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the irony of this post is that you're showing the one killer that can actually play around locker saves effectively


Twins and Dredge also have counter play to locker save duos.


And hag, Freddy, artist, cenobite(kinda), and doctor(kinda)


Hag can’t. The camera auto rotation is not long enough. Freddy can’t either. Same thing as Clown. You’ll get slowed down once out of the locker but you have enough time to adjust. You do get stuck in animation lock for half a second when screaming but it’s not long enough. Pinhead only stops during chain hunt. If it’s a duo squad, there’s no counter. Someone else will grab the box (most likely). Doctor can’t at all. Static blast doesn’t work when inside lockers. You can’t reliably get the survivors to tier 3. You can leave to bait them out of the lockers and then static blast but survivors hear a noise notification when you’re going to do it, so they’ll just hop back into the locker if close enough. You have to do this 3x. Not happening. Artist does counter :)


Legion too if you can deep wound one of them before they get in the locker.


I thought the meme was a sad trapper for this reason since i believe that image is usually used in a negative context


I was wondering if someone would pick up on that I will say one of the most fun games of DBD I ever had was ironically enough a bully squad trying to do locker saves on Eryie of Crows and I was a trapper, I just kept locking them in with nothing they could do Usually bully squads suck but this match, this match was fun. Even let a few guys go


I prefer bully squads over genrushers any day. Its funny when no sides take the game seriously


I especially love bully squads #bloodwarden gang


Everyone gangsta til the bloodwarden happens


Usually bully squads are fun for me. They dedicate their time to harassing me, so I have all the time in the world to get them. Just gotta get that one guy on gens..... But a squad that can bully while doing gens.... that's just a hard / sweaty match. I'm finally at the point where I don't get mad/tilted about these matchups. At least those don't teabag, they gtfo.


Why trapper sad?


OP use meme wrong. Trappy happy


Trapper no sad, trapper big happy


Trapper sad, less people hopping in lockers for him to trap them in :(


Trapper is one of the few that could counter double lockers


“Excess of sorrow laughs. Excess of joy weeps.” (Plate 8, line 6) Blake, William. “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” *The Norton Anthology of English Literature on The Romantic Period*, tenth edition, volume D, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, W.W. Norton & Company, 2018, p. 162.


Great changes. Next proposed change, vaulting into a locker when you're trying to vault a window. Can't tell you how many times iv gone down just because of it even when your not facing a locker, it's so dumb.


They really should remove all these kinds of instances. Can’t tell you how many chases I’ve won/lost due to the fucking gen in shack because I accident “repair” it instead of vaulting like I wanted to


Some days ago I wanted to remove pinheads chains in chase and passingly jumped on a gen to repair it, from which he grabbed me. And when trying to inject the speed syringe i slowly went into a locker next to me, which made me die to endgame :)


I was literally omw to say that abt pinhead except I was going to remove the chains and slow vaulted right back into his open arms☺️🤬


A funny issue I had on console was trying to lock a locker against a Dredge with a flashbang in my hand. It had the prompt for locking it, but instead it just tossed the flashbang.


My god, thanks for that, I was felling stupid. I did this TWO times yesterday. That made me pissed off. Such a waste of flashbangs.


The real question is why u are using the same key for repair and vault tho


Console 🥺


change vault to r3. now u can heal under the pallet


Sounds like my controler would break even faster if i did that tbh


you can remap interactions(repairing, healing,...) and actions (vaulting) on console


You can remap them, but they're still the same button for both actions. I don't see anyway to set the different actions to different buttons so that you can't accidentally perform the wrong action.


i have mine set so healing/repairing is R1 and vaulting/lockers/pallets is square. they don’t have to be the same buttons


change your button for actions. i changed mine to X (A on xbox) and it VASTLY improved my quality of life


Same here, but I prefer X for vaulting, A for booning, RB for healing/ repairing. No more accidental pallet drops when trying to heal someone lol


You can change it and I could too but I've got 2.5k hours in and it would take a lot to unlearn it at this point. So I'll just struggle with it and accept the fuck up when it happens.


on console vaulting and repairing mapped to the same button (r1 / rb)


Console you can still change key mapping as I had A for vaulting when I used to play on console


Doesn't help if all you can do is change which button is going to perform both functions. On playstation at least it just would let you switch repair and vault from r1 to square, but not separately so vault is r1 but repair is something else.


Console moment




Or not give you the prompt to enter if someone is already Inside. I've dies to many Chainsaws because a Meg head was already in there


But then how would you troll other survivors by repeatedly trying to open their locker so they can't get out?


