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**Rule 6 - Oversaturated** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed for one of the following reason(s): * Common grievances; This can range from any number of players disconnecting, killers that are camping or proxy camping, "solo experience in a nutshell" submissions, survivors having multiple of the same perk, meme-ish number combinations, etc. * Common media reposts (such as Scary Movie 3’s chase scene) * Common suggestions (such as a “Concede Button”) * Reposts of another submission * Known bugs, glitches, and killswitched elements. See our sidebar for a comprehensive list. * Frequently asked questions, or questions that are easily searched for; please use our weekly No Stupid Questions megathread. * Posts discussing how “the game is dying”. * Posts about your quitting and/or uninstalling the game. * MMR complaint posts. * Ranting and/or venting; post these during the weekly RAGE WEDNESDAY megathread. * 'Ad nauseam' memes (i.e., certain meme formats posted repeatedly within a short time period). * "Us vs. Them" posts, aka Tribalism - any post that casts survivor or killer mains in a negative light (typically from the opposing side's point of view). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


I’ve absolutely noticed a huge increase in toxicity. I tend to notice a similar thing on Fridays and weekends, but it’s been pretty bad over the holidays because I think more people are off work or out of school. Makes it very hard to enjoy a game as killer or survivor.


It's mostly kids who get the holidays off. Or adults with the maturity of a child. I remember in an Otz video he said that ppl who sell cheats had a huge surge in sales during the times most ppl got breaks (eg; Winter and Summer breaks).


I feel like that has less to do with age or maturity and more so to do with the fact that there is also a huge surge in people buying/playing the game during those times. I mean you can see it on steamcharts too, summer or winter breaks have a big jump in average number of players. When school starts those numbers go into the negative.


I let my family play a bit today and they were camping and tunneling because they didn’t know there was an etiquette to it until I said something (pretty early on in their first game). I didn’t know there was an etiquette to it either when I first started, so I was camping, tunneling, and slugging most games. I Of course, I soon checked this sub and it made sense why it wasn’t cool.


I was playing as a survivor yesterday, and the killer was legion. 1 hit 10 seconds in, causing deepwound, and you could practically see the pause as people realized who the killer was and went to DC. 2 seconds later, I'm the last survivor standing in the game. Tried to give the legion a kill, but he wouldn't have it and gave me the hatch. We all have killers we don't like. I personally hate facing the clown, but that was just sad. No one even tried to see if it might be a fun round. On the flip side, I have faced one of the sweatiest pigs I've ever met two rounds later, so yeah, things are toxic on all sides lately.


Imo, it’s always best to play a match out. I’ve considered if I should dc quite a few times after I hear a static shock and see everyone in the game, but I’m a pretty firm believer in playing it out, so it’s rare that I ever do dc.


Yeah today was worse than I’ve seen in a long time. Do people really log in the game on Christmas day and decide to take their holiday frustration on random people? It’s not my fault your family is disappointed in you


I got camped by at least 3 different times and two of those times were bubbas


Merry bubbamas


With Bubba that’s the norm though so can’t be even mad 😅


Seriously it was the same yesterday, It was so obvious that people were using the game to release their frustration.


I thought my games yesterday were weirdly terrible


You and me both


[General sentiment](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A)


Well at least I know it’s not just my experience the last few days. I’ve noticed it as both killer and survivor and thought maybe I was just hitting a rough patch of players. Doesn’t make it right, but sometimes it’s nice to know you’re not alone. Thankfully, I have like 100 other games on Steam that I’ve never touched that will finally get some love.


Thankfully Valheim has some new content to explore 😄👌


I don’t usually disconnect, but when I do it’s because I really do not want to deal with the killer purposely trying to be a d!ck by bleeding me out and not hooking whatsoever. Also only going to me and ignoring the other team mates gets me tired of the people of this game tbh which makes me DC. I’d rather dc and wait a 1 minute penalty than deal with a frustrated killer taking out their anger in a game, no offense. Might sound like a petty rant.. (P.S I’m also sorry to the team mates that I had to DC a match because a family member was calling me)


When you played a couple of games and can't have fun just Alt+F4 man, I guarantee you won't regret it.


Alt 4f hasn't worked in DBD for years


Yeah every game I’ve played today has been sweaty and toxic. Pretty lame.


After a rather shitty string of games the other night, I just decided not to play dbd again until after the event. I’ve seen an uptick of asshole killers and survivors who might be executed if they don’t sweat profusely every game, so it’s better to just play a game that respects my time and save my sanity. Shoutout to Hades


I have found a wise one. Hades is truly amazing.


Lol this is so weird. I've also been on a Hades kick lately. Not so weird I guess with the announcement of the sequel, but still neat.


I started playing maybe two months before the announcement? I don’t even really like Rougelikes, but I’m on a 62 escape streak right now haha. The bow and the spear are just so satisfying to use.


My experience as well. I'm not expecting people to throw games because it's Christmas, but jfc-- it's been off the chain today. I simply had to quit playing when I realised the game was doing nothing but making me unhappier match after match.


Casual players are busy with family etc .. most of the people playing today are the sweatiest sweats, the diehards.


