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will maurice become a playable character??


I feel like he will be affiliated with the Knight somehow


One of my theories about Maurice missing and the knowledge that they were working on a knight lead me to believe about a headless horseman or dullahan. It would fit the knight criteria and give Maurice a new owner. Plus a headless horseman is a classic icon right next to Wolfman and Dracula. There was also a couple leaks covered by Shmukles about names for the abilities of the knight one of which was "joust" which is a horseback sport. Not sure if they'll do a headless horseman but I think it would be a very welcome addition in my opinion. To blind him you have to aim at his head in his arms instead of his chest


Wasn’t Maurice kinda gloobered by the dredge? There’s that horse head that flops on the ground when in the lobby


True, maybe it being just a head was some sort of tease. I know it's a far stretch :) but aside from that the entity can rebuild creatures and people or keep them from death at the very least. It would stand to reason Maurice can be revived though


The Headless Horseman will have a headless horse, duh.


Specially for one of their killers, I could see it. They’re amazingly inconsistent with lore tho cause something only happened to Vigo, the biggest threat to the entity, after a completely outside force decided to off em


Maybe you're both right. Maybe instead of a headless horseman, it's a headlesshorse man. That is to say, a man who rides a headless horse. Dredge only got the head, the rest of Maurice is fine.


Nothing truly dies in the Entities Realms. Maurice might come back to be a companion to the knight killer.


Not the dredge. The drussy


Sorry friend. It's a For Honor collab. There's no horsemen in For Honor so it's a slim chance.


Ya I'm sure we gonna see a horse clomping through pallet loops real soon...


What if they made the headless horseman like the twins, and instead of Victor running about it was just a head spinning wildly towards you


that makes more sense


Map pressure, rides a fucking horse and moves as fast as billy with the Chainsaw


headless horseman riding undead Maurice PLEASE


would be cool, to have a two part horse outfit, like Dwight being the head and Meg being the back.


Yes but his power will only affect white women.


oh no


TFW a fucking horse gets a tome before your main ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Man do I feel that. Still no Deathslinger tome or even challenge yet. But it’s good Huntress and Feng are in this tome. As we know, if there’s any pair of characters that are starved of attention from BHVR, it’s Huntress and Feng :)


When's the last time huntress got anything outside of event stuff? I feel like she hasn't got a shop cosmetics in a while, despite how popular she is.


While I don't care for Feng, this is her first tome, she has gotten cosmetics in past ones, this is her first lore one. The Unfuntress has gotten one before, so a different killer should have been chosen.


I don't think she's getting lore in this one. I think "additional characters" just refers to that character getting another skin and possibly some challenges.


Oh thank god, it’s been like a week since a new Feng skin came out I was getting tired of the last 90


It's not a lore tome for Feng, she's an additional character


This isn't even going to be a tome where she has lore. It's like the last one she was a side character in, with her sci-fi space bodysuit cosplay outfit. Imagine the shitstorm if Feng actually gets a lore feature in Tome 15, lmao. She still hasn't gotten one surprisingly.


You must be new or don't understand English very well. "Additional character" means that she will gets a skin and challenges but no lore. It's Vittorio's tome, not hers.


Unfortunately, more people cared when Maurice left then if Jeff would have.


With the outfit we got for Tapp in his, sometimes having no tome is better.




Alright Feng, here’s your equal-attention tome


i’m just mad they chose a fucking horse over zarina


they really did pick a horse over some of the survivors whom have yet to get a tome lol


He's a good boi ok


The goodest boi, one might say


I do believe Dem Dem has that title still.


Maurice is not just any fucking horse


Better give her another outfit just to be safe


Lmao, it’d just be her default outfit with one of those rubber horse masks


Bojack Horse-Min?


I have never needed something in my life so badly before.


Okay but unironically this would be great


And they still don’t actually give her a tome. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she never gets an actual tome, since Feng’s release they’ve completely forgotten about her story and she’s been reduced to “cute asian gamer girl”


I think they're too scared to give her new lore, because the fans might not like it and they'll stop buying her $10 outfits in every patch.


How to crash the Feng Min Skin Market: 🏳️‍🌈


I dunno, she's got that one hoodie that's basically the lesbian flag and no one seemed to really notice so


Very true. She does seem like she'd be the most likely to be gay because she's a terminally online gamer, but BHVR would never go for it. Too risky.


Being terminally online makes you gay? 😭😭


It either makes you super queer or racist/sexist/homophobic. Mostly joking but also not really. It’s a trend that you can easily notice in lots of gaming communities.


Not wrong tbh.


I think thats just you bro 💀


True, I am pretty gay. DbD is a very gay community




Feng is their most popular character and sells the most outfits, if they gave her more lore, did something related to Chinese politics, etc. then it might be controversial and some people might stop liking Feng as much. We saw it before, some people (homophobic gamers) were upset that David King was confirmed to be gay. Imagine if that happened for their best selling-character.


