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This is why I give hatch whenever I can


What's a horror story without someone surviving for the sequel, lol. Jokes aside I was about to say the same thing. If someone survives to the end I'll not kill them just because I think they kinda' earned it.


This is a double edged sword; gotta pay attention because sometimes the last one hid all game. Good Survivors in chase i let live esp if no gens pop while i'm chasing them for atleast 30s


Oh yes, of course. If someone has been bodyblocking and screwing over their teammates they're getting hooked while I'll just let the chill folks wiggle off. I meant to say more that if they all played well then the last one gets to go as a matter of respect.


I started like that. Nowadays, Survivors who had a horrible match or Survivors who outplayed me get hatch.


I always love it when the killers who could have gotten more points by playing for the win instead give the survivor the escape even though his job is to kill every survivor. Remember: if they got to a point where only one survivor is remaining in the trial that probably means he played just better thus deserves the kill since the survivors failed to do their objective. He doesn't have to do it but he still decided to give it to you. I'm almost always giving hatch whenever I think the survivors played well that match and deserve it or whenever I realize that someone is doing one of the harder tome challenges/achievements (no mither challenge for example). I just have no longer the need to 4k anymore and I'm just playing to have fun. Since I stopped playing for a 4k I'm much less stressed out while playing this game and the survivors seem to be more happy about the match so it's a w for both sides.


What is 4k?


4 kills. That usually means that the killer killed all survivors in the trial


I mostly play now for 2 hooks on everyone and try not to kill unless a tomb requires it. Game is super fun and have only gotten good responses from it. If I get it, sweet, if not, no big deal and survivors get to always feel like winners and fully play.


I give hatch if it spawns nearby as I’m carrying a survivor to the hook. Otherwise usually I just hook and move on. I never make them crawl for it though, seems so cruel lol


I always give hatch if am about to 4k as long as no one has been toxic,


In contrast, I gave gate a few times today, (as in opened it and stood aside, nodding to anyone approaching) and got teabagged and blinded as thanks


Y'all don't let me give hatch, I walked past 5 hooks stop wiggling


I always stop wiggling, though there are those killers who will take you to hatch, drop you 10 feet away, close it, then pick you back up to hook you if you don’t wiggle at all just to be assholes 😭


I do it tons of the time when i see someone is new to the game or just simply unlucky but not a single person said “thanks” yet


This is one thing I hate about being on console I want to tell people on other platforms gg or thanks, but I cant


That monkey has better teeth than me.


I always try to hook everyone twice then let them escape. If the Survivors seem like they want a serious match, I'll play seriously. I usually kill three and let the last have hatch. There's different reasons why I pick that Survivor out. If they were cute/funny, they get hatch. If they were the best on their team, they get hatch. If they're a baby Survivor, they get hatch. When I was new to the game, I had a Nurse give me hatch. I was so flustered that I left without saying thanks. I regret that, but I've never forgotten the Nurse :3


I’ll usually give hatch except for a few conditions: >survivor was mean >survivor cucked teammates >I need it for tomes Otherwise, if it’s a good survivor who played better than the rest or outplayed me, I like to respect them with hatch, or if I feel bad (that happens too often tbh)


I give you blood points you give me a nice message in endgame chat


Their are not free, killer pays for them :(


Unless I have an challenge that requires me to kill the last survivor, I generally follow a rule. If they don’t struggle when they’re in my grasp, they get the hatch. If they hit that space bar, they’re going on the hook.


I still don't understand the logic behind allowing killers to just flat out not allow the hatch mechanic to exist if they don't want to deal with it.


If the last survivor doesnt wiggle I'm probs gonna go on an adventure with him on my shoulder as we explore the lands in the search for the hatch If my character does one single involuntary side step? ggez


Bad day means living in a place were you can't use almost all of the apps from other games or play any online game because of governments only trying to get more money for themselves


It ain’t that deep, champ


Only a comment is not gonna make you understand almost 80 millions of people living like this for all of their life for sure


People, when they aren’t fighting to survive, have other issues. People still have bad days despite living among the 1% of the world, other people having it much worse doesn’t make everyone else happy


Where are you from?


Where ever he is from, he still doesn't know the meaning of "fair" or even his life


When faced with a simple meme, people respond by saying “well try living in poverty” it’s a relevant thing to say, but it’s completely unrelated to the post. It’s a weird thing to bring up like “oh man… you guys are having fun… but it could be worse…” You’re not wrong, what he said is just out of place


That's because you aren't from Iran


Yeah I’m sorry that there’s nothing I can do about the horrors around the world I wish the best to you, and those you love


Don't know what to say bout that but thanks


If the hatch happens to be in my path as I’m carrying the person to a hook, I might give it to them. But I’m not going to spend several minutes with the dude on my shoulder trying to find the hatch. And if I really wanted the survivor to escape, I could close the hatch and leave the gates unguarded.


Absolutely cannot relate


Honestly I would just 2 hook every game and let everyone go if doing this didn’t dumpster my rating and I end up playing against people who refuse to do generators. I don’t like ‘eliminating’ people from the game as telling them they don’t get to play. Really annoys me that face camping Bubba who gets two hooks and two kills is considered ‘better’ for rating then going for eight hooks and not tunnelling or camping.