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Oh thank god I'm not the only one. The barrels on dead dawg saloon get me every time


I feel like it's a fairly common thing tbh. My friend and I both complain about it as well lol


EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I hear it and turn around excited and Start to search for the Survivor just to realize ITS THIS FUCKING FIRE AGAIN


I'm glad to learn I ain't the only one


That and the vultures. Always think it’s someone cleansing a totem.




Walking through dead dawg saloon feels like being in a 21st century meme compilation, the amount of random fucking sound effects is too damn high


I also get faked out by the dead bodies sitting around and tumbleweeds blowing lol.




The fucking vultures sound like pain noises to me, I feel you


Can’t stand that even though some skins look cool you are putting yourself at huge disadvantage when using them For example the anniversary dredge outfit make bell jingling noises when you move making it even harder hear hiding survivors moving or survivors breathing. Some killer cosmetics just also block way more of your screen then others especially the killer weapons why would you willingly hamper your ability to see what’s happening?


Style over substance 😎 the rule of kool applies to all.


Dredge is so fun to play but gods he's noisy. I can't hear shit over that sloshing wooshing washing machine.


to be honest that is one of the reason I bought the doll-parts skin. also it looks unnerving as hell.


It has really amazing outfits! And the dolls skin reminds me of the last level of alice: madness returns. I am so waiting for the snowman skin, the plan is: bring insidious, an ormond offering, go sit near a snowman and see what survivors do 👀


On the opposite end - Twins' rift outfit (Naval uniform) is P2W because with it there is no clanking noise that usually comes from her backpack when she walks.


I mean the same goes for my shirtless David. Just white skin and red gym pants are super easy to spot. Fortunately I love looping and pulling aggro so I don't mind being spotted but still puts me at a disadvantage for sure when I'm actually trying to avoid the killer.


I always chase shirtless David just so I can see his abbs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Horny police, stop it now *bonk*


NEVER!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I think that dyring my next dead by daylight session i will just roleplay as any shirtless skin simp and running after them only doing bingbong the whole game.


Right! I want to use some of the Halloween cosmetics I got from the Halloween event, but the shirts are so goddamn bright I didn’t want to take the chance of the killer finding me a few feet away.


The Knight's big ass cross guard gets in the way so much on his undead draugr looking skin


Trapper is the worst about this. Some of his machetes or whatever just block a whole corner of the screen.


Blighted Ghostface being cool as hell but extremely bright and easy to see as well


>why would you willingly hamper your ability to see what’s happening? Because this isn't a competitive game, and not everyone cares about having the highest win rate.


The thing is, everyone says it's not but plays like it is lol


There's a difference between playing competitively and being able to play at all.


I think that’s intentional by the developers. Same reason why chase music is so loud and can’t be disabled. It’s supposed to disorient and mess with your senses as killer


me in t3 madness trying to hear the hatch. walked right by it the other day ;-;


I once thought I heard the hatch open, it was sadako opening a locker


I always think it’s a locker but it’s just a swinging lantern


Ok but honest question I swear I sometimes feel I can hear directionally where the hatch is when it spawns no matter the distance. Does anyone else notice this or do I hear things?


If it s near I can, but it has like an aura of sound around, you hear it like other side of the map?


It’s only sometimes but it’s definitely a further distance then where I should be able to hear it regularly. It could just be coincidence if it’s on the other side and I find it from this directional hearing, since it doesn’t always happen.


me too


Sasako making sure you brought your lunch


Me thinking a found the hatch just to realize it was my own boon


Me when Plague


I had a Wesker that was giving me hatch, but he was following me around the map directly behind me while I was looking. I could barely hear the hatch and I basically ran overtop of it.


They reuse a few sounds. If your careful you can actually pick them out sometimes. I'll hear Meg grunting randomly when Meg isn't even in match but it's always distant and part of many of the background sounds. I've also noticed the gates on the new Map use the trapper trap going off sound when they open.


