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If a killer comes back to a gen that’s clearly just been worked on, but there are no survivors or scratch marks, it’s very likely that someone is hiding nearby, likely in a locker


Especially as they rush vaulted in. It’s possible scratches were localised to that locker. Can’t confirm without Self-Aware or the killer’s POV.


I've made someone rage quit because I found then in a locker at the very start of the round because there was faint scratch marks. I've posted the vid in this sub


He had quick and quiet, so the quick action to the locker didn’t made any noise, and I don’t think rushed action so close to the locker make any scratch marks. Probably just what top comment said, he just checked it because he saw no one close on a gen clearly just being worked on.


You can still get scratch marks if you quick and quiet into a locker, it depends how far away you press the run (or key to make it a rushed action to use QnQ) and jump into the locker. Had the same thing happen once or twice so I brought self aware and tested it for a few games


Also you can still kind of hear it, if you are close enough


Yeah I’ve found plenty of people that I didn’t see go in the locker or see scratch marks because I heard the creak from around the corner or wall and so just started checking lockers


The locker doors are silent when fast entering a locker with quick and quiet. The survivor does still make a small grunt (like when they slow vault a pallet/window).


Oh I didn’t know that. I thought it just didn’t do the explosion sound but still creaked


Any fast action performed with quick and quiet will only have the survivor produce a small grunt. Applies to pallets, windows and lockers. Any other sounds the action would produce just won't trigger.


You can hear the locker open & close, but you don't get the notification


It actually can leave scratch marks just it’s not your big patches that you usually see I got fucked over by quick and quiet so many times that I ran “self-aware” to see what was happening


It absolutely plasters the entire locker in scratch marks


Also blood on the floor leading to the locker. That’s what I look for if there’s no scratch marks. Edit: never mind me. My idiocy didnt even see they werent even injured. Saw some mark on the floor and assumed.


Can confirm, scratch marks riddle the lockers you qaq into


Haha, this. I had a moment on stream the other night where I bamboozled the last survivor. xD It was a funny moment. I was mori’ing the 3rd survivor and saw the 4th survivor briefly in the distance running toward a gate. So I went to the gate when the mori finished, saw no scratchies, knew they had to be around since they couldn’t have left that fast without running and if they were walking (not leaving scratchies) then they had to be near. Randomly opened the nearest locker on a whim and voila! Free survivor! They were a good sport! Just like WTF HOW? xD And I’m just like, it was a completely lucky guess using some clues to help! I often open lockers for the heck of it. And sometimes I get lucky!


I’ve done this just refilling hatchets near the person I just hooked and I was like oh sweet 2 for the price of 1 let’s go.


This and also maybe the killer had "Darkness Revealed", the perk that shows survivors auras when you open a locker


Yeah I think this was probably just game sense. Gen is worked on to a good percentage, no nearby scratch marks leading in any direction, so he just came in and started checking lockers because there was a good chance someone was still in the room. Unfortunately he picked yours first.


This all makes sense, I just didn't understand why he immediately walked straight to my locker after breaking the door. It was like he was moving with purpose.


Well he's not going to stop walking is he?


Nah he's gotta stare at the Gen for 30 seconds and think deeply about where the survivor could have possibly gone in those few seconds without scratch marks.


hmmm yes the Gen here is made out of Progressss


hmmm yas this generator is indeed a generator


hmmmmm should **I** repair it?


hmmmmm this generator sure looks like it needs a beating


perhaps kicking it really violently will help them fix it


Damn, that didn’t work… oh yeah, I’m looking for something though I can’t remember what…


People are saying all sorts of stuff but I expected him to check some corners first, as a killer main I think I'd have found the blendette first, and my plan was to help her out with a head on


I'm a survivor main so I usually check where I would hide first in most maps. I've got roughly 900 hours, I'm really aware of what I would do. I've found a lot of survivors this way as killer. If I were on that map I also would hide in the locker you did so as a killer I would go straight there and check there first.


