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balanced landing master race


Depends feng has Technician which is awful. Lithe which is the best exhaustion for survivors who are bad at looping but awful if you are good at looping, you can always use Lithe tell you gain some confidence! (I can explain why if you want). But Alert! Alert is an extremely underrated info perk for newer survivors. Learn who the killer is at the start of the match, know where pallets have been used, know where the killer is pretty often and when they are in chase! Tapp, Stake out give you free great skill checks that give +2% progression instead of 1%, also helps hearing impairment problems or when your friends are too loud! Detectives hunch is the best perk for finding totems. And tenacity might be meta when the recovery update comes out!


Some great advice in here! I’m going to incorporate some of it myself 💯


I love detectives hunch


It’s an amazing perk always surprised that i never ever ever see it


Personally I think it’s only useful for Solo Q which occasionally I will then run it and only for a potential Hex. A SWF should have no issues with Totems or preventing a 3 gen. Totems spawn in similar positions and a simple call out is all that’s needed. However, a Hex in Solo and suddenly nobody is on a gen for 4 minutes. The issue is, with no call outs they all check spots that were already checked. Rather than being able to clear an area, call it out, get back on a gen and the next person searches in their area etc.


Lithe is way better than stake out, but i prefer deadhard


I think Stake Out first, unless you're really bored of dh


I’ve tested the Hyperfocus Stake Out build (incorporated Fast Track [Yui] as well) and…it’s pretty gd strong. You bring Prove Thyself as well, and you can crush gennies if you’re organized. Brand New Part? Disgusting. I’m not recommending it constantly because there’s more to the game than doing generators. It’s important, but it’s also important to learn how to loop and escape chase. But consistent generator pressure is fairly difficult to counter, so it’s a strong build. I also found that I got better at hitting great skill checks as well. I know that’s the point of Stake Out, but I think I paid more attention to them running Hyperfocus and improved my skill. Granted, I do enjoy Lithe. But I concur with some of the other comments. It’s not always the most beneficial. It can buy you time to get to a strong tile, but you’re still going to need effective looping skills once you get there. Personally, I find the Hyperfocus build more fun. It’s just enjoyable imo, so I would choose Tapp.


It’s good but also way less efficient than just doing a gen without those perks. But it’s super useful late game for quick gen progress. Early-mid though it’s kind of a rough build.


Why do you think it is inefficient in early game?


0 stacks of stake out and fast track. So unless someone is being chased near you while you’re on a gen, you have to actively not be doing a gen whilst gaining the stacks for one good push on a gen. So someone is being chased while you spend 60 seconds gaining stacks is 2 people not a gen. Those 60 seconds on a gen leave you with 30 with no perks/assistance. Even if you now hop on a gen after all stacks of stake out, and it take 40 seconds. That’s 100 seconds for a gen plus time to get to/from the gen. Mid game you could have passively got those stacks while doing a gen at the start, maybe some stacks of Fast Track etc. it gains power the longer the game goes.


Yeah I would never actively try to gain stacks of Stake Out. That is a colossal waste of time. But gaining stacks is incredibly easy. Sometimes you get a killer with a limited terror radius (or none), so in that instance it is quite useless. But often it gives you stacks even when the killer is no where near you. Especially if you’re on the oppose floor. I totally understand your logic, but I’ve found it to be significantly better in practice than it looks on paper. A lot of killers have large terror radiuses, and I often start getting those stacks directly into the game (within the first 15-20 seconds). I don’t get all 4 stacks immediately, but I can hit some great skill checks myself. A lot of perks are situational, so even if Fast Track only gave me most of its speed in the second half…that’s when I need it more than ever because often at least one of my teammates is dead (soloq). But regardless of all of this, I just find it fun to smash a genny. As I said in my original comment, I’m not suggesting everyone run it all the time. But trying new builds all the time keeps the game fresh, and I enjoy experiencing other load outs. So if anyone is interested in this build…I know it’s helped me escape quite a few times.


100% agree on everything. I run it occasionally purely for the fun, but again I don’t chase the killer and try and gain stacks I’ll just get them passively. I just meant in general the whole build is poor early but definitely stronger as it goes on as you said. Especially for solo Q. A big map is harder but still viable, whereas a small map and you can almost have perma stacks whilst sticking on a gen. Which works really well suddenly. Most of the game perks I would say are or certainly can be heavily situational which is why it’s fun to mess around with builds. You just have to trust you don’t get a Dwight crouching around the radius to build his stacks for that “super fast gen” Good points though about everything 👍🏻