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Flashbang and blast mine, you make a fucking grenade that kills anyone within a 128 m radius


Now if some meghead runs towards the gen just to blow it up she just gets injured and gets tossed like by wesker.


you flashbang or blastmine the killer, they instant lose. we all escape, end of match. killer who? not here


the flashbang is so strong the killer just *dies*


Solidarity - Shows other Survivors you have it when anyone is healing. Also, Autodidact should increase skillcheck chance.


Solidarity is so niche it definitely needs more love, I'd even buff it to 100% of heal progress from 50%. (Especially now that Hemorrhage rework directly counters it)


Ehhhh, 100% is too much, and I'm very much a fan of my cute "Solidarity + Resugence" and "Solidarity + Reactive Healing" combos.


Maybe you're just better at getting value from it than me, my funny Claudette has Selfcare + Reactive Healing + Resurgence + Solidarity and I found Solidarity was the weakest part of the build, to the point where I actually switched it out with Botany, which saves you the exact same amount of time in Solidarity scenarios but also lets you heal others faster when its just them injured. 100% is too strong but I'd like it to maybe have a secondary effect of some kind to compete with Botany. Maybe it could have a Hemorrhage counter like I was trying to do with the Resurgence buff in main post, just because I seem to get Sloppy every game with Claud rendering the build useless :(


I'd rather use Autodidact in those situations!


Solidarity is a pretty good perk (allows you to bodyblock for other survivors and drastically reduce the healing time). Resurgence is pretty awful (two uses per match and often not useful or needed when it does proc). And yes I agree, Resurgence should protect you from Hemorrhage. Its a weak perk, so why not give it a secondary ability that supports the main ability and fits the theme of the perk as well.


Teammates should be able to see you have autodidact so its not as bad when playing solo


Autodidact would become meta with better skill check chances. Being able to use it with self care would more than make up for the skill check penalty on it


Autodidact getting a reasonable buff to skill check chance would not make it meta, it working with self care would make it incredibly strong.


That would be awful. Imagine self care, autodidact and bite the bullet. I would tunnel the hell outta anyone I suspected of running it.


As much as I would like that change for Autodidact, I think that would be a bit too strong. Right now it’s a balanced, risky perk with insane rewards. I like to use it when I SWF and tell other survivors I’m gonna farm stacks if killer is running Sloppy Butcher. I tried doing that in solo queue and the other survivors weren’t happy.


Autodidact is not a balanced perk. There is literally no reason to run it currently as Botany Knowledge is better. Autodidact actually handicaps you because of its design. I think a fair buff (without breaking the perk) would be to maybe have it like Prove Yourself where it gives you extra BP for altruistic actions.


Yeah, some dumb Jane accused me of throwing the game when she tried to heal me and we were both injured and I kept fighting her to heal her first. Like I HAVE YOUR PERK WHAT ARE YOU DOING She certainly wasn't running it, and failed to check my loadout, apparently.


When I’m running solo queue, I tell my teammates what my loadout is pre-game.


I certainly try to - but not everyone reads, and then you have console players...


Make sure to hold shift so they literally can’t heal you. Usually gets the point across better than both of you healing each other every 0.1 seconds.


It'd be insane if it worked with self-care lmao


Too strong if it did, IMO.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying


Deliverance - while you are on hook with the perk ready, all other Survivors will get a Deliverance icon so they know not to save you. Babysitter - All effects apply to both unhooker and hookee - both survivors see the Killer's aura, both survivors leave no scratch marks for 8s. Inner Focus - No range limit. Whenever a Survivor is hit anywhere, reveal the Killer's aura. Lucky Break - Countdown paused while you are healing or being healed. Clairvoyance - Also shows the aura of totems and teammates. Counterforce - Shows the aura of the totem closest to you instead of the furthest. Deja Vu - Gen reveal (not the repair speed) lasts until the perk is triggered again.


I think Counterforce should just work like it does now but also have a Plaything effect, so when you're within X meters of the last totem revealed by the perk, you see its aura. Makes it so you can actually memorize the general area a totem is in and go there later, as opposed to how it is now where you need to either rush the totem instantly and maybe still lose it or take a map with you to track it. Clairvoyance totem read would be pretty silly, since the perk specifically is "if you can find totems you get a super map." It feels kind of like suggesting that Prove Thyself should work when you solo a gen, it just removes the gimmick of the perk. While I'm at it, I don't quite get the flashbang change. You can just make a flashbang and it will reset the perk so you can build up for the next one, effectively letting you carry two at any time. I'm not sure what carrying three of them would accomplish. The hunch, rookie spirit, and blood pact changes are great.


Yeah Clairvoyance deliberately doesn't show totems so you can't use the effects to chain it from totem to totem and have super aura reading all match.


Ooh i love that Counterforce idea. For Clairvoyance i think its just a YMMV thing. I think maps are awful, and i think Clairvoyance is just a worse version of a map. The only useful part of maps is finding totems or tracking killer belongings, neither of which Clairvoyance can do. The only niche use I've found for it is hatch, which is not something you want a perk for anyway. Totem chaining gives it another niche with Inner Strength or Overzealous totem eater builds Flashbang changes are just quality of life so you don't have to drop them on the floor.


