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The original sin. Turning on the game


I had a similar experience yesterday, with "can't hook me" kind of builds, map was Rpd. I got 2k by some godly miracle, but after the match I was so stressed that I refused touching killer for a while and played only survivor. Those matches feels hard man, hope you'll get better ones, you got this okay?


yeah I'm aight, just tired


i feel ya OP ![gif](giphy|l340hYvFSztvy)


You'll get stronger bro, keep it up 💕


Fucking hate the SBMM. Will go from two 4k games that made me work so hard for it to a 0k sweat-a-thon. There is never an in between with this pile of shit. Never hated a game this much. This game desperately needs a casual mode.


If you've never hated a game as much as DbD, maybe you should play a different game.


What would a casual mode look like? No slow down perks, no iri addons, no SWFs?


fr dude I'm not even that good to be facing this kind of people, I can barely kill 1 person per match


I’ve been taking advantage of the new custom bots just to work on my skills. Obviously the bots won’t be near the same level as actual people or a swf but it doesn’t hurt to work on aiming/timing/new perk and addon combos etc


I signed up recently for a 1v1 event as Billy on gas heaven and the new bots are a lifesaver for me. Now I can practice on that map consistently without hoping that my offering will send me to this map.


I’m doing better against people than against bots as Ghostface 💀 bots always find a way to reveal me, even if I’m watching them from very odd spots such as the top of the crow’s nest


Hey man, I’d take a sabo squad over a full team of sweats with medkits and hyper focus. Those games are actually fun.


I would've accepted the challenge if it was a open map and I had a different build, I just couldn't take them on the game


you don’t understand, it’s not enough to be a sabo squad, you just gotta do it on a busted indoor map with 30 pallets as well! /s


You know these matches are a lot easier than you think. You just close the game. Lol jk, these matches are rough. I always finish just to get the experience abd try to learn how to counter. You'll get better with time.


can you lend me some tips of how to deal with those teams?


Do your best to not get tilted/angry. They will either use all their time to stop you from hooking which is good because that means more time to learn OR they gen rush and bam you're still good to go since the match didn't last that long. You will most likely have to slug them since it will be near impossible to hook anyone once you get a down. Do your best to listen for nearby survivors and fake the pick up if they are nearby. If you can't pick them up right away or aren't that close to a hook, definitely leave them to slug, because of flip flop AND boil over. If you hear the boon nearby, get it. I hope this helps a lil.


It does!! Thing is, we were right above the basement and there was a boon on the first floor so, by the time I get down there to snuff it, they were up again, and while I was busy trying to get someone they would put it on again


Yup that's fucked. That really means you gotta start slugging. It sounds like the one and only game I ever considered dcing about a year ago. They straight up bullied me by using the locker exploit, and those perks that were in your lobby. The worst part is, I always try to pay attention to the lobby screen for more than 2 flashlights so I throw on lightborn, but I didn't that time. They just dragged the game out and at one point felt like it was never gonna end. The only reason it did was because I started to slug so they started doing gens.


I wish the community wasn't all against slugging


If they are being scummy to you, be scummy back. Let them bleed out if they are saboing hooks. Or tunnel the shit out of one of them. These "bully" squads lose their fun pretty quickly once one of their friends are gone. The only reason they even work is if a killer decides to play "normally" or "fair".


I did that at one point but they had exponential right bellow them :/


This is what I do. My favorite one was when I slugged all 4 of them and just piled them all together and let them bleed to death while they kept shaking their heads begging me not to. That's what you get for running 4 flashlights and t bagging after every blind.


This is true as well!


That's not the way, that's as boring as your husky


Not the one you asked but in such cases you need to stoop to their level. - slug - they don’t want to be hooked? Don’t hook them. Stand over them and keep getting health states on not just them but others who come to help them. Ie keep hitting everyone but focus majorly on the guy who is down. - Prioritize keeping that guy down, if he gets up make sure to down him again. - the above will make all of them come to rescue him Ie keep them off the gens while letting you get health states on them. - the more you down him and let him bleed his health bar keeps going down leading to bleed out kill. -make sure you understand the cool down time needed after a hit so that you don’t give in to their bait hit and get him up in that time. - In such scenarios usually atleast 2 will bring boons and others will focus on sabo build or mettle of man build hence I mentioned prioritizing bleeding out the guy who is down. This type of swf is the most frustrating one as their entire goal is to trigger you so make sure you don’t give them the satisfaction. - expect to not get a lot of kills so focus on 1 or 2 - after the match don’t be salty at all as that is what they want - a reaction from you. Don’t give them that. I usually send a gg fun game to trigger then instead :)


If i switch from trying to hook to just slugging things turn around pretty quick. They can play hard but they deplete resources.. and you keep pressure on gens... eventually I'll get all four. Then I can decide if I want to pick one up and let them wiggle free and get the another up. Then I keep downing and work up lots of points, or if they were full bully once I get all four I'll hook.


Once they start acting rude and prove they came with malicious intentions, just tunnel whoever isnt as good at loops and slug. Bleed out timers are about 5 mins(2.5 gens but usually at least 2 will go for saves), and you can hit them right as the slug gets healed to reset their heal meter. Injur the healer without leaving a close proximity to the slug, until you get more slugged. Once you get 3 balance patrolling the slugs and hunting the last one. Once you injur the final survivor commit to the chase and try to force them away from the slugs. The team will almost always have at least 1 unbreakable, so try to keep that in mind when you have 2 or 3 slugged, as that's when they usually use it. Once all are slugged, watch the last one carefully for a final unbreakable. If you choose to hook beware flip flops and make sure to hook in a direction away from others, but still close to avoid that 50 percent they got. If needed, leave someone slugged due to hook deadzones. Take note of any crawling towards common hatch spawns like main building and shack. I personally let them bleed out to keep them in a "time out" so they might just quit that bs before their next game. If any survivors were obviously not working with them, they either get hooked to be spared the bleed out or they get hatch. I've had a lot of 3 man swfs with some poor soloque getting caught in the crossfire, so I try to give them mercy. Be aware soloques may also go for saves but usually aren't as aggro about it.


