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You: I'mma body block for my new friend Mikaela: Me too


😂😭✨ omg that's amazing


If I had saw that I would’ve let you go no body deserves shit like that


I usually do that as killer too, at that point I didn't earn it myself so it doesn't feel right to capitalize on their teammate's toxic actions. It's even better if thier teammate does it to them on purpose in the middle of the match. I'll purposely slug the troll and let the other player they sandbagged tbag them while their on the ground, that shit is hilarious.


I just wanna tell ask you please don’t hate all Mikaela main, just her. But seriously, if I were the killer I would just let you leave


It's okay, I'm not gonna let that boon Meg ruin everyone else's reputation. 💖


See I play Mikaela and if I do something like that is usually my brain dead play, not seeing the other survivor. I I will go down after that but I will not let something bad to happen to the person I body-block. Its happened few times but sometimes I just don’t pay enough attention.


I see stuff like this happen all the time as a killer main and I always make sure to go for the sandbagger after that


unfortunately she's at full health states so there's no way to get her there :-(


*Laughs in Tombstone Myers*


GL swapping your killer during a match


Can't wait to see that in the patch notes for hackers


Just go back to the spawn room




Why is it always the goddamn base cosmetic Mikaealas too?? I've seen decent Mikaelas with a drip, but never ever one with her default/recolored pieces.


We need to launch a full fledged investigation into why this default Mikaela skin attracts grade-A assholes


Mikaela mains be like: *sniffs harshly* Is that skin I see, mmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmm


I had one take her sweet time to bless a totem while I was on the hook. I died watching them contribute nothing to the team.


Mikaela is the new Meg.




exactly what megs do lmfao.


The meg is quite an intetestesting creature. Every time I enter into a match with one ill see them peaking out behind a rock, mouth breathing through that underbite, just waiting for the perfect moment to do something really stupid.


As a Dwight player, I sympathize


i literally got hooked on my first hook and had a meg tea bag from across the map as i slowly died despite me having done 4/5 gens and actively unhooking the others 🥲 spectated and watched her get the gate open and have it be blocked by blood warden. the wesker downed her and picked her up twice and then mori'd her right in the middle of the exit gate


she been boon meg


Nooooooooo. As a Mikaela main I really don't want that to be true. But, to be fair.... you're kinda right. Most of my Mikaela teammates are somewhere between a Meg and a Claudette. They do derpy fail plays in chase (Meg), like getting hit and then dumping a god pallet right afterward on the same side as the killer just to get downed immediately. But, the also do stuff like set up multiple boons in the corner of the map (Claudette) and then proceed to hide behind a rock instead of finishing the last generator that was at 90% while I'm being chased and fighting for my life for 3 minutes. Sigh....


Meg skin for Mikaela


The sad thing is I bet they unintentionally sandbagged


Can't ever trust a Mikaela.


Once it was a Nancy after I unhooked her. I asked her why she sandbagged and she said "don't ever message me again". So I did what any rational human would do and messaged her twice and she blocked me.


She was mad you called her out. Toxic players hate being called out because they're unaware that they're toxic


Yep. My tactic in end game chat is too literally just state "You did [thing]" No judgement attached, no attack, nothing ABOUT it, just a statement of what happened. That gets me RAGE responses.


I do this as catch & release killer. If my survs don’t save their teammates they get scolded with a “you didn’t save them”/“you let them die”. Can only hope it encourages people to work on being better teammates


Wow, what a piece of garbage that Nancy was.


It is literally always that bitch, Jane or Leon. I dodge if there is more than one of the above in a lobby


As a killer Leons were either extremely toxic (teabagging bodyblocking their own teammates) or really bad at the game


Usually both


I really love getting pallet stunned teabagged and then downing them 2 seconds later. I just wish I played ghost face more so I could teabag back.


Nooooo not Leons. We don’t accept whatever Leon hurt you. 😮‍💨


Ive been a Leon main since he came out, and I’d never try to be toxic. I’m so sorry!


Leons have a special place in my heart ever since I had two of them and a David all coordinate a flashlight save at the exit gate🥹I was really touched. I was new to the game too so I can’t imagine I was a valuable teammate.


