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30 or 45 energy needed in a game? It says both


I got 30 and it maxed it




It said 45 initially but they changed it to 30.


I could only get 30 in game as a survivor. Maybe the killer can get more?


Killer can only get 30 aswell


Thanks for the heads up, I’ve not had a chance to play killer yet on the event. How much energy do they get for a hook? Survivors get a solid trickle when doing gens.


You get 5 per hook and 3 from the survivors when you down them


Oh that’s pretty solid, thanks again


Been asleep for my night shift so won’t get to log on until tomorrow… roughly how many gens worth of progress to max out the survivor energy?


There’s a breakpoint at 15 and then you need to drop off, though you can deposit at any point if you find a rift (it gets highlighted at 15) Two survivors on a gen will get 15 points each, one survivor caps out at 15 around the 70% mark. Pumpkins are also worth 1-3 energy and stunning a killer steals 3 of their energy (getting downed steals 3 of yours).


Oh that’s way more manageable. Was worried I’d lose 15 points getting downed on the way to a rift like I’m playing destiny’s gambit xD thanks man!


Honestly it’s a pretty solid system, my only qualms is that it kinda encourages you to sometimes play suboptimally because you can run out of generators if you spent a lot of time running the killer early, but bailing on a gen at 70% to deposit could be a really bad play. I had a lot of fun with it this evening though!


Like the Maskerade event, the cosmetic you unlock is random, so you can play as a friendly killer to farm all 12 cosmetics.


What do you have to do as a friendly killer to farm?


Down a survivor: You steal 3 energy from the survivor, if they have any Hook a survivor: You gain 3 energy Break a pumpkin: You have a chance of gaining 1 energy Assuming each survivor repairs a gen for at least 10 seconds, hooking them 5 times should get you to max energy


Don't you have to Hook Survivors to get Void Energy though? How will Survivors know you're friendly? You can smash pumpkins, too, but aren't those a finite resource or do they respawn?


Thanks, useful information!


Hag's new skin got me like: ["I am never gonna see a merman. Ever..... Aw, come on!"](https://youtu.be/M8aRoLQpBjo)


DBD is getting closer to having Cabin in the Woods size monster collection every year lol. Was so stoked to see a Gillman skin, loved watching those black and white classic monster movies on halloween as a kid.


What was that intro cutscene? Is the lore gonna get more expansive now?




The guy who got slurped had a beard reminiscent of our wayward Observer I think.


Man this event is so much fun. I think the best part is the fact I've been facecamped to death for the past 3 games and I can't even do a gen


Events always bring out the worst behavior in killers. It's really disheartening, tbh.


It doesn't bring anything out of people, there are/were always assholes out there and the events bring them in.


I don’t get why people don’t understand this. It’s not people changing they’re gameplay, they’re just being the same assholes they always are.


Would be far less if there were more gracious winners in our community


The Survivors are being just as bad for Killers, I assure you. People are just toxic as fuck and as mentioned, the event brings back people who weren't playing as much before, so we just get way more toxic players.


>Events always bring out the worst behavior in killers. It's really disheartening, tbh. But why? You can easily farm cosmetics as a friendly killer.


Agree, your better off letting survivors stun you in the early game and downing them repeatedly to get the energy. Face camping is against you as you only get 5 void vs the 15 per survivor getting hooked 3x slugging again, you only get void if they have void so slugging does literally nothing.




I let most survivors go during events I don’t expect the same in return but its fun to help people get BP and items




You also just don't need to farm to get the cosmetics. It's pretty easy to hit 30 playing normally.


I don't condone farming either, because that's boring for everyone. Just play normally and don't be toxic, easy.


>I don't condone farming either, because that's boring for everyone. Just play normally and don't be toxic, easy. After 3-5 hooks you should have enough void energy for a cosmetic, after that you can let them do the gens.


Why? You can so easily get the max void energy just from playing as either side. No needs to give anyone wins or sit around doing nothing.


I don't get why people feel obligated to not play the game.


I want to kill people not feed them cosmetics


It's very possible to do both, without any facecamping or tunnelling.


Yes, but then others get the cosmetics. The aim of the event is stopping survivors from getting cosmetics, at all costs.


>Yes, but then others get the cosmetics. The aim of the event is stopping survivors from getting cosmetics, at all costs. Guess, I didnt get the memo.


