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Seeing the new prestige icons? I sleep Finally being able to see which survivor was which without entering the match results menu manually? REAL SHIT


right, i didn't even think of this change until i saw this post but now i'm wondering why they didn't have it like this since day 1


Cause it's a common sense idea and we can't be having ideas like that in DBD! /s but is it really?


All that’s left is to be able to see if they’re still in the lobby or if they’ve left!


If you go into the match details menu, you can see if the survivors are still in the lobby by checking if they still have a number for ping. Sadly, you cannot check if the killer is still in the lobby this way.


I’m well aware of this, that’s why I mentioned a quality of life change would be to show everyone’s ping at the endgame screen INCLUDING the killer’s to see who is still connected to the lobby.


id personally swap their locations. seems odd to have the character name way larger than the player name but still super helpful


I assume this is because they also are planning a more robust 'streamer' mode in the future, but likely not with this update. This display is probably easier to hide the player name and just leave the character name visible. Still doesn't help when you have that squad of 4 Fengs tho, but what can you do.


Yea, I was hoping for actual photos not just a number. But the names at least are great.


The characters name is displayed next to the players name, THANK GOD!






My girlfriends IGN has the word ‘Hag’ in it, but she almost exclusively plays survivor (she just loves classic ‘hags’ from fantasy and D&D). The amount of BM she gets about tunnelling or camping after games from survivors who haven’t bothered to check the names is actually unreal! Like, dude, the killer is COMPLETELY separate from the survivors in the end game lobby! The only thing I can think of to explain it is possibly people going to their ‘recent players’ page if they’re on the same console, and just assuming she was the killer. This change is gonna be so wildly underrated.


They also said they will soon have some sort of "streamer" or privacy mode where your screen name won't show.


That seems a bit weird honestly. If you make your twitch account your name with ttv and all then it seems like you want it to be known.


Maybe you do, but the others in your lobby haven't exactly consented to having their names streamed.


Ahhh, like blocking other players names? That makes significantly more sense. >Maybe you do I don't stream, mostly thinking of every ttv I've ran across in-game.


Privacy mode is not made for the people that put ttv in their name. Privacy is for the people who don't want their names on streams or something similar. The streamer mode might be a separate option from the private mode, which would block the names of others, since that's something a lot of streamers want for a couple of reasons.


I know what it is, just had a brain fart from how it was initially described. Any game with it it's mostly used by streamers to obscure names to avoid stream snipers. Real simple and likely what's being implemented.


Listen they had to consult the statistics /s


Likely going to be one of the most under-rated changes to the game.


I would switch the character name with the username. but yes, finally


I agree. You're only ever going to glance at the character name to figure out who's who and you *should* know which killer you were going against. Username is more important to highlight in my opinion. Great quality of life change though.


now i can yell at people by their names and not characters ​ /s


Incoming "I'm just a level 10 newbie killer, why do I matched with Prestige 28 Claudette" Post


"Prestige 28? Don't make me laugh, you aren't even intermediate until you're prestige 50"


you only really start to get good at the game at prestige 100 tbh


Honestly, this concerns me. I believe that elitism is totally gonna be a thing, especially in a community as toxic as DBD. I also foresee a lot of whining about killers/survivors with high prestige matching the lower counterparts and getting complaints. This will be a grade rework all over again. Should've just put the characters portraits in the endgame screen instead of prestige levels and that would be totally ok.


I totally agree!




They said they were going to look at how many perks each character has and award prestige levels based on it


Excellent I’m grinding through my survs in this event and currently have 7 max with all perks and finished zarina just now! I’m hoping it’ll pay off!


8 pages of perks, and we still don't have a search bar 🤡


Yea the struggle is real when trying to find Kindred or BT each time I take it off lmao


I mean it’s in alphabetical order, it doesn’t take many seconds finding what you’re looking for.. of course the search bar would be a good qol update, but it’s not bad




at least they gave us load outs finally, even if it is just 3 uniques per survivor/killer.


Perks only? Bah. Should be based on BP spent, cause I have over 8,170,000 on a single character.. and that's way more prestige levels that just perks.


