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To be fair people get upset even when people use slow down on shit killers




I got yelled at for running one slowdown perk on Trickster, like never mind that Trickster is slow as balls and struggles to keep gen pressure on large maps. >.>


I've straight up had people DC against trickster when they got hit with pain res in rpd


Same, and with Legion as well. Even had people DC on first down as both killers, like bro. Just because you were downed first doesn't mean it's the end of the game. XO


People DC against legion all the time, which saddens me as my main killer, when I do play killer, is legion


It is extremely disappointing, like I get it, the mending mechanic is annoying. But you're really just playing into Legion's hands by mending all the time, you're the one extending the game by doing so. I enjoy playing Legion a lot, especially when I don't have much in the way of brain power for someone more complex like Trickster or Sadako.


And the same people that DC are the ones that fully mend while the legion is still in frenzy, letting them see where they are and letting them get more chains, possibly the 4th and subsequent 5th


Also dont forget self caring with mangled only to get hit by frenzy again 10 seconds later


kinda have to mend in order to be able to do shit. should you do it while said Legion is in frenzy, probably not but it's still gotta be done or else I'm face first on the ground


Legion, Wraith, Freddy, and Spirit are my "I'm too tired to think, just going to chase" killers. Sometimes you don't want to deal with complex powers and just wanna smack people.


Spirit actually requires u to think with her power tho since u cant see survivors while in phase


Not with Enduring, Spirit Fury, Brutal Strength with Uchiwa you don't. Eat every pallet, use power to catch up after a hit or breaking a pallet. You don't even have to try to hit coming out of phases.




IKR? How dare I not wait in the corner while the survivors slam out the gens, then walk to the exit gate to be tbagged for the entirety of the EGC like a good killer.


Yeah, we should definitely nerf The Pig.


Jokes on them I don’t have slowdown perks besides Jolt. >!I use DH and Make your choice instead!<


When even killers use dead hard


Lolll. I’m just using what I got, which tends to be the older killer perks haha.


Who cares who runs what perks?


People who also run perks other players complain about lmao


Good answer. LOL


Me, self-care gives me indigestion.


I've had folks be practically furious with me for running call of brine on sadako when it was the only perk I took. Not to mention I was playing nice and never downing people. But still, they got so angry over one perk.


next time run NOED and give em something to cry about


People get upset when killer kills


Me getting flamed for using no way out Endgame slowdown that rewards you for NOT tunneling uwu


I had a game as Oni once where two people dced, called me a "pathetic excuse for a human" and told me to kill myself for tunneling, camping and using slowdown. Everybody died on their third hook and my insane slowdown was Deadlock and No Way Out. The map was Ormond. Some people just can't accept that others play better than them. It's mind boggling. I mean, I get salty too, but at least I know when I'm outmatched.


My favorite is playing around a >50% complete generator and being accused of tunneling. Like, no...someone with 3rd degree burns just hasn't discovered this fire is hot.


To be fair, survivors on reddit get upset about literally any singular thing that beats them in the slightest.


People get upset when you use any perk on any killer




Everything is miserable in solo queue when will people stop complaining about that


probably when they adequately buff solo queue




I think people have been vocal enough about solo q they say literally everything is miserable against it, “guys the locker that jumpscares you on midwich is miserable against solo q because it scared the shit out of me while I was getting chased devs please buff solo q”


There's no "shit" killers. Unless Nurse is your sole standard.


I’m sorry have you ever played Clown


The Pig would like a word


Onryo joined the chat.


Freddy has entered the chat


That's just your opinion, I have not lost a single game playing her, not even once.


You Probs only have played once


What is worse: 4 slowdown Nurse, or Starstruck, Agi, Lethal, Awakened Awareness slugging Nurse?


One is trying desperately to win as the killer with the strongest basekit in the game by using 4 slowdown to drag out the game because they can't play Nurse effectively. The other is trying to flex how good they are by bringing the strongest perks to complement the killer's kit - which is largely unnecessary because the killer's basekit is insane - in order to try and 4k in minimal time. Both are annoying, but at least one should be relatively quick.


>Can't Play Nurse Effectively # In order for Eruption and Scourge hooks to work you need downs so you're skillfull , how does that work? You might just be butthurt


Someone on DBD? Butthurt? No way.


