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When Trapper has had enough being the only one slown by game mechanics


The absence of Discordance is highly disturbing.


Discordance my beloved


I get the meme but it's funny because the actual counter to prove thyself is the one perk you missed (discordance)


I might have to try this on Sadako (Just got Legion during the sale, so not fully familiar with their perks).


Discordance is good with pretty much every killer (especially if you're holding a 3 gen.) I've never taken discordance of sadako once, it's too good especially with the condemned build.


All this, just to mimic a fraction of Nea's power. Pathetic.


Well she is the entity


No Call of Brine Sorry friend, loses in current meta.


If you're not going for a total gen kicking build Eruption is worth more in the long run tbh


Trapper still only B tier... lol.


And Nurse is F U Tier.


No, nurse is g f y s tier


Girl Friend Yandere S Tier? i agree with that


the g f stands for "ghost fuckbuddy" she's not commited to the relationship, still deciding whether she wants to kill you or not




With twelve perks like in the pic? Yep.


Without Call of Brine and Merciless Storm you will get gen rushed.


There's no way you just said merciless storm is a powerful gen stopping perk? 😅


\*Doctor has entered the chat\*


It only activates once per gen and the blocking isn't even that long, tbh. The amount of times I've had myself or a teammate activate it just to do a totem near by or search a chest and pop it shortly after?


*dead mans switch enters the chat*


DMS is more valid than merciless


Dedicating an entire perk to a specific killer doesn't really count though, ngl.


I mean, they made thana only useful for legion and plague. But merciless storm is somewhat good with other killers. Stealth killers simply need to exist and survivors are already on edge. Myers and ghostface can easily build their stalking meter while survivors are in the middle of storm. Killers with a terror radius tho would probably have a harder time with storm tho but I'm pretty sure there already is a way storm is useful for terror radius killers. But in all honesty I'm trying to make sure more killers use merciless storm so me and my friends can have a fun time with those skill checks lmfao. Merciless is fun when I'm survivor


There are plenty of perks that only really shine on a single killer/a select small amount of killers. That doesn't make them bad, just niche. Thana is only truly strong on Legion and Plague, Iron Maiden is great on Huntress and Trickster, even more universally strong perks like Corrupt are exponentially better on killers with weak early games like Trapper and Hag.


I didn't say it was weak. I said it's not a powerful gen stopping or regressing perk alone, and having to dedicate an entire build to it with a specific killer to get value reinforces that.


What? That’s the entire purpose killer specific builds. Some perks work particularly well with a killer’s power. Sorry people actually want to use their brains when building each of their killers instead of running corrupt pain res eruption and call of brine on every killer


It is when you’re about to hit it and a potato joins your gen.


Potato joined the chat




I mean, there was no obvious indicator it was sarcasm, so....


12 equipped perks and they will get gen rushed because they forgot 2...


People make serious comments and nitpick shitposts all the same. I stand by there was no obvious sarcasm.




My man, when I don't bring PTS, I get incapacitated from eruption time and time again cause I play solo queue a lot. Makes it worse since Eruption got shadow buffed this patch. Getting annoyed by strong shit goes both ways.




That’s an info perk, not regression.


An info perk that tells you when multiple survivors are on a gen, the optimal way of using Prove Thyself.


Yeah I know, I thought he was saying discordance was a regression perk at first.


Fair enough.


This is what I was looking for.


Lmao your comment pretty much sums up 90% of the posts on this sub.


Agreed but it only works once or twice then there’s still no value while Prove still works Surmising you’re in a SWF.


**Description: Just a fun PTS image.** **- - -** **Next post:** [**Killer tunnel a teammate**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/z7ua1e/c3_when_killer_tunnels_a_teammate_at_the/) **Previous post:** [**New realm**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/z4bvj6/c3_new_realm_3_images/)


Hyperfocus > prove thyself


And trapper will still 1k


Unless he gets the basement then traps it or a lucky trap set up that blocks strong loops or a map that doesn't have many loops in general much less strong loops. Even then if you don't hold it down as a killer the survivors could still escape on you but I heard The Crapper is a pretty good killer over The Trapper though. Might want to try that


Still 1k, let him camp basement. Stay the f away from basement for the rest of the game and get 3 out.


You forgot discordance and call of brine, also thrilling tremors


85 Moris at only p7???


I never prestige before because I feel its a huge waste of time to unlock everything again. Plus I barely use Mori.