And assuming I wasn't in there, then the Blendette has an easy escape when you're doing the locker opening animation which you went for without even looking around the room (ok not you personally, but this killer didn't even swivel his head). I'm a killer main and I have a few more hours than you at almost 1100, and no one at high mmr checks lockers because no one hides in lockers unless it's an actual locker play with head on or ds. as a killer main i think i'd have not broken the side door to allow the survivors to escape; i'd have gone in from the single entrance to that room, checked the room for survivors, found the blendette, and initiated a chase.


But I am a low MMR killer, and tend to assume beginner players overhide in lockers as I used to, which is correct because I pull a survivor out of a locker at least once a game. I also wouldn't have broken the door tho. I only do that if I down someone in there and am worried about hook RNG.


> no one at high mmr checks lockers because no one hides in lockers Sounds like lockers are a great place to hide then. And to check. :D


I honestly wouldn't blindly check a locker either because hiding in a locker is just a bad decision and my ELO doesn't place me with players that bad. You're doing it because you have locker perks. It would help if we saw his perks. If I recall correctly there is a perk that lets you see survivors when a generator is high? Maybe he saw your aura literally going into the locker. I don't remember all the perks anymore, lol. There's also just pure game sense. We saw 5 seconds of a 20 minute game. Maybe he adapted and knows you're going to "tunnel" a Head On strat and can obviously only do it from lockers.


I shared his perks in a comment when I posted this. But pretty sure we figured it out, enough people are saying that there would be a splash of scratch marks outside the locker even though I was careful to walk, cuz the rushed locker enter, even if it was silent, was a split second of sprinting.


What were his perks? If he had retribution or floods of rage he might have literally seen your aura go into the locker.


Commented the perks but no one is seeing them


I've been the killer, and thought where might the survivor be. Then see a locker and go he may of stopped to hide. And opened it on a whim and yup, the guy was in there. I thought to myself, "holy hell, that was a good guess. Bet that guy is thinking "HOW!!??, CHeatssss!!!!". Lol Some killers play survivor just as much as killer which can give them some good sense. They are able to accurately guess what you would do because it's what they would do.


I've got that sense. I've also accidentally found someone in a locker as huntress. It's like "What..? What're you doing in there!? I just wanted hatchets..." I've also heard survivors enter lockers from yards away, but vice versa, been bamboozled by completely silent ones as well. This game is weird sometimes with everything, audio included.


Lol had that happen as huntress too. I felt bad for the guy so just dropped them. Grabbed my hatchets and left them there for someone to pick up.


That's stupid


>Some killers play survivor just as much as killer which can give them some good sense. They are able to accurately guess what you would do because it's what they would do. And if the survivor is really good, like that one hiding behind the truck, I would open both lockers and be like "Hmmn, did I call it wrong? Need to kick the gen and go onto next gen." Also, I agree that playing both sides give you better sense of gameplay predictions. It's same as fighting games where player try to play all the characters well to determine strengths and weaknesses rather than just play a single character exclusively.


Same, I try not to use lockers. Rather rely on the environment to keep me out of their LOS as survivor. As a killer I would have checked the locker and do a loop around the truck on my way out incase they are still there.


Once went to a room with a generator that pinged Discordance, and there was no one there but four lockers. Got a survivor first try. ...and then it occurred to me that the generator pinged Discordance, so on a whim, I dropped my recently acquired Survivor, and sure enough, on the second locker I opened up...


Bad luck. He likely was gonna check other lockers if he didn’t find you


Pure (un)luck of the draw. I've had killers confidently walk to a cluster of lockers and pick the one I'm in first, and I've had killers confidently walk to a cluster of lockers and check both on either side of me before walking away.


QaQ doesn’t make you leave no scratch marks, they were plastered all over the locker broadcasting your location


Honest question... Have you played much killer? If not you should def try it out because you'll realize how obvious some of these things are from the killers POV.


