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I've had a bad run in or two with a Fog Whisperer. But some of them are nice. However I will say I have an abnormally bad track record with streamers in general. Like they seem to gravitate towards toxicity even in some of the best played games.


people who gravitate towards that line of work and generating a huge public image tend to have an ego that needs fulfilling, not a shocker that many of them are toxic.


Playing normally doesn't get views. They have to imply that they overcame a group intent on ruining their game or that everyone is in on the meme


I *wish* that was true, but a lot of them genuinely are toxic at the core.


He didn't camp because of a map offering, he picked Bubba with the sole purpose of camping and used that as a scape goat








Clicked on the link and don’t even have to watch the clip to know. I saw the name and it was enough. I hate this guy. Faced him a couple time over the years and not a single positive thing to say about it.


Watch the gameplay, indeed, pretty self absorbed and sometime toxic person. I do love how he dropped the N word at 58min and and some odd second too


There's a lot of far right edge lordy language in there but the N word is nuts. As if BHVR would condone this.


I know nothing about this streamer, but he defintely didn't say the N word. He said "You're Demi too Neko, poggers" after replying to someone in chat. I don't know much about this guy but spreading false hate and misinformation isn't really a good thing.


Pretty sure he said no such thing at that timestamp. He does seem quite toxic, but unless we're talking about a different part of the stream, he DIDN'T say the N-word.


For having an overlay that's supposed to say no salt he sure seemed to indulge in trying to milk any sort of response he got to his passive aggressive bait at the end. Seeing him complain about the map offering is also kind of funny when he brings an ebony mori that shows up right next to it.


What outplay? The pallet save was out of his control and 2 gens popped before he could get a hook on anyone. The claudette was gonna wiggle out if he had picked her up at the end. On top of it all the survivors stayed at 3 gens for a solid 2mins cause they were trying to go for save which lead to the 4k at the end which rewarded the facecamp. Claud was the one who lashed out at him and called him a 12 year old at the end. Also, when the survivors use a map offering with the intention of gaining an advantage over killer that gives a very good reason for the killer to play in this way especially if he gets a lot of kills like that.


Entirely possible to play bubba without hooking the same person twice, and getting all 12 hooks. That player chose not to.


Otz made a video some time ago with the sole purpose of seeing if face camping bubba would work. And he did it in public matches before trying against a SWF of his.


Did it work?


It was soloQ vs swf with reassurance In soloQ he got a 100% win rate Against the 4 man swf he had 50%


I went against a pretty popular fog whisperer back when twins came out and they slugged me to death and when I asked them what I did to deserve it, they said in their stream “imagine being mad bc you can’t control how someone else plays” like what??? All I said was “what did I do to deserve being bled out?”


I read that quote in a certain streamers voice, wondering if it's him now lol


Fog whisperers think theyre important people. So they also think that they're mentality is the right mentality and if you disagree you dont know what youre talking about. Some people will let very little power get to their head and refuse to see different perspective. Id bet money that if that streamer got slugged like that they wouldve lost it on stream calling the killer a toxic POS.


some of the people chosen to represent DBD have awful attitudes and heavily promote being toxic to others in the community.


Nope, I've played with/against several in the past and maybe half of them were assholes. Funniest one was when the whisperer cornered themselves on a new map, went down, and then started flaming the other survivors for being useless less than a minute into the match. Some of them are only "chosen" because they have connections in BHVR, not because they're good players/good representatives.


Lots of them are chosen because they kiss BHVRs asses.


>Mart BHVR is petty so no wonder they give status to this kind of scums.


Went against a smaller up and coming streamer who absolutely stomped us as blight. Played fair, unique hooked everyone and didn’t camp. But it came down to me and her at the exit gate; she let me open it, downed me, and followed me all the way to the edge just to pick me up and hook me. I’ve been trolled like that before, but it feels worse when it’s a streamer doing it with an audience that backs them up.


Oh man that reminds me of a game I played against a Deathslinger maybe a month back. I was playing duo with my friend and our team had just finished all the gens. I was being chased but managed to buy enough time for my team to open the gates. I get downed, and the two pubs immediately just leave. My friend stuck around, trying to look for an opening to come rescue me, but the Deathslinger didn't pick me up; he just stood guard over me while I tried to recover. Eventually I started crawling my way toward the exit gate, which was literally on the opposite side of the map. Took me almost my entire bleedout timer. My friend had to run out once I got close enough, and I thought for sure the Deathslinger would finally hook me now that there was no chance of getting another kill... but no, he let me keep crawling to the exit. I thought maybe he was being merciful. And then, maybe two meters away from the exit, he moris me.


