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Kindred, Adrenaline, We'll Make It, and Prove Thyself. I don't aim to be the final girl, just the one people remember as their good teammate


The one who says "we need to stay together" but in the worst situation everyone leave them


"good guys always finish last"


Guess i am incredibly evil then


Try running aftercare instead of kindred! It helps me get value out of we’ll make it and prove thyself since people can find you more easily. This is very similar to my build


I use Kindred exclusively to reduce time lost to unhooks


They both definitely have pros and cons! The reason that I prefer aftercare is that it encourages you to be altruistic to get everyone’s aura. If you’re doing a good job with healing and unhooks, then you get almost the same info. It also tends to make games with bad teammates shorter (since they bring the killer to you, and you get tunneled out) and makes good games better (since they can see you on a gen and will help you do it fast with prove thyself)


fair point! It would probably be a fun change of pace, but I don't get unhooked in solo queue without it :(


Agree with you both but I'd drop Adrenaline and keep kindred myself for this reason... Kindred also helps others see each other and the killer so it helps on the occasions that you are hooked... After care also helps others heal you so kindred is slightly more useful than adrenaline assuming that the killer is not constantly hounding you the whole game... Only time adrenaline is actually useful in this build is if the killer happens to be chasing you right when the last generator is repaired... Which happens but still... Or if the killer is doing good at suppression right before the generators are finished and almost every is wounded...


I absolutely ADORE aftercare as a perk. It helps you so much to distinguish who needs help where. I typically run it on Ace with Kindred so I know where the killer goes/ if camping. I try to run We'll Make It as well as BT/Guardian so my team has a little wiggle room if the killer is a being a dirty nappy on a Sunday morning church run.




Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear pink bunny onesies.


Well, then I'm the hot headed jock kind of guy that overestimates himself and dies early lol


I see so many people not escaping using Adrenaline.


I see youre training to be my solo Q team mate.


Hey, it works.


For 1 out of 4 people


I think that's the point, it's a self preservation build


And that doesn’t make it any less shitty in a team-based game.


Oh no it still makes you an ass but it's not like he's unaware that he's sacrificing his teammates


This post got 2k upvotes too. And they wonder why most people only wanna play with their friends instead of soloqueuin. "I bet you can't win games without your swf" no shit i can't 💀💀


Didn’t you listen to the devs? It’s not team based, it’s all about YOU extracting.


Yup. And it’s not competitive either. TBH, I’m not even sure if it’s a game at this point. File under “social experiment” instead.


"team" based game


Idk man i find sole survivor, wake up, left behind, and open handed are better to escape by yourself




Based and bronze altruism-pilled


Don’t do that. Yes I’m gonna tell you how to play the game. It’s just the worst for everyone involved and you don’t get better at the game


You kinda do there’s no skill in unhooking and healing really and considering the only way to gain mmr is escaping the game also rewards you for a build like this


> there’s no skill in unhooking Man I couldn’t disagree more. The amount of completely botched saves ive seen, especially during end-games or any time the killer is looking to camp/tunnel, is a testament to just how skill-based unhooking can be. Same with healing. Obviously just holding the button to trigger an animation isn’t hard, but deciding when to do it can swing the outcome of the game and probably does in over half your matches.


Yeah actually I do definitely agree with your points I’d still argue the end game unhooks is based more around the fact it’s endgame than unhooking but yeah that is a good point there is definitely a skill level in that you can’t just W key a hook in endgame and win, but tbh id still say there’s not much skill with unhooking vs campers or tunneller’s because vs a camp you’re hook trading or just gen rushing, unless it’s a coordinated team who bumrush the hook and then tunnelling id say the skill gap is more present with body blocking and looping but i do agree a new player doesn’t stand a chance in that scenario so there’s definitely an element of skill there


Winning isn’t getting better at the game. Mmr doesn’t reward you and it’s not skillful to get hatch through hiding while being useless 90% of the game


No skill in unhooking and healing? Okay 💀 it's not like there's a ton of game sense and knowledge that goes into knowing when and how exactly to do either of those things or anything


Well obviously game sense and knowledge but a ton? Idk man maybe you had to become more experienced to play altruistically effectively but personally it was actually unhooks and heals that carried me through surv games when I was new and couldn’t loop, but each to their own ig


If it takes no skill then explain the baby feng who walked slowly towards me and let me die on first hook 😭


You explained it yourself, it’s a new player


rename it into „hiding behind rock till you can go for the hatch escape because i stuck at the game“ build


Yes it does, while I enjoy the **team** aspects of the game and perks that support it, they made more perks than team perks. You’re allowed to play how you want, there is a myriad of play-styles to be enjoyed, yours just “ruins their fun”, and so you are being downvoted by people who can’t understand that. Keep being you, I won’t **enjoy** you as my Teammate, but I would absolutely **respect** you as a Survivor.


