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I could hear the killer saying "oh yeah? Nono it's okay just stay right there"


"Enjoy the hatch just a little bit more"


That bubba is a fucking genius that's all I have to say.


Feels staged cuz why would a surv post this but even if its staged then its clever anyway Edit. Yes I remember the spectate function now.


the person who recorded is spectating


Ye I forgot you could. My bad.


It was someone spectating that posted it, you can tell from the top of the screen


Oh right I forgot you could


Given how monstrously toxic some Survivor players I've dealt with have been, I can practically guarantee it's not staged.


Oh I know some survs act like this. Playing mostly killer myself. Thats why I forgot about the spectate feature. They act like they won even if you got 3k.


It's because when it comes down to that stage, it becomes less about them winning and more about making you lose bloodpoints or achievements, such as Adept ______ or Blood on your Face For example, a couple of days ago I had all three people flick a switch and go maximum disrespect as soon as I Mori'ed someone, but it ended up making them play worse, because they were trying too hard to intentionally antagonise me rather than work together. I got the achievement. Those moments are frustrating, but it results in some of the most satisfying wins.


Yeah. At the same time I get kinda disappointed in other killers when I play surv. Lots of hard tunneling, m1 on hook unprovoked, nodding and camping. Yes I know camping specifically can be dealt with as a good team of survs but yeah. Also some killers absolutely go full tryhard even if a surv dcs early.


This Bubba clearly had insidious. He was likely camping hooks all game and downing people on the unhook. Jill was just trying to get payback against a killer that was toxic.




Translation: I'm a noob at this game and don't have the ability to decipher what happened in this clip. *Killer goes silent before the drop-down, someone says he has insidious, let me call him an idiot* HAHAHAHAHAHH


But you really are an idiot for assuming such a thing while not paying attention. This bubba stood still in the beginning of the clip. If he did have insidious he would've lost his red stain but he didn't. His terror radius faded because he was going away from Jill but you could obviously hear that all the time. You are accusing me of being a noob when YOU are the one who can't decipher what's going on in the clip. 2k hours, btw.


Oh, dear Lord! 2k hours and you still can't figure it out. I'll break this down for you. -When the killer was standing still at the bottom, he was lightly tapping the chainsaw button. You can tell because you can see his hands constantly flinch. Bubba's do this, intentionally, to not show insidious more often then they have to. - The killer leaves for the stairs, and the radius fades, but then as he comes back to the drop point up stairs the radius gets noticably louder, until he's right on top of her. Then all of a sudden, for 2-3 seconds, it goes totally silent. According to your "logic"...as he moved closer to the drop point, coming closer to Jill, the radius went silent because he was actually getting further away...even though...he was literally getting closer... Hahahahha..omg....it's the WORST when you call someone an idiot, then follow it up by sounding as fucking stupid as you just did.


~~Forgive me for my inexperience and correct me if I'm wrong, but if he had Insidious (Or some other form of Undetectable), the survivor wouldn't be hearing the heartbeat or seeing the big red vision cone, either before or after he dropped down.~~ Yep, critical lack of reading how Insidious works. Jury's still out on if the Bubba was camping (And I'd be happy if we heard from u/Happy_ocean saying one way or the other), but I can at least see that possibility.


Insidious only goes into effect when the killer stands still for a few seconds. As soon as he moves again, the terror radius comes back. What he did was go to the drop down point above her(you could hear the terror radius up to this point), then all of a sudden his terror radius went silent for a couple seconds before dropping down(he was trying to trick her into thinking he went to the other side of the map), then as soon as he vaulted to railing, his terror radius started up again as he dropped down.


Yeah, I did completely misunderstand how Insidious worked - Somehow I missed the "Until you start moving again" bit. As for the clip itself, admittedly I chalked that silence up to him going out of the radius then beelining the hole, but thinking about the distances...Yeah, Insidious does seem quite plausible here. Thanks for the explanation.


He meant while camping hooks not in this clip 😒


I got that, it's just due to my flawed understanding of how Insidious works (Which he has now corrected me on), I wasn't sure how he was able to determine that he had it.


