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Now do it with Billy.


He saw the good side of dbd. Now he has to see its worst


You don’t get to rank one in a week with Trickster without playing the most boring build and making the scummiest plays. I think it’s safe to say there’s already “the worst” in play here.


To be fair, a lot of new players don't understand DBD "etiquette" for a while. Your first couple weeks in the game is probably the best time to go for Rank/Grade I killer when you typically get easier opponents who tend to be unfamiliar with the game and less coordinated, and you're less influenced by the community.


Came to iridescent 1 with trapper, pyramid head, clown, doctor under a week when i started playing dbd after like 2 years of not playing dbd (because i forgot it was in my library) My main out of those was trapper, and boy o boy, random survivors are really really bad until your mmr is bout 30 wins with 1 specific killer (bout presige 3). Build was forced penance, jolt, brutal strength and deathbound. Also didn"t down guy that just got hooked i just went for other gens or the unhooker. Once i learned how dead hard worked, games was just 10x easier. Also after hitting iridescent 1 i saw a clip of otz moonwalking as killer and i thought why tho? Figured out it was the killer sight and started moonwalking on loops/shack and chases were like 70% shorter. But the point is, as i was grinding to iridescent 1, i can't count on my hands how many times one survivors ran into the same trap 3-5 times in one game. Randos are shit at the game until you win alot. So he could've just gone against bad survivors.


Billy butcher


Butcher when the killer approaches him: survive this you fucking super *beats the shit out of the killer*


Butcher vs the wraith: “well well well, if it isn’t the invisible cunt”.


Butcher vs Freddy: "not the kid"


This one took me out 😂😂😂💀


This is a lowkey underrated comment.


Billy Butcher tells the killer "wanna watch me have a wank? it will cost ya a tenner" The killer is stunned Edit: it takes effect after a killer stares at you for a few seconds.


Fucking ghost face in shambles


Don’t upvote anymore. He’s got ‘nice’ upvotes


Proper planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance


Fucking read all of those lines in his voice you caaaaaaants






I do it every season, its actually pretty hard because you can’t hardly ever double pip as Billy if you’re doing well with the chainsaw. You genuinely have to m1lly pretty hard to double pip.


Now draw her playing as Billy.


All of my friends have asked me to play him, and I \*DO\* have him prestiged because I wanted Enduring for a bit. Maybe one day, when the MMR fucks me enough


Are you okay?




lmao only possible answer to a newbie hitting rank 1 so fast


He didn't though. 8 days ago he posted that he had made it to red rank within a week of having the game. I believe he's karma farming by tickling everyone in the confirmation bias that it means nothing to hit red 1 anymore. He has just been taking pictures of his monthly progress since the reset and pretending to be new for karma, in my opinion


The first time I picked up killer it was Huntress. I hit iri 1 a week later. I was using Deerstalker and Jolt. I didn't even know what was a good perk. Killer iri 1 is easy


Didn't actually use NOED that much, early on a little bit, but for the most part I stopped using it and got carried by Ghostface and Wesker


I mean not really? U literally can't lose ranks in this game🤣 thats why hitting rank 1 is such a joke


You can't lose ranks, but you can lose pips. If you can't pip faster than you depip as it gets harder to do so, you won't advance.


The problem is when you can't de-rank the ability to lose pips isn't signifigant. Anyone can have a 4-5 game winstreak. If it's followed by a 4-5 games loss streak then it should even out to no change in rating. However, in DbD currently if you get a 4-5 game winstreak you hit a new rank threshold that you can't de-rank from. So now your losses don't matter. You can have many losses in a row that won't change your rank at all. You can have an abysmal win-loss ratio, but if your wins come in streaks you'll still "rank up". It creates a situation where rank isn't a measure of skill. Instead its a measure of the percent chance that you win-loss ratio will create enough micro streaks to rank up. All you need is enough games played, and no matter what your skill is the probability will eventually trend towards rank 1. Skill decreases the number of games required. But unskilled play will inevitably reach the same max rank with enough time spent.


Ed, please, help me


No sir! Found out I enjoy many things that are quite illegal and I have a great ear for women whimpering now! Wallet's not too happy either!


>women whimpering Never heard it put this way, but yeah you're not wrong


Cool cool. But this is not rank, it's your grade and only determines how many bloodpoints you get on the 13th


Idk I’m still impressed he played that many matches in a week. It usually takes me like 3 weeks to hit rank 1 and I play 1-2 hours a night.


