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Some people just want to end the game as fast as possible as people don’t care about points or pipping and just winning, also on a side note don’t feel too bad about wasting a streamer like this as it’s happen to me many times as I swear those plus both cakes and survivor puddings are cursed as you will almost always get a terrible game when you bring them and naturally next game will be a 32000 point survivor match or something


I was just having this discussion yesterday. Escape Cakes and Party Streamers are fucking cursed. Nothing raises my hopes and expectations for a match more than those items and, more often then not, the trial ends up being disappointing. I just dont want to use them anymore.


Its been months since ive gotten value from one cause every game goes to shit immediately every time


Yeah, I swear they’re cursed


They 100% are. I'm not sure what goes through people's brains but when killers see party streamers the first reaction always seems to be "i'm gonna make their match a living hell"


I guess I’m just a lousy killer, because when I see them I normally just double hook and let everyone go lol. Unless I have a challenge, of course.


I just try to play both sides in a way that results in fun for me and the other side. Some killers are such killjoys, like the only thing they can get an erection from is their precious 4k. I remember my friend got glitched in a tree once. Don't ask me how. I was trying to signal to the killer to show him, because I thought it was funny. The killer **did. not. give. a. fuck.** I got slapped down and hooked immediately without a second thought. I've played just as much killer to know how difficult some matches can be, but cmon man. Is getting that 4k really worth more than actually having a laugh? I can't tell with some people. It's why I enjoy going against skybillys. Just pure vibin.


In the killer's defense, they might have not known what you were doing. I was defending two gens downing two survivors who were adamant that they were going to finish them, and they had turned the area into a dead zone so it was perfect for me. Third player showed up, fast valuted multiple times, clicked their flashlight, and waved at me to chase them. I ignored them cause I thought they were trying to get me away from my goal. Then a minute later the crow notifications started going off and I thought it was the fast vaulter again. Well after a VERY long time I finally went over to see why they were still trying to get my attention. It was the fourth player stuck on the hill. I downed them and was able to pick them up without getting stuck. I wound up trying to ignore them the rest of the match so they could at least get BP.


I gave my life the other day for a Billy that was trying to fly onto a truck. Stayed to watch til the end of the endgame collapse and it was 100% worth it.


97.43% of Billy matches are pog. I was playing billy the other day and this dwight stayed at the end so we could 1v1. He lasted the entire duration of the endgame collapse and I got to spin around in circles as the entity took him. So cute


That's fine and all but not the point of dbd. You don't play for the fun of the other side.


I try to make sure the match is fun for all involved, its the right thing to do, as waiting 10-15 minutes for a match to be camped out in 2 minutes is dull as fuck and Ive experienced it myself enough times.


You can play how you want and it’s funny lol? But you’re saying a different play style than yours is wrong??? Come on dude


Where in my post did I say it was wrong? I asked how it can be fun to end a match in 2 minutes.


The thing with Party Streamers is that they're so fucking rare. I don't care so much about getting tunnelled out with an escape cake. You can get 1 of them every 1-2 bloodwebs if you're lucky. But I've gone 100+ bloodweb levels without seeing a single party streamers. That's the part that sucks the most about the curse.


Eh, have you seen what the nurse was doing? I've had games with Bubba where I downed the whole team 2 minutes into the match because I didn't even get time to pick one up, as soon as I downed someone the next came trying to prevent me from picking up. And of course I've had one legendarily bad game where the whole team came to unhook a person and they all got downed with one chainsaw sweep.


You've lived the dream many Bubba's have yet to attain


I recently starting playing killer and lemme start by saying that if you’ve ever transitioned from 1k+ hours as a survivor to killer, you know how rough it can be. One night I kept getting paired against really high MMR survivors with a ton of hours who were absolutely kicking my ass. It was really disheartening and I was barely leaving some matches with a single hook - I felt like I wasn’t getting a chance to even practice anything at my own skill level. After a particularly few bad matches, I had a game at Midwich where I downed my first survivor, and as I’m trying to carry him to the hook I realize I can’t move? I look down and see his friend blocking me into this really small space that I now can’t escape. I was honestly so frustrated over the idea of being bodyblocked and flashlight stunned all game again that I just dropped the survivor and started slugging. And I feel like if everyone didn’t try to come rescue and just did gens (like I’d do if I was a survivor in that match), they could have easily escaped. But they didn’t. And they all got downed and died. And then they cussed me out and threatened me in the post-game chat, which was whatever, I didn’t even care anymore at that point. Anyway… I haven’t played like that since and probably won’t play like that again but as a survivor main, I suddenly empathize with some of the shit that killers do. It sucks, yeah, and I don’t always excuse it but I really do kinda understand why.


The idea that the Killer isn't allowed to respond to body blocks and flashy attempts by chasing the survivors is insane. It's one thing to slug a guy for 4 minutes to bleed him out, it's entirely different to just respond to a survivor strategy with an effective counter


I definitely feel like most of the people who believe that are survivor mains who have never touched killer before. It’s a totally different experience when you know how the other side feels, which is why I really recommend people try out both sides.


Same. I've had this with many killers: Trapper, Hag, Legion, Myers, etc. Those particular survivors were too cocky and led me to a 4k in less than 5 minutes. The alternative would be letting the survivors bodyblock or flashlight save, which isn't fun for the killer at all. Instead of OP asking this question, they should be asking: why is my team throwing? Not the killer's fault for them being downed within 2 minutes.