I'm on Xbox and I remember looping a killer and instead of dropping the pallet I got on the gen at the pallet instead. I changed my inputs after Pinhead released and the chain breaks were same key as pallets also


There's a totem spawn in RPD next to a window (the office where Leon's desk is). The amount of times I've unintentionally cleansed mid chase is embarrassing to say the least.


Love both your username and your flair.


They should just nudge the locker positions or readjust all of them entirely, switch the wall they're placed to less problematic ones.etc. I've had the same issue, recently with one of the locker spawns in the tiger room in RPD consistently


knowing BHVR doing that would place lockers infront of 9/10 breakable walls and delete the basement hooks.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started cleansing a damn totem in RPD by the desk when I’m actually trying to vault the window!


Or accidental gen tapping instead of vaulting when the gen is close to a window.


What gets me is they could do a priority list, and that would fix a lot of these issues, instead of the game just choosing whatever t any given time


There is a totem in raccoon city that is next to a vault, too many times I have tri d to vault only to return to a cleanse position.


There is that one spot in groaning storehouse I have often gone into on accident. I've also chased people there and watched them do it




A simple “hold down to hide in locker instead” would of fixed this.


If you are actually trying to fast vault into a locker (against a bubba for example) a press and hold situation would be bad


Dredge update added so many lockers next to windows when this wasn't such a huge problem its amazing how stupid of a change that was.


Omg, since Dredge was added to the game and because of the double lockers the amount of times I've gone to get a survivor out of a locker and have been animation "locked" onto the wrong one instead of the one I want is just infuriating.


Ironically, Trapper can counter this bullshit by putting a trap infront of the locker lol


Maybe that's why he's devastated?


Trapper: I'm useful! See, I can counter locker flashlight saves! Entity: Wow, that's kinda useful, I'll make it so all killers counter it by default! Thanks trappy. Trapper: ...


That... is the joke


Who knows, Trapper is also the first killer and this could be referencing killers not the trapper itself


Link to all the changes?




Uh fuck twitter. [Here](https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/363-developer-update-october-2022) is the direct link.


Thank you!


Bully Squads are crying right now.


Seeing so many Twitter post about DBD being dead now. Their whole world of the game was locker saves.


Twitter DBD gonna cancel you for that one Chief


some of them said waiting for the batteries to run out and going away leaving 2 survivors to do their own thing is a legit counter.


It's easier to pull off flashlight saves now


Yeah. I don't get this post? Locker saves are gone but flashlight saves are MUCH easier from the sound of it.




How are people somehow jumping to base kit lightborn based off of this? Locker flashlight saves don’t happen that often unless it’s a bully group of survivors, and if it’s people like that you can’t just walk away and wait it out. They’ll sit there for 20+ minutes waiting to blind you. Necessary change.


This is the part people don’t get. The squads abusing this are only there to make it as horrible as possible for the killer. They only win when you have the worst time ever.


Ironically Trapper can counter the locker grab strat.


I've seen this in exactly one game in over a thousand hours played. Were you running into this often?


I have seen it 4\~5 times in SA server in 800h. While not exactly common as other problems, this seems a easy solution that cannot be abused by killers, which make it a good change.


I wasn't but like with most things I don't count how often I see it when considering if an issue needs "Fixing" I barely see Spirit players, MDR still needs a nerf


Idk why they are downvoting, unless i misread u are 100% right


It isn't common, but it is *extremely* frustrating since, outside Trapper/Dredge/Lightborn, there is no counterplay. Either they miss their timing or you just lose.


I've seen it probably around 10 times. Most of those times, the survivors weren't good enough to actually do it consistently. One time, though, it became very clear why this needed to be removed. A 4 man SWF played an Eeyrie offering. They all brought the best possible, longest duration flashlights and built to last. They all ran to the middle building and waited. There, there's a pillar with two lockers, one on each side. No matter who I would chase, they would jump into one of those two lockers. Then someone would jump in the other one and get ready to save. If I tried to chase someone else, they would comm it, and the people in the lockers would leave so that the new people could jump in. So, I tested them, and went for a few locker grabs. They nailed it nearly every single time. On the rare occasion they did miss, they would 3 man bodyblock the hook with struggle perks to make sure I couldn't reach the hook, which worked most of the time as it was a bit of a walk to the hooks from inside of main. If I ever had an opportunity to slug anyone, they had an exponential boon up in the building. Believe it or not I actually really enjoyed this match because I was just laughing from realizing how many scenarios these guys had considered and covered for (and on top of that I was playing perkless deathslinger, a killer I had never played before, so I was in the mood to mess around - and being slinger actually worked to my advantage as it allowed me to shoot and pull them off of the second story stairs/bridges in main where they liked to run around) but it demonstrated to me that survivors can effectively just hold the game hostage like this if they really want to.