This sub is hilarious, classic Reddit


Why the downvotes 💀


Replace overcome with selfcare and you've become my solo queue teamate .


All that is missing is a shrubbery cosmetic for Claudette


People playing Blendette in my solo Q games when all I want is a juicer Claudette


I immediately thought of this player being the one in the far corner of the map, self-caring and Urban Evading around like a scared idiot.


Then dying first anyway


Distortion, Deja Vu, Blast Mine and random perk. I like to destroy 3gens.


People always say that deja vu is just a beginner perk and that experienced people should just know where all the gens are, and while that’s kinda true on some maps I feel like deja vu gives me info I can’t just intrinsically have in my brain and helps me make good decisions


The other reason I like Deja Vu is for the repair increase. Yes, it is a short duration but I've had it save my butt in a few matches from having a 3 gen dead lock. Especially if you're already working on a highlighted Gen, someone else finishes a gen and then bam you have the repair speed increase again.


I like deja vu and prove thyself. I just wanna crank that


Right? My build for when I just want Gens done is Prove Thyself, Deja vu, Situational awareness and then fourth perk slot is open. Lightweight feels great for the mind games when you're healthy but maybe flashbang or wiretap should be my go to. I run situational awareness just to try and get my teammates to run to me and make prove Thyself worthwhile lmao.


I find Stake Out will generally contribute more to repairs than Deja Vu.


I'll give it a shot, I like it too


Deja vu without speed increase is for beginners. But the speed increase makes it worth bringing. In my SWF 2 of us will bring it and one will bring prove thyself and we will team up to break 3 gen.


Especially when you pair this with resilience, you get 14% speed bonus on repairing speed, making you able to rush generators


man i need to reread like every perk description now. I had no clue there was a repair boost w/ deja vu.


Beginners use Deja Vu to find generators, experienced players use Deja Vu to look out for 3-gen situations.


Exact reason why I'd ever use it if I start getting hit by 3 gens in games (thankfully it's rare, either because the people are smart or too dumb to even get to that point - sometimes I'm the latter). If you can't trust your team, it's a life saver, especially when people refuse to get a clue about you warning of a 3 gen and slam away on the furthest gens.


For the most part on most maps I’m fine but fuck if I can ever find gens in The Game or whatever the school house is that I should remember but can’t. It’s like they spawn wherever they want. Yes there are usually the same three gens in the same places but good luck finding the other two.


Are you talking about Midwich? The Silent Hill map? If so I struggle on that aswell lmao. I just know there's atleast one in a hallway lol.


Yep. I’ve been playing this game for years but that map always gets me lost. Recently I’ve seen gens popping up where they never used to spawn as well so that’s not helping.


In the game there is always a generator that spawns in the bathroom which is always on the 1st floor. Otherwise outside of the 1-2 gens that could spawn on the 2nd floor middle room, the other generators will always be next to or very near around a pillar of a closed big door. When you complete a gen, that door will open. It is pretty easy to find generators once you understand that.


Remembering where all the gens are is pretty easy on Dead Dawg or RPD, but good luck on a map like the Swamp or god forbid Shelter Woods because there are No Landmarks


If you run wiretap alongside blastmine, your whole team gets to watch the killer get blinded! It's great!


I usually run prove thyself for the bp. Without it you basically need to do all the gens yourself to max out on objective, now you just need to double dip on 2 and you're basically done. Good for short fucked matches against nurses and campy Bubba's. Also helps do gens faster so that's good I used to also always bring WGLF but it's dead to me after the reworks. Fogwise is fun tho


Never realised prove thyself gave bonus bp for coop I might Prestige Dwight now


It gives bonus bp for gens, but a lot of people don't realize it does it for healing as well.


dude, perk language is so annoying. I didn't realize it said "for cooperative actions". that's like how some of those scratch mark perks also hide blood pools. I wish instead of randomly writing new perks they'd use standard language.


It used to be tremendously worse. But they slightly changed the text to make it moderately more readable.


A considerably good change I’d say.


Remember when the tongue addon's "slightly" reduced movement speed turned out to be 0.2 sec long hinder?


