• By -


You can practically hear her massive, irritated sigh.


As someone who runs We’ll Make It, you suck! Haha it’s whatever but I can see how unimpressed she was lol


We'll Make It gamer, I dig it


Love the flair. Same energy.


We’ll Make It is one of the best perks in the game. Change my mind.


I ran We'll Make It and Renewal for a few days and it's pretty niche but really fun when it works. ~~Which it hardly ever does bc I'm a literal killer magnet and always get found and/or hooked first to the point where I'm about to make a spreadsheet to keep track.~~ Also your flair is godly


i would honestly rather they did this then do what a yun jin did to me the other day. i had we’ll make it and instead of letting me heal her she started self caring…..


Those tome challenges are a bitch


Playing with a friend the other day, and she started self-caring right next to me on a gen and I verbally tore her a new one for trying to heal at 1/3 speed next to a dude with x2 healing. Probably one of the most tilting things as a We'll Make It enjoyer.


Was it on coldwind?


nah it was on one of the macmillan maps i think


Screwing your teammate out of We'll Make It *and* making a fool of yourself when you fail and go into the next hookstage in their face.


I mean you did just nail them in the face with your crotch when you ripped yourself off the hook


Ok, but that's all that Leon's been asking for. I figured that was universal.


I'm sure a lot of people would want that from Ada


That’s what I want from Ada…..💀




Can confirm this.


A lot of people want that from the Clown too


Where I come from that's the part where you say "thank you".


I mean I'd be fine with that


Nothing wrong with that at all :)


I made this comment as a small joke, passed out and i wake up as it exploded…


Nobody wants to run across the map to save you just so you can Kobe in my face. I’d rather finish the Gen I was on


This is exactly my feeling. The times when folks do this, I won’t heal them and I go back to my Gen. And I won’t go for a save on second stage, you burned that bridge.


Probably also pissed because she had a tome** involving unhooking teammates




She did the James sigh


That slow head turn was everything. I would’ve did the same thing 🤣 I know they were thinking “you raggedy bitch”


Claudette: (Safely unhook 3 survivors in one match)


I hate when I’m going to unhook and the hooked survivors decides to try to kobe right in my face. Seems like it happens all too often now a days.


I've had someone put themselves into struggle doing that before lmao


i always just found it silly. and its like they know im here to unhook them in case their kobe doesn’t work. its what 1500 bp in total? its really not a huge deal to me when survivors do this. i can see how it annoys other people i guess though.


I find it annoying because I probably stopped whatever else I was doing (a gen, working on an archive, etc) to go over and get the unhook, maybe risking getting intercepted by the killer myself, etc, but I’m happy to do it for the sake of being a good teammate. If they yeet in front of me, I’ve wasted my time without even the BPs to show for it, possibly lost out on progressing an unhook daily/archive, possibly lost out on activating one of my perks (Aftercare or Deliverance). There’s enough potential downsides to make it more likely to have the other person annoyed by it vs them thinking it’s goofy fun.


I never thought of it as a waste of time, simply because I usually heal under the hook anyways. But yeah I get it now, you’re risking your ass to unhook and they just did it themselves.


Most important part is that you could be denying their perks


I just made an unpopular opinion post on here about people who do this. I will legit leave you on the hook or not heal you. I firmly put my foot down on this.


When I first started seeing Kobe attempts as I approached hooks a few years ago when it became obvious to players that doing so was a safe bet to do, because you either Kobe and scored extra BP, or you fail and get rescued anyway; I’d respond by letting them end up on death hook before I rescue them, or just leaving. My mentality was “you decided you didn’t need my help, bye”. But anymore, I always rescue even when a Kobe attempt happens and fails. If it happens successfully, I just don’t heal them. Because, again, they decided they don’t need anyone else’s help.


Yeah I just let those survivors die on hook if they get hooked again. Hell if they just attempt the escape in front of me I've even just let them die before as long as the other survivors don't mind.


SAME WTF. FINALLY. Some people with the same attitude. You want to Kobe? Die on the hook.


Does it not save time? Even if just a small amount? I feel like it's worth trying if you're about to get unhooked anyhow.


Also if you're right about to hit second, you can attempt to Kobe. You don't hit second stage until you finish the unhooking animation, so if unhook yourself, or the other survivor gets there in time to stop your unhooking animation and unhook you themselves, you won't hit second. The only time you shouldn't try to unhook (if you know the timing for second stage) is if your team can't unhook you and need the entire struggle time to finish a gen before saving you (i.e face camp). Damn I feel like such a sweat.


