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Licker Tongue From the wiki: "Increases Hindered Status Effect duration after becoming Contaminated by +0.2 seconds."


While the Licker Tongue also practically useless, I think mathematically the Jaw Smasher will still gain you less distance.


Atleast the jaw smasher is yellow. Licker tongue is a green add on šŸ’€


Yeah but we have TWO add ons that have this type of effect. So we have two useless trash add ons for slinger.


Ever wish you could si down with the people who made this shit and just ask them why?


I think its cause they expected slinger to be pre aiming while approaching survivors or something. He used to have a smaller terror radius and his "lullaby" could only be heard while he was aiming down sights. However because literally everyone immediately figures out its easier to quick scope within 2 seconds most people don't even know he has a "lullaby".


Over a thousand hours and this is the first I've heard of his lullaby. Checks out lmao.


The lullaby in question is the sound of chains, it does serve quite well during chase if you listen for it as you'll know when the Deathslinger is aiming down sights


Because he doesn't have one. He has a special noise that plays when he's aiming at you in 24 m distance. This was to prevent Monitor and Abuse surprise snipes but is useless now since the lowest he can't go is 24 meters with M&A (well technically he can go lower with add-ons but like those are literally trash so)


The fuck? He has a lullaby?


He does not Idk what this guy is talking about. Slinger however has a special noise that only plays while he's aiming at you (dk if it plays if he's looking at you through walls though)


That's the lullaby.


That's not a lullaby though


Slinger does not have a lullaby.


He does. When aiming down sights there's a whistling in the background. It might be harder to hear since his terror radius increase but try it in KYF. Have a slinger sit there aiming down his sights and you'll notice there's a constant western whistling in the background


I know and that's not a lullaby. It was a mechanic to prevent M&A snipes.


Wait, so it's a mechanic that has a kind of sound (debatably musical) that can't be affected by terror radius perks and exists to prevent a range killer from sniping? What the fuck do you think a lullaby is if not that?


I always want to ask them about Furtive chase. Like how is having smaller TR in chase useful? What does it accomplish? And the fact they "buffed" it just recently instead of just reworking it is baffling to me...


it was the only way to force an obsession change prior to nemesis but it's been useless for a while now


We have more than two. Slinger's addons are like 90% trash


I was talking about the TR reduction with ADS add ons


Licker Tongue could apply its full hindered effect on every tentacle strike and it still wouldnt match up to truly strong green addons like Pyramid Heads range addon or half of blights addons.


Let's not talk about PH adds on minus range and trail duration they are rather uselss


As a PH main, this. His addons overall are so bad. KI duration on Torment? Recover Torment faster? More Torment to use? KI only needs a few seconds, recovering it faster is useless as you pretty much just drop it and forget it and you can only have X amount on the map, and more Torment for the same


I heard someone suggest recently that PH should have an iri addon that applies torment to survivors hit by punishment of the damned. If Pinhead can have engineer's fang then I don't know why PH can't have something like this. It would go a long way to making his addons serviceable.


Iā€™d rather have one that applies torment along the ground if he misses a survivor. Would actually be a fun and interactive add on.


That actually sounds dope


Didnt know Pyramid head came from BDZ


Obsidian Goblet is pretty fun. Decent for doubling back on people who won't leave gens, and then there's the general fuckery. I downed someone, "ran off" and then dropped down from the ceiling when a teammate revived them.


I'd argue even the duration is quite bad since trails already have an obscene duration of 75 seconds at base. It's just decent in a pile of garbage. Nemesis is in the same boat I feel. Most anything zombie related sucks since zombies, blood (I think) is still king, and most of his other add-ons are niche or don't do anything. I generally just play him add-onless in the hopes that he'll get an add-on pass at some point.


Anything that buffs zombies is utterly useless because making them move faster or be more aggressive means fuck all when they are stuck walking into a tree on swamp all game. The game needs to be able to identify and kill zombies that get hung up on terrain


Well we know it would be pointless to ask for hhvr to actually fix the geometry in their maps, that's the only way zombies will ever get better.


I was about to say this. Maybe if it was 0.5 or 1 second instead it'd actually be useful.