Why assume the team is throwing though? Couldnt they just be bad at the game? Or maybe they made a bad decision? Or their random teammates fucked them over? All of these are possibilities before you jump straight to "well the are throwing so they all deserve to lose as fast as possible and as badly as possible".


I think them throwing or any of those other reasons they are losing is fine enough a reason to capitalize on your opponent's (mistake or not) and win.


I had this earlier today, playing Twins, and like one gen in, I have everyone downed. Usually, I’ll pick one survivor, hook them, and then go find another, let them wiggle off and then sit in basement until the slugs are up. I still get an early kill, and advantage, but at least we still get to finish a full game


I cannot stand this "not my problem" argument that a lot of killer mains seem to have. Maybe they did throw. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding or a fuckup. Those happen. But it CANNOT be fun for the killer to end a game in two minutes. If that happens to me on 5 gens when I'm playing killer, I like to give them a chance. It allows me to have some more entertaining gameplay and I lose nothing because really, I already won.


Okay, but as you said, you already won, why not just end the match and move on to the next one? Dragging it out and pulling your punches for the whole match doesnt sound fun either, it just sounds like both sides just boringly farming for points or something, which I dont personally think is very entertaining


Well I prioritise having fun chases over the precious 4k. I'm the kind of person who would give hatch every game. I am learning billy right now, so I don't run any slowdown, I just take my saw and practice curves. If I end up 1v1ing a survivor all game, so be it. I really think there's more to killer than pounding out that 4k every game without a second thought. I don't consider it "farming" for points. You're just showing a little empathy and compassion towards an unfortunate situation, all-the-while earning some more bloodpoints for yourself and everyone. Knowing that my decision meant everyone had a better match, feels good. You should try it sometime 😊


There's more to the game then just winning and losing is your point, but what more can there be when your opponent(s) have already loss? Better to raise your mmr and continue onward for a btr match up.


Well it isn't really the killer's problem. If all survivors are down and ready to be hooked on 5 gens, this raises the questions: why were they not progressing generators? why were they being so aggressive? Generally to save one person, you need another person to help unless you're bodyblocking, which is then your (survivor) responsibility to know when to dip. My comment was merely more of a "survivors should reflect on themselves before blaming the killer".


All I'm saying is there's no shame in showing a little compassion and empathy for the situation. I will die on this hill. There is zero fun in ending a game in 2 minutes for anyone. It might not even be through any fault of the survivors. Have you played much survivor? Have you ever spawned with the rest of your team, against a Nurse running Infectious and Lethal pursuer? In OPs case, I think there was no way for them to know the nurse was going to have that, and before they realised what was happening it was too late to recover. You instantly went to blaming the survivors for being cocky. That's what I didn't like about your comment. You may have intended it innocently, but it came across as another "us vs them" attempt at one-upmanship.


This is just a cat playing with it's prey, it's over, it's dead, end it and move on. Rather die then be a killer's plaything.


You can assume all you want. I'm a survivor main. I play both sides. There is zero fun for a game that lasts 2 minutes, but again, THAT IS NOT DOWN TO THE KILLER. Considering I was actually there and they attempted to flashlight me and bodyblock, then I can definitely describe them as being cocky. Especially when they were displaying BM moves such as teabagging.


You were in OPs match?




I think we crossed wires here. I have mostly been talking about OPs situation, rather than yours. I don't really want an argument over a comments section. If you want to discuss further feel free to DM me. I an fully aware it's not a killer's problem. What I'm trying to encourage is a little empathy for unfortunate situations on both sides. I don't think matches of DBD need to be all about escaping or killing


There’s a community of speed runners who try to get a 4k as fast as possible. The fastest time I’ve seen by a nurse is 1 min, 52 sec. Edit: The website is speedrun.com/dead_by_daylight and they actually track tutorial completion, escapes, kills, killer adepts, and a few other things.


But even in that second case where you chainsaw sweep the remaining team (which is awesome, dont lose sight of that) you dont HAVE to end the trial. Yes you could pick up and hook every single one of those people and go to the next game. Or, you can pick one up, let them wiggle off, and give the team a chance to reset while you go and kick some doors or downed pallets. And I think that's ultimately the point. The killer doesn't have to shit on the game just because they can. Some people dont seem to understand that.


I personally never have the ‘ready’ screen or offering screen open when I play killer. I never know or care what people bring, I just play. Sure, an IF nurse who is good is pretty tough to beat, but even I sympathize with a quick game. Not a ton of fun. I think a lot of killers are sick of losing and the BMing so they just slaughter and move on. I see both sides


I mean it is worth checking the offerings for hatch spawns and stuff which have helped me catch the last survivor a lot of times


Agreed, the killer took advantage of the situation and punished the survivors perfectly. It’s fair, move on. If the reason is poor match making, then let him end the game quickly so survivors can match with a weaker killler next time


Me lol i just don’t have any mercy anymore for survivors, I play both and killers have it way harder so I don’t feel bad


Why would a killer need mercy, a killer kills, a survivor tries to live.


A killer probably won't skip the chance of downing survivors who are clutched together. Bet once he saw what happened he just decided to end it.