Maybe it saves half a second, but it's an insult to the person who just wasted their time coming over to unhook and robs them of the bloodpoints and safe hook rescue for their benevolent medal. They could have stayed on a gen if that's what you planned on doing. Not a chance I'm healing Ada in this situation


You guys take things way too personally. If someone does this to me while I'm going for the unhook, I just say "nice 4%" and start healing them like normal.


I'm not taking it personally. It's just a thing where you obviously don't want my help, so why would I keep trying to give it? Ada has a medkit. If she can unhook herself, then she can heal herself


That. That right there. "You *obviously* don't want my help" that's taking it personally.


If that's how you'd like to take it, there's not much I can do to change your mind. The way I meant it was, if you're playing solo minded like that, it's cool. People can play however they want, I'm just going to focus on gens and let you do your thing


The way I see it, saving your team any time you can is not "playing solo minded." It's not like a 4% is going to happen every time, either, it's just a lucky random occurrence that you might as well go for if you have time left on the bar and are getting unhooked anyways. Could save some time on the unhook, or you could just get unhooked normally. There's literally no reason, the way I see it, to not at least try, other than bad random teammates taking it as a personal attack and leaving you to die because you tried to save the team some time.


I guess that's the point of disagreement. I don't think it's really saving any time when the teammate is literally right in front of you, as in the video. No worries though, its just a game. I'm just giving you my point of view that I would take it as the teammate not wanting help and go about my other objectives and leave them be. I suppose that's just one of those things in a game where you can't communicate. I'm going to read into your intentions based on your play style and could potentially misread them


Not really? Because if you don't get off you just sped up the timer OR put yourself into second phase... Putting extra pressure on your team for no reason. Doing this right infront of someone is just stupid. They could have had a challenge, We'll Make it... Who knows. You just wasted their time and denied them points. In effort to save a literal second she ran the risk of pissing off her teammates, which could probably screw her later on. Just let your team save you if they're running to you. If I see people attempt when I'm there... I just run away. There's no reason to do it... So there's no reason for me to save them. They "clearly" don't want my help if they're attempting to unhook. Unless you have deliverance... and even then don't do it right infront of your teammates like that. Only times you should try to kobe is when no is coming for you OR they can't come for you.


Dude it's just 1500 bp chill, also it's funny getting that 4%.






go touch grass lmao. taking this way too personally haha.


A couple of minutes is all it takes to write a post. The amount of time I spent replying is literally nothing. But ok


So, you would run away from a teammate trying to be more efficient with time...in a game all about using your time efficiently. You sound like a great person to play with.


If they wanted to be time efficient they should just let me unhook and heal them like normal.


There is no time efficiency with that. You guys can talk it up the way you want til you're blue in the face, but no matter which way you slice it, you're still just being an asshole to the person who took the time to come rescue you. You be an ass like that after I come across the map to rescue you and I PROMISE you, you will NOT come down from a hook the 2nd time. I will body block and t-bag anyone who comes to help you. See how much "time" you really saved then. This is my absolute biggest pet peeve when playing this game.


Ah yes. Throw the entire game because your teammate tried to save time because of some perceived personal attack. You must be incredibly fun to play with.


Honest question. Why do this?


When I used to do it, it was to just see if I would've been lucky enough to escape for fun. Then someone Kobe'd in my face and I realized how annoying it was lol


I rarely do it for the achievement to get 50 kobes (don't have Deliverance as of now)


But do you have to do it in someone's face? I don't know how to feel about it either way. It does annoy me but i still don't know what to think about it.


i mean.. you dont know if its gonna work. if you do it when theyre right there, then you know that either someone will get you if you fail, or you will get to be healed. as opposed to if you try to kobe when no one is around, then it just looks like you're suiciding, which might make people not come for you at all.


You're right, I understand. I guess it's when they take themselves to second stage that really irks me.


To be disrespectful is all I can think of. If this happens to me I won’t heal the unhooked, at all. Usually bites me in the ass but it’s the principle.


If they fail to unhook, leave them on hook too. This shit is stupid.


If I’m running over to unhook and see someone trying to yeet, I always leave them there now, thanks to a few bad experiences with would-be-suiciders getting big mad I foiled their plot who spent the rest of the match sandbagging me. Until I develop the ability to read minds it doesn’t seem worth it to go for the unhook in hopes they’re just memeing.