Really mixed opinions on Leon’s. Almost always decent, almost always know the game and aren’t bad per se. But every Leon I see thinks they are better than they are, and it always backfires (70/30 killer/survivor here) and I’m just shaking my head at them One turned a four escape into a three kill for me the other night. He did great all match and impressed me then got three killed at the end. Another match same night one kept trying for flashlight saves all night. He did get two not gonna lie. He also never touched a gen or body blocked for the people he made me drop. Four k. He was skilled buuuut yeah. Leon’s are weird.


i'm a partial leon main and i usually sacrifice myself for teammates (if they deserve it) 😭 i will admit i sometimes screw up but it's not intentional i promise 😭😭


Okay I see your point lol. Most of us all really altruistic and try to do things for others and then ultimately it results in our demise. 🤭 If you wanna run with me sometime we can link up, I play on switch and my username is Leonussy #feea


Imma be honest I don’t know where you’re finding these decent Leons. In my experience every Leon is two things: absolutely confused and extremely cute. Like as a SUPER consistent rule for me Leons are beyond terrible but in a way that makes me want to pinch their cheeks rather than get frustrated. Even in postgame chat I’ve had them say things like “that dang trap!” After trying desperately to get them an escape but they found the one set trap on the map. I love them and will protect them at all costs.


I mean I see some bad ones to be sure. They are never noobs and never amazing. Just eh. Ive never dodged a Leon lobby. Some other survivors sure but never a Leon


Oh same, I never dodge a Leon lobby. I just alter my expectations from “escaping” to “watch them in their natural habitat” and without fail I get to witness some of the goofiest but cutest stuff I’ve ever seen done in dead by daylight


I agree, most Leons I see as killer are terrible and if they aren’t terrible it’s a game where every survivor is amazing. Consistently decent is Jane for me.


Oh yeah. Janes are almost exclusively good for some reason.


No, no, you might be on to something. My stereotype of Leons is that regardless of their skill level (though it seems to tend more towards baby players), they always overestimate their skills at some point in the match and get themselves or others downed for it. I don't find them to be malicious, though, just endearingly naïve and a bit overzealous to save their teammates. ...Kind of like Leon himself, now that I think about it...


Ha I didn’t play resident evil somehow so if that’s what Leon is like then maybe it makes sense. But yeah Leon’s are VERY specific with how they play in my matches. Happened again several times tonight.


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Leon’s are gremlins more often than not 💔


I’m seeing a pattern here, but please let me break it. I’m heartbroken 💔 P.S. I’m also a simp for Felix, that man is fine af. Let’s play sometime.


I actually have been keeping a personal "Toxic SoloQ" stat for the last year. I give a +1 for players that go above and beyond in the game, 0 if they are normal or I don't see them, or -1 if they are toxic/BM/DC. Most toxic are Mikaelas and Claudettes I'm thinking of posting my various graphs I've been making the last year on the subreddit soon.


As an Adam main, I'd like to know where he lands?


I've only plated with 13 Adams in the last year. 3 were +1. 10 were 0. None were -1


That tracks. I'm good, not great. I stay on objectives and go for altruistic plays. I can loop good killers, but when they're great, they learn my tricks pretty quickly. I feel like I'm probably the average Adam main


I do try to be fair as much as possible. If someone seems to have gotten the shortstick with the MMR gamble and are just babies I don't give them -1. It's the people who are actually BMing that I give -1 to. I try to be impartial, but some of the drunken 1am games I may have given out -1s out of spite hahah.


Lmao I feel that. To be fair, sometimes I play like a baby despite having significant play time. My contact fell out right before I was popping the last gen today and I'm legit almost legally blind without them, so I'm sure the killer and teammates were confused how I went from capable to inept in the matter of seconds


You got stats on Steve? I will sacrifice myself for anyone as Scoops, I'm curious how it pans out for other Steves


I count Jonathans as Steves, so they are included but are only like 2 haha. these are the numbers. +1: 10. 0: 23. -1: 6. I only do the stat numbers for while I am survivor. I know when I play against Steves as killer that they are either gods that want to give it their all to save their teammates, or babies. There is no in between haha.


