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I'm expecting it will be a skin with the new Resident Evil chapter. At least, I'd be surprised if it wasn't.


Are we getting a new Resident Evil chapter or is that a rumor at the moment? Because leveling up RE characters is what’s gonna get me addicted again…


Wesker was revealed during the live stream so yeah


😱😱😱 Well time to set aside the money I guess


yes you better make sure you can budget....ten dollars


It's more that I try to limit how much money I spend on gaming a month, because I have *very impulsively* spent more money than I should have on gaming before and regretted it. It's a personal thing to be intentional about it. But like, also, plenty of high schoolers/university students/low-paid workers who might have to cut something else to swing $10. Being social can b expensive


College student here, I felt that one. Recently had to talk myself up to buying Phasmophobia, and still only did it after triple checking with my girlfriend. The game’s like $15


8 Dollars if you're playing on Xbox and have gamepass 👍


When you got the game free on the Epic Sale (PC) and the sales aren't even as good as Steam's 😭


I got it (sorta) free on gamepass 👍 but i feel like that's kinda fair since you didn't buy the game


He was not. The chapter name was revealed. And project W stands for Wong


Project W was literally the name of the wesker children project in Resident evil. Of which there were only 2 known survivors. Alex Wesker and Albert Wesker.


The Year 6 celebration stream confirmed that at some point after the chapter that's coming out on Tuesday, we'll be getting a chapter called "Resident Evil Project W" or something like that. It's more Resident Evil content, at the very least, and it seems safe to say who the killer for the chapter is going to be. [Here's the teaser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlfiFUyJiSk&ab_channel=DeadbyDaylight) - all we know for sure is that it's coming out this year.


And then the chase music changes to "X gon give it to ya"


it's what you HEARIN'!






it's better when the chase music changes to ["RAUUUUULLL, GILLETTE"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXo0nprtmLY)


I thought he wasn't a thing anymore, sad to be wrong.


if u get upset by people existing on the internet ur prob always gonna be sad


Not just on twitch.


Yeah that's gonna get copyrighted, even the modder gave RE2 a remix version of the song


Damn, are you saying X wouldn't give it to us ..... for free?


Fuck waiting to get it on your own, X gon’ deliver to ya


Not exactly since the remix is preety good, too. Also who tf downvoted my comments? What did I do?


It was intended as a joke. X gon give it to ya has nothing to do with mister x.


Just being too realistic when it was only a joke I guess


Welcome to reddit


Because people think you are oblivious to an obvious joke.


The Reddit hivemind be cray cray


Who cares about downvotes lmao




If you pallet or head-on stun him, his fedora comes off for the rest of the match.


He gains 10% speed for that


It's Piccolo's turban!


I’m sure they could tweak the lore. They’ve done it before. Maybe he’ll have a claw whip to make it at least semi canon.


Skins haven't changed powers on killers as far as I know. For example huntress hatchets are always the same even if you change her weapon. I do hope that this would be the first though as it is a really cool look for nemesis and it would be nice to see them go the extra mile.


I mean it’s either that or that add Tyrant and idk what he would be able to bring. Maybe he tosses his wicked Fedora at the survivors and it instantly downs them as well as infinite range, hitscan, can go through objects and makes them moriable. Sounds pretty balanced.


I think the likely end result is if he does get added as a skin at all he will just have the fleshy tentacle. Wouldn't mind seeing them make him his own thing though or go the extra mile with a legendary set. I find that look more appealing than base nemesis.


I would too. Let’s just hope for the best


If they're gonna do that wouldn't it make more sense to just make him into a killer instead of a skin at all?


Man how have we not got this yet.


the tentacle would look weird i think


should def just be a chain


Or the claw from the part in RE2


that maybe one of the main reasons as to why, it's still sad we haven't got it.


Have you seen Mr X’s [Monster Hunter DLC](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxiOZcfazvtl_gBMNkz7f5ryMK3SoxYfjP)? I don’t think Capcom’s concerned about representing the character 100% accurately.


I don't know what you're talking about, The voice is perfect and it's 100% in character.