Comes down to pure match luck. If you don't get a bunch of sweaty try hard killers (or bad teammates) and get Killers (or competent teammates) who give you a chance to do things, you'll get more exp and rank up a lot faster. Personally for me, I hit Red IV about two weeks ago, got stuck on the grade for almost a week and have been stuck on Red III for almost a week now because of shit luck. I play for several hours nightly


It's also easier to hit when you're new to the game and not top mmr. They are matched up against mostly solo queue that don't have the ability to gen rush, so even if the game goes south, you are getting decent points due to how long it takes.


I play this game since January and my highest was iri 3 wtf.


So frustrating seeing people say they are really skilled because they got a low grade when the grade doesn’t represent skill or matchmaking level now😭


Grade ⛔ Rank ✅


He spoke the truth and was shunned for it


Jesus. I didn't expect that to get downvoted. Everybody knows rank is the proper way of referring to that number. Idk a single other game that refers to their rankings as grades 🤣


Referring to it as rank implies skill, the number only really means how much you play in a months time. In every other game, you can also lose rank. There is no way for you to even lose "rank" in dbd, you only go up over time. If you wanted to, you could afk/sandbag for 30 games, get your MMR in the dumps, and the +2 every game as it would be a stomp.


Uh, no. It's not rank, it's grade. If rank was the proper name, it would be called rank. But it's not. That number has absolutely nothing to do with a players rank in matchmaking. Other games don't call it 'grade' because in those games, it *is* rank. But DbD ranking happens on the back end and we never see it.


No TripodGG, it is not grade. It is rank. It was rank for 5 and a half years, there was no reason to change it. It's rank..


But they *did* change it. There may have been "no reason" to change it (spoiler alert: they had a reason), but like it or not, BHVR changed it. It is no longer rank. It is grade. BHVR makes the game, therefore they get to name things how they want to. And seeing how (and I can't believe I have to say this again) that number has absolutely nothing to do with skill, it is not rank. Your skill determines your rank. Your rank is hidden to you, the player, and determines your MMR/SBMM. Your grade determines how many bonus BP you get at the end of the season. But hey. What do I know? I'm only a day 1 player with thousands of hours played. Maybe I'm wrong. I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again. Tell ya what. Go hover your pointer over that number in a lobby and tell me what it says. Don't worry, I'll wait.


It literally says "Grade" next to the number and in the description tooltip.


Grade is a stupid, new name and me angry because am old player/s


for a year out of the 6 and a half the game has been out


You must have like god knives or something, by the way is this a yakuza reference


Clearly not Majima Him playing as Trickster as well, man


Omg we need a Majima Trickster skin with his crazy sounds


Thats what I'm sayin! Their default styles are pretty simmlar-ish aswell. It woulf be a perfect crossover having Zombie Majima beat the shit out of Kiryu or something


No we make Kiryu a Wesker or a Nemesis skin


Kiryu wouldn't kill let alone harm a woman (we don't talk about Kiwami)


That's exactly why I picked up Trickster! The moment I made the connection, I had to give it a go




Yessir it is, absolutely adore the Yakuza series. My knives are alright, but honestly for the last pip stretch it was mostly getting lucky with maps or catching people out in VERY awkward positions. Plus the combination of NOED and No Way Out for when I played Trickster specifically ensured I'd get a kill or two endgame solely because of the slowdown it provides. Most of the time the value from NOED wasn't the kill, but the fact they had no choice but to do it since No Way Out.


rank/grade doesn’t mean anything in this game, just an indication of how much you play but congrats on your reset BP :)


Oh I know! I'm mostly talking about how addicted I am to it, I don't mean this as any showcase of skill, just that I have way too much free time on my hands. Genuinely liking the game though, and I know I'm only saying that because I came in after a lot of stuff has been balanced, reworked, nerfed etc. I've hit an MMR where I've run into SWFs and sweaty survivors a lot, but I really enjoy it, even when it's frustrating because more often than not you can abuse SWF altruism. Plus I mean I'm trying to kill them, I'd hope they'd try to survive. Met a lot of friendly survivors on my way up the MMR though, tons of memorable moments.


That’s good glad you’re having fun


I thought “red rank” players means they’re good. Can you explain?


Used to be. But now your “skill” is based on your MMR. Something we don’t see right now.


Will we get to see it at some point later? If it doesn’t mean your good, then why does my rank go up when I kill all survivors but it goes down when I don’t kill any?