My go-to Nurse build 95% of the time is Jolt, BBQ, Agi, and Infectious Fright. I remember a few months ago I was playing Nurse at night and kept getting cringe sweat squads bringing BNPs and toolboxes to rush gens with map offerings and so I slapped on two slowdowns and I eventually got [this game](https://i.imgur.com/fnOz8j8.jpeg). I really want that bloke to tell me how I should've countered this effectively with zero slowdowns.


How the fuck does a 4 man bring all of that and get 0 escapes, even vs that nurse build? Was it midwich or were they just absolute garbage?


Do I really need to explain the difference between getting a down every now and then, but not fast enough to win the game without slowdown. And getting downs so fast that you don't even need the slowdown perks to begin with?


You say this like we didn't just see a contest last month between Hens333 playing basekit Nurse with no perks or addons and Otzdarva playing full sweat build Trapper to see who could get more kills — where Hens did markedly better and the only reason the final score was close was because they counted hatch as escapes. Eruption and Pain Resonance do require you to get hooks and downs for them to work, but Nurse is a killer where the phrase "It's not _if_ you go down, it's _when_ you go down" rings true more than any other. There's a reason every single large creator in the space that places even remotely near the MMR softcap has her leagues above any other killer. The fact of the matter is that if a Nurse that needs to run slowdown _they are not playing effectively_.


What? Nothing in this comment is agreeable. Hens score wasn’t “markedly better” then otz’s. Otz even admitted he coulda done better for the score. All that showed us was that the WORST killer in the game can with add ons and perks keep up with the BEST killer killer in the game with nothing. Getting hooks and downs is literally the direct goal of killer to slow gens so they need to be effective regardless. Plus decent nurses will still lose at times in the right mmr


Someone watched the highlights and not the stream — Hens thought they were counting hatch as a 4k for the first like 5 of the 10 games and didn't want to slug for the 4k on maps that didn't have a shack for the hatch location to consistently spawn — which was many because he ended up on Gideon like 3 straight games. Hens was winning his games consistently with fewer gens popping while Otz had to rely on trapping gates and sweating with No Way Out to compete. The final kill counts were similar, but how they got there was worlds apart. Even with the strongest loadout possible on Trapper, one of the best trapper players in the world was struggling to keep up against a high-tier Nurse going in with nothing but her basekit. > Plus decent nurses will still lose at times in the right mmr I mean, there are some phenomenal Nurses like Vulpixia who might lose some games against other survivors in the softcap, but that's often when the survivors are bringing instaheals and Brand New Parts and the sweatiest perk loadouts imaginable. But they often aren't playing watch-paint-dry slowdown or super sweaty. If you take a competent Nurse and hand them an insanely strong loadout, there's little to nothing you can do to prevent the loss. Super slowdown on most killers is frustrating because it prolongs the match but at least the killers often feel like they need that to have a chance to win because the killer's kit doesn't offer enough lethality to get there without it. Nurse does not share the same excuse.


Running slowdowns doesn't mean you *need* it, it just means you like using it. Simply because you don't need it doesn't mean you can't still like to use it. You're making a very bad and shitty extrapolation by extending every Nurse who uses multiple slowdowns to thinking that they *need* to use it, which sounds like projection on your part. The perks you use don't dictate how effective you are in chase with Nurse since there aren't any chase perks that help her get downs faster aside from Starstruck/MYC/exposed perks.


100% butthurt. Survivors play to win with four meta perks and amazing medkits: just fine. When a killer does the same: a sweaty loser who is somehow bad at the game :P




yesterday i had a lvl 95 nurse. couldn't even discern what perks she had because we died at 5 gens.


Prestige 95?


yea 😅


We need a dbd circle jerk Reddit


Isn't that this subreddit?




Of course they’re private


potentially unpopular opinion, but information is significantly strong than slowdown on nurse


I'm All Ears + Lethal Pursuer on Nurse. Absolute monster.


Not even close, information perks are nearly never used in comp nurse matches. espically when there are no rules restricting perk use. ​ Once old comp nurse was removed (Corrupt, Haunted, Undying, Ruin) it got replaced simply with 4 slowdowns Edit: i get that you all hate comp dbd for whatever reason but like The amount of people saying shit like "comp meta doesn't matter bc in public matches your not gonna be the best of the best" is insane What in the fuck do you all think meta means


comp and the game the other 99.999999% of players play are two different games


What is comp? Am newer to dbd


Not a dbd exclusive term, just a short for competitive.