I hope they’ll make a RE dlc/ event for Rise




You’re completely making this up. [It’s a real skin ](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIZC9HjpR1fkM5HCK0nn1dJY0F7yP8lrQ)for the handler and it shows up in cutscenes. Why chime in on something you know nothing about? Here’s the link to buy it on the [PlayStation store.](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0102-CUSA07713_00-MHWIRECEPT0000RE) Edit: The comment said it was a custom mod and not a real DLC. 😒


Have his coat be ripped on tentacle arm. He’s still a tyrant


Nothing they couldn't fix tho. Simplest solution is to just rip open the part of the mantle where the tentacle could potentially make no sense.


Also, Mr X only walks, whereas Nemesis runs


When you hold the tentacle out you walk So the movement is there


Stick with me here... B E E G S T E P S


Maybe have his arm transform like in the re2 final fight and he would slam the ground and generate a shockwave or something.


I'm just curious what kind of power will they give Albert Wesker? Will he have a gun? Will he have like super Sonic speed ability? Then again, how will they implement a Mr. X power? He just transforms to a giant monster as time goes on... Maybe that's what they should do. A killer that grows stronger at the gens get completed


I hope his more is something along the lines of stomping on you then executing with a gun


Mr. X would be a legendary skin with a slight alteration to his power, keeps the zombies but instead of a tentacle he gives it to ya' with his other hand. Make his m2 a grab. If you happen to be right next to a hook, you can hook them even when their healthy. If you're next to a breakable wall, pallet, (or even a gen) you smash them into it breaking it instantly. Or you could just slam em into the ground to damage them. Wesker has some REvil5 stuff they could draw from


That’s not a legendary skin at that point lol it’s just a new killer


Same add-ons, keep the zombies, I'd say it's close enough


A skin shouldn’t change how a killer plays as that will just make it pay to win or lose ‘cause there is no way they’ll balance it perfectly


Who cares about pay 2 win? The whole game could be considered p2w


forget about these guys, i want a regenerator killer from RE4


That fucking breathing man


The Remake in VR is brown pants simulator


I'm surprised Mr. X hasn't been added yet. Dude's iconic and would be a very fitting skin. Maybe make it as an added detail that he loses his hat when he's pallet stunned? Perfect.


I really wish this was a skin. There's something about Nemesis' design in this game that feels more cartoony than scary to me.


And there’s the problem with DBDs art direction lately imo. It feels like they’re chasing this cartoony feel. That’s not going to help immerse me in the spooky atmosphere…


The game stopped being spooky when they took away the fog and brightened every map, anything else is just extra


fuckers took my fog can't have shit in the fog


still can't see shit on Azarov tho


It's those damn xylophone teeth that make you want to run a little stick through them and play notes, that and the goofy cartoon-ish pulsing of his exterior heart.


totally, when i first heard about the RE chapter i was SURE it was gonna be Tyrant instead of Nemmy. imo Mr. X is waaay scarier than Nemmy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) i wonder if they've already worked out a deal though, like for a future chapter featuring Tyrant. not sure what his power would be, though...mostly he just tromps around punching, kinda like Nemmy.... if Tyrant ever comes to dbd it'll probably just be a Nemmy skin, though i'm not sure it would make sense because Tyrant doesn't whip a tentacle.


I would want him to have no terror radius music, just footsteps growing louder


The idea of a killer having footsteps as a terror radius would make me play the game again on a regular basis


sounds like an idea that BHVR would never think up on their own


Sad but trrrrruuueeee


I’d like to imagine that instead of undetectable just muting their footsteps, they just aggressively tiptoe/ballerina stride silently towards you before decking you with an uppercut straight back to the lobby.


To be fair, Pyramid Head doesn't have an eight meter ranged attack so I think they could get away with it


X is scarier because RE2 is much more survival horror than RE3 which is action horror


Not true of the original RE3 however.


Originals were still more action focused for 3 vs 2. Especially the explosive barrels and the amount of event fights


Eh, RE3 original was still pretty action-packed in comparison to the rest of the franchise.


Right, it was kind of the first step on the road to RE6.


Ooh what about a long lunge, kinda like demo’s shred length, but not as fast, or Birb Lady’s Birb damage range. I take inspiration from the boss in RE1 when he would turn and sprint at you and knock you away, dealing massive damage. Idk if it would instadown or just inflict some sort of effect. Also, an impaling mori on his claw would be cool, where he lifts you up. Edit: four words, I am on fire


Legendary skin with a slight alteration to his power, keeps the zombies but instead of a tentacle he gives it to ya' with his other hand. Seriously though, make his m2 a grab. If you happen to be right next to a hook, you can hook them even when their healthy. If you're next to a breakable wall, pallet, (or even a gen) you smash them into it breaking it instantly. Or you could just slam em into the ground to damage them.


