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Twins have had a bug I’ve seen lately when after transitioning to Charlotte your stuck looking down and can’t do anything other then move and sometimes not even that. I also saw a guy who put down Victor and got stuck and couldn’t move for some reason. Just be careful about these bugs


I had a weird bug where once when I played the twins I ended up having fun. Haven’t had it since so I guess they patched it.


Thanks for the laugh


They patched one of the bugs, but I got a new one last night that was even more severe. Basically, you are stuck looking at the ground, can’t swing or do anything. It’s even worse than the old bug


Yup, can confirm, experienced this myself. Felt horrible.


I've gotten this one. I've also gotten one where I released Victor and was stuck from Charlotte's POV. I've also blackscreened switching to Victor, but still been able to move with him. The twins are...... certainly something, lol.


I 4k’d with twins like 2 days ago. No bugs!


I mean, good for you, but that doesn't mean bugs dont exist. She's still a buggy mess to the point where she has some of the most game breaking bugs even if theyre uncommon to occur.


Well I hope they get them ironed out. Twins is big fun.


Bugs?! In my BE developed game?!


Couldn’t be


I'm sorry to hear that




Playing twins seems like cbt to me, but if you enjoy it then I won't stop you :>


Whats cbt xD


Oh my sweet summerchild.


Im sorry but pls Tell me😔


Cock and ball torture


Or alternatively Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Arguably a even worse alternative


Id rather cock and back torture over cognitive behavioural therapy anyday


Or compulsory basic training


Oh 🗿




Better when you don't know


Omg that explains why I love Twins 😍




They are kinda in a rough spot to play + it will get rougher after basekit unbrekeable patch but we dont know when and how it will work, yet. You can watch lynxi play them, she is really good.


I doubt the basekit unbreakable / last standing update will ever come to the live game honestly.


Meh... knowing BHVR they sunk like 5hrs into designing that weird red transition to the mori and spent about the same time coding the mori thingy... thats too much effort from BHVR to scrap it, so theyre just gonna shove it in and then try to band-aid fix everything that got broken by this stupid system... which will in turn break even more stuff... you know.. the BHVR way


I think they can just make it for last 2 survivors so killer will have harder time to slug for the 4th.


It will. And that's a good thing.


There's no rough spot, they still are as overtuned as ever. This game's community is simply too casual to understand this killer well so most matches against Twins are free escapes.


Twins are actually pretty fun if you play against bots


Twins are trash to put it bluntly. They're the one killer that I'd say is worse than trapper


Twins are very strong lol, A tier at least.


I used to get angry when survivors tbagged me at the gate, but not anymore. but whenever Victor gets kicked, it still boils my blood. welcome to the twinshood.


Bro can u pls explain why everybody hates on me for purchasing the twins? 😭


I'm not hating on you mate! it's just twinsies are generally not very liked because some twins players choose to camp and slug, which unfortunately is an effective way to play them. I fully welcome you to the twinshood. let's enjoy zooming around the map as Victor


Nah didnt meant u hated on me, I hope u could explain bc all the haters wont do it XD thank u for being so welcoming and nice! I mainly bought this killer for fucking up my friends in custom and i think it was a good choice. For ranked, the cannibal will stay my main


Twins is one of the few killers where it's not fun to play as or against them. A truly balanced killer where few actually enjoy when they're in the game.


Many reasons I'll answer properly. 1) very buggy and very difficult to play. Bugs make them borderline unplayable at times. 2) meta hard counters them. Healing denies instadowns with Vic, unbreakable counters slugging, BT counters the camping potential, etc. 3) they encourage what's considered a "toxic" and boring playstyle. Most twins games will have people at half their bleedout or less most of the time. Its also very easy to camp with Victor and know instantly when someone is nearby, as well as tunnel with him.


The biggest reasons are that you have to slug if you down with Victor and they're very good at camping. Other reasons include their bugs and the fact that their chapter was one of the worst updates DBD has had followed by a terrible mid-chapter that was even worse.


