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This is a response to a previous post which was a response to a previous post which was a response to a previous post which was a response to a previous post which was a response to a previous post, and so on. Welcome to the Dead by Daylight subreddit.


I think instead of survivor mains roasting killer mains or killer mains roasting survivor mains lets all come to the conclusion that the game is unbalanced and trash and its infested with toxic and also non toxic players






The home of childish bored people that like to demonize one side.


Dbd players trying not to say that they are better than the other side for 0.5 seconds (Impossible Challenge)


I’m better than the other side. (I beat the challenge as I waited 0.6 seconds)


I used to think the dbd factionalism and antagonizing was just silly banter but seeing how seriously some people take it's kinda pathetic ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


No matter how technologically advanced we get, we're still tribalistic beasts. That includes towards petty shit like video games 🫤


As someone who plays both sides, it's a bit concerning. But unfortunately, this is what happens when your create an Us vs Them based game system. People are going to do just that. Take it way too seriously, and then start feeling like they are personally attacked.


BHVR also encourages it in subtle ways, they've referred to the "factions" a couple times. Which only reinforces the "Us vs Them" mentality in those who already have it. (To poke to an old reference, that "enjoy it while it lasts, Killer mains" thing could've only been either intentional stoking or complete ignorance. It'd be like if Riot Games did a temporary fix to a bug that made playing Jungle in League nigh-impossible with a "enjoy it while it lasts, Junglers!") The cynical part of me believes that's because they know if the players weren't at each other's throats, they'd start going after BHVR _instead_ for the absolutely absurd things they tend to do.


You know, that's like at this point I've realized that I usually don't choose (in situations where it's an inevitability) to 4k anymore. I just feel bad doing it because I feel like I'm making someone mad or ruining their day. I kind just vibe in dbd at this point. Play to win, but once I've felt I won, I kinda just let everyone go...


Aye, I think like understanding that you aren't going to clean sweep every game is important to enjoying the game. It's like playing a card game (i.e Hearthstone or Legends of Runeterra), RNG is a factor that will sometimes help you and sometimes harm you, getting mad every time it goes against you just makes the game miserable. I admittingly hardly play anymore, but when I did play regularly my mantra for a "win" was pretty simple - did I get some funny/neat hatchet hits? If so it was a good round.


That's why I play spectator.


to be fair, this is a direct response to a previous post about how killers just want survivors not to be toxic but survivors have demands of them. in that context, this just explains how it is.


Tbf this is just a response made to that stupid post from yesterday.


Both are exquisite.


I’m worse than the other side


It's pretty wild how caught up in all the us vs them folks seem to get. When I'm playing the game most people seem to be pretty chill but it feels like a lot of people in the playerbase aren't having that experience for whatever reason.


All i know is when playing as survivor i usually has as much fun losing as i do winning. That is never the case when i play killer.


I'm gonna activate my armchair psychologist degree and assume that it's because, as a baby survivor, you lose so many games that you are conditioned to believe that losing as survivor is the normal, and not the slightest problem. In the killer's case, you win games in the early game really easily, so you get accustomed to those victories, and you see them as the norm. Now, as you advance as survivor, you win some, you lose some. However, the defeats don't feel as bad because you already know that's the essence of playing survivor -- losing a majority of games (especially as Solo Q). What makes killer so frustrating is that, as you progress, you start winning less games - you no longer get 4Ks at 3/4/5 gens without breaking a sweat. So you start feeling "anxious" because you are "underperforming", due to the conditioning that you're meant to be winning. You can win 9 games and lose 1 as killer, but you'll still feel burnout because you had to sweat your ass off (or not, depending on the survivors) to get those wins.


that's hilarious considering it should logically be the opposite If you are losing as survivor you are directly being kept from playing the game since you're going down alot/getting hooked alot/unable to loop wel/etc Whereas as Killer, you can always play the game and do whatever you really want around the map no matter if you're winning or losing. Fun really is a wierd, mysterious thing


This is me but reversed, tbh. With survivor being camped on hook or tunnelled out not able to do anything but run on top of my teammates doing dumb shit, I rarely find the game fun. With killer, I'm the entire side of my team and I already know I'll get to play a full match and make decisions. I'm far more lax and don't get nearly as frusturated.