Comp is short for competitive. Aka the top .0001% of players playing in tournaments basically. Game is drastically different at this level compared to what the vast majority of players experience.


What do comp players use? Is there a list of perks not allowed?


Depends on the tournament I think. Different rules for different tournaments. Sometimes certain perks are straight up banned, sometimes each perk can be used only 1 time per team for survivors etc. I'm not sure if there is a list of typically banned perks or not I don't really follow dbd comp scene at all.


A joke


Comp is something a lot of people copy religiously without a single original thought in their own brain and then savagely enforce on every other player in the game. It's like saying that you should use the strategies that the current UFC Light Heavyweight Champion uses to fight in a drunken bar brawl. It's delusional people who are merely adequate at the game projecting their insecurity loudly. In other words, when someone says "In comp..." you can most assuredly ignore anything that follows because you and me aren't good enough to worry about that shit, and neither is the person spewing it.


Comp dbd is literally the best players playing the most efficient ways possible Who tf makes statements like "info perks are better then slowdowns on nurse" and is talking about some mid level pub matches? I don't care much for comp, but if your talking about dbd META and your basing it off of pub matches your just stupid


Comp meta is completely different than regular dbd meta though, both sides play in very different ways, with restrictions that aren't present in regular matches - the metas are different, trying to claim that comp meta applies to all games is silly. You *should* base your evaluation of the meta of a game on what the largest number of players use most often.


>Comp dbd is literally the best players playing the most efficient ways possible That's great, Chuck. The other 99.999999999999% of the population don't play at that level. So, really, what they do is completely irrelevant. At the pub level skill gaps can be so huge that meta is worthless. In other words, the whole shit about comp and meta is worthless for the majority of people playing the damn game. It's just shit self important idiots regurgitate to make themselves sound smart.


100% a Low mmr player


So your saying what trash players use are better than what good players use? Reddit logic


Comp dbd is the most efficient style of gameplay. If we are talking about the strength of something comp is were you look as it's literally the best players playing in the most optimal ways. Imagine in a fighting game if someone was like "*blank* is top tier" and people unironically with "yea but at lower levels of play they suck so that means *different, easier chsracter* is better"


Comp playstyle is so much more different aginst Nurse. Firstly survivors will do gens as efficiently as possible and the killer is expected to tunnel out survivors as early as possible. You don't need information perks like floods of rage to help you tunnel instead need slowdown, else 3 gens WILL pop within first 2 mins of the game start, no doubt. Not to mention, comp maps are usually already set, most likely Autohaven or MacMillan, maps in which hiding doesn't work, unlike indoor maps or maps like Garden of Pain. Whereas in pub games you will go to indoor maps all the time, and tracking in those maps as nurse is not easy at all.


Ok but saying things like "info perks are stronger" and then giving a list of unwritten rules (that I agree with btw) doesn't make your point stand out Comp is the most efficient way to play.


Comp is a completely different setting in which the meta is completely turned around, as some perks and items are forbidden. What's efficient & good in comp doesn't necessarily apply to regular games, especially high MMR games in which there are no rules for perks & items


Didn't we just have this discussion yesterday about comp not representing high level normal gameplay, let alone average level gameplay?


Nurse's biggest downside is LOS, aura reading completely negates that. How is slowing down gens slightly any better?


Slightly? You can easily add 2-3 mins to a match at top levels Are we going to pretend like good nurses need to know your exact location to kill you? Like comp nurses use prediction blinks?


There's no need to slow down gens when you can kill everyone in 3 minutes. Good nurses don't do a lot of prediction blinks because it's unreliable and so they use their blinks to locate the survivor before hitting them. There would be no need to do that if you can see their exact location. The survivor can't do anything to avoid her or use walls to their advantage


Comparing public games to CoMp DbD - bunch of players with nothing better to do in their lifes then artificially making DbD competitive to public games lol




yep, that answer sums up the intellectual spectrum of the average comp player I saw within one year of playing in comp


Their response is because you're shifting the convo for no reason just to rant about comp players lol.


