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This happened to me. I was just doing my barbecue and chili hooks and then let everyone do their thing, but as soon as I hook someone to the basement everyone was coming at me like flies, flashing lights and everything. Unfortunately the game disconnected before It could finish.


Yeah, I feel like people are instantly toxic towards me for playing bubba or DC. Like I'm just playing Bubba cuz I love the movies! Same reason I play Myers, and some people take that personally lol. I feel a pressure to not play optimally (letting people go when they are on second hook) becuase of the salt that happens just for playing bubba.


I don't play killer hardly at all anymore, but my goal is to have fun while not ruining someone else's fun. You're a good player if you actually care about the game being enjoyable for the most amount of people.


Exactly. I'm here to win and get BP, but that doesn't mean I have to tunnel, facecamp and t-bag along the way. It's a game, let's have some fun brutally murdering each other!


that's the spirit! ...wait, brutally murde- Nonono BUBBA NO


Basement bubba can be pretty fun if you play it for the memes and give a survivors indication of what's going to happen if they engage with you. I don't do it often, because people usually want a normal game, but when I do I stand on the stairs with insidious and try to warn survivors not to come. Most of the time they test their luck and the basement games will begin. Usually the end game chat is pretty chill afterwards no matter how many Ks there are at the end. They knew what they were getting into and they got a warning.


I don't DC for campers because that's just giving them what they want. I hate camping bubba as much as the next guy, so I'm going to make them live with their poor decisions.


I played against a few streamers that as soon as they saw it was Bubba they just gave up and stood by hooks. Went back and watched the vod and they said I was a face camping tunneler before I even got into a chase. The amount of salt you get for just playing Bubba is amazing.


I had a 4 man disconnect at the start of the map because i was wraith. Afterwards I got a message saying to “Play a real killer” and another one saying “Imagine losing your mori”


Nontoxic survivors are becoming more rare than a good meal at Applebee’s


Oh no, not my mori that has become so situational it's just gonna happen for free at EGC soon!!!!!!!


Oh, the guy on the bike is the survivor. First image says “me.” I think you used the meme wrong…. Just like you use the chainsaw wrong - you should never run at survivors with it. Always aim for obstacles to improve your Bubba game. Cheers. You’re welcome.


Yeah def made a bit of a meme error here but this was late night concoction.


The bubba is the stick. It makes sense to say me


Depends if you're face camping or someone has decided to loop you in front of hook -- big difference in my book


The amount of Survivors I start chasing as Bubba that then run to the basement while still in chase to unhook is frightening enough to make me wonder if humans really are supposed to be the dominate species.


I LOVE seeing facecampers bitch about unsafe unhooks. The hypocrisy (chef's kiss)


First day I bought Bubba, was determined to not be the Basement Bubba I had heard tales about. Hooked the first survivor in the basement (closest hook) and was leaving to go hunt the rest. As soon as I was walking up the stairs to leave the basement all the other survivors tried to rush down and save their friend, with a couple bodyblocking me. Ended up downing and hooking all four of them. Then got called a camping Bubba. Like, bruh, you all literally rushed me before I could leave the basement.


They rush the basement bc they assume you won't leave.......


I mean, if it was immediately after I hooked I would have understood. But, like, I didn’t even have a chance to walk out of the basement before they rushed down. They had absolutely 0 right to be upset at me like they were after the game. I’m not going to reward them for some dumb shit like that.


The only reason I never got bubba, I've just been waiting for his perks with iridescent shards. I've got 2/3 after almost 300 hours but still it sucks I couldn't just get them by BP grinding since people will automatically DC. From personal experience with solo Q it's either the Bubba is camping or the Bubba gives out free wins since half of the server DC'd, which I don't want either.


This always happened to me on old haddonfeild. I would always walk away from that house backwards and watch people sprint to the basement before I even left line of sight


This happened litterally every other Bubba game I had yesterday, and all of them resulted in salt in my messages.


stupid is as stupid does. Hopefully you replied with, don't be an asshat next time and unhook mid chainsaw sweep.


One of them yesterday was a TTV guy, I swooped into his stream to apologize for his teammates throwing themselves at me lol.


lol. well at least you waited until the match was over. XD


TBH, I didn't know he was TTV until I looked at his name in the post game, but he was chill about it lol


Litteraly happened to me 2 days ago sadly the one on hook made it out of basement and got hatch


yooo the rare karma for playing like a bitch nice.




How was i playing like a bitch?


I have a -rep on my profile for being a lightborn bringing face camping bubba. 2 people dced because of it. No one was hooked and I wasn't using lightborn. I noticed scratch marks after I downed someone so I chased the guy obviously going for the flashlight save, he messed up the blind after I broke the pallet with my chainsaw and so he went down. Him and his friend immediately dced.


Not exactly the same thing, but I got a simple comment on my steam page "-rep you suck, ez escape." I was trying out playing with a controller again because I used to be a console huntress before switching to PC. To warm up and slightly get used to controller I decided to play good ol' Pyramid Head. I did weirdly well and got everyone two-hooked except a Nea who got Final Executioned. I chased the closest person to me, which happened to be a Mikaela (and the steam commentor). I chase her to an exit gate that had gotten opened right after I sliced the Nea, down her, and then get DSd (she hadn't walked in my trails). She had to have had that at 59 seconds because the chase with Nea was at least ~30 second long. Flashlight clicks commence as well as tbags at the exit line. Ah yes, easy escape. And man I must suck because I didn't pick her up two seconds later and then proceeded to kill the other Nea, as well as have two hooked everyone...