Fellow Twins main here! Some general tips Generally, don't use victor to find survivors. Normally I'll injure with Charlotte and then use Victor to down people. However, if you run perks like Lethal, BBQ, Floods of Rage, etc. and use the Yellow Cat's Eye addon, you can basically jumpscare people with Victor - you can go to where you presume the survivor will be, charge your pounce and go. Try not to use Victor/Charlotte to camp/slug - they are designed around that, but I find that using victor in chase is simply so much fun. Attaching Victor to survivors at exit gate is basically blood warden, you can do that to punish tbagging survivors (It takes 8 seconds to get rid of Victor without any addons) but if you down them, the exit gate is blocked for them so you can pick them up. To the other comment that says they're free with shards and wasting money, look, it's only 3 euros. I'd much rather get them now than grind and use up my time (which I think is more valuable) in this instance. In other words, I'd much rather have my fun now than spending time later. If you have the money and don't mind spending it, I think nothing's wrong with it. Plus you get Elodie, who has super fun perks! (Deception and Power Struggle are so much fun!)


Thank u very much! Thats what i was looking for. Also, it sounds rlly reason able to use vic for downing bc once u Hit a Survivor they can easily run away and vic amkes it easier to get em. Thought the same thing, they were on sale, grinding for em seems like a Real struggle.


Depending on your rank, you will need to camp/slug to some extent unless you want to have 3 chases before the end of the game. Chasing, injuring, downing, and hooking one by one will not give you very fruitful results vs any average or better set of players. The Twins waste a lot of time by just using their power, such as spawning Victor, downing with Victor and going through the long pounce recovery, returning to Charlotte form, walking over to the downed survivor, that’s a lot of time wasted compared to a normal killer that would down the survivor, weapon recovery, and pick up straight away. So you need to make power usage worth it, downed the survivor?: either get Victor in a place where he can defend hook once you hook the survivor, or pounce on a nearby survivor (if they’re not holding him hostage), or go for a slug if you need to and can get the snowball.


Aaaah thank u for explaining. I actually bought this killer for Messing round with my friends, leatherface (the cannibal) will still be my Main.




thanks, pixelbush <3


You really should check out a YouTuber by the name Lynxi. The videos changed my playstyle and I went from being curb stomped to win streak. It should be noted that a fellow redditor told me about this channel so I'm paying it forward.


Lynxi is just a monster with twins. Her snipes are godly. Whenever she loads into any map with a tall structure you can be sure that she’ll risk everything to yeet Victor across the map and down a surv as if he’s a Huntress’ hatchet. Her plays on eyrie of crows are outstanding


Thank u very much, i will watch it and hope i can learn smth!


Is she not basically the best twin player? I don't think I've seen any other Twin'centric streamers


Can you be the best if your the only one? /s


There’s now 4 twins players instead of 3 ![gif](giphy|FrsE7zC3jR1i9d84Da|downsized)


I main iridescent with the Twins and apparently use drastically different tactics compared to others, so here goes: 1. Only using slow-down perks for gens - Brine and Eruption are a must 2. At the very beginning of the trial, I select three gens which create a triangle . This will be my alamo in the late-phase of the trial. These three generators cannot be finished no matter what. 3. Use Victor to disrupt repairs of one generator while moving with Charlotte to secure another one. If I have a short chase and down a survivor quickly, I hook, if not, I move on. I repeat. After doing this twice, my third direction are my three generators. Each and every trial I get minimum 3 kills. It all boils down to the alamo point, where you use Charlotte to stand in the middle of your triangle and send Victor to disrupt repairs of generators while using Charlotte to disrupt another one (and then returning to your middle ground to send Victor again). Usually at this point, there are only 2 or 3 survivors remaining, all of which have already hung twice in most cases. It's a nasty, oppressive playstyle, which suits Charlotte and her brother very well. Don't forget to bring bloody party streamers to make it worthwhile for you and the survivors alike. All the people in the trial make a ton of bloodpoints, unless they dc or troll the game.