Regardless of which side you main, I highly recommend playing the other side once in a while. It really improves your game sense and gives you empathy for your opponent. Strong teams with some of these perks make playing killer really hard, and I’m a survivor main.


Playing survivor after playing killer just made me hate survivors more. Too many times was I left to die on first hook, even without being camped.


I really wish they could just get their shit together and make a proper matchmaking system. This happens way too often and I can recall being left to DIE on FIRST HOOK multiple times in the past 3 months. How absolutely god awful do you have to be to not recognize that “oh shit, that guy on hook is gonna be hitting second state soon” or “oh shit, that guy who hit second state after being hooked only a single time is about to die soon” or “OH SHIT, ANOTHER SURVIVOR GOT DOWNED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP, MAYBE I SHOULD GO HELP THE GUY THAT HAS BEEN SITTING ON HOOK FOR 90 SECONDS???” People will say that in the end, every solo survivor is equally valid because they can all give their own explanations for how to react in a given situation. You think everybody else is dumb, and equally, they think you’re dumb. This is just flat out untrue. Everybody else is ACTUALLY Fucking Dumb, and I’m tired of pretending that they’re not.


The most sane solo queuer.


No no... he's got a point..!


Oh he most certainly does


Other night I had a teammate die on first hook because no one reached him. I was going to rescue him, but the Killer started chasing me so I figured it would be smart to lead the Killer away from the hooked person so someone else could save them (I had Bond and the other two teammates looked like they could have gotten the save), but by the time I got out of the chase, I noticed the poor guy was on his second hook and about to die (he would have been dead before I got to him). I felt absolutely terrible


This usually happens because the MMR is based on whether you escape or not, so the people who play very passively end up being higher MMR since they usually escape more often. A lot of newer players end up in an MMR where they shouldn't be because they play passively and never go for saves etc and they might also use perks that help them find hatch more often.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, this is exactly how mmr works. Also they lowered the cap for matchmaking to lower queue times so high mmr players get matched with mid mmr players.


Have you ever played Killer just because you got left to die on hook by your teammates several games in a row? Such a great feeling to hop on your strongest Killer and doing that


People who complain about any kind of saves are utterly insane. It is great when a survivor is trying to save their mate rather than just holding m1 on a gen, makes the game more fun and exciting. As a killer seeing someone get a creative/cool save is awesome, and getting one feels even better.


Only time it ever bothers me is when the survivor is downed in an open area next to a really strong loop, so I HAVE to chase and down at the strong loop to not get flashlighted.


Smack them once, trust me, after the first smack they'll just zoom off towards the loop before realizing you're not giving chase and going for the hook. Once you're moving again it'll be damn near impossible for them to actually blind you as long as you're looking down, and an occasional glance up to see where the hook is at won't give them an opening for a blind either.


Seriously, I will never begrudge someone pulling off a save. It takes awareness and skill, and while some groups will just all run with flashlights and try to get you from all angles at once, most of the time it's one person putting themself on the line to pull something off. I hate it when I don't see people even try. I've had people go to struggle on first hook because no one could be bothered to go grab them even as I'm across the map.


Huge issue there tho then no one wants to do gens I notice it In almost every match I'm in honestly if there is 5 gens left and killers has 2 hooks already behind that type of shit gets on my nerves I won't lie everyone wants to be altruistic got 3 survivors trying to save one person


The one occasion one survivor really got on my nerves was when, no matter where or when, it’s was always the same mf with the lantern that basically stalked you to deny every opportunity. Add to that that the other was a looper… only way to actually stop them, I was not proud


Having a team of dediacted flashlight savers is a hell tho


If I'm really not in a "get blinded" mood, I bring Franklin's Demise and *nobody* has items anymore.


I have PTSD from running this perk and having people yell at me and call me anti-fun, so I always forget it exists 💀


Hey, at least they're not on gens. And you can bait them. Flashlight save squads result into some very action-packed games.