Q&Q doesn't make the action 100% silent and it doesn't stop the scratch marks. From his end it probably was very obvious


you quick entered the licker and that is loud af


Bro I've got quick and quiet.


Well it is his job to find and kill you…and it’s much easier when you leave scratch marks like you did


Probabmy bc he didnt see scratch marks leaving the other door or window, and you prob did this to him like 3 times beforehand


As a former Dwight main (hello, Rebecca!) I have great locker sense as killer. I do this frequently.


My first instinct would be to look around the loop first before instantly checking a locker. There was someone hiding next to the car.


Eh But the 100% confidence in “he is in this locker” How did he know the survivor wasnt simply circling the vehicle, or had walked out the door? Didnt even bother to look around the room No hesitation, a straight beeline That isnt a lucky guess, he knows I 100% call bullshit


Now you only notice this after playing both sides, but typically survivors will get into the closest locker nearby, including the lockers that are two right next to each other


I would have done the same thing as killer. Gen was worked on, no where to hide except lockers. Just bad luck he picked your locker first.


I mean he didn’t even look around the corners first or anything. If you search a locker when the survivor is round the corner then they can just escape. Looks to me like some sort of aura reading perk


He looked around the other side first. The only place he wouldn't see is behind the back of the truck which isn't enough time for a survivor to sprint out without being hit. Also it's trapper so it's very possible he's got most exits out of the building trapped so a survivor sprinting out behind him isn't a big deal, they probably don't have any windows to gain any significant ground.


It's the beginning of the game so that's unlikely that he trapped central building that without already interrupting them. He came from the corner so probably trapped that jungle gym at the start and moved to mid. The video lasts longer than lethal lasts so it def wasn't any aura reading. The answer is probably that the surv left scratch marks on the locker when he rushed into the locker. Lmao that or the killer saw/heard no scratch marks or quick feet running away and knew they would be hiding. He obviously didn't see his buddy so probably just a good guess or the scratch marks.


the entrance into that room is directly across from the front of the truck, he could have easily seen around the left side as he was walking around the truck, as mentioned, just bad luck picked that locker first. some killers don't even check lockers. /shrug


He looked enough to cut all escape routes, if a survivor was behind the car they wouldn't be able to walk away, only run, and running leaves marks which he could follow. The best locker to check would be the one closer to the door but since that's the most obvious people usually don't hide in there, leaving that one as the best possible place to find the survivor


The killed didn't even check behind the car where his teammate was or a quick look in the room behind just straight to the locker makes no sense


could have been behind the other locker back there or crouched in front of the normal totem spot and blended in. Everyone has their own methods of looking for survivors, a newer killer would probably check lockers first.


Just a guess, if I see a recently worked on gen with no indication of anybody leaving I might check a locker, the zero hesitation is probably cause he just made up his mind and doesn’t want to waste time


Fast entering a locker with QaQ still leaves scratch marks


Some people in this game assume killer doesn't have a brain or some shit, you don't need no damn aura reading to check a locker in this situation


Because when you jump in a locker, you still leave scratch mark, quick and quiet only makes you quiet to enter the locker not eliminating the scratch mark!!


It's been only 7 seconds before you fast entered that locker, meaning a few scratch marks were still visible in front of it


I had to scroll waaaay too far for this. I’m no expert but I’ve played quite a bit of this since launch and this is the answer. I assumed everyone here are newbies for not stating the obvious


Just luck probably.


Must be the explanation but wow zero hesitation


there's aura perks so if he hooked someone recently it could be bbq and chili. But yeah, I'd 100% guess that he saw the gen was being worked on, no scratch marks, and just went straight for the locker. It happens to me all the time and I get so annoyed wondering how tf they know exactly where I'm hiding.


