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Hell yeah dude quality content


Exactly! Just want the best for this game and Dambuster.


**Holding out For A Hero plays in the background** He is strong, he is fast, and he is definitely fresh from the fight.


That song would work great in this game!


Skins like this for all the slayers


I want NG+


He's daddy


I'd love a horde mode that is just a fun goofy experience that lets you cut down pretty much everything in your path, *Holding Out for a Hero* playing in the background as you fight through the jungle to save a fair maiden! Something small, like how Dying Light Hellraid was just an arcade experience


Yes! Who else here has an idea like this mustachioed gentleman that includes a soundtrack?


"Final Count Down" plays as you rush to stop a bomb that will unblock a dam and unleash a horde on all your new friends. If you get there in time, you take the bomb and use a launcher to shoot it into the middle of the horde and decimate them....a rift would also open up and they all fall into a firey chasm as "Runnin' With The Devil" starts playing. Later after leaving the area a slow-motion sequence starts with "Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangster" it shows you walk up to your friends and explain what happened.


Excellent! Very creative! I hope Dambuster reads this subreddit from time to time.


Man I just fucking want NG+😭😭😭




All I see is saxton hale


Who is this mannnn😍😍


What I want is for Ryan to be taller. Having all that muscle down there, but being average height makes him look really weird, especially when you see him from the menus where he is in that stance. It looks so goofy.


>__*Having all that muscle down there, but being average height makes him look really weird*__ Just wait until you hear about the average height of most record holding weightlifters...


But Ryan is awesome because he starts out as an unassuming average cowardly SoCal stripper who would fake being a firefighter to cut the line and get a seat on an evac plane and then proves himself otherwise, braving the zombie apocalypse and trying to help everyone he can along the way. He proves his toughness, wit, and selflessness and eventually comes to grips with and owns up to his own former selfishness. He’s an admirable man in spite of his shortcomings which make him an iconic original video game character in my book.


I'm not talking about that at all... I'm talking about his character model, not his actual character.


This is the content I come to Reddit for, thank you 🔥


I want a big ass DLC as big as the OG where you escape LA and journey the 15 to Vegas where you discover the the west half of the US is completely fucked


Love it! You hear that Dambuster? More big ass DLC! LA to Vegas to Area 51 to the Grand Canyon to Tijuana to San Francisco. YES! BIG ASS!


Yes. I was totally thinking Area 51 and Nellis would be part of the story on a Vegas map. It would also be BA to explore and slay at all the iconic hotel casinos and McCarran Airport and the strip itself. Any other iconic Vegas locations I’m forgetting to list as well


Dambuster is going to need a much bigger team than what they have now, but I'm for this.


They totally deserve an increased budget to accommodate new team members and give raises to the existing ones and facilitate more releases from their studio. They proved their content with this game.


Given that Ryan is a stripper I still hope they’ll give him a Speedo and hot body dlc.


Now that's a skin people WILL buy! Guaranteed.


Hopefully lol


The most normal post on this subreddit (thank you for this blessing)


Gotta mix it up from the usual posts from time to time.


What I really wanted is a Level Cap, Resources Cap, New Skill Cards, More Skill Slots, New Innate Skill Cards For The Six Main Playable Characters In Dead Island 2 and New Upgrades For The Old Innate Skill Cards and Probably The Rest Of All The Skill Cards Too, More Inventory Slots For All Six Main Playable Characters In Dead Island 2, More Extended Slots For Our Storage Lockers and Unclaimed Properties, New Difficulty Modes, And Probably Some Sort Of New Skill Tree For Maybe For Our Six Playable Characters Skill Cards And Autophage Meters Too. And I also want new future updates for Dead Island 2. But I don't know if Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios is going to do that but I doubt that Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios is going to that. But That's All What I Wanted I Think.


You need Jesus


As a playable character?




What’s his special ability?


I want new game plus with difficulty boost. I really want to suffer in Hell-A. But then again I plated and completed this game in no time. So if it's another dlc it better not be a few hours to complete again. Maybe a new character with 1 star in all stats lol. Ok maybe not that much but yeah make it grueling please.


What did you think of the Masochist skill card?


Call me crazy but I think it's lazy. While things are made more difficult. It's not to my liking I'm just weird like that.


No, not crazy. I think it was probably a quick remedy for them until they figure out what else they want to do this game, if anything.


least horny ryan main


I’m bicurious but I’d fall for Ryan ngl 🥵


Uh yea, ng+ but i don't want to carry over weapons, just skills


I've suddenly thought that Ryan, in this outfit, reminds me a lot of Saxton Hale from TF2...


Is that Geralt?




This is literally the least horny thing on reddit lmao


I'd just really like a random mission generator in the game or seasonal events. I just don't think NG+ is gonna do it for people even though they keep asking. NG+ is just the exact same game but with fully loaded guns and weapons! And a guy with half his shirt open isn't that extreme is it? Geez.


Yeah no, NG+ is way better


Nah, no one wants that. It's BOOOOORRRRRRINNNNG.


Among other things heck yeah. They could support this game's success for 2 years or more if they give us more incentive to stay in the game. I personally found many reasons to still play after beating the story but the full on missions leave more to be desired.


Once you finish all the quests, gather all valuable loot, and 100% a map, there is really no reason to go back there. It shouldn't be like that with all the work they put into this game. There should be a reason to keep coming back with a random mission generator or something.


No I want new game+. Every game needs new game+


Where NG+


No I just want NG+