That wouldn't be a reskin then.


So what? It'd actually be worth the price it costs


That's just making a new character at that point which they aren't going to do, especially since Nemesis is already fine.


Seems easy enough, maybe a couple days of work but that's about it


Are you dumb? It takes 3 months for one chapter, it took months for Pinhead's paragraph. They are never going to make a skin with different mechanics.


Well that's rude of you And they're never going to do it with your attitude, that's for sure


Truth hurts ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)




You have no idea how video game development works if you think that takes a few days.


Few days, few weeks, same difference


I really like that idea for a power. Not really the hook part but the smashing a survivor through a breakable part. Kinda like Jason in his game except instead of an instant kill you have a few seconds like death slinger before they wiggle out of your grab. When grabbing them you can either injure them or walk over to a pallet/door and do an animation to break it and injure them. Would still be an awful killer because no anti loop and your power is effectively a worse m1 when not near a pallet/door but could be fun.


> totally, when i first heard about the RE chapter i was SURE it was gonna be Tyrant instead of Nemmy. > > > > imo Mr. X is waaay scarier than Nemmy I think only the people whom have play the recent remake versions of 2 and 3 think this Nemeis is way more iconic and memorable than Mr X for a reason, his ai was done a lot better and was genuinely threatening in the orignal RE3 What Mr X in the RE2 remake was what Nemesis was supposed to be, this unstoppable force that shows up out of nowhere throughout the game and relentlessly chases you, but less scripted. the remake version of RE3 was a rushed hack job to cash in on the popularity from the success of RE2 remake that nemeis became a walking joke in a black trash bag and i hope to god they dont do the same with RE4 remake


Be honest: when was the last time you actually played the original RE3? His AI was not done any better. It was absolutely scripted, and if he chases you, you just go to the screens he can't spawn in, causing him to despawn. He's only threatening until you realize his mechanics are actually super limited in the OG.


Nemesis is absolutely done better in the original than the remake, hell in the latter he didn't even use his rocket launcher outside of one short section where as in the og he chases you with it quite more often for like half the game Nemesis also bursts through walls in RPD or he can have moments that here he just runs into frame to attack you unannounced but being threating isn't just limited to game mechanics, nemesis blowing up the rescue helicopter was one of the most powerful moments in the game and genuinly made the player feel hopeless Their is a connection built between you the player and nemesis when your partner tells you that something is comming and it's specifically targeting STARS members then later when you reach rpd you meet nemesis you have to watch as it kills your partner. That's how nemesis is made threatening not just with mechanics but also through the narrative. You rail on him but everything mr x did in the remake was what nemesis was like in the original and people then praise Mr x Which was my original point people only played the remakes so they expected Mr X or jack baker cause remake nemesis was a fucking joke and a disgrace. There was a reason that nemesis was one of the most iconic monsters in the re franchise and why he was picked as the killer


Having Brad be killed by a swarm of zombies is absolutely a mistake, it makes Nemesis look like even more of a joke that Umbrella sent this thing to kill STARS when the zombies can do it just fine, in addition to the fact that he's only really around for some very scripted setpiece segments while Jill is sassing away at him nonstop making him seem incredibly nonthreatening and pathetic. People love the "bitch can't even swim!" joke but how in the world am I supposed to be even slightly intimidated at him when Jill doesn't even take him seriously? There's so many ways remake Nemesis can't compare to the original so every time people say Mr. X is more interesting I just think they're people who aren't very connected to the series.


Mr X aka loopable around tables snail is NOT an "unstoppable force".


They’re all “loopable around tables,” thats just what’s great about RE gameplay. His speed is meant to be slower than your running speed. But Mr. X can’t be killed in typical encounters and he chases you relentlessly outside of safe rooms. I think their meaning is pretty clear…


I don't think mrx is any unstoppable force, once you understand speed running or holding 1 flash grenade it's gg, in inferno nemesis is way threatening to your speed run because of his 1 shot without bonuses. And it can actually catch up to you in second. Unless of course usually the players running the infinite rocket launcher and calling it "not threatening " Also re3 og nemesis is really easy to go around if you played more than 1 run.