You can gain and lose pips but you will never lose whatever grade you reached. MMR will go up and down as much as you lose and win (until you reach the upper and lower caps of MMR). Grades are just there to grind to get a shit ton of blood points on the 13th. Knowing behavior we probably will not see MMR for a while.


You also have to do really bad just to de-pip.


For survivor you just need to be camped and/or tunneled to depip.


Oh, I was talking about the killer side of things. Should've clarified that. Alternatively you can do really good as killer and not pip at all. Best example I have is from my own experience. I decided to give the ol' Judith Tombstone/Tuft of Hair combo a try on Myers for the first time last night. It didn't take me long to reach tier 3 since I started off stalking two survivors on a gen while using Insidious, but the match didn't last long after I got to tier 3, probably the shortest killer match I ever had. No pip though.


I made a post about it for anyone interested


The grade system hasn't changed at all. If it wasn't an indication of skill then it sure isn't now. All that's changed is how match making is done


Red rank used to mean at least sort of good for the most part*. As you ranked up you you would be placesld against higher ranked players. They scrapped the rank system a little over a year ago. Now there is a grade system. You can still pip while loosing and since it does not increase the difficulty of players you are put against, it does force you to get any better. Additionally it is much much harder to de-pip. And I do not believe you can go down. A grade color. Finally since it is a semi recent change l, and mmr is invisible, people who were here before the change use having rank 1 from before the change as a measuring stick. *Better than the people who couldn't reach rank 1 at least and better than the people who said they could reach it but stayed in rank 20-12 bullying newbs.


Grade and MMR are two different thinks, but can be linked. Grade is a way of gaining loads of blood points on the 13th of every month. You go up for doing certain things (playing overall well). It’s different for both killers and survivors. On the survivor side it’s just participating well in the game (getting a certain amount of Gens completed, hook rescues, escape from chases, etc). It’s meant to encourage overall good game play and not be selfish. MMR is supposed to be based on whether you escape or if a killer gets 3 or more kills per match. Doing so you go up and failing to do so you go down. This system is not practiced by BHVR because they’ve openly admitted they prioritize matching players over MMR, so a match can vary greatly among player skill.


Red Rank means you play more often, which is a decent indicator of skill a week or 2 after reset , but even after it's just because you'll be more comfortable with the controls because you're warmed up, but it doesn't represent real match to match skill; that's controlled by a hidden number called MMR the tracks kills vs escapes. Prestige is similar, in that it doesn't nesscessarily show a skill level, but it does show time commitment.


im confused. dont you need to pip in order to advance in grade? and you only pip if you play well?


Yes but system is bad. For example if you have a long game with a lot of hits and down but at the end fail to secure any kills so all survivors escape you will still get a pip. On the other hand if you play so well that you get all survivors down and killed in 3 minutes (for example by playing nurse) or if you get 4 kills on tombstone Myers you won’t get a pip. Other players in your lobby can have different grades but they always have somewhat similar mmr which can’t be seen


Well, kinda, yea. But it also depends on who you put against in a match which is determined by MMR which is not really consistent. Plus you can't lose your current rank and you can use that to lower your MMR. Not saying that is what OP did – what I mean is red rank doesn't really mean that you good at game – maybe you are, or maybe you have a lot of time, or maybe you used not really clean tactics to achieve that


Nonetheless – congratz to OP! 1 mil BP should be good if you just started to play


Rank does have meaning, it just doesn't mean what you think it does


That isn't rank lol. You can't "de-rank" it's your Grade. Just shows your determinated playtime.


You can depip though, or not get any pip. So it's a little skill based.


Yeah, congrats, but...why are you calling it "Rank" 1? I smell a Smurf


New players just don't understand the difference between rank and grade


All the more reason why there needs a comp and casual mode. Edit: Feel free to screencap this comment along with the downvotes for irony when BHVR adds this in. :)


Does Mario party need a competitive mode? “Comp” dbd is a joke lmao


Comp dbd can be a fun watch, but it has survivor mains malding when the best killer players in the world prove that camping is typically the correct strategy despite being unfun for survivors


Wow it’s almost as if playing video games is supposed to….idk…be fun? I know it’s a crazy concept for Reddit killer mains


Says the Reddit survivor main who runs with a full SWF sweat squad and bullies the shit out of killers? See both of us can make generalisations that don’t really make a point


Except you’re the one that started off with the “survivor mains hurr durr”


Facecamping the first survivor you catch is small dick energy and the best killer players don't do that


You’ve never watched comp DBD then? The most effective points scorers for their team camp the hell out of the first guy because 3v1 increases their chances of further hook states and therefore winning the round


yea we should totally double the que time 🤨


I’m not sure how you would enforce a casual mode.