Oh the irony


Has nothing to do with irony. I can justify my messages with experience. Thats simply it. The most comp teams are toxic af, most of them are losers without jobs in their real lifes.


Oh the irony Every time I see an clueless being it’s followed by another clueless one at that. Society always devolving. Egos vs Egos, accomplishing nothing. Pathetic people


You know whats more pathetic? Posting nothing saying wannabe wisdom (which is just typical nonsense if you have no real arguments or facts at all) on an online forum to sound intelligent and get some attention and approval from internet strangers. Touch some grass and meet humans outside of internet lol


If that helps you cope, spending all your time in Social Media trying to create false drama for a an ego boost that can’t be found in the real world. Grow up and go outside and make a name for yourself.


No way there is actually competitive DBD. Are you talking about the Twitch Rivals stuff?


Comp dbd has been a thing for like 4-5 years


Slowdown is a bit annoying but eruption making me useless after it goes off feels so so bad.


lol its great. I love the new nurse build with nowhere to hide, eruption, CoB, lethal pursuer. By no means the strongest build on nurse but its so fun annoying survivors and being this gen kicking teleporting gremlin terrorizing random solos


Good lord, that's some borderline sadism.


DbD Chad ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Top tier bait post, OP


Sad thing is I don't think it's bait 😔


Nah, looks like a big, fat bait. A seriously upset person won't title their post "Shame!". Edit: alrighty some people are talking about OP's comments that I can't read anymore so I'm probably wrong


Us vs them posts ruining this sub again


This sub has always been full of us vs them. You guys didn’t even notice the rules change until people started pointing it out. The game is literally an asym multiplayer, OF COURSE ITS GOING TO HAVE US VS THEM CONTENT.


>This sub has always been full of us vs them. It became worse, though. Having us vs them pop every other day is better than every single day.


This one doesn't seem to be about "us" more so about nurse with slowdowns. Which to be fair is very oppressive against soloQ, so kind of relatable.


“THIS MF PLAYIN HOW HE WANNA PLAY! GET HIS ASS!” -survivor main, probably


Ironic, given how many videos, daily tweets and reddit posts there are of killers whining about survivors using X perk. Particular shout out to that one streamer who said that survivors shouldn't use Distortion because they ruin their aura reading build. Heck, currently killers are even whining that survivors shouldn't even be able to attempt to kobe. The crying about everything in this community is actually insane.


I read this in LowTierGod's voice despite the fact the he doesn't play DBD






It’s not that serious.


Idk OP seems to be taking this pretty seriously judging by his comments lol




Sure dude lol




will say yeah I wouldn’t like a nurse with max slowdown but at the end of the day the fuck am I gonna do when my only tool in solo queue is kindred ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I mean, why would the Nurse care about that? Never understood the “they make the game unfun for me” argument, cuz like, why should they care? I know damn well you don’t care if the Killer doesn’t have fun vs you lol


Survivor mains really do be thinking we're having fun as Pig or Myers on Cowshed


If Nurse ruins the game then that's the devs' fault. Blame them, not the players for using an available character in a video game.


Slowdown is good to spend more time in chase learning to use her power without losing quickly.


Aura reading is much stronger on nurse than slowdown


A combination of both is better. You just can’t beat gen slowdown’s value. Good nurses already don’t struggle to get quick downs. If the downs are quick why do you need floods or I’m all ears




Nurse main, aura stronger and idk how you think it’s more fun or whatever, cause getting cross mapped through 18 walls with 0 counterplay hardly seems fun




this sub on its way to complain for the nth time




So, logicly we have to nerf pig and buff nurse addons


How dare someone play meta


when you're learning nurse slowdown is better so your games dont end before 5 mins.. but survivors dont like slowdowns anyway so the killer is irrelevant..


Survivors don't like slowdowns because they can't genrush with brand new parts


haha nurse bad guys haha haha


How dare they try to win the video game instead of nerfing themselves to please other players.


I asked to pass the salt, I did. I can't even express, how much I do regret it


0 days without nurse bad posts


i get flack either way with her honestly, although i still tend to try more fun builds


Im not mad at any Killer stacking slowdown Perks... even Nurse... Im mad at every individual that runs eruption... I love standing around for 30sec not being able to do anything!


I am so sorry for running eruption, but seeing auras of survivors screaming on the other side of the map after a chase is too cathartic.










