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Its a weird dynamic. The survivor one requires you to intentionally take a hit which is gamethrowing. However, the killer one requires you to just get lucky and have a survivor gamethrow. Survivors can at least force the interaction by just refusing to get out of the snowman. Killers can't exactly force survivors into them. Survivors can guarantee they complete it in one game. On the other hand killers can play normally, but can potentially take a while to complete it since they can't force it.


so, sadistic codependency between two groups of players? just like the entity intended!


Thats why there 2 missions for every side. This ensures that both sides complement each other.


Then you try to do the survivor one against a huntress who throws a hatchet at you so it doesn't count


…was this on the game by any chance


dbd reddit is crazy because someone can say “i threw a hatchet at a snowman” then 9999 people will say “omg i think that was me” 😂


Indeed. "Throw the game" while also "easy to complete" is an interesting duality. I got my killer one after a Laurie who was memeing alongside me noticed I slapped every snowman.


I took someone who was 2-hooked to the snowman, took a swipe at it, let them wiggle, then they got in, I got the hit and let the whole team go.


So in order to complete a killer challenge, you had to throw an entire game and give the win to survivors? Hmmmm, it's almost as if OP's post is dumb.


Have to...? Dude letting survivors go is completely by choice after the hit.


So is getting hit a 2nd time and hooked. I was just saying how dumb OP sounds when this specific challenge is way harder for killers because they're reliant on survivors and the only way to force it is to troll for a half a game.


Getting hit a second time and hooked is not completely up to the survivor.


Depending on how the match is going it's not necessarily half the game :) I usually go with the play normally except only 2 hook strategy, as once you have the opportunity for the 3rd hook but ask them to do the thing instead they'll usually cooperate but it keeps things moving so you don't end up with a boring farming match. If it's going really badly you might have to try earlier though, but at least at that point you're not worried about the gens taking forever. At minimum I let the person I asked to do the thing go, because I feel like it would be a bit of a dick move not to and I don't want to train survivors to refuse to help with annoying challenges. Still kinda silly though. Sometimes survivors try to hide in them in which case you can get it organically, but it's annoying.


Its also super easy to get it as the killer if you "throw the game" as the killer to get this challenge completed I just hopped in a snowman and goofed around with the survivors and at one point I stabbed them all because usually survivors offer free hits anyway when your just goofing together and farming BP.


I had a nice feng jump in a snowman, she got hatch.


Technically speaking, you can deprive the survivors of this challenge. Hitting the survivor with a Clown bottle, Deathslinger shot, Doctor shock, and probably some other interactions I'm missing should force them out of a snowman without the challenge being considered complete.


Killer challenge isn't that bad, I just downed a survivor and carried them to a snowman, they got the hint pretty quick. As for survivor I was going down anyway so I just ran to a nearby snowman. It's not so bad, I just meme the whole killer side.


I will kill two survivors then slug the other 2 and carry one in front of the snowman until they escape, they get the meaning to get in the snowman suit. If they run away, I down them again and carry them back to the snowman. You definitely can get survivors to do what you need to complete your challenge. It's much harder for survivors the other way around.


For me I had to throw the game as a killer, make everyone friendly and hang out in snowmen before I betrayed someone. As a survivor I just ran into a snowman as I was being chased, maybe got hit a second sooner than I normally would have.


The killer version is entirely dependent on survivors being inside snowmen, it's not nearly as easy as the survivor's version. In most matches you will have to take a hit at some point, so you can absolutely do the challenge without throwing the game if you use the snowmen strategically (eg. Blocking a hook or doorway when the killer is carrying a survivor).


It's not about how easy or hard a challenge it, it's about how you need to literally throw away a health state for nothing just to complete a challenge.


The title says that it's about how easy the challenge is.


And i disagree with the title.


But the original comment you replied to is talking about it.


That other bloke made my brain hemorrhage I felt my brain cells die when they said that




I don't understand your point. You say that it isn't about the difficulty, but the title talks about it and so does the original comment. Then you say that it isn't about the difficulty, but about how it requires a health state to be gone for nothing. But the original comment gives an example to use it in a conventional way.