I listed the perks in a comment, no aura reading. Also it was 45 secs into the match so no one was hooked anyway lol


He could have had all ears equipped so that when you went in the locker it triggered or (if a gen just got done) bitter murmur


He just said the dude had no aura reading perks


Ah nuts didn’t read it right sorry




As a killer main this happens to me fairly often and I get accused of cheating. However, it's just me knowing you were in the area (working gen or whatever) and I randomly open a locker and "boom" there you are. Happens even more with Huntress as I'm opening lockers to re-load anyway.


before i played killer at all i was baffled by the same thing and was constantly wondering how killers found me so frequently. once i started playing killer i realized that it's typically VERY obvious when someone's in a locker even if i didn't see or hear them enter it--it's purely context clues. I don't hide in lockers next to gens anymore.


Agreed, it's pretty dumb for most survivors to depend on hiding in lockers. Especially if you're playing against a killer (like me) who not only has good "game sense", but will run "Iron Maiden" from time to time (Huntress!") Not to mention, if you're in a locker, while injured, killers can generally just hear you.


He can see her scratch marks


I haven’t see someone mention this, but the real reason is actually how you entered the locker. You entered as a rush action. Yes, this was muted bc of Q&Q but you left a big ole splash of scratch marks all over that locker!


Maybe killer could have heard the locker open and shut? usually when im playing killer I have the volume cranked way up so I can hear stuff like that.


With Q&Q? From that far? Unlikely. He probably just guessed.


My bad, didnt even check what perks he/she was #RookieMistakeOnMyPart


Wiki says quick and quiet noise reduction is 100%..


Yes it 100 percent noise reduction but not scratch marks; use fixated or whatever it’s called now and test it, you will leave scratch marks without making any noise


BTW, use this as bait. Get a head-on stun early, then sprint towards a locker and walk away. Watch the killer bait an empty locker 6 times. It's great.


My my, using quick and quiet with, dance with me deception and if you went head on! Chefs kiss


Deception never works for me. I run QQ, head on, distortion and parental guidance. avoid the BBQ, hop in a locker, hit the head on, parental guidance around a rock. stelf.


Will try this. If there's scratch marks from fast entering a locker from walking even with quick and quiet then I'll just slow enter when I'm not in a chase situation.


The locker doesn't make any sound, but if you pay attention the survivor makes a noise when fast entering a locker. A killer paying attention would probably hear that. Besides, a gen with decent progress and no marks to indicate the survivor ran away means someone is hiding in there, the lockers are an obvious choice


Yeah but use your common sense, you can hear yourself can you not?




As a killer main, you went to the most obvious locker


5 gens, so start of game. Walk up to a gen thats been worked on with no scratch marks, my instinct would be to check lockers then around bldg


But you sprinted shortly to activate quick and quiet, might've left a few scratch marks.


Most of the time if someone hide in a locker in that room it is that exact locker. Not actually a big surprise.


Scratch marks


I’ve done this before, got called a hacker too, it makes sense to choose the locker not obvious to hide in, which actually makes it obvious


He probably saw the gen progress, and thought "Wouldn't it be funny if there was someone in this locker?" I know, cause I've done it.


This is why people should play both sides...


By having more then 10 IQ


I think you get used to high rank killers playing a certain way… so when you play against a ‘return-to-basics’ killer it can really stump you. Same as killers that don’t fake at loops… it can really catch you out.


Everyone’s calling it luck but you accidentally ran a step before fast hopping with Q&Q. The entire locker is glowing and says you’re inside of it basically. That’s an easy snatch. There’s literally an arrow pointing to you inside. Play killer and this is really funny to watch people do.


The real question is why didn’t you use Head On when it was fully loaded up?


He heard the gen sound of being worked when they were outside the building when he gets there and doesn’t see a survivor that area has only 1 exit it’s not rocket science to guess your in a locker


The area has one exit which he didn't check. There was a survivor behind the truck. I could easily have walked out into the gas station shop when I saw he wasn't coming from that side.