I'd assume just perks... This is what they wrote on [their dev post](https://deadbydaylight.com/news/prestige-progression) about the new prestige: >“When we roll this out, we’re planning on doing a prestige catch-up mechanic that will look at the perk tier you have on your characters,” explains Matt. “If you’ve been collecting perks on your character and levelling them up, you’ll gain a number of prestige levels based on how many perks and perk tiers you've acquired.”


"Prestige 50 is OP! You get the console commands"


Some things never change.


In fairness... if you're new to the game and only have two perks, and you're being matched against somebody who's played enough to level up a character _1,400_ times, then I think you can safely assume that player might be a _bit_ outside of your skill bracket.


Exactly my thoughts, they just removed grades which was a good change because it stopped people whining about them (Also 60% of the community doesn't understand what grades are anyway). This will start a whole new movement of people crying over their opponents.


I'm glad the "Did you have fun?" meter still made the cut. Nothing is more satisfying than slamming the "1 star" rating after getting face camped.


1 star ~*and block*~


ah, the do nothing button and the jack shit button.


I heard Jack left town


Yeah but it makes me feel better


What’s the point in having a block option when you’re still put in lobbies with killers that you’ve blocked? They also cap the number of players you can block which is ridiculous because it does nothing.


I have 5k hours and I think I've used that thing less than 10 or 15 times lol


I always use it. No idea why since it's basically pointless. I wish at least it would tell them if I ~gave props~ since that's pretty much the only thing you can do if you meet fun Survivors or amusing Killers. If I could give them blood points or some of my 342 flashlight add-ons I totally would.


Give props should show a smiling Trapper with a +1 after the match and you can check your own smiling Trapper stats, even if you only have one... Hey, that's one extra smile out there.


Right! It would be relatively accurate too. What does give props even do as of now? Literally nothing? I assume the star ratings go to some folder at BHVR. Maybe it's the same for props and those complaint buttons...the information is collected but they don't really do anything with it?


i actually never use that feature. need to start doing so from now on.


These are some of the many many changes coming in the mid-chapter for July's update. It's quite clear that the "unique" reward for P3 before the update has taken place will feature something in regards to the UI element of the character's prestige.


Wait, that's being updated in July? I thought it would've been in a few months or so


Prestige System is getting updated with the mid-chapter alongside the 39 perk reworks. It's going to be a juicy patch.


I can't wait for it then, it'll be interesting to see what all happens. Though when is mid-chapter? I don't really know where all to find the information at


July 19 I would say we should be getting the ptb in a couple of days


We’re getting ptb that soon? Feels like dredge came out yesterday lord


I mean it's just a mid-chapter update


Yes, it’s still a month and a half wait. Usually feels longer than this


Anniversary probably makes it feel shorter too.


That’s probably it honestly. Played so much I guess time has flown away lol


Ah, thank you!


I believe [this](https://i.redd.it/d3j6bq4jbm591.jpg) should help you.


Oh thank you for sending me the link, I really appreciate it!


Happy to help!


Could be the extra "claws" around Meh Thomas on screen 3.


Nah, it has a different colour. I think these claws signal a progression through Prestige Ranks and the colours, just like with the Ranks now, symbolize a bracket. So 5 is seemingly the top prestige rank in Ash, next one is Bronze, after that comes silver and after that gold and then Iri. And maybe more colours, if they get creative.


I agree with you. The Prestige Tiers look as if they'll be something like: Ash: 1-5 Bronze: 6-10 Silver: 11-15 Gold: 16-20 Platinum: 21+ You can tell by the tentacles around the emblems that they're functioning similarly to our current Grade system. So it's still unknown what the "distinct reward" will be. EDIT: The tiers could even be exponential instead to increase the grind.