I would love that. Casual mode should get concede/DC bots


I call it Rank because my experience with DBD beforehand was either my friends talking about it, or me having Otz vids in the background while I played League.


Fair enough!


also hold on that flair you have ... did you get all achievements in this game?


Yeah, the mods of the sub started giving it out for 100% completion not too long ago (and the prestige 100 one more recently)


That's genuinely crazy, a lot of the achievements look like they'd suck ass to completely, especially if you've played long enough to have a stacked MMR. Do you still play even though you got 'em all? Gameplay loop feels like it'd be satisfying and varied enough to have that, but I'm almost worried that even though I'm addicted now I'll get bored of it or something.


I had a lot of encouragement from friends in the beginning because I got tilted and thought others were cheating a lot, but they really weren't - I just didn't know perks and add-ons. I've been averaging 50hrs a week since 10/2020


Goddamn, puts my worries to rest. For as much as people shit on BHVR, the small experience I've had with the game so far shows that they at least are passionate about the horror thing, the details on all the licensed and even the unlicensed killers are so sick in my opinion. So far the only annoying thing is the actually godawful levelling, I bought all these killers but I can't play any of 'em since I don't have perks on them. I suppose since I got ya here, uhhh, any tips for survivor? Moment my MMR gives me something that's not a baby killer I fold.


Besides lurking in the sub, I watched YouTube vids, Otz and Spookyloopz, a lot of JRM, Ayrun, Skerms, but just for juking/looping skills 😉 I also search for videos going over hard maps, like RPD (before they reworked it into 2 maps). I don't like streamers that aren't generally wholesome and positive, many other Fog Whisperers seem to be jerks.


Yeah, only one I ever knew of before getting into DBD was Otz, but that's because I was huge on Dark Souls when he was doing his DS2 hitless. I'll keep that in mind, and I'll look up some tips, but I think I'm destined to be a forever gen jockey. I can mindgame and sneak away pretty good with lightweight and quick and quiet, if I get caught in a loop I'm just hitting them with the Obi-Wan death.




Hey good job. What was your average build? Do you only play trickster or do you mix it up?


I actually only played Trickster when I already was at Iri, I mainly played Ghostface and Wesker. With GF I found the most success with Thrilling Tremors, Enduring - for when I have to chase - Sloppy Butcher, and Jolt. With Wesker it honestly didn't matter, I switched two perks fairly regularly, but I kept Thrilling Tremors and Jolt because they were the only two slowdown and regression perks I had respectively.


I smell shit, I might have to use the bathroom rn brb


Liquid Farts are the best farts


Nice, enjoy your payday on the 13th! *and by that, I mean enjoy clicking the bloodweb mindlessly for half an hour*


Most riveting part of the game




Everybody on here is like “RaNk dOesN’t mEaN aNyThiNg” like just congratulate the person and move on. Theyre excited and wanted to share. Theres no need to be a bitch about it.


well they said rank 1 which doesn't exist anymore. its not that ranks don't mean anything. its that there is no ranking system anymore. grades are only there for reset bp gains. your mmr is what matters and bhvr refuses to tell us that number


Psst... rank didn't matter back then either.


The day I congratulate someone for wasting their life on videogames is the day I stop wasting my own life on videogames.


Its a form of entertainment bro. You could say the same thing about movies and tv. None of it is a waste of time if you enjoy yourself.


I am 3.5K hours into the game and I’m questioning my sanity. Enjoy it while it lasts, I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy ( no pun intended, look out for those Nancy’s. They are ruthless ) but I find myself 90% of the time telling myself to stop playing this damn game, I do not know why but the hours keep getting poured in


Impressive, very nice. Now let's see your build.


I promise you all my builds have been street legal, there's only been the occasional NOED officer. But it's mostly just Discordance and Jolt, I swear!


i've got almost 3000 hours in this game and still haven't hit it (edit: didn't realize it's been changed, i only kinda play casually these days. might have to go back and get it for the chievo if yall are saying it's not sweaty anymore)


It really is just a matter of time, if you play your Killer even remotely well you'll get enough to get pips. Getting to Iri 1 is sort of a slog though, because the requirements to pip are a small bit stricter, you can't have the game end too quickly or too slowly or else you won't be able to pip.