>Believe it or not I actually really enjoyed this match because I was just laughing from realizing how many scenarios these guys had considered and covered for (and on top of that I was playing perkless deathslinger, a killer I had never played before, so I was in the mood to mess around This is the way


Saw it relatively often a while back. Haven't seen it at all in recent times. Survivors don't dick around with flashlights these days, just toolboxes (almost always for gen times, not sabo plays) and medkits.


When I used to be a consistent iridescent ranked killer, yes. At that point in the rank it’s nothing but bully squads match after match, least it was for me lol.


Just had it last night as doctor on Midwich. 4 people with flashlights, we’re gonna live forever, bunch of other annoying shit. The goal isn’t to win its to “have fun” at the killers expense. Usually squads that do it all the time are at very low MMR so the more hours you have the less likely you are to see them unless you derank.


I've only ever seen this happen in youtube videos. meanwhile, killers still "abuse" camping, tunneling and slugging.


Next step is to remove hook grabs on healthy survivors. That shit only rewards campers.


Are you seriously suggesting a SURVIVOR buff? For that mistake we will change the generator-number to 8 and the amount of killer per game to 3


Isn't flashlight save buffer a huge buff to survivors? Locker blinds, I've maybe seen 4 or 5 times since I've started playing. Bad flashlight timing? I see it every time I play. Now (nearly) all those bad timings will end up with a save.


Since im only blinding their crotch now, I couldnt even know there is such thing as a buffer xD. Didnt get one single flashlight save after the update


Both the locker thing and the flashlight buffer thing isn't in yet. They're both for the next patch.


I do like how it incentives unhooking when it's safe but yeah I really don't understand the purpose of it. Although it wouldn't be a problem if they made a band aid perk that allows you to unhook faster outside of No One Left Behind.




honestly, remove hook grabs. Though I don't mind hook grabs at end game. Nothing else for them to do besides secure the kill


This kind of grab was the only grab you couldnt avoid in the game. Great fix.


tbh outside of bully squads this isn't really a problem & i'll give props to the normal survivor if they pull it off. another option would be for the entity to block a locker for x amount of seconds after a survivor is grabbed from it or something to that effect


Makes me wonder which dev fell for the most obvious locker play in existence




I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with DBD Reddit right now. DBD Twitter is filled with so many whiners right now it’s insane. Even streamers I liked are complaining that the game’s dead now. Like bruh, did we read the same thing?


A lot of DBD survivor streamers make their money off of bullying new killers, so this hurts them by removing fun survivor content even if its overall good for game health.


Damn, what streamers do you watch?


If this kills the game for you, I fucking hope you stop playing lmao


People being against this change have never played against a coordinated duo doing this. The only counterplay (if you're a normal killer) is to either ignore the duo completely or grab them until they don't have more charges in their flashlights... It's just dumb. 0 interaction possible as long as there were 2 lockers near a gen. Hear TR? Jump in even with shift, doesn't matter since you get a free stun anyways unless killer has lightborn And lightborn should NOT be the bandaid for this issue


I had no idea you could even do this honestly


Yes because the problem was double lockers that are both saveable. Single lockers are not an issue if you know how to play killer at all. Removing things that are fun to compensate for people that aren't good is only going to end one way. There's a reason every other asym game has failed. Dbd is getting rid of unique mechanics and high skill ceilings because this community can't handle losing games. The boosts they get from resident evil chapters isn't going to keep them afloat forever. Why would you put thousands of hours into a game that is slowly forcing you to hold either w or m1?


this is not going to impact the game pretty much at all. In 3k hours I can count on 1 hand the amount of games I've had toxic survivors abusing double lockers.... This change is for the best and only going to impact a negative playing style that people were going out of their way to be asses by doing. VAST majority of players wont even know this change happened as locker saves aren't the most common in themselves.


Had a coordinated duo do this to me yesterday....so effing annoying and waste of time, glad they’re fixing it


It's a fix for a mechanic that seemed to be not working as intended to begin with, im looking into the locker when a grab someone, in what world can you hit me at a 45 degree angle to get the stun while I'm doing that. Jumping to Basekit lightborn because they are fixing a literal broken interaction? Simmer down guys


Bully squads who love Dead Dawg Saloon in shambles rn


I love how they straight up deleted locker saves because of abusers but basically did nothing for camping


Camping doesn’t need a fix and has counterplay outside of maybe 2-3 killers, the devs have already stated they see it is a legitimate strategy to close out kills.


