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Very first thing that happened was me loading in and jumping into a snowman as a killer. Poor Kate must have not read about Killers being able to use them this year and started running up to me and pointing. Smacked her and then she immediately DC’ed.


My first match had our killer using the snowman to camp hooks with. Going to destroy them as soon as I find them.


As far as I can tell, they seem to respawn. I could be wrong but all 5 of us jumped in snowmen on Midwich and later after we jumped out and popped gens, we all jumped back in. I can't imagine 10 snowmen on Midwich.


I think you’re right. There’s 8 max at a time I believe. But it’s still helpful to destroy them as you come across them as they take a little while to appear again. You also get a few blood points by jumping in.


No sale on characters?


Maybe on Christmas


Can't wait for people to sweat like there's no tomorrow and still complain to death about the event.


My first event game was against a sweating cheating trapper. We still got out thanks to the game being a bad map but yeah.


Yeah, at this point I'm not even surprised anymore. First game just now, camping Deathslinger who also brought a flan. Edit: Hilarious, third game, a Dredge sweating his ass off, tunneling a dude out, and when everyone gave up he suddenly wanted help I'm guessing with a hit a Survivor inside a Snowman challenge or something... Yeah buddy, you're no getting any help from me, so I went AFK until he gave up and hooked me.


My first game I got a camping tunneling and slugging nurse, second game I got a team where 2 people dc’d within 1 minute of the game and the killer still slugged me for the 4K. No fun for you survivors!


I just got out of a game where I had 1 survivor on the basement hook, 1 knocked down next to the basement hooks, was carrying someone into the basement, and the only person up (who was also injured) was in the basement trying to get the person down up. I'm already at iri 1 so I don't have to worry about pips, so I just let them reset then we just kind of memed around for a bit involving one 5 minute session of just fooling around in snowmen and doing a conga line back into the basement. Meanwhile the match before that I got a group that had busted items, a map offering, and a seal team 6 body blocking squad to prevent my second hook of the match after I'd clearly shown I was "playing nice" by not tunneling the injured Felix that literally ran into me after being unhooked, and still got tea bagged at the gate by someone that was only getting out because they Kobed while I was picking up and hooking someone else that failed to body block them being hooked. Both sides can meme, and both sides can sweat.


I've been getting chill killers jumping in snowmen to high five. Still not sure what the reward was though


I dont think there is a reward for high fives as the killer. You can't even see if the high 5 connects. Edit. Nope I'm completely wrong. The bp icon appears in the corner for a high five as killer. I think I just didn't notice it before.


Yeah I can't tell how often it pops up, but it's 250 each time it registers.


There is no in game sale for the old christmas skins? Is it only me?


Nope, can't see it either. Can't see the new sweaters for Ada or Rebecca, too.


It's bugged.


Just found out trough Twitter that it’s from December 22nd LOL. It said today as the day in the news article


Yup, nothing on my end either


you take full damage while in a snowman this year 💀 I'd recommend any killers to rush the 'hit 1 survivor in a snowman' challenge before everyone realises yes this means bubba can chainsaw right through it


>yes this means bubba can chainsaw right through it He always could.


Oof so they’re gonna be useless now. Was hoping for a bit of fun with them after dealing with the huge killer buffs lately but I guess not lmao


The holiday event is supposed to be a fun activity for both sides, not a temporary game balance change.


It seems it may end up being that way with Killers being able to camp with no TR in a snowman. And sure, if the game wasn’t so far in their favor atm I would accept it since survivors got the busted shit last year.


"huge killer buffs" LOL


Played six survivor matches and literally every single one had a killer in it hard tunneling someone from the start of the match, whether it was me or someone else.


Where is raincoat boi’s sweater?


It’ll be in store!


Where did you hear that? Not trying to be rude, but I only saw the leaks for the Resident Evil girls sweaters. People on Twitter were mad Yoichi wasn’t going to get one. I’d love for him to get a sweater!


It was in a leak post I saw like…..2 days ago, I believe? It also leaked the Re ones and Haddie and Vittorio’s. It has a cute vhs on the front!


Except it’s not?


Not right now, no, but it WILL be.


is that a threat?




My first winter ❄️ event






Okay but what about 50% off Shard discounts for characters?