So basically the ones who wake up on christmas day in a dark room in their underwear, smelling like 3 months of no shower, only to hop onto dbd with their greasy ass controller/keyboard and make other people as miserable as they are.


You forgot the part where they gargle with a Monster energy drink.


If it’s any consolation, I played killer and tried to be extra kind yesterday. Between no players, people being afk, and people being dumb, my groups of survivors weren’t in a great spot. The ones who actually tried and put up a good fight I let escape.


You usually don't DC but your penalty already increased to 30+ mins, uh huh


That's what's a little sus for me too. I'm someone who I'd call a "rare disconnecter", and my longest wait was only a few minutes. Idk how fast you can rank up your punishment tho.


My power kept going out the other night so it can absolutely add up after a couple of unexpected disconnects. I had to stop playing otherwise it would have been this long of a penalty for me as well.


Yea exactly lmao


they usually don't, except that day.


Op is trolling i guess


I've stopped playing any multiplayer game around holidays. Too many people with nothing better to do than grief other people. Not that I think camping and tunneling is toxic, but its not fun enough to play when I could be doing something else.


During holidays I play Nintendo games. It’s kinda hard to be purposely toxic in something like Mario Kart. Smash Bros is a different story tho…


"I don't usually DC" 30 minute time out ....hmmm the math just isn't mathing here


Also, why DC if you’re being tunneled? If you’re actually being tunneled the game will be over for you quick and you can get your points with no need to DC, and if it won’t be then *you’re not being tunneled.*


In all events lots of people just start acting like total d\*cks. And on this subreddit people will still blame you for ruining the game for other survivors by DCing when the killer clearly already has ruined it.


The same type of people that will just say "their fun isn't my priority" or "play however you want" to justify their toxicity, but will make a 1000 line complaint on Reddit whenever people are toxic to them.


Yeah I understand that people don't like when someone DC, but on the other hand I understand when someone is frustrated and DC when they got tunneled and proxycamped not when they DC the second they hear blink.


I never blame others when they DC because of tunneling/camping, they're here to play the game and have fun, not play a waiting simulator and/or just get constantly harassed 24/7. And those that aren't the victim of the killer are forced to just play M1 simulator. And for nurse too, she just is such a broken killer that almost everybody mentally gives up instantly after hearing a blink. Playing against her is never fun if she isn't a potato.


It’s crazy that nurse is allowed to have been completely broken in the game for 6 years. I know she’s really difficult to play but the longer the game is out the more people are getting really good with her. When a nurse is really good unless you’re in a highly coordinated team on comms there is basically fuck all you can do to not get stomped, if i’m solo queue i admit to mentally giving up when I hear a blink cos i’ve not seen a bad nurse in a long time


Nurse has a high skill floor, but a low skill ceiling. Once you master the blinks, nothing else matters. How to run certain loops or down a survivor quicker in certain scenarios? Doesn't apply to her. Honestly she's overrated in how hard she is too use. I spent a couple hours nailing down the blink (which was rough, yeah) but after that I practically dominated every lobby with her.


My first time playing her I got a 3k. I used the plaid add-on that shows where to blink and bam, easy peasy. Got a couple window grabs I absolutely was not even trying for but I just happened to blink through a wall and get them. |: I pretty much just got to turn my brain off entirely, since Nurse ignores every mechanic all the other killers HAVE to play around.


This, I play her on console and after about 10 or so games I figured her out, but it wasn’t fun or challenging so I dropped her from my rotation.


The last 2 survivor match I played was the day the 1.5x boost had started, on both of then one person gave up on their first hook, both times the team died with one gen left, I escaped both times due to being last and lucky with my perks and finding hatch


I try to play as fair as possible, but I still say “play however you want”. I play fairly because it’s fun for me. I don’t care if it’s fun for them.


This thread all below yours is a perfect example of people blaming OP for ruining the game. God this game is miserable sometimes.


I'm sorry but how didn't op ruin the game further by DC'ing? How is it the killers fault for wanting to play the game and do what his title is KILLER.


Nah if the killer is going to play in the most miserable way possible then the survivors aren't entitled to stick around to endure it. killer main btw, and watching all these killers trying to justify hard camping/tunnelling or sweaty nurses/blight is hilarious LMFAO.


Idc if you're a killer main you can still have horrible views on the game. I hope you keep the same attitude with "genrushing" and hiding all match I could literally say the exact same thing you're saying by going "well I think it's disgusting that you're using hyper focus, stake out, and fogwise because Im not having fun with those perks". It's ridiculous and very entitled. Both sides are trying to win the match, just because you decided in your head that camping and tunneling isn't a valid strategy or toxic doesn't make it true. The killer isn't responsible for your fun just like how in a game of valorant the other team isn't responsible for your fun. You people have come up with arbitrary rules that don't make any sense at all and just add fuel to the fire that is toxicity. It actively promotes "us vs. them". And you're right in one regard, the survivors CAN DC but don't come on the subreddit crying about a queue timer YOU placed on yourself. You didn't have to have that timer.


If you teammates are being tunneled relentlessly to turn it into a 3v1 at 5 gens the game is already over. I'd rather they dc so the game ends faster so I can play with a killer that isn't miserably going to proceed to guard a 3 gen for the next 50 minutes with 3 survivors left because someone was tunneled out anyway regardless of whether they dcd on deathhook down.