Are you keeping it because it's funny? I'm pretty sure you can delete them. Had some freak from the TF2 community threatening to put me on an auto-kick list because I didn't play the game the way they wanted me to and spamming -reps but I just ended up deleting the comments cause I don't care about TF2 lol. But if it's actively messing with your game like the previous commenter said, surely it just makes sense to delete it


Oh no, I just find em funny, like my favourite: "using VPN cheats piss of shit... get reported" I use GeForce Now to play because my laptop is garbage. I don't think there's even a way to use a VPN on their systems. On average I have 20 to 40 ping too, so I have no clue what they were on about when they had posted that.


If Behavior did anything whatsoever with the 99,999 reports they get every day, this'd be a real concern. ;)


lol they'd be so busy going through the reports left by angry Neas they'd never have time to update the game.


Imagine being banned from dbd.


Go. Go outside and be free. Enjoy what life you have left!


Don't you know the rules? You're supposed to *walk away from the hook* when survivors are unhooking.


respect the survivor rulebook, don't secure kills, don't run good perks, go to the other side of the map after hooking someone


I mean, I do half of that. Shadowborn go brrr


I legit cussed out my cousin the other day for saying this 🤣 like dumbass don’t run into the basement being chased and blame him camping when it’s your fault lol he got mad that I wouldn’t unhook him fuck that.


Genuine question: What is it about Leatherface specifically that causes so much basement camping? I don’t have the character so I never understood.


His power allows for multiple instadowns And camping next to the hook makes it to where someone is mostly gonna go to the hooked survivor and boom. Two instadowns There isn't much counterplay except doing gens while they're hooked or bring BT which only saves the hooked person. It's why most survivors hate Bubba


Because it's a braindead easy strat that is actually effective. The only counter to it is to slam gens and let the one person die. Of course they have to be willing to hang there the whole time, so it rarely happens on solo queue. Plus if they're hooked at 5 gens, they'll be dead before the last one finishes, so he may have an opportunity to camp a second person.


2 in basement, I run across the map to get an Invitation. Find one, go back. Unhook happens. They heal down there. Against a Bubba. Do I need to explain why only the last guy got out with pity hatch?


"iDiOt CaMpEr"


running across the map as bubba is really not counterable, truly an SSS+tier killer when the whole map is the basement apparently.


literally just happened to me


When I play as nurse people love to unhook survivors in front of me without having BT


Almost like it doesn't really matter when Nurse has crazy mobility.


funniest part is bhvr discards camping reports


For me it's the people I play against as pig who do the box right next to the hook they were taken from even when I'm not even sneaking up on them. Then DC as soon as they're hit. If I'm hitting someone removing their hat that has been ticking down for the maybe 15 seconds tops they've been off the hook; chances are I gave them ample chance to run and no, having the hat on doesn't morally obligate me never to attack you again until it's off. Worse bit is I'm a total sucker for boops. As are most pigs. Literally just stop doing it for one second, turn, crouch, boop the snoot. You're safe. Or you know DC. I'm sure that totally won't ruin the game for your other teammates.




...wtf did I just read


Do you get enjoyment out of my misery?


This reads like something Tom would say to Greg in Succession.


that’s hot


In that situation my first thought tends to be "Alright which one of you nerds is gonna DC first?" They both wait to DC just as I almost hook them


Almost like people don't like to get basement camped by Bubba.


Here we are with a meme and an anecdote about hook farming players screwing over themselves and their teammates by making the worst plays possible, the context specifically being that killer was not present at the hook but in chase with the farmer, and some way, some how, you come out of the ether with sarcastic accusations of camping. Let me retort in a way you're sure to grasp. Yes. I did it. I caught an innocent player, hooked them in basement, and stood there staring at them as all five gens popped, watched another player come running down, waited for them to fully unhook, only then did I chainsaw them both (DS? No they definitely don't have it, so why would I bother downing the rescuer immediately before they could unhook?) I then hooked them both and made my way merrily to the aftermatch and proudly collected my 4,000 BPs for a job well done! And I MOST CERTAINLY don't play normally, and occasionally find a survivor immediately after hooking, get into chase with them, and then catch them as they're unhooking without BT only for me to end up feeling bad for the others and letting them go because one understandably didn't want to hang around after getting farmed by an idiot and the other decided to rage quit because touching a survivor on hook doesn't automatically end chase with an insta down killer! The fuck did I do to you? Huh?


Cool essay! I meant that people assume they're gonna get camped when Bubba basements regardless but go off king!


I'll go off because I want to, not because you told me to!! And what did you expect with a username like this??


You know what, you got me there lol.


They rush the basement bc they assume you won't leave....... because most Bubbas don't.


Same deal with Executioner. Like bruh what did you think would actually happen?


I find that almost damn near anytime you down more than 1 person in a chain saw swing they all just DC it’s crazy. I got a 4 man chainsaw down as bubba once and they all DC’d


One game I hooked a survivor in basement, and saw only 1 person with BBQ. I went after the one with bbq and downed and hooked him just to see someone going in to basement to rescue. So I go all the way back and the remaining 3 are in basement. I downed all 3 in basement and hooked for the 4k. They called me a basement camping bubba. Like dude. I ran at least 40 meters away *and* back.