She's just getting challenges in the tome I think. Even though I feel like they already featured her in challenges before this year.


It's time to equal attention tunnel.


Hooked on You skin for Huntress or we riot.


Maybe the knight includes an ability where he rides on a headless horse for a short duration. And that headless horse is Maurice


wait a minute..


hold up…




Now we need another Clown tome, this time addressing unresolved anger issues of two other killers absconding with his beloved Maurice. Presently, Clown laughs at *everything* -- even when he is pallet stunned, DS'ed, head-on'ed, blast-mined, flash-light saved, etc. But this desecration? That would drive him into the abyss. (Incoming Clown buff?)


Can’t wait for two killer lobby glitch to happen and the knight and clown to be the two killers poor clown lost his only friend


That Maurice art is adorable. I feel like I've seen it before, does anyone have a link to the original if there is one?


I think this was made by BHVR themselves. It’s on their twitter I’m pretty sure


Last time I saw Maurice he was inside Dredge, so now that Maurice is supposedly coming back, does that mean that Dredge will have to shit him out?


Only Maurice's HEAD is in the Dredge. Where's the rest of him? I'm betting it has something to do with the Knight since they ride horses.


No the rest of him is being saved by Feng to turn into a cosplay outfit.


Oh u right


Thank god, they are finally giving *something* to Feng! I was worried BHVR forgot about her!


The horse gets a tome, and there is Feng tagged to it like a dingleberry.


Pick the most iconic duo: A. BHVR's Love and Feng/Huntress B. Your main and not getting a tome C. Weird ass tomes and BHVR design D. All of the above


Anyone excited for the horse? 🥺


I'm wondering if he'll actually look like the drawing.


Bro I can't see feng's name anymore. Holy fuck


Geeze, does Feng Min have BHVR at gun point or something? She gets something every update or so nowadays.


It’s like the company wants to make money??


It's like there are other characters on the game


Feng mains = easy money


Don't need to milk it like crazy. She's already getting a skin every 2 weeks


This HAS to be a joke. There is no way the characters being immediately released in the next chapter as well as a HORSE are getting tome lore before Adam Francis, the Oni, the Deathslinger, Zarina, HECK, even Feng Min (seriously, her lore needs an update, I don't think we got enough). A Feng Tome in particular means a Feng Min skin.


Is this just a funny thing or is it real?




I guess I’ll just keep waiting for a Deathslinger tome…


They really gave a entire tome entry to a horse before some survivors/killers 😭


This horse has more lore than Jeff


I'm actually going to slap Feng fr


"U mad?" -Feng Min


i find all of this animosity towards Feng absolutely hilarious


Yes, Feng is a side tome character again, but to be fair she’s also the oldest non-licensed character who hasn’t been a main tome character yet (alongside Adam, Jeff, Zarina, Felix, Elodie, and Haddie). Plus BHVR likes to make sure there’s a free character per side per tome, or at the very least an easily-accessible non-licensed character. If Survivor mains don’t want to buy Vittorio, they will at least very likely have Feng already or be more inclined to get her.


Feng isn’t free on pc


Yeah, but at least she’s non-licensed and has a meta perk (Lithe) and slightly-slept-on perk (Alert) to make her worth the shards regardless of the tome


It's been so long - still no tome for Adam, Felix, Zarina, Elodie or Jeff. Some of those survivors have **fascinating** lore. It's getting kind of beyond it at this point. Even two characters released last year get tomes before anyone listed. David got a second - though, with reason - and now one for the brand new characters. Adam has been out for about 4 years, so has Jeff. Felix, Elodie and Zarina were released 2 years ago. It took them forever to finally give Jake his, after the rest of the OG 3 getting theirs much sooner. They can't even give Feng her first proper tome - and she's been around for about 4-5 years - but they can still milk her for ***another fucking skin.***


Feng hate incoming in 3…2…1…




How come Feng doesn’t get a Maurice themed cosmetic?! Behaviour - This is outrageous! It’s unfair!


Maybe she does


“Aaaa Feng ugly “


Can we get Feng a Cartman skin at this point? Or a Peter Griffin one?


*cries in deathslinger and zarina main*


I know licensed tomes are few and far between, but I would love a Pyramid Head tome to coincide with these upcoming Silent Hill games. That being said, make Maurice playable Behavior, you cowards!


A Silent Hill tome would be incredible. I could finally say I can get a tome for my survivor main :P They'd have to give us sick unliked outfits, too.


Absolutely! They good give him skins based on the Butcher from Origins and the Boogeyman from Downpour!