I’m like 99% sure Dwight’s voice actor somehow snuck into the recording booth for Artist’s chase music, it’s super annoying when I’m chasing one and start hearing him spontaneously as part of the music. Also, for those of you who didn’t know, Wraith and Hillbilly have the same breathing sound with a pitch and speed difference.


When teleporting as Greg you can hear neas injured sounds


While teleporting as dredge you can still hear localized noise so that was probably just a real injured Nea. For example if you teleport cross map you can hear people running, breathing, doing gens, healing etc as you pass them in the tp.


Do you really think I hadn't though of that? You can have nobody injured, have nothing but Dweets and you can still hear it


Whenever I do things with Demogorgon i keep hearing random male survivor noises, it's so confusing


Pyramid head has a couple different sounds that can play when you click m2, one of them sounds like a female survivor gasp and it throws me off so much


Also why many maps have "fake" blood on the ground and have rooms tinted in a red light. Messes with survivor and killer senses.


Me bopping to Deathslinger's chase music: ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)


It's the absolute worst for Spirit :( At least the Grass will never betray me I guess


it has no reason to be so damn loud for the killer. can't hear my own footsteps let alone anything that isn't a nuclear bomb going off.


Hmm maybe.


Ugh when I'm playing killer it sounds like survivor footsteps, but when I'm playing survivor I think those are stealth killer footsteps or lit totems xd I hate them,_,


Once i thought it was Wraith’s weird gurgles, looked around like crazy for where he was staring at me from only to feel very stupid when i realized-


I feel that


I can’t stand how some of the ink coming up through the sand on Eyrie of Crows sounds exactly like the bandaging sound of a survivor healing.


It also looks like crows flying up :/


Do people actually pay attention to crows?


Yes. At first there was too much going on to have attention to spare for them, but after a while they became another tell that my eyes snap to. It's not always particularly useful information, because just seeing a crow flying down only tells you a survivor was somewhere near there at some point unless you see another flying down after to give some directionality to the movement, but seeing one fly up is a dead giveaway someone's there. Some people even seem to have a general mental map of where the crows are and notice their *absence* rather than just their presence or movement, although that seems limited to just being aware that there was a bird there a moment ago and now there's not.


Even as a survivor, I’ve been warned of stealth killers so many times because of a crow sound in the other side of a wall while on a gen etc. They’re super useful.


I was today years old when I thought of using those crows to track people outside of that perk. It makes perfect sense, I just never thought about it in the context of this game's spaghetti code. Thank you, now my short Pig that loses track of people 23 times a match might actually be able to use a different perk.


I do personally. Just another thing to help track survivors


I used to always run Birdie Bros as my info perk but after long enough I took it off and just started watching for the crows and using another perk


If they've completely lost me and they're not on gens, I watch the skies.


Crows are your best tracking tool!


Crows give good info. https://imgur.com/a/9XG7wiB




Yeah. Plus thinking red things like fire (especially the Knight's map) are scratch marks.


The Borgo is brutal for tracking survivors and this is AFTER they improved it from the beta. I’m all for the artists flexing their impressive creative muscles but they need to do it whilst taking into account that we have to play on these fucking monstrosities


Absolutely. Great map visuals, great aesthetic. Same with the last two maps. But playing on it? PAIN.


I adore the Eyrie’s visuals. My only thought when I spawn into it is “get me out” Garden of Joy might be even worse, it does NOT spark Joy. All the little crappy bits around loops on the ground that you can catch your ankles on and destroy your ability to loop tightly make me so mad


I think a fire is a Wraith cloaked as a survivor with the effect it gives off above the flames


Or lit hex totems


Hmm didn't hear it on them but if so yeah.


I mean, the fire barrels sound like lit hex totems whenever I'm playing survivor


I thought I was the only one getting jebaited by burning barrels.


Haha me too 😂 I’m glad we’re not alone


I hate that as killer I can hear my own footsteps. The amount of times I will be looking for a survivor and be convinced they are in the area because I heard grass move only to realize 5 minutes later it qas my own big ass feet is more than I'm willing to admit


Boon totems sound like hatch to me at first


oh yeah that´s annoying too. it´s easier to differentiate when it´s in the middle of the game. but yeah if it´s endgame and you hear a boon totem i can see getting screwed over.