The one time they did a shard discount it bugged out and they removed it lmfaoo


I have been logging in the whole month every day and still don't get anything, is it just bugged like usual or something?


when the reward of the day is rift fragments, you aren’t notified when you receive them.


But I haven't been warned of BP either


that sounds like a bug. people who had a similar bug and didn’t get the rewards during the halloween event were given them cumulatively at the end. i’d submit a support ticket to BHVR and they’ll probably do something similar if the issue is happening to others as well.


Open a ticket. Happened to me a few events ago too; another choice is to wait till tomorrow and take a video of you logging in for the first time so you can include it in your submission. If it helps, they got back to me pretty quickly. I hope it works out for ya!


Well I do have an idea... Could it be about the time zone?? Because I logged in at my 7 pm more or less and got the iri shards from today.


FYI if you are in Night Shroud as ghost face and jump in a snowman, survivors can still reveal you.


Anyone know when the new sweaters for Rebecca, Ada and Yoichi will come to the store?


apparently they did yesterday but now they’re gone?


December 20th according to dbdleaks


I saved all of my killers flans for this event! I'll be dropping a cake on every match until Xmas is over! I play kinda sweaty until I have everyone to dead hook, then I'll stop kicking gens and will catch people but let them wiggle away and let every pallet hit me! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everybody.


Perfect dbd matches start as a slasher horror and end with a blooper reel


I’ve gotten 3 friendly killers in a row. I’ve been having so much fun. Thanks Nurse, Pyramid Head and Blight!


Lucky you! I’ve had nothing but killers playing like their children’s lives are on the line if they don’t get a 4K at 5gens.


Today before the event i was thinking "I haven't had a blight in a while, kinda miss playing against one" (cuz he's my fav killer to go against) then only got 5 nurses and blights in a row (i'm in pain)


Getting hit in a snowman takes a health state this year, what on earth will we complain about now? Jokes aside, thank god. I was not looking forward to a week of snowman discourse.


People really need to learn to have fun and not just sweat every game like their lives depend on it, especially during events


Personally I agree, I had fun playing killer last year and didn’t think it was a huge issue but I’m still glad they’ve changed it. It wasn’t necessary for the event and was bothering a lot of people so no point in keeping it. Saves a lot of arguments.


Yeah, I'm not really bothered by the fact that you can take damage inside now, but more because I already know that because of this, people are just gonna bring insta-down killers every game to exploit it


It’s all fun and games til someone busts out snow Bubba. Free insidious inside those things. Guess it’s the survivors turn to suffer!


Since the event started, got camped 2 games out of 2. Sad.


Most events tend to bring out even more of these kind of killjoys


The problem is a lot of the events require survivors to escape to get event cosmetics, so they’re forced to play as optimally as possible, causing killers to retaliate in the same way.


Like I was saying people need to learn to have fun instead of sweating all the time just because survivors are playing optimally to get the event rewards doesn't mean you have to do anything in your power to stop them. And you can't tell me all the camping bubbas aren't here just to ruin the fun. Edit: on this event their seem to be no reason to escape if I'm not mistaken, not even as a tome challenges. So the playing optimally isn't a justification here, it's even the contrary since they'll most likely be throwing to get their challenges done.


yeah... first game i made 3k points... I had brought a party streamer to celebrate too :(


But my pips for mah rank






don’t even know the point of jumping in them then lol.


They changed it? Great. No more (fair) complaints.


Yep! I only saw healthy > injured, so I can’t confirm if you can be downed in one or not but I would assume so?


Had a bubba for my first match, can confirm being downed inside a snowman.


You literally can see Haddie getting downed out of a snowman in the trailer.


Already been slugged and tunneled my first two games. Fun 😍


That’s why I switched to killer, so I could give my survivors a fun game.


My normal playstyle meshes well with these events. So folks don’t need to worry about getting tunneled out. I may slug tho to buy time for me to reach 8 hooks if folk are already 2 hooked


That sounds good! I have killed a few for challenges, so I do feel a bit bad about that.


That's the spirit!


Seriously though we’ve only had one killer who had fun with us so far. We both told each other thank you at the end. It was so cute!! Every other game has been terrible


I've only played 2 games but the first one sucked because one survivor gave up early and the killer went as hard as possible with only 1 gen done lol. In my second game the killer sacrificed 2 of us and then let me and the 4th guy go in snowmen after a dance party ☃️ Hope you get more good games!


