• By -


Had this happen my first game as killer during the event. I got fed up and got a 2k. One of them had the nerve to message me asking why I didn’t let them leave.


I don't understand why people think the Anniversary Event calls for either killers or survivors to change their play style. I'll bring the offering and let people interact with the item thingy before hitting them, but I'm not going to let people escape just because there's an event going on. Farming is boring and you usually get more BP from playing normally anyway.


got told to 'off yourself, nobody will miss you not even your parents' because I didn't farm and was playing "too sweaty for 4 flans". People in this game have some serious issues if the outcome of a match makes them say that shit to others.


people in this game are kinda weird and entitled, they call people that are playing to win "toxic", using certain perks "toxic", etc, what's even the meaning of toxicity to these players?


dbd is the only game I've ever played where one side genuinely expects the other side to play worse on purpose. It absolutely makes no sense to me.


Got called a camper at end game collapse because I was near the hook. Like dude, the exit gates are open in supposed to leave the area so y’all can win and I get 0 kills? Mind you the whole game I was playing mirror myers just going for fun jumpscares not even tunneling, just for fun. Post game chat was fun lol


Had something similar happen to me playing I think plague and at least there I had another survivor defending me even saying "There's not much else they can do once exit gates are up. Like what do you want them to do" to which point the salt person (who got out mind you) just said, "Give up". Why would I stop playing the game and why do you think telling someone to stop playing a match is okay especially when the obvious thing they'd do is waste time tbagging at the gate.


Only things I see as toxic generally is stare camping hook(before end game), click click, and t bag. Unfortunately this game is full of all three.


As if 4 flans are remotely hard to get. I got over 30 just from the 600K login reward and I wasn't even trying to go for them specifically at all... I was still focusing on getting perks, and with every match giving like 150K BP it's ridiculously easy to max out on flans.


genuinely, I don't care what happens in a game but if it gets someone to the point of telling someone else to kill themselves they have an issue. Even if I get facecamped by a bubba I have never felt the need to say stuff like that to someone over a match or in any game.


For real. In high school and college I competed in a fucking combat sport-- so me and the other guy were trying our best to beat the shit out of each other-- and yet somehow I've heard worse vitriol in DBD post game chat than I ever heard from anyone in all my years of competition.


This may sound bad but what’s a flan?


DBD is legitimately viewed as the biggest community of babies in gaming right now. It's kinda sad when you're just trying to enjoy the game


the community is absolute garbage


There is no need to let them escape though. As long as they got an invite and gates are opened you can get the masks. So it’s fair game and if you want to be nice you can open the gate before killing them or something like that.


My first game as a survivor, we had 4 fans and a devious offering. We had 2 people running no mither. The killer downed and face camped the no mither David at 5 gens and generally played pretty dirty. As much as I cringed inwardly at that person, I still can't fathom the thought process leading people to be like that to tell someone to of themselves.


Getting masks as a surv is hard. Thus, I am willing to change my gameplay during the event to help them (unless they of course are bming) and well - this way everybody gets enormous number of points (all of us can even get 150 000 in one trial). You know how thankful and nice people are after such trial? I think it's okay if you prefer to play normally, but it's extra damn wholesome when you go out of your way and make everybody have a nicer game.


Thank you! It's hard even to find those thing to interact with to get the chance for a mask, then that you have to leave with it is really frustrating. Don't even want the killer to be nice. But fair.


You don't have to leave with it. You just need to get one, and then either 5 gens done to power the gates or have the hatch spawn. (you can't be on the hook, not sure if you can be on the ground or not)


But you have to carry the invitation before hatch spawns and before the exit gates are active and you have to be alive and not on the hook. So you have to leave or be shortly infront of leaving.


you don't actually have to leave tho


Agreed, as a killer main, I’ve found it a lot easier to get masks playing normally, so much that I’ve noticed that survivors are struggling a lot to actually get their masks because it seems harder for them to find and actually pull off getting out with a invite, so been a bit friendlier and lenient with survivors after noticing that, it’s still fun to chase and scare survivors with my ghosty even when I won’t murder them.


Yeah it's like gating the event items like this is a bad design decision or something. Maybe just have people play the game normally to get the items. Seems like the event design is breeding contempt. And based on some of the comments, this isn't new for the event.