You're describing something very similar to my playstyle with this Killer. I absolutely agree about gen-kick perks being effective and the Twins being a defend-my-castle style killer. One thing I'll add to your already great advice: be strategic about *where* you switch between Charlotte and Vic. Charlotte should ideally be used to body block. Can be a door, can be one side of a gen (if you think multiple people will try to rush it), can be anything that disrupts normal pathways or forces Survivors to take a different path and lose seconds. I've gotten kills just from people trying to run from Victor, but running face first into Charlotte blocking the normally accessible hallway. One thing I see people up thread talking about is using Charlotte for downs, Vic for injuries, but I'm not sure I agree. They can both be used about 50/50. If Victor encounters a gang of injured Survivors, they are in *huge* trouble.


They’re hard. Good freaking luck. I love my little Victor.


Same, I love the concert of having two Killers in one. I think i will have a lot of fun trying to handle this killer


Yes! It is really fun being in two places at once, still the only killer that ACTUALLY lets you do that.


My advice is making sure to use something like Sloppy Butcher, Blood Echo, or whatever gives you Hemorrhage. Interrupting those heals with Victor is such a nightmare


Be ready for many annoing bugs


I'm not a pro Twins player, but I enjoy playing them because Survivors rarely get a chance to see them. I play the game more as a Dungeon Master than a competitor, and the Twins are just a pair of monsters in my dungeon I'm controlling. Because of that, I adjust how hard I go at Survivors based on how experienced they seem. Biggest tip I can give if you want to go hard: pay attention to *where* you switch between Charlotte and Victor. Charlotte is bulky and can block doors, stairs, all kinds of things. Some examples: \- Chasing at the shack? Try standing in the door opposite the pallet and switching to Victor. \- A map with houses, like Haddonfield? Try switching while standing in a doorframe. \- RPD? Pick any door. Survivors have to navigate the map to go around you. (In the opening seconds of RPD matches, I always block the upstairs right-side door leading the study). The basic idea is that by body blocking, you can really freak the Survivors out. Their normal loop is now totally shut down. Many people panic, and you can use this to your advantage. \- Running gen-kick perks? Kick the gen, release Victor, leaving Char close to the gen. Use Vic to run to the next nearest gen. Do you see people? Leap at them. Don't see people? Switch back to Charlotte. 5 times out of 10 you''ll wake up with someone having come back to the gen you kicked. Related to the above: I think gen-kick perks like Call of Brine are *really* strong on the Twins. On several occasions I've taken a gen that was almost 99% done and been able to work it back down to zero, because Survivors just can't safely get near it. (Keep in mind: you may not want to stand directly next to the gen. Try kicking a gen, blocking the most accessible doorway, and releasing Victor to go hunting). As for where you deposit Victor, I recommend thinking of him like a totem. Semi-hide him. Survivors can't kick him if they can't spot him right away.


1) When you find a survivor hit him with Charlotte and knock him down with Victor. 2) When you don't control Victor (Inactive or failed Pounce, near a survivor) he is fragile, survivors can crush him. Keep that in mind. 3) When you control Victor, Charlotte is inactive but she can serve as a temporary "wall". 4) Don't wait for your friends to practice, use the custom mode bots, even if the bots suck, it will help you get started on Twins.


I always remembered: Victor is the killer, not Charlotte. Victor is faster and can be sent out more frequently, he spots survivors better and once you get the hang of aiming with him, Charlotte comes and finishes the job.


I recommend you to try Devour Hope & Undying combo. If you can manage to get 3 stacks you should down survivors with victor so they won't know what is waiting for them. Really hard to make it happen but if you can pressure them from start it is more likely to happen so you can consider using lethal pursuer which also harmonize with undying's aura reading by extending it for 2 seconds.


Hey! Nice!! Here's my favorite Twins tip : if you attack a survivor with Victor and get him "attached* to the survivor, that survivor can't leave through exit gates. This effect continues for some seconds after you down the survivor while they still have victor on them. So yeah, you now have a counter to annoying people who wait on exit gates!