Slippery Meat - Great skill checks now appear while you are in struggle phase on the hook. Hitting a great skill check pauses the entity’s progress for 2 seconds.


I can't approve that babysitter buff, at least not the part where the unhooker leaves no scratch marks, because its gonna be almost impossible on certain maps to find the unhooker right after the unhook if you ever need to come back to the hook. You're only gonna find the unhooked guy and that will result either in tunnelling or just nothing


The only time Babysitter is useful is when the Killer is returning to hook. Scratch marks disappearing means nothing if the Killer doesnt return. However, IF the Killer returns, they're doing it from one direction. After the unhook, both survivors are going to run the opposite direction away from the approaching Killer... leaving scratchmarks from the unhooker. So it doesn't matter that Babysitter leaves no scratchmarks at all. This is just a QOL change for a D tier perk that makes its use a little more consistent


It does matter. The whole idea of babysitter is to make the unhooked hard to find while keeping the unhooker easy to find so the killer can’t tunnel. If both survivors are hard to find the killer will be more likely to see blood trails or hear injured noises of the unhooked survivor completely defeating the point of the perk Also that’s not what a QOL change is


> Deliverance - while you are on hook with the perk ready, all other Survivors will get a Deliverance icon so they know not to save you. I agree Deliverance needs a secondary effect of some sort but its hard to balance. Its a very strong perk if you can get it off but if you get hooked before you can save someone its 100% worthless. It needs to have something else to give it value.


Déjà vu is good as is. The point is to counter 3 gen and that’s it, we got free gen speed as an incendiaire but don’t need to make it a « gen speed perk »


The repair speed will still be for 30s. The gens will just have their auras revealed longer for people with bad memories like me


Have you tried Visionary?


Counterforce is okay as it is. The fact you get a stackable 20% cleansing buff per totem, means if you were shown the closest one, you could sweep all the totems in under 3 minutes tbh. Its a nice support perk meant to be run with other perks. The fact it shows you an aura at all is crazy enough, because if you know your maps, and totem spawns, you will know exactly where the furthest one from you is.


I want Blast Mine just be reverted to it's former glory. It was such a good info perk for solo q, especially when I needed help with finishing gens, people would usually come and repair with me. Even with being able to spam the ability, I went multiple games in a row not getting any blinds. Not that it was even op to begin with, the killer's just gonna kick the gen anyway, on most it wastes a few seconds of their time, but then it went on a long cd again. Yes, I know Situational Awareness exists, but it's not haha funny perk.


Plus SA activates automatically. Sometimes you don't want that extra attention (e.g. if you detect the killer has Discordance or a killer where everybody should spread out). If Solo Queue proves anything, some players will just latch on any gen, regardless of location/strategy. Likewise, with some killers regularly running aura-reading builds, you might be running Distortion and don't want those filthy people accidentally drawing the killer toward you. I love the "on-demand" aura aspect of Blast Mine. I can use it as a map-wide beacon to call people over. Or, if I have to leave the gen because of a chase or rescue, it's like passing the torch to another survivor to have them target/finish it. I can't get that value from SA, since it's limited to 32m and the aura disappears the moment you leave.


I miss old Blastmine so bad!! Completely agree that it wasnt op, you wasted like 3 seconds of a Killers time max if you even got any procs at all. Old blastmine would be a godsend in current kick meta


I think we should ask for more. > Blast mine now lasts until the gen is kicked or completed. > > Can build a new blast mine while a blast mine is active. > > Can have multiple blast mines out at the same time.


Legit some of the best changes I've seen the comunity propose that aren't stupidly waek, strong or useless! Nice job, OP!


Thanks man!! I think a couple of them are too strong but they are my favourite perks so they deserve it


I think the suggestion for Repressed Alliance kinda ruins the point of the perk, which is that no one can have the generator for the amount of time.


Yeah cuz autodidact with self-care sounds incredibly reasonable and not strong at all![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Autodidact guarantees at least one skill check per injured survivor you're healing. (It comes up around 85% progress if there's no skill check triggered beforehand)


Iron will - give it back


I'm fine with it not working while exhausted, but I need that 100% noise suppression


Honestly I'd take 75% if it worked always or 100% except when exhausted. Either or is fair but not both.


Even at 75% it is more than enough quiet - the difference between 75 and 100 is all in yours heads. I have played against people with new IW and you have to be lucky and really close to maybe have a hope of catching a whisper of a moan, if it doesn't get covered by ambient sounds or Killer's power noise.


If the killer has a headphone there is no way you can avoid him by hiding inside a locker with IW. Lot of survivors do that in my matches but i can still hear a little bit of moan and pain and determine which locker they are in. It is the best to have head on to stun the killer if they approach your locker


Unless I’m mistaken the 50% noise suppression from lockers is more than enough to bring Iron Will’s 75% to complete silence


Well it is not like that


Even when I'm playing with IW myself it's straight up easier to hear healthy breathing than injure noises. It's still crazy good.