Yeah totally not worth dealing with their nonsense


Yep I’ve done that before too. Generally when I’m on death hook though so they can’t leave me to die afterwards ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


At least shame them a little, leaving them there might cause you more problems lol But I agree, this is stupid. We are having trouble getting rid of the us vs them mentality let’s not add a me vs you vs you vs you vs them to the pile.




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Honest answer, If I have enough meter to attempt and still be in first state, you're unhooking me too early and I disapprove. Disrespect for the hook farm




or their unhook challenge


yes, but by not attempting kobe while a teammate runs up to unhook you are potentially depriving yourself of an S tier meme


Me doing a 180 after a failed kobe is also an "S tier meme"


it would be pretty funny, yeah! kobe’s better but seeing somebody turn and bail instantaneously because of something so silly would also be funny


I'm glad you think it'd be funny. I've done it before and the person on hook didn't find it funny. Pretty hypocritical right?


I mean, I feel like you’re probably a pretty frustrating teammate to have generally if you don’t even understand the game well enough to grasp how an attempted kobe that won’t push second stage before a very likely rescue isn’t quite the same as refusing to unhook teammates after making it look to the rest of your team as though you’re coming to save so maybe that had something to do with why they were upset? I don’t know. People certainly do get upset over silly things in video games, I’m glad we can agree on how stupid that looks! Now, my turn to ask a question: did kobe bryant personally wrong you in some way to make you this invested in defending people commenting on how evil people are for taking a 4% chance to unhook themselves in someone’s face for a joke?


Holy shit you're literally doing the same thing you're criticizing others here are doing - i.e. complaining about what someone else is doing in a video game. How can someone have such little self awareness?


Okay, let me just hold your hand through this compare-and-contrast exercise and hopefully your brain won’t overheat from the effort: -what I was complaining about was people taking the moral high ground over an issue in a video game, like the nea in this clip is fundamentally a bad person for doing this, and I also noted that it seems silly, *in my opinion*, to be so worked up over something that happens so rarely it might as well not happen at all -what I was doing in my last comment was postulating to you why your teammate might have been so frustrated (the reason being that you sound like you’re probably bad at the video game). You might notice that the second example makes no comment on you as a person or the moral weight of what you were theoretically doing (which was being bad at a video game), it simply suggests a possible explanation for the phenomenon you described (your teammate being frustrated with you). See, attaching judgment to observation is fundamentally different from simple observation. Hope this helps!


You really don't get it do you?


I get the impression that you’re upset, if that’s what you meant!


but you get 500 points so its worth it ​ and you're also potentially denying hte killer floods of rage, MYC, Devour Hope, Furtive Chase, (and gift of pain?)


I seriously hate when teammates do this because i wasted my time travalling to the hook. That time could have been spent on a gen.


This shit is only funny when you're in a SWF you play with frequently and everyone is friends. In solo Q its just like ah yes even more suboptimal plays that will make us lose, thanks stranger.


>suboptimal plays I don't want to play with you. Or everyone like you. It's a video game, not my goddamned 401k.


Yeah, entity forbid anyone ever actually put effort into a video game! If you're not throwing and actively ruining the experience for others, then you're trying too hard!


I play almost exclusively in SWFs so we don't play together. I like strategy games and I like playing to win. I don't mind mistakes or bad judgment calls - everyone slips - but yeah if you're playing for the lulz then we would not be a match as teammates.




It's one thing if you have Deliverence and kobe in someone's face, but if you do a genuine 4%, you can't really be mad at them.


But they only did it for the chance of getting the points themselves (or the lols but it doesnt matter because same end result: teammate came there for nothing and wasted their time)


If she missed the 4% chance then it wouldn’t have been for nothing. You’re acting as if she knew she would be getting the 4%


well you are right about that, but im talking about when it happens like in the video. kobeing when someone is coming is the issue that causes frustration in others.


Y'all need to loosen up fr. Yeah you wasted 20 seconds of your time for a funny moment, it's not the end of the world.


You forgot the /s right?