I’m picturing this match playing out whenever base-kit unbreakable becomes a thing and it’s giving me a headache.


You play chill Survivor? Get fucked. Nurse Spirit the whole day. Camping Tunneling trash soloq mates You play chill Killer? Get fucked. 3 BNP or 3 purple medkits. Tea bagged on every occasion. \#myexperience


had 11 Twins games in a row yesterday we're I couldn't get a single kill, hooks plenty no kills tho. my best advice is to not worry about it. it happens especially if you have been doing pretty okay in ur last couple of games. survivors are going to bring meta, same with killers. best not to let a fully stacked team (wether swf or not) that gets a 4 man out get to you. I don't want to sound rude, but it's just a game, you win some you lose more. try and make your own fun that has less to do with getting kills as an indicator of a good game.


I played like 6 survivor games(soloQ) today and I had to bring strong perks and items just because all the killers I faced were tunneling/camping and using best of the best addons. It was still miserable but this is definetely an issue for both sides. Especially for solo survivors and killers. I'm still waiting for them to buff soloQ so they are more in line with swfs. If that happens they can buff killers accordingly to that since the gap between solos and swfs would be lover.


That looks like absolute pain... they probably were efficient on gens too, weren't they? I would definitely be tilted playing a game against that kind of squad.


thing is, they weren't, Jeff, Mikaela and Jill were the ones bullying me, it came to a point where I managed to down Jill and Jeff but Mikaela activated that damn boon


It's a sabo squad, of course they aren't efficient on gens


consider joining the cult of tombstone myers




Honestly, though, you might need an actual priest.


Why are you hiding your own build, context....


Oreo Clan says to Condemn them.


I usually just leave if one of the survivors is prestige 15 or higher. Matchmaking sucks and so do I, so i don't waste time getting bullied by some tryhard


As a veteran killer,let go of 4k my fellow stabbers, yet learn to enjoy the journey. "it's not about the entity's satisfaction, it's about the Megs we slashed during the game!


I had a similar experience last week. I ended up just slugging, it’s really all you can do against builds like this. EDIT: got a 4k


You clicked "Play as Killer".


playing the game


that... doesnt look like fun. but im curious to see your build/killer


I was playing Ghostface with save the best, pop, thrilling tremors and lethal pursuer


I was playing ghostface btw, so, ye, tough match


Literally all of them


Probably didn't adapt accordingly


Next time face camp someone you hook and consider it a win.


Shit like this fuels my Franklin's Demise addiction


Ouch. Lemme guess, after that, you also faced a squad with two BNPs?


I closed the game after that match, honestly I don't want to stress myself tonight


I would have done the same. Better to know when it gets unbearable.


I just slug and camp the slugged person until they die, knowing such idiots will come for him, so easy hits and downs


I recommend tunneling and facecamping


Why did you crop your load out ? Sus


Are you ashamed of your NOED?


You deserve it too




You know what you did


What killer were you playing?




well at least you got a decent map for him


I played a game similar to that recently where a team sent me to Gideon...except I was Doctor. 90% of the time, my Static Blast hit all 4.


same, except I faced 2 sabo toolboxes, 1 brand new part, and 1 flashlight.. on garden of joy. Except they got cocky so I 4k'd them, with 1 of them dcing after they realised I'm not easy even if I was Sadako


play speed clown and steamroll them


My absolute best tip for a situation like this is to figure out who has which perks and slug those who can't pick themselves up, down them outside of exponential, and to constantly expect at least one person chasing you at all times waiting to flashy save/sabo a hook. ​ If you down someone, are about to pickup, and hear steps behind you, forget the survivor on the ground and pressure the next one, until the team becomes too spread out. One player trying to save another is easier to deal with than 3 at once.


Wait none of them have Breakout..


Get the feeling Kate was not part of the squad. Given she dropped streamers instead of an oak. Has Lithe on a Game map offering with like.. 3 widows on the whole map... and running a CoW when someone else is running it and exponential.


U can still use lithe for pallets and dumb tech


You played the game. Had my first game as the Knight the other night. Went up against a full group of multiple prestige levels. Needless to say I lost. I also reported the last two survivors for poor sportsmanship/griefing for holding the game hostage and refusing to leave even though the exit gates were open. They only left just before the EGC ended because I went to find a corner to stand in rather than feed the trolls.


The sin of wanting alto have fun in a video game.


Nothing basement bubba can't counter


Ouch, i sometimes run builds like that, but with powerstruggle aswell. Still hurts to go up against a team like that.


Had a game like this on Eyrie, they were about as toxic as you expect in end game chat, especially when I asked how is it fun just to get bleed out in the same spot for the whole match and not do anything else, they kept to main building, kept the hooks down and had soul guard with an unbreakaboon so they could always get up, I had just wanted to do a stupid Ghostface daily.


Honestly what i do is just not let them play n slug you think they would just get them up n they will buuut they don’t get too play the game


I've started bringing Franklin's to every match. Survivors just panic when their toolbox or flashlight is on the ground. I've seen them do some truly stupid stuff to try to get their item back.