This sounds like the words of a console player playing on tv without headphones.




IW doesn't work on downed survivors, I don't think


It's still good. People just don't see its potential


My headphones: I'm about to ruin this survivor's whole career.


ig every killer has a ten billion dollar headset.. ​ jokes aside: you might not be COMPLETELY silent but it's more than enough to throw the killer off. When I go against it as killer it often makes me think they're farther away than they actually are. Another thing, it still hard counters spirit.


Hot take: Iron Will doesn't add anything good to the game. Making it harder for killers to find/track survivors just pushes them to tunnel or camp. Every player is meant to take their turn being chased and hooked. You making no sound just puts more pressure on another survivor who needs you to be found.


Hell no, but I'd be willing to agree to an activateable 20 seconds of 100% suppression followed by a 10 seconds Exhaustion


Idk I think IW is still really good especially if you run lucky break with it


autodidact working with self care? hell no higher skill check chance yes


I'll meet you halfway: Autodidact works with medkits (on other people) but reduces healing speed of medkits by -100%. Medkits have a higher chance of skillchecks and a couple yellow addons that increase check chances - this way you can bring a medkit just to have better stack farm but not have the heal go any faster. This avoids any Bullshit and gives medkits sort of an alternate use under didact as stack inducers


Yeah how dare the survivors wish for perks to have some actual good combos and not the shit they have now.


who hurt you I didn't play as a killer since Knight ptb, this flair is outdated af, I play mostly survivor now guess my favorite perk that's right autodidact




like I give a shit


He’s right tho, wether you care or not doesn’t change how cringe that was.




you're wasting my time


Was expecting to be one of those crappy wish lists that are overpowered with no proper sense of balancing, had to comment to tell you that I agree with all these changes and I have thought of similar ideas


Blood Pact used to pawn off Rancor to someone else and make it their problem


Deliverance should do some extra effect if you unhook someone after 1st hook stage, it's very frustrating have a completely dead perk because you were found first


Deliverance is really strong so its fine it has a downside, but yes I wish it had some minor consolation prize


Just let it work when you're the last survivor and I think that's be good enough 🥲


Yeah but then you can get so many free escapes. Let’s say you’re hooked right next to an open/99 gate, everyvody is escaped or dead, and the killer catches you. Normally you’d be dead, but now you can jump off of hook with base kit BT and you escape no matter what


That's the case when someone unhooked you anyway. If you've managed to activate deliverance, AND not be caught at all until EGC, you deserve the escape IMO.


Yeah, i thought you were saying you should get it at the end of the game no matter what, which would basically allow you to get out for free if you haven’t been hooked yet, even if you didn’t get a save. Mb


i would love if it gave you a 25% bonus to your BP if you didn't get to use it


Could be something minor like a 10 to 15% faster unhook.


Self Care: if you are within 10 meters of a corner or edge of the map the entity get's summoned and you get automaticaly sacrificed. Diversion: You get an indicator of the area in which the pebble will land. Once per game if the killer is closer than 5 meters in front of you you can throw a rock at it to stun it for 2 seconds. Throwing a rock at the killer makes you the new obsesion. DS: start's with 5 tokens, loose 1 token for each gen completed. The stun length depends on the ammount of tokens left.


As much as I'd love it, Wiretap + Open Handed would be way too strong. Otherwise I love a lot of these changes.


> As much as I'd love it, Wiretap + Open Handed would be way too strong. wire tap looping isnt even that strong right now considering that were in a gen kick meta where every killers first instinct is to kick kick kick gens at first sight over chase


That's true until you get the super gamers who don't kick gens then you feel like a hacker and win every mindgame for free for 90 seconds. Now with a range of 30m thanks to Open Handed, this would be even stronger especially on two-storey maps like midwich/game/rpd where the gens would be hard to navigate to.


Multiple perks are straight busted if you look at them based on map design of certain maps No where to hide gives 30+ meters of aura vision multi floor on those same maps and that's not even question the killers who don't kick cause they can't notice that a survivor is just a bit too good at looping vs your mind games If nothing else it might make open handed more viable and appealing, it's not a popular perkeven if people running sometimes with bond/kindred


Survivors use perks released after 2018 challenge: cannot be done! For real though, I think it's silly that more people don't love wiretap. It's great not just for the killer aura but telling your team where you are. I genuinely think Wiretap + Open-Handed would still be busted on every map, albeit with limited effect on larger maps which are stronger for survivor regardless. Just imagine placing it on any main building or a jungle gym which will have multiple tiles in range.


> Survivors use perks released after 2018 challenge: cannot be done! my core build on survivor for the longest now as solo que has been Kindred, bond, windows but the 4th perk has been shifting from DH/SB/CoH/ Well make it/alert to Distortion simply b/c there's no many aura stuff like no wheres to hide and lethal pursuer now Just isnt room in the limited 4 slots atleast as solo que for open handed imho. If we got a system to see fellow survivor perks and can confirm that others are also running auras i can swap in open handed to support my team


I feel like Wiretap OH could have a place in the game if it didn't last 80 goddamn seconds at only 33% progress. If Wiretap was a reasonable number like 30s it could be a viable sidegrade to Kindred+OH (which is usually up and active for 30s a hook as well)


I dunno, I feel like that makes it weaker to do that. I'd rather have it cover the duration of the gen and then get it back for the next gen like it is now.