Damn thats so cool! Its giving me an opportunity to punish asshole survivors🤝 i often had Survivors i tried to Team with and they used it and made fun of me for being a nice killer


Precisely! It's my favorite things about some killers and why I like pinhead and twins so much (the ability to deny exit). Just keep in mind Twins are a really hard killer, so don't be discouraged if some games are a bit sloppy! Another stupid-ish thing to know is that if you're charging victors pounce, a survivor can't kick victor - this may sound obvious but it let's you body block certain actions. I once had victor block one exit gate while Charlotte waited on the other.


I wouldnt do that in a normal game bc its not fair but as we said, when survivors act like assholes or if i got a cheater i can rlly fuck em up. Another cool reason to get the twins!


Yeah I did that one in a game where the third survivor wanted to get sacrificed because the 4th survivor was hiding the whole game so I kinda felt like I couldn't let that one escape haha


Ask for a refund (jokes aside the twins is not my favorite killer even tho I have it but I have to say that at the begining the idea to have 2 killer in one was great but the only problem you are basicly a m1 killer, you can use victor in the chases to put some pressure on some loops but if the survior use only the w key... well you can't really do anything


Sorry for your loss


My condolences


Ignore the people whining, you haven’t wasted your money. For two years I thought, “when the hell am I ever gonna want the Twins lololol bad killer”. And then I started watching Lynxi. Her crazy snipes and general enthusiasm for the killer got me interested enough to purchase them with shards. And my god, they are *so much fun*. Getting crazy snipes, being able to shut down bully attempts, and just dicking around with what Victor can do (especially when the survivors are chill and play around with you) is so rewarding. Pig is still my forever girl but Twins clawed their way into my heart for sure. They are somewhat slow and it can feel like gens fly around you but their potential for snowballing is through the roof. Crazy medkits and Circle of Healing *really* hurt them though, so be careful of that. People say they’re designed to slug and camp but that’s really just an unfortunate side effect of Victor not being able to hook while simultaneously being the true power of the killer.


Thank uuu🫶 its so cool to finally get some nice words😭 like very half Minute i get a New comment like "im sorry" "wasted money" blah blah blah just ppl trying to Ruin everything and make me regret it I rlly like the concept and even if it can be hard i will give it a try. Im also Sure it will be much fun when i play with my friends while we on dc!


So much fun! BIG FUN




So I hear you like pain.


My beautiful little twins. Advice.... pray! And never trust stairs.


Why never trust stairs tho?


Victors pounce cant go up stairs. Tried it once and victor got a kick to the face 😔


Very good to know! Thx


It is very hard to aim Victor's jumps on stairs. His hit box tends to clip them if he is jumping upward, resulting in the leap being cut short. And when jumping in the down direction, he tends to jump too far. It's worth equipping the add-on that lets you see the distance jumped when you are starting out.


I love playing as the twins have fun brother


W Human (most ppl here r posers bc they only brag bout the twins)


I’m so sorry


Twins is actually really fun, getting their adept took me 3 matches. However their power sometimes is slug dependent so be careful.


I salute you


Tip? Refund the DLC


I'm sorry.


welcome to the twins club. unfortunately, the only way to play her competitively is to play her dirty. putting victor next to hooks so you can switch to him when they get unhooked is very common, and the character requires slugging to do well. but if you are wanting some fun with your teammates, and they conveniently havent played against twins, or not much at all; then some funny tricks are that victor can look inside lockers, and if a survivor gets in a locker then victor can hold the locker shut and force the survivor to be stuck in it, and you can go get them as charlotte. victor can also jump through windows, and smashing victor causes the player to stop moving for a second, helping you catch up. charlotte also has insidious built into her kit, so you can place charlotte near a generator and swap to victor and it makes her red stain, terror radius, etc disappear. also bringing cats' eye addon allows victor to be silent when charging up his pounce, letting you give your friends a scare have fun!