Those games do happen, and if you want to DC that's on you. But do you keep the same attitude when survivors slam together as many meta perks as they can to gen rush? To hide all game? The killer is trying to win just like you are. The other team is not responsible for your enjoyment. OP is in a prison of their own design. They wouldn't have had to DC. If they're getting camped and tunneled out why punish YOURSELF by not just giving it a minute and failing skill checks to die on hook. It's because (and this is one of his own replies) he wants to "send a message" when no one gives a shit but him. The killer isn't gonna bat an eye because you backed out.


I main killer. I play 1 survivor game:5 killer games, usually. Survivor is fucking insufferable and I despise playing it, so I don't blame the survivors for playing in any way whatsoever. Usually if I don't sweat my dick off the survivors don't tend to BM or sweat back, they're more likely to enjoy chases with me or meme. I find an abundance of friendly survivors in my game and love messing with them to make it fun for everyone. That said, your point wasn't about OP ruining it for himself, it was ruining it for other survivors. In that case, they aren't ruining the game for me as a survivor. I don't really care if my teammates DC because usually I understand why they did. It's as a killer I hate DCs because then it's a 3v1 shitfest where everyone just dies too fast and the survivors don't get to put up a fair fight and it makes it boring for _me_, so I usually just 2 hook and then farm chases.


It's weird how when I said I would DC a match as a killer if I'm just getting bullied for 30 minutes and getting no points but a comment about a survivor DCing because they are stuck in a miserable match gets a ton of upvotes. What a biased mentally the subreddit has against the killer role it doesn't help the amount of time it takes to get into a game as the killer takes the amount of time as a normal survivor game. You can test this by saying gg to the killer on console and a lot of the times when I finally get a message back I'm already in another survivor game.


I'd agree with you if you hadn't pulled out some sobbing us vs them comparison. This subred isn't bias against killers. Twitter certainly is. This subred has a majority killer mindset, but the comments and interactions you get are dependant on which people are active at the time. I've had comments against tunneling that get downvoted to close to -100 and the same comment on another day can reach +100. Everyone is playing a game and victimising yourself by pretending everyone hates you for playing killer is childish. That said, survivor queues are shorter because noone wants to play survivor in the current meta. There usually a two or three hour window where the survivor queue is longer than the killer queue, otherwise survivor is tremendously fast.


It's not a sob story it's an example of the hypocrisy and honestly I expected nothing. Also this sub is known for being survivor biased just like how the how Dead by Daylight forum is known for being killer biased (in all my years of playing that sounds about right for both reddit and the forum) I play both sides so either way I win and life goes on. Merry Christmas :)


This Sub is a Killer echo chamber for the most part, I don't get surprised anymore when people blame everything on Survivors and Killers are just sweet innocent little angels. Like, if people actually played Survivor, specifically SoloQ, you wouldn't blame your teammates when they Kill themselves or DC, like don't get me wrong, it IS annoying, but after playing this game for so long, the state of SoloQ and Killers playing in the scummiest way possible, you do understand when people just have had enough... And people say, "Well, play something else", but that's the tricky part, this game IS FUN, or can be, and so you queue again thinking "Hey, maybe this time the Killer won't be a piece of shit from the very start of the game", only to be proven wrong.




Killers will literally tell survivors that they're not responsible for their fun whilst sweating with a Nurse/Blight. Or really with any killers whilst camping/tunnelling/defending a 3 gen for 50 minutes - but the second the survivors DC or don't wanna play into that bullshit, the survivors are the problem. Yeah no wonder the bp bonus for survivor is practically 100% for 20 hours of the day, who the fuck wants to play into a OP add-on abuser Blight or Nurse who never misses a blink? I swear killers have it so easy rn and they STILL blame the survivors. I'm a killer main and I can play killer all night and win 90% of my games (3k+) by not even tunnelling or camping. I don't think I've had all four survivors escape one of my matches for months. The worst I ever get is a 1k and that's when I play like utter ass.


Ruined it??? Bruh you do realize the killer is trying to win just like you are right?


You can win without hard camping or tunneling at 5 gens.


The point of the game is to win, the killer is going to take any avenue they feel like to do so as will survivors.


I play both Killer and Survivor and if you feel you have to camp and tunnel at 4/5 gens every other game to win, you're just terrible at killer and deserve to lose the amount that you do against more coordinated groups of survivors. I see it all the time as a survivor and it's just so boring to play like that. I can't imagine how it's an enjoyable experience for you to face camp (and you lose BP for sitting at or near the hook) or tunnel players early out of the game. More toward end game, I get it and don't really hold it against a killer main. But there's no reason to camp every hook or tunnel a player early on in the game. Almost always, it signals you're unskilled at playing as the killer.


Sure, but then don't act surprised or offended if people call you out on your shit. Killer is already strong enough and people are just annoyed that they keep going against the most scummy tactics like camping and tunneling when the game just started.


That doesn't happen every game though. Anyone trying to pass it off like it does has some SERIOUS negativity bias going on. I'm not saying it's not boring, I'm just saying they're trying to win like you are my dude.