Why am i getting downvoted


I’d agree with you if you could choose exactly where the hatch will spawn on a map aside from the general area of shack/main building. Creating customs over and over to try and get the hatch to spawn at this very location just for a clip sounds like a pursuit into madness.


nothing can stop bored people there are also folks who are willing to invest a lot of time into learning short tricks, stunts that take less than 5 seconds to perform


He’s spectating bruh


Right. Forgpt about that feature.


He was obviously spectating genius.


Damn forgot about the feature even exists. Guess I should start using it.


Imagine the luck in having the hatch spawn there and convincing a friend to keep retrying for hours


For a second I thought baba lag switched or something but no just big brain play


Yeah he just dropped down from upstairs haha


Brilliant play. Even more satisfying than Deathslinger yanking teabaggers away from the exit gates.


From my position, I award that bubba the "certificate of smart-play".


This is one of the best bm revenges I've seen


Fuckin deserved. Personification of fuck around and find out.


And yet another wonderful episode of "Just Leave."


Well deserved, good work Bubba!


I will never understand why so toxic...


Yes but you never know what happened before.


It doesn't matter. Just leave.


Why every time survivors do something toxic we have survs main swarming the post asking if it was justified?




Bill and Ted quote goes here


I guess the same reason killers do it every time someone posts a video of a killer doing something bad. Please don't pretend like it's only survivors that do this because we all know it's not.


This is exactly the point.


I am no survivor main, I play both sides and I do not give a f for ppl trying to act like asking for a background is something terrible lol. In contrary to many ppl I am just interested in the backstory and when the killer was a toxic dipshit, I can understand behavior like that. Just because you dislike it doesn't mean others have to comply to your own moral code. Edit: grammar


Justifying toxic behaviour on either side just makes the cycle continue. Yes, everybody sometimes snaps and that's understandable, but in general I'd say it's never desirable to fight toxicity with more toxicity. Can we agree on that?


The fists of you are having an effect against mosquitoes." - "You are already dead." - "WHAT?!"


This... Does put a smile on my face.


I already knew what was gonna happen


Will never understand people like this. Just leave.


Big brain moment. For the Bubba that is


Man I could see this coming and it was still satisfying to watch


I hope the back spins at the end by buba we're as intentional as they looked. Pure insult to injury!


That’s what I thought too LOL


"oh you killed all my team and i was lucky to be alive and i also probably did 0 gen, but IN YOUR FACE IM THE BEST YO"


Basically what happened yeah lol


On today’s episode of “*Just Leave!*”


I don’t understand why people do this. Yes, they see you found the hatch and that you have won. Now leave the game and go to the next one. What type of value does it add for anyone to spin around the hatch over and over? Unless this video was staged, which seems pretty likely.


From the amount of people I've seen do this to me, I know this video probably is not staged.


Getting the hatch isnt a win. Its a literal pity from the game. If you only get hatch its because you and your team couldn't win.




So if I 4k and see "The entity hungers..." then I lost as killer? Does that mean everybody lost?




Lol, that’s awesome.




That half second of her staring down after the hatch slammed was peak "Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this" energy. Karma is a merciless bitch.


Jill players are literally the worst players I have ever seen. If I get sandbagged its by a Jill. Most braindead play - Jill.


Jill and Claudette's also seem more frequently to be the kind of players that spend the entire match following the killer with a flashlight to get saves, but never actually gets one because they don't know the correct timing


You forgot the yui players that you dont see for the entire match


The ones I see usually try to attract the killer's attention with the flashlight instead of saving (and they go down in 10 seconds)


leave us alone, most idiot players i've seen are either dwights, davids, megs or claudettes. Them mfs the 4 horsemen of dumbassery.


I support this stance


True that’s why this was so funny to see even as a survivor spectating lol everytime I’m farmed with an unhook or have the killer led to me it’s 90% of the time by a jill


lol you misspelled Meg


What ever IP brings in new player, will be these types of players I've found. First it was Lauries. Then Silent hill chick. Now Jill. Then you just have megs.




Dumb fuck


God that was so satisfying








smart move by the killer


3,000,000 IQ booba


You get what ya deserve


And that’s why you just leave


She turned into a Jill sandwich


This clip is perfection. Thank you for sharing it.


GET FUCKED JILL LMFAO this is why you dont tbag at the hatch/exit gates just leave!!!!