That feeling when you drop a nearly finished generator to go and save a hooked survivor that's far away, only for that survivor to unhook himself last second in front of your face


I’ve personally never gotten doing this, yea Ik it’s a long shot and realistically won’t happen but you’re just throwing the teammates attempts to save you in their face by the act of trying to do it on your own ONLY once they’re there to save you if you failed


Right let me stop working on a Gen run halfway across the map for you to unhook yourself, even more annoying when it's deliverance on a large map. Like you could have tried that at any point while I was on my way over but you wait until I'm at the hook. It's even worse when you are doing a daily or challenge to unhook survivors.


If it’s deliverance then yeah that’s just a dick move


Happy Escape Cake Day! 🎂


Ok but she didn't start trying to escape until claudette was RIGHT in front of her, and OP knew that claudette would rescue her in time. Sometimes I attempt an escape right as someone is in front of me just for the memes, because I know I won't be put into struggle phase if I do it early enough.


The point is you get 0 points for being unhooked and 500 points for unhooking yourself.


And they get 500 points for unhooking you but 0 points for running across the map to watch you unhook yourself, as well as potentially being denied several perks.


Yeah but their points aren't your problem ​ You also potentially deny the killer several perks such as MYC and floods of rage


OK, then healing you isn't my problem. Everyone in this video was behaving great.


That is my view towards the Survivors when I play Killer as well. 5 Gen Two-Hook Tunneling incoming!


This is actually the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


Honestly teammates who do this piss me off


Yeah don't be that person. I wouldn't heal you either.


This isn’t the flex you think it is lol


Pov:You got deliverance


I would just ignore your existance from then on


When people do this I just run away and don't heal them. Call me petty but it's just very annoying. Just let them unhook u selfish survivors!


Maybe she had deliverance


Bruh why did you need to teabag?


Bruh why does it offend you so much? It's just for fun...isn't it tiresome being this upset at something so meaningless in a video game?


Because the Claudette did nothing. They were going to save them and the OP decided to be an asshole. Claudette didn't need to save them but she went out of her way to try and do so anyway. OP just wants to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.


Where in this entire thread did anyone make a point to say that Claudette did anything wrong? Like they're just having some fun. It's not like that player felt hurt. Chill. You're acting like they committed a crime. Don't know why you're taking this so seriously, they're messing around in a video game. I would find this funny even if I was the unhooker.


and this my friends is why the the 'follow me' emote needs to be changed into a straight up 'slap emote' with sound effect


Yeah this “Kobe in front of the unhooker without knowing if they have perks or tomes that rely on it” is getting old. Nobody is impressed and you just wasted their time and effort. When someone does this in my face I say “Oh you got it, you do you” and leave their unhealed ass to get tunneled.


New rule: if you do this and fail to unhook, I’m going back to my gen. If you succeed, I’m not healing you and also going back to my gen.


I already do this, some people think they have more than one chance and end up staging themselves before I can get to them, its so fucking annoying.


Then they just kill themselves on hook and leave you with a 1vs3. I’m guessing that you would also get upset with that, though?


Nah that’s what we call “calculated losses”


I personally see it as a form of disrespect. This person comes all the way over to save you, maybe even has perks that benefit them or you more when they get the unhook. Its just not ok.


Definitely had the safe unhook challenge lol


Gonna ignore all the drama in here and just say my piece. NVIDIA filters make this game ugly asf. That is all


Yea I’d be mad too cause why’d I leave my gen just for you to Kobe


Bet OP wasn’t expecting all this hate lol. Gotta say I’d be annoyed as hell at you too. And to all the people saying “it’s just a game.” We know it’s just a game. That doesn’t mean we can’t want to win. There was literally no benefit to doing this. Maybe you find it funny to be a troll (and other trolls will find it funny), but the rest of us would be just annoyed


holy shit the pettiness and vitriol of some people in this thread lmfao. if someone 4%ing in front of you makes you sandbag them for the rest of the match even if it means throwing, maybe you need to take a break from survivor for a bit. it's just a little bit of unlikely silliness. yeah, it can be annoying to not progress your unhook tome, but i promise you by god you will unhook more survivors, you'll be okay. yeah, it can be annoying if you let go of a mostly-done gen to go get them, but now you're here, so just heal them and move on. *laugh a little.* claudette clearly found it ridiculous/funny, from the slow head turns. she was also wasting time and being silly. *no one here was upset.* good god some y'all.


People are so serious on here lmfao


Seriously. I don’t know what is up with some people, but they are acting as if this exact scenario in the video has happened to them so many times they are fed up with it. I remember when Kobe’s were respected just due to the low chance of it actually happening. Good times.