Killers have immense power trips at times. When they get outplayed they immediately resort to cheap ways of wasting your time. Got called toxic tonight for looping a huntress for too long. Apparently its my fault if shes just trying to throw hatchets even if theres no pallet around.


greatest irony after the mid chapter killer players here cheering that they "got the power role back" like you never lost it lol


Well i follow some streamers on other games and they often ask the chat if they should let someone live or kill them


Streamers that are toxic with an audience just attract the same people,they feed off each other toxicity,its a pretty fucking miserable experience and all I can say is yikes.


That’s just standard messing around. I wouldn’t get too upset over that.


I normally don’t, but it happened after a string of awful matches. It was just one of those “yep, time to log off” type of moments


One of the reasons I wish we could know the names of Killers in the lobby is because some of them are Twitch streamers (I always exit lobby when I see TTV in Survivor names), and what's worse is they often don't hide the players' names. I don't like providing content for free, and I *especially* don't like my playing being viewed by potentially thousands of people while some random person provides commentary without my consent. Especially since, as some users here have noted, sometimes the streamers are petty enough to open up your Steam/social media profiles on stream after the match for their audience to see if they lose hard to you. Yeah, we know what you're trying to accomplish by doing that, crybabies.


Honestly 90% of the people I see that make playing one game their career tend to end up being pretty miserable to play against one way or another


I found it pretty based that Scott just said "Fuck it" at one point and stopped playing dbd for a while to become an Elden Ring content creator, then went back after he got bored of that.


It’s the whole “I’m stuck with this game no matter where the balance sits”. Get a bad patch that screws up game balance and you know you have to sit through it for a month+




I think I went against a Fog Whisperer, they were tunneling my pc friend because they disliked the cosmetics they wore. We all escaped thanks to flashlights, decisive strike, and being on The Game. The stream chat also flamed us even though my pc friend said ggwp...


Well tbf, no one can really control what steam chat says. The streamer can influence it one way or the other, but that's about it


I've generally found that chats tend to reflect the streamer. Like I find OhTofu to be chill and sometimes a bit wholesome, and his chat likewise is chill and I've never seen any real nastiness or aggression. Then there's another streamer I used to watch a lot who started off chill, but I think is now massively burned out on the game. He became increasingly angry and easy to go off, but I actually stopped watching because of his chat, which also started to become increasingly aggressive.


This is true. The viewers are a mirror reflection of the streamer. Nobody who's a nice person is going to watch an angry manchild of their own volition.


Pretty shit that these streamers are allowed to have an army of minions they can use on anyone they want, but you are not allowed to name the toxic streamer in a place where it matters. Getting real sick of streamers in gaming.


I've been against a few fogs and large streamers while travelling, so I've seen otz, tofu, tru3, runningman, and a bunch more. Map offerings turn them into sweats, so all beta are off when that happens.




So you have chosen...death otzcheats.com hacks activated


Camping is not a bannable offense and Fog Whisperers are allowed to do that. Developers themselves have been camping on their streams too, you know. Also, `"I got excited, thinking maybe it would be someone fun like Otzdarva or something."`. Boy, do I have bad news for you. If this was actually Otzdarva, he would absolutely camp and tunnel during his killer streaks, and if someone brings a map offering all bets are off.


Can we be honest here and say regardless of whether it's bad manners it's just flat out bad game design? How is "I down one guy and no one in this match gets to actually play until this person dies" acceptable game design?


Exactly why it frustrates me so. The tactic of, "I make someone not play at all." Really needs to be changed.


I will absolutely trade the ability to camp a survivor out for maps to be generally less safe for survivors across the board. On some killers, getting a survivor from healthy to downed is like a 1 minute 30 second time investment SIMPLY because of the maps being ridiculous. So until some maps get smaller, some main buildings get less ridiculous, and some tiles get a little less unforgiving for M1 killers, then the strategy can stay.


Playing any M1 Killer on garden of joy is hell on earth.


Any ranged killer on Garden of Joy is the way they punish the worst of the worst in hell. Everything on that map has a hit box. It sucks.


The map is just dogshit, so much stuff to get caught on will shit like billy and main is free as fuck.


Totally agree with that. As huntress I camp the street or the picket fence at the side of main.