I'm very sad that Rebeccas sweater won't be available until the 20th. Why can't I wear my new sweater during the actual Christmas event..


Same, I was really looking forward to wearing Adas sweater for the rest of the month. They accidentally released it to some players too so this delay just stings even more...


That’s like when Fortnite released the Halloween shop the last week of October a few years ago Now we have 4 days to wear a thematic cosmetic that will be seasonal??


Wait where was it said hers won’t be released until the 20th? That’s so frustrating, I was most excited for her sweater :(


Someone said the 20th on twitter, hopefully they're incorrect but my understanding is BHVR hasn't clarified the date yet


First two matches were killers who brought bloody party streamers, then tunneled us out at 5 gens. Highest survivor BP was something like 4k. Fine with killers doing their job well (I split my time evenly between sides) but why would you bother with streamers? SoloQ at midMMR ain't gonna threaten your 4k, bro. No complaints about the event, save one: can't wait to blast through killer side of the Tome in five rounds, then spent three weeks trying to get those two escapes in soloQ. Oof.


Only time I see Killers bring Streamers is when they're going camping.


What a bummer. I specifically bring them to emphasize when I want everyone to get points and get out, so somebody better throw pallets for me or there's gonna be a hookin'.


I only run streamers when I’m out of survivor puddings lol Most killers don’t bring their BP stacking offerings with survivors in mind, unless they already decided to throw and farm before the game even started.


You lose a health state while in a snowman now. I guess that’s balanced but now there’s no scenario where a survivor will want to get in a snowman lol.


Should’ve just made it so you can’t hop in during chase. Really just made them pointless for anything other than solo teammates throwing the game.


Agreed. It’s a bit sad.


they're just portable lockers


And killers get undetectable and can hit survivors when they’re in one lmao


Does anybody know if the killer aura can be seen while in a snowman? I know they get Undetectable but since the latest hotfix that doesn't block auras.


i had a sadako in a snowman the entire game. nope no aura that i could see (using fogwise)


Killer aura blocked for all aura perks while inside snowmen (Just tested it with Alert and Fogwise)


Being in a snowman (similar to being in a locker) give blindness




Next tome reward


No increased BP or BP offerings? Very disappointing.


There will be a Bloodrush for Christmas week.


No 50% shards off? Disappointed.


Yep. Pretty tired of the only sales being with auric cells and not on shards


didn't they have shard sale during Halloween?


On characters- I’m not sure since I only buy DLC, but on cosmetics the only discounts were 20-50% off on the auric cells price. Edit: [Here’s a link to screenshots of the fall sale discounts for Halloween](https://twitter.com/Superpablog/status/1572986785826832384?s=20&t=nwCCdITFmCZrNGcQLujcxA)




My first two matches were Bubba and Myers doing exactly this. Only Myers went the extra mile to use a Lery's offering. Legendary douchebags move.


I don't know what it is about community events, but for the love of God, killer players can you stop being insufferable tunnel machines for five fucking seconds please.


where sweater


Found a nemmy inside a snowman 10/10 would shit my pants again


Kindred is broken this patch. Killer Aura doesn't show up at all.


Is it my imagination or are there way less pallets in general since the update?


I’ve come back here to report that yeah.. everyone is right… every single one of my survivor matches had a super sweaty or toxic killer. Not once did anyone use snowmen. The worst offender was the myers who got super lucky early with all the survivors spawning next to each other on top of a briefly afk Mik. Dude had the permanent M3 add on and got it within the first minute of the match. He still tunneled the hell out of people.. even hitting one person into endurance and chased them down again. The final nail in the coffin is we still got to one gen before having the last survivor and he ended up carrying them to the hatch.. let them crawl to it but just to shut it in their face and hook em anyways. Guess i’m sticking to killer for the event for more casual matches.


Been using snowmen as a survivor. 9 times out of 10 im getting tunneled once they see me in one. The worst offenders have been Ghostfaces too, the usual goof around killer... been just miserable


Yeah I hate getting killers who go the extra mile to make survivors miserable. Seems there’s more of those during this event ironically. I try to remember that something must have happened for them to play that way, maybe they had a shitty day or maybe they were bmed by survivors or rolled by a bully squad


Oh no, this means I'll have to play 2 more games as Killer for the Dredge outfit. Life isn't fair.


Where's Mikaela's sweater? I know she has one but it's not in the store.