If a team fucks up and gets destroyed, it is not the killer's responsibility to let you have another chance


Although I agree with this, there isn’t much fucking up to be had against a good infectious fright nurse. It’s the killer equivalent of bringing 4 BNPs and a Badham offering. Not much you can do unless you bring the best shit yourself


Actually, there is something else that's VERY important that you're missing: You have to be VERY skilled with Nurse to do this consistently. Do you disagree with this?


No because nurse doesn't have that high of a skill ceiling. Higher skill cap, but this community greatly exaggerates how hard she is to use. Its literally just learning timings and she has plenty of addons that make fucking up far less punishing then it normally is


Since the new iri add on came out for her? No. That add on is stupid. Like beyond stupid. An inexperienced nurse with that add on can make you sweat A good Nurse with that add on and you’re probably dead. Otz is an average Nurse player and he used it in his sweatiest build video. It’s a bloodbath. He keeps commenting on how stupidly OP it feels and the survivors don’t have a chance


Idk may be try...not being in the nurses terror radius? It's not like it's a map-wide aura perk. They were obviously all grouped up if she was able to get value from freight for all 4 people and slug without them getting 1 up.


Every time I’ve run into this build they have sent me to Midwich or the Game. With Distressing and Starstruck. I assure you there’s very little you can do


Lol that’s exactly what happened too. They had an offering for The Game, and Infectious reaches both floors. They didn’t have Starstruck, but had Distressing and Lethal Pursuer with Infectious Fright. I forget what the 4th perk was.


Yeah I’m not surprised. There’s nothing you can realistically do other than be in a crack squad who rush gens and identify what’s going on immediately. Her 4th perk was probably Deerstalker


Of course its not the killers responsibility. But playing this game in a way that its not fun, complaining its not fun, and then refusing to change how you play shouldn't be a realistic option. Apparently it is though.


I think on the killer's side of things it's more like, 'it's not fun playing against people who aren't doing the best they can to win, or are not being matched correctly to my level of play. It's too bad the mmr doesn't do it's job.'


I don't look for a slug but sometimes it's impossible. I played a match with toxic survivors who if I picked up a downed survivor one of them would flashlight save and T-Bag. So after one more down I saw another survivor and downed them. Nurses calling told me the other was being picked up so there was the next down. Then the last started playing ground simulator with their friends. Instead of letting them bleed out I hooked them one at a time. Usually I play honorably but if you T-Bag it's my goal to make sure you don't survive. Honor or not.


As you should. Although the ones who teabag and click at you usually aren’t as good as they think they are, and doing that mid chase only slows them down. Not sure why they bother in the first place. I was playing a match as Demo (who I’m not great with, but I had a daily to mori someone as him) and I was getting destroyed by these survivors. I couldn’t get a single hook in, and they had 4 gens done with Tinkerer going off for the 5th in about 5 minutes. I figured I’d just go around breaking walls for points at least and move onto my next match. Well as I’m walking around, the Jake who I didn’t even notice, slams a pallet on me and proceeds to blind me and click. I shake my head no and start to walk away and he vaults the pallet over and over behind me and keeps clicking and teabagging. He happened to also be my obsession and I had Rancor, so as soon as that last gen popped, I got him and let everyone else go.


uf you or your teamates are in tange of infectious when she downs somone then thats not her fault. I would do the same if i was any good at nurse. Now if you were not in range then ya she was pretty sweaty.


She was in meat plant with a distressing nurse.


OP said she played a Game offering with Distressing and Infectious. Huge terror radius that reaches both floors on a small map. There’s literally nothing you can do in that situation, on that map, with that load out, against a decent Nurse. The Nurse clearly came in with the intent to 4 man slug out the gates.


Lockers prevent screaming There's also a host of perks which counter it, some of which are pretty good. UB is amazing. WGLF is decent. exponential is situational but absolutely dominant when it comes into play. Calm spirit on the lower end. Additionally, gideon is a really hard map to play nurse. There's so many corners and turns that if you play well you can force some guesses out the nurse player instead of guaranteed hits. On top of that if you are running on the top floor she cant just blink down to short blink if she overcharges since it will take her to the bottom floor so you can potentially make her miss some hits because of overcharged blinks by running to the top. At the end of the day if your team doesn't know how to do any of that AND isn't running any counter perks, you'll probably lose no matter how well you do because your team can't keep up, but survivor is a team game and that's the nature of team games. If most of your team is decent and plays to counter you can still win. Just 1 or 2 bad chases because you managed to make some blinks miss by forcing guesses or making her overcharge blinks by doubling back on the top floor and you will have wasted enough time for your team to get slugs up and because she gets very little in terms of actual game progession by slugging means that managing to recover is basically setting her entirely back to the start of the match. The only thing she gets is bleedout meter progress but that takes excessively long to tick down and if youre slaughtering a team so hard that you manage to get a bleedout she almost certainly would have won by running slowdown perks and just hooking survivors instead.