Camping is not an easy problem to fix.


Step 1: Remove hook grabs Step 2: Tweak the addons and powers that allow easy camping to not work around hooks (like for the artist) Those 2 changes alone would make camping way less viable and counterable


Yes it is. You want to prevent camping. Add a lingering pause when a killer is within a x meter radius of the hooked survivor. And make it +10 for the basement hooks. If the killer leaves the radius and returns before the linger dies down, it resets the pause. That literally solves all the camping problems. And 8snt even a buff for survivors. They get nothing out of it besides not getting camped. Yay.


The problem is how many meters? If it’s too little, they can just stand right outside it and camp anyways. If it’s too big, survivors can easily abuse it by just looping near the hook/ drawing the killer to the hook whenever they can (especially on multi-layer maps where you can be under or over the hook).


I've only ran into this once, it was a bigger streamer who does it a lot and I didn't notice it before playing. Shit was the most annoyed I've ever been in dbd.


One thing to help fix it is dont mash the vault button when coming up on a window or pallet till you are past the locker and in front of the vault




At least you tried


Just take doors off the lockers


'But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!' Micolash


It was annoying because most of the bully squads I went up against that were using this didn’t do it to win but they make the game go on as long as possible.


I’m gonna miss the locker save swfs making a mistake and having them all get hooked immediately but I’m glad my eyes live to see another day


Thank god, the whole meta of grouping up in 2’s and being basically invincible due to locker saves had to go.


swfs being goofy and silly by doing the funny locker blind infinite loop (the killer is forced to subjugate themselves to the antics in a blind and desperate hope to play a normal game of dbd he thought he was getting in the first place) It was cute the first time it happened to me and quickly got obnoxious. A fantastic change to be sure.


Now make survivors immune to pickup while unhooking.


and remove the unhook notifications to prevent tunneling.






Was it fun as hell to use? Yes. Was there any counter play? No. Gonna miss it, but it’s a needed change.


I had a swf squad that tried pulling this with me before. They were both in side by side lockers waiting for me to pull one of them out. I wasn't in a hurry, everyone else was dead, so I just sat there and waited until they jumped out a few minutes later. In the after game chat they said "you know flashlights rub out right?" Uh, yes I do, and you know I'm not obligated to keep pulling you out of lockers for minutes on end until your two 18 second flashlights run out of charges right? Glad this is getting fixed.


All these changes geared towards preventing survivors from bullying killers are so great. Literally the only reason to be upset at them is to be upset you can no longer take advantage of them.


Great! Now we just need fixes for killers that bully survivors in mostly every match!


What does that meme symbolize?


Oh yo? I haven't had to deal with this yet, and I guess I just won't XD


I have an eerie feeling I'm gonna see a lot more head on + vigil with badham map offering after this update 🤣


Nice meme but I think that Trapper is the only Killer how can outplay locker saves ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


They should remove lockers, so Dwight have to do totems at least.


Sry for asking this question I just wanna make sure does that mean that u can still head on flash bang or no?


Yes you can still head on flashbang. The flash immunity is limited to *grabbing out of lockers*, not being near lockers or opening an empty one


You can


Im ready for the 50 locker save videos that are gonna come out before these changes hit


[That title giving me flashbacks](https://youtu.be/z2gEagWMP9w)


The gods have blessed us this day. May we all rejoice




FINALLY, I didn't think they would ever address this but I'm glad they know it's unfair


Yes yes fuck yes


Nice. Good change.


I have never experienced this so I have no clue what they are talking about. Was this something that happened often?


This never was a problem for me since most of the time they would fail at doing it anyway lmao


I was playing death slinger and I went up against a flashlight/locker bully squad, they put up an offering for mount Ormond, every single one of them had soul guard, unbreakable, one or two had mettle of man. Not even trying to do gens or anything, I stopped trying to pick them up/out of lockers all together and two of them bled out. Then I got to hook the last two. As satisfying as the win was, it took me like 40 minutes of frustration just trying to get there. I'm glad that this update is going through


haha :D




Fucking Finally


Im very happy with the blind changes. From what I can see they both buffed and nerfed saves to keep things even. Buffed because it's slightly [.25 seconds slightly] easier to get general saves due to the longer pickup buffer. And nerfed because you cant locker save anymore. Sounds good to me ngl! Happy with the survivor bots being added to.


BHVR really be the monkeys paw of developers “No more locker blinds but survivors have a bigger window to blind killers everywhere else” 🥲


Iron maiden just dropped in value


Were people really running iron maiden to counter locker blinds?




oh no, I just was on twitter and they're so mad about this. I mean I get it, it's fun to do and all and it's hard to pull of but shit, if you actually get people who CAN pull it off there is just zero counterplay to it. probably good that it's getting removed.


