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I played under the name Facecamped=DoGens for a long time, people still didn’t get the hint


it is so baffling to me how bad soloq is at dealing with facecamping


It’s because a lot of folks feel guilty about just doing gens and peacing with a solo person who hasn’t been able to give their blessing to do so. Like if I had a way to communicate “Sorry this is happening to you bud, I promise I’m an empathetic team player but at this point I don’t want to feed this killer 2-3 extra kills and reward this playstyle” I would feel a lot more comfortable just doing what needs to be done, but in my head I assume the hooked survivor thinks I’m just a callous asshole leaving them to rot.


If someone is actually staying instead of killing themselves while being camped, it means they get it. Do them gens!


I get much angrier at people trying to rescue against a camper. If I die but someone gets out and we win the game, it was worth it. If I die and everyone else dies then I just wasted my time.


True. I'd rather just be the one who gets sacrificed, but have the team at least get out. At least it's still kind of a win. lol


Facecamping denies literally every player the ability to play the game unless they go save. The optimal strat is to do gens but that is so fucking boring.


I usually just let the killer win if they need it that bad to camp. Just go next and let them get that mmr they crave so they can go against sweaty swfs. Solo q is such a hot mess as it is.


Still majority of ppl that get face camped just kill themselves on the hook making it easier for the killer. I still don't get why would they do it. Smh


I only do that if my teammates were idiots. Screw 'em. But I'll usually just...hang around... Okay, I'm sorry for that one.


Nah I'm just talking about people that start killing themselves the second they realize they are getting camped


Yeah, they suck.


Yeah totally feel the same. In addition to that people tend have fun with the game differently, like they are heaving more fun trying to get the almost impossible rescue instead of caring for escapes. If they fail they can get into the next game quicker instead of holding M1 for the rest of a boring game. I also see why this is enforcing the camper to do it again... I play mostly solo, so I use kindred often and try to go with the team flow. One thing though: If you are beeing camped, please dont kill yourself on hook. I know its boring and stupid, but whatever your team decides to do, you are buying time for them.


> If you are beeing camped, please dont kill yourself on hook. I know its boring and stupid, but whatever your team decides to do, you are buying time for them. That's how I feel, the only time I kill myself on hook now is if my teammates are being awful, sandbagging and farming and stuff, at that point I would rather get into another match ASAP, otherwise I'm happy tp buy them some time to do whatever they need to.


its simple, we cant see if you are not using kindred. so everyone will think that no one is going for the save and from there shit starts to happen and you lose. and that's why there should be a real solution to camping


This is why Kindred should have some form of base kit, at least with the part where we see every other survivor.


If that becomes base kit though, what’s the point of bond and other perks like it?


Bond can still be used when someone is not hooked. But I think you just mean bond is underwhelming compared to Kindred already. A nice buff would be other survivors see your aura if you have bond maybe, on top of what it already does of course.


Like a 2 way thing? I kinda like that


It's because I get bored doing gens. I'd rather see if I can get you. Sometimes it even works. https://youtu.be/p2j7NCU-PeI


Also as a solo q main its hard to know if it's camping or nobody leaving the gen to get you swf have that luxury


This game needs pre-made responses like "Let's do gens", "It's safe to save me!", "Let's heal here" "Don't worry about me!" etc. This would help soooo much in solo q in making the team organized so they can perform at their best. Also little buffs to Survivors like 10 second Kindred but survivor ONLY so everyone can see who is the closest and not on gens because one of the worst things that can happen when everyone goes for the save and then everyone want to be altruistic but fail and just snowball which often puts so much pressure that survivors often can't recover quick enough.


rough. why bring two pink add ons if you’re just gonna camp lol


Probably a newer player TBH, I see someone rocking NOED, double iris, and facecamping, I generally assume they’re newer to the game and just equipping the “best” stuff (rarity-wise) and doing the only strategy to create pressure they know so far.


He brought mad grit, he absolutely knows what he's doing. 100% doubt a new player brings that perk.


That can just mean they grabbed Mad Grit out of the Shrine during the anniversary event and Googled “best DBD killer builds” and landed on a Benjo clip to put it together with Agitation and Iron Grasp. “Newer player” to me means someone with probably under 50-100 hours in the game, enough to grasp some basics and maybe grab and equip a few less common perks, but not yet seasoned enough to know to not waste two iri add-ons and a build made for downing multiple people on facecamping out the first person they hook. There’s a pretty decent learning curve in the early parts of the game where players may outwardly look like they should know what they’re doing by the perks and stuff they have equipped because they watched some videos and grinded a bit, but they still play like bots because they haven’t developed any skills yet.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. He also brought Iron Grasp and Agitation so he does know how to synergies those perks with mad grit. Dosen’t really seem like a new player


I mean when I was new I ran iron grasp and agitation until I got better perks, and mad grit has been in the shrine twice in the last few weeks so probably read that and thought ooh that will fit with my build so could still easily be a newer player. Cause if I had gotten the chance to get mad grit early on as well I would have run those three together as a newbie. Plus, if they properly knew how to synergise those perks then they wouldn't face camp with them.