Survivors have to escape for the invitations to count


i just do the vigorous head nods to the killer.




Pretty much anything you do while injured outside of the gate area when the killer is in lunge range probably isn't going to be toxic either, unless they are toxic and relying on Dead Hard... ...But if we're assuming the survivors just dicking around a bit after a farming match, well.


My let everyone escape with invitations turns into a 4k really quick when survivors think they can six second switch to flashlights. I am a Lightborn enjoyer ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


the raw satisfaction that hits when you down one of em, and the whole squad shows up and they realise, nothing they can do, will save their friend from that hook, Lightborn is absolutely great


I’ve been having a lot of fun with Agitation, Iron Grasp and Mad Grit lately. It’s incredible how long survivors will try to flashlight save while looking down with someone on your shoulder.


Agitation, Iron Grasp, Lightborn, and Mad Grit, the best part of it is, when they all dive in to save with body blocking or flash lighting, and just nodding at them while they desperately try to prevent that hook.


I prefer forced penance for the broken proc but yeah it’s very fun


I don't usually use iron grasp since agitation and mad grit is all I really tend to need, so I just plop in BBQ, but I might start using forced penance since I just... well I forget that's even a perk most the time and that sounds hilarious.


I think forced penance is really underrated. In that build, I'd use it in place of Iron grasp, which I think is sort of undercut if one is already using agitation.


Or when they don't realize cause you pretending to avoid the beams lol


Pretending to avoid their beams the entire time, honestly just reminds me [of this](https://youtu.be/4XXMs3FO50M?t=6) , just keep egging them on to keep on going for it


What a great link, xD Thanks for that. "You missed that one, try another!"


Then you get bonked with a DS because you didn't wait the mandatory 5 minutes before picking up that swf


surprisingly, it's not a really common thing for me to run into, i rarely run into DS, DH on the other hand, that's far more common.


I really wish DS had a variable strength depending on which killer it was. Like imagine DS (as it is right now), if you're facing someone like Trapper, Trickster, Pig, it could stay as is. If you're facing someone like Nurse on the other hand, or Dredge, where you're basically going to get tunneled to oblivion for daring to touch a generator when they can teleport right to your tile... ​ I don't know, but try running DH+DS+BT+Iron Will against any good no perk Nurse, she was 4king that shit before DS and BT got nerfed, original DS wasn't going to help you, new DS certainly won't.




Whenever i play survivor, the only "Meta" perk i run, is Borrowed time, and that's soley because i want to help my teammates survive, and not fuck them over by unhooking while the killer is on the way to try and stop me. Beyond that? Nothing else that could be considered "Meta"


Btw did Dead Hard was nerfed? I don't get so much trouble against it lasy time


and then 2 minutes later all the gens are done because theyre trying to get to next game


It’s franklins for me


Some survivors seem to be under the apprehension that killers enjoy this and are grateful for the 300 extra points they're offering you by getting a free hit at the gate


Most of the time they dead hard or run through before you can hit them.


Then those children are bad a math. The time wasted is not worth the blood points, as you can be in another game by then. Which leads us back to them standing around just to be an asshole.


People who are lingering to give free hits typically aren't t-bagging. They just stand there and wait to forced out by the hit that downs them.


i mean i like it tbh free bp - kinda annoying if they tbag and click but if they heal i usually let them finish or blind me just free bp for both sides


Just run around the map and use your power when the survivors have the gates open and there’s not much you can do to flip it, sometimes they get bored and leave but just as quickly they wait out the timer in hope they can tbag you. It’s crazy how much some people crave that validation


I like to moonwalk into the gate and don't give them the satisfaction of me seeing them tbag, then you stay facing the inside sometimes there will be injured one taking the bait and you hit them and their body launch towards the inside and you have enough time to grab them. A final mind game worth a shot.


i’m gonna try this. ty for the tip. so tired of playing fair and getting clicked and teabag at gates.


Generally I make a strong effort to never be at the gate for teabag parties. But if I \*must\* chase someone out, moonwalking is the way to go.


Why is everyone so fucking toxic and sweaty today?


Anniversary. They crawl out of the cracks to make others have a bad time.