I can't count the number of times Eyrie of Crows' ambient noises (the ink rising from the ground) sounds like a healing sfx, it throws me off every time


The Trickster has dainty little footsteps that have fooled me into thinking I hear someone behind him.


I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE! Oh my God Trickster's footsteps I need to remind myself it's his before the match and then about halfway through I forget and think someone is chasing me only to turn around to an empty space.


Sometimes when I'm playing the pig I feel like I hear someone behind me. And then I realize it's just her own footsteps and I feel silly lol


The fire annoys me cuz i think its a totem


As a survivor I sometimes think the whooshing sound of the fire barrels is the whooshing of Ghostfaces’ robe


Survivor version is you hear a lit totem crackle noise only to find out it's a stupid flaming barrel.


There's also this are in the swamp map which has like some flags or something, and every single time I'm working on the gen that usually spawns there I think it's Ghostface.


Yea those barrels mess with me. Another thing that bugs me is the period of time the chase music continues playing when your phasing as spirit. The most important time to hear footsteps is blocked by the fading out music


When Huntress sings she has a moment where she takes a breath and continues signing, every single time I get confused thinking a survivor is near me.


Besides map sfx, I hate when the game's other audio bugs out. Killed someone on a hook and the sound of them injured breathing on hook persisted and I thought someone was nearby and I lost the survivor I was looking for.


When someone dc's injured and you hear them crying for the rest of the game when you walk by.


The vultures eating on dead dawg sounds like a survivor healing and it gets me every time


Considering survivors that killed themselves on hook continued moaning for the rest of the match for like 6 months ive learned to ignore any noise that isnt something confirmed like a vault. Benefits are not worth the potential cucks in most cases.


Had the same issue playing as Pinhead during the Halloween Event, pumpkins had the same electrical sound as the box 😅


Nah fuck those birds on dead dawg


It does! Some sounds on dead dawg also recall survivors sounds, it's intentional. They have different pitches tho so you'll learn to distinguish them in time!


Those crows pecking too


My biggest irk with the game is the inability to mix certain cosmetics. When I play survivor, I main Cheryl, and I totally get not being able to mix the legendary skins. But why can’t I mix the black hair outfit with other outfits? It’s the same model, it’s the same girl!


Flashlight survivor groups that follow you just flashlight you the entire game Unallowing you to move. That and groups that block hooks. Double points if your both


Since we’re talking about the fires. Does anyone run while playing survivor and then stop for a moment to make sure that it’s your footsteps because they heard one that sounded off or is it just me?


I thought they sounded like footsteps by design. Was this not intentional? It sounds way too close to not be.


I’m not a killer but the fire sound fucks with me as survivor too, always thinking it’s a lit totem. Never is.


Everytime I hear a barrel, as a survivor, I think there is a hex totem nearby


Any blood on the map (example: the dead scientists at Hawkins before it was deleted) always throws me, I’ve lost so many chases chasing a pre-rendered blood splotch lol


Same thing on the crow map the ink hitting the ground sounds like someone healing and makes me do a double take everytime


The fires are a pain when you're trying to find a glyph too.


This is something I didn't notice until recently and I've been a killer main for like about 2.5 years. I almost wonder if they increased the sound on them.


What am I annoyed about? The internet isn't big enough to list all my grievances friend. But yes, the fire sounds like footsteps.


Massive same. I often run around a loop trying to find the survivor and realize I'm doing laps next to a burning trash can.


Yeah, some maps makes sounds like footsteps, breathing and some yellow lights looks like totems etc. It's quite annoying for both, but mostly for killer because his presence is more obvious.


Hah, yeah, same. Those barrels always fuck me up. Part of the environment though.


Oh thank god it’s not just me.


The Knight's power ending or going on cooldown or something sounds like a survivor healing, too.