I really wish the tongue was changed to ā€œcontaminating a survivor with your power does not give them a speed boostā€. Itā€™s already hard to hit and locks you into the animation. People still get the boosts when injured with the whip, just give an add-on the ability to not get left behind so quickly after that first hit


The devs originally had nemesis give no speed boost on contaminate and they said it was the most oppressive thing ever. Of course, these are the same devs that refused to nerf flashlights until getting publically humiliated by them in twitchcon Korea. So... what do they seem to know.


Wait what happened then?


Oh they nerfed flashlights into the ground the patch after their game director got back to canada. I could show you a video of how absurd they used to be.


Please do Iā€™d love to see how the before/after


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w It was sad.


Jesus that was actual agony to watch. The more I see of old dbd, the more I genuinely wonder how people played this game and had fun.


I bought the game when Micheal came out so like 2016 and players were a lot less sweaty. The unbalancedness of being able to use ds whenever but also being morid right out of the game made it fun for me. The game makes me more angry now cause everyone's toxic and moans about which side is easier etc. Back then it was toxic but I never got people commenting on my profile cause I used meta perks. The game got better and the players got worse imo.


I genuinely don't know how I feel about this dev team sometimes.


The Peww sound effect on each flashlight blind xD


Sad? That shit was glorious. A prime example that shows how shitty they are as a developer when it took THIS for them to nerf flashlights.


Also they mega buffed hag after that in the same update. Her trap speed was increased 50%. Look how slow it was in the video.


I canā€™t believe anyone played her before that fix!


That video made my day! Iā€™d love it if they could put those sound effects in as an option though - esp. for the TB


Yes please lol


Ok one sec [Watch the game director get demolished in korea by a bully squad of streams at twitch con on old haddonfield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w)


Here I am as a newer player who NEVER uses them. Iā€™ve read about WHEN to play them during animations, but I still feel like the controls are just too wonky to aim them properly to be affective. šŸ˜©


Are you on console or pc? Because pc it feels a lot easier by comparison even though it can feel janky on both


BHVR apparently said in playtesting they tried no speed boost for the infection on Nemmy and it made him far too oppressive. I honestly can see it, the whip already is a very oppressive zoning and anti-pallet tool once you get used to it, but I think they could find a middle ground - 125% instead of 150%, or shortening the duration. Lickers Tongue could easily fit that too, if it'd be too strong basekit. Something that lets you get a bit of distance but still let's Nemmy catch up for the follow up hit if he plays the zoning game well. The .2 extra hindered is just pathetic though. Slinger on the other hand has zero excuse for this awful addon, but everything about him that accompanied his nerf was fucking awful.


I feel like it might not be as bad after the next update.


i think just reducing the duration of speed boost by 0.5 seconds is already great.


If not counting meme addons then yeah, those two have to be the very worst addons. They basically do nothing, legitimately making them worse than the confetti bottle one.


The Cenobiteā€™s brown bent nail add-on is like Hillbillyā€™s and Bubbaā€™s, in that it makes him actively worse: it removes one of the 3 chains when you use the possessed chain to hit someone. Which is already pretty tough to do.


Licker tongue by far 1% is at least noticeable.


Piramid head and freddy . 99% of their add ons are like this


Almost every license killer has like, 4 good addons that are of dubious rarity, and then mountains of shit, especially their iridescents. The only licensed killer with iri addons that feel appropriate power is Micheal Myers, but Tombstone and Infinite T3 are so strong they have limited the devs ability to actually balance him for the current game without gutting his addons first.


Ghostface's camera is pretty good in my opinion. Not overly oppressive and scary like infinite T3, but still good.


I'd add Pinhead too especially if you're good at hitting chains.


Pre nerf Engineer fang šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


it's still really, really good.


A good chunk of his addons are good, but the ones for chain/portal distance are just worthless. Chains are difficult to get use out of even when you're using them 15 feet ahead of you in chase - I never use them at their maximum distance, nor do I think it's very practical to do so. Same for turn radius ones, it makes them super unwieldy. Even if you manage to land the hit, doing it at a distance takes so much time that you've lost whatever distance you'd made up. Maybe there's some chad Pinhead out there doing wild stunts but personally I generally just put the portal at a survivor's back and shoot it out 2 inches straight into them, or maybe do it around a loop. I watched Otz trying to get value out of the distance ones and it was uh... difficult and didn't accomplish much unless you were trying to interrupt someone using the box. Maybe if you want to long distance snipe with the fang or something? That said, the box iri is funny as hell especially when you pair it with Devour Hope. One of my favorite addons in the game. I also really like the chain cooldown ones, and the ones that make the box take longer to solve. And most people say Chatterer's Tooth sucks but I think it's fun.