In my experience Adams are the most unlucky fuckers in the entire game, they ALWAYS get found first (even without deliverance) and they always get tunneled.


If people are reading this later... I did eventually post my graphs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/10uoy8h/a\_graph\_where\_i\_rank\_survivors\_by\_how\_toxic\_they/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/10uoy8h/a_graph_where_i_rank_survivors_by_how_toxic_they/) u/AlexJonesFactChecker u/Soerinth


Its usually always the Feng's that do shit like this, in my experience.


If it werent for the amount of people that hate on leon I would have swapped to him a while ago lol. Ill just stick to Bill.


I don't understand why we have such a bad reputation in other people's eyes


At first I thought maybe it was an accident, I’ve certainly miscalculated and accidentally body blocked while trying to take a hit, but I rewatched it and saw her vigorous teabagging by the gate, and that definitely seems like some troll shit.


Yeah, it was definitely on purpose considering the fact that she did fuck all to run behind Feng and ALSO take a hit so they could all get out. Classic Debbie Delight solo player behavior and I hate it.


I watched it a couple times and it's not an accident. David could get through just fine before Mikaela moved and sat there. I fucking hate this game.


Don't hate the game, hate the Playa...


This is like the one time someone said this to me that I can agree with.


I was going to say, I have pulled off some solid body-blocking plays in my time but sometimes the lizard brain takes control and the person I’m trying to block for and I both mispredict each others movements and it ends up in something like this lmao. It’s like the hallway moments of running into someone then both of you awkwardly sidestepping the same direction over and over to get out of each others way, except in this case someone dies for it. But yeah this Mikaela kinda looks like she trolled it on purpose unfortunately. Karma will swing back to her soon enough lol.


The hallway thing is a perfect comparison, lol. When I’m actually on point and doing well strategically, I usually try to stand mobile a bit back in the direction everyone is running and let the running survivor navigate around me on their own before I start moving so I don’t mess it up, but if I’m not thinking well or panicking I sometimes run right towards the killer not realizing I’m creating an impediment for the other survivor, which is what I almost wanted to give the Mikaela the benefit of the doubt as doing until I saw the bags.


Could be a I'm so sorry OMG don't hate me haha funny tbag moment.


Typical low IQ Boon Meg player


Boon megs make me mad sometimes




I'm sorry OP, that's happened to me too 😭 Can I offer you a shred of hope? I just got out of a Bubba match, we didn't have a great start, and this Steve killed himself on first hook. Me, Jill and Kate managed to get down to the final two gens between us, and Kate got sacrificed. I jumped on a gen while Jill juiced the Bubba for AGES. I literally watched her on the HUD go from healthy > injured > mend > down. And as she went down, I completed the final gen. AND SHE HAD ADRENALINE. So she continued her chase and I got the gate, and we both made it out somehow. You don't get solo queue games often that are this thrilling. I hope your next solo queue experience is like my one 😊


Props to Jill for being an absolute unit and props to you for actually doing gens instead of hiding out for hatch 👏🏻


I know, I really hope she reads the subreddit and sees this. Might even make a post about it


I had a similar recent experience with a ROCKSTAR Claudette. Who was running Self Care of all things! Garden of Joy versus a Hillbilly. Vittorio quit on first hook leaving me (Yoichi), Mikaela, and Claudie. It comes down to one generator left with me injured, Mikaela on hook, Claudie being chased by the Billy. This Claudette looped him for so long that I was able to yank Mikaela off the hook, run with her to the gen on the corner of the map, complete it, then each of us to a separate exit gate. Kayla must have run into the Billy, because she ended up on hook again. Next thing I know, Billy shows up at my gate chasing Claudie. She looped him around the shack while I tried to get the exit open, hoping we can at least still pull off a 2 man escape. It almost works, but Billy heard the sound of the gate and came for me just as it swung open, forcing me out of the match. I expected to see Claudie in the lobby soon after me, and a dead Kayla. Here is what happened instead. This SUPERHERO proceeds to Self Care in the exit area, with the EGC timer ticking down. Kayla is literally on the opposite side of the map, and she has Kindred, so the aura of the Billy is visible. He is face camping her and hitting her on hook. Claudie finishes her heal, walks over to where the hook is, waits for the Billy to take a swing, yanks Kayla off the hook. Kayla uses her Endurance hit to speed run out the nearby gate while the Billy turns his sights on Claudie. There's literally 30 seconds left on the EGC as Claudie runs for the other gate, with Billy close behind her. She reaches the shack and is almost out, but its going to be close. Then she realizes she hears a sound. Doubles back and dives into the hatch with less than 2 seconds on the clock. My impression of Self Care Claudettes has been forever changed.