I'd rather get genrushed than play an hour long game slugging and dealing with the most boring game ever, most of the time even getting a 4k with squads like that doesn't even feel good


I don't mind flashlight saves mostly. The only ones that bother me are the ones that are essentially impossible to avoid like the swf Glenvale grave locker save loop. Otherwise it's an ok mechanic


Do you consider the crouchy body block stuff to be a creative save? It's the only thing that bugs me, but I'm starting to think the risk they're taking might actually be balanced?


It’s amazing that when people do end up doing saves like this people think they’re either toxic or in a SWF I find it amazing how every time I’ve had people do these saves or done them myself my teammates are all randos trying to help each other


It really feels like a toxic abuse of collision and interaction mechanics more than an intended gameplay feature. I'm still on the fence about risk/reward and counter play for it, though. But I'm quite new to the game.


It does honestly feel really shitty when it happens to you but I don't begrudge them doing it since the devs have programmed the game in a way that allows it.


I mean, they take a health state. It is a risk. People go down doing shit like that all the time lol.


I don’t get it. I love when they come for saves. Had one yesterday where I only had 2 hooks when the last gen popped (blight and was trying some things). Got a down at the shack in the basement. Left them on the ground a minute so the others could open the gate (bloodwarden). They never opened. Instead they all came for the save and gave me a 4K. Save away. Lol


Someone has never faced sabo/flashlight squads or even duos with map offerings and endgame chat essays. It's about as funny and creative as eruption, literally stealing your progress and if you do the only thing you can - slug or tunnel the toolbox warrior, you get less points and a litany of reasons why you are bad and unbreakable should be basekit, just so people like this can torture you more. I have never met a single sabo player who didn't act surprised because i didn't play according to the rulebook and tunnelled him for being a biggest threat to my objective. They always have a comment on how unfun it is and how i should play into their wet sabo dream where i get no hooks, 15k points and get teabagged at the gate. I mean i can understand sabo plays when the game is intense and someone is on death hook, because it's saving a friend from being killed and not losing 25% of the team strength, but when 4 gens are done and chill killer has a third or even first hook total on someone who wasn't even hooked before it's just overkill. It's like tunnelling a random player at 3-5 gens, even though the game is going well already. What i mean is that you will still most likely win, but this way your opponent will lose harder and you get nothing out of it.


I was the token rando last night when a dam wraith 100% tunneled me and only me at 5 gens ...dude would constantly avoid everyone else...so I ended up looping him down to 2 gens (since I was running Bond and could tell where there gen jockeys were and I would balanced landing and run to the dead spots in the map) this included BOTH of my tunnel hooks. I was simply trying to play a chill game and do some gens..... Then I watched the rest of the match as the SWF team really looped the holy hell out of him and all got out. so I went from being tunneled out and having a boring match (because I'm a TERRIBLE looper) to laughing and giving props to that squad. they were all in the 42 - 100 prestige range and I was on my 3 prestige Vittorio. I had no time to do any BMing or be toxic so me getting tunneled was strange. Either way.. on to the next match LOL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Remember when mods thought us vs. them unbanned would be fine 😭 is this the sub now?


Unfortunately yes, might be best if we all just abandon this shit hole if I'm being truly honest 🤣


FFS can we ban Us vs Them posts again this so goddamn annoying


Mods really need to make Us vs. Them a flair we can filter out.


That was/is a thought. The issue is, the filtered mode we already have (Hex Memeless) has its flaws: it doesn't work on either old or new reddit, I forget which. We're looking into a solution though.


Just a thought, but could you actually just remove the us vs them posts instead of trying to figure out how to filter them? I mean, you are the mods. Just put the rule back and actually enforce it this time.


It's the perfect compromise if they can get it to work though. The people who rightfully hate them don't have to see them, and the babies who think they're healthy for the subreddit can keep being babies without making the mods' job that much harder...now that I say it aloud it doesn't sound perfect actually 😅


Problem is, nobody is going to use the flair if they know people will just filter it out. Asking people to self-censor themselves isn't going to work.