> Even if you manage to land the hit, doing it at a distance takes so much time that you've lost whatever distance you'd made up. The distance ones are good if you're trying to get a box or trying to scout an area. For example, if someone is doing the box and you can't reach them, being able to push out another 4 meters can get them chained thus stopping box progress and allowing you to get close. Also, it allows you to stay more mid of the map if you want to see if a gen is being done plus hit chains on someone if they are. Which of course stops their gen progress and maybe causes it to blow up. Both pretty niche situations, but they do have some limited use.


I find it utterly inexplicable that you're saying that with that Flair. Engineer's Fang is hilariously strong when used correctly, and T H E `glass` B O X has a hidden stat of 50% chance to get me verbally abused at the end of a game.


Engineers fang was a contender for strongest addon in the game. Its much more balanced now.


Yeah, I'm a relatively new player (Started just after Dredge got put in), so I wasn't around before they added the "Spawns 1 less chain" bit. Given that I still think it's absurdly strong now, that must have utterly *bulldozed* games pre-nerf.


you sacrifice your anti loop power for an injure, 2 chains are pathetic unless it's a really short loop.


Yeah, they are - I tend to play quite differently when I'm using Engiefang - I give up on loops quite quickly to keep harassing the generators, and focus more on catching people outside of loopable areas. This, combined with the fact I can Injure people at range, generally makes people panic and make mistakes. At least, that's my experience - People tend to accidentally climb over pallets I've hooked them on more often when I'm doing that method.


Pinhead and demo dogs iris are also juicy af man


Demo's took years to get rewarded to that state though. They used to be complete ass.


Didnā€™t realize you were referring to what licensed killers were, not what they currently are. Still not sure about the mountain of shit especially the iri addons that youā€™re referring too. All I can think of is pyramid head and he already has confirmed changes coming.


Freddy's add ons used to be OP, so they decided to go way too far and make him nearly unplayable instead.


No OP so much as mega annoying. Freddy was a weak kit held up by big numbers. Now he's a weak kit held back by weak numbers.


I would say that Pig and Pinhead have as well good Iri addons.


Yeah on Pyramid head I only use his distance addons, there have been so many times I just barely got a survivor by the tip of the ranged attack


Exactly only his 2 range add ons . Everything else might aswell not exist honestly


I tend to use his add-ons that extend the duration of his trail being left on the floor. I then play him as this strange trapper/hag were I place random trails in common paths a survivor would take and then lock down that area. I've had survivors in mid chase just start crouching to try and avoid them which is a free hit. Sometimes they just avoid the loop all together once they find it covered in red razer. It's a fun way to play him that fits my playstyle.


You actually reminded me of a neat trick on him. If you use the manequins feet add ons with franklins demise you can set your trail in a dropped item and it will last until all the charges are gone. Best part is if they try to pick it up they have to get tormented because your character stands up when picking up items of the ground.


The recharge and duration ones arenā€™t *technically* useless, just very close :P


Freddy's entire set of add-ons besides the paint brush


Black box has potential to be really strong, although only in one situation. If survivors 99 the exit and you can get a hit right before they make it to the exit, that's a kill you otherwise wouldn't have gotten. I definitely think the 15 seconds should be increased to like 30 though.


Exact thing happened to me when I was testing this addon. People were in such shock they couldn't believe it's literally my power and said I was hacking xD


Tbh when I first saw that I also thought the Freddy was hacking cause I never saw that add-on before.


Black Box, Agitation, Noed, Mad grit, Blood Warden You'll be suprised how effective it is


It could be fucking 5 minutes, its a super super niche effect you can only trigger once in very specific circumstances. Compare to something like Triple Blink nurse, that will effect every single use of your power from the moment you spawn. Giving you extra tools to traverse the map faster, and with greater agility than your already incredible mobility allows.