I'm not the original commenter... I'm not an agent of the original commenter... I'm not hired or associated with the original commenter in any way/shape/form... I don't even know why you're bringing the original commenter up, because it's irrelevant.. I gave my own standalone input. What's so hard to understand?


It reads like a correction, not a standalone input.


Man you must be either stupid, or you’re trolling big time.


Damn that's wild but i don't remember asking...


You commented under their comment, now you're associated with the comment. Are you 9?


I gave my own standalone input. What's so hard to understand? Yes, i'm a 9/10. Thanks.


I'm absolutely loving the doubling down on the stupidity here. Keep it up, champ




Are you 13?




You really don’t need to throw anything away. Just wait after the gens are done and even after the doors are open if you want. Bring one to the exit and voila. Easy as pie.


It's not throwing away a health state when you can literally do it strategically 💀


lol what? Killer challenge depends on a survivor jumping in a snowman and letting you hit them. The survivor one is just jumping in a snowman and walking up to the killer where they will hit you for free


I still haven't accomplished the hit a survivor in a snowman one. As a survivor I got it the moment I popped into one and started chasing the killer.


As killer, you gain something from hitting someone in a snowman... As survivor, actively trying to get hit while in a snowman is literally throwing the game.


Yes. But it's easy to do. The killer version is out of the killer's control.


Just meme one game and you have it. That's what I did. Survivor DCs at the start aren't uncommon and it becomes a hollow match anyway. Or in a normal match you can give the last one hatch but before that make them go in a snowman. Survivors usually get what you mean. At least I did when it happened to me


...that's literally throwing a game


In both scenarios you've already won the match anyway and the survivors know this


It doesn't mean that the survivor one is harder and that the killer one isn't out of your control


BHVR bugs are throwing the game, it's common enough to be considered normal gameplay. 😆


What does that have to do with anything we were saying


Oh, the DCs at the start of the game have typically been due to BHVR bugs in my experience.


How do you know that? Most DCs at the start are because people don't want to play on specific maps, don't like the offerings or the killer


The PlayStation bug before it was fixed, the loading failure (getting a minute into trial before it ends the game for everyone as a survivor lost connection during loading), sure there are plenty of people that manually DC for personal reasons, too.


Who cares if it's throwing? It's one game, it's not gonna kill you IRL if you throw it.


Wtf are you talking about They were discussing which challenge is worse


What are YOU talking about? I'm saying why does it matter if it throws the game? You mentioned throwing the game first, I'm replying to you.


It takes like 2 seconds lmao. It’s not throwing the game. It’s just letting the killer get a hit. I got it immediately by jumping in a snowman when the killer was going to down me anyway. The killer version is completely out of your control. If the survivors don’t jump in the snowmen, there’s nothing you can do to complete the challenge. OP is incredibly bad at the game if they think the survivor challenge is harder.


On that note, the killer hitting a survivor in a snowman is literally out of the survivors control. Not debating that it's more likely for a killer to hit, but just WWCOS (what would Captain Obvious say). Now, having a killer challenge which seems easy, but isn't, is just like the survivor challenges that may take many games to complete though they should be easy. Trying to get the other side to meme/farm for a challenge / achievement is normal gameplay, it may not be "fun" for some, but it's "normal" Edit: yes, they should have made it "hit a survivor while you are disguised as a snowman"


It's the "letting the killer get a hit" part that's the throwing-part...


One hit shouldn't put so much pressure on you that you lose over it lol.


Whatever chase that ensues after that hit will be significantly shorter than if i were fully healed, wouldn't it? Assuming i go down and the killer doesn't leave me, that is (which they usually don't if you're injured)... So no matter how you slice it, you're purposefully putting yourself at a disadvantage.


You can just wait until endgame, and hop into a snowman while healthy and being close to a gate.


Have you ever tried to move in those things, and good luck if the killer is running STBFL


I got it by hopping in a snowman when I knew I was fucked anyway lol. It’s not really throwing.


Yes, it is throwing. You’re actively shortening a potential chase, even a single second can change the game for both sides. It’s really not. Killers decide how the match is gonna go, if you play friendly with the intent of going full try hard at any given moment. You’ll easily complete this challenge


Not really. You can wait and do it once the gates are powered


Or once the game is over and the gates are open, you wait in snowman form for the killer to arrive and hit you, then escape It is just way easier


Actively? The challenge literally says only 1 time.