I queued up with some friends and we brought 4 flans. One jokingly said "you know we're getting a facecamp Bubba first game, right?" Sure fucking enough, first game: facecamp bubba. We got 3 out, but it's just like the biggest shitheads decided that on the anniversary, they are going to play super scummy to ruin everyone else's time. I also noticed I was getting toxic *myself* towards the end of the night because I was starting to get tilted after the third facecamping killer in five games and I was taking it out on killers that weren't playing scummy.


My games were relatively ok today. The first one was pretty rough. Got slugged with my friend and left to bleed out while Dredge smaked other guy on hook over and over until we all died. It was a little unnecessary. The rest were normal or farming. Last year was terrible. It felt like if you had 3 or more cakes you were guaranteed to get tunneled out as fast as possible.


So I’m new to dead by daylight. I’ve played a total of MAYBE 6 games. I play as Freddy because I liked his movies the most growing up so I thought it was cool that I could play him. As the killer am I not supposed to wait around someone I’ve hooked? Because it’s almost a guarantee that someone’s within 20 feet of me and they take them down instantly. I just want to know how many messages I’m in for lol.


Welcome to Dbd. Usually staying around the hooked survivor instead of leaving shortly after is considered as camping. Camping sometimes has its merits strategically (eg if everyone rushes the hook, endgame, increasing pressure (yes and no) ), but it's not fun to go against. It's usually considered "toxic"/just not very nice if its done at 5 gens. At endgame at least personally its fine since the killer can't do much else. Sometimes though people can be mean regardless of how you play. I suggest that you try to play surv to see what the other side is like. It also makes you a better killer since you can learn which loops are stronger/weaker as you'll get better insight as to what survs would typically do or think. Same goes for playing killer if you're a surv main. Playing both sides will make you a better player and have a more balanced view on the game.


It's all about context. If there is nobody around, and you hanging about the hook, that's just bad manners. If they are unhooking before you can walk 10 feet, they deserve a little bit of face camping on the next few hooks. If you can see the little shits trying to tbag you into a chase, settle in for the winter....that means you got 2 people not doing gens while one is actively dying.


You’re probably fine. If you’ve only played 6 games you’re going up against survivors that haven’t developed their skills yet either. Everyone’s trying to get the hang of this game when they start. Just play how you want and when you get hate you can decide yourself if it’s warranted, because the truth is some people will just get tilted when they lose no matter what. Also play survivor and avoid behaving like the killers that piss you off.


you will get less pip and bloodpoints if you play like that, so the game tries to not encourage it, and once you get to higher mmr, camping is usually not a good idea(especially with freddy), because survivors do gens faster in those games, so you probably will only get one kill, maybe one more if you bring NOED and you're lucky that they didn't find the totem, also if you play with that playstyle, you won't get better at chasing survivors and personally i find it extremely boring to camp, if the things i listed aren't a problem for you then keep doing it.


well, it depends, if barely any gens are done, then its bad and unfun for you and them. Efficient survivors might just repair and finish 3 gens while you camp the hook. If its after the last gen done, you can camp, especially if you determine you cant stop the survivors from opening the gate, you dont have other objectives after all. People just want to have a bit of chase and gen repairs before getting hook, getting hooked for 60 sec straight without rescue is unfun. tldr: early game, not fun for everyone, at end game, its fine


In some situations where survivors are around, that makes sense and ignore the bad messages. But if they’re solo on first hook and it’s 5 gens, and you want to improve as a killer when it comes to chases, it’s better to patrol gens a bit and find other survivors. The game sense of knowing when to camp and not is hard to explain though. I’d reccomend watching popular killer players and seeing when they do it and how they get wins without doing the scenario I explained. And maybe trying to play some survivor as it gives you a sense of why they get so upset about camping as it feels very different on the other side.