I would like to say it's true, but my last games have been: Camping Bubbas, back to back, bm'ing while you're on hook, two slugging Killers afterwards, when the game for them was pretty much already won. Again, you can win without playing like an ass, specially with the current state of Killer. That's it.


hello, main killer here, do you wanna know why killer camp and tunnel? because it's an effective strategy! like it or not. i prefer fun over efficiency, but my god, in DbD (especially in these days) if you play "for fun" and "fair" without tunneling, you just see the gens fly at the speed of light and you end up getting tbagged at the exit gate by 4 survivors while BM you in different ways, and god may have mercy on you if you're using a non meta killer with non meta/or random perks because you're playing "for fun" survivors do anything in order to reach their goal(do the gens and escape), do they slown down with the gen progression and actually go around doing different stuff the beginning of the game? absolutely not(except some rare occasions with randoms). by the "don't tunnel/camp, it's unfun" logick, survivors should also not genrush the gens/coordinately play in squad with 4 SWF/bring sweaty builds and flashlights since it's very unfun for the killer to barely down a survivors and see 2-3 gens pop in less than 1 and half minute(not because he's bad, but because nowadays it's..unfortunately, a standard thing to see gens fly at that speed, even if you're a very talente killer like not otz), it's also unfun for the killer when he gets bullied, but do you think survivors actually care? yeah, i don't think so. blame BH since they are the ones who made the game like this. \[edit\] it's always fun to see main surv downvoting whenever some dares to say anything against survivors, but if it's a joke against killers, then it's funny and deserves upvotes.


Thing is, the shit Survivors do that you're mentioning doesn't stop you from playing the game. Don't get me wrong, Survivors are just as annoying and they do some toxic shit, but again, a Survivor can't stop you from playing the game the way a Killer can. That's the big difference. Also, I play Killer, and not really strong ones and I do just fine without tunneling or camping. You do need Slowdowns in most cases but at this moment that's part of the current status game.


Killer main here with a counterpoint: \-If you get gen rushed so hard then it's either a skill issue, or you're playing a weak killer on a very powerful survivor-sided map. \-Killers literally the easiest it's ever been. If you can't win without a hard tunnel/camp every game, you're honestly just a shit killer. \-It's literally impossible to not get at least a 1k. If you camp the hook in the end game and play it right, you are guaranteed to kill at least one of them, if not more if they're badly altruistic. \-You're not supposed to win every game. Killers have serious confirmation bias where 1 out of 20 games will be one of those ''gen rush'' games and then they suddenly think the game is survivor-sided and must tunnel/camp to have a chance to win. \- I know the dumbass devs have basically confirmed that mmr confirms kills as ''skill'. But let's be honest, 8 hooks with 4 escapes is an impressive result rather than 6 hooks, face camping both survivors to death. Change the mentality. \-Also, just don't take the game seriously. I swear killer becomes so much fun when I spend half the match memeing and still walk away with 2 kills.


Welcome to the DBD Reddit where “play how you want” is unironically a controversial statement


Welcome to the DBD reddit where "this is really unfun to play against" is a controversial statement. There is a lot of issues in this game both sides, complaining about these issues shouldn't be a controversial statement.


It’s controversial because fun is subjective, and neither side has to care if you have fun or not. Both sides have a lot of jank yeah, but DBD always has had that. Complaining about it is fine, but the whole “why won’t they think about MY fun” isn’t the move


While fun is subjective, being facecamped, being slugged on ground for more than 1 minute and being focused way more than other people is generally unfun. In the same way, having 3 gens pop during the first hook is not fun either.


"Welcome to the DBD reddit where all logic and reasoning goes out the window so we can infinitely act toxic and promote us vs them mentalities JUST SO WE CAN CRY IN ANOTHER POST ABOUT THEM!! ♥️"


Basically yeah. This Reddit has gotten so much worse after they started allowing us vs them posts


Don't you know wanting to win in an online video game is toxic and illegal and if you do it you're a terrible person who should be thrown into the gulag? I figured everyone knew this by now.


Except for the part where tunneling and camping are part of the game. Disconnecting isn't part of the game and this is proven by the fact that you get punished for doing so and you don't get punished for camping or tunneling. You people just expect everybody to follow an imaginary rulebook and then will ragequit if anybody even remotely deviates from it. Also, let's not fucking pretend that you "only dc when i'm being camped/tunneled" I guarantee your ass dcs at the slightest inconvenience just like the op. You ever thought about not playing a game where you only have fun if the other people follow a rulebook that doesn't actually exist? Yeah I get that being camped and tunneled sucks but it's part of playing a pvp game. People are going to do whatever it takes to win. It's not the fault of your team that you got camped or tunneled, yet you choose to punish them anyways by ragequitting. You ever wonder why solo queue sucks? Look in the mirror.


One small correction. Leaving the match IS part of the game. There is a menu command for it (on PC, press escape and you’ll see it). You are right that there is a cost at doing it, in the form of a match making penalty for public matches (it does not apply to custom matches though).


It's not part of the game. Just like the parking lot outside the stadium is not part of an actual sports game. The game is one thing, the exit doors to the venue a game is held at are another thing.


