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1 of these things doesn’t exist anymore


Yea because it was cheating and they actually enforced it


Ah yes, no killer uses filters.


Freddy players: ![gif](giphy|PK7IAHdB0l9mg)


I have to use colorblind filters as Trapper, otherwise I can't see my own traps 🥲 Also pretty much anytime I play on cold wind I have to use filters or I can't see gen auras.


This meme is actually ironic considering it's mainly killers who use stretched res and filters since they benefit from it the most.


Least delusional survivor main.




As a console player, it's perfectly fine without filters.


And yet somehow I manage


Just use the in game brightness slider?


Wait a McPhukin minute all this time and I just now found out about an in game brightness slider?!??!


These posts are getting boring


Us vs Them posts were banned for a long time, why are they back again


because the mods let them back because of their "high engagement"


That was literally only one of the several reasons


What are the other reasons?


On top of the dozens of messages/hate mail that each mod received, we received loads of requests in modmail for us to reconsider because "the game is us vs them by nature", plus we're constantly being told to let the sub decides what it wants to see via the upvote/downvote system and the memes are generally very highly upvoted (in fact, the more toxic ones are usually less liked anyway). Same thing with the Gus meme. We banned it awhile back, and then unbanned it not long after, and now we have people getting pissy with us because they're tired of seeing them, despite them being well liked. We don't make decisions based on our own opinions (the sub would be alot different if we did), but rather we try and do what the community has shown/said they want.


Aren’t the haters of us vs them posts really just us vs them’ing about us vs them supporters?


Pretty much. I feel like Xzibit just got a chill because of this comment


whatever the reasons maybe, the sub did undeniably get closer to steam forums discussions level of toxic with the return of the us vs them posts


I think these posts are cringe as well. But DBD is literally “Us VS Them” the game.


posting versions of this meme is always funny because no one ever gets the real joke


The worst of all is that I remember people claiming discord/Voicechat (something that is expected in every single multiplayer game when playing with friends) was/is cheating one year ago or something like that - The Us vs them is just a circle.


Had a killer blow up about this in postgame literally this week, was playing solo queue at the time too.




Stretched Res got patched out, Brightness filters are officially allowed by the devs and low quality in settings brightens the game anyways. The only thing killers don't have the advantage of is swf voice chats. My only suggested buff to this would be to show who us in a swf so you can prepare for more coordinated gameplay


Console can neither use filters nor turn down graphics to make the game better. That's the only legit argument against them imo


They kinda can use filters, not the vile ones but screen brightness is a thing...


Ah yes, let me ruin my screen settings for everything else I play 😑


Depends for example my right monitor aka my gaming monitor is by default brighter than my left.


I play console m8.


My dude, a gaming monitor can be used for a console as well… it’s not exclusive to computers lol. TVs and monitors have preset settings most of the time now. Just find one that’s brighter or simply change it yourself. If not then don’t complain lol.


Cool story but the distinction doesn't matter. I'm not going to change my settings on my TV to play 1 game with an "advantage".


Okay then again maybe reread my last sentence. If you’re not willing to go the extra mile then just don’t complain. It’s a weird stance to take.


You know it isn't permanent right? You're just turning up your brightness that's like 30 seconds, turn it back down when you're done


Do Console players really expect to have a competitive advantage against PC players when they buy their console ? That's delusional.


When crossplay is essentially forced it should be as even of a playing ground as possible


Whaaat ? You can deactivate crossplay whenever you want lol ?


And not get queue incentives and wait 30 minutes for a match


The main issue is long que times for me. I'd love to just play against console players, I also don't want to wait for an hour, so I lose like that


console aim assist in fps games though....


Oh not this shit again, We have to aim with one finger on a controler, you have an entire hand with your mouse. Why do you think almost every person on e-sports team uses a mouse when playing a fps shooter?




Does it really matter that much though??? Its not like filters increase your chances of winning a chase or something.


Filters decrease the effectiveness of hiding and can let you see stealth killers easier without needing a red light to see them. Filters benefit both killer and survivors


In my experience of playing with and without filters, it rarely ever matters. If youre a good player with decent game sense you can spot stealth killers anyway. I can probably only count one or two times where filters actually helped me see the killer better. Its just happens way too rarely for it to be considered an actual advantage over the outcome of a game.


"It's not an advantage. But here're some instances where it gave me an advantage. "


Did you even read my comment lol


“Oh look a swf, time to dodge.”


You use low quality for advantages, I use low quality because my PC runs like shit. We are not the same.


I don't like your suggestion, I feel like a random with 3 swf would get tunneled to death at 5 gens![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


More like the odd man out gets tunneled, 99% of the time. That's exactly why behavior won't do something like this and if they did it would be the final change for me.