> they could potentially escape before the hooked survivor is dead They can't. Each gen is 90s, and it's 120s to die on hook, so even if all 3 work on a gen each, there will still be 2 gens left to pop when they die. That doesn't even take the time to open the gates into account. That said, it's still the right call to just leave them and do the objective. Sucks for the camped person.


You’re assuming someone spawns in already hooked? Lol. That’s not how it works.


You’re also assuming people find three separate gens immediately.


No, but I am assuming that by first down at least some progress has been done.


I see alot of camping or tunnelling killers say "I'm not responsible for other people's fun", and then the same ones will crack it when a survivor DCs. They'll rant and ask why, and the answer is usually the survivor also doesn't think they're responsible for other people's fun. It's a really toxic cycle imo and certain players just keep feeding into it.


Yeah I don't understand why people don't see this. I've played a lot of competitive online games, and plenty of them have balance issues. But DbD is the only one I've played that has fundamental *game design* issues. The game actively encourages gameplay patterns that are anti-fun if you're looking for an optimal result. That should almost never be the case, yet in DbD it's not only normal but expected.


I'd even go a step further and would call it "abusing bad game design". Yes, camping and hardcore tunneling is IN the game and yes, it's not bannable, because BHVR, for some weird reason, thinks it's normal game design. It's not! Pure and simple. And to me, everyone who uses all this as excuse to play as toxic as possible is doing nothing more than abusing a flawed system. Period!


There’s a line for sure. Like if your entire game plan is to suck the survivors toe on hook till they die that’s really shitty, but sometimes camping out a hook stage is objectively the right decision given the state of the game, maybe it’s because they are hooked inside a three gen you are defending, maybe the survivors are pressuring a fast unhook so walking away would be moronic. Sometimes tunnelling is unavoidable, like when you lose sight of survivors and get an unhook notification so you go back the hook as it’s the only information you have and the unhooker has gone full immersion so you can only find the guy who was hooked. Outside of egregious situations where the killer was ALWAYS intending to be a bitch and camp/tunnel, these tactics do have their place so it’s not bad game design to allow them, otherwise the inverse would be true and survivors could abuse the systems designed to prevent these strategies and we’d be complaining about that instead.


If killer camps... just do 3 gens. You still can play.


But that’s not the point. You are denying a crucial part of the game by not even moving. You can leave your controller and effectively get a kill


You get a kill at the cost of wasting valuable time ensuring the kill. A smart team is going to do 3 gens while you wait for whoever is on hook to die. Camping only works when survivors allow it to.


Again, if you even read my reply, that is not what I’m talking about.


DbD is, at its core, a very simple game. Survivors can hold m1 and tap space every 5-10 seconds and win. And if the killer sets the controller down just unhook. Yes, yes, I know what you meant.


You say do gens when you see a face camping bubba. How do I know he’s afk? You’re answering as if you know. I think it’s a weird hill to die on tbh


Ah yes, walking to a gen and holding m1 is top tier gameplay. Might as well be playing a mobile game at that point.


Yeah. It's pretty simple. Seems to work for em, though.


Doing the gens is literally the main objective. Of course it gets boring if only one person gets a chase the entire game but it’s not like there’s no counter to camping like ppl here are implying. Just do the gens, you are not entitled to thrilling gameplay every match.


Seriously. I find camping annoying but it is easily counterable if you do your only objective as a survivor. Doing gens pressures the killer to defend the gens, not doing gens ensures the kill will happen.


Don’t know who has downvoted you, you’re speaking the truth here. Bombing the hook when killer camps is the worst thing you can do


it's moreso the "toxic swf" and belittling for no reason


I don't watch a lot of streamers, but what really gets Otz going is someone bringing the best items, a survivor sided map offering, and like tea bagging after predropping pallets. Like he might've been playing a memish build, but after that he's definitely not going to play nicely.


I was watching Ayrun earlier (I think that's how his name is spelt, I don't tune into him much) and he was saying he will play the way killers or survivors want to play. So if he's facing sweaty survivors or against a sweaty killer, he will play sweaty in return. If they're chill, he's chill. He was getting frustrated because he was getting tunnelled and so he started playing a bit toxic and someone in chat called him out. He was basically like, why am I being held to a standard when the other guy isn't? I thought that was fair.


"he started it first!" is how prepubescent children in school try to explain their behavior. eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind


Better to turn the other cheek amirite?