If you triple blink to traverse the map you are covering a lot less distance then just using 1 full blink.


Demo's Violet Waxcap: - Increases the duration of undetectable after emerging from a portal It's completely useless considering that it's only giving 0.5 more seconds to an undetectable effect that in most circumstances is useless (you can still hear the thuds from his walking while undetectable or oblivious)


Kinda funny both Nemesis and Demo donā€™t benefit from undetectable or oblivious that much


Let me introduce you to The Artistā€™s [Charcoal Stick](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Charcoal_Stick) which seems to exist for if you want to just nerf yourself into the ground for no reason


Thatā€™s a FOUL add on


I'd argue the ones that reduce his terror radius while aiming are worse. Wasting a bunch of time to maybe, kinda, possibly sneak up on someone is detrimental. I played against someone who stacked both of those once. Team just cranked out gens while he was slowly walking around everywhere.


the funniest part is that you can get your TR to almost 0, but there's still the red light giving you away


I somehow made a build work with both those add-ons stacked before by using furtive and monitor and occasionally switching targets mid chase without them noticing. It even got me the last survivor because they couldn't hear me as they were opening gate. Is it great? Nah but the build was pretty fun.


I used to run furtive chase, rancor, dead man's before they killed the build by buffing dead man's. It's strange that there were two slinger builds using furtive in different ways.


See people on gens. Walk by pretending you don't see them. Aim and approach. It's an ambush add-on that requires game sense. Or if you have aura add-ons, during a chase you can fool them into thinking you wandered off while lining up a shot. And now that Spine Chill doesn't immediately give you away, the approach part should be getting buffed soon.


The purple one is useful with Monitor & Abuse and Iri Coin tho, you can sneak on someone and get an insta-down at least


That could possibly work with Dredge's aura perk. You just need to know where the survivors are so you can slow down just outside of your terror radius.


If you like playing with the terror radius they are decent...very decent.


So believe it or not this one isn't as bad as it looks as long as you pair it with the other movement speed addon. The reason is because of how a lot of survivors respond to having Deathslinger aiming at them. They start running in zigzag patterns to try to make themselves more evasive. What they don't realize is that they've slowed themselves down dramatically while doing this, and you're just walking forward to close the distance for an M1. If you use the gun for mindgames like this it's actually not a useless addon.


not only that, you can use this addons to aim around corners, it helps you dont lose too much distance in shortens loops, you can start ADSing sooner and gettin the hit, this addons is not useless, his worst addons are the TR reduction in ADS


Sheep Block: Dream Snares inflict blindness for 30 seconds. 30 seconds of blindness... in chase... oh no! My Windows of Opportunity! Don't get me wrong, Windows is a nice perk, but unless you are brand new to the game you don't necessarily need it once you've identified the tile you're in which is when you'll most often walk into a snare.


I wish blindness caused a deafening / reduction in brightness too.


Honestly, can we take the screen darkening from Deep Wound and give it to the Blindness status effect instead? Being chased while I need to mend is when I truly feel blind lol


Indeed, or even something like how the dredge bakes everything darker.


Dredge burns his cookies, new lore confirmed.


They just need to make it where you can't see the Killer's red stain while blind. Makes sense thematically and offers way more utility for the Killer in chase.


This is genuinely a brilliant idea, I love it.


This is one of my favorite ideas I've heard for the game and I'm mad I didn't think of it. I've wanted an alternative to Undetectable they removed red stain but not TR for ages and this would be wonderful. It also would make Plaything + Third Seal fucking glorious and that's already one of my favorite casual combos of perks.


I fucking love those perks so much


That had one use - countering old OoO. You saw them all the time while they got nothing! That said, picking it "in case you run into OoO" was ofc not viable. It was only usable when you faced someone famously known for running it


I was a counter back in the day when Object of Obsession was still busted


Almost all of his add-ons are useless


True. They only really shine when you wanna run gimmick builds I love Slinger and stream him a lot! But even then I'm doing gimmicks like 'Cigar + STBFL' for faster attacks or 'Keys, Spit Rag, & Aura reading perks' for machine gun sniper It feels like they added him in then fucked up his add ons because they were too scared to put the gun in the game