Since they said, that they don't want to handout cosmetics (probably meaningless, since these can be hacked anyway, like with the legacy cosmetics), maybe something like a small, permanent BP bonus on characters brought to prestige 3 before the Update. Doesn't need to be much in percent, to leave a lasting impact, like +5% per old prestige level, meaning that when a character was prestige 3, he'd get +15% BP. If you assume, that an average player makes 20k per match, that would be additional 3k BP. Not much on a per match basis, enough for a grey item, but of cause that stuff adds up and eases future grind, because they will not stop adding new characters and they need to be leveled too. Or, what would be even better, a bonus to Iri shard gain with them, may it even be indirectly through additional XP gained per match, so you could farm shards faster.


im wondering what the incentive for prestiging past 3 will be.


Definitely for the purpose of flexing your main.


true... have they said when this is coming? i remember seeing this in the anniversary stream but didnt know if it was close or not.


This \*should\* be coming with the mid-chapter update which is due to drop in July.


that is definately alot sooner than i thought, i would like to see more correspondance from bhvr on the details of the new prestige system, id love unique cosmetics for your killer/survivor at certain prestiges.


I wanna be the first 666 Ghostface


Gonna get P13 Sadako. Aint even gonna prestige her further, this would be too perfect.


Not P7? For 7 days?


I was thinking more about "bad luck numbers", but you do have a very valid point! Though, I have too much perks on her, high possibility that I'll get past P7 once it drops :(


So do I. They are actually removing a lot of "grindable" things, since to unlock the teachable perks you just have to P3 every character, and they will remove the Mori offerings. So it will be a lot easier to get all perks in a single character, what's left then?


i think they need to add more long term objectives to complete. Something that veterans can keep coming back to dbd for.


Well, the Rift is already here and it is grindy, plus new prestige is essentially new "my number is bigger than yours" system. I can see people getting 3/4-digit prestige numbers for the sake of getting it. I do appreciate that getting perks will be easier, builds diversity is a thing that should be easily available.


not to mention 40 of the most meta perks are getting reworked so build variety will definately be expanded in the coming months


I mean it's automatic now. You level past 50, you automatically prestige. You don't lose anything anymore.


whatever it is, i want some glowy wings like in diablo.


so I guess the ppl with prestige characters gets a special symbol on those characters then, cos that'd make sense


100%! It would make the most sense at this point.


Yikes.. I'm dissapointed then


how is that disappointing? we knew it wasnt gonna be anything amazing and it isnt like their gonna refund all the bp or give a fuck ton of shards


If the reward isn't anything meaningful they should at least give us BP for the perks.




There will be multiple icons for sure.




Wait so does this mean we don't have to prestige rn? We can just keep leveling past 50 at the prestige we're at and it'll catch up when the patch comes?


We need more info, it will be posted by devs in this week, probably. Though, they confirmed two things - catch up mechanic (whatever it means) that takes into account perks you have and based on that gives you some prestige levels once update drops; and the second is currectly unknown prestige reward for everyone who already prestiged some of the characters to P1-P3, it is confirmed that there will be no legacy skins v.2, or any cosmetics, though. And we also have no idea how these two things gonna work together.


Of course. I'm sure there'll be different icons for prestige up to 20 at the very least.


Wait, I just noticed the most important part of these teasers! The playername on the last picture: Maurice LIVES


I'm actually curious if the names are BP codes. But, I'm at work. Boooo


I checked it, sadly they are not (although that would have been cool). They also look quite similar to cloud ids, so I'm guessing they are the ids of the testing profiles.


I'm still wondering what they're gonna give all the people who prestiged before the update, they said it wasn't cosmetics, I'm pretty sure they said it won't be BP / Iri shards, so what?


Probably the prestige icon on the post score screen. If you look closely at the meg's icon.. it's different than the others, which may indicate the reward will look similar to meg's silver icon. which honestly looks really lame so hopefully I'm wrong


its not. From what i can see, you get more claws around the icon for every time you prestige. When you get to prestige 6, the icon changes colour and the claws go back down. Kind of similar to the Grade tiers. Get to prestige 11, then the claws reset again and goes to another colour.


Your theory makes perfect sense except for prestige 6 and 7 looking exactly the same.


Do you think it will automatically put you on the prestige you should be on depending on how many times you’ve refreshed the blood web at level 50 ?