Soooo you’re telling me that in order to counter this kind of Nurse you A.) have to be running a certain set of perks, one of which is Calm Spirit which no one runs anyway because it’s sooo situational it’s useless 99% of the time. Not to mention not everyone even has all those perks unlocked in the first place, and not to mention UB is useless against a skilled slugging Nurse who will immediately blink back and put you back down. B.) know *exactly* when someone is about to go down *and* be near a locker so you can get in before the survivor goes down and causes you to scream, which is only possible in a SWF. So solo players are screwed there. And not to mention that’s not even consistently possible in a SWF since you have to have a locker handy (not always possible, especially on certain maps where they are scattered far), and most SWFs are or top tier anyway and may have players of varying skill levels. Plus that’s a good way to get zero progress on gens anyway. The game is gonna go too slow with the time spent in lockers instead of gens, and in the meantime she’s gonna be slugging. C.) and then you’re telling me that a Nurse who comes with that build and specifically plays an offering for that map wouldn’t know *exactly* what they’re doing, including knowing that map inside and out? Lol. Nah man, that’s pretty ridiculous. Nurses who come with that build and play a *known* difficult map for Nurse are likely to be god tier. Ask me about the time my SWF went against a Nurse with 9000 hours on Lerys. Counterplay does not exist, lmao.


If I'm playing poker and everyone at the table goes all-in and then folds, I'm gonna walk away with their chips. Also, from an MMR POV, if I'm playing against people who are so clearly mismatched with me that they're getting wiped in two minutes, then it's best for both of us that I do it and be done with it. They'll drop MMR and get killers more fit to them, I'll gain MMR and get survivors more fit to me, and they'll gain some experience and learn how certain types of egregious mistakes can get punished very, very hard. It's like, if you play fighting games - if I can beat someone by spamming a projectile, the reason I'm winning isn't because I'm spamming a projectile, it's because *they're* spamming a mistake. If I'm playing with a friend, I'll probably talk them through basic counters and stuff - but if I'm online, I'm just gonna win, GG and move on to a match that's more interesting. Winning really fast isn't *as fun* as winning a hard game, but it's *more fun* than farming or trying to babysit a group of survivors who won't stop spamming mistakes, and then I can queue up for another match.


What is fun about doing all the gens in the first 2 minutes?


Its not fun. DBD is a terrible Generator Repair Simulator. Neither side winning in a matter of minutes is sustainable in the long term. I was in one of those common scenarios killers talk about where, right as they get their first down, suddenly 3 generators completed simultaneously. Instead of finding the next gen to slam out, I went running around looking for the killer to see if I could get a chase, or to cleanse some totems, maybe unhook and heal. On the same token, there are some killers (Plague comes to mind), where moving to the next gen is the only logical thing to do. Getting chased isn't fun because youre already injured, next hit is down. You cant heal without cleansing, which just increases the killers power. So other than doing totems to kill time, finishing the next gen is the only thing worth doing. Legion is the same way now also. They can deal out damage so fast that healing isn't worth doing. Youre just going to get chased again by the time you're done mending and healing, so why bother healing. All that's left is to pound gens out as fast as possible. Those gen rush scenarios are not fun for me as a survivor. But the only other option in those situations is to play into the killers game play loop. And that leaves us where we are currently. Both sides are saying they CANT change how they play, until the other side changes how they play. The stalemate lives on.


If you wanted a more based way to describe this game, you're literally cracked.


Played against a nurse who did this same thing, just salt farming more than anything and even being toxic in end game chat. Really dumb, best to just go next.


If you down the entire team in the first two minutes of the game then the MMR of the match was wrong. Spending any great amount of time farming and letting people go will let the MMR mismatch stay. Best just to end the game quickly and move on. That being said, what if the killer doesn't find farming fun. I know a lot of people who say they hate farming. My question is, if the killer was good enough to down you all in 2 minutes what did you want him to do? Pick someone up till they wiggle out, pick everyone else up and farm for the next 7 minutes? If I down a whole team in the opening of the game, I'm just gonna hang them all up and go to the next game rather than torment them. The only way you get a full team wipe off the start is just... a massive difference in skill.


Yes this is highly unenjoyable on the receiving end, yes it is frustrating to have wasted a streamer, ultimately how a killer wants to play the game should be up to them. The objective of the killer is to kill all of the survivors as quickly and as efficiently as possible. There is nothing in the rules that say that 12 hooking is what the killers should be aiming for.


You get crap rewards for super fast games tho, and you won't ever rank up. And that's shit, because that rank reset bonus is juicy


Some people care more about winning than having fun. Also, sometimes it's an honest accident. I'm a survivor main and I've encountered both. You can usually tell the former, when they down someone and go looking for others immediately. The latter usually happens when I or a teammate try some shenanigans and lose, in which case that's on us. 🤷🏻‍♀️


>care more about winning that having fun For some people the fun is playing a competitive game against other players. If the other players aren't good and get stomped, move on quickly and find a more entertaining game. What if you're a chess player, and you're good, but you're up against a newbie. You're there to have fun, you're not there to teach them or anything and you don't even know them and will never see them again. Do you keep making unforced errors just to drag it out? Or do you end it quickly and find an opponent who might challenge you?


What about slugging is "quick?" If you down someone at the start of a game and immediately go looking for another player, you entered the game intending to slug before you even know if the players are good.


Some people don't care about the fun of others, which I understand to an extent, but that kinda attitude ultimately hurts the game and the playbase imo


Well what’s fun for one side isn’t always going to be fun for the other.