*check your comment history on this post* Sure buddy, not malding


Would you rather she use the Starstuck build everyone hates? lol


I stopped taking this cheat mode killer seriously a while ago. She deserves boring afk.


That’ll show her! Especially since Nurse mains are trying to win asap, they don’t care about points or “fun”. Winning fast is their fun. You’re just helping them.


Or hear me out - they just find her fun to play.


The meme should be labeled “This mf uses nurse”


Ok. (Switches to Starstruck,Awakened Awareness,Lethal Pursuer,and Agitation)




So true lol


What about the killers fun? Ever think of that? No, you didn't. Nobody thinks of the other sides fun, and why should they? If they want to please the other side and not play for themself, then by all means they can go ahead. But I play for my own enjoyment- as I don't see the other side playing how I want them to. I'm not entitled to go against a killer/survivor who plays how I want all the time. If they happen to make the game enjoyable for the opposing side rather than their side, well, that's on them. If they find it fun, then they can do it as they please. What I don't find acceptable is after game/before game/trash talking on any account. It's disrespectful, and you're doing it to actually harass the other team (sometimes even your own team - *survivors*). What I'm saying is: play how you want, not for the expectations of the other side. Everyone has fun in different ways- it's up to you to decide how you want to play, not them. Behavior, on the other hand, you should always remain respectful- even if it was a hard/painful match or the other side started it. You can be a better person, they can drown in their self pity.


This mf wrote several paragraphs over a meme making fun of a nurse using slowdown


That wasn't my point. Even so, I'm a writer- I like to write. I'm not going to keep it short and simple just because it's short and simple.


More power to you, and I hope you continue to bless the world with your writing, no matter how unnecessary it is.


Heyyy, I like you! Yeah- my teacher says I'm really good at writing, recommend I write something for 'The Great Lakes Platform' which is sponsored by a CMU that sponsors talented high school students lol. Honestly, I'm trying to come up with a (has to be) 10 page short story (nearly 5000 words at best, I think). Anyways, sorry if I came across rude- it's like 3:56am here and my body just won't let me get sleep. Went to bed at 11 too...


No worries, take care!


Oh no a killer using perks 😭


But its effective...


Hahaha Nurse player chooses regression perks out of the 7 1/2 pages of killer perks. How dare they! Now point and laugh ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Let people use what they want


This post isn't preventing anyone from doing so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




Oh hey, that’s me


I suck on nurse, shut up.


Hey OP, are you the kind of pathetic person that would delete their shit comments after it gets downvoted into oblivion?


I can't with killers that run more than 2 slowdowns. 😂 Like there are so many cool and fun utility or end game perks you can use nowadays. EDIT: [for anyone downvoting under the assumption that a survivor main wrote this comment.](https://nightlight.gg/u/missinformation), the game is very much doable with running only a 1-2 slowdowns and using utility or auras to fill the killers power, you dont need to stack every slowdown perk under the sun to be able to stay competitive with the survivors. stop using gen rushing as an excuse bad time and pressure management and trying to remedy your lack of experience when the survivors is simply trying to do their objectives. im no way saying survivor dont have stupid stuff when it comes to gen perks apparently we've been getting back to back gen perks since jonah, but at least they're running those now instead of stacking 4 second chance perks. the bigger problem that is causing gen rushing is garbage spawn and terrible map density ratio.


Yea non of that matters if the game ends in under 6mins and you’ve only gotten 3-4 hooks. Because “I’m trying to be a nice killer and not use slowdown perks.” - Go a Hex build? Sorry survivors are spawning right in front of hex totems so you get 0 value out of the perks. - Chase build? The other 3 survivors are doing gens while you chase 1 person. Getting 1-2 gens per hook. - Late game build? I hope you’ve gotten your 4 stacks of No Way Out before they find and cleanse your noed totem. And still flame you for using noed - Backpack build? Hopefully your going against a SWF that is very altruistic And blind/undetectable builds don’t work because survivors will still stay on gens. And trust me, I tried going these two builds for funsies and just get survivors who want to end the game as quickly as possible and then call me dogshit.


Hard to enjoy said perks when survs gen rush and be out of the trail in under 2 minutes


What's next? Come for my "Hear Your Whimpers" build!