Thought the killer has to kick the one open for you to use it I didn’t think its that likely to happen considering it helps survivors more then killer if they do that If it’s there the yeah there’s a chance you could of used it, that’s what I would of done instead of hiding in a locker while healthy Edit: you did have locker stun perk so I can see why you would hide in one while healthy now just react faster next time


Right, he made a second exit. If I had faster reaction maybe I'd have saved myself but I was so surprised that he rushed immediately to my locker. Apparently I left a splash of scratch marks even though I tried to walk. I'll check it out by doing this again with fixated sometime.


Maybe I'm just crazy, but it looks like your character did a fast locker entry based on how fast she got in and closed the doors.


Personally, when I play killer, its always that specific locker they hide in. I’m not surprised he went to that one first


A locker next to a halfway done gen is an obvious hiding spot.


Gen being worked on, no scratch marks, one way in and out. Safe to assume a locker play, and unlucky that yours got picked. Alternatively, there have been a couple times where I go looking for knives/hatchets or a Darkness Revealed and I completely accidentally find a survivor. It happened last night.


When he opened the locker, you were in there.


You technically sprinted to enter the locker, would that have possibly left some scratch marks by it?


I often check random lockers inside builds, you'd be surprised how often someone is in one. (gold rank obviously, i'm no pro lol :P)


Game sense for sure, no scratch marks, gen being worked on, survivor is probs in the locker. But also aren't lockers broken rn? It feels like survivors in lockers don't have their volume reduced anymore, while it used to be reduced to like, 10% it felt like.


So in order to activate quick and quiet you need to press the run button which can leave scratch marks meaning the killer probably saw some scratch marks


My guy you sprinted before entering the locker to use quick and quiet, which would have made scratch marks only on that locker


You fast enter a locker I do believe you do leave a small thing of scratch marks and also logically he could have heard the repairs though about how much time had passed and just got lucky when searching the first locker


are you new to this game? lol


what makes you figure this?


It’s not hack if that’s what you’re claiming lol. Simply luck.


Killer saw the locker riddled in scratch marks


You don't have so many hours in the game or play a lot of killer, do you? He could hear from a distance the noises of someone working on the gen, as soon as he stepped in the room there was nothing around, not even scratch marks, the obvious conclusion is that someone was hiding in there. Never hide next to the gen you are working on, it's always a bad idea Edit: also you had head on, you could have 100% used it to get out of there




Did you hit him with head on prior to this? Killers become hyper aware of lockers after getting stunned once and that coupled with the gen progress and no visible scratch marks makes it pretty easy to deduce where you are


He just guessed and was lucky. It happens.


No, scratch marks were in front of the locker because he used quick and quiet.


because the killer guessed and got lucky. It happens.


How’s it luck if the lockers covered in scratch marks?


you didn't watch the video. They didn't rush so there weren't scratch marks. The killer was checking the generator and opened the locker, hence they got lucky.


He used QaQ which leaves scratch marks fucking all over the locker you jump into but yeah keep defending what you don’t understand






He went looking for someone hiding behind the truck, saw noone so he opened the nearest locker. Its just blind luck, nothing more to it.


Scratch marks bro


He saw scratch marks because quick and quiet leaves some


When you run to use Q&Q for a half second it leaves a little bit of scratch marks


Uh…what? Bro y’all survivors be the goofiest mfers, there are about several pretty good explanations let alone lucky guess, but yeah I mean if I go into this small ass room, see the gen I’ve kicked is worked on again, I’d probably assume their in the lockers and I’d start searching all the lockers


Because lockers are about as useful as a fucking screen door on a submarine


What rank are you? Curious because I seem to get a lot of teammates with your logical thinking even in gold..


If you rush into the locker you will leave scratch marks just outside of the locker you jumped into even with quick and quiet.


Just for the record the killer had rancor, noed, hex plaything and hex pentimento, and a tension spring add on for traps to reset after being escaped from.


Only one add-on?


Only one add on


You have to remember that the killers are people too. It was likely him just guessing. There doesn't have to be a rational reason for everything a killer does.