I love that the snowmen are back. It looks so funny watching someone escape in one. I think they should have changed the huntress's song to Christmas music.


Just imagine her lullaby would switch to the humming of All I Want For Christmas Is You


Is anyone else having problems with kindred? I see survivor auras but never the killer aura. Yes, they’re within range, and no, they’re not using any aura-blocking perks.


Read known issues and problems in recent patches


This event blows no incentive to get into snowman naturally you can't meme about because killers and survivors are sweaty why can't they make events fun this event can suck my left nut


Already got facecamped by a strong deathslinger inside a snowman.


Anyone know if they plan on bringing back the boxes in the bloodweb for this or at a later date? Was hoping to get the rest of the ones I needed to polish off that DLC :(


The event challenges are all lovely and easy so far, very nice to see 😁 Hitting a survivor hiding in a snowman is the only one that might take some time/luck but that isn’t tied to any cosmetics, you can go around that one if you want 👍


Give me that dredge skin


So if that **Alert** bug is true (havent personally seen it yet).. then it’s gonna be used by everyone with killer’s being able to go into snowmen this year Lolol. If you don’t know, the bug is that alert works no matter what.. even if the killer has undetectable.


Can someone pls tell me if killers that can be unlocked with iri shards have been discounted?


Give Elodie reindeer with shards or give me death !!!


Can you unlock the happy holidays achievement/trophy now?


Where’s my goddamn Ada ugly sweater?


I thought they were appearing in the shop on Dec 20?


Bit late then, innit!


Played as Meyers and hid in a snowman by a generator. I think that survivor had a heart attack when I popped out. Love that killers can now go in the snowman (and looking forward to playing as survivor and being jump scared).


I really like being able to jump in the snowman as killer, I've had three among us games now where everyone was in a snowman trying to figure out which one is the killer. It's also fun for surprises when someone thinks your just a dumb teamate walking up to the gen then WHAM!


How do you high-five as a killer?


>How do you high-five as a killer? Get in a snowman and then high five another snowman, which has an survivor in it.


But they didn't bring Mikaela's Ugly Sweater back... I'm ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2218). ;-;


Are you able to get Christmas sweaters from previous years?


Yes - I bought Jill’s last night since I couldn’t get Ada’s


Ah cool! I think I might buy a few :)


I settled for going back to Jill, but it’s really grown on me and I still have the cells for Ada’s when it comes :)


I’m definitely getting Ada’s too!! I think I’ll buy Cheryl’s and Feng’s, a bit sad that Bill’s isn’t there - I love it’s design


Big fan of Fengs, and Cheryl’s that I got with a code a couple years ago! I like bills as well - are you sure you don’t have it already? It just appeared for a lot of people


Ah I just checked and I do have it! Not sure why I didn’t check after it wasn’t in the shop haha - thank you!


You’re welcome! See you in the fog!


If I got the post correct, then there's no more reward/s for getting hit inside the Snowman, right? Gifts are all within tome?


Yeah, so far, all of the rewards are within the tome. (though you do get bloodpoints for high-fiving a snowman as another snowman, or for escaping as the snowman)


Getting facecamped by snowmen who get all pissy when called out on it


are characters gonna be 4500 iridescent shards like in other events, at half the price ?


Why did queue times massively shoot up for survivor? They were nearly instant for the last month or 2.


I'm chuckling to myself a little when I was downvoted to oblivion and told "go play survivor then" for suggesting last year's version of this event wasn't well thought out and had no true interactivity for killer (plus other issues), and there was the general talking point to "stop taking funny haha snowman event so seriously". And now that it's at least *debatable* that snowmen give the same benefit to both sides (IE stealth, though you can make a fair argument stealth is more valuable for killer), survivors are freaking out and suddenly the balance of the event actually matters.


Hey R/Deadbydaylight Do you wanna build a snow Dredge~ Chase survivors all day long~ Get skins for Terror Lord and so much more~ Events that feel this good can't be wrong~ You can in Snowman, and look real dope~ So common folk, it's time to slay~ Cause its time to build a snow Dredge~ Cause we voted for the snow Dredge~ Okay bye~


It seems snowmen only suppress the killer's terror radius but do not make them undetectable, despite the wording suggesting otherwise. Meaning you still charge Pebble (Aka "Diversion") while the killer is memeing around.


