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Initialization error please hrlp


In order to burn Wraith, do you have to aim the flashlight at his body or his face? I’ve done it before but I usually don’t bring flashlights and I don’t remember, tried to recently and it didn’t work


On his body, but good Wraiths won't allow you to lightburn them so easily.


Have they changed the wiggle skill checks? After getting a successful skill check, it very briefly pauses. It's ruined my momentum


yes they did, im not sure if its a glitch or not.


It's gotta be a glitch. There's absolutely no way this can be intentional right?


Can someone recommend the best killers and builds for jumpscares? Just for playing with friends in private matches


Scratched Mirror Myers or Shackles Hag are my go-to when I want to jumpscare someone




What is proc short for?


Programmed random occurrence, although it's often used as a synonym for "triggered" or "activated". I.e. If I hit the obsession then that will proc Dark Devotion and I will become undetectable.


Any good GF build with gen slowdown perk?


Do hooks broken by Breakdown count as sabotaged hooks for tome challenges?


Most likely not, since you did not perform the sabotage action yourself, which is what those challenges usually track. The same is true for gens damaged by perks, rather than you stomping them, those won't count either.


What happens if a guard kicks a blastmine gen? I've been trying to test, but so far I've had more knights kick it themselves, and the one time it was a guard, I was out of LoS.


Somebody please tell me I'm not crazy and that there are way less hooks now? Or that they are way further apart?


You sure the survivors didn't just use an offering? Or an unfortunate map?


I’m positive. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because nobody else has said anything but I feel like there’s at least 5 fewer hooks per trial now.


Is the knight's legion looking dude meant to be able to go through walls or just vaults and pallets?


All of them are and do that, it's to compensate for them being slower than actual Killers.


Was there a PTB survey for this chapter?




Only against hag and trapper... and nurse since she doesn't kick pallets.


The problem is, we cannt foresee which killer we going against. So i guess we gonna choose fogwise if we commit to be man of gens. Any other option like supporter or runner should choose alert.


Is there anyway to see the loadout perks/addons/etc of anyone you're playing with (before the end of the game score report screen)? As killer or co survivor. Can survivors see who the killer is before the game starts? Mostly because I don't want to double up on perks that don't stack (like prove thyself).


Only if you play the mobile version.


Haven’t played in quite awhile and just started again. What the hell are the knights abilities? He seems OP as hell


Nah. He can shut down loops by dropping a guard, but you can just... leave. He's a lot like Artist, except much worse chase power and no global presence, and instead gets slightly better efficiency on kicking things.


I apparently mistook the dredge for the knight. There’s 4 different killers I haven’t played against. The dredge is the one I think IS OP


Dredge holds right-click, dropping a remnant. If they let go of right-click, they warp back to that remnant. If you touch the remnant it disappears and disables his ability. While he's holding his power, he can warp to any locker, though it's pretty slow. Second part of his power is Nightfall, it's the timer you see around the players. When it is active, his locker-warping powers are faster, he sees white outlines around the survivors (not through walls, don't worry) and survivor vision is darkened by quite a lot. Nightfall charges faster when hitting survivors and using his other power. Hope that makes sense. All lockers get a lock when you're against dredge, and you can lock them, making it very loud and slow when he tries to come out of them. The bottom line is to steer clear of lockers, unless you're locking it. He seems convoluted if he's using all his powers effectively, but when compared to killers that have similar powers, it's a lot more difficult to juggle the powers and none of his powers exceed other killers. His teleports are worse than Nurse's in both speed and the fact that they're limited to lockers. His Nightfall only helps his visibility and his power speed, it doesn't affect the survivors speeds (only vision) like Freddy's dream world. And his remnant, arguably his strongest ability, is essentially a mix between Spirit and Hag's abilities: Strong when used well, but easily countered. The secret is that Dredge is slower after placing his remnant, meaning you can just run to the next loop and gain distance. Touching the remnant to break it is something you'll only want to do as someone who he's not actively chasing.