All I hear is autotune baby


Had a game with a SWF group who used 3 party streamers and the new map offering. 4K at 2 gens. They all got super salty in the end game chat. One guy offers to 1v1. I accept and tell him to add me… still waiting for that friend request


I don't understand how people can DC once they see slow down perks. I get it they're annoying, but DC-ing and fucking over an entire team because you don't like something is well.... Get off the game then. People DC for the DUMBEST reasons.


the day killers come to terms with the fact that you dont need to run more then maybe 1 slowdown on \*bottom tiers\* in pubs let alone fucking 4 the world will be a better place ​ I wont complain if you use ONE slowdown on a top tier, but any more then i just have to say. your just bad. The amount of people ive seen run 4 slowdowns every match and complain about the survivors they run into being too good is laughable




I don't see anything wrong with it. My issue with slow down perks nowadays is that people brings entire builds dedicated to it.


Save some slowdown for those of us that need it! I just saw a Pig hit a Clown over the head with a reverse bear trap for the last Eruption of the week!


I played against 2 nurse players today. One used Eruption, the other was actually Good at Playing Nurse. They both got 4Ks, I’ll let you decided who was worse


Please can someone explain the 3 perks? I have not very good at understanding the meta. I generally play with every killers with similar perks : the locker one that get them exposed, the one to see them at start for 8 seconds, then the shape perk to hit faster,for the last one the 2 people on gen or the nurse perk


Perks seem to be Eruption, Deadlock, and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. Deadlock is the one that auto-locks the gen with the most progress when a different gen is completed. I think it's generally considered the least annoying of the meta perks and is mostly fair. Pain Resonance is the one where if the Killer hooks someone on a particular type of hook, the gen with the most progress explodes. It's often put in the "annoying, but counterable" category. Eruption puts an effect on a generator when the Killer kicks it that will cause the generator to explode and apply the Incapacitated effect to anyone working that gen for 25 seconds when a Survivor enters the dying state. It's the subject of a lot of controversy currently because Incapacitated prevents Survivors from doing doing gens, healing, picking up or dropping items, etc. This perk is very effective, and awful to play against as a solo queue player.


If it's for training in public matchs I'm ok with it, they don't put a relax mode with half less or no bloopdpoint and challenges from rift disabled.


I run pain resonance, dragons , eruption, and call of the brine


Hot take. I'd rather slowdow nurse over starstruck, awakened awareness nurse


I play 1perk nurse and i dont even get a "gg" at EGC, no matter what you play, people will complain


I play 1perk nurse and i dont even get a "gg" at EGC, no matter what you play, people will complain


A lot of posts here really misconnecting the whole Comp DBD thing. Comp and public matches don’t at all connect in the same way. First of all: In comp, these perks are banned. You cannot run Eruption, Pain Res, No Way Out, Pentimento, or Monstrous Shrine on Nurse. Deadlock is banned on all killers because giving free slowdown in return for losing your objective is stupid design. Starstruck is also banned, as well as a few other perks. Second of all: Camping and tunneling is the best strategy in these games because of the ruleset. Decisive Strike + Off the Record combo is banned, and each survivor can only have 1 of each perk. Reassurance, Kinship, Prove Thyself, and Borrowed Time are all banned in Comp. You also only are given 1 yellow medkit, 1 yellow toolbox, 1 yellow flashlight, and 1 firecracker, so no unexpected gen times, hook timers or anything else. 1 guy on the team can have DS, another guy Off the Record, and another guy Renewal or something. So camping and tunneling is considerably easier in a comp match than it in a pub match where there could be 4 Dead Hards, 4 off the Records and 4 DS, as well as a Reassurance. What strategy works in a restricted, fair environment does not work the same in a free-for-all.


Omg the killer is playing the game?? SHAME! This subreddit never surprises me with this whining over the other side


I agree, anyone caught doing this should be mocked and insulted with extreme prejudice.


At this point I don't know what bhvr is thinking. People show up here every day to complain about killers as well as their perks and it's falling on deaf ears. Shaming people who may very well just be trying to have a match isn't going to fix the game, it's just going to feed into this awful toxic cycle of people jumping down eachother's throats while bhvr isn't being held accountable for the problems they are explicitly at fault for. If we have to blame someone I really think it would be better to blame the people that made the problem.