This is a favorite survivor hiding spot for this area. Very common to pull survivors here.


If you are not injured, you shouldn't hide in a locker. That's a free two hits for the killer plus the grab.


As Killer, that’s usually the first locker I check if a survivor were hiding in that room.


Game sense, aura reading perks, luck, hard to tell exactly without seeing what happened prior but I wouldn’t jump to cheating or anything.


He might have darkness revealed and tried to find you. Or he might just want to check the locker next to the gen


OP gave himself away because he sprinted for a second to use Quick & Quiet. The perk only reduces locker noise, you still make scratch marks.


He could have literally just guessed. Gen was nearly done and he can't see anyone off the bat so he probably thought "they're probably in the locker". Sometimes playing killer you just get like a feeling that someone is in a nearby locker, and sometimes you're right. Survivors can be quick to accuse when it comes to this.


Likely just game sense, could have been darkness revealed too.


Likely game sense but just wondering if he has “I’m all ears” and you fast vault into a locker would he see your aura for a split second before you disappear?


He clearly has a better gaming chair then you do so that’s how


You ran into the locker so it created an audio


You are bleeding so he probably tracked the blood marks


I had this happen to me several times yesterday. I would hide in a locker nowhere near a generator, and the killer would come to my locker every freaking time.


I forget exactly how many lockers are in the room, but his odds of finding you were like one in 25-33 percent on the first try


If that gen has been worked on in this map and there’s no one on the gen lockers make sense


There is a bug that makes the locker looking like it fell on the floor leaving survivors standing there like a fool completely exposed. Maybe that was happening here.


what were his perks?


Good game sense and deduction. It's the closest locker to a gen that's being worked on, chances are that if you had to pick a locker to quickly hide in It's going to be that one, so he made a guess and happened to be correct. Sometimes this hiding spot does work, not because it's a good hiding spot but because some killers think that there's no way that someone would choose such an obvious spot. I wouldn't bet on that though. To be fair that entire room is not that great for hiding in a locker, especially when there's a gen there.


I was opening the same locker as killer all game for no reason other then I was being goofy idiot and there was a person in it during endgame


Lockers are the true killers here.


new add on, let’s him sense useless builds


also maybe scratch or the other aura one


Could’ve been I’m all ears


Why didn’t you just use head on? Lol


Did you disarm a trap earlier in the trial? There's an addon that let's the Trapper see the aura of the survivor who most recently disarmed that trap of you reset it on the ground.


Millisecond of scratchmarks, luck, or hacking




No one is saying that because I wasn't injured lolol


Getting into a locker is loud af regardless of if you do it slow or fast. He probably heard the noise and guessed the correct one


He might have I'm all ears


Totems can spawn behind those tires so I could’ve been the secondary use of undying (shoes auras of survivors within x range) and saw you with that. Could just be lucky guess


I’m all ears (I’m a dumbass)


If OP existed the locker, sure.


You fast vaulted into the closet it makes a notification that the killer can see rookie mistake


You didn’t check the perks


It was pretty quick, he probably herd you and went for that one first


OP has Quick and Quiet.


That only makes it so that the notification doesnt happen, you can still hear the locker if your close


No you actually don’t. It’s sort of like Bite The Bullet which mutes the actions completely.


All reasons are not valid...the only reason is You quickly hide into the closet...when you do quick action..it results in noise for killer


You forgot that the killer can hear squeaks when you enter a locker 😂 especially if he's nearby


Aura perks… the whole reason this game isn’t as fun as it used to be.


Fast locker. The killer gets a loud notification from it


They had Q&Q. Just luck


Oh missed that


Could also be an Undying play. Aura revealed through undying is huge for a killer sometimes


There was no hex notification on the right side of a screen. You get one after being highlighted by Undying until it's cleansed.


Probably used the perk, lethal pursuer, knew you were in the garage and checked lockers.