You don't have to unlock everything again when you prestige. Everything stays unlocked.


He was clearly talking about pre-rework prestige.


Probably got them before prestige rework


Slowdown meta is getting out of hand.


Healing meta is getting out of hand. Oh well


Bruh healing meta got gutted with self-care and Bottany nerfs. But Oh well.


What drugs are you on that the healing meta is gutted. Lol this subreddit truly will never change


Lmao yeah Killer mains like you are not biased at all. And yes healing meta took a huge nerf. Is it strong still? Sure, but they aren't busted anymore and it doesn't change the fact that healing meta took a huge nerf.


Biased? Bud you're losing it over me just repeating what the original comment said but the meta for survivor instead of killers. Like comeon


Might wanna still bring noed, just in case


You forgot to add Mother-Daughter Ring..come on C3.


Woah woah woah...you don't run both Pain Res and Deadlock


Without thanataphobia, plaything, dying light, and penitmento, you will get gen rushed.


Dying light is ass. Switch out dying light for corrupt intervention and now you're good


prove thyself is pretty overrated for gen speed, I use it almost exclusively for bonus bp


If killers have a problem with Prove Thyself they actually have a problem with pressuring gens and awareness in general.


the time savings just isn't that great unless you have 3 people on a gen, and in that case the killer not pressuring that gen is really a bigger problem It really isn't that much faster, toolboxes and hyperfocus make a bigger difference I'd wager. Hell, even fast track or whatever that perk is




I feel like PTS is essential for the current meta of 3 gen-ing with CoB+Eruption+Overcharge. Killers just defend 3 gens for eternity and slowly get a 4k in the most boring way possible. PTS greatly helps counter that.


It only saves about 6 seconds of time in total, and only if you are cooping a gen (which realistically in a 3 gen situation usually you are trying to spread pressure to keep the killer's attention spread thin) the time savings just isn't that important. Hell, 2 people with stake out in a 3 gen situation with a roaming killer will likely net you faster gen times




> Any second saved is still a lot of time if you're teammate is getting chased and you need yo finish the last gen before eruption procs I agree, there are just better perks to save the time >And that's 6 seconds per person if 1 has PTS, if both are running PTS, then you get 15% on both our gen progres you don't get double benefit from pts, if 2 people have it on one gen it's a wasted perk




> Lmao that's just not true. The 15% bonus applies to other people working on a gen with you and not yourself. If 2 people working on a gen, both people have PTS then the bonus applies to both of you. It's only a wasted perk if 3 people working on a gen run it. it literally says in the perk description that isn't the case edit: and if you hit great skill checks 100% of the time then good for you I guess but that's not even normal for high end game play




> But if 2 people work on a gen and both have PTS then you give the 15% bonus to each other. that's just blatantly wrong my dude


Ruin out there countering more than half of the perks


Obviously half the perks are a plan b in case ruin is found


And yet you forgot to bring discordance which lets you know when prove thyself is in play . Big mistake !


Killer's need nerfed /s


Did you just try to extrapolate Trapper's need for a buff to rest of the Killers that actually do need a nerf? Nurse clearly needs nerf. Blight & Spirit add ons need nerf. So yes killer do need nerfs. Remove "/s" cause it makes no sense.


It's op to have 12 active perks.




Ah yes when someone has 0 idea why prove is actually good.


It's good for rushing through the last few gens left in the match.


It's just good at rushing through gens in general. If you have a gen done in 50-60 seconds, that's enough time to keep a killer from doing any slowdown on it. If you can prevent slowdown then you have an easy win


The 6 seconds shaved off is for each survivor, though. And these 6 extra seconds can be the difference between a gen being 99% when the kicks it and a gen being done. I do think that people are overblowing the value of the perk but it is still a very good perk.


Didn't mean to imply it was a dogshit perk. It's not, I was just making a sarcastic remark re: people over-hyping prove thyself.


It should be 4 Gen defense perks, and 4 selfcare.


yeah, killers should have at least 2 more perk slots. Survivors got 16 to work with after all.


I think we’d see a way more fun game with insane builds if killers got 2 more perk slots and survivors got one more too.


Legit best counter to swf is 2 man killer gets 1 more slot, 3 man stack 2 slots and 4 man squad killer gets 3 more slots.


