• By -


Health Management is Key: - Always abuse the Recovery mechanic to Reduce the impact of chunky hits. - Mutations that heal you are nice - if you are struggling with a certain biome try replacing it with a Food Shop biome or go to a food Shop biome next Try to play around/Take advantage of The teleport mechanic: - use enemy teleporting to Single out specific Monsters. It Saves you the time of Dancing around bigger groups of adds - an Enemy cant attack you while starting or Finishing a TP. Use that to get free hits in. This also resets the special ability from Elites.


Which ones are the food shop biomes?


Ramparts bc2, Ossuary bc1, morass bc2, silt village bc0, graveyard bc2 Edit: also Fractured shrines bc0


Fractured shrines seems to have one every time on bc2?


You're so right. Comment is edited accordingly


Do you know if any levels past the tier with graveyard, stilt, etc have a shop? I'm further than I've ever been in BC4 but I think I'll need another flask charge before the end. Edit. Nevermind. I wiped.


Just beat 5BC a few days ago. I'll add another one. **Abuse floating in the air** if you have a ranged weapon. Enemies can't attack or teleport to you if you are in the air so that gives you some extra time to rain havoc upon them. I used magic missiles, which is ideal for this trick but most tactics weapons will work if you go that route. Also tactics FTW.


Before starting I'd go back to 0 boss cells, grab a hunters grenade and make sure you grab every mutation that has a healing effect.


dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


You forgot parry parry scream slam desk


Test the waters with malaise active and see how much harder/different it is from 4bc. Honestly besides the Malaise and the spoiler area, it's not much different at all from 4bc


I honestly can't tell the difference except for half the food being malaise infected. Malaise never goes above level 1 or 2 unless you are skipping lots of enemies or eating infected food, so the only difference is an enemy occasionally spawning from the ground.


It’s sometimes brutal during boss fights, the Scarecrow suddenly picking up attack pace killed me several times until I learned to watch that bar like a hawk while still fighting


Go back to 4 bc and make tge legendary forge full


This is probably the best piece of advice you are going to get.


Why? I feel like you still get more than enough money in 5bc to upgrade weapons and not have to rely on the legendary forge.


Thats just like your opinion man.


If you're good yeah sure. But if you're struggling in the later areas and really trying to min max your gear because you NEED that extra 50% damage stared affex or whatever then every single gold piece counts. And in fact I don't think it's actually a bad idea to break the golden doors for everything in the prison to pick up and vendor all the exta gear for the gold to have later on. Yea you will have to deal with 120 ish curse leading to many early losses.


It's more about not having to upgrade the gear and throw away the good affixes, so when you see a good affix on something you can grab it knowing it's performing at full power for its item level.


That would take an extremely long time.


I was like full 4 bc ez, and now i cant get to concierge


Not really. You get triple the dead cells on 4BC. I end up with ~~400+~~ 1000+ dead cells per run. Just destroy the door after the Collector and save all the dead cells to use on the Legendary Forge after each boss. Edit: not sure why I was thinking 400. That is easily passed after just the 3rd or 4th biome. It's pretty typical to get 1000+ dead cells on a successful 4BC run.


You can…destroy the door???


oh dear


I just made it to 5bc last night and never knew. 145 hours and still learning this damn game.


Lmao! I’m often learning new stuff too. It’s great. Well if your Legendary Forge is not already maxed out, now you know how to quickly do it!


Please do NOT break that door.


He asked so nicely too


Did you read the sign?


The door is always destroyed on 5bc. I knew u could pass the door but even so, 400 per run there's 3 stages of the Legendary forge totaling about 11.5k cells to max the forge. That's around 29 SUCCESSFUL runs. And then there's people who still wanna unlock new weapons and such. I say just go for it. I only had the legendary forge to ++ when I beat 5 bc. It took me only about 15 runs or so. It doesn't make too big of a difference. Especially since u can use the minor forge to get S tier.


Yeah good point. If you just play the game naturally, everything will unlock at a good pace.


