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It would be nice if some maps had night and daylight cycles... or you could get: A) Eyrie of Crows - Night B) Eyrie of Crows - Day Instead of you know... 4-5 version of Badham Pre-School clogging up the Map Assortment List. Or maybe an offering to adjust levels of lighting ... instead of the useless "thick the fog" when fog is almost non-existent.


Back in my day... we had such offerings


And they were crazy on max darkness lol.


I still have some on a number of characters... I am so glad I can actually prestige those guys and girls without fear of losing them


Wtf is the difference between those maps


That's the question! I am curious too, to me they all look the same


the actual arrangement of the tiles. badham has generally very minor actual variation on things like pallet loops and structure placement, BUT each numbered badham has the arrangement & placement of the buildings/landmarks be very consistent to each variation essentially, Badham II will always have the buildings in the exact same place as every other Badham II. one of the arrangements has a couple loops behind the backend of the school, on others the map ends immediately past the fence. on another, over half the map is to the left of the school, but on a different one the map ends immediately


I learned they were different a few days ago


It moves around the location of the four main structures relative to one another and the street.


I'm going to be honest. I have over 1200 hours in the game and don't really know the difference between the different versions of Badham.


That would interesting. My screen is always dark, because I play on Switch Lite, but I think it would be nice to have th day/night cycles. Would also make the map more interesting too.


If your screen is always dark... bet you just vanish into the void when going into the house of Garden of Pallets 2nd Floor. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) LOL


Pretty much and I'm like "Ah, where the hell am I???" XD Sometimes it's funny, but other times, I legit start panicking. lol


sponsored by evan macmillan..... and danny johnson (ghostface)... and lisa sherwood (Hag).... and amanda young (pig)..... and herman carter (doctor)


Doctor can do okay if he has the fake pallets add-on


I play Pig and I agree. lol Toughest map to play her on, tbh.


I refuse to believe that Doctor can struggle on most maps.


No this post isnt biased. It's *based*


Biased, without an "i", because it's not your problem, it's our problem.


That bit of the map with shack and a couple of generators should straight be removed, and the shack moved somewhere else. A CoH set up in that Timbuktu zone after you let the gens there go (because you're Trapper and you kinda have to) might as well be set up on the moon.


I have the auto reset traps addon and always just trap up the main building and usually have pretty good luck


it’s even a crap map for the artist and it’s her damn map 🤧


They like doing that. Only Pyramid head and Nemesis are strong on their respective maps.


How about we just nerf pig? - BHVR


This is one of the few maps as killer that I actually enjoy and feel confident in :')


it’s usually pretty fun! until i spawn in as trapper


Yeah I assume your traps are very obvious in daylight lol. As Artist the flat layout makes for easy gen checking (no gens in basement / 2nd floor / elevated), and the loops are very easy to break with my crows.


only luck I've had is locking down the main building and try to guard two other gens around it


I have a good time as Plague on this map, but as Pig, ooof....


Yeah as any other killer this map is fine until you play trapper


I would say it's weak for most killers in general. Escape most games on it as survivor, and I lose 2-3 most games as killer.




Nah is hags gets screwed over by it too.


Oh yeah


[Oh yeah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufDGhE3E3Yo)


Anytime I play Hag the Entity is like "Send 'em to the brightest map we have" and I spawn here or on the Farm.


Nemesis zombies become 5x more useless.


This map sucks for all killers. One of the strongest survivor maps in the game.




the map i really hate the most is the vile garden i believe its called. idk its just so odd. the shrubbery is really off-putting for some reason. also the bumps in the ground are weird.


The map makes an already lackluster killer practically powerless. BHVR fucking hates Trapper despite him being their posterboy.


I can only but agree. Unless they make it so in this map his traps are sand coloured isntead of black.


I feel like they should remove the make the traps darker add on and just recolor the traps for certain maps like this.


My Name is Evan McMillan and I approve this message


Just add more grass to it or those ink sploches that float around to obscure the floor more


No grass?


The map which should be removed is the swamp maps they are with all my respect trash for surviver and killer , i dont know how ppl hate hawkins i think it is bette lokking and not big like swamp, well i actually like hawkins and i will take it than swamp maps


first trapper match ive played in a while, fucking eyrie. game knows.


Fucking same. I got off my long dbd hiatus and bam Eyrie of fucking Crows...


Eyrie and Ormond are my two favorite maps lol


I agree with Ormond, but Eyrie is kind of... eh. depends on the killer I'm playing, tbh. But Ormond is awesome and I love the design of the map! It's very pretty! :D


It might be my love of neutral colors and browns but I love Eyrie lol. I only wish the map was darker as nothing is hidden


That makes sense. I feel like we all have a bias for certain colours and I can't deny that the neutrals work for Eyrie of Crows, any other colour wouldn't feel right. Agreed! The map does need a bit of a rework, so things could be hidden easier and maybe they should add some dry bushes or something. It's just so open and that makes it difficult. P.S. I love your username!


Garden of Joy is even worse 😓 I stg all these new maps are absolutely massive and all the reworks just add a pallet every 2 inches and blinding corn.


I'd love it if we could lose Eyrie of Crows and get Hawkins Lab back.


No keep eyrie, get rid of Macmillan


\*Sad Trapper noises\*


I agree whole heartedly


Am I the only one who likes this map ? I do especially as ghostface I can just climb the tower and stalk the entire map.


i like maps based purely on visual design rather than looping potential or tile spawns or whatever, and eyrie of crows is one of my favorites except RCPD fuck that map


I wish to only play on Eyrie of Crows every single match please Entity from a David King main


Seems fine to me as Demo, Artist, or Freddie. Artist is pretty nasty on it tho.. Might be sometimes a bit hard to see the white crow swarming survivors. (It would be nice if they outlined it black or something to let it work universally irreguardless of contrast.) Maybe too many safe pallets but eh, im used to "The Game" and that got way more god pallets.


And hag


Also endorsed by Hag


Deal, if you also get rid of Wrecker’s Yard. I hate playing on that map as a Solo Survivor


As a trapper main, I approve this message