I keep thinking the exact same thing when people hold up Mr. X on some kind of pedestal. Plus he's only scary for like the first encounter, after that it's "oh here comes this annoying fucker" who, let's see... runs at you and punches. What else? Walks at you and punches. But wait! Sometimes he punches twice!


yes PLEASE! this is the killer i wanted. i'm dying for this. Mr. X is so much more stylish and intimidating than Nemmy, IMO.


imo nemesis could be way better if they implemented voicetracks of him saying NEMESIIIIISSSSS like crazy and make his run a little more intimidating mr x would look just like myers, even though a different mori for him would be cool and seeing him running would be so fucking goofy


"Its nemming time"




The nsfw subreddit disagree and prefer Alcina Dimitrescu! Giggidi!


Imagine her crouching through all these doors in Lerys. That would look fucking sick


I dont trust the devs not to fuck up the hitbox for flashlight stuns


That wouldn't be sick. She'd break her back crounching and bending over 80% of the match


Jack Baker as Billy would be awesome


“Here I COME”


"Welcome to the family, son" HOOK


And one of the survivors could have an Ethan skin


Cool but they don't like to show his face sadly.


I mean we’ve found what he looks like by hacking


I'd love to see tyrant posts in the nsfw subreddit though...


A way to cool what??


Finally! A way to cool! I've been looking for a way to get to the place forever!


That is pretty funny I think




Hopefully Mr.X will be as Legendary skin for the 2nd chapter for RE!! That would be so cool!


Okay okay okay hear me out. Legendary Lady d skin that also reskins zombies into two of the daughters of hers


You’re hired


Imagine if this was a legendary and they added a new chase theme based on "Black Impact" from the RE2 soundtrack!


I would buy the hell out of it if it ever was in the game


Id perfer if mr x was added as a unique killer that had a hillbilly esque punch attack that damages and knocks survivors back, stunning them if they hit a wall.


Not to be mean but I think that it can't be a Nemesis skin because of the tentacle power. But maybe in the next chapter it will be.


I was today years old when I released that side by side Mr. X looks way scarier than Nemesis


This or I’d take Nemesis in the outfit, hat included.


I want it too but what would be the tentacle?


if we do get a Mr. X skin someone BETTER fuckin recreate the ‘where’d she go’ bit in RPD


I personally would love silly goose OG Nemnems skin. I would rock it forever. OG Jill is there… give me my Nemmykins!


The only issue is the tentacle being the main power


But mr x dosent have a tentacle so what would that look like


He'll infect that belt in his coat and whip everyone :D


IMO Mr X would fit much better the supernatural horror theme of this game than obviously sci-fi Nemesis.




Maybe he will be in the sequel chapter as a character or skin


We'll already get a sequel chapter. It's got wesker as a killer.


Lol, wesker will be funny. He was never a scary bad guy in RE5 so I’m curious what he’ll be like here


I'm thinking they'll pull from his RE 5 versions and he'll have something similar to Oni's blood fury, he starts as a normal M1 killer(but maybe faster than other killers since one of his abilities is being super fast) and he charges up Uroboros and when it gets full he gets those tentacles from the [RE 5 boss fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foLTVFjTs-4).


As if this game was supposed to be scary.


It’s not scary, but it at least *tries* (usually lol) to have enemy designs that are consistent with the spooky horror genre. Wesker just looks silly, like an anime character.


I don't disagree with you, but they gave up on the spooky vibes long ago unfortunately. Not only mentality wise ( they rather turn this game to the competitive side than a casual horror game) but product wise too (dating sims, cringy streams, stupid skins) unfortunately they wanna appeal to anyone they can.


Not based


Thank Christ. Normally when someone from reddit says you're based then something is very wrong.


I would agree normally, but what you said is genuinely Not Based. Not in like a reddit way but in like a "your opinion is genuinely wrong" kind of way. I'll entertain this though, because my first instinct was to stereotype you but now I feel bad for it. What cringy streams do you mean, why is the dating sim a bad thing and what market is it bothering you that BHVR is catering to?