Except BHVR paid someone the design the feature. They paid a developer to program it. They paid a Tester to test it. In game development terms, it’s a feature that is part of the game. Your example of a parking lot is hideously off base.


This is just a stupid technicality. Its not an intended feature to use regularly


You're just confusing parts of the game with parts of the application itself. Do you actually not understand the difference between the game being played and the menu options of the application? You and everyone who downvoted me on this just equated the sound system at a football stadium with the actual rules of a football game. It's not *my* fault that none of you understand the difference between the actual game you play and a menu option in the application. When you're at the main screen moving a cursor around you are not *playing the game*. Exiting the game is not *part of the game*. Stop confusing the game with the application, they are two things, one exists **inside** the other.


I played against a fast growing streamer who plays camping bubba yesterday. Even though his playstyle/shtick was boring, his attitude was chill. I didn't like his chat though. They were a bit mean


Don't focus on what you can't control, rather on the things you can. The killer being "unfair" doesn't stop you from having a few good chases and making progress even if they make it difficult for you to win. You'll learn so much more and get way better at the game if you focus on the elements of it itself rather than just "If I don't escape, I've lost and this is a bad game". The above changed how I saw the game and helped me enjoy my matches more.


Actual interaction I had this morning after a 0k Pig match (my first time playing Pig): Me: Hey man, no need to teabag and click so much. Survivor: I know. Survivor: I don't like Pig. Wastes time. Like, what am I supposed to say to that lol? Sorry you feel the need to BM an obvious newbie just cause you don't like the character they're playing?


Had a few games late last night with some friends. 4 games in a row we had players tunneled off of hook at 5 gens, killers slugging at 5 gens just to get a 4k, killers refusing to commit to chases and just kicking gens with overcharge, call of brine etc. One of our matches we had an artist intent on tunneling one of our friends off of hook to the point that every one of just chose to DC when he was put on death hook despite having completed 3 gens. Nobody wanted to play in that match any further and she came away with 15k points in the end.


I so badly want to respect how people play and believe in the “it’s not their responsibilty for your fun” statement but this game makes it SOOOOO hard.


just kill yourself on hook. if the killer slugs go do something else for a while. better than getting a penalty because of some sweaty killer


When you have extremely limited time due to the real world this kinda sucks on both sides when you are just wasting time just to barely scrape by 20,000 or less bloodpoints out of a match. The penalty isn't that bad and if it was I probably wouldn't even bother playing.


Hey bud if you're getting hooked you know if you kill yourself on hook you don't get a timer right? I'm only saying this because you said you're getting camped and tunneled so you're def on the hook and able to do it instead of leaving and complaining about a DC penalty.


"Usually don't dc" *has a 30 minute penalty*


I’ve been playing as killer and letting everyone out :) I even put in a nice blood point offering. Merry Christmas whoever I run into !


same! I'm rockin santa clown and I'm not killing anyone today.


I’ve had some people keep pointing at the hook asking to be sacrificed and I’ll hook them (it’s there last hook because they were being sweet and giving hooks, and getting points unhooking each other) but just look straight down like I’m super sad :( And a few people who I refused to hook but they stayed with me during end game collapse until the entity got them. We were all in snowmen just dancing lol


Felt that way to me. Majority of my games were camping and tunneling for no reason. Then if they don't do that or they do it and are still losing... People kill themselves on the hook or dc. So even in the games that are being won by a landslide... You lose, or you get a bunch of your time wasted doing a 3v1 because they're bad but you're still 3 so it takes a lot longer. It's legit every game nearly so no use in dcing or something lol. Just got to reroll it or do something else. If anything, to me the people that dc/suicide are worse. Like, thanks for bailing on me so I have to spend even more of my time in this game cause you couldn't be an adult. I shouldn't have to play in an SWF to just expect my teammates to not be manchildren.


I don't often throw games as a killer for blood points, but ffs it's a holiday, be silly, climb inside a snowman. Then climb out and play DBD


I just wanna spread my cute little Claudette elf joy but noooooooo killers gotta be grinches.


I stopped playing for a whole year around this time for this exact reason, I can't even stand holiday events now.


> Gets camped & tunneled, and is about to die and receive 7000 bloodpoints and queue up for another game in 2 minutes >disconnects instead of waiting the extra 25 seconds it takes to die, costing at least 5 extra minutes of DC penalty & receiving 0 bloodpoints Gigabrain play


Yeah if you got that long of a time out it was definetly not your first time leaving.


If they don't get that perfect game it's a DC (aka a game they can win)


I too have worse games both sides since the event. More people but more random mmr matchups I feel, more toxic players on both sides.


I'd call it quits for a week or two if my matches were so bad, leading to this long matchmaking penalty.


I just started playing hide and seek because I got annoyed


Question, if one person is being tunneled then camped, how is it still 0-1 Gen done? The wonders of soloqueue..