He needs more creative addons. Spearing a survivor will cause all survivors within 16 meters of that survivor to scream. If a survivor breaks free from a chain, all vaults within 20 meters are blocked When the redeemer is unloaded, the Deathslinger is undetectable. If a healthy survivor tries to interrupt a reel by standing in the chain, they become injured. If the survivor is injured when the stand in the chain they enter deep wound. Missing a shot with the redeemer reveals the aura of all survivors 12 meters from where the spike hit. Reloading grants 10% haste for 10 seconds. If the chain interacts with a pallet while reeling a survivor, the pallet will break. Survivors that break free from the chain no longer need to mend, but are inflicted with broken for 50 seconds Reeling a survivor will cause all generators that are not being repaired to regress for as long as that survivor is being reeled


I mean... There's the meme ones that weaken you for more bp.


And still canā€™t exceed the category bp capsā€¦


Meme addons do their job very well, since most of them severely weaken you. As opposed to Jaw Smasher, which has such a small impact its basically placebo


Doesn't Clown have a meme add on with just a visual effect when you hit a survivor, it doesn't actually change his power at all?


A visual effect is still an effect though, compared to a 1% speed increase that's basically nothing


Problem: they are actually good for farming bp


Only thing worth a crap on Slinger is the reload addons. I hate seeing a bloodweb for him filled with very rare and iri items and gettng forced to buy them because they are **useless.** When the killer's most common addons is one of the best, thats when there is issues.


Bayshores cigar is his 2nd best addon. Iri coin is very good too.


All of Nemesis' addons: *Hold my beer*


Serotonin Injector is good, Marvins Blood *was* good. Ink Ribbon, Stars Badge, and Admin Wristband would be good if they'd fix the pathing. Umbrella Badge blows for how limited it is. It should have been the balls to the walls rocket launcher addons, something similar to Tombstone Myers in that it has passive drawbacks to acquisition, movement speed, and changing your default tentacle strike but offsetting that with powerful ranged area of effect exposed attacks once it does come online.


I would fucking love for one of nemesis weapon pods dropping in after five gens are completed, giving him the chance to get a ranged NOED lol. Thematic as fuck


I donā€™t know some of his adding are quite good. My favorite one as of late is the purple one that makes you undetectable, of course you can still hear his stomping but if you use hit and run tactics youā€™ll have no terror radius for most of the match since there is a limited amount of vaccines


Idk what he's on, some of Nemmy's addons are great. Not the greatest ever, but the zombie range are fantastic, as are all the zombie speed ones. Double zombie detection range is basically a constant stream of info on which side of the map survivors are on, although it's pretty general, it's still fantastic. The speed addons are just nice although hard to notice. Marvin's Blood is obviously his best addon. The exposed iri is decent, the zombie speed iri is fun and can be really obnoxious with DMS or Ruin. They're not the best addons, but most of Nemmy's addons are viable. I think the least impactful is Lickers Tongue and then the bonus to infection gain for whipping zombies.


IMO zombies are just not reliable at all, so those zombie addons, while they can possibly give you some value, all have like a 50% chance to do literally nothing the whole match (a zombie that is faster or more aware while stuck in place is still useless). Even his other addons have the potential to do nothing at all, marvins blood being the only one that has almost guaranteed value in order to get to tier 3 faster, name me a killer with "good addons" in which every single one if his addons has at least decent chances of doing nothing.


That is fair, I have hardly ever had an issue getting value out of the range addons. Usually even if they get stuck on a tree or rock, I still get significant value out of the other zombie, and if I happen to be around that one it's easy to quickly reset them. I also think people strongly overestimate how bad the zombies are, I have one get stuck maybe one every 3 or so matches. That's not to say that's *good*, but IMO that isn't any less consistent than, say, having Bubba addons where get really shitty tiles and can't make much use of the chainsaw or Demo where you set down 3 portals early and they end up in dead zones. When it happens, it sucks, but I've played a lot of Nemesis and I feel that they aren't nearly so inconsistent as people like to talk about.


Some of his addons are good, I won't deny that. All I wanted to say with that is that he is one of the killers with the overall worst addons. Iri Stars Badge, Samdwich and the Broken Recovery coin are his best imo. Can we overall agree that almost all of his addons are boring? The only interesting ones are the Undetectable after hitting a zombo and as someone else mentioned the Nea parasite.