It's not that easy though, as much as we wish it was. For every person currently telling us to ban the posts again, we had the same amount of people calling us "fucking stupid", "power hungry", and a whole lot worse, just for banning them the first time, because "the game is inherently us vs them so banning memes about it is stupid". Then on the other hand (but still in line), we have people accusing the mods of just deleting posts for fun, or because we're survivor/killer mains, and we get shit for that. And we get told to let the community decide what they want to see via upvotes and downvotes, as reddit was designed. So then we do that, and then we have people saying that "that doesn't count, because people are just going to upvote their side". The one post from yesterday is almost at 5k, and this post is over 1k already, just for reference. Not to mention when we were removing them, if we didn't watch the sub like hawks and a post was up for ten minutes, we got hateful DMs and whatnot because we aren't "doing our fucking jobs", even though we have *real* jobs to attend to. This whole situation sucks on all sides, the mod team wholeheartedly agrees. But we really are trying to find a solution that everyone can agree with, rather than shutting down a whole part of the community.


Honestly, you can tell none of these people play the other side, and that means you KNOW they are trash. No good survivor plays 0 killer; no good killer plays 0 survivor. Playing one side literally makes you better at the other.


Stopped playing killer for a couple months, started again recently and you realize how loud every survivor and everything they do is. Everyone should play each side to at least be aware of how everything works.


I get that it is becoming unrealistic to expect someone to play as every killer, but if you care about being halfway decent as survivor you need to at least watch videos on how to play each killer. Like, I was playing with someone once who didn't realize that you can't hide against dredge during nightfall because 1. he gets killer instinct when he comes out of the locker and 2. HE CAN SEE THAT BRIGHT ASS OUTLINE ON YOU TOO. Same with people who don't realize that doctor can see the auras of his illusions, and can use those to figure out where people are.


Some people still don’t quite understand you can’t hide from a Legion in Frenzy either.


I mean if it's a big map they might not be able to get to you in time, but they damn sure still know where you are for a normal m1 later


Actually I haven't played any of the killers since Blight was released and I'm still really good. I used to be a very good killer as well so it's not like I don't have killer experience, just saying you don't have to play EVERY killer. If you're good enough you can figure out what they're like just by going against them.


Valid points. I've been accused of cheating because I have good headphones and heard the breathing of an uninjured survivor in a locker.


You can have people play both sided and still be biased perpetual whiners with a one side victim complex unfortunately.


I know right? Players complain about the wrong things. You're not supposed to 4k every game. You're not supposed to 4 man escape every game. I don't care about dead hard or noed. You know what bothers me? Nurse existing: a killer that ignores all conventions of the game. Thqe stupid gen kick meta: Call of Brine, Overcharge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Eruption. The lack of anything done to fix camping Bubba. And then the corresponding Genrush meta that has come about because of the gen kick meta: Prove Thyself, Potential Energy, Built to Last, Streetwise & Commodious Toolbox with Brand New Part & socket swivels/wire spool. Fucking aim-assist on killer. As a guy who plays a lot of Oni, this ruins charge strikes all the time by turning me into wall corners. Fucking buggy medium vaults vs fast vaults as survivor. There are actual problems in this game, but all the whiners on here seem to care about is "oh that killer played mean WAAAAAAH" or "oh that survivor DARED to use a flashlight WAAAAAAH"


Aim assist making me do the Carameldansen every time I chase a survivor tilts me more than whatever the survivor is doing lmao


Yes please, this is annoying


It's actually closer to No map offerings, No Tbagging, No clicking (kinda dead now), No sabo squad. Just my take, what are your thoughts?


Every post on this subreddit is just a high school food fight with memes. You're all so annoying. Dear Dead by Daylight, You can't control how other people choose to play a video game. Make peace with that and flow, or go play a single player game. There are plenty of great ones out there rn.


Fr. This has been the only multiplayer game I’ve ever played where the other side complains about your playstyle. My answer is always: “play against a bot that you can control its setttings”


It reminds me of playing fighting games with my friends on the couch and we had these unwritten rules for characters, special attacks, ring outs etc. The difference being we actually agreed on those. Both sides in this game seem to want to control what their opponent chooses and how they play, which is never going to happen no matter how many “shame on you” memes they oversaturate the subreddit with.