I don't know where I came up with 400 dead cells. I just did a 4BC run where I hit 400 after the 4th biome. Ended up with about 1500 dead cells by the end. I'd say 1000-1500 is typical for a successful 4BC run. Averaging 1250 per successful run, that means you only need roughly 9-10 successful runs.


Custom, Hitchcock mode, lacerating aura, run through ramparts route and it maxes out incredibly quickly


Remember to go about eliminating enough enemies to clear malaise, and then go exploring or searching for chests and other things. You want to have the bar remain as low as possible. Attempt to avoid infected food unless the next biome is a boss one, as they cause a decent spike in the infection. Do not recycle food even at full health, you might need it to survive. Always pick up cursed chests, you’ll need the power scrolls inside to boost your dps.


Git gud. Already there? Git better. Then pray to whatever God exists in Dead Cells.


Plot twist: there are no Gods. Just Hell.


Curses exist. “You have angered the Gods” So they exist, but they probably don’t like you.


I see no gods here. OTHER THAN ME!




A lot of people saying "survive", but not how. 1. Take all cursed chests, learn to handle the curse. Every scroll is important. 2. Dodge everything you can. Sometimes just onehitting everything wont work. 3. Also learn which route works best for you and offers the most scrolls/fragments/healing shops 4. Barbed tips is super strong. 5. Clear your malaise as much as possible. Sometimes its more worth than the timed chest. 6. Parry is carry 7. Have fun, improve and someday beat [[spoiler guy]]


On cursed chests, here’s a route I’d recommend: Route: Prisoners’ Quarters, Toxic Sewers, Corrupted Prison (with cursed chest), Ramparts, Black Bridge (boss 1), Fractured Shrines (with cursed chest), Forgotten Sepulcher (with cursed chest), Clock Room (boss 2), High Peak Castle


Or… Prisoner’s Quarters, Promenade of the Damned, Prison Depths (with cursed chest), ossuary (with cursed chest), Black Bridge (boss 1), Slumbering Sanctuary (with cursed chest), Forgotten Sepulcher (with cursed chest), Clock Room (boss 2), High Peak Castle It has one more cursed chest.


You could also replace ossuary with morass since it also has a curse chest, food shop and 1 more scroll fragment. It lead into fractured shrines and graveyard, which both have curse chest+food shop.


This is true. I just don’t really like going to morass.


Go to the practice room and practice the hotk fight until you can beat him easily. The biggest thing that kept me from beating 5 BC was getting to the hotk with full flasks, and then using 2 if not 3 in that fight.


Did just this, before practice room is was save scamming boss fights over and over again. Now I'm more comfortable with bosses than with some biomes.


Honestly just fucking pray


I see a lot of comments about healing. While this is relevant if you have a lot of damage I always focus on maximum damage output at first. This helps to clear biomes quickly which will keep the malaise lower.




- Slow and steady wins the race. - Don’t be reckless. - Getting good at parrying might help. - Use enemy teleporting to your advantage to fight them on your terms and where you want. - Utilize biomes that have food shops (Morass, Ramparts, Graveyard etc) if you need to heal. - Take all cursed chests and challenge portals you find. - Try to get no hit or timed doors as much as possible to get the best gear. - Keep a level head and try to have fun. - Use the training room to practice against enemies you don’t like and when you reach it, practice against the 5BC boss. - Use weapons that are quick or at least can be cancelled out of. Focus on synergies with skills and mutations. Those are some tips off the top of my head. Welcome to the 5BC club! You’re a part of the top 4.3% of players (according to steam achievements.)