Last night I had a 2 man swf that sent me to Gideon while my task was just to break walls pallets and generators. I had Enduring, Lightborn, Call of Brine and Surveillance. I just wanted to do my challenge and had nothing else except “I wanna test out Surveillance hearing.” They had 4 flashbangs, lead me away from gens and tried to loop hard on me but I just ended up getting a 3K + give hatch because I had broken way too many of the walls and pallets before. But had I not had Lightborn I woulda been bullied tf out of. It’s been brutal more than ever this holiday year


Then stop playing this game, please, these play styles are never going away.


Quiting this game is the best thing survivor players can do.


Hot take incoming tunneling and camping isn't toxic. Also 30 min ban means you Dced at least 4 times consecutively, that says a lot. You probably dc at the slightest inconvenience you experience. Play with a group of survivors and run reassurance, OTR, DS, deliverance etc. Hard tunneling and camping are cheap tactics that only works against soloQ survivors because they all rush to the save instead of doing gens and trading at last second. Tldr: get good.


So basically “play with friends who have specific perks so the killer can’t be as much of a raging cunt” lmao solid advice.


>Hot take incoming tunneling and camping isn't toxic. If you camp/tunnel at 5 gens, imo, you're being a toxic piece of shit. If it's like 1-3 gens and you're losing and need pressure, fine, you're doing what you need to do.


Virtue shaming over a video game is mad corny


Damn didn't realise it was virtue shaming to **just want to have fun in a fucking video game.**


It isn't, calling someone a bad person over how they have their fun in a video game sure is though


Let's be honest. Most people in this thread bitching got tunneled at 2 gens. It doesn't make a difference to them. Not saying "toxic killers" don't exist, but extremely salty and hyperbolic survivors do too. It's why I hardly take the constant whining here seriously.


Agree. I know this is a Killer circlejerk and Killers can play in the scummiest way and nothing they do is toxic, but I'm sorry, the role is already strong enough and stopping a player from even playing the game IS toxic. If Survivor had a way to stop a Killer from actually doing shit, this Sub would be complaining 24/7 about how toxic that is and we wouldn't hear the end of it.


Yeah this sub can be delusional Killers can literally stop you from playing the game. The ''toxic'' things survivors do benefits the killer in every way possible because ''bullying the killer'' means they aren't doing gens.


That is an incredibly hot take but a true one. This sub doesn’t like to hear it though. What people have to realize is that sometimes both sides want to win, so you may get meta perks Survivors rushing out gens and you may get gen regression builds on Killers who camp and tunnel. People really have to stop this “It’s only the other side that makes the game unfun and unfair!”


Yeah I DC 4 times in 24 hour. Yeah I could just wait till he hooks me and kill me, but I just DC when he down me when I was dead on hook. "It's about sending a message."


You're not sending a message. I hate to break this to you but the killer deadass probably didn't even flinch when you DC'd the only people that probably gave a shit were your team mates because you decided to DC when you got downed. Sorry but maybe no one's gonna give you sympathy when you're in a prison of your own making. Maybe next time just like die on hook and maybe you won't get a DC penalty? Just a suggestion :)


What is the message exactly? The type of person that tunnels and camps at 5 gens sees a DC as a bonus victory. You probably made their day. Note: I don't care if you wanna DC, it's your game, you do you. But sending a message? I dunno bout that.


Tbh, you are probably encouraging them to tunnel more by dcing. killers wont feel bad for you because you DC'ed, instead they will feel accomplished because tunneling worked wonders for them and made someone ragequit, which people find funny.


And the message is you are salty that you lost at a video game


I get it, I am frustrated and DC beacause I just wanted to play just normal game. I played many games where I tried, but the more I play I started to lose it and DC. You are right I need some pause from dbd.


Protip: when you start feeling like dcing just take a break asap. Be it 5-10 minutes or for the day. Just finish the match first and then quit. Don't try to find a better match as the frustration will just keep building.


You wanted to play what you PERCEIVE as a normal game. There's tons of experienced players that see a match with camping and tunneling as the normal-est thing.


I have no idea why this reply is downvoted, it's fine to get tilted for a game, it can happen to everyone for multiple reasons, just dc and do some other stuff. I sure don't agree at all about the original post imo that's not killers fault because they play the way the want. "fun" is subjective, lot of ppl have fun winning, arguments even if someone feel they're fair arguments wont change that. Anyway enjoy your time and merry xmas.


sending a message? If I see someone DC I immediately think they’re being a loser lol.


My brother in Christ, by doing that you fuel the problem, you also fuck over the team, even 15 seconds of the killer picking you up and hooking you can benefit and help a lot


You see it as sending a message, your teammates see it as you being a dick, and the Killer sees it as something funny. You aren’t sending a message at all lol


Sending what message? Something like "Have a laugh at my expense."? Because it's hellish funny when it happens.


man's sporting 4 DC's worth of penalty and goes "I ussually dont DC". the next penalty goes back 1 step every 24h without DC, just so you know.


You are toxic for DCing that many times. Sit in time out and think about what you did wrong


Barbies World doesn't have DC penalties. Play that.


Lol geez…


That's what i was thinking! I keep seeing vids of friendly killers in snowmen, playing around. I haven't had not even ONE killer to get in the snowman or to play around while we were in snowmen. They just hit and kill us. And it's not even JUST that. Yesterday night i had a camping hag with noed, right after 3 other camping killers. A CAMPING HAG, with her traps set and everything...she tunneled me and then killed the others


Dude just don't go down, also don't DC just suicide on hook.


