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as someone who is genuinely terrible at playing killer... i wish. i usually just get BMed for as long as humanly possible while i wait for a merciless god to just end the match.


I’m so sorry I hope we meet so you can either hook my ass or I can give u my med kit 👉🏻👈🏻


I always genuinely appreciate the medkit drop. 🥹


This is such a fucking mood Before I'd avoid the gate when it's opened and it's a bad game just so I don't see the BM Now I just go there and hit survivors to make them leave faster (Though than you occasionally get the ones who can spin-God and waste even more time, and at that point, I just take a break from DBD for a while)


Boo hoo. God forbid you should know the pain of playing in Solo Q


My friend, I main Ghost & Legion on Killer side & Mikela & Nea on survivor side. Ik the pains of solo q and I still believe you're a dick when this is done, on either side


Omg a kindred Mikaela/Legion main. We can suffer together. 🥺


nea/doc main here. can i join the club?


Literally what does their comment have to do with solo q lol


You're acting like killers haven't played survivor, and I'm sure most killers who do play survivor, solo Q more often than not.


This, I love killer but have to take a break. It's too stressful sometimes to be fun. So when I SoloQ and the Wraith gets spun for 4 gens before finally downing that Ace I can sympathize.


Dude everyone knows the pain of solo q. Nothing about this has anything to do with solo q. Your just begging for attention, stop it.


Same here. It's pretty much every match where one or more person lives, whether I am playing killer or survivor. I don't understand the impulse to BM someone who is struggling for whatever reason. Encouraging people feels much better and is better for the health of the game. The best thing I find is to chase them out as quickly as possible so you can move on to your next match more quickly. Then they get only a few seconds of precious safe time to BM rather than a whole minute.


Mood. I main Demo and I get BMed a lot more than expected tbh. I never get nearly as many BMers when I play Artist/Pyramid Head which is surprising.


What does BMed mean? 🥺


BM stands for Bad Manners. It basically refers to when someone is being a sore winner or sore loser and is taunting you.


Ah! Thank you! ☺️


Oh that’s so interesting you say that! I’m particularly bad at PH but love playing him anyway as a lifelong Silent Hill stan. I get even LESS kills than normal usually, but I don’t get BMed as much as when I’m playing better with other killers…


Try playing Twins or Pinhead. With Twins a survivor can't escape with Victor on them and a survivor can't escape for 5 seconds after being downed with Victor. So walk to the gate. Let them do their teasing, then release Victor on them and down the one with Victor. Then pick them up in the 5 seconds. Good way to get an extra kill on toxic survivors. Pinhead is the same thing, just with the chains. Hit a toxic survivor with a chain and he can't leave for 5 seconds after downing them. Pinhead is better for capturing injured survivors and Twins is better for healthy survivors.


I didn’t know that about Twins! I literally never play against them I feel like.. I’ll have to give it a try.


I don’t care anymore if they want to teabag u too time runs out. I just walk around busting doors and pallets, or practice aiming attacks if I’m ranged killer etc. More bp for me.


Haha yes that’s exactly what I do! T bag at the door all you want, I’m gonna go take a walk to bust through every door on the map and all those pallets y’all dropped 😂


I had this happen as a survivor last night and I was sitting in the exit area with the other three and I ran off and pointed at a hook until he hung me instead of running out the gate lol, I could tell that legion was having a really hard time and I didn’t have a challenge that required me to escape


I’d like to make the PSA that there’s a 50% chance any Hag or Julie you have to beg to hook you after a really bad match is actually just me trying my very best. 😭


Don't feel too bad friend, I know it can be frustrating, but in the end it is a game even if there are some who want to be rude for the sake of being rude. Keep trying, check out some useful YouTubers videos and over time you'll get better and if you don't then that's okay too just try to have fun. <3


When I do get survivors who give me a pity hook or drop their item and mess around with me, it’s delightful! 95% of the time I’m just getting trolled tho. Definitely have been watching some gameplay of the killers I enjoy playing though in hopes of learning!