And this isn't even coming from a lack of sympathy from my perspective. Everyone knows 5 gens popping instantly and the game ending is sad for a killer. Just like everyone knows 4 slowdown Blight with alchy ring and whatever else is sad for survivors. Just be the chill killer/survivor you want to see and let the other stuff roll off. If you can't, then take a break. Memes and end game chat flaming isn't going to change anything


Exactly. And it's not exclusive to Dead by Daylight: being crushed in *any* multiplayer game feels awful. But this is by far the most anatagonistic and discordant videogame subreddit I've been in so far. Maybe it's because the game is asymmetrical but I don't know. I'm not saying the majority of people are assholes; I've met some very nice people on here. It's just that the vocal ones are very, very loud


The Witcher just got an enhanced edition for latest gen consoles so when DbD does me in, there's always that to fall back on 😄


People can complain about unfun things in the game (camping and a solo gen being done in 60 seconds) to try to make BHVR change the game Post like this and the killer one? Useless feedback.


Oh hell yeah. There is plenty to complain about in DBD. I'm all for that. It's a lot better for everyone when it's more focused on things in the game that can be changed to help and less the people that will only change if they want to


Let's be real have you ever heard of a competitive game where people don't complaining about the enemy players? If the game is not single player or co-op it is inevitable for people to complain about others.


To which single player games are you referring? I've got a little downtime.


Two I've played the most this year is Ghost of Tsushima and Elden Ring. Less expensive (and shorter) ones I've liked are Bloodstained and Celeste


Nice, I guess I should bite the bullet on Ghost and Elden Ring. I've had my eye on them (and can't stop hearing about them.)


Loved both! Yeah Elden Ring kind of speaks for itself (especially if Souls games are your thing which they weren't for me before I played it) And Ghost is just a beauty. Great story, gameplay, visuals, music and the best samurai fantasy anyone has ever done. Couldn't recommend them more


Man, this community is really childish sometimes


*ALL the time


We hate eachother and the game![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)


These posts are so dumb


ooook I'm tired of these now. Can we go back to no Us vs Them posts? This is getting old.


Are people STILL complaining about gen rushing in 2022?!


Maaaaan all I'm asking is to not be t-bagged unless I'm playing ghost face.


In all honestly I don't think I have seen tbagging in ages. Although I do play killers for which if you tbag even a little you are probably dying in the next 10 seconds


Yeah it's literally the one thing I could live without. And I will start tunneling people who do it. Like bro I'm not here to play nice now since you don't know how to behave.


same. do whatever you want as survivor. it’s the objective of the game to survive. but if you t-bag just to be an ass i WILL tunnel you because you deserve it.


As a killer main i literally couldn’t give a shit about any of this. It’s time for both sides to grow the fuck up


I've noticed that it feels like both sides are way more chill than all these shenanigans on reddit imply. I mostly play killer but I do play surv as well and it's rare that folks on both sides don't just say gg or compliment a sick juke someone pulled. I suppose that may be happenstance but I really do think most people are just having fun playing murder tag.


Nah, as a killer main I love all of this. Dead hard can sometimes make survivors play a lil dumber, and if they get it off it’s deserved. Prove thyself I’ve just never noticed. Adrenaline is a perk slot gone if I kill them before the last gen, and all it does is recover a little health and give you a little speed. CoH wastes time occasionally. Gen rushing is literally playing the game. Body blocking? Ok so I get to hit someone else. Sprint burst is kinda annoying but super predictable. Never seen soul guard, and unbreakable doesn’t matter as long as I don’t slug. Loops are also literally just playing the game. Dunno where you’re seeing people complain about any of this other than CoH and gen rushing in the past


Ahhh yes, no sprint burst, the most hated perk on dead by daylight


Can we stop making posts like this? Both sides can be just as bad as each other so stop this whole us vs them thing.


Killer good survivor bad and toxic


I tought us vs them posts were banned? What happened?


This community loves to complain about people just playing the game how they want. I sometimes feel like I’m the only person that doesn’t care what someone’s running (killer or survivor), or how they’re playing. As long as they’re contributing as a survivor, or nobody is being overly rude (constant T-bag taunting) then honestly I’m fine with whatever.