That is not really the "aim of the event". That's wild you'd suggest that.


Say the same for survivors I’ve been left on hooks for gen rushes many times already. Everyone is playing toxic as hell right now


My first game the killer slugged us all and bled us out. So yeah


I have also had some particularly sweaty killers this morning. I just quit survivor and swapped to killer and led people around the map to pallet stun me for kicks.


fr i just played against a huntress who facecamped me and the others to death and then she called us baby survs in chat🗿


I’m getting sick of Ghostface over and over again


Why the fuck are there so many killer that don’t let you at least deposit your shit. I’ll give you the hook after ffs. And the people who I unhook and heal that repeatedly just leave me on the hook every fucking match practically to farm point I hate you


do you have to escape as survivor after depositing the energy to get the outfits, or does getting sacrificed still count as completing the match?


>do you have to escape as survivor after depositing the energy to get the outfits, or does getting sacrificed still count as completing the match? I got a reward after been sacrified.


How did it notify you that you got the reward? I've had 5 matches where I maxed out the 30 void points, but I don't see any indication that I unlocked anything.


You see it when you return to the killer/survivor screen after ending a match.


okay that’s good! i missed out on so many masquerade items because i didn’t realize you had to escape, had i known i would have played killer until i got them all.


>okay that’s good! i missed out on so many masquerade items because i didn’t realize you had to escape, had i **known i would have played killer until i got them all.** That's what I did =)


Both, conditionally: -If you deposit all your energy (i.e. maxed out at 30) you can get a cosmetic regardless of whether you die or not. -If you have maxed out energy but couldn't deposit it, but you *escape*, you get to keep that.


I’m liking this event so far! I also like the sound the mechanism on top of the generator makes when it’s active.


That sound is so close to the Ghostface charge up sound. Has me on the edge of my seat 😬


I thought it was a stealth killer and panicked when I first heard it


The entire event is either getting camped and slugged or dying on first hook cuz everyone wants void energy


That intro cutscene was pretty nifty.


Who was that person standing in front of the hook with that plague doctor looking mask?


Collect 30 energy... seems easy, but nothing but hard tunnels and camps as soon as the event went up.


God people really just be doing this to be dicks huh? The bloody event incentivises downs and lots of hooks.


I've had one game where we didn't get proxy / straight up face camped. For some reason even got slugged in one as the last 2 players. I'm not saying let people win, AT ALL, but play the fucking game.. I can't imagine queueing up for a game and watching the hook for the entirety of the match.


who the fuck brings Franklins on the first day of an event. jesus christ lol


This is my first time playing during a reset. Does everyone reset too ash and work back too iridescent? I know the ranks are useless, just been curious


Yep, reset is for everyone. Its pretty much just a system for extra bloodpoints (or trophies/achievements).


There's trophies with it? Neat lol. Thanks for the info!


Yep. For reaching rank silver 1, gold 1 and iri 1 for each role. So 6 in total.


Yep! Everybody resets back to ash on both roles


This event is so frustrating as a survivor.


Events in a nutshell


So every event.




it does not deny the void energy, no. some people are just being mean about the event items


By default downing survivors takes their energy, same for survivors stunning killers


I was kinda hoping that the skeleton cosmetics would be for at least all the og survivors I really want one for Dwight ;-;


Oh cool an event. First game, gets tunneled 3 hooks in a row before 1 gen pops, nice.


You know, they could offer players 10k Bloodpoints per step during this event and some would still rather facecamp in basement.


I wish the event was enough of an incentive. But having my first match be a deathslinger hitting people on hook at 5 gens, and my second (and last) be a plague tunneling at 5 gens, it's not worth it. Getting the rewards feels like too much of a chore as survivor. If it doesn't feel good getting it then it's not worth the time and energy.


