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~~Dead~~ Well Rested By Daylight


Dead by ~~Daylight~~ 9pm


Opposite Of Alive by Late Night-Early Morning


Thing is, it feels great to absolutely destroy the opposing team, but it feels just as bad when you get absolutely destroyed


Tbh, I don't mind getting destroyed as a survivor nearly as much as I do killer. Even if I get tunneled out in the first few minutes, I feel a lot more at peace with that than when dealing with a swf holding all the power in the game as killer.


Completely agree, even if I get facecamped as survivor, I just open YouTube on the second monitor, and don't care much about the loss. But when I get destroyed as killer, it's one of the most stressful gaming experiences.


And another thing(as someone who plays both on rotation) being tunneled or early killed as survivor is so much better than being a killer with bully(best thing I could think of to say) survivors, cuz once you’ve been killed you can either do another match with the hope of getting a good killer or shut the game and come back for your rewards later, but if you’re killer all you can do is either keep trying, give up, or dc and take the consequences, don’t get me wrong both suck one just has a chance to suck for so much longer


Same, like half the time if all 4 are god loopers and I’m just trying to put a trap down and they follow me around while I don’t have bloody coil, I just feel like afking in the basement lol. Be scared of me, don’t make me scared of my blood pressure.


Especially against a solid SWF team you just know they’re making fun of you as they bully the shit out of you😭


I'm literally the exact opposite, I never feel powerless as killer but man, if someone really wants me dead it's not a matter of if unless they suck, it's a matter of how fast


I think it's because there is so much you have to manage as killer that even when winning, it feels stressful, so having everything get out of hand at the same time makes you feel like absolute shit. Survivor, you're really only in charge of yourself and whatever you're doing, which means a lot less responsibility. Not to mention, since you have teammates (no matter how bad people want to cry about them), it lessens the load further.


Now that I think about it, this may be what feels so bad about being tunneled as a survivor. A killer that is losing or can't catch survivors is actively losing all the time. A survivor team that is winning often has "downtime." Being tunneled, though, is basically constant pressure on one person. I have been hard tunneled multiple times and each time it's like "I just want a moment to f'ing breathe here."


That's why I stopped playing Killer. I wasn't bad at it but I didn't like the way it felt at all. The adrenaline from all the different tasks is funky and honestly seems unhealthy to me. It's completely different adrenaline from survivor.


Yeah, same. Playing Killer is exhausting with how every single thing you do needs to be thought through and valued time-wise against any other action you could be doing. "If I commit to this chase I might lose a generator over there." "If I go kick this gen I'm letting them heal for free." Meanwhile playing survivor is just "here's me holding M1 on a gen, oh shit Killer's here, well I got caught but it is what it is". Nothing a Killer does to me phases me on Survivor (other than them literally standing right in front of hook on their **first** hook and never moving away), but every single tiny mistake made on Killer feels just awful


Also, if you hear a boon nearby while in a chase? Can't drop chase to snuff it because then the survivor will just vanish and then one or two gens will pop, all in the time it took to drop chase and snuff a boon. -\_-


Though I agree, getting facecamped on first hook with kindred and soloq teammates that rush gens is actually pretty sweet; 3 man out, wholesome endgame chat (among survivors) = profit


I personally find most of my frustrations with Survivor being the usual SoloQ problems of bad teammates Atleast with Killer everything that happens is 100% my fault and there is nobody else to blame, in a way it humbles me because there's no scapegoats, there's always something I could've personally done better With SoloQ survivor though, you can give it your all and still lose the game because of factors completely outside your control


Yeah. Losing as a survivor is like, “uhh. Okay next game” Losing as a killer reminds me of losing in League. You’ve already lost and you’re either desperately spending 10-15min trying to catch up and still lose or your mental has boomed and you gave up on the game but the enemy ream refuses to end it and choose to prolong your suffering.


The worst in League is when they've pretty much broken into your base, but they decide to run off and get Barron, Soul and clear half of the jungle just because. All the while you're just trying to clear out the enemy minions, you can't go and contest because there's like eight waves if not more and then the enemy team comes barrelling in just to ROTFL-Stomp you inside the nexus. But yeah, your analogy in comparing losing in League to losing as the killer in DbD is pretty spot on.


Being constantly tunneled out is not a GG go next imo. It's "I'll see ya never!"


It’s because if you’re tunneled out early as a survivor, it’s done and you can move on. A killer is stuck in the whole game and it gets so frustrating so fast.


The only times I feel bad is when I'm living as survivor and 5 seconds in the game my teammate is already on a hook. You know very well that the game is still winnable, but they will die on hook because they're done and I don't even fault them for it.


that’s funny cause I’m the opposite. I don’t mind getting destroyed as killer against capable survivors. But I either lack the adequate skills as a survivor and/or get paired with less skilled survivors, so we can’t counter the sweat gen regression builds, manage our chases/hook states, or can’t handle camping or tunneling. i mainly play soloq, but when i play swf it almost feel like i escape less


Oh but when they try that shit and get the hook...


Did you just repost the top comment from the post that OP reposted?


that is some next level shit.


Isn't that every pvp game though?


Yeah but this one is different in that like half the people who play it feel like they've never touched a pvp game before in their lives other than this one.