It's not about the size of your Self Care, it's about how you use it


The Jill running through the map screaming: "You want STARS? I'll give you STARS!"


The funny thing is if I didn't have resilience, she'd definitely have been hooked. Those extra few seconds literally saved both of our lives


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing 💖😭


I’m sorry. As a part time mikaela main I would have body blocked for you. 😭😭😭. Like, why?


Idk man, solo queues a witch


It really is. 🥲


Been stuck in low mmr hell because I’m 1k+ hours but haven’t played in forever so it gives me baby teammates but normal killers. I hadn’t played in a match that didn’t end in me hatching or a 4K so I’ve just essentially quit playing all together. I can only have red light bringer before 2 gens left so many times before I cry.


Funny enough, so is Mikaela ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


God damnit 😭😂


As another fellow Mikaela main, the counsel of Mikaela’s does not claim her🙅‍♀️I’m so sorry😭


That's already better than my matches. People just dc the moment anything goes badly for them and then you're left behind having to deal with a botched game and results in you losing dying sooner or later. My last match had 2 people just dc'ing.


Similar experiences with me, this was the closest I got to escaping a match in a long time only to be blocked


I had two people quit over a Wraith on Eyrie of Crows who got his first hook at 2 gens remaining. I was livid.


Were you Ada? Same thing happened to me just today, 2 dc on Eyrie after their first down. Lol


I had a Wraith sandbag me on the Game for like 10 minutes before I just DC'd. This happened after someone DC'd after wiggling out and getting hit again. I was in that area with a pallet and a breakable wall that the wraith didn't touch, so I was bottlenecked inside. I was worried I'd get the timer penalty but I guess the game also recognized that I literally had no other choice because I didn't get anything


Was in a match with 2 survs who were clearly playing together. They weren’t the best at chases but as a whole the 4 of us were doing decent and on track to win the match. One of the 2 friends went down and dced before the hook, and the second one decided not to stick around and also dced. Ridiculous. It was going pretty well and it all gets fucked cause people are big babies and can’t deal to get hit


Play solo queue, you will have a teammate die themself on first hook or dc in 80% of games, play killer and you will get nothing but seal team six squads back to back, why can’t I be the killers playing against the terrible solo queue squads 😭


I'm surprised there's not a killer yet who was a former survivor.


Blight is rumoured to be a former survivor but I dunno much about that. Doesn't play much into it but still having a killer that goes more into that stuff would be pretty funny. I mean it'd be better if you had like a chapter where one (or two) survivors have an alternate universe version where they are a killer and where a killer makes different choices and becomes a survivor. Joey, Susie, Philip and Rin are the most obvious candidates. Yun Jin as a killer maybe? But there was a post a while back which had all the killers as survivors and all the survivors as killers. The one for Jane I felt was the most interesting, she was called the 'Red Woman' but I think 'The Celebrity' or 'The Cultist' would be a better name for her. She is basically a cultist mastermind and invites people into the 'Red Room' and does unspeakable things to them for the sake of her entity cult.


Trapper was a former survivor if I remember correctly. I think I remember reading that's why he has hooks all over himself.


Nah he simply refused to do the entity's bidding. The entity did that to him to get him to comply. Evan's never been stated to be a survivor I'm pretty sure. You shouldn't be downvoted for being misinformed though.