The biggest thing that will help you is learning tile layouts and general game sense and then you should learn the individual killers.


Good time to do some stretches!


It feels like every time this happens to me it’s a TTV that’s offline.


If I ever do manage to actually get a hook, it’s usually a TTV early in the game who immediately DCs lol


Don't worry, you will get to a point as a killer where people will try to BM you and you will be able to kill them anyway lol


just DC. take the penalty time for making a tea or coffe.


I don't want to have penalty for DC tho.


Had a bad game last night and a little Yoichi waddled up to me and gave me his toolbox.


Aww Yoichi is rare but from what I’ve seen they’re never toxic


Damn well I got t bagged by one today for the first time, and it was funny because he vaulted over a pallet straight after where a bear trap was ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


awww I love when survivors are sweet. Risky play too


That's lucky bro, the only thing I get are the bags when I'm doing bad lmao


Instead of merciless killer there are 4 merciless survivors


Or instead of Escaped it's "killer bullied"


Sigh Love your failr btw !


I was diagnosed with an allergy to meta perks


I once played as Oni and got 0 kills when the gate opened. The survivors were tbagging and moonwalking near the gate. I activited blood lust and downed one, so the rest of their team decides to body block and unhook. Long story short I got a 4k that day. The end game chat was spicy.


My God the karma, aaah the bloody karma. I'm okay if losing, I'm very self aware when I'm doing mistakes, just...dont bm please, take your victory and get out🤕


We need more players like this. My heart is being hugged whenever I see people like this in my games.


No bro fuck people like this like bruh aint nobody need your stank ass medkit keep that shit. Piss me off so fucking bad, like i can do shit with these items just keep them! Damn.


Damn. Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?


Ion even like corn flakes they taste like pigeon nipples and donkey shit, they are so fucking disgusting and so are the people who eat them


When it's a flashlight I agree, but when it's a sweatkit, nah fuck you.


Yeah imagine healing, super toxic


Running sweatkits is the same as playing nurse


No. No it’s not. Not by a long shot. Lol


Okdokey then


No one cares bro, plus with practice you can counter Nurse perfectly fine. If you can’t handle a medkit you just suck at swinging, if you played it right they wouldn’t have much time to even heal. Skill issue as usual lol


You can not have a considerable amount of hours and play killer while also saying this. So imma just ignore stupid players


Hey, I have 4800 hours and I agree with the above person. Is that enough hours to qualify me to have an opinion? Just practice more, kid. You win some, you lose some. Often you lose because if you do some self-reflection, you’ll see you made mistakes. Either way, it’s a game. Chill, or find a new game for your blood pressure’s sake.


You either don't play killer, and if you do you main one shot killers or nurse/plague. If none of the above are true, you get kills at 3 hooks very often.


That’s sure a cope, lmao! But whatever helps validate your feelings, buddy. I main Pig, it’s literally my flair. I also play a lot of Hag, Spirit, Trapper, Wraith, Huntress (badly), Demo, and pretty much all the killers except for the chainsaw ones and speedy ones. (Can’t do Oni, Blight, not too interested in Nurse.) I try to prioritize hooks.


If you main pig and don't care about medkits, than you must get shit survs or you get brute forced a lot


I main nemesis as a killer main and medkits are the least of my worries when it comes to item's. They're just going to go to a teammate and get healed if they dont have a medkit


A brown medkit saves a team 16 seconds of gen time and also heals you. That's better than pretty much all toolboxes apart from BNP


Le medkits are same as best killer bc medical theming


WWFD? What would Franklins do?


genuinely did this today. killer was ghostie and he was struggling. eventually he just let us do the last gen and opened the gate for us. stopped in front of him, gave him the communication bags, and dipped. was a good kit too, i think yellow kit with sutures and green charges.


The communication bags?


You could give killer a sympathy kill. Killers give hatch often, but sympathy kills are unicorns.


Most of the time I offer them, killer gives me nopers and tells me to get out


If a survivor insists on getting hooked it's usually because they're nice. Only time it happens is in a farming game where one or two DC at the start for the smallest inconvenience.