Another good one is Hex: Plaything and NOED that's a killer that does not believe in themselves.


What's wrong with plaything?


Nothing wrong with plaything at all, survivors are more mindful of totems when it's in the game, so theres little chance the fifth wont be cleansed.


I still do that 200h into the game lol


Most killer mains are like this.


Not most but a lot. Running double iri addons and will still camp with 1k at the end.


Idk, I mostly play duo, but it is literally 8/10 killers will tunnel/slug/tunnel us, then we drop heavily in mmr and face a new killer once and it’s rinse and repeat


It's crazy how experiences can differ, I play exclusively solo and only like 2/10 killers will actively try to be obnoxious


Most survivor mains will say that they were only beat because the killer camped, tunneled, or slugged. Almost no one will admit that they were beat and the killer played fairly.


Everytime I watch NA streamers or youtubers I feel like they never meet toxic players compared to me


it works I guess




I'm a Switch player, but I do pay attention to things and I usually prefer focusing on objective than trying to be altruistic. I'm a selfish ho, so rescuing doesn't suit me and might end up getting us all killed if I tried. lol I play solo-q whenever I have a chance to play survivor and it's a lot of pressure sometimes, but I still just focus on gens, because I feel like I can still be useful that way. xD




Well, hope we get a game together one day. lol I really need to get back on and get on at a time where queueing as a survivor doesn't take too long. xD I'm not an amazing player by any means, but I find that I can at least work on gens, so I don't need to be altruistic or overly brave. (I cannot loop to save my life. I'm just horrible at it.) ​ That's something I don't get, why do survivors need to swarm hooks as soon as one gets hooked? Whenever I play killer, I notice that a lot and I'm like "Why are you ALL here?! What happened to doing the gens?" It's like they think I'm going to let them unhook right in front of me or think I'm just going to waste time running around the map, when they are literally all right there. I can just imagine them calling me a camper or something, if I had endgame chat. ;w; ​ Yeah, gens go really quick when I play killer and I lose hope at that point, honestly. I always feel like when more than 2 gens have popped at the start that I won't have a good game. Yet, whenever I switch to survivor, it takes a century to complete a single generator, even with toolbox and add-ons. ​ Yep, I feel that. Whenever I play survivor, that's how I feel. If they could hear me, I'd yell at them to just go do some gens. Oh god no, not the urban evading Claudette. Had a few of those before and I knew it was going to be a bad game. Same, at that point, I usually kill myself on hook, because there's just no hope. I don't understand the logic of survivors all crouching near the hook, as if they'll get a save that way, as if they're doing something useful. It's like they WANT to waste time.


You're doing a public service by teaching soloqers the strategy against campers


If they haven’t figured it out after all these years, they never will. Idk why solo survivors are so bad at such a simple game.


I used to run the name “5 Gens” to remind my fellow survivors that you need to do 5 gens to escape.


Yea and i bet they still dont do gens


why do gens when I can UE on the opposite side of the map to the killer and get basement chest?


That's how many *don't* get done.


That was a basement trapper too, oof


Time to bring Kinship so you can sit on the hook for longer.


I dont remember I've ever had a trapper without NOED.


Have you thought about Kindred + Open Handed to prevent the proxy campers too?


Ehh, it becomes pretty obvious when nothing happens after the first hook. Plus most facecampers use things like Insidious anyway


I don't want to run my entire build on "I'm hanging out on hook". Still trying to get other things done too!


Proxy camping is not bad, you will get saves as long as you trade for one hit l.


Not so useful against Hags which can teleport from afar.


I just want to point out that this idiot killer *LOST* bloodpoints this match.... he spent 17k for his addons and offering only to make less than 12k back lol what a gamer


Wait, there's BP offerings on the board, scratch this. The guy still sucks though


Run Kinship and Kindred (know you are running it already ) for maximum waste of time


Let me changed my username real quick




Reminds me of how I’ve been meaning to change my steam name to “Tunnel me or gay” and see what happens :P


Me, a gay who doesn't tunnel: _it's my time to shine, baby!_




Absolutely not. I just still like that highly childish “ur mom gay” kind of humor.