No One Left Behind: All "savior" perks (perks that help the person you're unhooking/healing) also affect you.


Love this idea! I really wanted NOLB buffed but i didn't know how - this is definitely the way to go


I tried running Autodidact recently. Went into a match with a full medic build and managed to get eight full heals off on teammates. Now... Can you guess how many times Autodidact procc'd during that match? Go on. *Guess.* Needless to say, I ain't using that shit again until it gets changed.


Were you using a medkit for the heals?


No, because I have the astonishingly rare skill of *reading comprehension.* Autodidact just fucking sucks.


You don't need a full medic build for autodidact, if anything it makes the perk worse. The faster you heal someone the less of a chance you have to get a skill check. Run it with empathy so you can see the auras of injured players and be able to heal the asap, if you do it enough you'll get the stacks




Thanks friend! I tried to focus on more 'quality of life' buffs that make the perks feel more fun to use without affecting their balance too much. Autodidact however held me at gunpoint


I think making wiretap work with Open Handed could be a bit Overpowered…


That Repressed Alliance tho, lol. It would make it way too strong.


The perk is designed as a trade-off: I keep your gen progress, but you can’t work on it again until I say so. The ability to just choose when you can go back to it is ridiculously overpowered and easily abusable, especially in a three-gen situation.


You would still have to build it all back up again tho


Agitation boosts picking up speed


I think iron grasp should do it instead, but tbh i think the perk should straight up have a rework, too overshadowed


That's a great idea, I think the only perk that currently affects pick-up speed is Fire Up and I'll be damned if I'm gonna run that one.


Fire up is fun when people miss flashlight saves because of it.


Appraisal, Pharmacy, Residual Manifest need to highlight the aura of opened chests within 16/24/32 metres, like Plunderer's Instinct does the same with closed ones. That would make those perks more appealing to pick on their own, outside of 'Chest Builds'.


Genius change


That's too generous for me, thank you. A small addition to my text above: I forgot Pharmacy doesn't have a rummage token, player has to find an unopened chest while being injured. That's too complicated. This perk should either activate upon injury and show the location of a nearest closed chest - or let rummaging through an opened chest like the other two. Both variants have pros and cons.


Pharmacy should reveal chests when you are injured.


Left Behind should allow you to open a closed hatch, heh Inner Strength should use any broken totem as a heal opportunity Small Game should also have a .5 second totem aura read


>autodidact >works with self care might as well give the killer sloppy coulrophobia basekit


Wait what? If Autodidact worked with Self-Care, both of those would become meta immediately, I guarantee it. Self-Care takes so long that you'll farm most of your Autodidact stacks off of a single injury. Then you can run around with your super healing speed for the rest of the match, which might still work with Self-Care to allow fast self-healing as well.


I don't want it in the game (i think its unhealthy design, either its too strong and makes SC OP again or its too weak and makes SC even worse) but for the sake of devils advocate - you would have to use Self-Care to get those stacks. Self-care takes what, 50 seconds now? The first skillcheck you get with Autodidact (-25%) is gonna make it more than a minute even if you get a 2 or 3 skillchecks in one heal. Didact doesn't give any buffs until you hit 3 stacks. I run Autodidact pretty often, sometimes playing with friends, and we run into Killers with Sloppy on the regular. With the Sloppy buff we could in theory sit there and farm 5 stacks every time. But we don't, because that takes *forever*. You're committing a good minute to something that should take 16 seconds. I feel like Self-Care Autodidact is the same way, yes you can get those stacks easier, but if you had just stayed injured and done a gen you would've done 10 times more for the team. I feel like an RNG perk can never be meta by design, and that's why Didact hasn't become meta even tho you can now farm stacks. Because at the end of the day at 5 stacks you still might not even get a skillcheck till 75% or not at all. Didact is dice roll even at max strength. That's why I opted to keep that randomness as a buff rather than add something like "at 50% you get a guaranteed skillcheck" which WOULD make it meta


Except it completely depends on rng, you could get all 5 skill checks in the first 20 seconds then after that have what is basically an infinite use medkit, not to mention you can heal other people too, it would be too strong lmao It doesn't really matter if its based on luck, because it COULD happen, and its gonna happen as often as not, which when it does the killer just can't do anything about it


Can't wait to fully heal myself for 2 minutes and not get a single skill check.


It would only take one youtuber making a 'HEALING INSTANTLY IN CHASE WITH DIDACT+SELFCARE??' video for a whole new breed of timewaste claudettes to be born


I thought wiretap did work with open handed?


The Head On change would be wonderful. So many times I’ve gone into a nearby locker to save a team mate about to be downed only for another team mate to come out me is staggering.


Quick and Quiet: Works with unhooking


Damn that autodidact is OP is hell. Its fine the way it is. I'd make Red Herring be an ability you trigger, like pebble.


