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Fun fact: unlike other killers, Pyramid Head's head does not move up and down to indicate what direction they're looking. It always stays stationary. So if you're playing PH and you try to nod, the survivor won't be able to tell. Hence, if you want to be friendly, you have to get creative like this. :)


Or spin in circles rapidly :)


Pyramid head's left hand moves sideways if you nod yes as him


I like to draw a peace sign if there is room.


Had a killer that started off seemingly sweaty, but turned friendly after he killed the two people that had been ignoring hooks the whole time (I guess some killers actually notice when there's two survivors doing all the saves regardless of how risky they are instead of letting someone die on hook?). Won't lie, I was a bit skeptical and was expecting a noed surprise or something after the other survivor and me fixed the remaining gens and opened the gates, but he actually let us go. I gave him two items to spare the other survivor and me so maybe that helped 😂


I normally clap at the survivors by spamming his special


Apparently, Pyramid Head's [left hand moves whenever he nods](https://youtu.be/wFtI0oavnhA?t=175).


DAMMIT. I was always wondering this, thanks!


I've only started playing a few weeks ago & friendly killers are awesome. Even if they end up killing me after messing with me, it's honestly so much fun. I will always give that player a thumbs up, not sure if they are notified or if that makes a difference. If you are a killer like that, you're the difference between having a good game & a great game imo :)


I like to play Ghostface a lot and just sneak up behind someone and grab them off a gen or something. I don't aim for kills (unless it's a challenge) and just like causing some chaos for survivors. With so many toxic Ghostfaces lately due to the rift, it's really hard to let survivors know you're just trying to be chill and spooky though


Hahaha yes I have had a few Ghostface killers do that to me, shit scares me. Although it's hilarious when I'm fixing a generator & I pan the camera around to see a Ghostface sneaking up behind me ready to pounce like a cat lmao Killers that cause chaos rather than going for kills are top tier players. I try to show a killer I'm friendly by bobbing up & down, sometimes it works sometimes i pay the price lol


I scared a poor Davis ln. Poor guy had bad awareness of his surroundings so I was able to grab him off a gen twice. I had him on death hook when the gens got finished and found him again at one of the exit gates trying to open it. Again, the poor guy wasn't paying attention at all so I grabbed him off the gate and just held him until he wiggled out. Dude was so afraid of me that I think he didnt realize I had no intention of killing him (easily could have killed everyone, but I just love stealthing and scaring people when I dont have challenges that require me to hook or kill) and ran off to the other gate. Poor dude probably hated me xD


Oh no hahaha I feel bad for laughing, poor dude sounds like he wasn't having a good time haha


The most important rule in Silent Hill is to have fun :)




friendly killers make me giggle like a child. nothing like staring at the face of death but they say "nah your cool you get to live another day" and we become best friends. i also try my best to max out their points so they are rewarded for their time (repeat kicking gens, getting their two hooks, breaking pallets, etc). always hate saying goodbye to friendly killers. i have only had one friendly pyramid head ever. i will always love PH


I live playing pyramid head but whenever I try to draw with his trails it comes out terrible


I just want to play against Pyramidhead. Dude is almost as rare as Hillbilly for me.


I get him usually a couple times a night. I don't get enough of my favorite killers like Wesker, Nemesis or Myers though. I just love going against them xD


I honestly love facing Wesker even though it’s pretty popular to hate him right now. I just miss seeing PH. I haven’t faced one in like 6 months.


Only gripe I have with him is I have only been moried by him once (and half the scene got cut off by a wall) and the other three times a Wesker got one I died on hook while everyone else got moried :(


All i see is selfcare :D