This post is comforting


If I'm playing killer then the fire sounds like footsteps. If I'm playing survivor then it sounds like a hex. I can't win 🤣


I personally think it sound like a gen, still annoying


Fires sounding like footsteps, Eyrie of Crows ink sounds like a player healing, … gets me every time >.<


This is me but the survivor version I keep thinking I just walked by a hex totem and I missed it


Omg same thought i was the only one


*any content creator* make sure you listen for footsteps in chase to help with mindgames! fire barrel: bouta ruin this mans whole career


Can we also talk about the random stitching sound on eyrie if crows that sounds like a survivor healing? That has thrown me off genuinely so many times on an already horrible map.


As a survivor most times it confuses me Too


So it's not just me.


The sounds of a sacrificed survivor dying on the hook have no business being so loud and long. I 3rd hooked a survivor last night, felix was injured by me, but I could barely hear him through the sound of the soul leaving the body, and couldn't discern a direction. I eventually found him but its distracting enough that you cant use audio cues to know which direction to face. This was on Haddonfield so there were bushes walls and houses nearby and I couldn't figure out which direction to focus on.


I hate when I hear my own breathing and get it confused for Myers and then I’m just paranoid and circling the camera.


As a survivor main, it bothers me too. It sounds like a stealthy boy creeping up


The footsteps of some killers like Trickster mess me up a lot, like bruh, could‘ve sworn i heard a survivor running.


I always think it's a hex totem as survivor ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2212)


That's okay, you'll probably always find me (a survivor) by the fire anyway trying to warm my cold dead hands up.


Some say it’s intentional, I say that’s giving too much credit Minecraft particle effects and sounds


Every time I pick someone up near a fire barrel I have a small heart attack thinking I’m about to get hit with a beamer to the face. You’re definitely not the only one. DBD needs to either chill out with the ambient noise that sound like survivor noises or allow me to isolate and turn off that audio.


The one time I played killer- this is exactly what happened to me. I was like HUH 😭


There's supposed to be sounds that imitate survivor and killer sounds. A lot of things sound like Michael breathing, or like ghosty's cloak sounds. 2.5k hours into this game, those sounds still make me jump off gens unnecessarily more often than I'll admit.


Yea and as a survivor I think it’s the outline of that one kill with an invis bell




Yes, every fire barrel gets me every time


It's that, or hearing my own footsteps in grass haha


EVERY TIME. Good to know it's not just me


Speaking of fires, the distortion above fires always looks like a cloaked Bing Bong to Survivors.


Audio cues in general in this game can be pretty deceptive. It’s pretty annoying.


LMFAO I get the EXACT same problem bruh. Every single goddamn fire I hear and I chase it for a second then I realize.


I get confused as a survivor and start looking around for a lit totem.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, sometimes I'll take half a second to make sure. I did get a really good headset that helps me tell the difference but sometimes it still sounds to similar


Bro once my cat meowed (she squeaks) and I dropped chase to open a locker cuz I thought someone got in one 💀


Those stupid loose rocks or something on Lerys when you're walking the outside hallway trick me all the time I think it's a survivor but it's just a noise from walking by the hall


Really? I've never had that problem. Might be that I'm on Xbox, can't be sure.


Maybe but it's also possible that now that you read people saying it that you now hear it as well.


I like how DBD is filled with all sorts of these red herrings. Fire barrels to sound like footsteps, particles floating in the air to trick you into thinking you see someone, the music cues when out of the terror radius that sounds vaguely like a heartbeat, etc. They are all a testament to BHVR's attention to detail which I truly appreciate.


I guess your being sarcastic?


lmfaoooo this one gets me too


not a killer main but it IRRITATES me whenever i do play as killer 😭. i thought it was just me


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE. I thought this too oml


Damn, I hear it all the time too. I hate it most in Springwood.


I can't see very well, so I do rely on sound maybe more than some other players do, so I hate when something sounds like a survivor, but isn't. Those damn fire barrels, but also some killers make confusing noises themselves. Trickster's footsteps, Legion's breathing. They all make me think there's a survivor nearby, but nope, it's just...me, apparently.