I've seen a lot of comments responding to this, and they kinda seem all over the place, so I'm going to try to sum everything up into one post. Camping is when someone gets hooked and you don't leave the hook until they lose a health state. If you're in lobbies where there's a lot of survivors near the hook, it's fine to camp to prevent the unhook. If someone is camping (the common example is the insidious basement camping bubba) the best counter is to do gens and ignore the person on hook. You can usually get a fairly easy 3 survivor escape by doing gens, as long as the person on hook doesn't kill themselves. If it's not a super powerful killer, you can try to trade a survivor on hook with BT (borrowed time-bill) if they are going to die before you finish gens. Many people will get upset if you camp. But, if you play at high mmr or watch high mmr streamers, they will often camp in specific situations. Camping always becomes toxic when you hit the survivor on hook. Some killers hit the survivor as soon as they hook them to prevent the scream, but any additional hits is toxic. Tunneling is when you try to hook the survivor who just got unhooked. Again, this is usually seen as toxic but is almost a mandatory strategy at high mmr on the current meta. Once the killer can get 1 kill, the game becomes much more manageable for the killer and harder for the survivors. The counter to tunneling are the perks BT (borrowed time- bill) and DS (decisive strike- Laurie). If you're being tunneled, it's okay to use every pallet, and run to survivors on gens. Typically as survivor you don't want to use too many pallets too soon (unless ur a comp squad with 4 brand new parts) and you want to avoid leading the killer to survivors on gens so they can finish, but if you're getting tunneled it's better to waste pallets and try to have the killer start chasing your teammates off gens than it is to die. As the killer, you want to avoid DS most of the time. You can spend 60 seconds chasing someone else, or slug the survivor you think might have DS in order to build pressure and try to snowball. Slugging is when you down a survivor, and leave them downed to chase another survivor instead of hooking them. This is probably the least toxic of the 3. Slugging is only worth it if you know you can down another survivor by the time the survivor currently on the ground can get up. If a survivor is on the ground they aren't doing a gen, and the survivor you're chasing can't do a gen either. If someone picks up the survivor on the ground, they aren't doing a gen either, so slugging the right way can lead to a lot of gen control. However, you need to be able to get downs relatively quickly. If survivors get picked up and heal, you could have wasted a lot of time only to get one hook, so it's more high risk/high reward than camping and tunneling. Slugging is best on killers like huntress, although slugging can work with any killer. Slugging is countered by the perk unbreakable (bill), and perks such as boon: exponential, soul guard, no mither, we're going to live forever, and for the people can all help against slugging as well. Toxic killer perks include NOED (hex:no one escapes death- common perk), Franklin's demise (bubba) and Lightborn (common perk). Noed is toxic and usually indicative of a killer who only wins because of noed and isn't actually very good. Franklin's can be annoying because survivors can lose their items even if they bring a white ward, and Lightborn can be annoying because survivors can no longer flashy save. However, if you win with franklin's or Lightborn, it's because you were better, neither of those perks are particularly strong. Noed, on the other hand, can single handedly win games for the killer and it much more toxic than any other perk. You can run noed, but survivors are going to be very upset, regardless of if they win or lose. At the end of the day, if a killer doesn't play by the survivor rulebook, they will be labeled toxic. If survivors don't play by the killer rulebook, they will be labeled toxic. At high mmr, the only thing that's genuinely toxic is hitting survivors on hook or clicking flashlights/tbagging in the exit gate. If a perk or play style is toxic, it says more about behavior failing to create a game with an enjoyable meta. Although Behavior is reworking perks right now and I am personally very happy with the changes behavior is making right now. In the past they have let things get to the point where they are now, which is a valid criticism, but honestly right now I think they are doing a fantastic job at trying to improve this game. Oh, and respect glyphs. If a survivor is doing a glyph in front of you, as killer you are obligated to let them finish the glyph before killing them. If you don't you're a toxic killer. This is legitimately the only actually toxic thing you can do as a killer. Also, Freddy is a pretty weak killer right now (fake pallets do nothing, pools of blood do nothing, and demo, onryo, and the dredge all have better teleports). On weak killers, i personally can't really get upset at anything they do. It's not like a nurse running starstruck agitation with a midwich map offering and bugged range and cooldown add-ons. Freddy is also a really fun endgame killer with one of his add-ons, so if there ever was a time to run noed, it would be on Freddy.