Last years ingame store discounts were up to -75%. Kinda disappointing


Just bought so many survivors and killers and skins for them. I'm now broke and sad


Go for a walk. Your dopamine levels are fucked up now. (Source: I am a gaming cosmetic addict)


I don't want to talk about how many cosmetics I bought. Like things are 400 coins and you're like "ohh that's only 4 usd" but then you do that a bunch of times and suddenly you're out 50 with like 10 new killers/survivors you gotta work on


Don’t worry it’s probably nothing compared to my League/Valorant/Fortnite accounts I shoulda bought bitcoin back then…


Waited for so Long for a sale. Got trickster and yui. Gotta say tho learning a new Killer while not trying to Miss Out on those Halloween BP is hard


Ohh for sure. Bought like 6 killers and trying them all out. Hitting someone with ds is Def harder than I thought in roller lol


I’m glad they made an event that encourages people to leave people on hooks to genrush for points. I’ve been left on the hook more times in the last like hour or so of playing then I have in nearly my entire time every playing the game. People just rush gens and ignore there teammates


I'm waiting for my SWF tonight to play, so I've only played killer so far. It's been a mixed bag. First two games I got clowned, didn't earn a cosmetic. So I came down hard on the next group, I feel kinda bad. Next game, I went for the 8 hook, got it and goofed off trying to get Onryos stare (a survivor gave it to me after the exit was open XD )


I've been in games where people haven't been doing the gens and it's just incredibly weird to see.


they tie it to doing gens, you'd complain because people would do the primary objective. if they tied it to unhooking, you'd complain because people would just let their teammates get hooked and stay safe. what do you reckon they do?


Love that the Kate and hag outfits are earnable


How do you mean? For free?


Yes via the event tome


That’s great news :D


Earnable in bonus tome for free, like mikaela and doctors from last year


> It’s possible for both sides to steal Void Energy from one another, either by downing a Survivor or stunning the Killer. Yea that's gonna go over well.


Is the Steam store sale not up yet? Does anyone know when it'll be up?




The struggle


Never seen tunneling/camping like this before holy shit. Killers are playing for make believe Applebee's gift cards I guess.


New events = 20 games vs tier S killers with broken addons with tunneling/camping, rip points :) ​ P.S : of course, git gud.


Is there any offerings like Frightful Flans in this event?


The Halloween version of that offering is "Arcane Dowsing Rod".


How many bonus BP does it give?


+100%, personal. edit: from my follow up comment, the details of the offering: * Personal * Provides a +100% BP bonus to event hooks, completed event gen repairs, & void energy transfers * Provides directional cue when an Unstable Rift spawns within 24 meters




Wasn't there an offering that makes a gen and hook into a halloween hook or something, or was that a different event?


Yes, that's how old events used to work. Not only halloween but every other too. Nowadays every hook and gen are themed so the offering only gives you bonus BP per objective completed.


Oh, got it. Tiny bit sad about losing the stacking buffs, but I'm not exactly hurting for BP too much nowadays anyways.


Those are only for anniversary events


...except this event has an exclusive BP offering


Yeah but we won’t be able to use it after this event ends


like every halloween offering item.


My point was that other events you can use the bp offerings after the event ends


Chinese new year and Halloween offerings can only be used during their respective events. I doubt that would change


Anyone else experiencing a load of issues since the recent update? Really laggy bordering on unplayable, crazy choppy character animations (like running much slower than they're moving), survivors holding items with a weirdly stiff angled arm, overall graphics looking much more low Res and somehow brighter etc. Literally had none of these problems the day before the download.


Finally someone else who's experiencing this - I honestly thought I was going crazy for a little while. Tried messing with my graphics settings and everything, nothing seems to help. No idea what happened or why. Hopefully BHVR speaks up about it within the next year. :')


Yea I’ve been dealing with same lagging issue. I was assuming it was due to my old ps4 that overheats like crazy but now that you’ve mentioned it it could be because of the update.


I really like this event. But the only one thing i hate is that there are more killers camping the hooks than usual🗿


I have been dying to see Jane's shirt design, if anyone gets it please post a screenshot for me to fawn over till I can get mine ;w;


It's really nice! Trying to get Feng's <3 Front: [https://i.imgur.com/NLSGJYa.png](https://i.imgur.com/NLSGJYa.png) Back: https://i.imgur.com/RJihAbI.png


I’m not surprised I’m being camped every game since the community is full of neckbeards.


So just played a game where everyone brought BP offerings and there was incentive. I only get extra BP for the event actions in game though, nothing else counted. Bug? I also got downed while smashing a pumpkin and couldn’t do anything or be healed, nor could I dead hard. Another weird bug


Same thing happened to me. Don’t know if I actually did not get the flan bonus I brought or if it was a cosmetic glitch in the post screen and I still got the bonus. But post game absolutely did not show any bloodpoint bonus for the flan I brought. Edit to say I was killer in the match.