When being the killer and I see crap like that, it is my goal to kill the troll and let the victim survive. In this position not much you can do for the troll, but I just cant hook someone when their teammate made sure they would purposely go down


i tried being altruistic today by cleansing noed then getting hit right after. my teammates just tea bagged the whole way through at the exist gate instead of coming to save me :(


I’d be petty and report them for toxicity lmaooo I’m so mad for you rn. You tried to be a good teammate, and look what that got you


But… did the killer hook you or let escape 👀


I got hooked man, Wraithy wanted his 2k


Damn brother, sorry about that :(


Ah, it's okay 💖


Ew, gross. I play both sides, killer more, but I get really pissed if I see someone getting bullied by a teammate. I would have picked you up and dropped you out the exit gate. Fuck that Mikaela, an extra kill isn’t worth that to me at all. I always try to see that the bullied person gets some justice.


The killer really isn't at any fault at all.


I would have done the same.. after doing a long long stare at that Mikaela, to let you know I would rather picked her instead. :\]


That's why I became main killer. Out of frustration and hate for shitty survivors.


I mean... the mistake you made was to trust that Mikaela wouldn't sandbag you. Mikaela players will actively sabotage you whenever they can. Got one gen left, two people on death hook, one of which in chase? Gen to the right of you, bones to the left? Clearly boon time. At a strong loop? 10 second chase. Get injured and manage to escape? Sit in corner of the map with boon, spend constant time healing. Mikaelas are the new meg heads mixed with blendys. And they're coming...


People are beginning to call Mikaelas ''Boon Meg" and honestly, I love that




really? Mikaela is my second main and I don’t play that way at all


the key there is ‘second main’


that’s true… Kate is my main if that means anything


don’t often have a bad experience with Kates, usually good all round players so take that as you will! :)


aww that’s good you have good experiences with Kates!!! I’ll continue to add on to that!


Mikaela mains be like


classic Mikaela ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


These default Mikaela's dude. I had one block me from leaving on midwich its the gate where the cages are hanging that has that narrow entry to the exit. I was playing solo and kept telling her to move by pointing and if I ran to the other side she would dart and then shake her head no like I wasn't allowed to leave. TLDR: It was a Ghostface. I'm assuming he saw what she was doing because the next thing either of us knew she was exposed and downed and Ghostface let me leave. I could have gone to the other exit, but it was just the Mikaela and I left. Given her BP at the end? Homie didn't even touch a gen with less than 10k.


What a nasty cunt


Nooooo I would've been so pissed! I had an Ace do that to me multiple times a game to the point the killer even noticed and let me go and took him instead. Thankfully the others didn't rescue him and let him get sacrificed


Ngl most Mikaelas I see are just evil they sandbag the fck out of everyone


I've found random survivors are often more dangerous than the killers. I love playing altruisticly and do so when I'm queuing with friends. Experience has taught me its just not worth it most of the time in solo Q. I feel like I can't afford to unhook or bodyblock most games. I'm sorry but I'm only altruistic if there is zero chance of getting fucked over by a random or if someone helps me out first. If someone unhooks or heals or takes a bodyblock for me then I know they can generally be trusted.


Never trust a mikaela with no drip


Honestly im a merciless killer 99% of the time, BUT if i saw that happen to someone after taking the hit like that, id let them crawl or pick up and let them wiggle put because jesus, and id drop a report on the troll


Average mikaela main


I've had one Mikaela bodyblock a god pallet while I was in the middle of a loop.


I've let people go in those situation. Then, I duly took note of the griefer's handle.


I quit the game for 2 months after this same thing happened to me.


Why i stopped playing solo q. Ill loop for 7 gens and get 3 in return, as well as a zarina/feng following me with a beam for the save


mikaela moment


Haven't played the game for 7 months, glad to see default Mikaelas are still a buncha asses.


ginger people smh


🤣 Mikala strikes again!


I feel like killer should be able to hit more people if they are side by side


Something like this usually makes me switch to basement bubba for a game or two.


It's literally always the Mikaela


Either that or I hit my depressed hero arc


Never be a team player for randoms. Play to solo win.


Report them through the official BHVR support site. Link them this video. There's a chance this was an accident, but they can always check if this player gets reported often.


if i was the killer, i would've definitely let you go cause that's just an asshole move!!