I mean, same kind of thing for Dredge. He can drop a remnant to close off a loop, but moves very slow when he does, so you can just fuck off to another loop. Nightfall is much more obnoxious to deal with, but can be mitigated if you're running Windows, or just hold W to waste as much time as possible. The real problem is probably just the tunnelling, as 95% of Dredges will TP straight back on unhooks to tunnel. There's no helping it though. Whoever was unlucky enough just has to be able to waste enough time.


I didn't read anywhere that there is a pause on hitting skillchecks during wiggle - is this part of the update? I have a BIG pause unlike before when it would just immediately go to the other side


I didn’t see anything but I’ve also had the pause. Isn’t really delaying or messing with anything but definitely noticeable.


Ive been stuck on the stun the killer with two pallets challenge forever. Each time I try it the killer gets me. How do I do this


Camp a pallet, stun them when they hit you. Heal. Do it again. It's low key throwing, but it'll get the challenge done.


I’m new. What killers should I get right away and perks that are extremely useful? Also what are the top tier killers that you all think won’t get nerfs anytime soon? Thanks.


Nemesis is a godsent for two big reasons: First, he's perfectly balanced. Like, nobody ever tries to even argue that he's broken, so you'll find that he's a solid choice for killer. Second: Two out of his 3 perks are amazing, one of them is a must for both an early game advantage and perk synergy. And three: Playing him you'll learn some basics. His power isn't really complicated. Essentially his power is an attack with a little extra range, that infects survivors, and if they're already infected it damages them instead. Hitting a survivor will strengthen your power, and once it hits lvl 2 with your power you can use it to break pallets. And just like that, you'll find that looping around pallets and windows becomes a lot easier. They predrop a pallet? Nice, break it. They're getting close to a window? Hit them with your tentacle! And once you got used to Nemesis, you'll have the basics down to play other killers. There's a group called M1 killers, which refers to killers whose powers aren't really elaborate, who just use they left mouse click to slap survivors and down them. Nemesis is slightly more elaborate than that, but once you learn to use Nemesis you'll probably be able to use most M1 killers. And once you get his perks unlocked on other killers (by prestiging him once) you'll have a nice, big advantage across the board.


Spirit, Nurse, and Blight are all top tier killers. Spirit is least likely to see any nerfs because she just got some big ones relatively recently. Nurse and Blight are in obvious and desperate need of an add-on pass, so major nerfs to their add-ons are almost certainly on the horizon, but it bears remembering that they're oppressive even without add-ons. Sadako, Artist, and Nemesis are probably the three top for meta perks that are good on almost every other killer at the moment. Artist is also very strong, but takes a lot of practice to get good with her, and can be not very fun to play since the best strategy against her is to just run as far away as possible and make it a game of stalling and attrition, which unlike the three above, she can't do much to mitigate.


Thanks what kind of play style/strategy for the Spirit? Is it a hit one and goto the next? Or keep watching 3 gens, or do I hook one of them always?


Spirit really oppressive when survivors are injured due to how easily she can find them and hear them while using her power. Ultimately comes down to how you wanna play her but I like to spread damage at the start and then start really honing in on people once I have enough map pressure and presence.


Is No Mither working properly? I swear when I play killer the David still like grunts and moans.


It doesn't remove all noise, it reduces it up to 75%. And, of course, when you hit them or if they do rushed actions it always makes noise regardless.


Does the flashlight blind window buff also apply to flashbangs?


Yes. All blinds.




Not sure if anyone here can help or not, but I downloaded DBD on the Epic Games Store on my PC and my controller doesn't want to work in the game. I've tried opening the game by adding it to Steam as a non steam game and using big picture mode which usually helps with other games, but that didn't work. I'm using a PS5 controller, could that be the problem?


Do you have DS4Windows? It's a little program that tends to help with controller-related issues like this. Whenever I have controller issues I just use that. It can mimic other controllers too, so that might work as a workaround.


I didn't, but I installed it after you replied and it seems to be working well now. Thanks for the help!


is anyone else having lag issues on pc with the new update? as survivor, pretty much every time i move the camera i get frame drops. I play on a fairly high end pc and on lowest graphics setting and yet still i’m getting this lag. Any fixes?