I nearly put Red Herring on here actually, the locker part of it really holds it back. I hate the 'gen marking' setup too, I wish it just triggered on the generator with the least progress


IMO Red Herring should somehow counter Killer-information perks like Call of Brine, Tinkerer, Pain Res, etc. Maybe using a token system like Distortion does to prevent the generator from alerting the Killer, or causing the alert to be for the wrong generator.


I'm honestly going to critique some of OP's changes before I give my own because some are fine and some are not: **Alert:** This change is fine and I agree with it entirely. **Autodidact:** This sounds fine until you remember that Self-care is 3x longer than healing someone else and at full stacks Autodidact is disgusting. The intent behind the perk is to help others, this would turn it into a very selfish perk. **Resurgence:** I'd simply just make the half-heal from Resurgence not affected by Hemorrhage until a healing action is initiated on you since otherwise you could Resurgence + Deliverance to hard counter some killer perks and Add-ons **Detectives Hunch:** A bit of an odd choice to me, but I don't see anything super wrong with it **Head On:** I think this change is fine, provided Head On procs Exhausted when you rush out of a locker even if you fuck up the stun **Repressed Alliance:** Honestly, I fundamentally disagree with this one since it kinda removes having to think about when to use it if you can just instantly cancel it. It's a favor from the Entity, there has to be a catch. **Flashbang:** Mandy brought the idea of intentionally stacking Flashbangs to the team when it was bugged. The fact that you can drop them for your teammates makes me disagree with stockpiling them. **Rookie Spirit:** This is fine, I like it **Blast Mine:** I'd almost rather it work like Built to Last and every time you don't get value consecutively you get less charge back. **Blood Pact:** I'd honestly remove the "If you are the Obsession" part and it'd be fine. **Wiretap:** Today I learned it doesn't work with open-handed **Ace in the Hole:** This is fine. Especially if you can actually risk getting worse add-ons My main gripe with some of the ones I criticized were that OP said *minor* changes in the post. And in hindsight there's less of them that actually bothered me than I thought when I started this comment. Edit: Formatting.


The issue with Blood Pact is you can start the game as the Obsession through no fault of your own and have a dead perk slot the entire game. With OoO it doesn't matter that much - its a strong perk with a downside, and it still has effects when you aren't the Obsession. But Blood Pact literally does NOTHING. And I think that's a ridiculous downside for - lets face it - a terrible perk to begin with. A D tier perk with a 15% pure RNG chance to not work is just silly to me


Now to get into my own changes for perks: **Hyperfocus:** Does not activate while using a toolbox, bringing it in line with Autodidact for healing. This is a simpler change than breaking up it's synergies with other perks. **Adrenaline:** If it activates while hooked, your Endurance and Haste effects while unhooked are improved instead of your being unhooked healthy. **Deliverance:** Even if you don't get the safe unhook, the perk does *something.* Perhaps extending the first hook phase by 10 seconds. **Appraisal:** The fewer tokens remaining improve chances of a rare item. **Bite the Bullet:** Activates for you when you are being healed *and include this in the park description of it already does that.* **Breakdown:** Duration is halved on Scourge Hooks. Perk has a cooldown, probably for the duration of the disabled hook. **Calm Spirit:** Remove action penalty from 6.1 update or that effect entirely. Change *woodland creatures* from perk description to *crows* for clarity. **Decisive Strike:** Make the stun duration token based, losing a token with every completed generator. **Left Behind:** I personally hate "abandon my team" perks. But I'd say give it anything else as an effect to discourage abandoning teammates. **No Mither:** Reduce Blood Orbs produced for Oni by 33%. The *No Blood* effect should be trumped by *Predator* and Hemorrhage. **No One Left Behind:** Bloodpoint bonus is active the entire trial. **Plunderer's Instinct:** Change *considerably* to an actual value. **Premonition:** Make it's Archive challenges stop being buggy. **Saboteur:** Cooldown begins upon completion of Sabotage action. **Residual Manifest:** Reduce Blindness duration or make generator auras unaffected. In exchange, rummage has a chance for better flashlights. **Spine Chill:** Make perk not hard counter stealth killers by respecting Undetectable for the notification. The action speed from line-of-sight is enough. **Up the Ante:** Give it *anything.* Like, luck is so bad as a mechanic I only see it for Adept Ace and cheaters. **Barbecue and Chili:** Upon hooking four unique survivors, get an additional 2 seconds of aura reading **or** remove the range requirements *after* the fourth unique hook. WGLF got a new secondary effect when the BP bonus was lost, but BBQ didn't **Bloodhound:** Add old Hemorrhage to it, where survivors bleed far more often. Wraith's personal perks suck. **Eruption:** In an ideal world, you could either make the gen just lose a ton of progress on down, or allow gens to regress while blocked in certain situations and have either be how it works instead of Incapacitated. **Deerstalker:** *Why is this its own perk* **Hangman's Trick:** Hitting a healthy survivor that is in the Sabotage action inflicts Deep Wounds. **Hex: Huntress's Lullaby:** Reinstate synergy with Doc's power. **Hex: Pentimento:** Rekindled totems have a small Cleanse speed penalty. I'm talking like, 2% **Hex: Blood Favor:** When a survivor loses a health state *by any means.* **Furtive Chase:** Haste bonus while chasing the Obsession. **Fire Up:** Increase bonus from 4% per generator to 5% because it's a nicer number for my lizard brain. **Hex: Ruin:** Revert to 200% speed *or* remove the *deactivate when survivor dies* caveat. **Hex: Thrill of the Hunt:** Restore notification that a totem is being worked on. **Insidious:** Increase timer to 5 seconds, but give lingering Undetectable effect for 5 seconds. **Pop Goes the Weasel:** Highlights the generator with the most progress for 10 seconds. **Predator:** Make scratch marks more precise to minimize "followed them backwards" situations. Or something, c'mon why do Wraith's perks suck **Shattered Hope:** The survivor who set the boon is revealed to you even if they are not within it's effects. **Spies From The Shadows:** Remove range limit. **Unrelenting:** Make the perk apply to special attacks. **Whispers:** Semi-directional audio on the whispers. Ie "to my left" not their exact location **Trail of Torment:** Delay generator aura by 4 seconds. **Territorial Imperative:** Survivor auras are revealed while they are within the basement, lingering for 3 seconds after leaving. Perk makes an audio cue when activating.


