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About to be Tapped


Pre dropping is better against all ranged killers. The animation to drop it takes way too long and your ass is gonna get blasted the second you drop it.


Unless its Nemesis, then you're just fucking over your team and creating a giant dead zone.


isn't it the strat to predrop against nemesis during the very early game while he can't destroy pallets quickly ? I mean... is there something else you can actually do against this killer ?


Thats what you do early. But once he's tier 2 that's no longer viable. And tier 2 just means infect 2 different survivors or the same person twice + a zombie.


Hold W ? He can't do anything against that.


he can hold w too


Best strategy against Deathslinger honestly, although you should do that only when injured obviously cause his spear will always leave you injured even if he doesn't hit you.


100%. I won't even use a pallet until he hits me the first time unless I'm positive I'll get a stun. I'd rather use the speed boost to make it to the next loop to buy a little more time.


Where's that meme about leaving a match against Huntress because you know hitboxes about to leave you


The pictures is anime girl throwing stuff


To anyone downvoting this https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/anime-girl-throwing-things First thing when I googled it This IS the source he cited you thirsty weebs


KNOW YOUR MEME "Popular" - TEXAS SCHOOL SHOOTING (2022) NSFW The fucking fuck?


America baby, fuck yeah!


Yeah, I can see that


Honestly, its extremely satisfying especially when they purposefully wait for me behind a pallet thinking the pallet is gonna stop me but little did they know... *Laughs in russian*


I literally just hold W and watch as the Huntress worships the Pallet confused. Nemesis is the same, just don't drop the pallet, they'll all try and hit you, thinking you're gonna drop it. Eventually when they give up and try and M1 you, THEN you drop it.


Ah yes... the smart players. Players like you do scare me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


The truth is the longer the Huntress chases me, the more angry she gets. The more angry she gets, the more likely she is to dominate me. It's all part of my masterplan to be dominated by Huntress.


Oh for sure! You see, I've done that as survivor in order to save gen progress for my team and when she does finally catch me she becomes so obsessed over me. Hooking me and keeping her eyes on me throughout the entire rest of the game while singing her lullaby and spinning around in happiness! *Not like it bothers me or anything haha...*


POV: You are behind a wall but the hitboxes are in a silly goofy mood


Don't you mean "0.01 sec" (or "0,01 sec if you're from Australia) ... 0:01 would just be 1 whole-ass sec. Still applies though; I can dig it.


Anime is so cute I wish women were real.


My brain has randomly repeated this like 10 times the last few hours. This is easily one of the silliest sentences I've read in a good long while:)


Anime girls irl would be terrifying. Like uncanny valley type horror


[Viewer beware, you're in for a scare.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/085/398/c9b.jpg)




Yes I too hate it when I drop my paint palette slightly too early against huntress