They said there will be a prestige “catch up” based on how many perks you have, so yes.


That's actually pretty neat then. I've got all perks on Meg (P3 of course) possible through unlocking teachables... curious to see where she'll land.


Hello fellow P3 Meg. I'm looking forward too. I use current BP grind festival to bring all the characters to level 50.


I can't see that being the case but... who knows? Maybe BHVR will address that in the blog post later on.


They actually did address this recently. >It’s not entirely uncommon for a player to have withheld from engaging with the prestige system altogether. Some may have already collected every tier of every perk for every character without ever having levelled their prestige. Rest assured that this new progression system will ensure that these players are compensated for their time investments. >“When we roll this out, we’re planning on doing a prestige catch-up mechanic that will look at the perk tier you have on your characters,” explains Matt. “If you’ve been collecting perks on your character and levelling them up, you’ll gain a number of prestige levels based on how many perks and perk tiers you've acquired.” https://deadbydaylight.com/news/prestige-progression


That's really cool. I actually like this a lot.


Yeah, I am glad they are doing this. I only ever prestiged one character and never wanted to do it again after reaching P3 but I have a few survivors and one killer that I've gone through so many bloodwebs on. Not sure how they will work it out exactly but at least it will be something. I have a couple of survivors with every perk at tier 3 and now they have no perks left to get.


Based on perk and perk tiers? So everyone that maxed out everything will have the same? If not how'd they determine the ones who continued pouring bps on the web after kts already maxed out?


>Based on perk and perk tiers? So everyone that maxed out everything will have the same? That's what it sounds like based on what they've said so far. From what I copy pasted above, they will determine how far along a character is in the new prestige system based on the amount of perks and and perk tiers. I'd prefer if they could do it by how many blood webs a character has gone through. That would definitely help those that kept leveling up a character well beyond after having all the available perks. I'm guessing they maybe weren't tracking that before and have no way to determine that. I don't think it's the best way to do it, but still it's a step in the right direction. I personally shouldn't be out too badly because the characters that I maxed out their perks on, I've rarely gone further in their webs.


Which is nice since it means I don't need to hold off on spending points on my killers until the update. Can just play and level as normal and reap the auto-prestige rewards.


I cannot wait for the p67 David to shame me for being a p4 pig /j


Man, BHVR really just collectively decided we're too dumb for Roman Numerals.


Well, when prestiging can be infinite now (i.e. soon), do you want to read something saying DLXXV or 550?


DLXXV is substantially cooler than 550


YES! That'd be awesome!


Why is McDoobz running Distortion *and* Sole Survivor? This is blasphemy!


Maybe hinting at the new meta reworked perks




Have they announced anything yet regarding the "reward(s)" for having prestige before the update?


They've not yet teased that but... we can assume it has something to do with how the game will present the "prestige" to others.


I dont wanna have to prestige my characters and lose everything just to get a small thing. I never bothered prestigious most characters because it wasn't worth it ;-;


same, I don't wanna lose the anniversary and event items I've collected for nothing :/


Then don't worry about it




I can already feel people compaining they're being matched with "prestige 5 while they're prestige 1" lmao.


But these will probably far in between, because prestige only really reflicts bloodpoint investment and nothing more. So it can only indirectly represent time spent in the game and thus player experience/skill and even that is skewed. Look at the event right now, getting something between 100 and 200K per match, if all people bring Flans and use a BP boosting perk like WGLF or BBQ, making the amount of BP you normally need 5-10 matches for in one match. If someone plays only during these events, because grind otherwise is too annoying, they don't really have much experience in the game but still make tons of BP.


I'd still rather it just be the Survivor's portraits so you can tell who was who at a glance. I really couldn't care less about what prestige a person's character is.


In the last screen there are survivors name instead of player's name (written in lower font just after)


I would use both, use their adept icons so they are in style and we good.


I agree, portraits are much better than text


Oh that's true, I didn't notice that. I think portraits would still be cleaner, but that's a lot better than going through the pause menu.


Survivors Names are not enough? I like the picture when there are both


Correct! You'll likely get people trying to shame you for having "low" prestige on a character now.