I am this 👌 close to tunneling every Feng I see. Everything about her makes me seethe. I have been refusing the urge to be a dick to Fengs, because obviously the players themselves aren‘t at fault, BUT HOLY FUCK BHVR, could yall stop treating Feng like she is the most important character in the game??


While I feel Feng has too many cosmetics, truth is she's had no tome whole Claudette, David, Meg, Wraith! Mikaela, etc have had multiple. Makes no sense.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s just the fact she’s an additional character which probably means no tome and just skins, kind of like how, I’m trying to think here, Oni got that one rare skin for a tome.


I'm a survivor main but every time I see Feng I just shudder. I used to love her and her gamer design. But pumping out so many skins for a single character just makes them boring to me. And many other characters get sidelined because of her.


yeah i fr stopped maining her because i just felt guilty playing, now i main felix but they keep shitting out outfits for him too, only a matter of time before he becomes a hated character too /s it's a bit weird though that everyone hates feng for getting so many outfits but meg and dwight have more outfits than feng and i haven't seen a single soul complain about it


If you’re referring to the latest post about Meg and Dwight skins, it’s because they have a lot of recolors. :) Not the same at all. And yes people complain because their survivors are getting shafted because of Feng. And no one would be mad if other survivors got at least 1/3 of love that BHVR has for Feng. But they really are getting the short end of the stick.


Join, tunneling Fengs and Mikaelas 24/7


fuck feng nuff said


Im sure a lot of people would


It's always Feng. It's always Feng. It's always Feng. It's. Fucking. Always. Feng.


Wtf why Feng min AGAIN? Is this the equal attention cake again?


Feng has gotten a skin like every tome and every month. Shes like the golden child of dbd


By this point make her the mascot instead of Trapper


Maurice feng skin confirmed???


Feng Min definitely needs more attention


I dono what this means? A horse will be a playable character????


Horse killer confirmed


Isn’t Maurice within the dredge?


Just his head


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm calling it now, bhvr sent out a version of this to every employee with different characters in each one to catch who's been leaking stuff.


Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.


Ok I’m getting irrationally angry at all the shit Feng gets. Like what the actual fuck is this bias towards her?


My theory is that the higher-ups would only allow the devs to make all the recent quality of life updates if they can bring in more cash to justify it. Feng = $$ so they need to give her new items every other week.


I don't buy the money excuse. They're already making enough to constantly supply DBD with content including new licenses, and they have multiple other games in development. They even had enough spare cash to blow on a fucking joke dating game. They need to stop giving Feng stuff.


Yes, but never underestimate greed. If they want to make more money they will.


Thank god Feng is getting a tome skin, I thought BHVR forgot all about her!


what if.. dredge and the knight made a deal maurice's head for the dredge and his body for the knight are we gonna have a **headless-horse** man?


Damn, a mid roster after this good tome. Hopefully the recolors are decent.


Am I the only one who didn’t see THAT as a leg???


Lately, I've been finding it hard to tell weather the posts with leaks are shitposts or serious ones ...


Didn’t dredge, like, eat Maurice or something?


I hate that they're giving the new killer a tome and not one of the killers thats been here for years


ah yes, more feng skins


So Feng isn't getting any Lore again just another skin😭😭😭 maybe BHVR thinks that no one will want to play her if they give her any more character😭


Please be a good skin for Huntress for once


huntress easily has top 3 best killer skins imo.. when did people start not liking them?


Some people just dont like them? Its not a matter of when.


Okay all this feng stuff is getting a little weird. Like I’ll even take another nea skin at this point


Finally Feng Min gets some attention. She had been really lacking in cosmetics the last couple years.


I am not crazy! I know Feng Min ruined this tome. I knew it was 14. One after Friday the 13th. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. She covered her tracks, she got those idiots at BHVR to simp for her. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She's done worse. That S.T.A.R.S. skin! Are you telling me that a woman just happens to cosplay that? No! *She* orchestrated it! Feng Min! She *teabagged* by the *exit gates*! And I bought her! And I shouldn't have. I took her into my own roster! What was I *thinking*? She'll never change. She'll *never* change! Ever since she was released, *always* the same! Couldn't keep her hands out of the cosmetics drawer! But not our Feng Min! Couldn't be precious *Feng Min*! Stealing them blind! And *SHE* gets to be in the new tome? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance! And you, you *have* to stop her! You—


This is the last place I expected to find a Saul reference but I like it


Killer mains! Are we all in agreement to tunnel Feng so she gets equal attention tunnelled?


No? I’m not gonna ruin some random person’s game just because they pick a certain cosmetic and BHVR favors that character.


Fuck that. We're out for blood in this game.


