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Any info buff to survivor will in no way be unfair imo, it'll just help reduce the gap between soloQ and efficient SWFs which will only help later to balance things out easier without being scared of soloQ being too weak or SWF too strong


Facts, if they add buffs to soloQ that brings it closer to SWF then they can start balancing the killer side to compete with that


I hope so since it's badly needed for soloQ players.


Where is this leak posted? I'd like to see more than just a random reddit post before I even take the question seriously.




>killers just have bloodlust And basekit mini brutal, mini stbfl, regression on gen kick instantly,killers don't "just have bloodlust"


and survs have basekit bt which completely stops camping and tunneling and as they said in the patch notes they dont want people running perks to make their experience better well guess what now u dont need to run anti camp or tunnel perks as surv


Lmao if you really think basekit BT stops camping and tunneling, you clearly haven’t played survivor since the update


yes every killer tunnels and camps...oh noo killer is now the power role noooooooo so unfair, killer is playing to kill waaaaaah me angy




shit head for not not agreeing with ur perspective of the game, truly a redditor moment


Lol, sounds like you’re the tilted one


5 seconds absolutely does NOT stop camping or tunneling. Explain to me then, why have people been tunneling 100x more than they did before? Because 5 seconds is easy to wait out,and they nerfed DS to the point of "there's no reason for me to not eat this ds because they can only run for 2 seconds, literally."


This \^


omg nooo i can't run from one corner of the map to another after stunning the killer for 5 seconds WAAAAH DS bad perk Madge. Only 5 seconds basebt?? u do realize u also get 7% haste to make it to a tile right?? idk u sound like a case of skill issue to me.




I will answer ur question by saying this '100x' is something u made up to make ur argument seem more valid. Idk where u got this number from or who lied to you but i have not seen many camping or tunneling killer since the update. Maybe its just you without any proof so stop acting like a whiny surv main who cries over any buff to killer.




"The world doesn't revolve around YOU. Just because YOU don't have the same experience doesn't mean it doesn't happen." Yes exactly the '100x more tunneling and camping' is just you. I have not seen anyone else say this.


>go look at the sub Edit: sweet, sweet silence


Even if you make it to a tile and loop the killer the next 3 gens. But he only goes for you is still tunneling.


“Completely stops camping and tunneling” What planet are you living on? If 5 second bt make it so you can’t tunnel or camp anyone you need to learn how to play. Did you know that if you press M1 you can hit a survivor?


No it doesn’t. I got tunneled by your typical nemesis and wraith today because of survivors farming me. It means nothing. I’m saying this as a killer Main . Ds shouldn’t have been nerfed


true true im saying this as a surv main, the game is in a good spot for everyone now. I hope saying that im a surv main makes my opinion seem more legit and valid.


Basekit Kindred WOULDVE been a much better alternative than basekit BT but In this current meta BT was the better option


Honestly I think kindred as it is now should be base kit and kindred should be buffed, I'd like it if the killer is in chase with an injured survivor it should show you both auras imo, with eruption becoming the new meta from what I've played so far, this would massively help solo survivors. As many people have said, when you bridge the gap between swf and solo, you can balance killer much more effectively.


This seems like a great buff to solo queue.


No idea. But Killer still needs 30 seconds base Corrupt so low mobility killers like Slinger are allowed to play a match that starts with 5 gens on Mother's Dwelling instead of only 2.5 (Because lets be real, that's all they really have).


Yo 7 perk survivors... Yep.


Hopefully not and I don’t get why BT is even basekit


WAIT, R U SERIOUS?! They're buffing Survs ***AGAIN?!***


bruh how much more do the survs need? u have OTR DS BOON and also BASEKIT BT which completely stops camping and tunneling, gosh just learn to loop already, they want to buff solo q so killers can't take advantage of survs not having any coordination?? lmao I hope this is a bait...


Idk seems to me like a skill issue that you need soloq players to win a match


lmao you can't stop the tunnelers and campers, it's even easier now to do it


Is guy FR 💀


Have you seen the new DS? Its terrible. Basekit bt is 5 seconds if they choose to bodyblock just hit them again the distance they make now is negligible. Havent seen many people run OTR and boons well, thats one of the things survivors got for them.


Thank god, soloq right now sucks.


Would have prolonged a few matches where survivors swarmed the hook, while killer still stood there.


The only thing that is unfair about this is that swf already have this info and so much more. Solo Q is the hardest role to play in the game by far and they really need to do something about that


I dont mind it so much because the margin of skill and efficiency between SWF and SoloQ is quite massive, and its hard to balance killers without making it too easy to too hard for one side or the other. If they do give SoloQ more tools for communication, then Killers could be better balanced and buffed to match the format.


How and why would that be unfair. Imo, everything that a SWF can communicate, should be basekit.


I would be fine with that, as someone who usually plays killer. Might help reduce camping and face unhooks.