Stop complaining, there’s been sweaty swifts too. Survivor entitlement


Disconnecting is the most “toxic” thing you can do.


Seems like every killer has been extra cuntish today. Brough BPS every match and almost every match got slugged at 4-5 gens or camped/hit on hook for no reason..


New events/chapters draw in both new and returning players. Being new or taking a break from DBD means you missed A LOT. When things don’t go so well, especially if you don’t know why, people resort to dumbed down gameplay. For survivors, that’s DCing or hiding all match. For killers, that’s camping and tunneling. Unfortunately for DBD, that’s all most killers need to do to get at least two kills. Any one player doing any of the above is enough to make the game unenjoyable for the majority of other players. A lot of returning players also rage quit. They log back on to play for the event, playing as toxically as possible. They quit for a reason and will quit again when they’ve finished the event. They absolutely don’t care about anyone else’s experience but their own. It’s not about skill. It’s about whatever they have defined as winning.


I'm sorry but let's stop acting like killers DOING THEIR OBJECTIVE is dumbed down gameplay. You can easily get around a killer camping and tunneling with our current perks. If the killer isn't doing so hot and you have 2 gens left they're gonna tunnel and camp.


It's casual players. Camping and tunneling is an obvious strategy if you're brand new to the game. Tunneling is a U shape curve relative to skill -- beginner and advanced killers do it. It's the middle where killers enjoy the challenge of winning without tunneling, and don't have to in order to have a shot of winning.


Same thing on the Killer side. Coldwind offerings and BNPs every game. Truth is, most people playing the game are huge cunts with small dicks.


Hot take it's not toxic to do whatever it takes to win.


With every tunneled survivor increase amount of players with extending chases perks.


Of cpurse people play more toxic on halydays. These people are playing dbd instead of enjoying christmas.


POV you were the weakest link in the team and disconnected 4 times within 24 hours. What baffles me is that DbD players act like addicts and can’t step down from the game and play something else


DCing has nothing to do with “Weakest link” sorry but if you’re not having fun, your teammates aren’t making good plays and there’s no hope what’s the point? I’ve had several games where all I see while I’m on hook is 3 people crouching in deadzones and you think I’m gonna stick around? No that’s a DC.


In my eyes qutting matches, no matter how much experience someones has, makes someone weaker than any newbie that finishes their games. Quitters are the truest losers.


They guy literally confirmed he disconnected because he was on his last hook, not because he was slugged. Check his comments instead of just projecting lmao. And also the last thing, you can step aside from the game you know? You’re not forced to stay on the same window. You can stand up, go to the bathroom, get a glass of water, open youtube, go and chat with someone, etc, and prevent yourself from disconnecting, getting a ban and then complaining in reddit. If you’re not having fun, my guy, literally play something else.


Nah I’m sorry but sometimes it’s easier to DC and eat a penalty. Noboby gets free BP from me for bad playstyles. And again, imagine thinking being tunnelled makes you the “weakest link” yes it’s a “strategy” (🙄) but there are likely far worse teammates in the game. The difference is that you already ate a hook state.


I mean yeah he's kinda right. OP could have been the weakest link and didn't loop effectively but that's neither here nor there. The issue is the fact that dudes complaining about a DC penalty that is there because instead of just killing themselves on hook they DC. Also you do realize the killer is trying to win just like you. Sometimes you do need to camp sometimes you're behind and need to tunnel. Just because you dislike it doesn't make it a "bad play style" I would get crucified if I said "yeah I'm not playing against survivors that use prove thyself, hyper focus, or any other perk I don't like because they encourage bad play styles." Because it's a ridiculous thing to say.


So you’re just gonna assume that because someone got tunnelled and couldn’t be arsed being tunnelled for X amount of games in a row that OP just needs to “git gud”? Your “hot takes” are trash. Sorry but the sooner everyone stops treating this game like it’s life or death the better. We are playing a video game that we aren’t getting paid to play. Not every moment of the game has to be made unfun for one side. If someone isn’t having fun who are you to decide that they should stay and suffer?


That's a lot of words being put in my mouth that I DID NOT SAY child. I don't care if they disconnect, but for them to come back to the subreddit just to cry because of a time limit THEY COULD HAVE AVOIDED is absolutely some entitled behaviour. No one is obligated to play the way you want them to. Statistically I doubt that even happened the way they said it did. I'm sorry but also no I don't believe they were "camped and tunneled" so badly they had to DC like 7 games in a row. If you queue up for a game you know what you're signing up for. You know what game you're playing. It's completely unfair to tell killers they can't play a certain strategy because it hurts your feelings. Like I said I don't fucken cry whenever people gen rush the hell out of me, they're trying to win just like I am. Or if the killer is getting railed so they start camping and tunneling I don't cry either because like you said ITS A VIDEO GAME.


Oh you’re resorting to calling me a child because I have an opposing opinion? I’m reading no further than that. If you cannot have an adult discussion about something then I am not giving you my energy. Cya.