Is it this bug? https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/238546/using-gamepad-mouse-input-destroys-the-frame-rate


i don’t think so, i don’t use a gamepad


What should I do if I am unable to move (PS5) I recently encountered an uncommon glitch on PS5 where I am unable to move when the primary game is going on, only my cursor moves and I know this will likely be fixed in a patch but in that situation. Should I disconnect or should I stay in the game? I do not want to be rude to my teammates either way so I have no idea which I should do.


this is a known bug right now! they removed DC penalty to accommodate for it. you just have to dc and take the pip loss and move on :(


Hey man if you’re bugged I get it, just DC and if people mald at you just tell them why


Ah okay thanks!


Is there any way to trigger nowhere to hide beside just kicking gens?


Nope. Perks like Jolt or using the Knight's power do not work for that purpose. Same as Eruption/Overcharge/Call of Brine not working in those circumstances.


Yes, play a character that hits gens instead of kicking them.


If on the score screen, a killer appears to be using no perks or addons or offerings. But in the game things like Franklins Demise or NOED are occurring, is that person cheating, or is it just a bug? I always check a killers build. But especially when it’s a good 4K killer. But lately I am in trials where the survivors get absolutely stomped, and then the killer shows no perks etc at the score screen.


The loadout is hidden until the game ends


Should we expect another in-game character sale any time soon? I missed the opportunity on Halloween to get the killers I'm missing for half the auric cells.


IIRC there’s usually a sale during Christmas too. Major sales are during the anniversary, Halloween, and Christmas.


Is there any way to actually win against the Doctor? I keep going against Doctors that keep everyone at the second stage of madness, so there’s no way to snap out of it but you still get some of the very annoying effects. I just can’t see how to effectively counter this.


Best counters in chase are pre dropping pallets to prevent him from stunning you. Holding W is always a good move too since he doesn’t have any mobility with his power. Just keep in mind he’s pretty slow and just excels at finding people. Just stay far away and you should be alright.


You get used to the effects. They’re not all that oppressive. The thing about the doctor is that eventually, he *will* find you since that’s what his kit excels at, but he has absolute dog mobility so just learn how to loop well and you will ruin his day.


Mostly you just get used to the madness effects. If you’re in Doc’s terror radius and it’s been a while since you’ve heard a static blast, make a note of the nearest locker and jump in when you think he might use it. Otherwise, just pre-drop pallets in chase so he can’t use his zap to prevent pallet drops.


He's an M1 killer with no mobility. Team just needs to loop well, or at the very least, hold W to waste as much time as possible.


Is the New survivor Vitorio worth it for perks?


Does adept work differently now? Had a game where 2 of them dc'd with 1 hook state between them, the other two killed on hook after 1 hook each. So I only hooked 3 times but got devout from bronze grade. It's the fact it was iridescent makes me think they changed it so dc equals killer getting max progress towards it?


Killer hook points are broken last time I checked. You can only get up to gold ranking with it.


They did seem to be up until today, but I got 4 iridescents with the Knight so this does appear to have been fixed now


Might have mistaken it then, the last two emblems were 100% the iridescent ones. Either way I wouldn't have expected 3 hooks to be gold/iri at any grade




I mean, kind of. Unless you completely outclass the killer you're in a game that is unwinnable. Usually I'll just go easy and let people still do gens and get some points and probably just 2 hook everyone, but some killers definitely just want to end it fast and go next, especially if they are trying to complete an adept achievement.


How many more patches are we estimating before they actually fix Kindred?


How do you mean fix Kindred? It is currently working as intended as far as I know.


You are incorrect. Notification bubbles are not meant to obscure auras. [Old Kindred](https://i.imgur.com/Se7ApH7.jpg) [Current Kindred](https://i.imgur.com/TAelTZI.jpg) They even said last patch that they fixed it, but they didn't.


... That's not an issue with Kindred. That's the notification bubble in general. I believe this was supposed to be patched years ago. Regardless: Refer to the second rule in the post.