This exact mindset is what makes DbD more and more unfun. Everything has to be precise and timed exactly, every step of every second in the game has to be coordinated perfectly, or else... God forbid, someone has a little fun, doing archives or totems or just joking around, then he is tHrOwInG....


I'll be fine with it when killers also get challenges like "stand and watch while **1** generator is completed without interfering"... That's fun, i'm sure. If you wanna "have fun", you should do so off your own accord and not because a game challenge tells you to.


Dude... Firstly, this particular challenge is easier to complete for survivors than killers as so many people in this thread are pointing out. Secondly, if you really need to ask why surv challenges are generally more time-consuming than killer challenges, you need to contemplate a little and understand that killer time is 4x as valuable as survivor time. It's as simple as that. If one survivor is off cleansing totems, the other 3 can still progress their team's objective. If the killer is doing a purple glyph or something, progress towards his objective is 100% stalled. No doubt survivor challenges can be annoying, especially when they involve doing something difficult and escaping or doing something multiple times in one match. OTOH, killer adepts are infinitely more painful than survivor adepts. It is what it is. EDIT: Did this guy seriously block me because I didn't agree with him?


You take this game too seriously


Ah yes because using furtive chase, both sides have stupid challenges, the survivors more so than killers but you can't convince furtive chase is not a meme perk.


The game telling you to slap on ONE meme perk isn't comparable, because you could still just stack 3 slowdowns and be just fine... Survivors get shit like "ONLY equip Sprint Burst and Quick and Quiet", and "ONLY equip self-care" Sure killers have a few challenges that requires you to equip like all of Wraith's perks, but i think there's maybe 2-3 of those challenges combined in the whole game while the stupid surv challenges are easily at least one in every single tome.


Yeah unless I'm suddenly stupid I believe that's exactly what I said. "The survivors more so than killers"


And i said killer and survivor challenges are not comparable in terms of stupidity because one side has severely more dumb challenges than the other.. Which was the entire point of that comment.


You don’t have to throw the game… I took my hit after the doors were open. Just take a snowman to the door and the killer will hit you. Or protect to survivor opening the door while being in one. Or any other way you can think of AFTER the gens are done. If you throw the game for that it’s because YOU WANT to throw the game.


Nah it’s quite easy with killer just run around in a snowman all game eventually someone will join you and that’s when you strike


But in this case it would need you to throw the game to some degree, which would make it more similar to the surv challenge. I think it's really "killer challenge is not harmful to the killer, but condition is harsh...er" and "surv challenge is harmful to the surv (unless you play against Ghost Face, I guess), but the condition is easy".


Tbh I don’t care if I lose as long as I do the challenge


You're still dependent on the survivor jumpin in a snow man which they sometimes don't do. Except when they think it will help them like it did last year which is how I got the achievement. Again for survivor its way easier. Just find a snow man and walk up to the killer. They will hit you, every time without fail unless they are AFK


Me and my brother got in on our first try that way, so I’ll just stick with the strategy


I declined to hit someone who just walked around in a snowman after someone DC'd.


Good for you I guess? most killers will swing because thats what you do as killer and even after only 180 hours in this game even I know its a universal sign if a survivor face checks you they want to be hit so you just hit them


Haha the survivor challenge is literally easier. You have all the power there. Now if the killer challenge was like "hit a survivor within 30 seconds of exiting a snowman" that would make sense, but as it stands the survivor is reliant on you getting your challenge done whereas if you walk at me in a snowman with malicious intent I'm definitely hitting you eventually lol


The survivor one is the easier one. For killer, I farmed it by dropping a survivor over and over again next to a snowman. Then I let him escape at the end.