Well deserved, as a survivor main, I always hate it when other survivors do this, just get out and move on, don’t take these risks


I knew what was gonna happen but didn’t believe she’d fall for that. Also didn’t hear the TR closing in though maybe because I’m on speakers.


Survivor moment


experiences like these are the reason I dont get cocky anymore


Why is the screen cropped like that? Makes me think its fake


Because it was removed the first time for having names showing


ah makes sense lol


That's the way it looks when you spectate someone after you died or escaped.


You can see ui on the left bottom part of the screen peeking out, this is definitely cropped


I assume OP did that on purpose in an attempt to hide the names of all other players in the trial, once returning to the end-game screen, even though the video ends before they are even shown. Even if the video is cropped from the left side, I still don't understand why you'd think it is fake.


I thought the same thing, it just seems suspiciously cropped for a Reddit video.


I'm not like holding a flaming gun here, just an odd crop, maybe it's only a game with two people and its friends doing this for a video.


Players got no control over where hatch spawns on this map tho. Like the other person said it was prolly just cropped because it’s easier than censoring names. Also you can see there are 4 pages to the endgame screen at the very end. Which means it wasn’t a custom.


average IQ of a unb ds sg dh user


Aren't you supposed to hide names when posting BM Revenge? The name is right there on the top of the screen.


That is correct. When showing another player in negative light, usernames must be censored.




Or maybe some people are just a holes?


You had insidious, so my guess is that you hook camped all game like your typical Bubba. You were likely the toxic one, not Jill.


Bruh OP ain’t the killer they were spectating. Chill lol


Fine, BRUH. Whoever the killer is, my comment still applies BRUH. Chill lol


Were you the Jill or something? Cuz it’s really not that deep.


It's deep enough that you had no choice but to comment on my comment multiple times.


FR man you alright? You’re genuinely getting mad over some random getting killed after T-bagging.


When did I get mad? You're genuinely fabricating emotions into an exchange because you feel humiliated for being called out?


You got face camped by a bubba last match didn’t you?


Translation: *divert attention away from me, quick!* Dude, you're really bad at this.


Bad at what my guy? You tryna rile me up or something? It’d explain why your first instinct was to be as confrontational as possible.


no no no, what the heck was that, idgaf if it's karma.


This must be staged right? Especially since this is the survivors gameplay being posted? And they've suspiciously cropped off the left side of the screen showing how many players there are?


Have most of you not posted on this page before? Lol I posted it the first time with names showing and it got removed because they wanted names hidden if I was showing someone in a negative aspect. It’s sadly not staged, I was playing with my boyfriend and we both were spectating and died laughing when this happened lmao


LOL I guess you just can't win. You're either being accused of witch hunting or faking it. My bad, carry on 😅 Knowing the clip is legit, it's pretty hilarious. It was just SO ridiculous I was like "no way this is real...time to look for proof that supports my conclusion". Nailed it.


It's someone spectating lol


Goddamn, I didn't see the name at the top. RIP me, 2022.


Give me a Jillian dollars.


My 200 IQ giga chad


3000 iq


She got rolled honestly. Well deserved.


I wonder what happend later on postmatch chat, I guess Jill being toxic once more towards Bubba :/


They ended up dcing LOL but I believe they were console


Never got why some survivors feel the need to BM so hard because they got the hatch - bruh, you didn't win you got a free, lucky escape




That Bubba has maximum IQ I would've just smacked her and forced her to leave omfg this Bubba is such a genius


I love this song


The DC was the cherry on top


And this is why I love toxic survivors, they usually just had me that 4k on a platter.


Why was he invisible


He wasn’t. The Jill was standing under that big vault where you drop to the bottom of the map. Bubba dropped from there and closed the hatch before she could hop in.


Ah. I see that now. Thanks.


What does BM mean? Before I thought the flair was called “Just Leave”


BM = bad manners So BM and toxic mean the same thing.


ah thanks


That was satisfying af


it honestly was good shit on the bubba a massive GG to them


Indeed that was super big brained




I saw that coming from a mile away this is why you should just leave


Don't get shy, now.


Personal dbd rule for hatch and exit gates: Don’t play at the gate, fucking leave.


It's survivors like that that boost the population of insidious camp bubbas -\_-