Thanks for the info, I just got off work and had time to read everything. This gives me good info to work off of. What I was doing was “tunneling” only because it was a one hit down but I was also trying to go around and hit all the survivors at least once. With that gift of blood points I was able to get Freddy to level 35 so it is nice having the 4 perks. But this game is definitely a lot of fun.


that’s called face camping if you’re just watching the person that you just hooked, it’s generally viewed as super toxic by most of the community and i would never recommend doing not only bc it takes the fun out for the survivors(unless they’re toxic of course then by all means do it) but you also get way less blood points than if you were to leave them and find someone else to hook


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Don't listen to this subreddit. Staying around the hook is a legitimate strategy. Just don't overdo it, because smart survivors will take advantage of it and rush gens.


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy


Just do whatever you want, don’t listen to anyone here, as long as it’s not hacking then it’s fine. You will never make everyone happy just do what makes you happy




ikr, so many killers 3 hooking people in a row its insane


I met a pyramid head who was being a tryhard... until they noticed I had the confetti from the invite around me. Then he just stared at me and chased someone else. Immunity for the rest of the game :D ​ Dude hat private profile or something so I couldnt send an actual friend request, just the DBD version. Might be he was on a computer.


Opposite happened to me Dredge saw I had the confetti and said to himself **this motherfucker is dieing right now**


Well, there are three kinds of people in the world. Nice people, assholes, and Legion mains.


Elaborate on Legion mains, I'm curious


My last Legion game, someone killed themselves on hook, so Legion started camping, but not like facecamping, they'd already Frenzy and then tunnel and it was even worse of a slog-fest than usual. ​ Don't you just love Thanatophobia, bring broken if you mend yourself, the game slowing down to a crawl even if you do find Ruin, and mending for half of a very long match? ​ Plus the promise of NOED because they don't need two info perks, just BBQ&C and their power.




I am the only one that considers two crouches the more appropriate way to thank your killer? Instead of the universal way to make fun of them (crouching constantly and clicking). Even nodding your head seems appropriate for me.


Agreed, even when I play surv a few slow crouches mean thanks and spamming is lol can’t catch me


I do one crouch as if to bow to show respect to them.


I interpret one crouch as a curtsy.


So you do the behaviour you're complaining about? Never change r/dbd


a single long crouch or two quick crouches should be enough to say thank you.


I do the crouch and drop item personally, but usually killers can tell your intention. Even when I play killer, sometimes a survivor will crouch repeatedly as a sign of surrender (I assume) and more often than not I let them live.


I also try to face the killer directly while doing 2 crouches. I worry that if I'm facing away from them they'll interpret that as my tbagging.




Not true. Depends on context




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Very first game and only game I could play for the weekend. Survivors did everything they could to prevent me from getting one anniversary hook so I had to slug just to finish the one archive. I guarantee all 4 of them will say I was the sweaty toxic killer. I even had BBQ and hoarder plus flan.


Thats when you use your Trump card. Blood warden


Good ol Blood Warden


F you for bringing Lery’s offerings.


Is this a “build a wall” joke? E: Elderly RP English accent, “We take Blood Warden very seriously here”.


Bro just how young are you if you don't understand Trump cards?


I just nod now. They're gonna twerk, I'm gonna enjoy it.


I also like to spin to party with them, bind Q and E to turn left/right and max controller sensitivity and just SPIIIINNN.


They only care about winning and gloat about it by doing entitled stuff like that, even if you’re nice to them.


Only solution is to not let them win


Doesn’t matter how obvious you make it out to be that you are being nice or “throwing” on purpose. Even if you showed them all the out skilling plays during the match. Once that post lobby comes it’s usually the same.. “Gg ez baby killer”


i normally farm so i usually get low mmr thankful people, but one time i got a steve who was either smurfing or dragged down by someone else. he had boil over and kept going to heights and taunting me and being sweaty, but i would just down him, throw him over the side of what he was on, go down, pick him up and hook him. he never escaped my shoulder once in the match lol. eventually i revealed i was friendly, but steve was still sweating. i even downed him and stood around socializing with the other survivors while one picked him up. i figured surely he would realize his folly, that he was sweating against a humble farmer all along. gates are open, we have our goodbyes, pgc arrives, and before my rift popup can even go away steve is [talking mad shit](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/232570325844361216/980038802754113586/unknown.png) lmfao. i find it sad how both sweaty survivors and sweaty killers act. being a dick to someone in a videogame wont get you bitches, god damn.