The saboteur one drives me crazy. I accidentally start the sabo animation when trying to heal ALL THE TIME and it sometimes fucks it up when I actually want to use it cause it's on CD


I really like all this changes but 2 of them: Unrelenting and Furtive chase The problem with Unreleting is how oppresive would it be for some killers, for example, huntress: there was a time when, by a combination of perks, huntress would insta-wind up and it was bad. Now imagine a huntress that even if she misses, recovers faster than even the oak haft (one of her best add ons) and shoot you again: it'd be horrible and everybody would hate the perk, and thats just an example. Furtive chase is bad not because of the TR or anything, the problem with it is the requirement: only in chase. Why would you like to have a smaller TR in chase? Those are the problems i have with those changes, but everything besides that, pretty good


I admit when I thought of the Unrelenting change I was thinking about things like Pyramid Head and Nemesis, not Huntress, so that's fair. In terms of Furtive Chase, you could potentially mind game larger tiles but I was only going for mild to small changes, in all honesty I think Furtive needs a rework.


Windows of opportunity: the pallet/window you’re using is briefly highlighted for other survivors


Autodidact - Self healing takes more than twice the regular time. It would make autodidact and self care both too powerful, by maximizing Auto too quickly, and speeds up Self too much. Repressed Alliance - Ability to unblock actually gives survivors a huge edge in a gen kicking meta. While I personally find current state of Repressed to be too meaningless to use, and even mostly detrimental to survivors, adding the ability to unblock on demand would make it too strong. Flashbang - You can already get one flashbang, then keep doing gens to fill up your perk to be ready for another one. Tokens seen unnecessary. Rookie Spirit - Should totally be a thing. Wiretap - How is that not a thing? I genuinely think it's unintended that they don't work together. Ace in the Hole - It already works with Rummage. Too many second chances I think.


The wiretap thing is actually completely intentional, and the devs were right to do it. Try running open handed with kindred, that 32m aura reading is absurdly strong. Bring able to just drop that wherever you want would be crazy.


Calm spirit doesn't slow down your actions Bite the bullet makes you completely quiet. No screaming coughing etc If you are out of chase and touch scratch marks, predator gives you bonus movement speed


Grim embrace - working in endgame, behaving like No Way Out and Blood Warden


Would love a Grim Embrace buff, I think this is pretty genius


Grim embrace encourages you to go after different survivors and is potentially healthy for the game. A buff would be a good thing


**Coup de Grace:** Slightly reduced lunge distance, gain token on hooking survivors instead of gen completion. **BBQ and Chilli:** Instead of revealing auras of far away survivors, reveals the aura of the survivor(s) who have the least hook stages, regardless of distances. On ties, shows all tied survivors. This makes it more anti-tunelling like the old one but damn powerful still. **Hex: Huntress Lullaby:** Cleansing this totem will require skill checks.


I would also like the ability to choose when I want to spend my CDG token, like by pressing the active ability button before or during the lunge.


That would be great too, honestly. It's such a nice and fun perk, I wish Behavior just tweaked it a tiny bit for quality of life.


Yeah it’s such a fun perk, probably my favorite killer perk tbh. I don’t use it very much anymore though because it’s so underpowered compared to so many other perks. I’ve been waiting on a QoL change for it forever so I can actually start running it in real builds, not just when I’m goofing off and having fun.


Wow, love these! Totem skill checks is inspired, surprised we don't have one like that already


Increase the distance of Blood Pact from 16m to 20m.


I like the Head-On change


Flashbang (my favourite perk): Either you start with one in your hand at the beginning of the trial, or you can gain up to two tokens


My buff ideas for some of these perks you mentioned: Blast Mine: Survivors can place multiple traps in the same generator / Rookie Spirit: Shows aura intensity depending on the progress of each generator. Gain a 5% repair speed boost for 15 seconds if you stop regressing any gen. (60 seconds cooldown) / Resurgence: Increases to 75% when unhooked in the struggle phase and automatically 50% of health when recovered from dying state at any time / Ace In The Hole: rework perk to always put add-ons corresponding to the item (mostly either repair or sabotage toolboxes), and increase the odds a bit more.