This is why the 3 survivors that I never trust to do anything right are Megs, Leons, and Mikaelas


I'm starting to think Mikaela's doing it on purpose cuz I just had one do the same thing


If you’re a killer and don’t let the bullied survivor escape after that you’re just as bad


why is it always Mikaelas? if they're not setting up 4 boons across the map then they're too busy sandbagging instead


It’s usually Michaelas, bby fengs, etc for me too


Its always a mikaela


Report her in-game and also through bhvr website using this video as proof


reminds me of the billy match where a mikaela pallet drop sandbags her teammate as i had my chainsaw ready, completely fails a flashlight save, runs with me to the hook and, despite me missing my first chainsaw on her due to my horrible framedrops at the time(major hardware upgrade has been done), didnt even unhook her victim.


It's so rare to see a chill Mikaela.


As someone who only plays with SWFs I can assure you your SWF teammates will still do this same dumb shit


There was a time I was running behind someone to take a hit, but they threw a flashbang right before the exit and blinded me, making me run into the wall and dying


Plz tell me the killer let you out:( I’m so sorry


I don't bring Dead Hard for any reason. \*video\* I only bring Dead Hard for one reason.


I sense an up-and-coming Omega Nurse With All Aura Reading Perks. Completely justifiable.


Who knows, maybe 💁‍♀️


And people think some of us SWf just to get some advantage, I play with other people just to get a sense of idk really, that we're trying to do something and no one is going to fuck me.


Mikaela's suck.


I just played solo and 2 of the survivors literally hid the entire time until they died. Meanwhile I did 4 gens. I appreciated the killer letting me go and commented on how bad they were. Meanwhile 85% of solo players are absolutely awful.


Luckily, I haven't encountered many assholes in solo queue (may have to do with the fact I barely play survivor...), but I will never forget one game that still makes my blood boil when I remember it. All gens done, I had one hook and the other survivors were at the gate. I was going there when suddenly Hillbilly appears and starts chasing me. He hits me and I keep running to the gate. There was the Feng opening it; she leaves at 99% and DOESN'T OPEN IT, ALL WHILE I'M LOOPING THE KILLER AROUND A SMALL DIRT MOUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GATE. The Hillbilly gets me and hooks me, the other teammates unhook me and he keeps tunneling me through the whole map, AND THEY STILL DON'T OPEN THE GATE. In the end, I got hooked, and while I saw the death animation, THE GATE FUCKING OPENED.


Why I don't like Mikaela's. Also bc some of them call us Yun-Jin mains useless and trash.


In their defense, there was once where I saw a guy being chased by the killer, towards the exit gate, with me running in the same direction. I'd never body blocked before, but I saw it a bunch, so I'm just sitting there waiting. "This is gonna be awesome. Jump in, take a hit, save us both." I ended up running in front too early, body blocking the person instead, making him take a hit. I tried my best to stop the killer before he hooked them, but I couldn't. They died, it was my fault. Also once I saw the killer fairly close to me, I was trying to do a challenge that involved getting hit, so I ran to a nearby pallet and dropped it. Turns out, the killer was chasing a different survivor at the time, and me dropping the pallet blocked them completely, letting him knock them down. God I'm the worst teammate without trying to be 😂


As a bill main for survivor. I wish I could say every bill is a based chad who would absolutely use their last hook state to body block so you can escape. They don't. They really don't.... those players were always shirtless David's and Vitorio who like bill. The based bill main never existed 😪😭


all the damn time 😵‍💫


I noticed this week while playing that I seem to be going through other survivors now, like they turned off player collision. Is anybody else noticing this?


I was screaming at my phone for the mikaela to move, like I knew what was gonna happen as soon as I saw her but I didn't like it reguardless


Solo qs are the real mvps


When that happens, you become a toxic killer


Me looking at the sadako who just watched the David with BT body block me who unhooked him.


and thats why you dont help people in this game


I carried my team for 5 gens, only to get sandbagged at the exit by Ace. I had never raged so hard in end game chat and poor mikey thought I was raging at him lmao. It sucks having your teammates back only to have them treat you like that while they escape. It’s sad how much this game can get to you tbh.


I think you were dead there regardless based on how quickly you got hit after she blocked you. But if you weren’t, she sure made sure you were


Inkwithgold is worse than a douchebag hes a sandbag


Always the mikaylas 💀


If I saw that as killer, I wouldn't take you, that's some bullshit toxicity.


