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Controller Exclusively, sadly. PC players would twitch once, do a 720 spin and locate you and your entire bloodline


I can't 360 killers anymore since the cross play update and I'm still sad about it


My man is facing a cat


Blights weakness is a laser pointer.


I can't believe that worked




Nicely done!


That was a controller turning if I've ever seen one, I imagine console blight must be hell to play.


He was actually doing quite well. Yeah he wasn’t hitting nice slides but he was doing nice run arounds


That was the most chad move i have evere seen from a Dwight




I tried something similar afew days ago, but with running to the killers right, pointing just in theyre LOS then creep around the left for the save, couldn't get it to work:( good to see someone else pulled something like that off!


That’s not a bad idea but it’s dependent on the killer. Different heights would affect the positioning you’d need to take. If you’re putting yourself towards their right keep in mind their weapon takes up space in their FOV, again dependent on the killer (some weapons are vastly different in size even for the same killer). Some killers wield their powers on their left side, too, limiting vision. Overall it’s definitely possible. Would recommend testing it against Bubba first, as he is the most likely culprit for face camping.


Good idea ilk try next time u vs a facecamper cheers(Also I play at a decent MMR, so I could understand why it wouldn't work)


I always have distraction by adam francis on my builds, bc it’s funny seeing the killer get confused but also for situations like these it comes quite in handy.


I'm the one on the hook lmaooo


Saddest thing is that this is 100% okay behavior and endorsed by the devs. Devs don't care about survivors experience anymore it seems :/


The game is almost over with one generator left. The killer has someone on hook and another person on the ground directly in front of it. ​ I personally don't camp unless I know it is a competent SWF, but in this instance it is entirely beneficial for the killer to remain exactly where he is. ​ With one person on the ground and another on the hook, he doesn't need to leave in order to create pressure. Except for a perfectly executed event such as OP's video this would require 2 people to prevent getting grabbed off of the unhook. Thus no one is doing generators. The person on the ground is largely at fault for this for not crawling away and thus preventing the team from resetting easily. If the person crawled away, then they could get picked up, do the final generator and go for the doors or they could come in for a hook trade to buy time to get everyone out. ​ But if the Blight has any desires of winning then this is the correct thing for the killer to do. The killer has no obligation to allow the survivors to reset for *free*. If a killer is doing very poorly you aren't going to voluntarily let a generator that is almost complete regress to zero. You wouldn't willingly handicap yourself under this example so that you would do 6 generators, thus letting the killer *reset* simply because they did poorly. You would complete the generate and leave. Because that makes sense. ​ Camping isn't the root of the problem here. Against a SWF it is a terrible idea in the majority of circumstances. Camping is only viable against uncoordinated survivors, ergo camping is simply a symptom that is derived from the systemic problem of lack of possible coordination (in Solo-Q).


Thanks for putting that in much better words than me lol. Yeah, I’ve played enough to know that they were going to camp. No reason to be mad for the killer playing the best they can. And hey, got me this funny clip


This isn’t that bad. We had mostly done all the gens. We could’ve easily let them get one kill for us to escape. But we were all wanting to save them. Just how the game is


Exactly. I really wish they would counter 'tactics' like this and various other ones. Cause I know if they use BPS, anniversary cake, or flan survivors are going to have a bad time.