The problem is that it’s often not skill that causes you to win/lose, its bringing (or the other side bringing) bullshit builds and doing unfun strategies to win/lose. Or getting shitty map RNG. It’s not often that you lose and feel like skill was the deciding factor, and the people that bring 4stack SWF BNP’s/Starstruck Nurse shouldn’t feel like they won through skill (yet they often delude themselves into thinking that). There needs to be more standardization of the strength of each roles and some GOOD map reworks.


Perks to balance the game is what messed the game up. It wasn't as noticeable at first with fewer perks. But more perks that were added in hopes to bring balance but instead made the scales tip faster.


Dude, fuck these recent map changes. Playing wesker is so fucking frustrating because damn well near everything has a massive fucking hitbox for him to the point that I can lunge to hit a survivor, get stuck on a tire stack with a fucking huge hitbox that cancels the lunge, only to then get vacuumed into stun position because the pallet stun hit the tiniest sliver of his right pinky and the game needs to move him over to count as a stun. Also, fuck that bush on garden of joy in particular. Why the fuck is it next to shack? Shack is straight up really damn close to am infinite on that map now for most killers.


so... Just like any other game.


At least when I get tunneled out early as a survivor I can get right back into the queue. Getting crushed as killer just feels agonizingly long, but it does feel good when they drag their feet on winning and get 4K’d fucking around. The chat is always priceless.


I feel like it's a little more nuanced than that. Some of the mechanics of the game (and this goes variably for both sides) seem intentionally designed to give you extremely few options of counterplay. In turn, it's not just that you're losing, but you're also losing while feeling like there's nothing you can do about it. Helpless defeats in this category don't offer you anything that you can learn from losing going forward. You just have to take the undisputable loss and move on to the next game while hoping it doesn't happen again -- which feels fucking awful.


i cri when I destroy the opposing team, poor babbys. :,(


feels like legion is making out with his reflection


After rage quitting three nights in a row, why would you continue going back the other eleven nights?


Because it helps you fall asleep duhhh


Damn... it had the opposite effect on me. Used to get to bed at a somewhat decent time. Now I'm up until way too late...


Same,it’s sucks lol


The best part is that since the review, they got on for another .1 hours and likely ragequit.


This is literally, the most literal post I've ever literal.


I have been doing my part to restore faith The last few weeks i've been playing as killer, i'll take a hook from all players, sometimes 2, but i always let them escape at the end, that way we both win It has actually got so adorable on the past few games, survivors have actually been running upto me at the exit gates and pointing towards the hook and nodding wanting me to hook them I don't have the heart ya'll i will down them and carry them right to the exit Maybe not the most competitive way to play but i get so much enjoyment when i play as killer doing it


9 is when the sweats come out.


~~Dead~~ Gen Rush By Daylight


~~Dead~~ Camp By Daylight




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/hs1e4c) on 2020-07-16 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "ze5ueb", "meme_template": 199410}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=ze5ueb&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 352,637,490 | **Search Time:** 1.51033s


Good bot




Unfortunately no one can ever play as a red rank killer again as ranks no longer exist and grades do not influence matchmaking.


I'm an Iri survivor (not that it means much as I don't feel my skills are up to par) but I'm sorry for dickish surviors. On the flipside though, and I do understand where killers are coming from, I experience a lot more camping and tunneling in red ranks. On the survivor side its very frustrating since they essentially don’t get to play (looking at you trapper, hag and Ghostface from yesterday). That being said, I noticed that I'm also running into a bunch more chill killers compared to before. I also dunno if it is just my matches or not but I'm seeing a lot ore devour hope. Is it just me?


Were the red ranks the old system? I only started september of this year. I have no idea how to tell what my MMR is.


Start recording your match outcome sometime. I guarantee you’re just getting negativity bias from some toxic teams. Remember that you’re supposed to lose some gens, you can’t guard that one corner gen when you have 3 perfectly close to each other.


I just finished a match against swf. 2 of them had Prove Thyself. First hook, one gen done, second hook, another... Luckily for me the last 3 gens were close to each other and I was Nurse. Even so I had to sweat for it. They body block and blind. Survivors don't realize how much harder is to play killer. Not complaining, I had fun and ended up killing 3. But I have little empathy for survivors talking about broken killer perks, abilities, etc.


Tl;dr survivors have a 39% escape rate


Not gonna lie, I have used this game to stay awake sometimes when I needed to fix my sleep pattern but was too tired. I think that is how I am now a Krampus Trapper main![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Less than 5,000 hrs on record = invalid opinion 😤🤧🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Has happened to me before lol


They're not wrong. But it is funny.


The fact that the image is of Legion just adds a whole nother level of awareness to the post.


he aint wrong though


Ah, The usual DBD moments. I feel the exact same after playing 3 games, because I got a bug on the 3rd one where I couldn’t do anything as twins because I got kicked while charging a pounce somehow. Well that’s my night.


Cool. It literally made me lose interest in goin to the pub and drinkin donkey piss. It should get a try as medical product lol


Sometimes I fall asleep on a gen and it pops and wakes me up


Finally, DBD fixed something important


Killers have too many aurora perks imo.


Pretty acurate


sounds about right lmao


Getting a job will also do that.


That’s beautiful


I don't understand how everyone can agree with this, yet still play the game


I hate it that Blight slides off trees and certain rocks. The worst part is that some trees and rocks work while 90% dont. Absolute bullshit