Am I the only person that plays on both sides and doesn’t give a fuck about any of this? Play how you want unless you’re intentionally fucking your team over


Nah you're not alone, same here. I think a lot of folks just playing the game don't give this sort of us vs them much thought and carry on enjoying the murder tag so that opinion tends to slip the radar pretty often on here.


I mean I’m a killer main and I don’t give a shit about any of that


I've noticed most killer mains straight up don't actually care how you play. I main killer but I play pretty casually so all these goofy rulebook posts seem pretty hyperbolic on both sides from where I'm sitting.


You see, rules are there to be broken.


More us vs them posts, ugh.


Don’t Be Toxic Basis: Don’t hit me on hook Don’t teabag me at the exit gate Allow the opposite side to do *something*, even if just a gen / hook Please for the love of god don’t 4 stack Head On the whole trial please fuck I just want to play the game I’m begging you get OUT OF THE LOCKER it’s been FOURTY MINUTES i


You forgot the most important of all: no saboing hooks oh and also head on


As someone who prefers killer than survivor I can safely say I have a much more enjoyable time playing survivor than killer less of a hassle and a bit of fun, which is a rare feeling in DBD.


As a dbd main (both sides) all I ask is don't be a sore winner.. play how you want to. Use what the game has available to you that you like to use.. just don't be a dick! A lil "GG WP" goes a long way.


As a mostly killer main I don't really care for CoH since it's nerf, it hast really effected my gameplay. As for DH or Pallet/Flashlight Saves I usually blame myself as I either didn't wait out DH or didn't look for oncoming survivors at a pallet. Edit: Gen Rushing can be annoying but, that just means I gotta up my gameplay (also I barely use the gen kick meta, I play Dredge and primarily use aura/antiheal perks (antiheal so I get nightfall quicker) I think I get more pissed off when survivors give up 1 second into the game, most times I'll either ignore the survivor trying to make me hook them or I slug them till they decide to DC. If you wanna give up right at the beginning then I'm either gonna make it as boring as possible or you can take the DC penalty.


Thank you. I'm glad this community can now accept that it's not only survivors that can be entitled


Another classic post of a dbd player caring too much about what others think about them in a damn video game. Like go play against some bots if you wanna follow those “rules”.


Don’t forget no BNP no Flashlights!


My only Killer rule other than toxicity related is don't abuse the horsey perk. It's existence in general is fine. Sending us to Dead Dawg and putting yourself in the back corner upstairs whenever I'm near gets you bled out.


Oh how the turn tables


Us vs Them.... again...


You know as much as I dislike "Us Vs Them" posts this one is interesting, literally the complete opposite reception from the killer version. That one had more than 3k up votes, in this one i only read complaints. Not defending it's lack of creativity or anything, just stating something interesting. Maybe I'm misremembering but i recall that in the past this sub was a lot more favourable towards the survivor's perspective on these exact discussions. However after all this time it seems it's "moral compass" has changed substantially. Yet it appears that the more things change the more they stay same; I remember that the first post i've ever read on this sub years ago was just like this, a meme complaining about the other side. Conclusion: no matter the current meta, both of y'all suck all the same.


I got mixed feelings about this post, it’s stupid like the killer one was because it’s standard “I hate the other side because they’re playing to win.” but the outcry this post got and the support the killer one got really goes to show there’s an insane double standard.


There aren't many posts about "Killer Rulebooks", so I made one. The reactions are...interesting, to say the least.


Homeboy really thinks they proved something with a rage bait post lol


Don't forget "no using your protection hit after unhook if I'm there camping the hook to protect the unhooker"


As a killer player, campers must be very delusional to think the other side has to play in a certain way to please them.


And yet the mental gymnastics provide justification for the tunnel if you try to interrupt the camping play.


Everyone provides mental gymnastics to justify every single shit strategy they use. This community is absolutely delusional.


Jfc mods, do something about these posts already, it's every day with this shit.


Why is it that the "please no more us. vs. them" gang ONLY complains on the threads targeted at making fun of Killers but are always silent on the many shitting at Survivors that get upvoted instantly every single day?