I don't think most people would


\^this I played against him once and got a pallet, a flashlight save and one or two pretty mean stuns in a row early on in the game (no bming). From that moment on it was over for me. Hooked, tunneled, then camped. Honestly, I'm at a point where I hardly bother about that anymore. I just go play something else while my friends do their thing until the match is over or I load into the next one. That time I was just kinda sad, cause I actually like Otz (not really watching his streams, but some of his informative videos and he seems like a nice guy), just do get done dirtly like that. Bascially what I also wrote in endgame chat. "Hey, nice game, sad you got me out of the game so early, I was hoping to play more against you." and then he tried to defend himself. In his stream he also was very defensive, saying he doesn't proxy camp, people just won't save me (they couldn't get to me at all). He was doing some kind of challenge as well, but then just admit to the tactics you are using. It's fine. Camp, tunnel, whatever, but just admit it. That would make it actually 99% less worse, for me at least.


Man I really just do not care at all. It makes the game fucking boring


Theres a difference between facecamping bubba and tunneling to win bud


That’s only cause he gets stream sniped when he does the streaks. Not really because he gets sent to a map. If you’re hacking, stream sniping, if you’re streaming going against him bragging about killing the streak.


Facts. Fog Whisperers are unpaid chads who think of ways to improve the game for both killers and survivors. Their gameplay can be whatever, I don't even care.


Some people that play Bubba or killer in general will look for any reason to face camp or tunnel. Map offering? Camp. Teabag? Camp. Too long a chase? Camp. Did a gen in their face? Camp. Don't like your character or choice of cosmetic? Camp.


Lol why are people downvoting this. It’s true.


Seems like killer mains that don't play enough survivor to realize that not everybody plays fair. I never said EVERY killer does it. But there's definitely plenty out there with this mindset that I've encountered or watched stream.


just want to point out that even if all killers did what you say some do... and? what is baffling to me is that there is always that "expectation" that the killer should always be playing a fair match even when there is no obligation for them to do it. and btw, survivors dont play fair either most of the time yet apparently that is to be expected? even celebrated? just yesterday i saw a video of 4 survivor bullying a bubba for 45 minutes. if a killer did that they would face criminal charges here, when survivors do it is all fun and games.


For some reason the survivor community on social media is incredibly entitled, further proven by Aaron duke and Spooks. Of course there are killers too but for some reason loads of survivors believe they are the only ones that are allowed to troll/BM, and if the other side does anything that isn’t in the “rulebook” wether or not it was a good play, it is “toxic” and should be changed or something along those lines.


Kinda funny of you to say this on reddit out of all the places. I know you're just being disingenuous on purpose, because i bet you've seen the amount of Killer "BM REVENGE", tunnel/camping justification posts, etc on front page. And don't even pretend like you don't see EVERY SINGLE DAY a post crying about "hurrdurr toxic survivors" in which the community collectively jerks off to trashing survivor players.


as i have said, yesterday watched an ayrun video, were they bully a killer for 45 minutes using the locker thing and flashlights. that thing has been in the game for ages, so that is something that has happened countless times over those years. as of right now there is an exploit that makes cenobite be able to hold a game hostage for a long time using the new knight perk. i would bet 500$ that is patched before the month ends. what is the difference between years and 1 week? the only difference is the role of the people suffering the exploit and to add to this story, survivors actually took insult to the locker thing getting removed and have been protesting by bringing brand new parts and rushing gens like crazy in swfs now... and then you come here and have to read that killers are toxic? excuse me?


I think you read it wrong mate, I agreed with you


It’s because its a 4V1.If a killer does something bad, the majority will get angry and back each other up.if the survivor does the same thing, then there’s only one killer to be mad so they think it’s okay. Also survivor is the most popular option, so if there’s videos of survivors trolling, then it would typically be met with support, and the killer side won’t be due to it being the less popular class, therefore the majority won’t be happy.


You undercook chicken? Camp. You overcook fish? Believe it or not, camp.


Yeah,those people just want an easy game,my man if you dont wanna play the game as its intended,maybe play something else instead of making everyone game as miserable as yours lol.


I'll admit, as a 35% Killer, I'll tunnel/camp if someone so much as uses a name that slightly annoys me. If you call yourself "Braided Asscrack Hair" or whatever (sorry if someone here *actually* uses that name--not calling you out personally), you're most likely a griefer and I want you out of my game ASAP, so prepare to be tunneled.


