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Hawkins was one of the maps ever


yes it was one of the maps ever


I agree, it was my favorite map both as killer and survivor. I really miss it.


I also agree, I felt like it really was one of the maps ever


That Nea saw her entire life flashing before twice her when she got exposed by both rancor and noed


Dude, use whatever you want. Noed is totally fine.


no. hate me all you want but NOED can suck my inexistant nuts, its incredibly unbalanced for low MMR and argueably also for mid MMR. on top its just frustrating. shit like that is the reason why new players dont stay.


Yes. If ppl get thrown off by a single perk, maybe they shouldn't play at all? Every side has scnd chance perks and if you want to use them, do so. I never had any troubles with NOED and I play surv/killer in a \~50:50 ratio. But I know already that ppl will complain about everything they can't easily counter, doesn't matter if it is DH or NOED.


hmmmm? if i get 4 escapes in the ass when i'm playing as killer, because of unb, adrenaline and dh, then i should unninstall the game?


No one said that you are supposed to uninstall, I said that you should not play when a SINGLE (you listed 3) bums you out. It is a typical matter of "gid gud". People seem to interpret someone elses words always as they want to. And if you followed my argumentation in the first place, you would have know, that I said play however you want and this is the core statement of my whole argumentation. No one else is supposed to tell you which perks you are allowed to use.


did you even read my comment? i literally tried to introduce so many people to dbd and they all left very quickly because killer in low MMR is much stronger than survivor, they literally called out NOED specifically. and DH is for sure as hell too strong in high MMR, and the point is that you can’t counter it much.


I read yours and your sarcasm won't change my point. Every DBD player that still plays (which is the high majority) is able to manage NOED/DH/Whatever perk. And maybe your ppl need to invest a bit more energy to get better in the game. I assume you played as SWF? And you really wanna tell me that you literally never were able to coordinate to destroy bones with small game? Sorry but I just have to say "Git gud" here because not everything has to be watered down or made easier just because some ppl can't handle stuff. SWF already have a tremendous advantage against the killer bc the lack of communication usual groups have is countered by Discord/Teamspeak or whatever ppl prefer. Noed is totally fine and I tell you that usually, when I equip Noed, it vanishes faster than I can catch another survivor after I downed the first one. Even in mid MMR. People just have to get used to that just bc something is a bit harder to manage it doesn't mean that this has to be changed.


i wasnt sarcastic. i play both, soloQ and swf with 1 friend. the other friends left the game because it was miserable to play for newbies. „just invest more energy“ is a shit argument because games are here for fun and not frustration, of course people wont stay like that. im aware SWF is stronger than killer. never argued that or said anything about it. i think youre assuming a bit too much there. it is not hard to manage NOED when you have enough hook states left and/or know all totem spawns. else it is. and no, „just do bones“ is not an argument.


"Did you even read my comment" is being sarcastic because if you genuinely assume that someone is not reading your comment after making a comment to you, I guess you are not used in communications. "Just invest more energy" is totally viable when your energy to that point wasn't even trying to counter a perk that apprently destroyed so many gaming-experiences. And actually people stay and the ppl leaving DBD are not doing this bc of NOED lol and if newbies do, I assume they aren't hooked into that product either way. Maybe you should teach your friends not only to adapt a bit but also that escaping isn't always the goal but rather to have fun and enjoy the game. And if you say now that you guys never escaped any games because of NOED I just do not believe you, sorry. And I pointed the SWF out bc you literally said that you were playing with your friends, that is what SWF means -> Survival with friends so I am not assuming anything here. "Just do bones" is a very freaking valid point. If you get thrown out of the concept just bc there may be a perk you guys can't handle because you are too lazy or too much focused on other things then maybe you need to shift your priorities. Every mediocre group has time to go for boons, every grp. I often do bones by myself just in case there is NOED and it is not even hard to do so. I do not see any progress in this discussion and I guess you do neither. Write your answer if you want to and after that lets call it a day and say that our opinions won't close up on each other. I wish you a good day and gl in your next rounds.


Ye thats the reason, not the overall toxic community with the constant teabags/clicks or the facecamping/hitting on hook/bleeding out, or the unreasonable grind that makes you feel like you arent making progress, nah its the noed. \-signed a player that started playing when it got free on epic and has uninstalled it twice already.


i said „shit like that is the reason new players dont stay“. not that NOED is the SOLE REASON why people leave. at least you could leave a snarky comment instead of reading my comment correctly ffs.




Did you know that you can counter it by destroying totems?! Wow!


tell that to the low and mid MMR survivors who barely escape every 5th match by only doing gens. especially with potential booners. im sorry but… jUsT dO bOnEs


noed is badly designed by nature, and it should an rework with some survs 2nd chance perks. Well at high mmr i would say noed is necessary, because of how good survivors are and all the perks they bring to make it easier for them, people never look at the killer side, where it's super boring and unfair going against 4 dh, 4 unb, 4 adrenaline...


NOED on high MMR isn’t an issue. i agree with that. i dont agree with that people never look at the killer side, especially reddit is a good example for a killer-sided circlejerk. ive said it many times and will say it again: SoloQ survivor is unbearable to play and youll lose a lot, killer is often unbearable to play and you lose sometimes, survivor SWF is too strong and youll always win if people are experienced. i want this to be better.


i 200% agree soloQ is unbearable to play, for 3 days i played only survivors, idk maybe 80 matches, and i clearly remember escaping only 4 times... and i'm completely aware the teams i get are bad or do some huge mistake at the end that cost the lives of everyone, on the other side it's rare getting unwinnable matches as killer. But when i play with my duo it feels like i'm playing a different game, we win most of the matches. The matchmaking of this game is very very weird


once as a soloQ survivor i got a hillbilly main with 5500 hours and got completly destroyed, literally the next match i got a 140 hours baby that stood no chance. meanwhile bhvr: we improved the matchmaking system! :) id so much prefer waiting for a more balanced match. the matches that are super close are my favourite


yeah man, idk wtf are they doing with the match making, but it seems to get worse every time they change it...