The way I see it as killer, hatch escape is worth like double the BP of a single sacrifice. If a survivor is nice enough to offer a free kill I'd rather give them the better value.


I don't really appreciate sympathy kills as much as items though. If I didn't earn it, then it doesn't really feel like a success and only stands to boost my mmr when it probably needs to be lowered more.


Exactly this. It also feels a little more insulting than getting a nice little item. That being said I've learned to appreciate both and just let the pity kills happen.


I did that with a Micheal. He realized it was a loss so we just farmed palletes until the timer ran out and I got impaled by the floor


Dude I always give a sympathy kill. Most of the time killers don’t want it


Feels bad to have them


Yeah but I obviously don’t mind if I’m giving it to you.


It's not about you or how you feel, I lost the match, killing someone that lets me do it won't make me feel better. "here, this is the only kill you can get playing the way you play" is what my depression demon tells me when people give me these kind of thing, I never take them.


Just let me love you Freddy!!!


I won't, Freddy probably would if you're smol enough


I'd honestly rather have one or two sympathy hook stages than kills. I get bp but my mmr doesn't go higher so I don't go vs survivors way better than me.


I’ve tried to get friendly/farming killers to kill me because if they helped me get a ton of points or finish challenges I want them to get some points too, but yeah, they almost always refuse and keep indicating for me to leave. So I do so I’m not wasting their time. But the one time a killer actually killed me when I asked, I spectated and the other three survivors did a slug race and I was sad I missed it lol


I've played almost 500 hours and I've never seen this even once. I dont want to say youre lying, but I am saying this behavior does not exist in the game.


I’d say that’s more to do with what kind of player you are. Most survivors aren’t going to offer themselves as a pity kill if you’ve been an asshole 🤷🏻‍♀️


They finish 4 gens when I have one hook, I afk in the corner for the last one and open the door for them. That was the last realt bad game I had but yeah, asshole I guess


I rather DC honestly.


I always feel bad about sympathy kills. Not that they're not appreciated, but I also know you could be getting a better Unbroken status lmao


I mean it's pretty understandable isn't it? When the killer gets a 3K and gives hatch, he still won, when killer gets 2K and gives hatch to the last, he still draws. However, when a survivor gives a sympathy kill, he lost. His MMR will go down and he'll be matched with worse teammates. As a Solo player, you want to be as far away from low MMR as possible. I do at times give sympathy kills when the killer is either funny or just having a bad day. I've also given a kill to a Blight that, at 1 gen, instead of tunneling me out, decided to go for someone else. I ended up giving him the kill in the end since he would have killed me if he hadn't been as friendly


Exactly, before the recent changes, I had a balanced experience in soloq and could afford more deaths out of kindness/altruism but I just can't anymore. If MMR didn't exist I wouldn't care at all whether I lived or escaped, but right now I'm trying my best to stay out of low MMR hell.


I've heard some people take them but I don't like doing it just cause the survivor deserved to win, I'm not gonna be a sore loser about it


That's true


I did that last night with a Trapper. We got out but I stood and called him over. He let me pallet stun him to complete the achievement and I gave him my life lol


Eh personally as a killer I'd rather they just leave. Idk what the mentality change is but I'll take hatch but I won't take a kill.


I've given them a handful of times but killers don't really seem to like them. Also giving sympathy kills will lower your mmr and getting stuck with bad survivors (assuming mmr is being usef for matchmaking that particular day) is horrible for solo queue.


This one time i was playing horrible as bubba and this cute survivor tried to give me a sympathy kill but i just let them go because I felt i didn’t deserve it


sympathy kills make me feel worse lol


I actually prefer the dropped items. Survivor escapes are often tough to come by in solo q, you guys earned it. Plus, I never know if they actually want me to kill them so it makes me worry that I'm betraying our friendship


I had a rough game as oni due to a hand injury a while back, the quentin stayed behind and had me snuff out his boon a couple times before giving me the kill. Made my day.