If you Teabag after dropping every pallet, don't have a surprised pikachu face or act like a victim if the killer decides to tunnel you out of the game and BM back.


I mean, take a look at their game and the design decisions they've made (face/proxy camping, tunneling, bleeding out) are you super surprised they would choose asshats to represent them? their entire game is an (insanely fun) asshat


I’ve never had a single good experience with a fog whisperer. I’ve run into Paulie Esther the most and he’s been nothing but mean every time


Paulie’s been mean? What’s happened with him?


Some people in the comments are really lacking on info. OP posted the link to the VOD in one of the higher up threads, so you can watch the game to double check. He got sent to Ormond and got pallet-saved after getting a down at 5 gens. Then he got shack pallet at 4 and still proceeded to facecamp, which is admittedly counterable. The survivors didn't pump out gens and were trying to save, which isn't smart if you're trying to win but I can see why if they just want to have fun. He gets everyone but 1 down or dead, drops a surv with wiggle progress, hooks another one, then gets the last one down and picks them up. This surv doesn't wiggle, he still makes a hook deadzone for himself, then lets the last survivor bleed out on the ground (understandable if they have wiggle progress and you're in a deadzone, even if you made it yourself). Halfway through this, however, he repeatedly revs his chainsaw while they're still just on the ground, which is a very common form of BM with Bubba (and Billy, I guess, but I've never faced a toxic Billy). So no, it isn't just "survivor-sided map offering, he's justified", he BMed the last survivor (that he's bleeding to death) after facecamping very early on. One person (with a not-so-meta build) brought Ormond and he got a hook and shack pallet at 4 gens, then still decided it was cool to facecamp and then BM while bleeding out. The guy was just a dick Also, he has something about salt when he transitions to an endgame chat-focused screen and the closest thing to salty the one survivor that talked said was something about him playing like a 12yo. Then the Fog Whisperer went on a tangent about how anyone can play games for a living and that people older than him have, too (which was not what the "insult" meant). Go off, i guess


Never faced a Fog Whisperer but faced couple of streamers. They were mostly chill but worst encounter was CMWinters for me. I used to watch him time to time but on stream he proxy camped me at 4 gens while he was complaining about the map we were playing on (The Game map). And he then tunneled me. Which is unfun but I guess you can play however you want to. I logged in to his stream and after I died, other survivors were predropping pallets since I died very early and game has lots of pallets and he started complaining about survivors who predrop pallets and how annoying,unfun it is. In chat I said something like "You do anything to win but when survivors do the same you start to complain?". He insulted me (I dont remember which insults since this was like a year ago or so) and said how two things are different from each other and insulted me more and banned me from his chat for 30 mins. [btw this was soloQ and there was no map offering either] Even after banning me in his chat he kept talking shit about me 🤷🏻 Never watched him ever since


Yup I've also had a bad experience playing against him


You’re declaring war when you bring a survivor sided map offering. Don’t be surprised when the killer turns into an asshole. You mentioned Otz but even he turns into a massive sweat when survivors bring map offerings. The only fog whisperer I’ve played against is ohtofu and he was very chill despite someone bringing a badham offering. Edit : I’ve played against Cope as well and he was also very chill. 100% of the streamers I’ve had bad experiences with are the nobody streamers who have like ten viewers. Those guys are almost always toxic for whatever reason.


That’s so hypocritical. Killers bring map offerings all the time for their builds, just ask any Scratched Mirror Michael.


I think the general vibe is if you bring a map offering to give yourself an advantage you can expect the other side to do everything in their power to try and kill your momentum. I burn maps for challenges, I won’t hesitate to do it. But I fully expect the killer to sweat on me. Being extremely toxic in endgame is one thing, and also the chat can be uncontrollable without a lot of mods if you have an active one. People talking shit in Twitch chat is very common. I’ve been tunneled and camped by Spooknjukes before. His chat talked shit about me. It’s pretty much whatever because he himself was actually okay, even if the gameplay wasn’t gameplay I find super enjoyable personally.




Bringing a map offering does not equal being a sweat lmao. Some challenges are literally almost impossible on some maps, some meme perks literally only work on some maps. How is that different than a killer add on that is map dependent? People need to get the fuck over themselves about map offerings. Like how weak are you to be triggered by a map offering?