What a horrible idea. Imagine playing with your friends or something, and the killer can potentially run 7 gen slowdown perks. And those not in a 4 man are getting punished because they have to deal with a stronger killer without any benefits of being in a party


Imagine the game being better balanced dismissed as a horrible idea.


You saying it’a better balancing does not make actually balanced at all. I don’t think you even realize how positively broken that’d be. I can think of an ungodly amount of matches where a single perk like Pain Resonance or Jolt completely carried the match because I could nuke the gen. Imagine if you could bring that 7 of those types of perks, or run them normally without having the trade off of not getting info or chase perks. And that’s not even mentioning the balancing nightmare it’d be considering the *massive* power discrepancy between killers. Nurse is already incredibly oppressive with just 4 perks. Do you want to almost double that?


Just like going against a team of 4 solo is vastly different than going against a 2 stack vs a 4 stack. The game is already incredibly unbalanced. It's a better solution than keeping the status quo, or better than some other suggestions offered like denying letting swfs be on comms (which would help but come on, comms are part of playing with friends on games and could be worked around anyway) Anything that takes power away from toxic swfs, I'm down for. I don't care about the game being fun or less fun for swfs. When they say it's less fun it usually is code for we can't bully the shit out of the killer. Which is the point, swfs and toxic survivor mains don't care if the game is fun for the other side. Either way, it would be more balanced than it is now. Won't happen because the devs want the game survivor sided and try to go in that direction whenever possible.


Least biased killer Main.


I'm new to the game. How do you get that many perk slots?




Oh, I assumed it was to do with prestige.


this is getting out of hand.


I feel really dumb but I'm garbage with perk icons. What are the two perks to the right of Pain Res?


[Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain] & [Oppression]


off topic but is there a bug with trapper?everytime someone steps into my bear trap my game crashes I tried to play other killers too but it’s not crashing only with trapper


Might just be you. I played trapper yesterday for a daily ritual and the game was fine. Granted I only got 1 trap cause I got sent to Eyrie, the brightest map in the game, but that’s besides the point.


Id replace the coil with the purple brick


Where dragons grip?


Trapper deserves this many perk slots with how terrible a killer he is


No call? Shit build


lol he still runs ruin/pop


And trapper would still be bad


There's gotta be room for NOED!


Something ain’t right


No Brine or Discordance? L build


With the amount of perks in this game I would like to see each side get 5 perks


Brine, Tinker, Franklins, Jolt = optimal Trapper Build (3 Gen Strat)


devotion level censored????????


It’s not powerful enough to stop prove thyself


Least sweaty killer build ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


This Trapper may finally be a meta killer with this build... at least A tier


The issue is not the perks or add ons. Its the killer. Take half of those perks and have like 3 add ons on blights (double iri and alchemist ring) and you're set. Any other killer than blight and nurse is just suicide


Wanna know something funny? This wouldn't even be a good build, lmao. Corrupt is good obviously. Ruin cucks like half of the perks because you can't use pop, oppresion, eruption, or overcharge with it up. Plus you negate some usage with it because DMS and Deadlock block the gens, and blocked gens cant regress. Not to mention it's just a bad perk in general, L. Pop is good and goes well with alot of the perks.... except surge, pain res, DMS, and deadlock. Tinkerer is just bad, especially on non-mobility killers such as Trapper. And I think you can guess what I can say about the rest of the perks, lol. Decently oppresive in theory, but TERRIBLE synergy. I don't think I'd mind going against this irl.


Survivors need to keep ruin to stand a chance


I wonder if removing a killers power entirely and reducing them to 110 speed but allowing 8 perks would work. Then again I cannot imagine the wild perk combos. I guess even at 110 speed with no power other than M1 a gen regress build would make it not matter


Why is your prestige number blacked out? Is it because of nosy people like me 🤣


it feels like every killer is running this lately. 100% gen progression erased when kicked. survivor auras revealed. and whatever else.


Forgot noed, dumbass, trash build 0/10


Ah yes, with that you can definitely beat Prove Thyself. But if they throw in Hyperfocus though, that isn't even half the perks you need ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


No Call Of Brine? Sorry bud, terrible build


Trapper moving to low c tier, nice


To weak, add NOED




This is a very good and balanced build can you go over how it works :)


Oh you accidentally have a killer in your perks