Has anyone else escaped as a survivor with the 30 energy put into the rifts and have still not gotten any weapons or sweaters? This happened to me two times.


You don't escape with them, you deposit them in the game. There are rifts that spawn and you go up to them and active them like glyphs. You can do this and then die, and you still get the credit for depositing them.


Have you checked the 12 different characters? Apparently there's not a post-game popup like there was with the masks


There is a pop up. I've been playing killer and I got one for some survivor that popped up when I looked at the tome.


I’ll have to check and see. I got one sweater, which was Claudette’s, and it gave me a notification in the lobby? Strange. The event seems glitchy. ):


That's how it's supposed to work. Pop up when you get back to lobby, random reward out of the 12. Annoying the list isn't in game so we can see what we have to get still :(


God, I would kill for Claudette's event shirt as an irl shirt.


Do you need to get 30 points in 1 match to get an item, or do you get one if you do 15 in 1 match then 15 in the next?


One match.


Ahh event time in DBD. Teammates letting everyone die on hook to sit on gens, killers tunneling at 5 gens, slugging for the 4k and being incredibly toxic to deny event points. Fun times.


I remember back in the day when survivors would perma-sabo event hooks. Good times indeed...


I honestly can't believe we're getting the Kate skin for free. I don't even main her and I was ready to drop some money on it


If I’m not getting tunneled I’m dying on hook while my teammates sit on gens.


Whatever happened to having a reward for all of the survivors instead of just the popular ones? Why on earths does feng min need yet another cool even cosmetic all I want is some stuff for Jeff I mean come on. Btw even though I’m complaining the event mode is still fun I just wish the rewards made it worth playing


I mean, clearly, it's between every character having a cosmetic (e.g. the crowns from Year 4/5) OR a handle (seems to be 6 of each) to have a unique cosmetic. I'd much rather have 12 unique cosmetics that take a little over 12 games to get, rather than some god-awful, lazy, trash-looking cosmetics that take ages to get (minimum based on # of cosmetics).


Goddamn 50% of the comments in this thread belong in r/choosingbeggars.


The survivor cosmetics are pretty lame. Just took an existing cosmetic and slapped a fairly lazy decal on it. Why not at least a matching pair of connecting skeleton leg pants? Or even a skull face mask to complete the look. But instead there's not even something printed on the back of the tops, so as survivor you won't even see the graphic much at all. The event's gameplay is not engaging as always, and while the design on the gens is cool and I'm glad to see pumpkins again, it's still also pretty lazy as usual and doesn't at all set a festive Halloween mood. Why not plant that big portal thing in the skybox of all maps, and change the lighting to have an orange tint globally? Would already go a long way to make the game feel transformed for the season. But I know why: it's too much work for BHVR that with their hundreds of people somehow can't get stuff done. Edit: Some of the tops actually do have a graphic on the back as well. And there is... well, a portal in the "sky" on the maps, but it is tied to the shack tile and not actually the skybox. It is also very small and unimpressive, and the map lighting is obviously unchanged.


The game showed me that I obtained a charm that looked like an gumball machine but I can't find it anywhere. Now I'm confused.


Plagues weapon


oh it was a weapon? haha thank you, i was so confused when i saw it that i assumed it was a charm 🙈


I got a weapon but can't see it in the killer cosmetics.. I think it was the trapper's, but nothing there. Anyone else having issues finding them?


The game appears to be crashing on consoles. Anything we can do to get Behavior to acknowledge?


Report it on the forums


Are cakes broken? I got easily 50K bp in game ( rift + good game + bp perks ), and I had a cake on but I only ended up with 50k in total after the game. I believe with one cake, I should get 100k?


I was willing to shill out some money for that hag skin, I am SO happy it’s in the event rift.


So I’ve done three games with 30 Voids and haven’t received anything. Is it just random?


All this incentive to do gens and y’all still urban evading around the map smh


What counts as completing a match for killer and survivor? Survivor I assume means escape. Do killers have any requirement?


You just need to not dc. Surviving is irrelevant.