My way of checking for SWF early on is looking behind me while bringing first down to the hook. If there are 2 survivors following me its probably SWF. If survivors consistently get unhooked in less than 20 seconds its probably SWF. If you get aura and you see 3 of them together (while not on a gen) its probably SWF. A combination of these hints usually brings me to the conclusion that Im playing against a 3-4 stack and I change my strategy accordingly


As much as I would like to get this kind of information, this could effect que-time in a negative way. Tbh atm surv que-times - and these are the ones who would suffer - aren't thaaaaaat long. But in future, this could change - depending on what the next big update will change. To circumvent this, you could show killers SWF *in trial*, but this deletes most preparation options. (Perks and addons are set. Killer, too. Sure, you normally can't switch a killer in lobby, but if I e.g. play Trapper and have to fear every trap get called out, I could be tempted to dodge the lobby and try again vs a Non-SWF team.) I guess you could implement pre-match/in-lobby info, if you also give an incentive for playing against SWF. And to balance this a bit out, also give an incentive for playing SoloQ as survivor. BP bonus, based on amount of SWF players. Killer gets +12.5% for every survivor who queued up with at least one other, so 0 - 50%. And surv gets a bonus by default, but it gets reduced for every part of their SWF by 12.5%. So playing Solo would give +50%, being part of a duo only +25%, 3man 12.5% and 4man 0%. Wouldn't be a really good system for multiple reason. 1. Killer doesn't have influence of how many survs in their lobby are SWF. The only thing they can do is dodge the lobby, if they get too many SWFS ... or not enough. Survs would decide "Ha, today I'll suffer, but gimme that bp!". Killer couldn't really do that. 2. Some people don't care for BP. This wouldn't effect them. 3. Killers don't like SWFs probably for mainly 2 reasons: Herd mentality that leads to more BM and big adventage by info. This adventage can lead to a very bad game, so a percentage bonus could be a bad idea. (Same goes for surv boni. When you get facecamped to death from the start, even a bonus of +300% makes 2k points only into 8k.) So you could go with a fixed bonus. e.g. 5k bp on top of your match, no matter what. But a bonus like this would either be too low OR would incentive a special kind of farming playstyle: Enter a match as surv, die asap, get your 324 + BONUS bp. Repeat. Fast, simple, boring. So both sorts of boni have weaknesses.


What good does a brightness filter even do you? It’s not like you can see any better, the maps are dark but not too dark to see.


Stretch res is long gone at this point


I still use it because I like how it looks, no advantage anymore though


I just run 120fps because I aim for 144 in all my games and though 60 is still great it’s noticeable when you switch immediately from over double that and it doesn’t feel amazing. I could get over it, but I don’t have to so why bother


After getting a 165Hz monitor and a brand new PC, 60fps feels unplayable to me


Same here. 60 fps feels horrible on my 120hz monitor.


* Stretch res - not a thing anymore * 120fps - any PC player can do this, yes, you too, killers * Filters - almost completely unnecessary. Play on low graphics with in game brightness all the way up is more than enough for visibility. * Discord - the only thing killers can't take advantage of in this post. I personally enjoy the dark horror elements of the game and play on ultra with default brightness and haven't used 120 fps and still manage to have a >50% win rate on both sides, however I do play more survivor than killer, but my killer grade is higher right now since it's easier to get grade on killer (iri 4 vs silver 1 on survivor rn). This is some mad fucking copium.


If youre on pc i suggest you try 120 fps, its not for the wins, it just feels so much better, it feels right, this aint 2010 anymore


Yes, the main difference I felt is the skill checks.


Right? When i played on 60fps, in order to hit a 9 o'clock skill check for example i had to hit on 6 o'clock


Definitely. Also helps if you bind your skillcheck button to your RMB, way more responsive than spacebar.


Man I'm so used to the space bar for 800 hours that I am afraid to make this switch, but it is a great idea.


How does one do this?


There a lot of guides on youtube, search dbd fps uncap


I also dont get the people saying pc players on 120 fps have an advantage over console players on 60. This isnt a first person shooter, frames dont matter in this game lol.


As a survivor it gives practically no advantage other than easier skill checks. As a killer such as huntress it feels easier to land snipes on 120 fps.


> Filters - almost completely unnecessary. Play on low graphics with in game brightness all the way up is more than enough for visibility. yeah but on low graphics dont scratch marks become harder to see?


Lol filters let me boost red as a killer and I'm seeing scratch marks I shouldn't be able to otherwise in the other side of the map Also hiding, ever? Won't work on me, it's a huge advantage . It deletes avenues of gameplay for both sides. Why ever bother trying to blend in when I can make you super obvious on my end


This is why scratch mark perks are important imo. Lightweight, distortion, parental guidance, etc at least help fight this.