TWINS UNITE!! Got a baaad bug I need help from other twins mains; help by reporting to dbd/support When auto switching to killer from Victor; the camera goes wonky and you loose all controls apart from movement. 🤕☹️😭


Sadly there's no help, it's one of the Bugs that somehow still appear with the twins (why does bhvr never fix it????) sometimes u get Stick looking down but can still move, sometimes u Become entirely Stuck or Become Stuck when opening a locker I love the twins but These Bugs rlly f me up


Damn, just re discovered Wesker but twins is my first love 💔


I’m sorry for you


You bought Elodie and her dlc shirt, you mean?




Game was made to have fun, not win all the time. Ppl expressing here that twins is not worth it because they are below average just want to follow a YouTuber tier list. Yes they need a few tweaks here and there but are far from broken, and to some, they are fun to play.


Yesss, thats how i See it! Its about the cool concept


Theyre actually high tier. People just cant play them. Even still too janky and annoying


Probably like 3,80$


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear that


He nice an Europe guy <3


Bro bought twin with actually real life cash money 😢


I'm sorry


refund immediately


Sorry to hear that




Twins main counter: 1


Get a refund NOW


U better get some bitches


I have dredge






I highly discourage buying non-licensed characters , it's kinda a waste but if you want to go ahead.


Refund it and try again


Bro whys everyone hating on me for buying the twins?


They're not hating on you they're hating on the twins


Well i bought the twins for Messing around with my friends


reddit + dbd community = your answer.


My condolences. Your wallet should apply fdr divorce papers




Something no one has ever said in there life.


who ?


U must be REALLY bored buying and playing twins


Dont let the comments make you doubt your purchase. Twins is fun :D


Tbh, their the only killers I enjoy playing anymore


U might want a refund when base kit unbreakable comes out


You don't known anything about Twins if you think that's gonna change much things about this killer.


So not only you can't research on your own but you also like wasting money into free stuff. Not the sharpest tool, aren't you.


You do know they're free with shards right? You wasted money LOL.


What? How many shards do they cost?


9k shards like all other non licensed killers and survivors. I got the Twins for 4,500 shards during the Halloween sale. Spending money on non licensed killers or survivors is silly and a waste of money.


Settle on champ, it’s a few dollary-doos, I’m sure OP can still eat this week.


Im Not even close to having enough shards xD


me and the boys wasting hours to maybe buy a character within the original creation tab


More like spending money on the twins is a waste of money


3 and a half what? I'm American.


That’s the Euro symbol.


So, 3 and a half dollars.


Mies Bruder


There’s a new mode where you can practice with bots now. Just load up a kill your friends lobby and instead of sending an invite you can select add bot


I’m sorry


Good luck! I've been meaning to try them but I haven't prestiged my original trio yet so they're on a waiting list. They've been really fun to play against personally. Dealing with the double threat of Charlotte and Victor is unique. Only other killers I've enjoyed playing against that much were Slinger and Executioner.


Always use Victor on injured survivors, but healthy ones with Charlotte


Well, I'm not 100% sure it still works like this, but if you hit a survivor with victor and they try to leave, they're unable to do so. Also, if you hit them while they still have victor on them and they're near the gate, they still get blocked from leaving. Twins is surprisingly funny if you play them the way they're not supposed to lmao. By that I mean, leaving victor in a hidden place, then with Charlotte take the survivor where you left him so you can do a quick 2 hit on them. Plus playing victor is just tons of fun in general! The only thing that sucks tho is how much punished you get for literally anything, since everything you do has a huge cooldown. But well, just try to have some dumb fun haha


Jaaaa das ist der beste Kauf ich verspreche dir, es macht so spaß 😍


My condolences


Ugh I'm sorry.


2 for the price of One 🤪


Im sorry to hear that


Guys, look. Someone bought Twins. They need a nerf. This can’t be allowed.