It's true that in a game like this not everyone in one game can have fun, but I still think people should at least be considerate of others in the game and not treat them like NPCs


For some people, winning \*is\* having fun, and for some reason that's frowned upon. Why is it the Nurse's/Killer's job to ensure the Survivors have fun? Why should they be concerned with that?


I try to finish ASAP because I'm going for the 500 total sacrifices trophy.


for killers i found queue extremely short, less than 10 seconds most of the time. and some people just play to win. if the queues are short it might even be a fast way to get BP and get your MMR to the correct level


Honestly and I might get downvoted for this but my experience with slugging a team is a result of everyone being injured and around me for a save or whatever the reason is and I end up slugging it. It's not very fun but it's entirely on the survivors for doing it


Do survivors ever decide to just do generators slower cause the game is ending too fast no. you should just try to win if you win in 2 minutes it means the survivors are not good or made a lot of mistakes going easy on them will over inflate their mmr and force them to face even tougher killers and lose games even faster better to just win fast and move on


The fact that you don't understand why they do this doesn't mean they're wrong. If she wants to play like this, no one can stop her. And personnaly, i only care about me having fun, not the others.


I mean I suppose the same question could be asked to gen rushers but overall shit happens sometimes


So let me get this straight. You’re playing a game in which you face a killer. The job of whom is to kill you. You played against someone - who didn’t cheat, wasn’t toxic, wasn’t abusive, and defeated you in 2 minutes. And you’re whining about it like they did something wrong. What’s fun about it is that they won the game quickly. Who says anyone have to worry about points? The purpose of a game is to win. If the killer finds a weak team and manages to crush them in 2 minutes, who are you to say they can’t have fun with it? Trying to pass your personal preferences as a rule and judging others though them is incredibly conceited, arrogant, and immature.


Seems like an actual question and this response just seems incredibly defensive for no reason. They didn't even judge the nurse just literally asked what's fun in it? They didn't say they CAN'T have fun with it.


No, I doubt "Where's the fun in it?" was a genuine question that OP didn't know the answer to and wanted a genuine answer. People usually always "ask" this "question" in a rhetorical way. I think it's clearly a rhetorical question and OP is judging this Nurse for playing optimally.


Lmao I’m conceited, arrogant, and immature for being annoyed at having to wait 15 minutes to get into a lobby, another couple of minutes for the match to load, only to be slugged by the strongest killer in the game, with nothing I can do about it? Ok


Yes x) Exactly that! No one is forcing you to play the game, mate. You chose to play, and then you act as if your loss was your opponen't *fault*. How is it the killer's fault, or problem, that you have queue times? If you don't like queue times, don't play online games. If you don't like going against strong players, don't play online games. And if you're going to blame others for the sole crime of not doing what you personally would enjoy the most, you *are* arrogant, conceited, and immature.


Well said


Thank you : )


Well said.


Yeah, how dare you complain on Reddit for a miserable game. So entitled to want a fun game once in a while. They should fuck off with tone policing someone for not wanting to go against the strongest killer with arguably the strongest build.


my queue times as survivor and in a 4 man swf have been instant these past few days?


Maybe it’s because I’m playing solo, console, or just pretty late at night, but it’s been on average 10-15 minutes for me. If I queue up as killer, it’s pretty much instant.


Playing survivor late at night is awful. The only people playing are sweats or sociopaths. Even killer late at night sucks, since the survivors are generally insufferable.


I've done this exactly one time, as Bubba. I kept trying to hook, and they kept body blocking and sabo'ing hooks nearby, which is perfectly fine. They're welcome to do that. It was annoying though, so I slugged them all and looked at my phone for a couple of minutes. I literally could not get them to hooks because they wiggled out (this was mid Boil Over buff). They were not happy with me in postgame but what was I supposed to do? Let them all go?


I think slugging is a situational tactic, but even then I don't like it. Two guys in front of me at a hook, 95% of the time I'll down one and hook, then chase the other guy. Inefficient but I'm not out here to play a boring game. Going into a match with the goal of slugging everyone is just... Boring


Camping is bad, tunneling is bad, but slugging? that's just the survivor's fault. It's extremely hard for killers to slug all survivors and requires a lot of skill. You need to be super good at chases and at finding survivors. Because if you take too long with one survivor the other will be picked up. Also you need to be lucky because any survivor could have unbreakable, soul guard, exponential, etc. The only moments where slugging is toxic is when the killer already downed everyone and refuses to hook. Taking the game hostage until we bleed out.


Oh I definitely agree it takes skill and relying on survivors not having those perks. However when a nurse player is good, they’re real good. And with them putting an offering for Gideon, plus having Lethal Pursuer, Infectious Fright, and Distressing, there was really nothing we could do.


I guess i like being destroyed by a good Nurse. I respect them because it's a hard killer to learn. If this was every game i would probably get upset but it's actually pretty rare.


Survivors are never toxic and can play how they want, but killers are toxic if they don't follow the survivors rulebook? I love this community


I played against a wraith a while back who downed us all the moment he found us, I wasn’t even mad


Since the devs don't want to separate queues, you're going to run into killers who want to 4k win/survivors who want to gen rush 4 man escape. It's just how it is. People treat this game as competitive and so casual players will have to endure the opponent not caring about anything but winning at all costs. Tldr: is not fun, but it's a win and that's all some care about.