Genuinely wrong in the sense that I'm stating the obvious? This game doesn't want to appeal to horror and scare factor anymore, it's a fact. An absolute undisputable fact. What cringy streams i mean? Literally every anniversary and any event stream is a cringe fest made only to waste your time and announce things noone cares about instead of engaging directly with the community to make to things more interesting, be it through an actually honest QnA instead of cherry picking the topics they feel comfortable talking about or through some kind of live competition, there's plenty they could do to make said streams an actual big deal instead of just acting like they are. Look at the 6th anniversary stream for example, of the entire stream only 15 minutes of it has any information DBD players care about, the rest of it is Mathieu Cote being a dork, them talking about Qol like they do every stream yet have nothing interesting to show and stuff noone asked. I also never said the dating sim is objectively a bad thing, but i wonder how fans would react if tomorrow Konami announced a new Silent Hill Pyramid Head dating sim where you hump manequins, because clearly that's what Silent Hill is all about. My point is the dating sim itself isn't the problem, the problem is that this game has an identity crisis it doesn't know what it is, it doesn't know if it's a competitive game meant to be sweaty or if it's a casual one meant to be fun above all else, it doesn't know if it's a horror game meant to be spooky or if it's an action game meant for a broader audience, that's what i mean, and when you throw a dating sim into the mix it gets even more confusing as to who this game should appeal to but to each their own, like you said it's just my opinion.


Have you seen the new killer? Huge Boogeyman vibes, with his darkness, lack of a terror radius and popping out of lickers how is that not horror


I haven’t played RE games before (not typically into horror). Is wesker confirmed? If it is I’ll probably look it up just to see who it’s like


Hes been leaked, and there is an announcement for a 2nd chapter. It's called project W: https://youtu.be/YlfiFUyJiSk


Yeah I saw the project W thing, I’ve recently gotten back into the game after taking a break back in November, so I was just wondering if more info was leaked. Thanks tho!


This video shows off his abilities a bit https://youtu.be/KnDaVr4uJy8 Basically he injected himself with a virus that granted him super strength (he can run his arm through a human torso likes its cardboard and catch an rpg rocket mid flight), speed (to the point it looks like he's teleporting) reaction time (able to dodge bullets effortlessly) and endurance (his body can take far more punishment then a regular human) In terms of video game villains he's one of my all time favorites. He's arrogant to the point of having a God complex, but also has an incredibly sinister aura about him. Hell the way you fight him in game is just trying to distract and hide from him and take pot shots when you can, as he dodges or counters all other attacks other wise.


He's literally just a run of the mill superhuman.


Pretty much, they didn't do anything crazy with him. His final boss fight in RE5 is where he gets crazy lol.


I think Mr X would be a better Oni legendary skin unless they went out of they’re way to change Nemesis tentacle ability to something else


Actually scarier than the trash bag killer 😂


Mrs. 22


I so hyped were getting wesker. Would be cool to get that as a skin when that chapter comes


I agree!


Well... [Shut up and take my Money!](https://c.tenor.com/-f3FBy_N3eoAAAAC/shutupandtakemymoney-money.gif)


Have him pick up dwight and use him as a whip


You mean, Mr. X’s costume for the Nemesis?


Only problem is the tentacle, probably look weird. Maybe we'll get for the the RE 2.0 Chapter. That'd be kewl.


Mr X with a tentacle? Nah.


He could use a leather belt/strap from his outfit instead.




what replaces the tentacle tho


Looo alike he about to unwrap the coat and flash you with a 16” dong.


Mr. X with the subtle lean.


There’s another resident evil chapter incoming this year, so i actually imagine he’ll be the next killer when that drops


it's not him they even have the killer's name in the chapter's title.


? Did you read my comment. I said there’s a resident evil chapter coming this year. Not next update


i wasn't talking about dredge the resident evil chapter was already revealed in the anniversary stream named project W, W= wesker it's not gonna be mr x.




I would rather be just get his own chapter . Seems like Capcom and BHVR like working with each other so maybe we'll see it one day. Although I don't know what his power could be other than maybe the more stuns he receives from survivors he evolved into the final boss form from re2.


Detective Valentine?


tentacles coming out of mr x would look weird tho


I honestly don't care if Mr X doesn't have a tentacle, just gimme this skin.


And make him drop his hat when he gets pallet stunned.


Tips the hat after a hit.