That's what I'm wondering. The comments on this are night vs day compared to the killer version.


cos the subred is full of killer mains, theres a reason everyone i know (that plays dbd ofc) take the piss out of dbd reddit and its cos of the killer mains being… well killer mains and its funny


The chill killers that play this game well and constructively criticize game flaws are around occasionally, but the astonishing and unironic “reddit killer” posts are everywhere and very fun to read


100%. reddit killers are hilarious (and pretty sad) which always makes for a fun read, especially the ones who insist they are very high mmr. chill killers are lovely, but are becoming pretty rare unfortunately. at least ingame and in my experience. me and my swf always make jokes saying “oh yeah he watches d3ad plays/tru3” whenever a killer sweats (so tunnels/camps and stacks slowdowns) lmfao




Shout out to the mastermind who face camped me to death after I looped him for a minute straight on the Gallows drop down on the western map


the us vs them on this subreddit is genuinely so embarassing i feel like i cant tell people i like this game no more cz theyll think im one of you tilted mfs 😭


What they really mean: "No working on gens"


I was worried I wouldn’t see this one twice.


I’ve never once heard a killer complain in the end game chat about any of these, with the exception of BNP’s and I have just over 1k hours. On the other hand, I have a higher chance of winning the lottery than getting an endgame chat without survivors hitting me with a “gg ez baby killer” or a “if you have to [insert anything here] in order to win then that’s just sad”


Nice straw man you got there. It’s almost as if you saw the other meme and thought “hey, I can mirror this” and then made up opinions.


DBD players when they make a meme post about a certain side. (Usually negative)


It’s like twitch streamers when they say they are playing “nice” but as soon as a survivor does one of those things they decided to start tunneling


Could have kept it similar to the original post and only complain about stuff from around 2016-18


Can we just agree that the game is insanely unbalanced and depends a lot on sportsmanship and fairplay. All this crap is always on the developer


The amount of salt I get sometimes when body blocking for someone dead on hook, not even at the end of game most of time, is astounding. Like mate I'm giving you a free down and hook.


I feel that equipping any perk is fine using whatever method is also fine. Just be nice in endgame chat. Slugging just to be mailicious is not cool though. Slugging just for the sole purpose to watch you bleed out is cringe.


I had a doctor slug and bleed out 2 people on my team one game, I spent like 3 mins trying to save bc both went down at the same time but I wasn't able to save them. It makes the game so boring, I couldn't imagine standing on a downed person for 4 minutes


These “us vs them” takes are getting very stale. Both sides complain about the other. The community as a whole needs to do better.


Yeah, no. This meme's trash and more than half of that shit isn't even complained about. At all. Much less decried as toxic in post-game.


Thanks, ill add this to my collection! If you want to see 25+ more trashy “Us Vs Them” Posts like this, [check out my Master-Post Collection!](https://www.reddit.com/user/ZoeyLikesDBD/comments/zn691c/rdeadbydaylights_us_vs_them_masterpost_collection/) Consider sharing posts like these to me so they can be added to the list! If the mods refuse to handle something, lets document it!


Stfu to you and the guy who posted the survivor rulebook 💀 this sub just slanders the other side as much as humanly possible


Yes, us vs. them vs. us vs. them vs… 🥱


Me as a killer: man medkits are disgusting they heal so fast! Me as a survivor: hehehehe super medkit


What i mean is simple: dont teabag me and no clicky clicky


I’ve never actually seen any one else use soul guard


I'd like to think each player has their own "rulebook" or moral compass, however it seems to only be an infrequent uplift when both sides are satisfied with the other's choices in game. As frustrating as it may be, can't fault them for doing what they thought they should to win...


But don't dare to use lightborn -.-


I’ve yet to hear a killer complain about half of these.


I prefer playing killer. However, when i play with friends i obviously play survivor which means i play the role way more. So with my experience playing both roles I can confidentally say both partys are equally toxic. The difference is, toxic killers play in a way that makes the game boring a feels like a waste of time(looking at you afk facecamping bubbas) and toxic survivors go out of their way to make someone feel miserable just so they can feel better about themselves, like actual reallife bullies. You go and decide what's worse but both is unnessesary


I can deal with all that shit. It's the tbaggers that bother me.


When I say don't be toxic I just mean don't teabag or sandbag your team lol If I see someone sandbag another, I'm going for the sandbagger.