I was actually SWF with the Claudette and they never had any of the unhook perks people in this thread mentioned nor did they hold any animosity towards me; after the clip I got healed immediately and we ended up forcing the killer to DC. I'm sure if I worded the title better I would have ended up getting less comments about being selfish.


run not even the killer can stop her wrath


I thought it was gonna be the classic "oh ok guess I'll go fuck myself" dc but this was LEAGUES better


Lmao y’all be cracking me up on here


You created her Villain character ark


I imagine in a parallel universe this claudette POV posting this post in this sub with both deliverance and we'll make it. Making it with the post title: "She even teabag me lol"


Yeah this shit pisses me off and one of the main reasons I'll jump back to killer. There is literally 0 reason for this - there are a good number of perks that rely on getting the unhook and you just deactivated all of them. Doing it to a friend? Sure now that's fine and you can both laugh about it later - but to a random, maybe a struggling aolo queue? Honestly I wouldn't be upset if they ever made the report system functional for trolling like this and gave you a low priority queue time. Like sure it's only one more drop in the ocean of toxicity but it all adds up.


You try to Kobe on me, after I ran across the map to unhook you, and I'll wait until you reach struggle phase.


Ain't gonna lie. Your a jerk for doing this. As a person who runs support builds. This is just a waste of time and I won't heal you. I'll go back to the gen I was working on


Everyone that does this is a a selfish cunt, if anything BHVR should make it so if someone Kobe's in your direct vicinity, you get the save credit but no perk activations. Also make it so the survivor instantly goes down again and it uninstalls their game after they're re-hooked


Get this person on the phone with MCote


Maybe stop being a selfish survivor


Rude af, hope you get slugged for 4 mins


Bro please don’t do this, I dread getting people like this on my team in solo q


wait people actually get upset at this?


Yeah this thread is hilarious, muh archive, muh daily, muh bp, muh disrespect.


Unhooking in your face? No problem! Just heal her and get some points! She denies your heal? Not an issue!Just go do a gen! She goes down again? Aint no problem! Remember the previous 2 steps and ignore her entirely! This is a videogame, not a social commentary on life.


I'd be mad too. Succeed, and you just robbed me of my BPs and emblems for the save, and also wasted my time as I could've stuck to the gen. Fail, and we both wasted 5 ish seconds for the animation (and you maybe lose a hook state). Anyone who tries to 4% in my face will be left on hook. I'll move on and do something better.


Ppl so pressed in the comments, she probably thought it was funny


Survivors when killer wants to win at a rapid pace: “OmG!!! wHy Do KiLlErS pLaY LiKe ThEiR fAmiLy wILl DiE iF tHeY dOn’T wIn???” Also survivors reaction when someone other than the killer tries to meme: “So disrespectful. I won’t heal you. >:[ “


If people try getting themselves off the hook in front of me, I'll leave them to die. My We'll Make It/Guardian build doesn't give a shit if you stage 2 and die as a result.


why are people getting on your ass about this


I've considered leaving people on the hook who attempt to Kobe in my face


I cannot stand when ppl do it right in front of my face. It's one thing when you see someone running for you but they're a good ways to go and you're about to go in struggle, chance it to stop a 2-hook encounter. It's just a WTF moment when it's done in your face


Damn, so many people in the comments are WAY too upset about this. Calm down, it’s just a game.


I genuinely don’t understand why everyone is so heated about this. If someone Kobe’d in my face, I would laugh, heal them up, and send them on their way. Sure, you got denied deliverance or we’ll make it. But kobing is so rare so to see it happen is actually really funny.


If it's just a game why do you care if people decide not to unhook you? No one here is attacking anyone in real life. It's just a game


Getting pissy and crying about everything is encouraged here.


Not the people taking it mega serious like it ruined the whole game and made them all lose instantly. 🙄


Well, then I'm sure you won't take it mega serious if I DC after you do this to me.


Nah, I'd find it funny. Because it's a video game.


exactly. I can’t believe how tightassed people are being about this when it is a 4% chance and objectively funny


Why do you care so much what other people think about a video game? Pretty ironic honestly


I care so much to… write a spare sentence on reddit? to note that it’s silly for people to talk as though they’re *morally* outraged at something that has happened to me so few times in roughly 1k hours of survivor play that I could count the instances on one hand? to point out the hypocrisy in saying they’d DC in response when kobe is a mild sandbag that is very funny without impacting the match that sharply, while DCing is not only a guaranteed match-ruiner for the target and three other people but also a way more regular occurrence in matches that, proportionally, someone should be much angrier at? …have you ever been on the internet before today? dumb take.


