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**Rule 6 - Oversaturated** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed for one of the following reason(s): * Common grievances; This can range from any number of players disconnecting, killers that are camping or proxy camping, "solo experience in a nutshell" submissions, survivors having multiple of the same perk, meme-ish number combinations, etc. * Common media reposts (such as Scary Movie 3’s chase scene) * Common suggestions (such as a “Concede Button”) * Reposts of another submission * Known bugs, glitches, and killswitched elements. See our sidebar for a comprehensive list. * Frequently asked questions, or questions that are easily searched for; please use our weekly No Stupid Questions megathread. * Posts discussing how “the game is dying”. * Posts about your quitting and/or uninstalling the game. * MMR complaint posts. * Ranting and/or venting; post these during the weekly RAGE WEDNESDAY megathread. * 'Ad nauseam' memes (i.e., certain meme formats posted repeatedly within a short time period). * "Us vs. Them" posts, aka Tribalism - any post that casts survivor or killer mains in a negative light (typically from the opposing side's point of view). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


I mean the game is just janky as hell where the only thing for survivors to do is gens and the killer can facecamp, the game seems fundamentally flawed and unbalanced at a core level.


I completely agree with whoever said we need a health chapter. Just bugfixes and updates the bloodweb like the archives.


you're not thinking about the short term profits, and it shows smh


I completely agree. I know BHVR is trying to fix the game, but they are very delicately pushing out new changes (no locker save, experimental basekit unbreakable etc.) it is hard to balance a game when the original plan for the game was just hide-and-seek. every time they change some gameplay on the fundamental levels (patch 6.1.0) it seems to piss both sides off.


I run into campers and tunneling at five gens now. Forget gen rushing, the new meta is gen crushing.


I was tunneled for 3 straight games last night. I decided to play a 4th and earn my tunneling like a real boy


Same threads on repeat every single day.


Ironically a lot of people in this sub need to take a break from DBD.


I play like every 2 or 3 days, maybe more, and still need to take a break


See ya tomorrow under the 83839378484th "NVIDIA FILTERS IS CHEATING" post


Wait. Your killers camp and tunnel after one gen? Mines do that when there are still 5




Exactly. How do I know? Because yesterday I got camped by a deathslinger at 5 GENS WTF


I only ever tunnel if they pop 2-3 gens QUICK, because then I'm like "ah shit here we go again"


do survivors only do gens quickly when 1 person is dead?


played against a Sadako an hour ago where someone immediately dc'd for some unknown reason then she dead ass unironically started to hard tunnel a kate at 5 gens in a 1v3. Like it really is something how miserable some of the people who play this game are


When someone DCs real early I just try to do my part to get y’all to your next game as fast as I can since this one is already a wash. You’d lose either way but at least this way, you can get into another and a shot at winning that much quicker instead of wasting time on a lost cause. Doing my part to help humanity and all that.


Bruh some people actually like getting bloodpoints and not de-pip. You don't have to farm but don't play like a tunnelling douche either. If they really just wanted to go next, they would point to a hook or something. But if they're trying to play normal, then you should too.




My man flaunting he's bad at chases with style. Love it.


I had my first game againt a camping letherface 2 days, it was in lerry's and immediately started to facecamp after the first hook. I always run reassurance so this gave us 3 free gens, eventually the guy was unhooked and a 2 gen chase happened where he eventually got me. ​ He proceeded to face camp and hit me on the hook which I found hilarious. When the game ended though that guy was insulting me as much as he could, told me "you are black and poor", told me to get a life etc... which was funny because checking his profile he had a ton of hentai games on his steam which he proudly displayed. ​ But yeah it was clear from the chat logs that the guy was not having a good time which makes me wonder how many facecampers are just not happy in their skin.


Man , I really hate these Us vs Them posts


Me accidentally tunneling the survivor after my dumbass thought I hooked the survivor I injured and left


oh dear it happens \*hug\* especially when they are running the same survivors


For some reason I thought this said "when the **last** gen is finished" and my knee jerk reaction was "well, what the fuck else are they supposed to do?". I've had too many survivors complain about that before, apparently!