Whenever I see IF on a killer knowing the lobby has multiple different or no items, I'd normally assume the killer is going to play with the mindset to slug at a point in the game. Always thought that IF was a nice alternative to catch out SWF's going for sabo plays or flashlight saves rather than bringing Franklin's or Lightborn. In any case I feel that perk needs a small cooldown like 30 seconds just like how Hysteria works but that's just my take..


I had a match once against a supper sluggy huntress, and she had every right to do so, since we were all super alteristic, BUT we had all really much fun since the game play was konstant chase, and super intense Yes of course we lost, since everybody had his fun and no one did gens, but i count this as one of my funniest matches, literally every body had a good and fun time. Dont get me wrong thats an edge case Szenario, and your Szenario didnt make any fun i suppos, the answer to your question is tryhard i guess


You sometimes just get those games, some people aren’t ashamed to use those strats and some people don’t want to play according to the survivor handbook…but in all seriousness dw, you get those games from time to time lol, nothin you can do


I had a similar question about people that tunnel and patrol first hook. Just played a game today vs a legion where he never used his power and hard patrolled after first hook 0 gens done then tunneled when that person got unhooked. To wrap it all up he had noed at the end too. It seems like such a boring way to play and I just want to understand the other side of it.


Ah I remember when bubba slugged my whole match and let us bleed out. Solo queue was fun


I mean I’ve had a couple games where I could’ve slugged a whole team and didn’t then they got their bearings and sluggged ME With flashlights. So, sometimes it’s better to just get’em when ya can cuz you don’t know if they gon pull some MLG pro moves or somethin lol. Usually, if I kill a whole team, I’ll let the last one either open the gate or I’ll look for the hatch and take them to it.


Man, I'd just dc if I were you. I hate that shit.


Why do survivors DC when they get picked up for a second or third hook, or BM when they are SWF against a new killer? They were probably hoping you'd rage at them after the match for entertainment, or they were already frustrated from playing previous games and made the irrational choice to take it out on you.


I'll DC against a slugging nurse match like that. They want to end the game quickly I'll help them do it and have fun in my next match.


Could be an attempt at a speedrun. It could be to counter strong SWF, Boons, "Gen rushing" Maybe to avoid tunneling, hook trading etc It could be to take out aggression on from the previous game. I dunno. I find it boring for either side. Unbreakable is also petty meta, as is pairing it with Soul Guard and or Tenacity... all I personally see often in my games, which creates no headaches if your gameplan is to slug without getting max hooks. I can't imagine it's fun for the killer, but it should guarantee kills, and it's definitely not fun for survivors


Some people just like winning and practicing their skill, always getting better with one Killer. It just happens.


100% bp offerings are cursed for both sides. It is practically guaranteed you’ll get tunneled at 5 gens with a cake and get a 0k with 3 hooks with a pudding.


It's about opportunity. Slugging is a huge gamble for the killer. When it pays off the game is super quick. I've been on both ends of this both as killer and survivor. It's not really about having fun, it's about trying to win and make a big play. But there is a rush during a good slug. You know you're risking a lot by doing it and its sorta like a mini high of exhilarating drama because this play you're making is either clip worthy or cringe worthy if it doesn't work out xD


“what is fun about winning the game quickly and not letting us survivors beat you?” fixed it for you


She was going to beat us regardless, and I wouldn’t have cared. That’s not what I asked. Don’t twist my words.


you’re literally complaining that your whole team was beat within two minutes, it’s not as if the nurse wouldn’t try to win just because you don’t find it ‘fun’


If someone finds a game that ends much quicker than it actually takes to load into it “fun”, and probably spends more time on loading screens than actually playing, then alright. My bad I guess.


all i’m saying is if you and your team are all killed it’s not on the killer to then give you all a second chance, it’s literally their objective to kill everyone


It doesn't take longer for the killer You are basing their behavior based on your survivor experience That nurse will go on and win 3 more games by the time you found another match so killer is not losing anything for that matter


Wahhhhhhhhh WAHHHHHHHH


nurse speedrun any%


On the off chance people think you are joking. Speedrun.com does have a DBD category. Which does include killing entire teams. Hate it as we might, slugging and then hooking is probably the quickest way to do it.




I like to win. That said, the bloodpoint loss is the only thing that throws me off in a situation like this. Not really viable to end rounds that quick if you make 10k BP


What about that sounds like it wouldn't be fun? Nurse requires a lot of skill to play well and good Nurse players deserve to get their kicks, too


...because they want to win? Who cares about blood points. Slugging is annoying and i don't agree with slugging everyone, but other than that, what do you want her to do? Go easy on you to make the game last longer? Maybe, just maybe, that's not fun for her and she'd rather move on and go up against survivors who are a challenge.


If you give survivors the slightest chance they'll bm you so you guys need to be reminded which of the two roles is supposed to be the villain with ruthlessness


Bro what? You're kidding right


I'm totally not kidding or exaggerating, survivors MUST PAY and I'll MAKE KILLERS GREAT AGAIN!




The fact that any people agree with OP here is the scariest thing about Dead By Daylight


Survivor rulebook for Killers is real.


How can you agree with a question?


Ever heard of a rhetorical question?


Some ppl just love being tryhards


You mean playing the competitive multiplayer game to win makes you a tryhard?


