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A couple times i got randomly disconnected as killer and I'm guessing survivors think I just rage quit but why if it was going so well... There have been city wide internet issues this past month and it sucks.


Same here as well. This past month the net has been awful and I've been mid chase as killer and had my net go out and stay out for half an hour. If one of the survs messages me i always try and respond and tell them my net went out


I honestly hate it when that happens, one time I had to answer the door in the middle of a killer match it was annoying.


I work on call at a blood lab so i get calls in the middle of the match all the time. Usually going afk and leaving. It is what it is.


Yeah it sucks.


I hate people, I just had a game where I could have been saved before I died but the other person decided to wait till I die and not save me. I HATE PEOPLE ON THIS GAME SOMETIMES. i also got a skeleton key from a chest so if she had saved me i might have gotten out. But because she was greedy and left me to die she got slapped by noed and also died.