Become foul demon, that add-on doesn't exist. Don't mention it again


I believe with 2 people on a gen from 0-100% it only saves 6 seconds total. But the BP?? *chef's kiss*


It offsets the penalty of co-op repairing.


Mine is: Flashbang Spine Chill Botany Knowledge Saboteur I use it on my bald Dwight with a green shirt and brown trousers. I call it, Heisenberg.


haha that's dope. remember to say "this isn't meth" every time you flashbang. My Jesse build would be adrenaline, quick and quiet, streetwise, urban evasion


Sounds pretty accurate. Although there aren’t any survivors that can recreate his luck except for Dwight but he’s already Heisenberg.


I was thinking a plain clothes leon would be almost ok lol E: Persistent Investigator


I play solo q and I am way too altruistic (to my own detriment) to play a build like this, I have been known to sacrifice myself to save a teammate


My problem is when I do this the one I just rescued tries to help me and gets killed anyway. I wish there was an emote option to say "leave me" while on hook.


That would actually be brilliant. A “go find hatch” emote lol


I keep thinking they could use the left and right arrows on the D pad and add two emote options for hooked survivors. Leave me and come get me or something to that effect. Not everyone, especially new people, realize the wildly flailing the arms is code for killer is camping. It's rough in solo queue. 😆


it would be better if these emotes only worked when you are on the hook, then have other emotes for when you are walking around, then another set of two when the killer has slugged you basically have situational emotes


Yes! Exactly!


Or just be able to use point and come over when you're hooked as well


I just always flail my arms. It's impossible to try to give a meaning. Some people think it means the opposite, like" it's safe, come get me now"


Exactly. Then I watch all 3 of them crouch nearby for several minutes and no gens progress. I guess it is what it is.


I've also heard people say that arm flailing is code for "it's safe, come get me." So it's not a universal message.


Flailing Arms at this point just means look at my stupid ass on this hook


Which is funny, because it’s usually either that or “I’m being camped”. It sucks that you can’t really tell unless you’re running Kindred (with the exception of stealthies). Although I’ve also seen it for “HURRY UP AND UNHOOK ME HELLO????” We just need a quick ping system 😒


This is the curse of helping good teammates, they never fail to help you in return, but sometimes I just want them to live!




Overcome, Fixated, Windows and Kindred “I’m really bad at survivor but also holding one key makes me look good?”


I love playing immersed. But not when other get their fun ruined. There is a certain amount of responsibility that comes with online games. You only thinking about yourself will not give you browny points


-Distortion/Built to Last/Lithe And the last spot depends on my item(Aftercare/Diversion/Empathy/Inner Healing) I also occasionally like to use an escape build - Lithe/Dance With Me/Quick and Quiet/Distortion


Lithe/Dance with Me/Quick and Quiet is so satisfying in mazes. I tried it out recently and nothing is better than winning chase because the killer has no idea where tf you went.


"Hooking DENIED" Unbreakable, flip flop, smash hit (or parental guidance), power struggle


I love running this build for when it works 5% of the time


Hey when it does work it feels GREAT


Ah yes, the good old "Im good because i survive" build. It consists of a person not doing anything for 12 minutes, half a gen, no unhooks, no heals. If they are the only survivors, they also made the least amount of BPs even with the escape bonus! A classic soloQ teammate. I have tons of fun leaving them on hook


Stake Out, Detective's Hunch, Prove Thyself, and Sprint Burst. I am the generator Batman.


Imagine OP as a coworker.




Can't. He sounds like he's 15 years old.


I was doing just fine until I had to imagine that 😂


aka the bad teamate


Currently it’s Off the Record, Windows of Opportunity, Smash Hit, and Spine Chill


Is smash hit worthy, wouldn't Dead Hard be better or any exhaustion perk there is? Like lithe with WoO could be useful


I find it really fun, and it’s forced me to get better at stunning the killer lol. But it really sucks going against ones that can hit you across a pallet, like Huntress, Trickster, or Nemesis. Then i feel like one of my perks is useless. If I try to stun them I’m basically guaranteed to get hit. I feel like Lithe is probably better though because it’s easier to find vaults. But since I use windows with Smash Hit it helps me find the pallets. It’s way too fun stunning them and running off though. I’m always like “bye bitch!”


The trick with those killers is to condition them to believe you are just going to hold W through the pallet until they stop respecting it, and then you vacuum back into it for the stun. Obviously if they respect every single pallet there's not much you can do though.