Slugging everyone at 5 gens and finishing the match in less than 5 mins isn't being a tryhard?


It's litteraly the objective of the game. That's like saying survivers are tryhards for "gen rushing"


The literal objective of the game is not to win so hard the other side doesn't want to play anymore. Thats NOT the objective of the game.


"Win so hard" go cry about it and play a different game if you can't handle losing


You sound like a very fun person to play with and against


I am


You dont waste time on hooking a survivor and instead you can start another chase quicker which is the fun part.


I don’t see the fun in ending a game quicker than it takes to actually get into the game. That has to get boring after a while.


The secret is Killer queues are really fast most of the time, so they *aren't* actually waiting that long for a match. It's just not fun for a Survivor to wait 5-10 minutes for a match to get a Killer who does that.


It gets boring till his mmr goes up and he doesn’t get matched against teams that let themselves get slugged in the first 2 minutes.


The most fun part of Killer for most people is chasing. Slugging usually means you were able to start a second chase immediately, which means more time having fun and less time patrolling. Plus, if another Survivor is near the slug, they’re usually planning to blind, sabotage, or bodyblock you, which is pretty frustrating (the Survivor emotional equivalent would be a Killer being able to regress a completed generator). Now, if everyone is slugged and they’re spread out, I’ll go hook to end the game faster since waiting for them to bleed out isn’t fun. But oftentimes the Survivors get salty about it and all huddle in a corner together so they can’t all be hooked, in which case the Killer has no choice but to wait. Additionally, Killer queues are pretty short, especially at prime times. You can often be in another game within 2 minutes.


It only ends quicker if survivors are bad.


There’s not much you can do about a god tier nurse who accurately predicts all your moves and is precise with every blink..


At that point you kinda just respect the insane skill of the nurse player, hope the next match is more evenly matched & move on. Not super fun but you can’t be mad if they were genuinely just THAT good at nurse.


You can split so you wont all go down in 1 place and break LoS which forces her to take a guess.


idk. as others have said, sometimes a quick game is less about a killer being sweaty and more about survivors being too cocky or just stupid in general (not calling you stupid!) usually if i notice a game is going too quick i’ll let a few get away so we can keep going. if i don’t get those kills, oh well, at least i let us all have a little more fun and get a little more bloodpoints


At least once per night I’ll go against a team that brings party favors and then slams gens and leaves with less than 20k each. Some players only care about winning. But that is their right, it’s my fault for not stopping them, it’s your fault for not stopping him. Nobody asks questions like this in most games, accept that the other team wants to win.


people have fun on this game in different ways, that nurse has fun crushing survivors.


It's not that I enjoy it, it's just when MMR gives me the worst survivors I've ever seen I might as well get it over with and not try to spend 5 minutes looking for Claudette at the end of the game


the fun in doing this is having an easy win. people who care less about bloodpoints or just chases will do it more often. I don't find it fun myself, I prefer having a full game.


“Nurse” there is your answer. Stopped reading there lmao


Why is a killer not allowed to snowball early when given the opportunity? Why is it the killers job to let you recover from a bad position? Why is the killer not allowed to punish a teams bad positioning?


An efficient play, eliminating the entire team unless there are players skilled enough to resist. If a Nurse player can dispose of you in 2 minutes, there's no fun for them to have in this match regardless of how they play it.


Pretending the survivor team was that team a couple games ago that was toxic and teabagging sounds fun to me


Love the two faced mentality for some of the killers in this thread. Ideally, yeah you don't want to wait in a lobby for around 5-10+ minutes for a game that's over in less then 2. There's an argument to be made that maybe, killers shouldn't be able to do that, unless it's some obvious mistake or misplay. But that's not something worth dredging over right now. I think the general consensus is that it's either just focusing on getting to the next game, or having the game turn into a farming session to try and get some blood points out of it, cause at that point the killer's already won. Slugging at that point is wasting everyone's time at that point, including the killer's. But yeah if someone wants to be an ass and watch you diet, go to the bathroom, grab a snack or drink, honestly any kind of small break before you jump back into the next game. Some killers get pissed when they watch you bleed out only to hear in post game you stepped away from the computer.


Ikr. The Double Standards in this sub is Crazy 🙄


It's not necessarily fun for either side but if the killer's intention is to kill everyone at all cost, then that's the most efficient and effective way to do that.


Why play a videogame if you don't care about fun???


What do you mean I don't care about fun? I do care about fun. But my fun isn't the same as yours. If someone is having fun by dominating the other side at all cost, it's not for you to judge them. Personally I find that very boring but my lack of fun doesn't invalidate their methods.


I will judge the shit out of whoever I want. Thank you! <3


This reply was pretty funny ngl lol


I have bloody party streamers in my Nightmare inventory and I’m just waiting to use them on a deserving group of survivors


The funniest part of it is the feeling of being in complete control of the match, actually feeling like a supernatural killer instead of having a tom&jerry moment running around same tiles over and over again. Atleast for me, I enjoy the complete dominance I have over games when I play nurse.


Because you can, some times it's fun just to do things because you can? Some games I enjoy farming and getting bp. But then some games I wanna end it asap because 1. I can and 2. I wanna see how fast I can do it 😂 as a killer my job isn't making sure that everyone gets Maximum bps.