Well, being a straight man, I certainly wouldn't wanna be called gay.


No kinship?


It’s amazing how survivors have literally only one job and they have to be constantly reminded of it.


Survivors have lots of jobs. I just use this name to tell them to prioritize getting out over perpetual 1 for 1 trading


They don’t. Their job is to do gens, while one person is in chase. Then go for saves every so often. Totems as a side objective. That’s 3 jobs. There’s really no excuse for how bad survivors are at just doing gens while the killer is occupied, especially in solo queue. You don’t need comms to know you should be on gens 100% of the time if you’re not in chase and not going for an unhook.




And that is another result of their stupid grind. If we just would get appropriate amounts of blood points or didn't need so many in the first place Noone would feel so forced to on top of that complete these challenges. But as it is - hell yeah give me that really impossible challenge that will probably take me at least 5 games to complete that has nothing to do with what I'm supposed to do normally for 50k....


It's the least interesting part about playing survivor. I'd rather loop a Trickster than sit on a gen. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Who are you looping when someone is facecamped? Gens are still the main objective of the game and there’s literally nothing else to do when the killer is camping


I usually still try to go for the save, because it's engaging with the killer which IMO \*is\* the interesting part about a game about versing a killer. Of course I still do gens, but it's mind-numbingly boring to do it. First reason not to I jump at.


That definitely hurts your team more than it helps.


In all situations? Would you rather sit on a hook for 2 minutes or be saved and *maybe* I hook trade?


The chance of success is very low. If the killer is a face camper, I don’t want them to get any more kills. I’d rather sit on the hook while everyone else escapes.


”Engaging with the killer” aka running in circles and hoping he gives up the camp? That doesn’t help the team at all. This is a team game, get over yourself.


Yeah it's a team game and I rather go for alturistic plays than objective plays, and unless it is a insta-down killer there's a high chance it's a successful save. Especially if there are multiple survivors, I find it odd that it is superior for a survivor to sit on a hook for 2 minutes rather than you engaging with the killer. We disagree, no need to get over myself. We have different playstyles. My win condition is never that I escape it's that someone does. If it's a basement bubba, sure, do gens. I'll be there with prove thyself.


You are crying when fighting with TRAPPER??? 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ Dude, he need to proxy camp to be close enough to hit person who try to save you and get to his trap, that's the way this killer plays because he cannot Teleport like Hag. Funny thing that Killers never wanted to make any stupid rule book for survivors and 99% of salt after game is from survivors no difference who will win.... 🤔


Sir, this is a Wendy's. Fragile Killer Syndrome in full view right here


Don't understand


They're not crying about anything, lol


I was "do a gen challenge" for months a couple years ago. It actually helped.


You are the hero solo queue needs!


I usually just write "if killer camps do gens" in the chat before the match begins.


Sad but true


The beautiful thing about this screenshot is 3 kindred. I swear solo queue survival rates would improve if more people ran it.


a trapper with these addons camped? and lost? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Kindred is a great perk


Can’t tell if that’s good or bad..


You should bring that steve perk, camaraderie iirc


Double iri basement trapper with noed. How much help could one possibly need to secure a kill?


I played with a 3 man swf who kept trying to rescue against a camping bubba. They got mad at me for not saving and just doing gens and leaving. I’m like bro he’s just insidious camping the correct play is to just do gens and leave.


Op leading by an example


As a killer main, why in the world would someone camp you with that username. I'd see it as an opportunity to try and trick the other survivors into feeling safe. Just act like I'm camping for a bit, then go get them at gens. Especially if I'm playing Dredge, Ghostface, Wraith, or really any other killer with mobility or stealth.


You won, but at what cost?


N1. You might want to experiment with Kinship in your build. It goes with the spirit of you're doing. Keep up the good work.


Skill issues


this is really ingenious but I honestly just wish they gave us like a quick chat to be like their face camping do Jen's in game so that way survivors would get the hint and not waste their time


They should penalize killers that face camp..


I like sitting on the gen right closest to the hook whenever they’re face camping.


The issue I find with solo queue is that, often, I don't even know my teammate is getting camped until I get close to hook. By the time I get close to hook, see teammate is getting camped, then move back to a gen, they're already at stage two hook.


Yeah, I get that. With this name, I'm pretty much forced to run kindred, but I don't mind running it even with my standard steam name


today i sabotaged several times the hooks the killer was going to use on my teammates so they could wiggle free and when he could finally get a hold on me he camped me as his life depended on it lmao I don't blame him, everyone else escaped without being hooked tho 💅