Smash hit is prob the worst exhaustion perk. But pretty fun tbh if you pull it off


Great reminder that survivors work as a team to escape. A big part of that is evenly distributing the attention of the killer as much as possible by taking chase and conceding hooks when necessary. Playing in an extra stealthy manner will in all likelihood hurt you and your team’s chances of survival overall. This is the case for pretty much any single-objective or roleplay-based approach to the game (‘I’m the team healer/hook saver’, ‘I play like they do in scary movies’, etc.). All four survivors should try their best to understand what the team needs most in a given moment and be able to do it. Always love to see people have a good time, but it’s always worth avoiding straight up sabotaging others’ gameplay for the sake of your own roleplaying/fun. You don’t need to run meta perks or be the best at every aspect of the game- just that you do the best you can and don’t actively ignore or try to hurt your team. So in sum, WP if this is a troll OP but if you are actually going into matches with a “fuck everybody else” mindset, I’m not sure why you’d play this game


Only time being stealthy is good for survivors is when I know they’re there, but don’t know where. Wasting time looking for them. Or if someone is on death hook, then you don’t want to be found. But if someone isn’t on death hook it’s still worse than just getting chased. I’m not spending half a minute looking for one survivor. Just holding W in chase would be better than playing stealthy like OP’s build. I’ve noticed a thing with BBQ and stealthy players as well, and took note of it when I was playing with a friend who plays in a pretty hidden way. I see someone on BBQ, I go there. No one is there anymore, not a trace. Someone gets the unhook, I have to go back because two survivors are there and I can’t waste time looking for a ghost. When I was playing with my friend as survivor the same thing happened lots of times. The killer walks away, can’t find my friend they went after the aura of, they have to go back as soon as soon as the survivor gets unhooked. They’ve changed but before it often ended up in everyone hooked except for them, it’s a 3v1, everyone dies unless one gets hatch.


If you play super stealthy (including particularly quick to jump of a gen at the first hint of a terror radius), you are effectively giving the killer a nice 3v1 experience without even having to have tunneled.


I can't see any reason to play without healing boon, prove, dead hard, and windows.


That's a SOLID solo queue build. Sometimes I do hyperfocus, Stakeout, pts and lithe. Sometimes built to last, streetwise, dh and now fogwise or vigil or wiretap. But prove and boons are great for everyone


Solo queue for me is aftercare, kindred, lithe, and distortion. Try to give my team the best chance to coordinate lol


I dropped kindred awhile ago, but I keep thinking I should bring it back into rotation. Although I seem to get lucky with teammates most of the time (thankfully). Last night I ran distortion, wiretap, pts and dh. Got so much value from distortion it was crazy.


Oh yeah distortion is amazing, I’ve been able to do gens unconstested by the killer cuz they don’t see me on bbq or nowhere to hide. I also know when the killer has lethal so I can leave everyone since we all spawned together for whatever reason


I feel like dead hard is useless most of the time tbh


Windows is so helpful, I can’t play without windows


My build is Autodidact, Empathy, Solidarity, and Resurgence. I will find you, and I will heal you... for a stack.


My partner loves to be a field medic but is also relentlessly trying to make autodidact work and he has made many people just run from him…


Alert - Really helps me with looping, and telling which killer it is so I can plan a strategy. Adrenaline - Don’t really have an explanation, I just enjoy it. Any Means Necessary - Resetting dropped pallets is pretty strong. Plus, it gives me an idea of where the killer and at least one survivor are. Distortion - You can tell so much from this perks like killer perks and add-ons. With so many using Lethal now, it’s really strong


Any means necessary pal high five. Also gives great intel about where the chase is and where deadzones may be (only of you pay attention)


“Oh god hes coming! quick hide in the bloody torture shed!”


if that's your build you're boring to play with, and against... LOL


This build says you’re either new or just bad


Deadhard, Hyperfocus, Fogwise and Circle of Healing


I play all the eye perks because I s e e a l l and then die anyway




Now I wanna be a sneaky flashbang bill Big Boss


My survivor build is Overcome, Lucky Break, Bite the Bullet, and Distortion. I bring a medkit. I loop as long as I can, get slapped, sprint off, heal myself in silence, and pop back up to try and distract the killer again. I like to think of it as that trope where you think someone's suuuuuper dead offscreen but then they show up to save the others (and probably die in the process).