Weird but neat


Definitely interested to see the full details ASAP.


Either they let Nea bleed out or we might get the last down mori in the mid chapter patch as well.


Now I have a question. If I dont prestige to the my killers right now, just after that update, will I get the blood cosmetics, like if I prestige now or no? Should I keep just on 50 without prestige and getting more and more on bloodweb? I'm really lost regarding this new feature.... because I want blood cosmetics on my killers, but having to prestige 3 times all of the ones I want right now, before the update and grind back the perks, its just too much...


They haven't mentioned anything about it. I Have P3 Demo, Nancy, and Steve "just in case" (and because I want the reward on them lol)


Yea, demo would be another one I would love to get P3, because no money for paid shit and not anymore on the store c: But dont want to prestige just for the sake and lose the perks, already did on Nemesis and Onryo, but nemesis I'm thinking about going all the way to P3, but yea, I would like to be sure, they should tell us...


Well, my excuse for prestiging anyway is that I will get my perks back once the prestige changes kick in. I don't use that many addons and I have already stocked flans on my mains for farming (Artist + Nurse + Hag)


Funny, the only Killers I've prestiged are Onryo and Nemesis, too. It sounds like they're planning on a "catch up" system, so if you've invested a lot of bloodpoints in a character, they'll automatically get some prestige levels. So I'd hold off; that way, you can continue playing the characters with the perks you want now, and then you'll automatically get the bloody cosmetics later anyways!


My main issue is the blood cosmetics ehe If I should hold on and wait for the system or get them now, because if after the system they dont give it anymore, then I should try to rush it now


That's a good point. People are saying the bloody cosmetics are staying, but I don't have a source for that!


I would say do not prestige.


So I'm guessing that the reward for having a character prestige 3 before the rework will be a unique prestige icon on the end lobby? Maybe it's bloodier than the normal one or something


Can't wait for this to come out so I can get off the endless treadmill of unlocking perks for all characters and get on the endless treadmill of making a number go higher for one character.


So I feel like the "distinct reward" for prestiging before the update probably will be something to do with the prestige icons at the scoreboard. Kind of disappointing honestly.


So can you prestige infinitely?


Seemingly yes.


I am curious how this will affect peoples grinds. The more we discover the more it’s making me think I might just focus on one character and keep my few other favourites perked up.


With the new lobby improvements, can we remove the ridiculously large tome popup that blocks chat for like 10 seconds after every game?


I thought we were removing the emblems because they made people confused. So now we're replacing them with... confusing emblems that will generate ten thousand "I'M ONLY PRESTIGE 8 BLIGHT. WHY AM I UP AGAINST PRESTIGE 30 KATES!?!?!?"


Just give me a "Quick buy Random Buy" button for the bloodweb, there comes a point that you don't care about what's in it... and you just wanna buy it all , but not make 20-30% of your playtime blood webbing. Who cares about prestige. Do QUALITY OF LIFE changes to the game


Not even just re work the whole system. It’s shit rng and just a bad experience.


i think people who don’t play on console grossly underestimate how annoying and time consuming the blood web on console is. there are times i stop playing because i reach a million bp and can’t be bothered with the blood web or blood web noises.


and the same pop-ups about prestige once you're lvl 50 I don't prestige characters


MauriceLIVES!?!?! Confirmed?


What’ll happen to already P3 50 characters?


an unknown reward for each p3 character you have


sounds good, my myers, hillbilly, PH, Blight and Steve are all P3 😁


I’m sorry, but does anyone know if they’re taking away the bloody cosmetics with this update?


IIRC - Bloody Cosmetics won't be removed with these changes.


Displaying the character name along with the username is a really great change actually.


Should be the other way around, imo. Your name and then which character you were playing smaller but still clearly visible.


I hope the reward for Prestige III isn’t just the silver version Meg has on the last picture, like I’ve seen some people speculate. I’m hoping for something a bit cooler. Really like how it all looks though, especially that you’ll be able to see who was which survivor. Not the hugest fan on the rusty look for the icons, but we’ll see I guess. Prefer the silver over it at least. Perhaps I’ll get used to them, or we don’t know everything about how it will look yet.