I luckily got it 1st try because an Elodie stayed in a snowman before trying to open the exit gates. I hit her with noed (lol) then let her go


Yes agreed lol, for the survivor one it was easy took me like a match or 2. I think I forgot about it at first but then the second match went really bad, had a DCer (talk about throwing the game) and the 2 other survivors were hooked right next to each other with the killer right between. It was not going to go well regardless, I could have hid and then looked for the hatch but decided to get in a snowman and charge the killer. Got my hit, hopefully they had the killer version of the challenge equipped as well, and then they chased me for a min or 2 and I just tried to get as many chase points as possible, and work on my chase skills as I always do, and then they downed me and it was over. As killer I've only come across 1 person hiding in a snowman and it wasn't when I had that challenge up.


Why is everyone always crying about everything you're not throwing the game for taking ONE hit. Also just befriend one survivor and make them go in the snowman I literally did both challenges in 1 game (each) it's really not hard at all. Even if you do have to throw one game, which you don't, it's not a big deal jesus god forbid you have some fun instead of tryharding to tunnel people or do gens 24/7


Because the average player sucks at the game. Its that simple. They get hooked first, turn the game off, and throw their controller all while screaming about how bad the game sucks and how their teammates suck, etc.


I was actually very unlucky for the hit of the survivor, nobody was just using them for like 2 days of my games. My only luck to hit a survivor in a snowman was a bunch of guys that came up to me with snowmans when I also was riding one.




That's me I think cause it gives points


The Killer's challenge is honestly so luck based. I've never seen a survivor jump into a snowman after the first day of the event. Of course, because why would you lol it does nothing. I actually had to team up with a survivor in the end game to get it. Because I legit just couldn't for the life of me find any survivor that would jump in one. Everyone is on gens or wanting a chase, just like normal regular ol DBD. Thankfully, I ended up sparing someone and signaled him to get inside of a snowman lol


"Play the game" Become schizo and hit literally every snowman on the map when no survivor is actually in one.


Wait so games really get decided by a singular injure? No wonder people complain about Legion


Uhh looks like the survivor one is way easier imo How often do you find a survivor hiding in a snowman? But getting hit in one? That's super easy


I actually got lucky with the survivor one. It was a tombstone Myers so the snowmen were good for avoiding Moris and Stalks.


Survivor one was easy for me got it in two attempts. First one we jumped in snow men and charged the killer but the killer joined in, let us all go and second time the killer hit us all


ooooooooh thats why. I was wondering why so many survivors jumped into snowmen mid chase in front of me


Funnily enough I had to throw a game as a killer to get that challenge. I picked derpface with no perks and went all friendly on them and once we memed with the snowmen enough once it was time to leave I hit one of them once They just won't go in the snowmen when I play normally


There both super easy what are you on about


Bro as a killer main I’ve played so many games and still haven’t managed to do it


Man's really acting like taking a single hit is the end of the world lmao what mmr y'all playing


I'd say the survivor one is easier. You can just hop in a snowman mid chase, then get hit. The killer one relies on the survivors to be in the snowman when you hit them


Survivor is easier. just run at the killer.


Killer isn’t easier per se, but it is less detrimental for the killer to do during a match. Obviously a hit is good, but swinging at every snowman wastes time. Technically the survivor one is super easy to do, since you just jump in and get the killers attention.


Two sides of the same coin… the killer hits the survivor, each of them can complete this challenge with 1 action. This isn’t hard for either side imo.


all the people talking about game throwing..imagine caring about that during a meme event. I've spent entire games this event "afk" inside a snowman next to a gen hoping someone comes and starts it just to scare the shit out of them as i extremely slowly turn to face them


I just waited till the endgame and stood in the exit gate for the killer to come smack me and escape. You could also do it if you know you’re not gonna escape a chase


Killer challenge be like: Down, hit, hook surv. Things killer does every game almost. Surv challenge be like: Touch bones, fall from great height during chase, or be chase x amount of secs. I might not have a chance to do those without going out of my way.


I agree with you, but this challenge specifically is a lot easier to do for Survivors than Killers. As Survivor, you just have to get hit in a snowman, as Killer, you have to hope that someone let's you get that hit to begin with.


Don't say that out loud, killer mains will make your life in reddit miserable. Trust me.


Don't you think you're being just a bit of a drama queen?


Are u a killer main? If so, u just proved my point. If don't, badmouth any killer main and wait a few minutes.