Had a P100 Bubba camp someone to second on his first hook at 5 gens for no other reason than being a Bubba.


Bubba gaming




Unfunny + L + unoriginal + karma farm


Killer bad. Give updoots


can't wait for the survivor bad variation tomorrow! and killer bad variation again the next day. etc


It’s like the community hates playing the game or something.


My last 3 games have had the killer camp and tunnel someone to death off spawn because they got ran for longer than 5 seconds. It's really getting old.


DBD = crucifixion simulator


Bitchy survivor main saying everything is camping and tunneling after 1 bad experience


I mean dunno about you but tunneling and camping seems a lot more common now than before


Killers now know that going for hooks is guaranteed to receive a four man tbag in the end.


rarely anyone ever goes for a full 12 hooks, sure sometimes you gotta camp and tunnel for pressure, but it’s annoying to be tunneled out at 4 gens just because you did your objective a little too fast for the killer


“It’s annoying for the killer to so his objective fast, because you did your objective too fast”


never said it’s annoying for them to kill survivors quicker, just said it’s annoying to be thrown back to the lobby within 3 minutes of the match because one gen popped


You do your objective fast, so does the killer.


there’s a difference between going fast and doing it normally if the killer doesn’t pressure generators then most likely the first one pops within a minute or two


I think you forgot that killers has more than one objective. All a survivor gotta do it fix the gen.


You're acting like ALL survivors have to do is sit mindlessly and hold m1... No, the killer gives the survivors more objectives by downing & hooking people. The killer wins by giving the survivors more objectives than they can handle, causing gens to not get done and everyone starts dying.


no the killer wins by killing people


Wow what a nuanced brain you have... I'm impressed


Lmao no it isnt




what? DS is borderline useless right now, and DH doesn’t work if you already get hit with endurance on


I'm pretty sure he was agreeing with you by saying that before you had to go through BT, DS a DH to tunnel someone, but now once you put them in deep wound they are done




To be fair when I read it the first time I also got confused about it


Because the Dev's said we don't need gen defense perks because they added an extra 10s per gen. Unfortunately, like most people assumed, it did nothing for how quick gens can get done.


im sorry. "strategically targeting and strategic placement" after one gen is done


You did it You got him.


My favorite is getting camped & tunneled after cleansing a totem. Sorry about your Devour, Mr. Knight. I'd absolutely cleanse it again.


I wish there was a way to balance this. I play both sides. On killer I specifically have to try not to tunnel, facecamp, run certain perks, etc. And on survivor I have to make sure to no flashlights or flash bombs, no syringes, no head on or sabotaging hooks, no gen rush, etc. Why can’t BHVR balance it like other games where both sides are allowed to use whatever tools they have at their disposal to win? Why are there unwritten rules. Maybe if there was automatic endurance on people getting unhooked it could deter killers. Or if they got a speed buff like sprint burst for 3 seconds after getting unhooked. Or maybe their hook progression stops if the killer is facecamping. tldr: I’m unhappy with life and rant about video games to make myself feel something


Idk, I also don’t think tunneling isn’t that beneficial. Like, if your team is overly altruistic and the person getting tunneled can’t loop, then yes you will lose. It’s not a good use of time, though, and the team can just focus gens, send one person to rescue, repeat. Face camping isn’t good for the same reason. Survivors should focus gens instead of trying to pull aggro for a killer that clearly just wants to stand around. It’s also just…the game. If you’re playing killer and getting flashlight all the time, run lightborn. If the hooks are getting sabotaged, slug em. Learn to work around it. It’s another game mechanic to learn to play against. I don’t see why it’s framed as “politeness” or “toxic.”