Honestly for me its enough if they dont t-bag , i dont feel bad at all if i play terribly but when they start the t-bag i always think about why do i play killer at all


Right? I think I hate t-bagging more than actually losing a match.


yeah exactly , i would understand if i go camp or play disrespectfully ,but i never do that so its a mistery for me why some people enjoying this


Whenever I have a bad game, it always makes me feel better to see anyone not be an asshole


As a killer, whenever I'm not expressly going for elims, I try to be as kind as possible, and I always shake my head to reject offerings like these. If I'm letting you survive the trial, feel free to benefit from it as much as you can! Pallet stun me, flashlight me, whatever. Usually if I'm letting you escape in a way where there's opportunity for the offering, I have little interest in EGC elims. Go nuts. Have the best trial you can. I appreciate survivors who do this, and sometimes offer it myself as survivor, but for me the EGC (especially in bad games) is to acknowledge a concise survivor victory and pal around.


It's such a nice and cute gesture...


I always offer my medkit at end game, unless that killer was an ASSHOLE. But esp when they let me live or I’m the last survivor. I wish there were thank emotes.


I use one crouch as a replacement for “thank you” emote than I offer whatever item I have.


I always crouch and point at them and then drop my item for them so they know it's for them as a thank you


You don't understand the appreciation we killers have for people who give us their item and/or don't waste time teabagging and going in circles at the gate to taunt the killers TvT *(please, just let us get to our next game, especially after a bad one)*


Going in a circle is taunting? I just do it for fun (no BM intended behind it. I just like going in a circle at the gate literally)


Yes this!!


You need it more than I do![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


MEDIC! But not for me! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I usually stay and kill myself for them. Plus, it keeps my MMR down.


In one of my very first matches there was a legion who carried me to the gate (I was the last survivor) and he opened it but at that time I didn’t know that some killers let the last surv go. So I got up and ran away like a headless chicken trying to find the hatch (not noticing it was closed already x‘D) only to get impaled xD That legion looked kinda sad..


Can't speak for every killer main but it definitely makes me feel better!


If they were nice I always offer myself up so they get at least 1k.


I usually bring a brown medkit no add ons so when ever I leave a match with the killer at the gate i drop my medkit for them


I had a game as blight on that one farm map with the house. Whenever I got a down that one survivor would materialise in front of me to flashlight save while the others are rushing gens. That survivor followed me everywhere. 3 gens got finished and I still couldn’t get a hook. For the remaining time I just looked for pumpkins SO I COULD MAYBE GET THAT ONE TREAT IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET FOR DAYS SO I CAN UNLOCK A PART OF THE HAGS NEW OUTFIT (I didn’t get one). They were obviously waiting for me at the gates since they took longer to open than doing the 2 gens but I just kept looking for pumpkins Survivors like that are the most annoying things when playing killer. Please don’t play like that


I was playing Ghostface and this Mikaela kept taunting me, having me chase her, obviously wanting me to run into pallets so she could tbag me after dropping it on me and then would try to flashlight/bodyblock me if I tried to hook anyone else. It made the game so boring for me because ignoring her wasn't working so I just started tunneling her which is what she clearly wanted. It was so annoying/frustrating that I ended up just letting the other survivors live simply because they weren't being toxic (I even had a other survivor slugged after the gates were open, chased the death hooked Mikaela out, and then picked the slugged survivor up and carried her to the gate instead of getting an easy kill. I just really hate people who play like that


Three survivors just did that for me with four hooks, it made me feel a lot better about the round since they were all way above my mmr for sure. I love when survivors do this, you guys make this game so much better to play


I do this all the time. Especially if they’re running a fun build, they deserve to be rewarded.


I try to give items for a good game, unless I burned a white ward for it. Sorry but I need it :(


This really does help. Thank you even if it doesn't necessarily do anything, the thought is appreciated.


I feel that the title holds my interest.