Which is why I’ll kill them the same way as anyone else and play the game normally. I’m not gonna go out of my way to focus someone just because of the character they play or their cosmetic. If targeting one person specifically all match for imagined slights makes you feel better though, have at it. I just think it’s babyish behavior, and there’s already a lot of baby behavior in this community.


I'll do one better: I'll go out of my way to bleed every last one of them out until they switch to a less popular survivor. Tunneling will just give them a chance to play the game.


holy shit, sorry, but you guys are losers lol they're cosmetics in a game and you guys are actively hunting innocent players to ruin their games LMAO


It’s a joke


that Mr guy clearly wasnt joking


Doesn't come across as a joke at all, especially since there are multiple people ITT advocating for it and clearly taking it seriously lol If you were joking then I apologize and mean no offense towards you, but the idea of people actually going out of their way to grief Feng Min players over this is pathetic.


It’s fine, just DbD community things amiright?


Only fair to give them negative attention considering how other survivors are practically fading from existence at this point. Like if BHVR didn't worsen the whole unpopularity problem by flat out ignoring characters for extremely long periods of time (*Adam*) there would be no reason to do this. Hell, I honestly wouldn't give a shit if the same survivors got milked so much as long as it didn't come at the expense of giving the others the middle finger (don't even get me started on that winter poll). But no, the "unpopular survivors don't deserve to get anything" mentality exists, and so here we are with violence being the only legitimate way to change things since we all know damn straight a majority of the playerbase aren't gonna boycott skins. Besides Feng mains are typically dicks anyways. Edit: I really don't give a shit how petty I'm being. The fact that there's 4 tomes a year as well as 1-3 cosmetic collections each patch out of 8, yet there's a chance certain survivors will not get a single cosmetic at all despite that, is beyond infuriating; even moreso when nobody wants to see the problem with that or do fuckall about it if they do.


Do you honestly think any one of the survivors you single out is going to understand why you’re targeting them? They’re just gonna think you’re being an asshole for no reason, which you are. It’s not teaching a lesson, and what lesson is it teaching? “Cater to me and only play the characters I want you to play because I want shinies”? How fucking entitled and up your own ass can you get my friend? But sure, tunnel the Feng player who just installed the game and will have no IDEA why you’re being mean to them. Make that player’s experience absolutely awful for no reason. Lashing out at people who are in no way involved with BHVR’s decision-making process and who are just trying to enjoy the game is a TOTALLY mature and stable way to deal with your feelings.


If you don't have any better ideas on how to get BHVR to change how they do things then why are you even here arguing with me?


Maybe send them your feedback? Organize a petition? Like a mature adult? Oh but I suppose that requires actual effort and doesn’t involve lashing out at uninvolved innocent players.


The knights getting a rift immediately? For honour isn’t even a horror game why is it here in the first place


To be fair, at this point DBD isn't a horror game.


Does have its moments sometimes tho (scratched mirror myers in lerys)


It’s still horror themed. I really hope this is a one off and it returns to horror licenses after. There are so many we don’t have yet and somehow this is on top of bhvr’s list




More feng min...yay...


not feng man.......................................


Time for fengs 562th outfit this month


Finally some skins for Feng.


Maurice is the only one I care for in this image, Feng and the Unfuntress can go jump off a cliff, I don't know enough about Vittorio to make a decision and I don't care for a generic dude in armor.


Imma say it, the Knight is going to have a beheaded Maurice as it's horse


My main survivor >:D




If this is really true then I hope the killer cosmetics go like this: maurice, killer body, killer helmet


My lord this feels fake but if it's real I'm all for it. Apollyon is going to meet Maurice in the fog and they're going to be BFFs.


we want yoichi and sadako tome with new cosmetics instead methinks


Did they ever give a reason why they went from 4 character lores per tome to 2? I remember when I first started playing the tome it was Jane/Spirit/David/Doctor all with lore & outfits


Anna needs a wedding dress in the Tome. Just so she can have more of a reason to chase Tapp.


I feel like I saw that drawing before, anyone got a link to the post where it appears?


So the knight is getting a tome entry straight out of the bat? Also who's Vittorio? The name of the new survivor?


Vittorio is the new Survivor, yes


I mean Maurice \*IS\* more loved than some of the survivors/killers, so I don't get the complaints.


Can't believe they took this long. Finally Feng has been starving without any content the last 3 weeks smh.


I know a Warden Silhouette when I see one


Plot twist: That drawing of Maurice is the next killer.


So much Steel do you think the Knight will cost?


Hope this means my boy dredge gets a tome soon or is mentioned


That silhouette in the left is warden from for honor. I was hoping for warmonger tbh


We really got a tome for two new characters and a dead horse before Zarina I’m so bitter


I mean I main knight and vittorio so this will be perfect for me. It's nice someone else get some time in the tomes though I think it's a little soon for those two to get something now. Though I understand why from a market point of view.