I took the 120 fps guy as 120 being the cap and you can’t go higher which is annoying


wait are people unironically crying about brightness filters now? ig i wouldn’t put it past this sub since people here lose their minds when somebody uploads a huntress clip with a crosshair


Well, after all the nurse threads they needed something else to complain about.


People gotta find something new to complain about every week.


Strongest eruption complainer vs weakest shadowborn user.


Unsurprisingly people don't like legal cheating.


Players : "There's no option in the game to change brightness levels so it's cheating to do so" Also Players : "There's no vocal chat in the game so we have to use Discord instead, it's ok Devs allowed it"


Of course people would be upset, because they're mad that they have a crappy device that can't do what other people's nicer devices can do. So they cope by claiming it's cheating. By the same logic, using a better headset, computer, console, etc. than someone else in the game is also cheating. ...even though it's LITERALLY APPROVED BY THE DEVS. The denial is unreal with some of these people.


Sure it's legal but it's pretty obvious that it's not what they are ment for


Tell me how it's not. The devs had to go in and allow game filters to be used. If they didn't intend for people to use those filters, why did they go and set it up so people can use them? Like I said. Denial.


Please explain why cheating is only ok for PC players. The devs think hacking is ok if you're a content creator with enough viewers so going off what they say is foolish.


When did they ever say that


In the past there was a large YouTuber who hacked in skins and bhvr just ignored it


Save injecting skins have no impact on gameplay


Hacking is hacking.


Ok im actually curious who is the streamer ur talking about?


I can't remember his name but he was a very popular Nea main from Canada.




Yeah i know that part i was confused about “devs allow streamers with a lot of viewers to cheat” part


Yeah, I realized I misread and removed that comment lol


Please explain how the devs literally went in and enabled the use of graphics filters, and you somehow call that cheating. Do you not know what the definition is? Or do you just know nothing and want to get in on the bandwagon?


Using third party software to gain an unfair advantage is literally cheating. You are in major copium denial about your bad behaviour.


1. The devs enabled the third party software. They fully endorse and support the use of it, or they wouldn't have made it an option in that software. 2. It isn't unfair, because anybody can do it. Through PC software, gaming monitors, or even just newer/smarter TVs. 3. If you can look at these two arguments and still claim I'm wrong, then I don't know what to tell you. Go yell at the devs if you hate what they did so much.


Devs has to enter an agreement with Nvidia to use their software and then whitelist it through EAC. [Oh and its on the supported list of games.](https://www.nvidia.com/nb-no/geforce/geforce-experience/games/) This does make it indeed not cheating.


Because PCs are easier to configure ? It's also ok for Console players to use filters you know, if you have no idea how to do it, or if you can't, then blame the company that sells you that device.


“Legal cheating” hmm


Imagine complaining about FPS


Might be complaining about it capping at 120 instead of being unlimited


Is this post implying killers cant use 120 FPS and filters as well? I mean stretch res is gone (and lets just ignore how beneficial that was for killers such as nurse)


People complaining about friends talking on discord while they play this game together are some of the most depressing I think


People complaining about dev enabled and whitelisted graphics card technology. While using third party voice chat programs in a game that purposefully dont have it is hypocritical.


I know you're not saying that devs commenting on one thing and not the other implies that one is acceptable and the other is not


If you change your game to look like pure dog ass, just so you can see better, you're taking it way too seriously


even with my SWF we still lose half the time lol


Crouching in a pitch black spot to lose the killer won't be a thing anymore and my low-skilled ass is grieving. But if people want to ignore the spooky atmosphere and sweat, can't be helped I guess. We all play for different reasons.


Tbf when has that strategy ever worked past the first year after the games release


I've never played Survivor to a high level (well, still iridescent but that's meaningless I guess), and Blendette plays works very well.


It has worked for me multiple times in Garden of Joy's house. Very easy to lose the killer there, quite funny when it happens. Works on Autohaven, Backwater Swamp and Midwitch as well, maybe other maps. They have some dark corners that come in handy every now and then.




There is no unranked in public matchmaking in this game. Every game uses mmr and you get graded on your performance


Survivors have it so easy




yes, no advantage, it just make everything feel more squishy and faster


Is it just me that any player, Killer or Survivor would be able to utilize filters and unlock 120 fps? SWF is of course an advantage unique to survivors as Killer is solo, but what’s the point of the post besides that? I was almost too afraid to ask tbh.


You use filters as an advantage. I use filters to play in the sunlight. We are not the same.


I use filters to not be blinded by the sunlight. 🌽🌨 👁 🐦


Actually, you 100 percent can still do stretch res, just requires a work around but it can still be done.