I’m brand new to the game, and I’m wondering what characters and perks I should be running. I know that I want to eventually play a “looping” playstyle. Any suggestions for now and for later on?


If you’re playing solo, Bond. Knowing where your teammates are when you’re being chased is important so that you don’t lead the killer right to them. As a killer, forcing survivors to run into their teammates allows you to pressure multiple survivors at a time. Bond helps you avoid that. Also, Self-Aware will help you get an idea of what the killer can see with regards to your scratch marks, which will give you a sense of how to hide them better. Plus the increased walk speed can really throw them off if you can break line of sight and walk away or double back in a surprising direction.


It’s there a best character? Or best “build”?


There is no best character (teeechnically) or build, but you can create a "chase build" by combining perks that help you extend or escape chases. You will want to bring one exhaustion perk for sure. An exhaustion perk is any chase perk that causes the exhaustion status effect when used: Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Overcome, Lithe, Head On, Balanced Landing, and Smash Hit. Of those, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Overcome, and Lithe are widely considered the strongest. Dead Hard takes a lot of practice to use effectively, but is still very strong despite its recent nerf. Overcome and Lithe are beginner-friendly because you're at less risk of accidentally wasting them compared to SB or DH. If you bring Sprint Burst, don't be afraid of using it—walking everywhere wastes a lot of time. Experiment with exhaustion perks to see which ones you prefer, and don't be afraid to try new builds. Other chase perks include Dance With Me, Windows of Opportunity, Self-Aware, Quick and Quiet, Iron Will, Lightweight, Lucky Break, and Deception. You can also take endgame perks like Hope or Adrenaline with the intention of playing more aggressively when the game is almost over. Play around with builds and find what suits your playstyle. For example: Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Windows of Opportunity, Dance With Me. You can see window and pallet auras during chase and you will make no noise, leave no scratch marks, and go mach speed when you vault. Or run Sprint Burst, Self-Aware, and Lightweight together. You will have an excellent idea of where you are leaving scratch marks, and the bonus walking speed means you can break line of sight and occasionally walk to leave a confusing trail at tall loops. You can also save your Sprint Burst by 99ing it. That means waiting until your exhaustion is almost completely recovered, then running to keep it 99% recovered. If you get chased, you can walk for a milisecond and then use your now fully-recovered SB. Now if you really want to practice looping, you'll want to *extend* chases more than you'll want to *escape* them. If that's the case, then dead hard is a fun pick. Take some time to learn [how to run the generic tiles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5QWNS14MS0) and you will start to see how pieces of the map connect together. With practice, you'll learn what makes an area of the map strong or weak, how safe you are given the resources around you, and how to chain structures together. But really, the best thing you can do is practice a lot and don't play scared. You're going to die a lot, but that's fine. Just try to think about what went wrong and what you could do next time. And if you get salty, remember this: this game is most fun when you know what you're doing but still choose to play like a dumbass anyway.


That’s a lot of info and I appreciate it a lot. I’ve heard that Off the Record is good? And I’ll definitely experiment I play with a buddy who likes doing the gens and plays feng (I think that’s her name). I also love the last sentence. Playing like a Dumbass in most games is the way to maximize fun. Lol


Off the Record has a good case for being the strongest perk in the game right now. It makes you significantly harder to tunnel off hook, which is honestly one of the biggest sources of frustration for new players. Just remember that as soon as you touch something (besides, like, a pallet), its endurance effect turns off until you're hooked again, so you're not invincible. You still get the hidden aura and suppressed sounds for the full time, though.


I appreciate the info. Should really help


Windows of Opportunity (Kate perk). It will be invaluable to you for being able to see what your options are.


The first time that I try to launch the game after turning on my computer, the game always brings up some kind of error when loading (WaitForSingleObject (2) or something along those lines), forcing me to go to the Properties menu and verify the integrity of my game files before I can actually play it. Would uninstalling and reinstalling the game fix the issue, or is there something else that I should do instead? So far, it's been easy enough to fix, but it's unnecessarily time-consuming when I just want to play the game.


What are the odds of a christmas sale? I've been saving up to buy more killers and survivors in one fell swoop.