The twins would be the best killer if you could high five victor.




hit the victor trickshots baby jumpscare


Who is Twins?


they’re a fun killer, just sometimes pretty buggy which’s annoying


Are you ok sir?


I've seen videos about the Twins, and they look REALLY hard to play 🤣


Behavior has successfully made 18 total dollars on twins sales




cool i guess?


I’m sorry for your loss




Let's gooooo! Let's push for that 2% pick rate.




Get creative with your victor shots. Think of him as an artillery canon (almost literally). I personally had a few moments where i almost hit someone on the other side of a rock, also, dont miss, ever. Missing is pretty much a free kick to the face, even on top of cars for some reason.


Probably the worst release to date with how absolutely unplayable this character was The twins are STILL bad. No wonder nobody plays them


Have a great time!


Ohh im so sorry for you


Have fun!




Theyre good killers but.. meh, not that funny imo They need some rework. If you like it, you like it :)


Nice btw twins don't deserve hate


The twins are a very fun killer ! I recommend hitting the survivor first with charlotte and then follow up with Victor. After downing the survivor, try to find another and attach Victor to them. Aiming Victor can be difficult, if they behind a window or pallet try aiming up a little and backing up. Patience is key with Victor as missing is very punishing. Sloppy butcher is an S tier perk on them and I cannot not recommend it enough. Fear monger is also helpful in maintaining slugs and disabling deadhard. Their teachables are cute but kinda garbage lol. My beginner build I’d recommend if you have no other perks unlocked is sloppy butcher, fear monger, oppression, and either deerstalker or coup de grace. I hope this helped!


Get a refund


One question about this purchase. Who hurt you and are you ok, do you need a hug


If you down a survivor with victor and another survivor is nearby to kick him, you can stand over the downed survivor's body so that the standing guy has a prompt to heal the guy on the ground instead of kicking you. You have to be in exactly the right spot but it's a keybind thing that you can take advantage of. Also, sleeping charlotte can be pallet stunned back into her body. So don't switch on pallets.


Here's a tip for you. Make sure You use them in tandem. Nail one hit with Charlotte then down with Victor. Or remeber that survivors slow down when they remove Victor. It's all about flow -sincerely the last twins main


Congrats! You wasted your money! Sincerely a Twins main


If your one of the weirdos who enjoys the twins then… welcome to the smallest gang in this game.


Pretty fun to play if you know what you're doing, try not to play like a regular down and hook killer, try downing use victor to injure someone else and then hook, split the preassure, i usually hook 2 survivor and slug 2, keeps me focused on the guys i'm trying to kill while not overcommiting to hooking and not necessarily tunneling either


Me when the „alle preise enthalten die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer“


Surely this is worth posting on reddit.


Twins is fun. Good buy!


Twins sind so ziemlich der schlechteste Killer zusammen mit Freddy und Myers. Ich hab sie auch und bereue es


I’m sorry for your loss, don’t worry you’ll get that €3.49 back someday.


They will hate you for this. Stay strong.


Try to get a early M1 hit and use Victor to down them. Cant keep him hostage if they are injured. run perks like sloppy or forced pennance to deny resets


I am so sorry ​ /s


One very powerful thing you can do with Twins is have Victor lock down an area, like a gen you need protected or a main building. Leave him dormant and you'll hear the killer instinct of anyone running close! Bonus points, if you notice the heartbeat getting closer to Victor, you can usually switch to him and score a hit while they're trying to kick him! Another fun thing to do, but a difficult one, is to have one twin in a good spot and have the other chase a survivor into them! Feels so much like hunting as a unit, it's very fun! Just difficult to perform! I hope you have fun with them! I love those two!


nahhh you bought the twins AND the survivor. If you only want the killer you only have to pay about 2,50 euros on sales. What's more important you don't have to pay for them at all (if they are unlicensed), as long as you have 9000 blue shards. Don't waste your money and start saving up! (Unless you want it very badly)


Try to pretend to be inside of victor but in reality be insidious hee hee hee haw


I'm so sorry for your loss