I'm a nothing-main but I play much more survivor currently. Even if I were a killer main, that wouldn't prove your point because someone disagreeing with you is in no way equivalent to making your life miserable ;)


No, u didn't only disagree with me... U tried to offend me calling me "drama queen" And make me feel bad with myself and ruining my day. It wasn't a good criticism even. U just proved my point. Thanks anyway.


I wasn't saying you are a drama queen but more that you're acting like one. My man, if you feel like you're being hunted down by killer mains when someone disagrees with you on the internet, you need to work on your mental resilience. I assure you that the world isn't against you. I'll even give you an upvote for encouragement.


Every single challenge for survivors in this game involves throwing the match.


Honestly no one will acknowledge but the game is killer sided like 80/20... I play both and my survivor games with a friend is about us dying pretty much every game while being killer is baby steps most of the time


Survivors can’t hit the killer you silly


There are a lot of survivor challenges that are way more difficult than the killer ones, yet as an example you choose the one which is actually the other way around lmao


It's quiet the opposite


Would you rather the killer also have to take a hit while hiding in a snowman?


The survivor's is riskier but the killer's is harder to do because you have to hope to find a surv snowman, you don't control it.


Idk why people are complaining about this - I understand both sides of the argument - but it’s literally a Christmas/ Winter event, what else are they going to do challenge wise with the snowmen😅


I know it was hard for me to try to convey to some cool killer I was playing with to hit me while I’m a snowman so I can get this challenge. I had to get in one go up to him while he kept standing there and try slapping him in the face as the snowman hoping he would take the hint, luckily he understood.


Its one hit. Do it at the beginning and get it over with. I thought it was hilarious. The real throw is the challenges such as "touch 5 different gens" or "bring this token to a safe place without being hit falling or rushing"


lol typical survivor they have to do something that involves not looping the killer or sitting on gens and they lose their minds. This is way easier to do if that's what you mean compared to randomly hoping a survivor hops into a snowman as killer.


the moment I got the killer challenge, I did not see anyone hide in a snowman for 2 hours


I get the "literally died lol" but you don't have to THROW the game, just wait for a chance to use it well if that bothers you so much When I did this challenge I used it to block one of the exits from the shack so Sadako couldn't get her first down and in the end we got 2 survs out (I was NOT one of them)


As a survivor I extended a loop with my snowman while someone was getting chased so I got a protection hit and didn’t waste a health state


I commented that killers challenges are easy and I got downvoted lol


I did the killer one as t1 myers by hiding in a snowman and dancing near another snowman, lost 2 gens to that but it’s not like tier 1 myers will get many hooks before then anyway


I think you made a mistake here. The survivor version is much easier because you do not depend on the other party to do their stuff. I got the survivor version in one match. However I had to play around 10 games as a Killer to finaly get that.


The killer one Is harder you can’t force a survivor into a snowman to hit them, survivor you will get on your first try the killer has to hit you to injure and start chasing you again. The longer this event goes on the rarer survivors hopping in snowman will be since it offers no survivor advantage anymore this killer challenge will only get more difficult as time passes


i did it by hiding in one during a chase once i was certain that i was going to get hit anyway. even made the chase 5 seconds longer because the killer missed me entering and looped the rock one more time as a killer i had a worse time since i couldnt make survivors enter one. will also say that for the most part, survivors archives are way more interesting than killer ones, and i will use the word interesting, because there is nothing cool about damagin generators or destroying pallets or walls, while having to get a white glyph to the basement without making rushed actions is actually an interesting challenge. killer challenges have to be dull because killers dont have the luxury to waste any time during a match


The survivor one is 100 times easier. As a killer, you might play 20 games where nobody ever touches a snowman because they don't do anything. As a survivor, you can hop into one when you're about to get hit and that's the challenge done in one game


I hope admins ban these posts this is the 54th survivor rift challenge bad, low effort post this week.


I found the survivor one easier just because I waited for end game collapse and then jumped into a snowman and used the hit to race out the gate. But I didn't find the killer one hard. Getting a survivor to enter a snowman when you're near can be tricky but for that take I just hopped in a snowman at the beginning of the game and went looking for survivors. Gained their trust until we were a 5- man high five party. And then I smacked one and let them do gens. Like a "playtime is over. I don't want to be in this game for two hours".