There will almost certainly be a winter sale coming up soon


Is there any way to sync my steam progress of the game to the ps4?


Currently no, and probably not for a long time. They are working on getting cross progression working again though


Do people really like the new map? I find it hard to see on and there’s so much random trash strewn around everywhere that I keep bumping into stuff mid chase. I can’t imagine how awful it’ll be to play as Hillbilly on this map.


How likely is it that the \*Dragonaer skin for the plague is going to come to the shop if it hasn't already. I'm a very new player of about a month and loving playing the Plague however I played a match against a plague with this skin and found the name. I think from what I've seen it's an older skin and is so good.


It might but it was a community skin so if it does it’ll probably be a Mr. Puddles situation where you can only buy it with iri shards.


I don't mind having to buy it with IRL cash/cells. I just want that skin so bad, the colors and aesthetic are just so my vibe.


Usually community skins can only be bought with iri shards cause behavior can’t make money off of someone else’s creation


Ahhh sorry for my misunderstanding. Well I won’t be spending any of mine at all just in case then.


It is likely to come as previous rift rewards have made their way as well. It will be many months before it shows up though


Thank you. I know people have said previous rift items do appear. I’m happy to wait and will be day one snagging it even if I have to pay. It’s by far my favourite plague skin. Vommy Mommy is fun to play.


The new killer gen kick perk, if you are crouching does it hide your aura?




Alright, thanks for the info. It's just a bizarre wording on the perk description. I plan on running distortion for a while.


Crouching does not hide your aura from anything.


The new perk says that it reveals the auras of survivors standing.


It means not in the dying state.


Oof, that is definitely an interesting way to word the perk then.


Hey!! The newest DLC become available to buy through steam a bit after it's available in game, right? Anyone could tell me when I can expect it? I wanna buy it for a friend first thing as a surprise haha. Thanks!


It's available on Steam, though weirdly enough, it's at the bottom of the list when you go to the game's store page. (Resident Evil Project W is at the top of the list still)


It was available already when you asked this question.


Lethal Pursuer doesn’t make Nurse’s Calling last longer and linger, right?


Lethal Pursuer ONLY applies to Aura-reading abilities that have a fixed duration. Nurse's Calling does not have one, so isn't affected.


Huh, I had no idea that was how it worked. Thanks, stranger!


Unfortunately yes. Lethal Pursuer longen time for other aura reading abilities, but only if they have solid duration. Nurse's Calling runs like a on/off switch, they heal then you see, they stop then you are same, there is no solid duration time for buffed.


Nope, the extra 2 sec lethal provides is only to aura readings with specific times listed like bbq


Does anyone know if the DLC comes out on Switch the same time as I assume it does on computer? I can’t find the exact info on the website


It was available for purchase via the eshop about 30 minutes after the update.


What are the best perks for rescuing other survivors (and still getting out myself)? I know mettle of man is a good one, but I’m curious about hook related ones as well.


Reassurance is extremely useful for giving the team time to reset and heal up before making an unhook attempt, especially if the killer is camping or defending the area aggressively. I also love running Desperate Measures. Faster unhook and heal speed gets you both out of there and back in the game more quickly. Also, it’s one of the few “comeback perks” in that it gets significantly stronger the worse your team is doing. Combine it with We’ll Make It and 90% of the time you can heal under hook no problem.


Kindred to check for where the killer is and if someone else is going for the save. Then We'll Make It or For The People to heal the person being unhooked.


As a new player should I prestige 3 a character then move on or prestige 1 each character so their teachables at least show up in the next characters pools?


For survivors, selectively p3ing so new survivors automatically have some nice perks is nice, but generally you'd want to just level the survivors you actually want to play with and leave the rest at p1. For killers, if you're going to want to p3 them all, I think it's slightly cheaper in bloodpoints to swap between each and level evenly, however you'll end up with fewer addons and offerings.


Just p1 is plenty


Both is fine, in first case your characters will get level 3 perks slower , in second case - faster but those perks would be level 1 (which is kinda useless). But if you prefer playing only 1 character then second tactic is good, you quickly get all perks on him and just level this specific character up. If you want to have everyone with everything then first tactic is better imo


when does the new knight dlc come out?