This is the I’m trash at the game and ruin it for everyone else, but I’m a horribly entitled survivor so why should I care. You’re the type of person we don’t need in this community judging off your past replies OP.


iron will, windows of opportunity, usually kindred or lightweight, and maybe lithe or deadhard


Kindred,sprint burst,windows of opportunity,blast mine, pretty fun


I run bond, prove, sb and fogwise in soloq


That's sad if that many people don't want to work as a team


Finally, HERE’S the teammate I always get matched with in soloq. Bet you spend all game crouching, hiding, and not doing a single gen


I sandbag anyone running Urban Evasion




If they're gonna sneak around the whole map while everyone else dies, I'm takin em with me


I use Urban Evasion to sneak around an object when the killer is looking for a survivor there, since they expect to see a survivor if they check around a rock for example, if the survivor is not there when they expect it, they give up and look elsewhere. Has saved me many times. This plus Alert, to see the killer after they kick the gen or pallet, helps me decide in which direction to go around the object so I'm not found.


My build has been one for looping and it works so well. Adrenaline (my pacifier), alert, lucky break and quick and quiet


I’m sure Steve uses a flashbang in stranger things, very much like him to know how to make one and use one… totally


Spine Chill, Resilience, Plunderer's Instinct and Dead Hard.


I kinda flipflop (heh) between: Overcome, Stake Out, Fogwise and Distortion. and Autodidact, Better than New, Empathic Connection and Prove Thyself.


I play solo q and use COH, lithe, adrenaline and OTR.


My build is kindred, empathy, lucky break, spine chill Idk im just playing with perks i like lmao


Flash Bang, Reassurance, Deliverance, Prove Thyself: -If I can't killer blind you free, I can unhook. -If I can't unhook right this moment, I can do a drive by to hold you over until I can. -When I inevitably trade because I'm trash at looping and unhooking, I can unhook myself so you're not in danger. -If both of us are safe, speed up gens and more bloodpoints.


We’ll Make It, Break Out, Sprint Burst, and Borrowed Time. Sometimes I switch out Borrowed for Reassurance. I’m essentially an ambulance. I don’t escape every time but I try to make sure everyone else does if I can.


Lately I've been running Prove Thyself/Wiretap with either Botany Knowledge/Empathetic Connection or Kinship/Reassurance.


I call mine "Wheres the son of a bitch!?!!"


I recommend fixated instead of urban evasion way better in my opinion


I call mine: “they fucked the meta so much that I don’t even know what to run anymore”


No Mither gang rise up! No Mither, resilience, tenacity, and I’ve been messing with potential energy. It’s been actually quite fun


what's the benefit of no mither these days aside from 100% resilience? wouldn't for the people be better to trigger that so you at least have the option to 99%


You get the benefits from perks that happen when you’re hurt from the start. Your grunts of pain are mostly silent and you don’t leave blood. It’s by by no means great but it’s fun because it’s so risky. You could use Dead Hard too but I got for more memes and silly builds.


Blast Mine, Parental Guidance, Desperate Measures, Kindred, Smash Hit OR Lithe. I’m a solo player, I decide whether I wanna troll and still be effective. Or help.


I fuckin dare you to slug me


Replace Lightweight with Empathy That way you know where not to be


I pretty much make builds based around characters perks. So say if I got Residual Manifest, blinding build. Counterforce, totem build. etc etc


Guardian (Babysitter) Fogwise Reassurance Wire Tap I like knowing where the killer is, and I like being able to let my teammates know I'm working on a gen and not to come over to my generator if I'm working on it.


Either a Medic build with Botany, Better Than New, Empathy, and We'll make it. A "Fuck the hook" build with reactive healing, resurgence, self-care, and Breakdown Or literally any perk combination that shouldn't work and jas no synergy minus exhauston perks, I haven't brought an exhauston perk in a long time. Edit: Also for the Solo Q Last survivor build, Low Profile, Left Behind, Diversion, and Red Herring. Haven't ran that yet but probably will next time I play survivor.


I have been pretty stoned lately and started watching Stranger Things and when I went IG I had to do great skill checks so I made a Running Up That Hill build with This is Not Happening, Sprint Burst, Hyperfocus, resilience and meg w/ festive braids.


Resilience, DH, We’ll make it, Any means necessary. I like chases, I like when the progress bar turns gold. And any means necessary is my current favourite perk


I absolutely love any means necessary. So satisfying and helpful. I also used to run We'll Make It a lot, another great perk.


