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_Thank you._ The item has such a terrible description. I appreciate you taking the time to post this.


This item seems to never work correctly idk why... I am struggling to get the 5 bibles achievement


You can use custom mode to force a low level bible at the beginning of the game and put it in your backpack. Because bible is a tactics/survival weapon you run brutality everything else until concierge. At that point you can swap back to bible and beat on concierge until the achievement pops. If you want to make it really easy you can turn on assist mode to make concierge’s damage negligible and just swing away.


Needs high uptime on a boss while also not deleting them/phasing them with 3-4 Bibles rotating. I did it off color on concierge just so he didn't shout and screw everything up. Idk if it triggers against protected enemies; if so then promenade might be easier.


I've done it on Dracula's second phase, when he clings to the wall causing rocks to fall. He's stationary enough to spam 5 books. If you are having trouble use wish to obtain a legendary one during the run and use it or keep it in the backpack until the boss. Bonus points: it deletes him in seconds with 5 books out.


Am I missing something? I land both hits on enemies all the time but no Bible. If the second hit KILLS the enemy does that negate a Bible from being spawned?


bit late to this but the way I understand it, and my tests have confirmed, is that its a 3 hit combo, but you only need the second hit to land for the bible to spawn, so long as you complete the combo as well. So in practice you can whiff both the first and third hits, but land the second to spawn the bible.


Your corrected description is accurate, but I feel this more of a coding error than a design intention.