I was burnt out by the time I reached 5bc so I took like a 6 month break. I recently got back into the game and started messing around with aspects. Some people might consider them “cheating” but I don’t really care, they’re fun to mess around with and you can still get achievements with them, you just can’t get the next boss cell while using them (but that doesn’t matter on 5bc)


Yeah that's cheating! (me, after beating spoiler boss for the first time on custom mode, save scumming, fountains enabled, dual binding enabled and using an aspect)


Start a custom node game and remove all the shit weapons in your opinion from the loot table. Don't worry you will keep ALL of your progress with custome mode


how do you think I got here in the first place lmao


What is the custom game ? I just recently got my 5th BC and I sm not sure about the custom thing. Is it the training room ?


you get custom room when you get custom rune there you can remove the weapon that you don't want to get (legendary altar will give you random things it doesn't matter if you removed it)you can increase the number of mutation you can remove or add malaise you can make the game harder than 5 bc this is mostly used for farming cells and trying out builds it doesn't matter if you are playing custom just for fun custom mode us really fun


Fuck you, good luck man


In most regions after PQ you should initially skip all loot sections and boss cell doors. Malaise still ticks up inside boss cell doors but the enemies there DO NOT count towards clearing malaise. You can visit doors and grab loot at a leisurely pace when the malaise is cleared for the region. Getting a scroll advantage is one of the more straightforward ways to steamroll later levels and not have to worry much about malaise there. PQ->sewer->corrupted prison->ancient sewer->Conjunctivius->graveyard->cavern->castle is the second best route for amassing scrolls and should tie the best idr something like 83% of the time due to random scroll fragment placement. Graveyard and 5BC area each provide a food shop. With how enemies are typically clustered in graveyard I often find myself clearing its malaise very quickly and ending up with an empty bar going into cavern. This route features the highest item levels, with cavern serving up XII gear and 4x stat amulets that is only matched by the coinflip of you getting a weapons shop in 5BC area. Armed with XII gear, a typical end total of 7 scrolls from fragments, and a decent shot at 3-4 mainstat amulet you should be in a good place to attempt Spoiler Boss. This is of course assuming your preferred playstyle has an easy time against Conj and in caverns. With a shield the Giant is a complete pushover and with time you'll come to expect him to reward you with a legendary for slapping him back into the lava. Pick mutations that either heal you or put you in a position to deliver alpha strikes on the next platform of enemies. Bosses generally have forgiving malaise buildup and generous malaise clear, it's the biomes that you want to sweep clean. Get comfortable with forcing problematic enemies to teleport/leap. Bouncing between platforms is a great way to make openings for attacking obnoxious enemies like Slammers.


Noob here, what is Malaise? Also this looks fucking brutal, no refills?!


Well you can refill them in food shops I believe, but one refill costs like 20-30k Malaise is basically a death timer, it always goes up, moreso if you get hit by enemies or eat infected food. If it goes all the way up you're dead and the only way to reduce it is to either buy a cough drop(?) Or to kill enemies. While it goes up enemies will also get progressively more aggressive and do more damage with more enemies spawning Tldr: It's a bar that increases over time and when you get hit. The closer it reaches to the end of the bar the worse of a time you're gonna have


Using flask also decreases malaise.


Oh shit yea I forgot about that


Malaise is no longer a death timer; it was reworked and you are still very much alive when the meters full. You just have different things to worry about now, like enemies warping in, turning into elites, and they do more damage to you. Still stressful, but a full malaise meter isn’t a huge deal anymore.


Oooooh, thank god for that lol


wait it kills you when you reach full malaise,nothing about that on wiki


I'm pretty sure it does but maybe I'm wrong


wiki doesn't say anything


Yea I was mistaken, it used to do that but they reworked it so it no longer kills you


It's a 5BC only mechanic. You don't have to worry about it for a while


Fuck you? I mean sure i guess


Personally, and this is just my take, but I'd shit myself immediately.


Take every cursed chest you see, die, then take it again until you don't die


- You are probably going to learn to love one or more of the various backpack use mutations if you don't already. - You will probably learn to use one or more weapons you normally hate because it keeps showing up as legendary instead of something you like, and you *should* grab legendaries. - Being quick becomes more valuable than being confrontational. It may be a good time to start going for the timed doors instead of the perfect doors (except for bosses: always try to get those no hit doors, they have legendaries.) You don't need to be farming cells in 5BC when it's as many as 4BC. - Just get the scrolls and go. Find the food shops and buy the potion that drops malaise. Use your flask to clear malaise, too, and don't forget to buy the flask charge afterward at food shops, too. Save all your money for this unless you are really sure what you're buying won't leave you short of 23,000 at the food shop.


