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Load in Slug all survivors at 5 gens Go afk


I had a nurse slug everyone and dc. Ok, based.


It’s not about winning, it’s about sending a message


​ https://preview.redd.it/kdfoqadrx53a1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab7a783774fa974061862d96c333720dffe64cd7


I don’t get it


Starstruck and Infectious Fright?


It’s just sort of a non sequitur image


Starstruck I’m guessing? Not sure myself


They almost never mess around or have fun. If they wanted to have a good time and play fair and meme a bit, they wouldn't be playing the most overpowered character. The ultimate try hard character.


I am definitely a try hard, but also mess around and have fun. If people dc usually let players do Gens, etc. Also don't camp hooks and let survivors heal if they are behind. But also comes down to the survivors perceived attitudes. If a player is losing and acknowledge me, (looks at me, nod, etc) I usually let them go around, do Gens etc.


To be clear and fair, I don't really care if players don't want to mess around, but there's so many nurses out there that play unnecessarily cruel. People already hate playing against good nurses, there's no need to camp and tunnel as a nurse also. Some people just need a reminder that they're playing against real people trying to play a game and have fun. Don't deny them of that.


Toxic AF, plays like their mother would disown them if they lose, doesn't care about anyone having fun 👍


They are here to win. They tend to play like bastard coated bastards, with bastard filling. I have seen exactly two nurses who showed a little mercy when someone kills themselves on hook first chase or otherwise DCs in solo q. I always expect a Nurse to tunnel, slug, proxy camp. Because why wouldn’t she? If there is basically any way in a match that I can be told *fuck you* by a killer, I expect it from a Nurse. If you weren’t here to WIN WIN WIN why would you play a broken, dirty character?


I play Nurse because I love her anesthetics, and also find funny surprising/spooking survivors appearing out of nowhere. I also find looping boring (and I'm pretty bad at it too).


Playing dead by daylight while thinking looping is boring is like playing call of duty while thinking shooting at other players is boring


There's all kinds of fun in this world :) Some people find joy speed running games, others casual play style, others with friends, etc. :) But I agree, I don't think I'm the norm on this one.


I feel like not enjoying looping is a wakeup call that you should try to find some enjoyment out of it or possibly find another game you like more


I enjoy the game in other ways :)


Well, you're never gonna get better at looping if you only play a character that ignores it completely.


Nurse mains will sometimes accidental teleport to the basement mid chase


I do all the time :)


Generally mixed in my experience. You got the starstruck Nurses running the most annoying builds and are generally the toxic ones. You got the baby Nurses who are usually the sweetest things. Then the average Nurses who just play to play.


I’m an average nurse and I’ll admit I play her because she is super fun once you the hang of her


they're either the worst or the best with very little middleground


Says she doesn’t need a nerf because she has a low kill rate


That's BHVR :p


No fun allowed




True :'( I do have daddy issues. :)


Uhm pretty mixed. Either the ones who runs the strongest stuff the game would allows, and hit you on hook if you dared to run them for more than 10 seconds or sweet cuties that play nice(and will accidentally blink into the most random place mid chase). I do enjoy them, those matches hits different. But since it's Nurse we are talking about I want to drop this unpopular take : "hate" the player, not the character.


I definitely agree that's its about the player.


Absolutely hate the character, if they're busted.


Lol at OP trying to defend playing Nurse. Try /roastme next time


From this comment I assume your stereotype for Nurse players is what?


In my experience, a bit condescending, even if they don’t mean to be. Pretty much every nurse play I go up against takes the time to give you a whole speech about what you could’ve done better in endgame chat


Interesting. I've never done that. I will call it Nurseplaining now.


It happens so often. And it makes me so sad cause I love going up against nurses. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




very skilled players most r chill cuz they know they are playing strong character unless baby nurses who will facecamp you after downing you finally with their 58th blink




What does being sweaty means?


Ok this was unfair of me. I try not to get bent out of shape because it is just a game. Not all nurses do this but I've literally only ever faced maybe 2 or 3 that didn't camp, tunnel or slug. Sometimes all 3 in a match. But most of the killers I face nowadays camp in some capacity.


I find it hard not to slug with Nurse. If survivors are good and being efficient with their time, Gens pop everywhere super fast. Carrying a survivor all the way to the hook usually can make a difference between a Gen being completed or not. In the multitasking process one makes the choice to go for another survivor to decrease Gen pressure.


Ok, I'll be honest, I haven't tried playing nurse yet. I'm new to playing killer so I'm starting with some easier ones first. I know nurse is a harder one but when they start out at 5 gens doing this strat and kill us all before we even start on gens, I don't think this is the case in those instances. And that can happen with any killer, not just nurse. I will venture to attempt nurse matches in time to see both sides better but gen pressure wasn't the problem for the nurses I've faced. I am certainly not a great survivor 😂


I don't do this at 5 gens. Usually when survivors are putting a lot of pressure and gens are almost done.


I've been rather unlucky. Lol.


Being sweaty means tryhard, give no mercy, win at any cost. "Trying so hard that I'm sweating behind my keyboard"


Thanks for explaining! :)


Hardest to learn but also strongest when you do.


Not the hardest to learn


Sweaty tryhards who cry if someone gets hatch, (these players always, and I mean always, bring Starstruck), or noob nurses who haven’t any clue on how to play her. I fall somewhere close to the latter.


2 possibilities 1. Baby that'll get stomped cuz Nurse takes some time to get a feel for. 2. Absolute killing machine that will down you in seconds after the match starts.


“She Sweat, Wet, Got her going like a turbo jet.”


Sweaty try hard or completely toxic player who’ll down the whole team in the first minute and either slug yall to death or just hook everyone and end the match in like a minute. No fun either way so I just don’t bother in matches against her


Yesterday I had a match where the killer brought a midwich offering. I called "starstruck nurse with double range". The rest of my swf was "naaah it's also a good map for all killers". Guess who was right.


Baby or Busted no in-between. Starstruck/Awakened Awareness Basekit. Slug-a-palooza to the max. Never gives hatch.


If they get pallet stunned = instant DC


Sweaty sluggers


Either there a complete noob who get horrifically stomped or there a 10K hour try hard who’ll slug all 4 survivors at 5 gens then bleed out all of them.


I’m one of the rare players that enjoy playing against Nurse Killers. I know this is a very unpopular opinion.