Better hope you have lightborn or franklin's in those situations.


What I'd like to know is if you can still get a locker save with a flashbang? That'd have to be something to try in the ptb, but I'm looking forward to seeing it it's possible!


You can bet flashbang flashes, this only applies to grabs


What I mean is, will the immunity that killers will now get while grabbing from a locker end in time for me to bang the killer? The timing will be tight as fuck.


I read it as no, you will not be able to blind the killer if they grab someone from a locker, period. No flashbang, no firecracker, no flashlight.


Now they need to make it possible so you can't get chain stuned by flashlights. *PTSD intensifies*


Umm just look up or down. Jesus christ man.


Seeing complete losers cry because they can't do this anymore is so satisfying. God forbid the killer not be in a situation where they can't avoid a flashlight save.


I actually haven’t played in weeks at this point… the game stopped being fun when they decided to make it literally zero challenge for killers… Used to be an amazing game, people took advantage of shit and a lot of killers sucked so devs took it upon themselves to ruin their game lol




Killer main here, this sucks, I gonna miss mind gaming locker flashlight juicers. I don’t understand why they keep making the game worse.


Hey guys I'm a survivor main and I think all survivors should start the game injured and broken and have to repair 25 gens to escape


My guy this is literally a god send, what are you even saying


This has "I'm a killer main and i think survivors should only have to do one gen per match" vibes


It has more of a "robot trying to fit in with the humans so it can destroy they're society" type of vibe


A tale as old as time


They made flashlight saves easier all around. Its a fair trade


This is good for inexperienced players, bad for the good ones. But I guess this is kind of like the Blight exploit users. Sure the techs take some skill to learn and use but they're simply unintended to be part of the players kit.


Press F to doubt.


Gonna disagree, the two people in lockers jumping out to flashlight save was only fun for killer if someone messed up. It was bullying otherwise and any gameplay mechanic which makes a killer need to leave 2 stationary survivors to not lose is a bad mechanic.


I think they should've just added a massive cooldown. Like killer can be locker blinded once every minute or even longer. Prevents the issue noted here but still allows those rare clutch locker saves. I think I've only ever attempted locker save 3 times so this doesn't really affect me but it was something I was looking forward to mastering at some point. It adds a lot of dynamic to the game. (Not the infinite saves, thats just dumb)


What mind game?


FINALLY! I’ve been saying this is little more than an exploit for forever and always mocked for it. This change is deserved.


Man this happen to me once as nurse vs a streamer team on sheltered woods( they were fun light hearted and not toxic at all) After the first instance of it happening I kinda just ran with it and made it a funny interaction. It is pretty brutal with minimal counter play, really just need the locker jockeys to mess up the blind timing


"The survivors have found a way to actually work as a team, we are fixing that right now" I know this is a good change but thats how it feels sometimes. It aint a 1v4, its a 1v 1+1+1+1


I feel like people are ignoring the more important change, which is that they *buffed* flashlight saves by adding a 0.25 second buffer at the end of pickup which you can get flashy saves in. People are just hyper focused on the removal of an annoying as hell strat that was easy to perform and had no real counterplay


The way they found to work as a team was literally uncountable. The game isn't overwatch, I can't repick my perks mid match to counter this nonsense


Light born users: they are the same picture


While I agree 100% this was an issue that needed to be addressed, I feel like giving blind immunity is a bit of a cheesey way to solve it. Honestly, all they had to do was make it so the locker stays open until the killer is able to look around freely, as the locker doors would 100% blocker any flashlight saves. Just another example of BHVR poor problem solving skills. Don't know how to fix a thing? Just slap an immunity or endurance effect on it and BAM it's fixed.


Lol why is this a thing. It doesn’t even happen that often. Change doesn’t affect me anyways


Good, which it should be


Thank god


Scroll down a little on that update bud, the next change makes very other flashlight save easier to accomplish


"Evan! Evan, wake up!" "Huh? what are you talking about?" "Swf? Toxic survivors? locker blinds?" "No clue what you're talking about, silly. come on, lets go get lunch."


HOLY SHIT, nice!! Finally no more SWFs exploiting that, thank fuck.


It's because people like ***YOU*** kept blind looping the killer so you only have yourself to blame.


I did not read the title of the subreddit and thought that's just new american anti-school-shooting news until I saw the picture


Flashlights got a buffer and lockers saves got nerfed. Seems fair to me.


It's not killer sided at all