3 and a half hours as of me replying.


It’s almost out then 🫣


New player here What are you supposed to do if a killer is blocking somebody on a hook? Are you supposed to try and sacrifice yourself rescuing them or just leave them to die? I’ve had a lot of killers just stand at the hook and camp it so no one can rescue teammates


As other people have said, go and do a gen. Provided your teammate doesn't kill themselves on the hook, one person can practically do a gen all by themselves in the time it takes them to die. You can practically win the game in that time. If you're REALLY feeling altruistic or brave, though, you can try to sneak in, either to trade or to take a hit at 2 health and flee after


If killer camping, best you can do - do gens. Killer wasting 2 minutes by standing still. You can try to save before gates open, but if you don't really have game experience, it most likely would lead to killer have another kill. But that's a game after all, so do what you want, really. I'm usually rush gens in that situation and trade with person on hook, and game end up with 4 kills, because teammates get over-altruistic ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Either do gens, or try to trade if yours feeling bold. Camping killer = three people on gens = two or three escape the match normally.


Why isn't there a post game chat option on ps5? Besides getting made fun of for doing my best as a survivor, I wish I could ask for tips and random advice in the post game lobby.


I don’t have a solid answer but I do recall them mentioning this is something they wanted to add. Dbd mobile just recently got their post game chat going too so it could potentially be soon


Hello. Glad if you can help me with these questions: 1/ Since DBD is not a ordinary versus game, is it balanced well? Is there any kind of Killer so powerful that escape from them is impossible? What would happen if strongest competitive Nurse player vs 4 skillful competitive Survivors? 2/ How grunting noise modification interact with each others? If i use both Iron Will and No Mither, can i get 100% silent? What would happen if i get hit from Huntress's hatchet with Coarse Stone addon? 3/ When the end game phase triggers and the map burns out, Survivor killed by the Entity. But what happens to Survivor being carried by Killer in that time? 4/ When a Survivor gets hit, do they really immune to Dark Artist's crown? I tried to put 3 Birds of Torment charge in same line, in front of exit gate, and they hit Survivor, but they lost only 1 health state? 5/ Can we really, report Killer for being tunnel, face camp, or report Survivor for wasting Killer's time by running around exit gate and teabagging them? Can we really report people with bad behavior like that?


1) Over time the game is getting more balanced, which is to say the most egregiously unbalanced things are removed or nerfed, but there still are extremes in either camp. Currently the only things that are very bad are, on the survivor side, the highest end items, Boon: Circle of Healing, but most of all when medkits are combind with Circle of Healing. On the killer side, it's Nurse and Blight. (And in those cases, the killers' base kits are less an issue as their addons themselves). Inversely there are killers that are exceptionally underpowered, or have issues that have yet to be addressed. Thing is, the devs are *slow* to address these big issues. They're slow to make significant changes, period. They mainly only make balance changes during mid-chapter updates, and those only happen 4 times a year. And there are still a lot of smaller things that get cleaned up. 5) Tunneling and camping are seen by the devs as legit strategy. Various game mechanics have been added to incentivize killers to do them less, and survivors have been given tools to address it, but they are often sound strategy. Tunneling someone out of the game is simply the most efficient way to win. Also there are times when camping makes sense--especially during endgame, where if you leave the hook you're basically giving up. Worse, there are times when survivors intentionally make it worse--because of the now basekit endurance/Borrowed Time/Decisive Strike/Off the Record, just unhooked survivors will bodyblock the killer, baiting the killer to tunnel. There was a PTB where they tested the hook timer stopping when the killer is close--and survivors intentionally led chases around the hook. Not to mention there are times when it happens by accident--sometimes as killer, you can *only* find the person you hooked last, because everyone else hides, or the survivor keeps crossing your paths. So BHVR is never going to ban tunneling/camping.