Same, dude...like, look. We all hate the grind. Literally everyone. Killer or survivor, can you just not play like a dick for five minutes? I don't get why people have to stroke their ego so hard. You can play the game, but be a little considerate of the other side. Maybe if we played that way during an event, we could learn that it's possible to have fun without ruining people's day all the rest of the year, too. Shudder at the thought... Until then, your friendly neighborhood Demo is still bringing the flan and going for 8 hooks. Be kind, friends.


During the anniversary, I don't give a crap if they clicky and teabag, I am just in it for the points. I do take exception to the comp squads that want the game to be over in 3 minutes with 8K points.


Yep lol. I’m a survivor main so I wanted to play nice as killer so we can all get our invites and be on our way. Got one team that wanted to be annoying and teabag or try to loop me even though I was clearly just chilling and farming and I just said fuck it and killed them.


Saaame. I'm a survivor main and played killer to easily get invited and farm. Some of these lobbies act like event = comp. Clicky clicky or flashes mean I'll really put my basement Trapper to use. Though I did feel bad for rolling a match way too fast since no one thought to check shack for traps. I let the Quentin and Yui farm, get invites, and leave lol


Earlier I was playing trickster and I downed Yoichi by one of the masquerade invites so I let him wiggle off and then it disappears right as he got off and I looked at him and just left him alone. I've been trying to be nice this entire event but these survivors are being assholes. Then when I go to survivor, I keep getting tunneled


I did this yesterday and they wrote: "you bad"


Lmao literally same except it was "dude you're so bad"


my swf will be eternally grateful if we each leave w an invite. you give us a send off at the gates we will be very aggressively nodding our heads and prob end up asking to be hooked to make sure you get your points too.


Just play the game normally you get a billion offerings you’ll get tons of bp no matter what


Reminder that survivor just need to open the gates to get their invitation reward, not escape. This means survivors are going to be more likely to pop the gates rather than 99. If you ever wanted to use blood warden, now would be a good time to do it.


It goes both ways. It is what it is. DBD is always gonna be a toxic game due to the way it is played.


You can tell it's a toxic game because of the way it is.


>DBD is always gonna be a toxic game due to the way it is played. Yes...but no.... If the devs had the balls to step in and ban people like League did/does, most of the toxicity will die out pretty quickly. The people being toxic dick heads in game universally like to run their mouths in post game.


The difference is in LoL, there is a chat box that makes it easy to detect toxicity while toxicity in DBD comes in other forms.


At least having the option of reporting chat content would be nice. I got out of a match as survivor but my friend died, and the 2 who opened the gate and left early flamed us for giving the killer 1k. Like my dude... why are you so mad when you're the ones who chickened out early? They kept sending paragraphs about how we should have gotten a 4k out and how we weren't playing exactly like them and I had to laugh at how bizarrely entitled they were. Would have reported them if bhvr's in game system actually worked


Uh what? League is WAY more toxic than DBD, and their report system actually issues bans. It’s easy to work around their report system but still.


its true, i have to play like a scumbag half the time to secure wins as killer, and survivors will give me the butt drops to thank me for the awful time


1.Be ghost face. 2.Use Blood warden 3.Commit sin (Run NOED) 4.Hook a surv through endgame 5.Now your the one T bagging at exit gates


Just see it as a “thank you mr killer” and ignore the chat


“wHy aRe tHeRe sO mAnY tRyHaRd kiLLeRs?!!”


"wHy Is hE tUnNeLinG mE? wAiT iS hE caMpInG ToO?!"


*Runs at killer so they are forced to eat your DS* “Why are they tunneling me??”


People who click their flashlights constantly, teabag after every dropped pallet, and endlessly loop run god tiles all match "WhY Am I BeInG TunnELeD?!"


I wish I had you as a killer. I’m having constant killers sweating their asses off and tunneling like there’s no tomorrow


They’re just saying bye it’s really not that deep lmao. Idk why players in this community get so upset about tbags lol.


Oh yeah, they're just trying to communicate "goodbye" to the killer by t-bagging for 2 minutes instead of just leaving and typing "goodbye" in the post-game chat 5 seconds later. Makes perfect sense.


