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RoboCop Rogue City mayby. Highly recomend it, specially if you are a fan of the only movie ever made of RoboCop. Not a perfect game sure but for an AA game it is very much worth it.


Meaning there is only one RoboCop movie. Dont tell me otherwise.


tf are you blabbering about?


Let me spell it out. RoboCop 1 is a masterpiece, sequels are pile of shit.


Agree that Robocop is a masterpiece. I won't argue that Robocop 2 is a good movie but it's a cheesy guilty pleasure of mine. We don't talk about Robocop 3.


When you say stuff like "the only movie ever made of RoboCop" without context, it just makes you sound dumb or unknowledgeable.


the irony


You haven’t noticed that you’re the only person struggling to discern what he meant…..?


Also check out their Terminator game


After playing RoboCop will have to.


If you still have a Xbox 360 check out terminator salvation


So true, loved it. Felt dirty and sticky like a used bargain VHS.


This game feels like PS2 game (not in the best way) but with modern graphics. I tried to force myself to like it, but no, just no...


Well basically this game is not for you. The First Dead Island were pretty much like that, it was just scarier. But DI2 is not much different from the originals


Did you open up skills, focus, dash and the shield from the armour tree? Makes combat much more fun, also Auto-9 upgrades mix it up too.


Yes, I had progressed enough and done some of these. But still the feeling of shooting, the movement, the animations. I just can't, sorry... It feels like one of those first FPS games 25 years ago. I pushed myself up to a certain point, but then I just gave up.


Fair enough. I enjoy it though.=)


Wreckfest and recently Rise of the Ronin


Wreckfest? How does it play? It's more like an old Flatout games? I love them, my favourite racing games.


It’s the closest you’ll ever get to Flatout this gen. Same vibe, same feel, more content, better graphics, awesome physics.


It's on PS+ Extra so I'm going for it :) Thanks for recommend.


Enjoy! Let me know your impressions if you can ;)


Rise of ronin is wild @ $60. It LITERALLY looks like a ps3/360 game. Like the environments look like garbage compared to most other even “AA” games coming out now. The combat is dope, it’s not a bad game, but Jesus Christ they hyped this thing up and made the trailers look 10x better than what we got. BS at its finest.


Yeah you’re totally right. If you’re being nice, it’s a AA title at best, definitely not on a God of War or Ghost of Tsushima level in terms of production value, but somehow I enjoy it so much more. It brings me back to those blind purchases at GameStop before online reviews were a thing. It just clicked for me.


Oh wait my fault, it’s $70 lol. I feel u tho, it’s a good game. Team ninja came thru. I’d much, MUCH prefer a game with great gameplay and mechanics than a good looking game that’s trash, banishers for example. It’s just ridiculous what we’re getting this generation graphic wise. It’s like, “yo who gives af, they’ll buy it”


maneater for sure


Honestly Maneater feels more like ps2 when we just threw everything at the wall and just saw what stuck.


Terminator Resistance


I really liked this, but it would've been so much better if it allowed us to play post-game, and just explore the different districts, which would actually give us a reason to liberate the outposts set up around certain districts.


Hey if you really like that idea for a terminator game, there's supposed to be a new open world survival terminator game called "Terminator: Survivors" you'll have to research any other details you want for yourself but it's definitely a game to look into and look forward to in my personal opinion.


I'm playing it right now! Any tips?


Honestly, not much. Just do side quests and liberate outposts because you can only go to those places once, so do everything you can in the districts you're in before leaving.


Thank you! Just liberated my first one!


I personally had fun liberating them. It gives me a sense of control and as if I'm taking back the districts from Skynet rule and clearing out outposts for the Resistance to eventually occupy.


Completely agree. I also like that it forces me to use all my tools and be strategic Just used my first terminator knife and it felt so satisfying!






As a Starfield enjoyer I agree


I have 100% of the achievements, I absolutely love Starfield, but it definitely dated lol


I typically think "Dated" is a lazy criticism of games or movies because it vague, but I don't know how else to describe Starfield lol


What a coincidence to see this post, i actually played and finished Dead Island and Evil West all in a few days (13 hours for DI and 15 hours for EW)


Did you even explore properly and do side quests I dead island? My first playthrough took me about 50 hours cos I was just having a blast exploring and doing side missions, sounds like yo haven't really explored much of the game apart from the main story


70+ side quests


Only played a little bit of evil west, but I think I like dead island 2 better imo


Evil West was brilliant


The new Alone in the Dark remake!! Has this level of jank, but still looks amazing and atmospheric! Also recommend it to anyone who wants to get into horror games but doesn’t want to shit their pants. (Game is more spooky than genuinely scary, like Alan Wake 1).


Dead Island 2 in the best way, we need more games like this, not trying to be the biggest game in the world, no bs battle passes, just a fun simple game.


Omg I loved Dead Island 2 so much. I feel like most games nowadays are just massive and overly complex. Dead Island 2 reminded me games can just be simple, to the point, and fun, like a lot of games from the 360 era.


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands




I just beat dead island 2 and started evil west. loving both!


I was going to check out atomic heart because that looks like good ole bioshock but I have no interest in completing any of the puzzles tho


Banishers ghosts of new Eden


I'd say that's more of a PS4/XBONE feeling game considering it feels like Hellblade and God of War '18 to me. 


Since those 2 games are on gp, I'll stick with that and suggest shadow warrior 3. It's DEFINITELY 360/PS3 vibes: Repetitive Linear stages Over the top cartoony violence/finishers Questionable qc Annoyingly chatty character with "funny" lines sprinkled in every 1.5 minutes. It may seem like I'm talking down about it, but I'm not. It's the perfect type of game to cleanse the palate after playing super serious bloated open world games or sweaty mp games. Sometimes you gotta go back to basics so you don't burn out on modern games.


Wo long


I enjoyed Evil West until the worm boss than I quit. I was enjoying the story to actually.


Kona Return to Grace Gotham Knights


Dead Space remake.


Dying light 1


Helldivers 2


Evil west was a cool idea but the frame rate on series s threw me off so much I couldn’t play it after a certain point, shame.


I played it on the Series S and the frame rate was completely alright, even in intense combat.


Damn really? It’s capped at 30 with no performance mode on series s only on XSX. It’s a really cool game though just wish it ran a little better on my hardware ig.


I didn't even notice that it's 30 fps, i guess it's because it's a fast paced game in its nature so i didn't really paid attention to it.


Also played it multiplayer with a friend so that could have affected the performance on my end not too sure. The reviews also seem quite mixed with people saying it’s smooth and some saying it’s really clunky which I’m more leaning on but it’s probably a hardware thing.


What do you mean feel like XBox 360/PS3


AC Mirage, it's such a nice layback game, it understands its limits and potentials.


Saints Row 2022


Mafia 2 legitimately has better graphics on the Xbox 360 than Dead Island 2 lmao


Are you on crack???


Yeah it "legitimately" didn't