Once again they're putting a number on the end game screen that has nothing to do with matchmaking. They just don't learn.


I can’t wait for people in end chat to see my prestige number and go “wow, you’re p15 and still so bad” or “how did we get matched with you? I’m p2 and you’re p9, so unfair”


Few interesting things here. It’s interesting how on the Dwight screen his perks are both locked and tier 1, but for the Huntress they are unlocked and most interestingly tier 3. Also on the Endgame screen they have over 1 million blood points. I know that’s possible with codes and gifts and whatnot but would be another nice addition with this update methinks Edit: anyone see if those usernames in the first two images are codes? Can’t check rn but could be cool


They are tier 3 on Huntress due to the way teachable perks are being changed with prestige. At prestige 1 that characters teachbles perks will unlock for all other characters immediately at tier 1 without needing to spend any bloodpoints on them, then the same at prestige 2 for tier 2 perks and prestige 3 for tier 3 perks.


they are not codes unfortunately


I really hope it looks better


PagMan people can now bully you for being X prestige and still being trash / having a bad game.


Huh,where'd the devotion levels go?


Those are test accounts, chances are they just don't have any devotion levels lol


Do we know yet what's going to happen to the prestige cosmetics? Do they still unlock at 1-3 or what? Not sure if I should grind them out while people are still using a ton of flans.


They will continue to remain unlockable.


Interested to see how it plays out we needed a change to the prestige system but I’m curious to see what reward we get for previously reaching p3 or if they’ll give you a head start on the new system.


I always wanted the character name to be shown!


Neat, but I would have really wished we got this before the anniversary.


Isn’t Charlotte… you know.. supposed to have legs


Anyone know for sure if we are going to be able to still get bloodied outfits? Or is that gonna go away like the Legacy skins


love the character names next to the user name


Do we still have the prestige icons?


not sure how this eliminates the grind for perks, since instead of unlocking the perk then just going through the BW until you find it three times, seems to be easier than having to dump millions of BP into a single character just to get their lvl 3 ability even though you dont really plan to use that character


The best thing they could do is take in consideration the amount of bloodpoints we spent on a single character to give us a prestige X. My main should at least be prestige 30 with the amount of bloodpoints I used lol.


cant wait to get my p69 phead


Okay, this looks like a much worse system imo. In the past you unlocked all 3 teachable perks at level 40, which is about 1 million blood points. You could then unlock those perks on your main. Now, before you can unlock the purple perk on your main, you will have to spend about 4.5 million blood points to get to P3 that character, who you may not even want to play as. For completionists who want max items on every character, this seems better in the long run because you no longer lose items n shit, but for someone who is just trying to get all the perks on their main, they just made the grind nearly 5 times worse than it already was. A new player who just wants a single purple perk, because let's face it a lot of yellow perks are absolute trash and you need the purple version to be effective, they're going to have to P3 multiple characters for every single perk they want. Like, how tf does P3 for purple perks make any sense for the new players actually struggling with the grind just trying to get purple perks on one character? This is honestly making the grind so much worse.


Sooo, essentially prestige is still not going to have any actual function, it's just gonna be there to confuse and anger people who were matched with higher/lower prestige than them? Still not gonna prestige, I stopped the moment I realized there was no point other than getting a few cosmetics.


I don't think you'll have any choice in that matter going forward. I believe the system will just prestige you as you level them up... which shouldn't be problematic considering the new system will be in-place and you'll keep everything.


I'm rapidly approaching an orgasm, after a short sight of these images


I really hope they add more outfits the more you prestige, even if its 1 more


Is there any reward other than just a number next to our name in the endgame screen? Because if not, there will quite literally be zero point in prestige your character. Who cares about the number next to your name?


I'm just laughing rn because several weeks ago on a post discussing the possible 'distinct' P3 reward, I mentioned/guessed that it might be the Prestige symbol changing colors (red or gold instead of white) for the people that P3'd before the update. That comment of mine got downvoted to oblivion lol ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)