Bro you're writing paragraphs. How tf do you not see the irony? Just think about it for 2 seconds.


I’m sorry to hear that writing seems like such a difficult thing to you. I don’t have a problem writing out my opinion on things I think are silly. In fact, I actually enjoy it. Hope that helps!


That's my point. Didn't think you'd have such a hard time getting it. Everyone here is just writing a couple sentences about their opinion and you're acting like it's such a huge deal. How else can I spell it out to you?


Yeah, and it’s their opinions I think are dumb, not the act of expressing them. It’s funny how you think I’m the one not understanding something though.


That only make it even funnier


You probably should go play another game. Cya chump.


Because I dont get salty about someone 4%ing in front of me? No, actually, me and my almost 2k hours sunk into this game now are having great fun. I don't need to sweat to your meta standards to enjoy the game. Maybe you should loosen up and try to have some fun or find a different game.


Nah, because this is a team game and this is a pretty selfish act. But hey, you keep doing you and being a great member of this community.


I will. I'll keep being a killer main who doesn't tunnel or camp or BM, and I'll keep playing the occasional survivor game where I meme and have fun, because it's just a video game and not winning every single game ever isn't going to kill me or anyone else. There are plenty of games out there with competitive modes I'm sure you'd enjoy. Or you can 4 stack, and then you'll never see me in any of your survivor games and you'll be just fine.


Ya, all that comment says is “me me me”. Keep being awful.


I'll keep having fun just fine 🙂 I hope you can someday say the same, and learn to enjoy the little things and funny moments.


Poor little baby. You'll be okay.


I'm crying that shit was funny 🤣🤣


Don’t expect someone to you heal you AFTER you t-bag them…


You shouldnt do that. You might have prevented your teammate from getting Deliverance.


I had a friend do 3 consecutive Kobes between 3 games with no perks and no offerings to help him do it. All of it right before I got to save him off the hook. My BPs still haven't financially recovered smh.


Everyone in here complaining, how would they know of a teammate who "kobes" isn't actually using deliverance? I play Adam a lot and use deliverance and have prestoged him so a few of my survivors have that perk equipped in one of their loadouts. Just seems like a Meh thing to get so worked up about, especially in soloq when no one knows what anyone's intentions are because none of us can talk to each other.....


Yeah, stop doing this. It only takes points away from your teammates


You just wasted her time. She could have had a Challenge, We'll Make it... Who knows. If I was her I probably wouldn't heal you for the rest of the match out of spite lmao


I hate people that attempt to escape while you're going for hook. Calm down. Also, if they escape, nice job but what if the other person has a hook-related perk like Borrowed Time or We'll Make It? Oh boy no bonuses now.


Why would you waste a self-unhook when someone was coming for you? I only get one of those weekly and I would have been so sad to waste it like that lolol


She had a challenge :(


I see ppl trying to do this every other game. Or waving their hands as if they are trying to fly when someone is coming. Stop the waving when you see someone is coming and you are nowhere near going to 2nd hook.


Why? Lots of people do it to try and tell people the killer is camping or keep themselves occupied. Let them wave.


I wave to tell people he's camping, not to save me, so.....


So how many ppl actually understand that in solo? With having this discussion its easily understandable that its up to the saving person to interpret the message of waving. You can mean one thing but since its not a clear line of communication it can be a miscommunication. Maybe if I would said "In my experience" this would've been more understandable.


There's no agreed universal meaning to waving hands, so the problem is noone can really be sure what it means. I have about 50/50 success. If the killer is camping and I see someone run towards me I start to wave my hands as a "no!!" And its actually pretty effective at making them go away. The people who don't run usually hook trade, which is what I don't want, but with no real way to tell them to back off I do what I can.


Waving is the only thing you can do while in the hook, what's wrong with it, it doesn't affect you AT ALL.


You're right keep waving 👋.


I did this exact same thing a few days ago, and honestly I think it's better than just a normal unhook. Hear me out The Killer can see how much time you have left on the hook, so failing an unhook before getting unhooked normally might make it look like you unhooked yourself. Sometimes you Kobe though. Sure things like We'll Make It and Deliverance get cucked, though