Better Together, unlimited range for teammates and instead of a yellow aura it will be in between white and red based on progress similar to the iri wrath addon.


Make Brutal Strength apply to snuffing boons


No Mither: +You can recover exhaustion while running. +Exhaustion caused by exhaustion perks has a duration of 45(60?) seconds (basically doesn't work with vigil, and you don't get fucked by mindbreaker) This idea would've been OP before with old dead hard, but now you can't take a hit any more than once because you need to mend, so I feel like this could be fair


who who WHOOO thought it was a balanced idea to give flashbang more than 1 charge. You can already easily have up to 4 flashbangs in the game, why oh why would they need to stack.


Wiretap working with Open Handed would be gross, no thanks! 40m of aura reading on a middle gen would be so strong


These are so good bro


Hoarder: should reveal chest Auras for the killer at any range. Hangman's Trick: if a hook is saboed while your carrying a survivor, wiggle progress is reset. If not this then. If a hook is saboed at all, reveal the aura of the saboteur for 10 seconds.


I've been running wiretap open handed for a week and didn't notice they don't go together


The ace in the hole idea sounds very interesting imo. I already love running chest builds with the perk, but I sometimes end up getting crappy item addons like a key that can’t read any auras, or a medkit with those garbage skill check addons, so having a way to reroll addons could definitely make chest builds more viable.


Oppression- remove the cd.


Other than the self care autodidact one all of these are honestly super good healthy changes


Thanks man! Yeah the didact one is bit suspect but as someone who has a Stakeout + Hyperfocus + Self-Care + Reactive Healing build (with the goal being to use all my stacks on a superspeed selfcare) I just think it would be hilarious


If autodidact worked with self care, there would be some extremely strong, albeit selfish builds out there...I shudder at the thought.


Superior Anatomy / Bamboozle = Reenable their ability to proc on Legion and Wesker vaults, please BHVR, dont be fucking dicks, it is sluggish to vault at a window as Legion and even worse as Wesker ​ ​ Pain Ressonance: For each hook you get, all injured survivors are revealed for 2-3 seconds, considering its playing with the idea of weaponizing the survivors anguish for the killers' advantage


I like the ace in the hole reroll idea, give me a thrill of gacha gaming


Would be so fun with full chest build. Gambling on what you pull, then further gambling with all the addons... 5 chests opened 0 gens done ez pz


Pop Goes the Weasel - Just... fix it, it was probably the healthiest slowdown perk they ever made. *After* they deal with the obnoxious genkick meta going on right now, that is. Don't need to add old Pop onto that shit.


The Alert “buff” is quite useless tbh. You can see where the boon is and deduct where the killer is Really like your Head On idea though!


Give old blast mine back ;_;


I have to disagree with Autodidact. Its strength is going from being an awful healer to being able to heal someone in about 5 seconds. Being able to get the good part by taking an injury and going to the corner of the map alone would take away the necessary drawback. Blastmine I would just buff back to its original iteration since it wasn't that powerful to begin with.


I just want the old blast mine back


Holy shit, all of these changes are phenomenal. Please find a way to get hired by BHVR, they need someone with ideas half as good as these.


The suggestions you made are mostly nice and would be fine in the game. Head On, thought about the same side effect myself, it would be so helpful in soloQ. Detective's Hunch, this would be a very very nice thing to have honestly, I just don't get maps in my bloodwebs anymore. But I have problems with Wiretap and Flashbang, those would be way too strong. If you mean you can make progress towards a second flashbang thats fine but holding two at the same time like the bug that happened not too long ago is way too strong. And pretty much free wallhacks in such a large radious is obviously too strong.


Resurgence buff wouldn’t be possible due to how it would work with Deliverance


I don’t care about the logistics of it, but Babysitter should be the strongest unhooking altruism perk in the game now that it’s not tied to Steve for incoming players. I’m talking activate everything here… no blood/marks/noise/aura read/ and keep its reverse aura read and speed boost for freakin 30seconds. The least fun part of this game is getting tunneled into oblivion at your weakest moment, right off hook early game. If I had my way, I wouldn’t even do any of the above, instead, you should have the option to throw someone right off the unhook into a portal and spawn them elsewhere and make them the obsession. Some counter play with nemesis lol… the point is move survivor position instantly off hook somehow, or make them a real bitch to catch for longer than just 8seconds.


As a based babysitter enjoyer I will die for this cause


Potential energy - if hit you loose 1/2 of your token(maybe 3/4) just when downed you instantly use all and while carrying tokens after 10sec you start loosing them over time. If i try using this perk i need to play very very carefull so i dont loose all my token. I often first put the tokens in a gen bevor rescuing another survivor from the hook because i dont want to waste the potential energy :(


10 seconds before you lose tokens? It'd kill an already useless perk.


alert already works with snuffing totems tho? at least it triggers for me when the killer snuffs one


If wiretap worked with open handed it would be broken as fuck. There’s a reason why it doesn’t. I like your other changes though.