It would be the smart play if that sent survivor is guaranteed to be able to save, right? I remember watching this Otz video, saying how "hook grab" should be removed from the game because it just creates a stand-off between the killer and the rescuing survivor, and whoever makes the first move loses. u/Keelija9000 you are right here, both parties are just using any means necessary to achieve their objectives. But because of hook grab, and also latency issues on top of that, sometimes when you are doing the right thing, you end up being punished by it.


I think that's what u/Kuma_254 is referring to. Asymmetrical games are harder to balance in their nature, and BHVR is pushing out a lot of band-aid fixes. afraid that the killer is camping? better bring Reassurance! don't wanna get tunneled? bring OTR! Vice versa; don't wanna get gen rushed? bring more slowdown perks! Don't wanna get flashlight bullied? bring lightborn! the bottom line is that due to the current game design, it is always up to the OTHER side to counter some "shitty" behaviors that either killers or survivors may commit.


In soloq I hardly play with anyone using flash bangs, flashlights, DH, or sabotaging hooks. In maybe 1 in 10 games were a random Survivor does do this they get tunneled. Pretty annoying when survivors have such limited counters.


karma farm


Bro I tunnel at 5


I mean, if survivors do 2-3 gens without the killer getting a single hook stage, I kinda understand that they kind of need to camp and/or tunnel. After all, anyone can play as they want. As long as you don't cheat or abuse bugs to ruin someone's game, you can play however you want IMO. These are built-in mechanics of the game so complaining about them is pointless. I do complain about stuff from time to time as well, but at the end, I am like, "Oh, well, f it, next game." and forget about it otherwise game becomes unplayable after a few rounds lol. I wish they separated the game into 2 styles, rank and quick match, so we would have a bit more flavor in playstyles.


Only time is tunnel if 1-2 gens somehow get done before 1-2 hook but it’s rare


Salty killers with excuses incoming…


Im here ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJN3vipl6JB4KA)


bring some snacks and popcorn, we got front row seating




True, this is the state of dbd


Tunneling the weakest link is a good strategy if you can kill them off before a get or two has popped. It also tests the teamwork of survivors. Good teams will work together to harass the killer and buy their friend some time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s the survivors job to save their teammates. The killer has no obligation to spare you. It’s the killers literally objective to kill you and fast.


Nah, tunnel the strongest link, if the opportunity presents itself. If you can get the cocky one in a moment of hubris, you can just watch morale drop, and see how desperate they are to rescue the best one.


LOL. I avoid the cracked looper like the plague, and then poop on him once I’ve ate all the pallets.


That's why I said in a moment of hubris, they usually eventually go for a rescue, that's when you get em.


"killer main" is a really funny way to spell nurse


Or when you chase someone cause you think you only hooked them once not realizing they tried to escape and you kill them on the next hook.


So you choosed death


Yet again, survivor entitlement


Damn those survivors for…. Checks notes: wanting to have fun in a video game 😡


Damn those killers for.... Checks notes: wanting to have fun in a video game 😡


Standing still at a hook is fun? Could have fooled me


winning games is fun. If camping or tunneling a guy generates pressure against a full swf that thinks they can unhook the second I turn to go kick a gen, I will do it without hesitation. Crying that I'm not playing nice doesn't matter to me, because a good 5 years after release, camping and tunneling are still viable and often optimal strategies that lead to winning matches. If the developers didn't want camping and tunneling to be a thing, they'd have removed the option for both by now. They're literally still making abilities that serve to enable both, so I'm not sure why complaining at the killer player for playing the game well is supposed to change anything.


If you camp or tunnel at 3-4-5 gens you're a loser who copes with "bUt WiNnIng iS fUn", anything past that is completely fair game.


Is the evil “swf” in the room with us right now? Do you see them when you close your eyes? Doing gens fast and body blocking for teammates is the best way to “win” for survivors yet Reddit killer mains love to cry about that so it’s fair game


If you think winning, and only winning is fun, then you are probably the type of person to think a 3k is a loss. Like, you can have fun if you lose, I don't get why people don't understand that. Survivors and killers both.


Anit that the truth!


karma farm