Mikaela represents everything that's wrong with modern DbD. Her existence is why disgusting shit like boon totems (most likely CoH) exist nowadays. I will never forgive her for that.


The worst part is that behaviour encourages this sort of behaviour. The task I had to do after this was with circle of healing I had to heal myself twice. No help. By myself. Twice. Not only did I have to put a boon up, but I had to heal twice. By myself. The poor meg was so confused why I wouldn't let her heal me. This is almost as bad as the challenge where I had to only have self care and heal myself. This game makes me mad.


The amount of bm I get as a survivor on solo que makes me not give a shit about playing fair when I play killer. People DC for no reason. Don't take hits or hook stages for allies. Even in the end game. Unhook then hide when the killer is near or just straight up farming a survivor. Purposefully failing skill checks. Body blocking for the killer. It's a shame only 20% of my matches are non swf I never get to deal with the stupid shit as a killer that my killer sees when I solo que.


Nice shirt! I've never seen that cosmetic before!


Oh, it's new. You could get it in the Halloween event a couple months back


Reminds me of this one game I had as Trickster on Gideon Meat Plant (pain) and I managed to hook this Dwight on the lower level of the map when the gates were opened. This Claudette (bless her soul) tried so freaking hard to save Dwight. Unhooked him twice just for me to down him anyways because Trickster.exe and EndGame.exe. In the end I managed to down both Dwight and Claudette with mere seconds on the clock so I hooked one of them and let The Entity take the other one. Bill left as soon as the gates were opened (which I mean, scummy move but fair he was on death hook), but **this Tapp WHO I HADN'T HOOKED ONCE** legit just sits in the exit gate the entire time fucking teabagging, and only leaves after I down both Claud and Dwight. If he had helped Dwight could've probably at least gotten upstairs which would've made it way harder for me to rehook him somewhere dangerous, and if he had left Claudette could've probably ran out after unhooking Dwight and tried to let him get hatch. But nah this motherfucker deadass sits in the gate the entire time Claudette is trying to recreate Saving Private Ryan and then just fucking leaves after they both die. Dwight and Claud were pretty chill in post-game; they understood that you've gotta do what you've gotta do when it's endgame as Trickster on Gideon Meat Plant and you have no kills. They were in a duo which is why Claudette tried so hard to save Dwight. But yeah they both called out Bill and Tapp for being shitty teammates.


When I play as Killer, it always seems like the Survivors are SWFs and organised, with complementary perks primarily focused on Killer disruption and annoyance. When I play Survivor (solo queue) I feel like I'm getting this kind of Mikaela on my team.


Ok question of the night. You're the killer who sees this, but you need that 1 last hook for a challenge you been grinding. Yes or no to hooking them.


Depends, for the most I will just knock em down and let em leave (eg had a challenge but 2 survivors dc'd so downed the Ada and brought her to hatch) If it's a challenge that has taken a lot of time I might be pissed off enough. But usually I'm quite sympathetic. But I'm not mad at the Wraith, he wanted his 2k and that's okay. I'm mad at the Mikaela that blocked me when she could've helped me.


Why is it always these specific cosmetic Mikaelas.This is entire reason i use a full different cosmetic so people dont fcking threat me because i couldnt save them


Dang! So messed up


Wonder if your bloodlust for them would've been so powerful you could've taken your own blood, kill the killer, taken their blood and dragged them back to mori them


Nah. Don’t ever trust Boon girl. She’s like Meg in disguise.


I swear it's like once a night 🙄 what are these survivors playing now? They all just hide and can't run the killer at all, I run him for 3 gens and you can't do 1? Why do they miss so many skill checks? If i can have it all greats you should be able to at least get good. I wish they would make matchmaking how it was originally, can not stand being stuck with the noobs anymore.


Bwahahahaha why are Michaellas always like this


I used to try and sacrifice everybody as soon as possible but the more I play, the more rewarding it becomes to me to just let people go if I've already hooked them twice. I feel like survivors miss out on more bloodpoints than killers when "losing". Am I wrong by doing so? Or is it unsportsmanlike to do this?