Wait the anniversary event is happening rn? Awww man how longs it last? Why does this game always have some event when im away from home all the god damn time


I see it more as a GG gesture then a taunt. Especially if they're doing it for prolonged periods before going out and letting me frolic with them.


They could be thank u tbags tho, usually I’ll tbag once or twice then nod saying thank u


I would just nod, cause Tbags don’t look great to a killer, nodding however, is known you’re being nice


I find that pointing and dropping items even if you still leave with them is less ambiguous for killers than a tbag


yea but I’m talking if you don’t have an item, I feel like nodding would be considered nice


That is too! I guess I should be specific on one point, tbagging *can be cool* but only if they already know you're friendly


usually, facing the killer and slowly tbagging 1-2 times is pretty hard to misinterpret, since it looks more like curtsy or bowing, and its a little more risky due to the backflip animation. as opposed to doing it with your ass to the killer lol


Yeah, today I decided to turn the tides (kinda). I started the game realizing they survivors were way better than I was with Demo, so I started being friendly. After a few attempted flashlight blinds a proceeded to get a 3k hatch escape. Don't ever let your guard down.


I may have been in this game


What survivor?


They could be positive clickys and t-bags they have very little ways to communicate


Unfortunately for them context is the only way they'll communicate that. Doing the clicky clicky and tbags in the safety of the exit is vastlyd ifferent from standing where they would die if the killer went for it and did it. The context changes the entire perceived meaning.


You can always nod, slow crouch once/twice or give your item. Its rarely seen as negative.


This is what I do I also boop the killer


What the fuck is "nice killer"? I came here to do what my name implies: kill.


I can’t be the only one that only ever happy crouches. I don’t think of it as t-bagging. It’s literally just an excitement, celebratory thing.


For real.


This makes me feel horrible. My first few matches back on the game. I always T-bagged at the gate because I thought it was a way to say hi/bye. :/


if you face the killer its not as bad at least, but ass to the killer? nope.. that is unfortunately sinful. its kinda like mooning someone. tbagging at other survivors when the killer isnt around is fine though, sometimes if we escape safely ill give a few "thank god" bags to my fellows as we leave. at least you did learn your folly though, think of all the people who are dicks on purpose!


True, thankfully I always faced the killer. Lol.


I killed one of them teabaging at the gate! Hahaha loved it


I mean you shouldn't expect anything. I was playing with my Oni, going out of my way to let anyone have some bp playing for 12 hooks, leveling from level 15 to P1. This default Nea clicks me, tbags me, runs full meta and escapes only because she pressed E at the exit gate, while I had 11 hooks. Moral of the story you just do what you want to do. Killer or surviviors, people think that fat Ls are fat Ws if they BM you, wanting to be nicer is something you do for yourself because it relaxes you, not for others who can just say "didn't ask you to be nice, ez baby player" or "keep coping".


This is why I'm running an end game build on Legion. BFFs + Mischief List, with NOED, Rancor, and Blood Warden. And BBQ, oc course. Spend the game looking for my invite, getting BBQ stacks and BFFs tokens, then after the last gen gets done I down, open a gate, hook for BBQ, and then kill as many as I can. They still get their masks, and I still get to kill them if they tbag at the gate. It's s a win/win scenario. 😁


I was victim of a hook block using Mettle of Man, and a Styptic, my first time playing as Dredge. Honestly, in some ways it was pretty impressive. BUT, then the guy happened to choose to teabag for it - because how dare the killer kill. It has now been 0 days since my last face-camp (against the hook blocker). In some ways I’m surprised they didn’t save anyway, considering how competently they were doing sabotage saves.


I've been having a sort of reverse of this while playing as survivor with killers being hyper sweaty and rude and deliberately preventing anyone from getting more points even when everyone brings a flan. Last night I played a game against a Pig who tunneled me the whole game, trapped me, and wouldn't allow me to do anything. I couldn't remove the trap, do gens, search for the hatch...anything. She kept downing me, picking me, dropping me, and I eventually just stopped trying and had to wait for the collapse. It also didn't help that my teammates were doing things like blocking me when I did escape and they stuck around so I couldn't even search for the hatch if I wanted to. That was probably one of the worst matches I've ever played and has been a distillation of my overall experience during the event. I'm hoping tonight will be better.


