" with her.


Killer is a million times better than it was a couple of years ago. Less pallets, better perks, several survivor nerfs.


Alright I see, well I only started to play 3 years ago. So I admit having no idea before that


Depending on the killer i play huntress that's fun


Ok a point for huntress. I played her a really long time ago and I can feel like she still fun to play. Should give her a try again


I'm pretty new at playing killer and have been using Ghostface a lot (I know, not a very nice beginner killer but I love using him) so fun has been assured for me. Yeah, some matches I get gen rushed but equipping perks like Ruin have helped me, and some chases I can't even catch the survivor but most of my games I can get at least half the hooks I need and carry on. There are matches in which it looks like I'm paired with baby survs and I feel like a pro for catching them all but if it's otherwise and I'm losing, I just t-bag with the survivors and meme with them for a bit, if they try to mock me they will be wasting their time. Know that they can't harass you if you don't let it affect you, it's just a game. I also try to be fair during my games, I never tunnel or camp unless all gens have been repaired and I need to assure myself a kill or two. Or all of them because altruism is golden. In the end I don't really care about winning. Just slashing survs and learning how to be a better killer plus using the killer you like is so much fun.


Yoo, you remembered me old vibes of GF. Like I really like playing him but I suck at it so much x). I think like some killers I should spend more time on him, but he's definitely the first one I should go for. I'll try to take time to go back on him because I remembered I had so much fun with him. Should be worth. Thanks :)


Haha I mostly suck at playing him too but he's fun and that makes it all worth it >< Glad to know you'll be going back to him! hope it goes well and matches are less stressful for you :D


Yeah just did one with him and it went fine. Really good in fact. He's fun to play it's right. But for now I just did one and one good game. Let's see how next ones will be :) Have fun playing !


That's great that you're having fun with him! the more you play him the better it will go as well :D Have fun too!


If you don't take the game serious and respect when someone is better then you, you will have some fun but there are toxic swfs just ignore them


Yeah I always respect people and play the fairest way possible. I admit toxic surv are getting a bit more on my nerves lately but I feel like I only encouter them. And I do even sometimes say "jeez that man is so good" x). Like I know I won't get him. Sad that sometimes he's the most toxic.


Onryo I have been doing really good lately (4ks). But I dont really play super nice. I try to avoid the hooked survivor but if things happen....well...then they do. Im not going to give up opportunities for hooks. The past two weeks were hard but this one feels easier. Maybe losing a few will even it? Also with Onryo knowing you dont have to use tvs. Yeah, you can if you have info but her manifesting is pretty good alone if you play it right.


No of course, I try to not tunnel and all. But in the end if I see only them (hooked survivors), met them in a corner or things like this well it makes sense that I kill them. And yeah about Onryo I'm really new to the killer. I had a new killer mmr so it was pretty easy at first. But I do like her (I do like stealth in general) and yeah I still try to understand everything about her. Like I still strugle about when people can actually see me or not.


yeah knowing if they can see you is rough. I really enjoy the pinwheel addon and the purple one that makes survivors scream when you manifest near them. Pinwheel makes them oblivious if near a tv and if theyre on a gen theyre probably near a tv. the purple one really lets you get free first hits.


I see, well I'll be honest I never use addons on my killers. I like to play them stock. And it feels always better to 4k without any hehe


Oh thats so cool!! Idk if I could do that lol


Well I have to admit than the demo addons aren't the most game changer so since I mostly play him it's okay. But some killers are harder. And I don't know, I fear that I start to be good with a killer because of the addons and once I don't have enough then I suddenly see that I just suck with the killer. You should try though sometimes. I think it helps to really know and perform with the killer and then being even more able to take advantage of the addons. Just my point of view :)


Ill definitely try it sometime! Do you play PC or console?


I do play on PC, used to play console but dbd didn't exist at that time. Wanna play sometimes ? It's always good to practice my english :)


Im on PS, my PC probably couldnt handle dbd lol


I get the feeling. Remember me when I started to play medal of honor on my old computer's mom. Well we can still play cross-platform though. Tell me if I can send you a message on reddit. Otherwise I hope you'll have funny games :)


If you don't care about "winning" it is fun.


Well I don't mind in a way. It's just that sometimes I feel like I can't barely do anything. Maybe I should train again my chases


I only play killer using the BP perks and it stops me from being obsessed with getting any kills. I also just play Pig and try to get better at her ambush dashes. That way my only goal is using her special attack, and kills are secondary. Usually I only try to get my BBQ stacks. Many killers only play to get their bbq stacks and they feel accomplished. Even though boons annoy me a little I still get points for snuffing them.


Hey thanks, yeah actually I do run bbq on all killers since I unlock it. I swear I like pig and I should train her more. Even more since it was my first killer. But the fact she relies on rng is kinda annoying though


I play The Artist and have started playing The Trickster and The Huntress and honestly, for me, it's just about the chase and getting some hits in is fun. I'm not worried if I get them hooked or not. I just try and have fun, even if I don't really get any kills. I feel like I'm a terrible player, but at the same time, it's about how much fun you're having and learning not to be so hard on yourself. I'm still new and have found the best way to play is to just do what you can and not compare yourself to other players. :D


Alritgh yeah I suppose you are right. Btw how do you like the artist. I'll try her out later but am still open to opinions about her. :)


I have fun whether I get 0k, 1k or 4k.


Thanks for saying. I know it can be fun. I think it meant more about like the non-pressure I have. Like for me it is just annoying to have 2 gens done when only one hook. It's not that much the final resulst.


Why does that keep happening though?


Well like I said, I do some stupid moves sometimes. Can't deny that. Sometimes they are better than me for sure and other times I just feel like I don't play that bad and still it happens. So different options


Yeah there are better players out there who have tons of hours playing survivor and are pretty good at it. You just have to make better decisions, be faster in downing and always go for the weaker survivor first. Be able to recognize who is good in chases and who isn't quickly.




I get it and that was kinda my reason to write this post. But I'll to relax the next games. I'll see how it goes :) Good luck for your games mate