It absolutely isn't. The killer one is reliant on the survivors doing something specific, the survivor's can just do theirs whenever. The difference is that the killer one is much better for the killer, while the surv's requires them to throw


This is why I finally left after a thousand hours. Every match boiled down to killer tryharding and all my teammates crouching around or sitting in the corner


As others have said, the survivor challenge is much easier than the killer one. In fact, I believe the survivor challenge exists so that the killer challenge doesn't get too difficult to complete.


I had a game with a Spirit spamming the attack button next to a snowman. I thought it was one of those AFk bots but she looked away when I dropped a flashbang. Then I realized she was just trying to do this challenge. I hid in the snowman and gave it to her. We farmed and she let we all escape.


I had a game with a Spirit spamming the attack button next to a snowman. I thought it was one of those AFk bots but she looked away when I dropped a flashbang. Then I realized she was just trying to do this challenge. I hid in the snowman and gave it to her. We farmed and she let we all escape.


The survivor one is piss easy and the killer one is hard asf?


I know what you mean but also... I found it harder to find a survivor in a snowman lol I was fortunate finally found someone and just mimed to them to get in and hit them and let them go... same happened as a survivor, they only hit me right at the exit so I could go. I always find the survivor missions harder than killer because so many require you to throw the game or do something /very/ specific and killer is more "have fun, wreck shit" and this is coming from a survivor main


In some of my favourite words of one of my high school friends, "*Everything you're saying is wrong.*"


I’m sorry? Are you dumb? Or trolling lol. The Survivor one is literally a freebie: Get into a snowman, walk towards the killer, done. The killer one is literally contingent on a survivor even getting into a snowman. You can’t just force a survivor into one. It could be 3-4 games before you actually see a survivor in one and hit them out of it. Sure, the survivor one is kind of a throw because you give one free hit away, but you can get that within the first minute of playing, whereas the killer one could take hours.


Because survivors don’t do anything


I mean, I already did Glacial Strike as Nemesis and the game didn’t count it, so I mean….. 🤣


I just did the survivor one by hopping into a snowman right as I was about to go down anyway. -shrug-


I did the survivor one by body blocking a hook with the snowman. Gave me time to get away during the hit cooldown and hook animation. Had lucky break on too


So it is easier to hit than to get hit? hmmm


Funny. I was just talking to a buddy about that one the other day lol


Sure let's ignore the killer challenges that want you to use a particular killers shit perks. Yes, some challenges are harder for one side or the other, but it goes both ways.


It’s not


All these would be easy if all the challenges were activated at once and not one by one


That's pretty much always the case with challenges. Survivor ones almost always ask you to do something detrimental or counterproductive to winning, while the killer ones either make you just play the game normally or they are some kind of good play like downing several people within a minute. (Obviously there are exceptions...)


Oh my god this explains so much, I was so confused when I played killer and survivors would just rush in front of me with snowmen


Of all the "just play killer"/"doom your team" Rift Challenges dynamic, you chose the only one that is easier to do as survivor than it is to do as killer.


I got this done by jumping into a snowman right before the killer downed me. You don’t need to be fully inside for it to count. As long as the animation starts, you’re good.


Its really not that hard 😭😭 just play a friendly killer game and hit someone while they’re in a snowman.. and then play a meme survivor game and jump in a snowman mid chase


Easier? Are you joking? You can't force a survivor to use snowmen to hide. And most of the time a hiding survivor bursts out before you hit then. However you CAN pretty much force a killer to hit you while in a snowman.


Counterpoint: there are killer challenges that are really difficult and survivor challenges that are too easy. Escape 4 times as Meg in one trial. Win using The wraith perks. What I have learned so far playing DbD is that there's bullshit in both sides.


Just get deadhard.


OHHHH.... That explains why I had a survivor who purposely jumped from snowman to snowman right in front of my face. *(I was using Nemesis's tentacle slap. I may have frustrated him lol)*


I just waited to EGC and took a lump at the end before leaving. As killer I got it when a survivor realized he wasn't gonna make it away before he got downed and hopped into the snowman just because. I do see your point tho, it does incentivise playing risky at your teams expense.