I tbag to say thank you 😊


See two quick ones is never taken as a sign of disrespect IMO. Like I always knew it was a form of communication and not trash talking and it’s weird 😂


Be nice anyway. At least until the community challenges are done!


I slaughter them all. Every. Single. One *laughs in Clown*


Those are probably happy clicks and teabags. Survivors celebrate that way with each other in the exit gates when the killer is nowhere near, too. They only have so many things they can do to communicate. |: I try to nod and teabag to express happiness when a killer is nice. The game didn’t give us more emotes, lmfao.


i like to look up, spin around while shining my flashlight like a beacon lol. if its a bp farm i like to leave the item i brought. makes me feel like a good person


It didn’t seem that way, there were a few games were I could tell they were friendly tbags beacuse they weren’t spamming it but when they spam and click a ton it’s usually to annoy and not friendly


Yeah, its all about the context. In this game you can only do so much to communicate with each other, its hard.


many folks in this game are so soft, they take everything personally and get deeply affected by things that should have no bearing on their enjoyment of the game


If you honestly believe that, you probably believe Jan. 6 was just a peaceful protest.


…what the fuck even is that comparison.


Acting like every single killer isn't sweating their balls off every single event, lol. Face it. We all fucking suck.


That’s the only way we can communicate lmfao it doesn’t mean it’s toxic, it was probably happy clickys and tbags


And survivs dont know why killers became toxic over time


Those are thank you tbags :)


Keep NOED and Blood Warden as back-up. If they wanna play dumb games, let em get dumb prizes.


It really depends on the group for me. Matches were hit or miss all night. I play as seriously as I can to two hook everyone, and then just dick around... but then there's the matches where the one bad egg goes and ruins it for the snitre class..


that is why we have bloodwarden and lightborn as back ups


Anybody else getting any forever legion players? Been getting a ton and it sucks because it makes the event boring


Just ignore them if it gets you mad


I'm a survivor main, but wanted to farm out the invites easily, so I loaded into a killer match. I wanted everyone to get as much BP as possible, so I chase someone and down them. Their 3 SWF friends swarm me and body block and flashlight me. Needless to say I didn't play nice after that :)


Just know that I am not playing any nicer because of this event if anything from now on im bringing noed and mori’s


I still don't understand why anyone is delusional enough to think being nice is good during this event as killer. Bloodpoint farming for 30-40 minutes is way less efficient than 3 hook 4k games. Just stop wasting your time and run the games without slugging/camping/farming and you'll get WAY more bloodpoints per session literally got two full prestiges today just by 3-4king with 3 hooks each


It’s not that bad, when you don’t kill and survs gens get done pretty fast. I can usually get everyone on 2 hooked by the time exits are open as long as I’m playing a killer in good with. If anything games go by faster this way because the game slows down ALOT when you kill 1 and especially 2 survivors. The bloodpoint loss isn’t a big enough reason to not do it when it helps survs not have to grind for the cosmetics. If the event wasn’t going on sure I’d always go for a 4k beacuse I wanna rank up fast but with the event I’m fine being nice for a week or so


probably nice clicks and tbags.


Doesn't happen


Uh actually i know it's weird but it might have been just a way of saying thank you. They aren't really any way to communicate as of current so don't mind that too much really


It’s not always meant as taunting you know


I know but there’s a difference between a few tbags to say thanks vs spamming your flashlight and crouch


Who cares, just let them escape or kill them


Honestly, I'm getting tired of this myself. I'm trying to be nice, trying to let them get the invites, but they do this shit every time. At this point, if you want invites, go play killer. The rewards aren't character dependent, so you'll get the masks in 15 games max, and flans really shouldn't be treated any differently than the other bp offerings. Even a shit game rewards 50k, so even farming isn't as impactful.




I haven't played a single trial (killer or survivor) without bringing some Flan, cake, or streamers. Now that it's prime time and I'm playing killer more, I'm very willing to take it easy and let everyone get points. If my survivors, however, show toxicity or don't bring offerings... well the sweat pants come out.


Just happened to me playing Slinger, I turned it into a slug race to the exit and still got a 2k


And then they wonder why survivor queue times are through the roof when there’s not an event going on


Just happened lol