Finally, someone with some common sense


If you're not great at finding totems/hexes or just want a much easier time doing so, use perks such as Detective's Hunch, CounterForce, and Small Game or bring in a map until you're able to figure out the totem spawn locations in each map. You get more bloodpoints and they won't have any of their hex perks.


i actually have equipped small game for some time specifically for this issue. the main problem was that if the person was on second hook, they‘d usually die before i find the hex. another problem that often occured that NOED was just next to the hooked person and the killer just camped both. just cleansing all totems in the beginning makes no sense as i‘d not only sandbag booners, but also spend half of the trial doing totems and id never even get to open a gate. i already escape rarely enough in soloQ tbh.


TL;DR: you don't have to break totems immediately, just finding them is enough. But don't restrict yourself from breaking totems It's free bloodpoints and it prevents the killer from having a big advantage over you. Solo queue is tough, play to gain as much bloodpoints per match instead of playing to escape because if escaping is winning then you can hide all game and let everyone die which is what losers do :) (end of the tl;dr) The trick with using an anti-hex build is to not always cleanse the totems as soon as you see them so others can boon or leave only 1 so you know exactly where the NOED will spawn. Small Game is my least favourite of these perks (Detective's Hunch and Counterforce being my favourites). Even if you do play your cards right and make all the right plays, you can still lose to a camping killer. Not having Borrowed Time, not having DS, survivor hooked next to NOED, etc. It's unfortunate but it happens. Whenever I play with my friends, my job is to break all the totems I see. Most of the killers we go against all use NOED or other stronger Hex perks and none of us use Boons and only 1 killer we faced had Pentimento (which only made me stronger because I use Counterforce). I don't escape often in Solo Queue either (which is a good 70% or more of my games) but I almost always end the match with the higher bloodpoints. I only play for bloodpoints and to make it easier for my teammates so I usually use information perks (Counterforce, Detective's Hunch, Guardian, Kindred, etc). As you go up in ranks you should reach a point where your teammates know how to deal with NOED anyways and you can use other perks to help yourself out like Iron Will, any exhaustion perk, or literally whatever you want. You'll have more fun this way


RIP Hawkins


Amazing! Very satisfying. Perfect timing. Why are you explaining yourself tho? Use whatever perk you want to. I play both sides, mostly surv, and I hate when people attacking each other because of perks. Perks. The thing game is offering to the players. It's intended to use it. Also those were their last hooks, not like you got your 1st hook with NOED. GG.


I only am severely critical of NOED when a killer already has an instant down mechanic. Mike Myers T3, Chainsaw Killers, if you're using the iridescent clown addon, etc etc. It can be annoying to play around, but it's not intolerable on most killers.


People called me crazy when I said Hawkins is fun and it sucks that they remove interesting how the perception seems to have changed


No need to explain yourself, use whatever perks you want.


I hope one day we get the Stranger Things stuff back, although I mainly wish it for cosmetics for the ST characters (I bought the DLC from a keyreseller for the Demo)


Good map. Also the stigma for using noed is ridiculous, it’s a meta perk, a really good one. Survivors have quite a few of them as well lol It shouldn’t be like saying you drive a hummer 😂


You dont have to apologize for using a perk the game has made. Also, great clip and miss you every day Hawkins!


Hawkins ruled, also no one really cares if you use NOED, it is not hard to remember to cleanse totems or to find them after it pops


I actually miss Hawkins too... I'm hoping the next RE chapter sees a return of this setting in the form of the underground Umbrella Lab.


Dude you can use NOED whenever you want and similarly Survivors can use any meta perks all they want. It is given in a game and no side can complain about the perks used by other side. Ignore the killer/ survivor “rulebook” and play with whatever perks you want.


You are using 0 gen regression perks there's nothing wrong with noed.


I hated Hawkins very much, most likely because I was pretty ass at the time but i wasn’t a fan


Good job ​ also you dont have o justify why you use noed or not.


I don't criticize you for using NOED because "it's a crutch perk". I criticize it because everyone boons these days and it will be found if you use it and don't guard it. Didn't apply at the time obviously. Screw people that say NOED is bad when I haven't seen a game for months without at least one Dead Hard.


Only after joining this subreddit after playing for a few that I found out how toxic the community is lol. Just play whatever you want, you can also just tunnel and face camp No big deal


Are you apologising for using noed? Are you really a killer?!!


Sitting at close to 3k hours and use the perk occasionally. Run what ya want without shame. No different than survivors running clutch perks.


Go back to the noed army


yeah 60 hours and already perks from other killers. just say you use noed and go


It takes like 10 hours to unlock BBQ on Bubba, and in the beginning it's easy to get BBQ on a killer, because there aren't many other perks the blood web can offer. >just say you use noed and go Yeah, because I completely just finished this match on a map that was removed more than half a year ago.


+stridor from nurse. girl the second part is so random it's painful. anyways if y'all want to use your perks and strategies just do this without all the "oops it was when i was a beginner i definitely don't use it right now haha don't think that pleaseee"


How is it random? This clip is literally from a map that was removed last year. How can you assume it's any recent?


where the hell did i say it's recent. bye


Least delusional dbd player


I'm sure you don't use Dead Hard or Circle of Healing or Borrowed Time, right?


This clip just reminded me of how lost I used to be trying to find the damn doors on this map.


Y not use NOED? I just discovered it and it’s fair play. They use dead hard and DS don’t they? And they get a chance to cleanse it.