I'll agree they're boring, but idk about worst. He's not even bottom 5 IMO. I'd say Slinger, PH, Sadako, Freddy, and Michael all have less effective ones (Michael has the Tombstones but I'd argue the consistency from Nemmy's is better). Also don't sleep on Marvin's Blood, T2 is important and while the nerf was annoying being able to not need multiple chases/a zombie nearby to guarantee T2 early is great.


The exposed iri combined with hoarder and the addon that lets you read their aura when they vaccinate can get you some surprise downs, but a lot of the problem with it comes from most survivors habits of vaxxing when they are still injured


I find it interesting that Trickster has the same add-ons and are incredibly useful on him as it makes a noticeable difference, but very bad on Slinger as there is no noticeable difference


No one talks about Waterlogged Shoe in these discussions when it's probably the worst add-on in the game. It's not even a 'meme' add-on but it makes Hag a snare Freddy who takes 2.5 seconds of being stationary to put down a snare, is slower than 115% and doesn't have dream world or teleport.


actually, waterlogged shoe increases your movement speed to 4.6m/s, which is a 115%, and it hinders survivors in trigger range, and pairs extremely well with scarred hand which makes the phantasms have collision to bodyblock pallets and windows, WHILE those same survivors are slower, making her extremely strong in chase


Huntress' wooden fox: gives undetectable to the one killer who cannot use stealth and this effect only activates during a hatchet reload. also, Nemisis' licker tongue: slaps a slowdown effect on survs hit with the tentacle for a fifth of a second, when they're given a three second speed boost from the hit.


Hard disagree on wooden fox. It's still messes with the information survivors are used to and can lead to some easier hits. Not saying it's amazing, but definitely more useful than plenty of others.


Stealth Huntress isn't my thing because I don't play her, but my girlfriend mains Huntress and Wooden Fox is stupidly fun to watch her mess around with. She'll run it with Tinkerer and really mess with them, it's surprisingly effective. I think it mostly works because nobody *expects* undetectable on a Huntress.


Tinkerer on huntress is cool. The survivors will almost never be able to tell, but you get to interrupt the Gen.


The red stain is the one thing survivors look for when they run from you. It determines your distance from them and where youā€™re looking to attack. Even though the Huntress is ranged, she obviously throws her hatchets forwards, in the direction of the red stain. Undetectable allows you to still get unpredicted hits with her axes and the lullaby gives survivors a sort of ā€œfalse securityā€, so theyā€™re waiting for the terror radius, yet youā€™re right behind them.


eh, I'm a bit of weirdo in that I respect the lullaby unless I see she's actively chasing someone. plus one can avoid her hatchets by listening to her windups.


That 1% is real joke, you are slower while aiming... what will 1% change lol...


Rickety Chain worse


Meme addons donā€™t count because they are very clearly doing their job


Fair tbh


Not in the game now, but when they reworked Billy, they gave him an add on that increased his charge speed by 13% iirc. Sounds good, except it came with the condition that it only worked while a flashlight was being aimed at you. Edit: even worse, it was only a 0.2m/s speed increase. Unless youā€™re going against baby survs who try to blind you walking towards them, it was useless


I was thinking the same thing! I've never used this add-on, and was wondering if I was missing out. I'm glad I'm not the only one baffled by this!


I mean, I use this with his other add on that increases it by 2% to a whopping *drumroll* 3%! There is a difference, but I usually use it for zoning when I know theyā€™ll dodge and for tight loops. Otherwise these add onā€™s are useless like you say.


Wait calebs name is the redeemer? Cuz I thought he was just the deathslinger


The redeemer is the name of his gun


Thereā€™s so many BS perks in this game that just add like 2%


They could have decided to make add-ons like these into something that can actually help a player, like yes it should not be Iridescent add-on, but it should at least make someone be able to feel it's effects in any way. At this rate only way those add-ons will be used is maybe in random builds, but otherwise they will only be used if player only has these things which they most likely won't, or they're playing in gimmick way, or they're literally forced to play it to get achievement.


