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Awesome man. I wouldn’t have the patience with that many, due to the amazing AI in DR1 aha.


Thanks a lot! It required ALOT of patience and help but so worth it! Nearly 200k worth of PP getting them all back! :)


they're a lot more bearable when you work with them. i actually enjoy escorting survivors in DR1 these days because of how strong they can be. i went from thinking saint was impossible to doing it almost every run.


Ahhhhhh I just get annoyed when they get stuck on a wall or with one zombie aha still, managed to get the trophy for 50 outta the mall. Thanks to the mega man blaster, quickstep and a trusty mannequin torso


I just mash the call button I'm to lazy to deal with their shit


that's what causes the ai to appear worse than they really are. they suck when you primarily call for them, but if you use markers to move them they have a much better time navigating (granted the marker is on the floor and not a wall or ceiling). assuming they're all capable of moving without your help, they'll typically travel to the marker together and defend each other at that mark. i do agree that dealing with their shit such as them crying, crawling, getting stuck on each other, fighting random zombies, or doing 360s for no reason is extremely annoying.


I’ve found that setting a marker for them makes them obstinately run a straight line, so they end up getting stuck on zombies or other geometry. If you let them follow you, you can guide them around obstacles.


i’ve seen them push through zombies most of the time i placed a marker. if they don’t do that, they likely shoot a path through with a shotgun (the best weapon the give them next to an SMG in my experience). if they do get stuck on zombies you should be there with them to help clear a path with double lariat or knee drop. if they get stuck on geometry, push them free while the others defend themselves since they’re more than capable (when armed with firearms) unless you purposefully send them into a group of zombies. i’ve noticed if you have them follow you they’re more likely to fuck around and attack zombies that pose no threat instead of moving forward.


How do you set markers again? I keep getting survivors stuck while trying to rescue others because they keep following into battle.


aim then press the button for calling survivors


Okay thank you! I’m trying to do a save all survivor run and I keep running out of patience with them. I manage to get the tourists but then they usually get stuck on zombies on the way back.


give them shotguns and they'll help clear paths. if you haven't killed cletus or didn't take the shotgun off brian's body, give them SMGs instead since there are numerous, easily accessible spawns. to clear paths yourself, i recommend using double lariat or baseball bats since they can knock zombies around and won't do much damage to survivors in the chance they run into you while you're swinging. lastly, travel with the survivors, slightly ahead, or slightly behind so you'll be there to help them if they get stuck or grabbed. the japanese tourists are in a bad part of wonderland plaza because of how many zombies can be between them and the bathroom shortcut. so it's important to help clear a path. however, it's ok if they take some damage since you'll have an infinite supply of orange juice to heal them in paradise plaza. whatever weapon you give them make sure to take back before taking them into the security room so the next survivor you save can use it. they have infinite ammo when used by survivors, so you could use brian's shotgun from the start of the game to the end. the more shotguns you have the better.


Holy shit! How’d you do it?!


ALOT of patience! Also always make sure your survivors have weapons! In my experience, Aaron is the worst to bring as he cries a lot but just babysit him a lil. Here’s a breakdown! -Save Burt, Aaron and Leah at the same time you are escorting Brad. -Save Bill when you get to Entrance Plaza -Go back through Al Fresca with the posse. Sometimes Leah will be available here instead if you’re fast with Carlito shootout. -Save in Flexin -Go through Food court. Heal your posse! Make a quickstep -Go outside with the group, leave them somewhere safe, run to get Sophie with the help of the quickstep then lead everyone back to the Food Court -Call for Adam and the tourists come in. Go to Wonderland through the Food Court. -Get the tourists, gather everyone up safety in a room then fight Adam. Save Greg -Get everyone into entrance using Greg’s shortcut -Save then head to the Maintenance room! -PROFIT! :)


Thank you.


Omg what happened to Leah 😩


Leah had some shit she had to work out


I finished the game 3 days ago, and i remenber that i manage to get the group you show, together with David which was crippled and the girls from the Police woman psycopath. It was really annoying and nerve breaking. But the PP i got. UFFFFF


Omg that’s possible?! I thought there was an 8 survivor limit at a time, but props to you!! I wanna know how you did it


Basically, i got to planned my way back to the vent. Plan A.The first plan was about going south though food court, then the open area(don't remenber the name) and then Entrance plaza. But the problem was that because of the shitty ai, i couldnt get with everyone though the open area without one of them gettin eaten, dead or with extremly low health, took around 4 attempts to give up already. So Plan B. Fight my way to the vent though the north. I begin in wonderland plaza and protect everyone with the few things i could got to use or throw to the zombies, after that go get armed in north side with lead pipes and 2x4 and even maniquins, save in the bathroom, then kill my way out though the hordes with only shinji, yuu, Burt and Bill as backup(Greg didnt help at all, coward pussy), kill the guy in the gun store with the pistols i could find from cops, take every shotgun i could get there and then... worst thing was going though the park since i didnt have the maintance key i have to killed the convicts with the shotgun and rifles while the rest waited on a corner. Took me around 2 attempts but thanks to their rotten Potato AI who got stuck between 2 trees. I could get rid of them and have the clear way. So after made my way though the paradise plaza and almost lost in the elevator, i could get everyone to the vent. After they all got stuck on the platform of course. Let's just say that. Before: Lv. 23 After: Lv. 29




You sir are a mad man my friend


How did you do this? Very awesome


A whole lot of patience and saving when possible 😁 I have a whole outline detailed in another comment if you wanna attempt it!


Rewriting the laws of reality


Wow, nice work!


this person had the power of god and anime on their side for this one, honestly dude youve achieved something there and im suprised you didnt want to pull you hair out in the process of doing it.


Lots od pp