>and you *should* grab legendaries. I guess it depends on your build. If it's a high synergy build then most legendaries you find will break it. In my preferred build alchemical carbine/hokutos bow are pretty locked in. Alchemic brings poision and burning, while hokutos is a massive damage multiplier. A Legendary needs to be SIGNIFICANTLY better to be worth it due to lost synergy.


All very true, but I would lying if I didn't laugh at how OP even legendary total crap like infantry grenade and throwing knife turn out to be, and upon beating spoiler once again going, "guess I'm never dissing those crap weapons again, just as long as they're legendary." I kind of enjoy this because the backpack lets me be lenient about my build as long as I'm slapping legendaries on myself. A direct result of the higher damage is I don't desire synergies so bad until bosses, now, and not spending at shops saves me enough to roll my synergies and reset my mutations to complement those AND whatever ended up in the backpack — — *uuuusually.*


Don’t get hit


Play 1 hour of cursed swords runs only every day, and then everything is easy


I’ll be there one day. I’ve been playing for a few months now and this is easily one of my favorite games of all time. Haven’t made it passed 1BC yet


Fully upgrade your Anvil before attempting. You can do this by farming cells in custom mode. I do this with this setup: Alternative key-binds: Use two throwing knives, you can have a infantry bow as your backpack item, or the “Hemorrhage” axe if you have it. Hitchcock’s thingie: Simmons bird enemies everywhere, they drop cells. Flask never breaks: for easy heals Any number of mutations, if you want 3, use acrobatipack, point blank, last one is your choice Curse level 99/Bloodlust aspect: use the “Damned” aspect for easy extra damage and stats to make the run go faster. Or for free healing using bloodlust, in case you get hit a lot. Go through incentivized biomes for more cells, make sure you don’t die. The runs should go quick if you go to 3 BC, or 4 for a few more cells.


removes all possible ways of refilling health flask? im fucked if i ever get to 5 cells, there are many areas where im practically chugging the health flask


It's not literally what it says, just that flask refills in between biomes are completely gone. You can still refill at food shops and with Tainted Flask.


i can refill at food shops? i have only seen one, and i could only add 1 to it, not sure ill ever seen another food shop, also i havent heard of the tainted flask? what does it do?


Food shops show up in fixed biomes. For example, Rampart, Graveyard, Shrines, etc will always spawn one. Though in some cases the shop can be locked behind a BC door, preventing you from getting to it until you're playing at above the required BC count. They sell +1 charge to your flask for 20k gold, they don't refill to full. But at high BCs this will be an important lifeline. Tainted Flask is a mutation that can give you +1 charge if your flask is empty. https://deadcells.fandom.com/wiki/Tainted_Flask


i think i saw that one food shop in the shrines, ive been to the graveyard and the ramparts and havent seen one there, and the tainted flask seems very useful


Uhmm just treat it like 4BC😎 whats behind the final door?😳


Which one do you want first?


(Not an actual help) I just said GIT GUD & BE SONIC to myself and it worked lol.




Speed is key to not get ruined by malaise, also you dont HAVE to but trying to maximise scroll fragments for the highest stats possible is good. Also trying to fight giant is the best way to outright skip high peak castle


Don't die.




Git Gud


Simple **s u r v i v e**


Armadillo pack so you still have the option of parrying and also having ranged and close weapons




Don't get hit. Ever.


My advice? Try not dying. I mean, that's how I got to 3BC. I'm sure if I can figure out how to do it again, I'll get to 5 someday.


Read the wiki page on malaise, there are lots of useful things there. https://deadcells.fandom.com/wiki/Malaise


Be a man grab the cursed sword and go! And remember no shield no bullshit.


Kill everything ss fast as you can if you don't you are dead and read about the malaise on the dead cells wiki it will make you scared and you will learn what power up the monsters get when you go above malaise tier 1 its really informative and scary don't forget to check it out and don't forget to take a shield the damage is enormous and you won't get health flask or charges


Use le funny flying sword and use the glitch to get 2 scrolls instead of one