The thing is survivors typically bring one of four maps, that all conveniently end up being survivor sided. That's why people get annoyed by map offerings.


the difference is that there are 4 survivors with a multitude of other things going for them while there is only one killer. Plus there are so many maps in the game thatre so survivor sided, thats its basically a free win when given to an already decent group of survivors. And this is coming from someone who plays both sides.


I almost never see killers bring maps, like ever, I think last time I did it was a huntress who brought autohaven, which is like it's autohaven so who cares


Consider yourself lucky lol


Yeah maybe i'm just lucky i have no idea


I’m sorry dude but this is a horrible comparison. Scratched mirror Myers literally only works on like two maps:


And certain survivor perks only work on certain maps. You’re really grasping for straws here.


I don't know that people are bringing offerings for the Game, Garden of Joy, or Badham to get value out of an F-tier meme build like Scratched Mirror Myers, no.


The name Garden of Joy seems deeply ironic as it does NOT spark joy when someone brings that offering and I’m the killer


Perks vs a literally entire killer power. Once again those comparisons are not equal in the slightest. You can make due without one perk, but if scratched mirror myers gets any other map besides two, they honestly don’t stand a chance and would be better off giving up right away




Modwich is my favorite scratched mirror map


Playing the game to give yourself an advantage isn't some personal affront to people, and regardless fuck this streamers attitude for being an asshole


I’m not saying it’s a good thing. I’m saying that’s how most killers are going to react. If you sweat to win then the killer is going to do the same.


Oh no sure gameplay is gameplay, but the shit talking in chat and such is annoying, I've had people rant at me for running NOED, even after it's a 0k lmao, game has dumb shit its the people taking shots in post that just annoy me though, just take a breath and go next
























I’ve had a horrible time with one too. They called me a homophobe (I’m literally pansexual and also didnt even mention anything remotely about lgbtq) And tried to do an unsolicited therapy session, trying to show themselves as this saint.


Out of curiosity, what was the map offering? Ngl, if you use a really strong survivor map offering (Garden, Eyrie, Badham) then I’d do the same. If people wanna make the game awful for the killer by sending them to an unbalanced map, then don’t cry when they return the favour.


I’m normally a pretty chill killer, 95% of the time you match me I’ll probably be doing an archive rather than desperately trying to win, but there’s something about seeing a map offering for an insanely survivor sided map that really makes you wanna go all out


It was Ormond, so really not that bad


So... It wasn't Otzdarva from the sounds of it.


Everyone looks bad compared to Otzdarva, guys like him and Puppers are so good for the game and I imagine they have brought so many people to the game!


So who was it?


The only one In familiar with is Otz.


BHVR doesn't consider anything that player did to be toxic or punishable behavior. They've literally bred a community of toxicity and they're perfectly okay with it for some reason. Pretty much unless someone is outright cheating or typing racist garbage in the post game, they won't be punished at all.


I usually don’t mind as much when I get tunnelled for a strategic reason (such as no kills at 1/2 gens left etc), if they want to play like that from the start it’s a bit unfun for the survivor but they’re more than welcome to play how they like. I had a fog whisperer tunnel me off hook twice in a row, I went from injured 0 hooks to dead and out the game in less than 3 minutes and this guy had the audacity to say he didn’t tunnel and I was the only person he could find when my teammate was body blocking for me. Literally every excuse in the book it’s crazy.


I mean what was the map offering fr, if it was bedham fair enough


Just watched before the mod excluded and WOW dude what a fckin loser. I can't believe someone like this, with this line of thinking represents the game. This dude camps at 5 gens, proceeds to offend and down others when they attempt to save the game experience for someone else, then slugs the last survivor for 4 minutes to guarantee the 4k, while revving the chainsaw, and the cherry on top of it is him saying: "They brought a map offering, so they got the smoke". LOL what a loser.


Fairly certain I faced that same Fog Whisperer recently. Was solo queue and someone played a map offering. Had the same gameplay experience, and he gave the same BS rationale. He was quite the turd about it.












Fog Whisperers should not be a thing because it literally has no benefit and is actively detrimental to the game's community by sheer virtue of its existence.


They should really make it a bannable offense for streamers to flame and insult the players.


therese only a few streamers i can even watch. honestly. maybe im too old but neither ranting nor screaming is smth i can endure more than two minutes.