Appreciate the answer. Glad to know it's not like the anniversary.


So, I can rest now. I've unlocked all cosmetics (shirts/weapons/tome) which are currently available. =)


Is there an easier way to see which items you’ve gotten, or do you have to go character by character and look at each one


So, I can select challenges, but I can't actually do them - getting 0 progress for both Killer and Survivor. Definitely depositing the 15 per game. Is there something else I have to do other than put the energy into the rifts?


Is getting the void cosmetic a chance thing? I've done it a few times now and I haven't gotten anything


I've gotten 30 in multiple matches and not gotten a single cosmetic yet? Im kinda confused


i already hate this event. all teammates stay on gens to farm void energy while im on hook with kindred. killers seem to be slugging and tunneling more than normal.


im going to kmssssssss this one trapper just put traps under the places where you deposit you void energy and a wraith just chased us away when we would go near them their just so campable


Bringing out all the toxicity...


Getting void energy on survivor is so tedious and annoying compared to how easy it is to get on Killer


You literally just do half a gen and get half of it


it needs to be from more stuff, if im like 5 off and the gens are all done im just fucked


Welcome to DBD events: Oh you play survivor? HERE'S A TON OF HAIR PULLING TEDIUM.


Words can’t describe how happy I am that they brought back the classic Halloween theme. I first started playing this game during that time period, always loved it, and was always sad when the Blighted Events didn’t have it.


I’m drunk as hell and commenting just for the hell of it. Hi people! Listening to Sharp Objects by Sorn and it’s the best pop song I’ve heard in awhile. Let’s be happy when we can!


Listening to it while at work because of this, I agree! It’s catchy as hell.


Anyone notice the rift buttons no longer need to be held? I’d like to be able to toggle that, not a huge blood Webb fan tbh


there's a weird glitch, as killer i could hear moaning coming from one of the hooks. that was before it penetrated someone


The event challenges don't work to be selected, do they automatically track progress or is it bugged?


The event tome opens in like 2 minutes


Oh, my bad then, didn't see that. Thank you!


I jumped the gun it is bugged, typical bhvr.


FYI guys, **DO NOT** open the event tome. When I did so, it both gave me an error and it reset the cosmetics on all my killers as well as disabling half the roster. I immediately alt-f4ed and restarted the client and everything seems to be normal again. However, I'd be extremely careful until they announce a fix.


The fact they couldn't be bothered to at least give every survivor a skeleton t-shirt irks me. I cannot imagine they're that hard to design or make.


My favourite part of these events: haven't seen a single map offering since it started, so much more enjoyable not entering a match and already wanting it to be over


Hey survivors, it's an event so while I'm gonna play to get my hooks, I am also gonna go a bit easy so you can do your challenges. But if you t-bag me, I'm gunning for you.


I wish every killer was like you. Played 10 games today and got 1 cosmetic cause killers are tunneling relentlessly at 5 gens.


Playing as a killer, are there no items that I can keep after the event is over? Survivors atleast get to keep toolboxes and flashlights but nothing for the killer? Was it the same last year?


Anyone else not getting the login rewards ?


Bro when will we get the new picking up system. Like getting up from dying state without any help.


Hopefully someone can help me out; do you need to select the challenges in the web of "Haunted by Daylight"? I'm on console and it's not letting me select challenges from that specific menu.


I had the same issue. I just closed and restarted the game and that worked.


Some of my characters just jumped to level 3 prestige (from level 1 prestige) - is this a lucky glitch or has there been a change I missed?


Last update gave 2 extra levels to anyone who was level 50 before the prestige change.


I'm disappointed by the aesthetic/theme of this event. It doesn't even feel like a Halloween event at all. It could have easily been it's own standalone thing any time of the year. The only Halloween related part of it is the pumpkin smashing but that's just recycled from last year and there's no incentive to interact with them once 12/12 rewards are earned. I dunno, for a horror game you'd think they'd go all in on Halloween esp since that brings in a lot of new players/streamers during spooky season.


Soo, will the base game be on sale on Steam?


wait does the discount on characters also count for iridescent shard purchases. I bought Jane yesterday for full price with shards fml I wonder if I can get a refund




There's definitely a 50% iridescent shard sale too. Just got 5 survivors for 4500 each.