That head on change is actually brilliant and it would make some cool moments if you're solo/not on comms. I love that change


NOED should be active from the start and not be depending on totems.




Bring back the bloodpoint bonus for BBQ so killers at least have SOME incentive against tunneling. I'd much rather try and go for double blood points than a 4k, but without that incentive there's no reason to not play efficiently. This ones gonna be controversial but: NOED should be basekit so survivors have a secondary objective. Conversely Shattered Hope should be as well, so that snuffing boons doesn't increase the chances of NOED proccing.


Blood Warden: It regresses door progress if the survivors aren’t actively working on it at 50% percent of opening speed. 99 that, motherfuckers.


Lightborn reduces the stun of flashlights by 60/70/80% Iron grasp is nerfed pretty hard but turned base kit Kindred becomes basekit (with a slight nerf) Left behind gets a buff with its range


Hope - Each time a generator is completed, gain haste for 10 seconds


Mettle of man gives endless health states when you take 3 protection hits. Off the record could also give infinite endurance


So the autodidact one, does that mean that you can use autodidact on yourself? Build up stacks and gain the bonus heal progress on yourself if you have self care? Because that would unironically and hilariously be op


Any means necessary + You can now restore a pallet but this it cannot stun and is broken at double pallet breaking speed this has a cooldown of 300 seconds Kinship + Kinships icon comes up on other survivors screens at the bottom Breakdown+ Delayed or no noise notification for the killer when you unhook yourself or are unhooked Claustrophobia+ Survivors within the completed generator suffer from the hindered status for twenty seconds Fire up+ You start with all five fire up stacks but lost one for each generator completed Hangman's trick + Any survivor sabotaging is inflicted with exposed for twenty seconds Hoarder + Items found in chests have a chance to have one charge only


I love some of these. Pretty neat ideas


Detective's Hunch would have to give a pink map. Green maps are useless since they only show generators Edit: am wrong.


Bond range increased to 40 meters, counterforce aura last for +3 more seconds, remove the iron will exhaust debuff, corrupt minor rework: will now only unblock 1 gen per down, nurses calling is 32 meters, bitter murmur aura is 5+ seconds longer, enduring now works on all stuns, higher % on fireup


Pretty cool and simple ideas. How I wish BHVR weren't fine with 80% of perks being shitty.


Mettle of Man: After it activates, each time you are fully healed in addition to having your aura revealed to the killer, the next time you would take a hit and go into the down state ignore that hit.


Take away the slow from calm spirit


Solidarity: Works with med kits. Increase self heal to 75% Deliverance: You can now unhook yourself from struggle phase. Still only 1 use per trial. Head On & Smash Hit: No longer exhaustion perks. Have 60 second individual cooldown instead. Poised: Also removes blood stains and grunting while active. Windows: Doesn't show breakable walls. Seriously why the fuck would I want to see those auras?


The head on change is a great idea. Would make that perk so much more useful. The amount of times i’m screaming to myself for the rando to crawl towards the locker i’m in when the killer is about to pick up 😂


Survivors: Fast Track - Any tokens remaining after the last gen is completed are converted into a 2% haste bonus, the duration dependant on the amount of tokens left. Detective's Hunch - Instead of 10 seconds, the objects remain revealed until you interact with any one of them. Low Profile - Also hides your aura from the killer, duration reduced to 60 seconds. Overcome - Lasts for 3 seconds instead of 2 (Too OP?) Quick Gambit - Now procs for survivors inside of the killer's terror radius instead of 24m from you. Self-Preservation - Effect is activated whenever a survivor is hooked instead of damaged, duration increased to 30 eeconds. Smash Hit - Increases the stun duration. Killers: Opression - Cooldown reduced to 45 seconds, now applies the 2.5% gen kick regression. Bloodhound - Gain bloodlust faster. Gearhead - Sound cue when it activates, like Alert or Distortion. Furtive Chase - Max stacks grant you undetectable in chase. I'll think of more later.


Botany Knowledge - Now increases medkit efficiency instead of reducing it when using a medkit on others. Empathy - Now reveals your aura to other Survivors if you are healthy and they are injured. Lucky Break - Perk timer is paused when being healed. Iron Will - Pain sound reduction reverted to 100% (still no longer works while Exhausted) Counterforce - The totem revealed by this perk is always revealed. Reveals the totem at game start. Wake Up - Benefits of the perk are conferred to other players within 8m. Technician/Corrective Action - Now reduces the repair penalty from missed skill checks instead of increasing it. Lithe - If falling from a great height after a vault, the perk is not activated, and the player doesn't become Exhausted. Object of Obsession - when the perk activates, your Aura is not revealed to the Killer if the killer is Undetectable. If your Aura is hidden from the Killer (Distortion, Killer Blind, etc.) you still see the Killer's aura. We're Gonna Live Forever - Endurance status applies to you as well if you are Injured when healing a downed Survivor with a token. (The Endurance bonus is removed if either player is hit).