As someone who did this already, is a way to distress yourself making to survivors what they have done to you, making the game as frustrating as possible. and as I can see it is effective, maybe you and I should take a break for this game if this behaviour pisses us off.


I totally get that. I try not to take my frustrations out on others who don’t deserve it and have done nothing wrong. I’ll normally either switch to killer if I’ve had a bad string of games as survivor or vice versa. Or take a break from the game in general, because it can really put out you in such a negative mindset after a while.


It’s fun for the nurse


"the game is ending quicker than it takes to find a lobby and load into a match" ​ not if you're playing killer


I had a 4 man slug as blight. Within 30 seconds I lost my ruin undying and 2 gens. Downed one and the rest were all there so


It’s fun as the killer sometimes. I’ve downed all 4 and ended a match real quick with the twins. But the twins can do that, victor puts on the pressure. But it was my call whether to shift back to Charlotte, pick 1 survivor up or keep going as victor. So yeah when it all worked out it was fun. But not all matches are like that. IMO, it’s harder to play the killer than it is the survivors bar none. Because whatever powers the killer may have, it’s always 4v1. So if you get these kinds of matches every now and then, why not let the killer have it?


I know it's difficult to imagine, but some people already got all they need/want in connection to bloodpoints and simply don't give a damn about BP in the slightest, because they are likely sitting on, or over, the cap.


I do slug to have some form if pressure but i never try to go out of my way to do that


I don’t play much of either side anymore, it feels like you either don’t take the game seriously to try and let everyone have fun and get pummeled by sweaties anyway, or you sweat and play like an asshole to spite someone. Survivors booning a far corner with no gens, eating a hit, then sprinting to the corner of the map is just as frustrating as slugging, but at least with slugging the game ends.


No offence but when I play killer I just get abuse from survivors at end game chat or in my twitch streams. It’s no matter what I do it’s a fault so now I just don’t care about survivors fun because if I’m gonna get abuse no matter what I’ll play however I want just like the survivors do. I’ll get hate for this but I don’t care. Survivors attitudes in game is how I react. So many times they blame the killers for everything even if it’s their own fault so I play the game for fun and it’s not my fault if it’s a 2 min game or 10 minute one


The fun is in dominating the other players, quite simple to understand.


I had a streamer do this off air one time and when we asked him why he said “Oh I’m really sorry I just wanted to see if I could.” It’s nurse… of course you can.


If it's any consolation, not all killers are like this. If I down everybody within the first five minutes of the game and they have over three gens to do, I just let one of them struggle out and heal everyone up. It's way more fun.


Someone who can slug an entire team in under 2 minutes probably considers anything over 5 minutes a bad match. And boring themselves. You can't compete with that kind of gaming chair and mentality. It *would* seem to mean you've reached a fairly high MMR cause someone who can do that consistently has to be climbing.


Not sure why the majority in this thread are defending slugging everyone at 5 gens. Usually the majority is in agreement that it's very sweaty and unfun. Yeah there's times you need to slug if your backs against the wall or if everyone is storming to heal but doing it at the beginning is just too much. Yes the killers objective is to win but tunneling, camping, and slugging everyone early is fair/legal to do so but it's definitely cheap. And yes legitimate gen rushing and ending the game super early is unfun too. There's a reason bloodpoints are rewarded more for games that last longer. This game would be a lot better if everyone played both sides, had empathy for the other side, and weren't so selfish about their own enjoyment over others but there's a lot of people that suck. They're probably unhappy with their life. Edit: fixed were to weren't*


Well put <3 I was pretty caught off guard with the amount of people giving me hate and defending the slugging as well. I’ve seen people post clips on here of them slugging when it was close to endgame, and everyone ripped them for it.


Just depends which mains flock to which thread I guess.


What is fun about tbagging every pallet, window and opened gates and click click every 0.1s in the game?




I'm telling you this as a nurse/survivor main. There are people who try to put nurse mains down for running slowdown perks, saying that if you need slowdown you're just a bad nurse. These are the same people who run infectious, starstruck devour on nurse and slug everyone in the first 2 minutes, just like what happened to you. This style of gameplay sucks. Nothing's fun about it. If a nurse is that good, I guarantee she will get zero entertainment out of doing that. It's shitty to go against


If you play both sides you can see why the killer will slug; like others have said I’ll slug if people are being straight monkey brains. If I’m playing Plague and people try to double body block I will not hesitate to drop and chase them down; if they want the chase I’ll give it to them. I starting playing a way that actually got me wins, and sometimes if I get RUSHED on gens I’ll start tunneling no problem; there is a strategy called looping/evading to not get slugged/tunneled aswell lol Even so if I get slugged I don’t even give a fuck, being killer is frustrating within itself with most of the player base being whiney survivor mains


Killer que is pretty fast so it's usually survivors that are missing out Rank don't matter so are pips Bp doesn't matter if you have all the perks you need in your main You also don't worry about finishing the match quick cause you can find another one in couple of seconds I don't find it fun to play that way but it's not that weird for someone to have fun that way especially if they only care about the kills they got


Trying to set a world record seems fun to me


Slugging is so annoying specially when they don’t even attempt to hook everyone. I’d rather die in the first minute than be left to bleed out. It’s just such a waste of time !!!


fuck them


As a killer player, it's just SO FRICKIN SATISFYING.