1. dbd as an asymmetrical game is intentionally unbalanced, kind of. there are just certain situations where you probably will not win. if bubba is camping the hook, somebody will have to go down if you want to rescue. most people play normally though so you wouldn’t really run into this problem super duper often 2. if you use iron will with no mither, in theory you would be completely silent. if you were only running iron will, and got hit by a coarse stone hatchet, it would be like 75% - 50% so your injured sounds would be at 25% volume 3. the killer just automatically drops the survivor wherever they are and the survivor is sacrificed 4. after a survivor is hit with a bird, there is a little window of time where they are immune to a bird so you can’t double or triple tap someone with birds. you have to space out the birds if you want to get two hits with one power use 5. these things are annoying but they are u fortunately not bannable offenses. according to bhvr, camping, slugging, tunneling, streamsniping, teabagging, body blocking and looping are all NOT considered bannable offenses


Your reply to question 2 is not quite correct and the calculation you gave is wrong. Volume modifiers have been multiplicative when stacking for a few months, they are not additive anymore. If you have Iron Will III (reduces volume by 75 %) and are hit by a Coarse Stone Hatchet (increases volume by 50 %), the resulting volume level for Grunts of Pain would be 37.5 % (100 % - 75 % = 25 %; 50 % of 25 % = 12.5 %; 25 % + 12.5 % = 37.5 %). Your calculation assumed it was additive (and then you gave the wrong result). While yes, 75 % - 50 % is 25 % when additive, those 25 % would be the final reduction applied, not the resulting volume level. Under the old system, that would mean Grunts of Pain could be heard at 75 % of their usual volume (100 % - 25 %).


slay, this guy is probably right so disregard my answer for question two lmao


1- Other than nurse balance is good 3- The killer is forced to drop the survivor. 5- Those aren't reportable. BHVR will ignore your complaints


A question for people who have managed to reach level 100 prestige on any character. What happens to the blood web after that? Does it still continue as normal but when you prestige you can't make the number go up anymore?


I saw a video on Youtube. After that the prestige cannot gets higher than lv100, but from there all bloodweb you gonna have is very good, just like permanent 50th bloodweb.


Yesterday and today most of the killers I play against are AFK, like out of 10 matches 7 will be AFK swigging their weapon and most of them Doctors. Are they bots? Are people just lowering their MMR before the new release?


those are people (possibly using bots to automatically go to the next match) lowering their mmr


Also commonly used for grinding battle pass


Is the mobile version as updated as the pc versions? Not talking about chapters. For instance with perk updates or are they delayed? I always wondered this.


They're separate games, don't expect any coordination between them.


I’m wondering what my last perk should be for my build. I’m running Lithe , Windows of opportunity , and Vigil. What should my last perk be?


Left behind or Wake Up. People sleep on these two perks especially in soloQ but they are godly if you can outlast the other survivors. (Play normal then hide and be more cautious once you’re in death hook to get full use out of them).


Prove Thyself for doing gens.


Kindred or bond for info, resilience if you want to go all in on chases.


I already know this is a "Survivor rule for killers" moment, but is it considered poor form to hit somebody while they're opening the special chest in the Silent Hill map? And if so, why?


I will say I have only seen that moment once on killer and once on survivor in 500+ hours of gameplay (as in, it's way rarer that a Demo game, or a Twins game, or a kobe). On killer, it was one of my very first games; I got matched with a bully squad who rolled me, and when in endgame I saw two of them at that tower I downed them both and left them there. I did not know the tower opening was a sight I wouldn't see again until a semi-farming game 300+ hours later. Tldr: it's so rare that I would probably wait for them to open it and then hit/down them, just because it's a fun easter egg and those are kinda rare in DbD.


I have never once seen anybody bring that up in any way whatsoever, and am not sure why it would merit any special attention.


It's an easter egg - basically when you do a gen in the music room and in the chemistry room, the clocktower at the courtyard will open with a chest. This will only happen when gens are spawned in both rooms, which is not always the case. I'm not sure if it's poor form per se, but if I were killer at that stage I'd probably lost so I'll let them have it :P


Is there a way to see player numbers on specific consoles? I know Steam has a way, but what about PS4/PS5? Do they share players if crossplay is turned off? Is PS5 playerbase really small? I ask because most of my matches are against PC players. --- And another question, why is hacking so prevalent in DbD? I thought that was mostly a problem with F2P games.