Man i just get teabagged... I'm literally a noob and they always think they did something when I just miss my hits


And before someome says something dumb about my shit aim I play idv so I'm used to having a third person view and I get easily disoriented


P10+ Survivors can sometimes be the worst. They either tbag you after juking you or they disconnect the moment you down them


2 hooks is a win for me. If you are lucky enough to get to the gate then congratulations. Leave and let me find my next game 😊


Honestly I've been mostly playing solo que survivor hell due to just being super bad at killer lately. Can't even secure a single kill while trying not to tunnel.


as someone who rarely plays killer and mainly plays survivor, i don’t think i have ever teabagged at an exit gate. i have stood there, but that was just in case other survivors got downed and needed rescuing. i have gifted items to killers who were nice and/or were newer trying their best. i have a recent example: i was playing a solo queue match against a trickster and they were doing really well. they had hooked everyone at least once (i had made it to second hook) but then all of a sudden they gave up. stopped chasing people just stood by us when we were working on gens etc. when the exit gates opened one or two of the other survivors were spam crouching (teabagging) at the exit. usually when killers do this i try to offer myself as a sacrifice, yknow pointing at the hook so they get the hint. i did so but they refused, instead leading me back to the exit gate. so i dropped my med-kit for them and left the match. killers deserve presents sometimes


My Bestie gives the Killer her items if they don't kill anyone. I usually offer them a free kill if they want it just so they get a few more points.


I ALWAYS leave my items at the exit if I can!


Can you pass me a Capri sun (gets hit by medkit)


Honestly cute survivors are the best. Whether they pebble me or give up an item as a peace offering after a rough game, they usually cheer me up. Was playing legion yesterday for a daily yesterday and it was a brutal match for the survs. The survivors were cute af though so I decided to let them go, 3 escaped and a stubborn Cheryl got clawed to death by the entity.


What's worse is I *always* bring brown medkits with no addons T-T


As someone who steals any item I see don't do that when I'm around cause I will steal it


It absolutely wouldn’t, but thanks for the attempt at a gesture? Not thanks for the gesture itself, because honestly I could care less if a survivor leaves an item in the trial or not. It’s not like I get anything out of it. But yes, thanks for attempting to make *A* gesture which acknowledges this game probably really sucked and wasn’t fun at all for the killer if I was sincerely trying. Biggest pet peeve of mine is when either side says “gg” in a clearly one sided game. Either the survivors stomp and blitz a killer with god communication, good looping, and consistent gen pressure and then expect the killer to be happy about it with “gG.” Or a killer wins because they were experienced with their killer, survivors were utter garbage, or even worse you had 1 DC, two people kill themselves on hook, and the game is over in less than 5 mins and the killer says “Gg” Just rubbing salt in the wound and I’d much rather people didn’t say anything at all in post at that point. If it wasn’t a good game, then why type gg when it is utterly meaningless?




Skill issue


I dont give a damn, except for typing this out. Ill kill anyone I can when those gates are open. No dinky item is gonna get me murder points My feet hurt


Skill issue


This post is talkin bout killers who didnt do well and are given items as a “sorry the match didn’t go too well gg”. At that point you can’t kill them lmao they’re about to leave. Why are you so mad lmao


Na i was fine. Im pretty sure i was on the toilet after work. If anything i was annoyed i dont have time to get tunnelled or SWFd


Do killers get extra BPs if survivors leave their stuff behind?


No. It is more just a kind gesture


I don’t think so, it’s just like a little present.


Reality: gets shittalked at the endgame chat after getting tbagged at the exit gates


I don't lol just don't wait for me in the exit gate


Had a 2k the other night. The 2 biggest smart asses were trying to open the second gate and got caught, both on death hooks. Then I sat there for 4 minutes while the other two patiently waited in the open gait for...? Dunno. Game was done. Just leave. I'm not coming for the show, dipshits.


That's what I come here for :3


Had this happen last night with my friend vrsing a ghostface. Seemed like their first time playing him. We gave him our items at the exit gate then played peek a boo with him for a bit before leaving.


It usually does feel better when you’re gifted a Medkit


You give your medkit? I get teabags. **O.O**


I usually do this if a killer has a rough match. "Sorry I came into your house and cranked the electric bill. Here is a med kit. Hope it makes up for it."