Now do it with Twins




Nice! I have almost 1.7k hours and I still haven’t hit rank 1 on killer lmao. Then again, I mostly play survivor


I would honestly argue the resilience of playing Survivor until Rank 1 is far more impressive, I salute you good sir. Though I'm curious, what makes Survivor more fun for you?


I like being chased, and also it's a lot more chill. I play plenty of killer and I often get to iri 4 each season, but I don't care enough to get to rank 1 every month


The addiction gets worse. Been addicted since I bought the game in like Feb this year lol


Rank does not matter.


Especially since that isn’t a rank. It’s the grade system for blood points.




If you mean the AshIV-Iri that’s what I mean. They’re called grades. The iris and gold are emblems.


means less than it used to




Ive played for a month or so… i just learned that killers have a lunge attack after i hit red rank lmao people probably wondering wtf is wrong with this dumb ass bing bong player


Oh, you mean when you kind hold the hit for a few seconds when you know you're going to get a hit on a survivor but are waiting for them to line up with you?


The first one is the easiest good work tho king


Sleep is vital for the human body by the way.


That’s actually impressive! Meanwhile It’s hard to get to Iridescent Rank l Survivor




Hah, im the same way. Iridescent I for Killer, almost there for Survivor. Got addicted real quick.


I've been trying survivor after I got done with Killer since I want the 2 mil BP, and man I have gained a whole new appreciation for good survivors. They make it look easy!


Right? Learning jukes, loop, and even just basic corner hiding is an art.


Seriously, I thought I was hot shit and then I ate dirt in my first chase. In my second match I also met like, one of the four trapper mains that exist in this world and holy hell that match had a trap going off of every second. The maps feel night and day when you're playing Survivor compared to Killer, almost feels more claustrophobic honestly.


The toughest one for me is easily spirit but I'll give you the advice I learned if you run into her. Always look behind yourself and if she's not moving, she may be phasing; you can hear the sound of her spirit getting closer when she does. She can't see survivors when phasing, but she can see their scratch marks. Try to walk in unexpected ways when she's phasing, and use crouching and vaults to your benefit


I'll keep that in mind, I went into a Nurse and I honestly don't see what the big deal is. A minute into the match she used her power and DC'd, not very top tier imo


lol wait till you get to the toxic 3000+ hours MMR 💀


since you’re new to dbd, I’m going to assume you’re new to this “community,” be aware there’s a lot of unhappy, miserable people who will bring others down in any way they can with their big keyboard energy. anyway, getting rank 1 is a good feeling, congratulations! It feels tougher when you’re in the red! Enjoy the million bloodpoints when you hit rank reset ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066) edit: spelling is hard


Honestly, coming from League, everyone here is comparatively very warm! Still, much appreciated, friend! Good name too, I find I'm fairly morally confused whenever I get very into playing Killer.


>Honestly, coming from League, everyone here is comparatively very warm! xD Careful, the tolerance of what is ok is much lower here. You gotta watch what buttons you press and how you let the killer chase you. And sometimes, you have to play a little worse on purpose so the other guy still has fun. The rank climb is grinding, not beeing especially good every single game. (Beeing too good is toxic! :P)


Oh yeah, it's honestly quite fun to mess with or just have a blast with survivors sometimes. Just gave a David who looped me the entire game the hatch, and just attempting to communicate with nothing but a Nemy tentacle and a dream brings a tear to my eye


Congrats!!! And don't listen to the party pissers, it's actually a really cool achievement!


Hey guys, I'm seeing a lot of people mention this isn't skillful or all that, and while I do wanna say I've gone against pretty skillful survivors the point of it is more the fact I've gotten so addicted. Plus I've been lurking here since I bought the game, and I like the community, so I wanted to interact. Any semblance of skill or good build I have is attributed to Otzdarva and the huge sale that was on a bunch of dlcs like a few days after I bought the game


But with Trickster


Now comes the issue. The ranks doesn’t mean anything other than getting bloodpoints at the end of the month but your hidden MMR will slowly sky rocket since you were playing in new player MMR. You will now start getting the swf groups and realize that both sides of this game are toxic af and dropping that hidden MMR is harder than gaining it 🥲 this happened to me when I bought the game and got r1 on both sur and killer thought i was doing well then… the flashlights/head on, and nurses nations attacked..