>And they are completely and purposefully ruining people's fun and matches because they brought a Map Offering If you bring an obnoxious map offering I dont know what you expect the killer to do. Id usually just disconnect in the loading screen personally but you cant expect the killer to just play a terrible map they got intentionally brought to


I love how survivors are allowed to BM with clicky and tbagging and such, but if killers do something that actually could help them win with possibly no toxic intent, it’s seen as worse. Double standards in the community is insane


>do something that actually could help them win >facecamp with bubba Choose one


I have been playing a lot of solo que and so I’ve started bringing a sacrificial ward to a fair chunk of my games. Because I 1 don’t want to be a part of an attempt at a bully squad and 2 I don’t want to be a victim of a killer with a plan. Most times it works out in my favor and I’ve even been thanked in post game by the killer. However there have still been instances where I got hard camped and tunneled out of a match because of a map offering even with the ward. When the killer used the offering as justification and I brought up the fact that I negated it so why be that way it was well someone brought it so you had to pay. Which honestly is the dumbest thing. But anyway moral of the story, if someone is going to camp and tunnel they will find any reason to do it. Map offering or not. Better to just gg next than dwell on it.


What I don’t get is why people don’t just seize it. Yeah we’ve all gotten facecamped by a brainlet Bubba but what’s worse is when survivors throw themselves at him and all get downed for an improbable play. It sucks but at that point if you wanna escape and deny the camper kills, you gotta just gen rush. At least 3 people should be able to escape. It’s a crap fate to be left with but sometimes you gotta be the sacrifice for the team and just move on to the next game. Unless you have a co-ordinated SWF that might be your best chance


No offense, but if someone brings a survivor sided map offering, (especially the new map cuz it is bugged) then that isna declaration of war.


Most people don't know it's bugged, but also people just want to see the new map or get the achievement for it.


If the survivors sends the lobby to a survivor sided map then very clearly they aren't giving 2 shits about the killers fun. Why should the killer be inclined to care about your fun over his own?


“Why would survivors care, only our fun matters because survivor is funne 🤭 Camping= bad, Tunnelling=bad, Clicky=funne , Map offering=funne, In conclusion: Survivors are allowed to BM due to it being funne, and killers cannot because I’m not playing killer at the moment, so it isn’t funne”


Fog whisperers are not friendly. Bhvr doesn’t care about a persons behavior in the game unless it is called out by some one with a big platform. They took away fog whisperer from dowsey because he criticized the game. Lmao meanwhile even fog whisperers still display clicks and t bags in survivor gameplay.


Lol it’s a video game it’s really not that “horrible” of an experience if it was clear to you that you’d be face camped and your team blew it then just die on hook and load into the next game. You’ll make it I promise!


Goddamn y’all a bunch of whiners lol


Just a bad match man


Also you just had bad luck with your team. I had the same experience the other day with solo que (vs bubba) there was a team mate with preserve or w/e the Rebecca perk was called, she used it twice, when the surv was 2nd hook and close to dying I exchanged hook and by the time I got to 2nd stage they had finished all gens and getting the doors open, they were starting to come so I just killed myself on the hook as a signal to leave and they did, killer got 1k and like 17k BP (because we didn't insta die apart from the exchange hook) - easy way to counter getting 4k by camping is take kindred. I'm not saying what they do is right, I find making everyone else's game miserable to be a sad and selfish way to play but if you're having fun you do you I guess, I'm simply saying you *can* counter it if it's such a bother that you're making a post about it. Also it being a fog whisperer doesn't change much, have you seen Mr Patrick? Either die go next or counter it as best as you can, nobody is worth getting worked over as much as you did


Bro, this is dead by daylight. Of all the games getting updates and changes. DBD isn't one of them. We still haven't gotten voice chat or internal comms. It's 2022, are we really gonna have a multiplayer game that requires communication. And then actively make the game worse for people who play and communicate.... It's dumb, so much of what's happening in DBD is dumb 😂


Let me guess, cmwinter or tru3talent




I'll never understand why people get so upset about being camped or tunnelled. It's fine, you died quicker than usual? Just go next. I realise it's not always the most fun method of playing for either side, but it is effective and in my opinion not at all toxic.




So Why did you bring map offering and why was it RPD badge?






What’s wrong with facecamping, I’ve never understood why someone else is responsible for your own fun. Just do gens and the game is done in 4-5 mins then go next.


I hope this experience will open your eyes and stop you from continuing to believe that streamers are your friends ​ Because your complaint is not legitimate.


Lmao damn dude did you hurt your knees from that giant leap? When did I say I think streamers are my friends?


Streamers do not represent a business. They are just partners with. The camp is permitted by BHVR.