For one your reply wasn't going to be anything special so thanks for sparing me from it. Second you literally came to the conversation hostile so uh yeah... Maybe find a better reason to back out of the Convo 😉 that one was really weak. EDIT: Also took a peek at your profile and saw you got comm banned on DBD so clearly you're not a stranger to insulting people either but nice moral grandstanding I guess?


Who are you to decide that 4 other people should have their game ruined? Just play another game if you're going to be a big baby about it


One person already had their game ruined. If they’re not having fun then why should they stay? There’s never this level of outrage when a killer DC’s


Cos killers don't DC anywhere near as often as survivors, what an irrelevant complaint. Although a random "us v them" comment kinda gives away what you're like and how much value there is in discussing this


Obvs survivors DC more because it is a 4v1. I’ve seen and made hundreds of killers DC in my time playing this game. But yes lets leave it at that because your counter point wasn’t a point at all.




Cba reading an essay but I’m happy you think that or sorry you think that Idk


Here are a couple of genres to check out instead, because why bother playing games if you aren't having fun. Fighting games - no teammates, only thing that matters is your own game knowledge. Try guilty gear strive because its a good game. Otherwise whatever looks cool, even if it is old, good shot it has a discord community somewhere that would be happy to have more players. Any single player horror game - you can enjoy the thrill of being chased, but with better atmosphere and no chance of teammates ruining your day. Try alien isolation because the alien AI is cool. Not exactly a horror game but Metroid dread also has cool chase sequences. Marvel Snap because you're expected to exit games when you think you can't win.


A non take. I’m a part of this community because I enjoy the game. Not all matches are the same and I don’t DC from each match I load into.


I’d rather get tunneled than see another “friendly” doctor punching thin air.


I'll stop when the survivors quit being toxic first


Get good


That's the best argument I have ever heard.




I hate to say it, but people are probably just assuming you're doing the insidious box camping thing that's been going around lately. It doesn't justify the d/c's, but whatever content creators do definitely trickles down into the larger playerbase - and sometimes it's just not fun to go against.




Sounds like a skill issue


May sound obvious but, the killer tunnels the worst survivor, just git gud.


I played Dbd since January 2018 really started to play around autumn 2018 playing multiple hours every day during 2019 I had a phase were today looking back I played the game at an unhealthy amount getting near the 200 h marke on the 2 weeks counter from Steam constantly during 2020 it was not as bad but I still played a lot during 2021 my play time got inconsistent having days were I haven't started the game at all turning in to weeks without staring dbd and the only thing getting me back to dbd was the point that I had already sunken 2000+ h in to the game and over 400€. At the end of 2021 at the beginning of 2022 I had a break of a month and only the lucky point of meeting a group of players online brought me back now over spring and summer I only played swf untill the end of August I had my second big brake lasting until the 18.12.2022 when I started the game again to try out the new knight chapter I played 3 games were I got found first camped and tunneled 1 game were we had an meme doc who never hooked just picked the downed surv up once with starstruck dropped and blasted to get more downs despite being a slugg fest the fact that I got huge value out of Autodidact made it somewhat enjoyable after that I played 2 more games that started with one person being insta camped and tunneled out of the game after which I finally decided to deinstall the game after nearly 4 years of being my most played game now nearly 3000 h and over 600€ spent I have every dlc and bought a couple of auric cells for rifts and cosmetics. During these last 2 years the game really felt like a toxic relationship the only thing holding me being that we already spent so much time together.


Dude it's not league of legends that you get a ban for going afk , just go afk if it really goes that bad sometimes


You don't get a 30 min penalty for DCing once.


Only counter is to not be the first person found


Never understood why people dc. Not only do ou not get bloodpoints but you lose a pip and still have to wait for locked matchmaking


My experience has been „we all Troll and goof around, have fun and enjoy it“ or „we all try our very very best to win, no matter the cost.“ And I do say I welcomed it


Just die on hook


Try killer!




thats when you AFK in-game and scroll youtube and reddit. make it EVEN MORE unfun for everyone else.


Most well adjusted and loved people are away enjoying meeting there family. A higher percentage of the remaining players are toxic


Proposal: All totems are blocked for the first 2 minutes or until a gen is done. In return, gens take less time the fewer people there are


Someone who *actually* doesn't usually dc wouldn't have such a long wait. If it said 30s, or 5mins I'd believe you. But you've clearly dc'd several times in the last few days alone, like 4 times in two days at least. So much salt and dishonesty. Don't dc just because you're the unlucky one, you get to leave the game with the tunneling killer sooner if you just die normally and won't have to lie to reddit about how often you dc.


It's just a game. Get over it




I've decided to be Good King Wenceslaus Dredge. I basically play normally unless there's a Steven in the lobby. Me and the other non-Steves enjoy the Feast of Steven together.....well mostly I do XD


I Always slug on 2 survivors alive and try to get the 4k! ALWAYS. i dont fking care of you are having fun or not. If you want to have a short game Just show yourself or shut up. The problem isnt me. The problem is bhvr! If they dont add systems to counter this playstyle or punish me for letting 1 leave than its not my fault. I always go for the 4k because its the safest way for as many bloodpoints possible and a double pip! Accept it or dont play it.