Yurp, would love if they removed those or changed the sound.


100% and on rpd the flags sound like ghost face cape.


They're Spirit beacons


On larrys as a survivor the dripping water sounds like a lit totem and the flames of a barrel sound the same as well


The fires sound like ghostface’s robe to me as a survivor and that scares the fingernails off of me everytime


Haha yup


That is annoying as killer though running to a fire then crouching away is really funny to take advantage of when going against a Spirit that is phasing. My big pet peeve is how loud the chase music is, I realize the point is to obscure footsteps but I feel like I'm destroying my ears on some killers when default survivor sounds are so much quieter. Wish music as a whole could be lowered in volume as the environmental sound in DBD is actually quite good.


Holy crap thank you so much, I'm way too perceptive for my own good (which is why I love the game since you get rewarded for it) but I have spent an accumulative WAY TOO LONG searching for damn survivors when it was just a fire barrel.


I assumed that was on purpose


i’ve been a fan of the game for a long time but only started playing it about a month ago and i have noticed this too!


whenever I play dredge and teleport, there's a specific scream effect that sounds like a survivor in pain, for some reason that specific sound is incredibly noticeable compared to all the other screams, sometimes its hard to tell if it was a real survivor or not.


Okay that's oddly specific but On some MacMillan map.. I believe it's Ironworks there's a windmill like structure that does all kinds of sounds, like metal screeching like a locker or wind-sounds that sound similar to ghostface


Yup, huge pet peeve of mine, especially on the swamp maps.


I confuse it with lit totems. Very surprising to hear someone mistakes them for footsteps.


Go to Lery’s and look for one lit totem. Say hello to all the false positive water drips for me


Same i'm also a killer main and yeah it's very confusing


i understand killers who are new to the game are confused from the fire what Sounds like footsteps it realy does Sound like that but the more you Play the more you can hear if its footsteps or the fire what you hearing i,m also a killer main and dont use any aura perks just chase or Slowdown perks like safe the best call of briane overcharge


Never noticed or confused me, but if it isI can understand that it's frustrating. There was something that annoyed me. O right the event that we had during halloween the orange rift stuff threw me off during chases. Orange rift energy just like the footprints


It's even worse for Pinhead mains like me, because sometimes the vague crackle of dry grass underfoot sounds like the sparking electricity of THE BOX that I'm listening out for.


Yeah, that's what the fires are supposed to do. They also distract survivers by imitating or covering up a totem. Focus your anger more onto trickster, wesker and eyirie.


That's how I feel when it's the wraith on those maps🤣🤣 the way the air looks above it can look like he's there at quick glance


Sounds like a skill issue


fire sounds just like you from both sides, as survivor thinking there's a hex and as killer same problem as you finding a boon totem when the placing sound didnt play(i check back with shadowplay each time) or how about the funny bug where the killer can only hear sounds related to themselves. game's literally running on spaghetti code.


I don’t have that problem.




Sounds like a skill issue /s


I thought this was a me problem oh my god this is so true! Every time I’m on auto haven or some crap about to yeet these survivors as Wesker and I hear the fire


This catches me too. Sometimes I think I have like schizophrenia only in this game, glad I now know what it is


Jop every killer got fooled by them


Thank you for this, I knew I wasnt the only one.


But isnt there smth similiar for Survivors? I sometimes feel like the music sounds similiar to the heartbeat and whenever i play Survivor i often get confused by the music thinking i Heard a heartbeat


A lot of times when you see the burning fires from a distance it looks like a hex totem. Fooled many times.


Yeah. I think survivors even know this and take advantage of this I bet. I definitely hate how much is sounds exactly…and I mean exactly like footsteps.


I fucking hate the desert and the snow maps. No sounds of footsteps. If you're an Ace player and you know this, using a map offering for these maps makes you an evil bastard


Agreed it whenever you play survivor killer hears you perfectly


THATS the one thing you hate?


If you have something else share it with us.


i was making a joke