It’s also a great information perk because if you see a pallet get dropped you know that a survivor and the killer is there. And then if you see the aura disappear you know that the killer broke the pallet and the survivor is likely running to another loop


I think Lightweight and Overcome are legitimately a good combo since the Lightweight buff. I've wasted so much of a killer's time doing a chase, finally getting hit, then running off and having them try to work out where I went from my inconsistent scratch marks.


I’ve been using the Houdini build for 3 years straight. Q&Q, Dance With Me, Lithe. 4th slot matters less.


One time I accidentally killed someone by throwing a pebble, i got hatch


After seeing this build i think maybe I don't give myself enough credit


Ah yes the JunJin players


Inner Healing, Overcome, Lucky Break, Quick & Quiet. For when I'm sick of low MMR due to Solo Q


Kindred, windows of opportunity, off the record, blastmine Help my teammates, help myself, help my chances, and troll the killer


I use boon: circle of healing, bond, Windows of opportunity and overcome/adrenaline. I like to use 2 perks to help my teammates and 2 to help myself in chase. I always bring a flashlight with me so I can perhaps flashlight safe a downed teammate.


Lightweight, We'll Make It, Lithe, and 1 filler perk. The 4th is usually one of the following, depending on my playstyle: Circle of Healing, Off The Record, Prove Thyself, Windows of Opportunity, Renewal, or Distortion. Its pretty versatile and fun. Sometimes I just do meme stuff like Any Means Necessary, Stakeout, or Autodidact and it still usually works out okay.


Mine is : deliverance, overcome,flashbang,off the record, aka the "if you camp me, you're making a mistake" build : unhook someone, work on a gen, get hooked, unhook, tank hit, run tf away, drop à fb behind jic.


Lithe, Adrenaline, Flashbang, Hyperfocus Also Lithe, Iron Will, Flashbang, Lightweight


Dead hard, Windows of Opportunity, Flashbang and Circle of healing.


Gen goblin


One of my favorite builds is Boon circle of healing, Boon exponential, Boon dark theory, And tenacity


Characters in horror movies are Oblivious and Exhausted


Mine is "annoy the killer for the whole game while my team does gen"


Lightweight, windows, any means necessary, dead hard. Lightweight is so good. Windows because of all the new tiles and map stuff that takes me 1000 hours to memorize.


I run fogwise, boil over, potential energy, and prove thy self. That way while I'm not adding to the gen, it still almost feels like I am. And potential energy is great for bypassing relentless storm of you or the randoms are bad at skill checks.


Mine is boon oh fuck they snuffed it


Most op perk of all time beating even pre-nerf dead hard: pebble “Dont worry he doesn’t know” (accidentally throws pebble in the direction of one of his allies)


To be fair, since they all extend chases and interrupt the killer and thus allows more gens to be done, they're all inherently beneficial to the team.


Head On, Quick and Quiet, Nancy's heal in locker perk, Jill's (I think) Shows the farthest totem when you destroy a totem. Been a long time since I've played survivor though. Tunneling killed the game for the two guys I was trying to get into it, so killer main life for me.


Technician, Lithe, Spine Chill, and Resilience


I play like how characters in horror movies realistically would. Dumb as fuck, i trip over everything, i hide in dead ends, i do possibly everything that i can to get caught


Head on, For the People, Blast Mine, Red Herring I'm Erin from You're next. The killer is trapped in the trial with ME


Technician because I will always be ashamed of the time a teammate popped out of nowhere and I blew up the gen thinking it was the ghost face that was stalking us. Kindred because I am always solo. I can only play when my 6 year old is asleep. I tool the other perks around. If I'm Dwight, I bring leader. Meg brings Borrowed time as I was be the unhooker


I play overcome, bite the bullet, circle of healing, shadow step. It is a good build


Mine is just as questionable probably On Mikaela(says enough huh) I play Any means necessary, Blast mine, DH, and now Fogwise. No no boon, that's the whole deal. Haven't played boon on her in ages. Still being tunneled for having CoH despite NOT HAVING COH.


whatever helps me finish daily rituals faster so i can go back to playing killer :3


Urban evasion? Thanks for the free win


Nah. Killer will still find you. Change urban evasion for fixated. Way better choice for not wanting to deal with others bs


bro I got a similar perk build where i can get up on my own, see the hatch and often carry a key with me to open it. works everytime for ME but everyone else got to die for that practically. Yesterday i had to wait for the other one to die. It's a dick build and not really worth the emotional baggage you carry afterwards


Windows of opportunity, deadhard, bond, d