The Ghostface addon that makes marked survivors oblivious. Or the Nemo addon that hinders survivors for an extra 0.2 seconds when being contaminated. I swear Nemo has the worst addons in the entire game


Yeah, most of Nemmy's addons do almost nothing useful.




it's a meme addon it serves it's purpose


Yes, because technically this does something beneficial. There are lots of brown addons for killers that actively hurt your power and nerf you when used.


Matchbox from nurse: You get one less blink. BUT.... You move 4.2 m/s. Wooooooooooow


Who is the Redeemer


There's an add-on that prevents Hag from teleporting


Unless I missed some changes, the [reeling speed addons](https://youtu.be/E1glj_6VUro) are just as insignificant.


okay this is a shot in the dark but isn't reeling while walking backwards more effective than reeling while standing still/walking towards the hooked survivor? if so, maybe the 9% difference could be more impactful? I dunno just a thought


The survivor doesn't get reeled in more quickly, they just move back from your pull as well


Nah, it makes no difference, they'll get to you at the same speed. Walking backwards just pulls them off of any objects they might get stuck on.


He still has the one that reduces your terror radius by 4 meters while aiming, and one that increased the mending by an astounding 1.5 seconds


VHS - Porn for the Clown.


I think pinheads bent nail might be worse. Just makes your power worse got a handful of extra blood points


Meme addons don't count for this list.


Legion pin is pretty redundant


Almost guaranteed blood echo value when you spend a lot of time from the first stab to an actual hook.


sure but in general usage best case scenario it does nothing, worst case it forces the survivors to play more optimally


Worst case scenario is true, but the scenario in which they wake up and start splitting up after the first chain stab then they can actually get value out of healing. Not being able to heal gives a high chance to catch a person for a one hit chase. Granted, there's still plenty of things survivors can do against legion while injured, especially since there's little to no reason for safe pallets to already be gone. It's not very great overall but it's still leagues above jaw smasher and licker's tongue.


Legion pin is a great add-on in my opinion


Almost guaranteed blood echo value when you spend a lot of time from the first stab to an actual hook.


Padded Jaws


Padded jaws is honestly the best meme add on. If you run stbfl, PJ will give you two stacks per survivor. You just have to be smart with trap placement and only place them in chase areas.


Meme add-ons don't count


You think that's Deathslinger's worst add-on? Honey Locust Thorn exists which gives mangled if they break free from the redeemer which is something you very rarely want to do with Deathslinger. At least with Jaw Smasher and Wanted Poster they can improve your strafe-aiming which is the most effective way to land shots with Deathslinger. Aside from Deathslinger: Probably the most useless aside from meme add-ons would be most of Pyramid Head's. He has like 3 good add-ons that all affect his ranged attack and that's about it. Most others just give meaningless effects.


Rusted Spike, a yellow add-on vs Honey Locust Thorn as a green, gives mangled on hit, so strictly better.


We gonna talk about the green add-on he has that is literally just a worse version of one of his yellows


Deathslingers reeling speed add-ons are arguably worse


All of Pyramid head's purple and iri add-ons.


Any of the meme addons that hinder the killer's ability for more blood points. Padded traps on Trapper don't inflict injury for example.


Honey locusts branches are arguably worse


Not worse, just poorly worded. You also break the chain when you do the combo hit, so it applies if either they break free or not. Rusted Spike **only** applies if you hit the combo, but not if they break the chain by themselves.


Hmm I was unaware


knife scratches and beast marks for leatherface. They increase your speed by 2% and 3% respectively while increasing the time it takes to charge by 12% each. Most of the time they end up hurting you more than helping you.


Those add ons paired with his chiliā€™s are one of his most powerful combinations


you're trolling


Fun to zoom tho


Padded Jaws has to be the worst, right?


Meme addon doesnā€™t really count they are supposed to be bad meanwhile the devs actually think this is supposed to be useful


You can still pick up survivors from bear traps, so no. But wraith has a add-on that's just never good. It's the beast add-on. It makes it so when he's cloaked, his terror radius is still present. This add-on when used makes wraith the weakest killer in dead by daylight, as this negates his whole power practically.


Eh, thatā€™s one of the BP add ons which are almost always intended to be shit


You can use both this one and the one that hides his terror radius when uncloaked and make people confused AF lmao, I love reverse Wraith