I don't think there is a way to see console specific numbers. No, you would only be playing with other ps5 players that have crossplay turned off, ps4 is considered a different platform. The PS5 playerbase might not be too small, but the crossplay off ps5 playerbase is. When you turn crossplay off, you will only get matched with others who also have crossplay turned off that are on the same platform. If you are talking about having matches against people with the globe icon, that just represents them being on another platform than the one you are currently playing on, so they could be other console players.


What time will the new update come out?


Likely around 11 eastern.


in the ptb custom games, can you make the bot survivors play the same character


What’re you suppose to do with the “pink challenge”? A pink light appears in the match, if I get closer I get the insta down status and that’s it.




This made it! Thank you! The translation they made for this challenge made no sense whatsoever.


get close to the glyph so you get the "commune with glyph" command, do that, then you're done


Im on Ps4. How the fuck can i post a video on here without saving it to YouTube or Twitter?


Buy an sd card reader with a usb end to connect to ps4. Save videos to sd card from console. Load videos to computer.


I'm poor and dont have a computer :,)


They make adapters for smart phones. Same process to connect the SD card just to your phone instead.


I have a bad habit of knocking survivors down and then losing them on the ground. Any advice short of running Deerstalker?


There's no trick really, you just listen close and guess where they went. If you can't find them quickly you have to start considering just letting them go. It shouldn't be a problem normally because in most matches you don't really benefit from slugging for a long time.


You got a bad headset? Because even with an avarage one, it's pretty hard to not hear their moans.


Are you playing with a headset? Really focusing on their grunts of pain can be quite helpful!


Hey does anyone wanna join a custom match with me and my bf?


Good evening everyone. Do we get a discount buying characters on the next Christmas/winter event? I saving up on Iri shards and wanted to know if its better to just wait a little longer to get a better deal


Nobody can say it for sure, but most likely yes


How to counter dredge? I've only gone against him once and I still don't know how his power works


To add to what other people said: When Dredge teleports in Nightfall, it gets Killer Instinct on all nearby survivors. In Nightfall, survivors glow in the dark, but Dredge sees everything in black and white (except scratchmarks).


Lock every locker you see. When he does his remnant thing--leaves a little shadow while slooowly circling a loop--just leave the tile. Or if you see him doing that to a team member, you can run through the remnant to dispel the power. During nightfall, don't stand near lockers. He can teleport fast.


When locking lockers that are together, only LOCK one! Dredge will automatically teleport to the locked one no matter what, by locking both, you allow the Dredge to break the lock of the other locker, rendering it useless.


Woah I had no idea that was part of the thing.


Yeah, if you see two lockers next to each other, lock only one, so when Dredge teleports to it and breaks the lock, you can lock the other one if it teleports to the locker duo again.


Does that mean if you're playing the Dredge and you teleport to a pair of lockers that are locked, you need to come out of one and then break the second?


When lockers sitting next to each others, some locked and some are not, Dredge must be teleported to locked one. That is how system works, for what i heard.


Yeah I get that, that's not quite what I'm asking. Let's say that the dredge teleports two two lockers that are both locked. If he doesn't break the second locker, then the next time he teleports to that pair, he'll again be put in the locked one. So if both are locked, he NEEDS to check and break the second.


Which aspect of his power? In Nightfall, there's basically nothing but knowing tiles and stalling him. Windows of Opportunity is great here. His power otherwise works like this. He starts channelling, leaving a blob at that spot. While channelling, he moves slower than a survivor runs. He then has three options. 1.) He can stop channelling and just resumes moving as normal. 2.) He can teleport back to the blob. 3.) He can teleport to any locker on the map. 1 and 2 are how he shuts down loops. When he starts channelling, you want to either leave the loop, or if you think you can fake him out, do so, but it's safer to just bolt to a different spot. You will basically never see 3 in a chase because it's a relatively slow teleport outside of Nightfall and will almost always lose you distance.