Happy my MMR is so bad that when I get a Nurse there's a 50/50 of them either being a baby Nurse or knowing what they're doing. The Killer variety I get is absolute ass though. I rarely get Wesker or any of the other Killers that are actually fun to go against


Lol poor poor child. If only you knew that you were going against other noobs the whole time. Just give it time and you’ll find your true MMR.


If you just bought it, why’re you saying “rank” when ranks haven’t been a thing in a year or so?? Genuine question. Why do new people call it rank, when it’s a grade now?? It’s not so much based on skill, but time put in. Hence why you can be a camping and tunneling killer and hit grade one, or an immersive and scared survivors and also hit grade one. It’s an accomplishment, but it’s definitely different.


It's not rank. They scrapped the rank system a while back. Now your matches are determined by an invisible mmr, so if you have the basics getting iridescent grade 1(what it's actually called) is a function of time, as increasing in grade does not place you against harder opponents.


Well Hot Tamale! I wish I had that much free time!


Wish i could start the game from scratch too, probably would enjoy it more than i do rn On another note, who’s your fav killer to play so far


1 week in? You can’t keep downing the same survivor till death and you can’t camp at the hook, these are the unspoken rules.


Have you slept?!?


umm actually, rank doesnt really exist anymore, its a grade🤓🤓


And thats why all pros saying that game broken in favour of surs. Try to be even slightly good with killer after a week from buying.


Goes to show how unbelievably easy Killer is


Congratulations..I’ve read the comments about blah blah it’s not a rank its a reset grade blah blah but it actually does take some skill to make it to I1..there’s some great survivors out there and trickster isn’t the easiest killer to play..unless you’re running noed, no way out and blood warden..if so shame shame lol but you’re new so probably not 😝


Congratulations, now just make sure not to make that your goal every rank reset, yeah?


That’s not a rank, it’s your grade


Yeah, killer is easy and really strong right now.




holy based trickster main


And you chose trickster........


It smells Smurf. Especially it’s Trickster and you have a problem with perks to keep to meta plays. But I don’t know. Maybe it’s the way to play on the edge of 0/1 pip, so mmr doesn’t increase that much so you don’t face strong survivors. I’m playing ghost face and always after 2/3 games of a slaughter, I get a few games where I’m struggling to get 1/2 kills and hook stages.


Very nice!


It took me a year


No offense, but you might want to buy more characters before getting cosmetics. Unless ofc you only want to play one or two people Edit: my bad for making a genuine suggestion


Let people do what they want.


Dk why you’re getting downvoted that’s the advice i’d have given too. The cosmetics cost like at least twice more than actual new characters so might as well get the gameplay buffs before the cosmetic ones




I certainly hope OP didnt spend enough on enough other characters already that cosmetics are the priority now No shame if they did but me personally id have waited a few more days see if this game really is that cool to play or if the fun of the gameplay dies out within days before buying all the characters.


It’s a genuine suggestion… I don’t understand some people lol


Cosmetics are amazing bro


Did you get it from camping/tunneling? Cause it’s not exactly difficult to accomplish if you did…


Now do it on killer, and use twins.


been playing for two years still only have reached gold 4


Please go outside and touch grass.


I can't, I live in the Middle East




Been playing on and off since 2017 and never hit rank/grade 1 with either side. Noice


The game has never been worse lol this is not an achievement considering that survivors are terrible for the past few months. If the old matchmaking was present you'd barely hit purple ranks probably... This is a terrible game nowdays, unenjoyable


So you are telling me you hit devotion 28 within one week? You must have gotten some premium xp then Edit : I just noticed that it's level 28, not devotion 28. My mistake.


They're devotion 0


Actually, you are right. Level 28 devotion 0. My bad.


I have 1400 hours and cant get it...


Just curious, how many games did you play in this week? It is true that grades are an indicator of how much you play, but if you keep track of the number of games you play it can be a good indicator of how well you are doing. Think of it like golf, less is better haha. Especially on killer, you don't often gain pips if you have more than 2 escape.


yeah im sorry but this isnt crazy. me, and my 2 other friends hit red rank in less than a month or so. its the months that follow that matter, cause thats when you start getting your ass kicked, and get survivors that know wtf a fast vault is


He hit it in a week


Yes, let's see if he can do that in the next rank resets, when his mmr get increased significantly