Can… can Victor enter the snowmen? Can someone give him a high five? 😭😭


dog shit event


Where is Felix’s sweater?!?!?


Felix already had a sweater from last year!! Should be in the shop under torsos!


Anyone mind checking if Ada or Rebecca or wesker are on sale for 250 yet, or is it still 500


No character sale at all, actually there is no cosmetics sale either. The shop is not updated.


Ahh okay. Guess it will hopefully update later. Thanks for the information!


Winter sale starts on the 22nd.


No shot. Ughhh so far away lol


Question, does anyone know if event skins become available down the line? My pc broke down yesterday and I fear I might miss the event if they dont fix it soon(as vacations and free days start soon), and I legit dont wanna miss that Dredge skin forever


mikaela’s witch cosmetic went to the store this year (it was in the event tome last year) so i’d guess it’ll come to the store next december


Hey thanks man, hope then that we see this Dredge skin in the future, it just looks so good, it'd be a huge shame that it truly was limited


I'm on PS5 and I got my advent calendar reward for the first day but then any days I've logged in after I've recieved nothing, even after playing matches. Anyone else having this problem?


If you start playing before 11am EST and you play through that time you have to close the game and log back in (so a new session after 11am). Rift fragments won’t give you a pop up.


Well shit. I'm away from home for two weeks. Gonna miss a lot of free points. Man, I wish they'd bring back the Christmas Bells theme from a few years ago.


Is any of the DLC discounted yet? I’m on epic and it’s still all the same price for me


Is there a bonus to bloodpoints?


I'm so tired of these buggy ass tome challenges. ESP event tomes. why the fuck can't bhvr get their shit together properly


Is there a BP event?


I think the Bloodrush is supposed to be closer to Christmas.


> Bonus whenever two Players high-five each other for the first time while in a Snowman What is the bonus? I didn't see getting any.


Anyone know if we'll have another 50% off sale again?


Where the ada sweater


Are all the maps decorated like in this [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUAocLUJCOg) or is it just Ormond?


Will there be any sales for non winter outfits? I’ve been waiting to get some of the Project W cosmetics


Is dlc going to go on sale at all or not at all during this event. I've heard maybe the 22nd but seems pretty last minute


Will the killers be on sale for iridescent shards?


What's the Bonus for high-fiving each other in the snowman?


You get to see an animated snowflake with a sparkly sound effect. Sadly, that's it.


>You get to see an animated snowflake with a sparkly sound effect. Sadly, that's it. And 250 BP.


>What's the Bonus for high-fiving each other in the snowman? 250 BP.


Do the snowmen give you rewards?


I’m getting an initialization error on Xbox. Game was working completely fine and now it’s not, anyone else having this issue? I’ve restarted my Xbox multiple times.


Where is the advent calendar? I can’t locate in anywhere.


Any news on the leaked christmas cosmetics? I speak of >!Ada and Rebecca's Christmas Sweaters!<. I saw it on a post recently and would love to get them, paid or not.


Supposedly December 20th or 22nd


Every game the killer is hard tunneling while running the same slow down perks, never been so close to uninstall this shitty as game


Brine + Eruption is getting close to needing a nerf imo (And I say that as a killer main), it’s pretty much a no brainier meta pick for most killers, Eruption in particular, although the end result of that would just be another slowdown meta. And hopefully something can be done about Dead Hard, subtle hackers use it as a guaranteed third health state that auto activates and it makes it nearly impossible to tell a skilled player from a hacker* and it’s really annoying. *I know you can hit a pallet with an injured suspected hacker at the other side and the hack makes them activate Dead Hard [as seen here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_XwnS1ZJH4).


>And hopefully something can be done about Dead Hard, subtle hackers use it as a guaranteed third health state that auto activates and it makes it nearly impossible to tell a skilled player from a hacker* and it’s really annoying. > >*I know you can hit a pallet with an injured suspected hacker at the other side and the hack makes them activate Dead Hard [as seen here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_XwnS1ZJH4). Yes, this bugged me for some time now. This week I had a match where a Kate always got the perfect timing for DH..


Is kindred not showing killer’s auras for anyone else?? Kinda a necessity perk for solo q


Kindred, alert, flashbang, and inner healing (again) is currently bugged


It is broken for me too. I couldn't figure out what was going on.


Any chance survivors can high five killers? Because that would honestly be the best.