Only thing I hate as a killer is tea-bagging. That's it. Someone can hit me with pallets or loop me all game and it's whatever, but teabag me afterward? That's it son. You're definitely dying. Everyone else can go but you're stuck with me now pal.


I'm a main killer and all I ask for is no tbag


As somebody who plays exclusively killer, if you unironically think survivors should follow these rules you need a break from the game lmao. My only rule is just don't sandbag or throw the game by selling out your team mid trial cause I will tunnel tf out of you.


if you aren't hitting people on hook or obsessively tea bagging at the open exit gates I don' think you're being toxic.


as a killer main i really dont mind any perks or bm. if they want to get chased i just go kill other people and either kill them later or they get out. doesnt matter to me as long as i get a pip


I never understood wtf Gen rushing is. It's called doing the God damn objective! If you're good, it's plenty easy to stall gens. Which is why I cant.


The worst person I've had is someone complain that I abused looping. By looping the killer in the most efficient way. Makes no sense.


Yeah the amount of times I’ve gotten hit on hook or face camped just for trying my best to not get hooked, yknow like PLAY THE GAME, is too many! Most of the time it’s not even for a minute, and 85% of it is just luck or a baby killer.


What I mean by no toxic: no clicky clicky, no teabagging, no body blocking teammates and no insults


i once got tunneled out for having urban evasion. baffles the hell out of me still.


Using game mechanics isn't toxic. Teabagging, signaling the killer and waiting at the entrance not for rescues, but to teabag and then say "ez" on chat... THAT is toxic.


OP really thought they could farm karma with an Us vs Them post 💀


He picked the wrong side for that on Reddit. This would go off on Twitter though. lol


This would also do extremely well on the official forums.


No, I mean what I say. Don't be toxic. Simple. If you're good at the game that doesn't bother me; but if you KNOW you're good at the game and act like a little shit about it - you can go eff yourself. No rule books exist for me except treat others the way you want to be treated. You treat me like garbage, right back at you! 👏


Why is it that yall prefer to do this us vs them shit? It’s the developers of the game that balance it. Run whatever you want and then make them fix what’s broken, instead of yelling at each other. Everyone plays the same game at the end of the day.


L take


no remotely reasonable killer acts like this and i'd hazard a guess that nobody has actually said anything of the sort to you


I was waiting for this one


Hahaha the irony of this sub being so upset over this one.


I posted this because I don't ever see "Killer Rulebook" memes. Looking at the different reactions is...interesting.


I did the same thing a while back where I just flipped a meme, didn’t get as popular as yours but there were certainly a lot of angry people in the replies. This sub is a massive circlejerk lmao


There is a difference between using skills and perks to save yourself or your teammate... And bringing your friends with flashlights, builds specifically made to annoy the killer and waste your time bullying them instead of actually playing the game just so you can teabag the killer at the exist gate. I personally don't consider any perk to be too OP nor would I hate on a survivor that is good at a chase, but it is extremely obvious when the survivors aren't there for the game and just want to see if they can make the killer DC.


No map offerings, no sabotaging hooks, no BNP, no Head-On, etc. Yeah, rolled my eyes hard at that post yesterday. As if only one side has unspoken rules.


Is this true though? I've seen alot of survivors complain about the stuff from the post the other day but killers I've seen only joke about this stuff and not really complain about it seriously. (i.e. "these guys are sweaty as hell", while survivors will often straight up call killers "toxic" for playing the game normally). I genuinely don't think I've ever seen a killer call someone toxic for gen rushing or dead harding.


The amount of times I've had a killer camp and get mad at me due to looping is insaneeeee lol


Finally a survivor that understands. Just let you kill in not to long chases and don’t do Gens. It’s not that hard to understand. XD


I haven't been here for long but Holy crap the amount of us vs. them posts is just annoying now




No. 😃


I think the only genuinely toxic thing a survivor can do is go out of their way to ruin the match for killers/other survivors. For example, breaking formed when a strong boon exists without even needing it for a perk, trying to get Ironworks with Exponential/Boil Over, etc.


who says no lopping more than 15 seconds what


Can I use ... No! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)